a new tool for measuring performance in drupal 8 - drupal dev days montpellier

A new tool for measuring performance in Drupal 8 Luca Lusso

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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A new tool for measuring performance in Drupal 8

Luca Lusso

Luca Lusso

• Senior Drupal Developer @ Wellnet - Italy

• Acquia developer and backend developer certification

• Twitter: @lussoluca

• drupal.org/IRC: lussoluca

• Not so fluent in english… sorry

Symfony has a great profiler tool


Symfony profiler

• Performance monitoring

• Huge amount of high-level data about application’s internals (database query, rendered forms, errors, http request and response headers, routing, events, services, …)

• Useful in functional testing (more on this later)

Drupal 8 is built on Symfony so… we have the profiler too?!


But wait… the Symfony profiler classes are declared in the HttpKernel component, here:


And the HttpKernel IS in Drupal 8, so what is missing?

Glue code is in FrameworkBundle

and WebProfilerBundle

But Symfony bundles doesn't works in Drupal 8 :-(

Two options:

1. make Symfony bundles works in Drupal 8 (www.drupal.org/node/1880196 -> won't fix)

2. move the bundle code to a Drupal module

We choose the Drupal way™

Drupal Webprofiler Module


Implemented DataCollectors

PHP ConfigRequest

Timeline FrontendDatabase









Every widget shows data about a metric measured by a data collector on the current rendered page

How does it work

Instrumented(collect data and

store profile)

Request Response

<div id="webprofilerefa2f1"></div> <script> Webprofiler = (function () { […] } </script>


• Add HTTP header -> X-Debug-Token: efa2f1

• Inject some javascript in the page:

How does it work

Profiling turned off

Ajax Request Response

/profiler/efa2f1Returns only the

toolbar DOM (with embedded

javascript, css and icons)

Integration with XHProf/UProfiler

Drupal 8 version of XHProf module is compatibile with Webprofiler (www.drupal.org/project/xhprof)



What you can measure, you can optimize

Integration with Drupal Console project

• Leverages the Symfony Console Component to provide a powerful CLI

• Started as scaffolding generator now expose an increasing number of commands to interact with a Drupal 8 installation

• Modules can contribute implementing new commands


Implemented commands

• webprofiler:list -> list stored profiles

• webprofiler:export -> export stored profiles

• webprofiler:benchmark -> benchmark an URL running a huge number of requests and compute statistics

• webprofiler:analyze -> analyze all stored profiles for a specific route and compute statistics (not yet available on drupal.org)

Benchmark an URL

• Anonymous userconsole webprofiler:benchmark http://d8 —runs=10

• Logged-in userconsole webprofiler:benchmark http://admin:admin@d8/admin/people —runs=10

• Rebuild cache before benchmark console webprofiler:benchmark http://d8 --runs=10 —cache-rebuild

• Store results in a file console webprofiler:benchmark http://d8 --runs=10 --file=/Users/lussoluca/Desktop/benchmark.yml

Analyze a route

• Default front pageconsole webprofiler:analyze view.frontpage.page_1 GET average

• User profile page console webprofiler:analyze entity.user.canonical GET average

Write a new datacollector

Contrib modules can provides new data collectors

• find a service to instrument

• write a new class to wrap/replace the original service

• alter the container to instrument the service

• write a new data collector class

• write a new template class

Functional testing

• We can mock the plugin.manager.mail service or the http_client service, for example, but if we want to write a functional test with a real integration?

• Maybe we want to test how much time is spent or how much memory is consumed

We can use data profiled by Webprofiler in our assertions



• Daniel Wehner (dawehner) - co-mantainer

• Eric Sod (esod)

• willzyx

• Francesco Caspani (fcaspani)

• Jesus Manuel Olivas (jmolivas)

We need a huge help on

• UX

• Javascript (Backbone) - www.drupal.org/node/2468007

• Statistical analysis

• Documentation

So please contact us!
