a new beginning€¦ · script 3 story summary: two teens in their last year of high school, but...

A New Beginning Based on Diary of a Worm Authors: Diana Garcia Diana Morales Diana Rodriguez Diane Ferra Carmina Guzman Monzerat Flores Vanessa Silva

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Page 1: A New Beginning€¦ · Script 3 Story Summary: Two teens in their last year of high school, but went their separate ways at the beginning of 9th grade because of differences with

A New Beginning Based on Diary of a Worm


Diana Garcia

Diana Morales

Diana Rodriguez

Diane Ferra

Carmina Guzman

Monzerat Flores

Vanessa Silva

Page 2: A New Beginning€¦ · Script 3 Story Summary: Two teens in their last year of high school, but went their separate ways at the beginning of 9th grade because of differences with

Script 2

Character Description:

Steven: Teenager dedicated to school

Melanie: Teenage drama queen

Penelope: Sweet friend of Steven

Alice: Another friend from Steven

Tom and Eric: Both sport jocks in popular crew

Mr. Carrillo: Teacher who supports Steven

Sally and Heidi: Friends of Melanie

Setting: High School in the present time

Melanie’s and Steven’s House

Page 3: A New Beginning€¦ · Script 3 Story Summary: Two teens in their last year of high school, but went their separate ways at the beginning of 9th grade because of differences with

Script 3

Story Summary: Two teens in their last year of high school, but went their separate ways

at the beginning of 9th

grade because of differences with society.

(Scene) In a crowded classroom with noisy teenagers, Steven trying to pay attention and take

notes while Melanie was the cause of the entire ruckus.

Steven: “Mr. Carrillo could you please repeat that?”

Mr. Carrillo: “I‟m sorry what did you say Steven”

Suddenly Mr. Carrillo got Furious and Desperate with all the noise

Mr. Carrillo: “Everybody Quiet!”

Startled by Mr. Carrillo, the whole room went silent and payed attention

Mr. Carrillo: “Now what was your question Steven?”

Melanie: “You made us be quiet for the nerd!”

Valerie: “Yeah the nerd”

Mr. Carrillo: “Melanie don‟t disrespect your classmates, same goes to you Valerie”

Steven hunching down turning red, feeling completely embarrassed

Steven: “It‟s ok Mr. Carrillo, I understand it now”

Melanie: “See you interrupted me for nothing”

Mr. Carrillo: “Melanie! This is the last…”

Mr. Carrillo was interrupted by the announcement the principal gave every morning

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Script 4

Principal (Through the Speaker): “Good Morning fellow students. I only have one important

announcement today. Seniors it‟s time to vote for your school president! If you think you are

eligible for this job, stop by the office during lunch or after school so you can have the

opportunity to run for president. Signups close tomorrow and elections will be next week during

our assembly. That is all hope to see many students running! Have a good day”

The whole class started to make noise again. Everybody was talking about running for

president and who would make a good president. Very confident about himself a young man

stands up with pride

Tom (The Football Player): “I‟m gonna run for president!”

Sally (A close friend of Tom): “oh sit down Tom! We all know you aren‟t even going to last

long enough before you run the school down”

[Laughing] Tom: “That‟s true”

Eric (An integer of the popular crew just like the other two): “I think Melanie should run for


The whole class stated to murmur in agreement, while Steven and Mr. Carrillo smiling

sneakishly both know that wasn‟t a good idea. Melanie stood up.

Melanie: “I don‟t know if it‟s my thing. I mean do you guys really think I would be a good


Valerie: “Of course you would, who would make a better president than you. You‟re smart,

you‟re popular, you‟re funny, and you have the looks what more can we ask in a president”

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The whole class was yelling out positive comments al agreeing with Melanie being president.

Suddenly all was interrupted by Mr. Carrillo

Mr. Carrillo: “It‟s good that Melanie would like to give it a try but I can see clearly who can be a

great president for this school, just what it needs”

Melanie: “Who can be a greater president than me?”

Mr. Carrillo: “Why Steven of course!” He said so proud

Melanie started laughing, Valerie saw no one was laughing and gave everybody a dirty look

soon after her, the whole class followed

Mr. Carrillo: “I don‟t understand what is so funny”

Melanie: “He‟s a nobody! He‟s not important nobody will vote for him. Besides everyone knows

me and I have great ideas that can change the school. Like using our cell phones during class,

leaving early two days a week…”

Penelope: “I think Steven is not a nobody he is smart, he gets good grades and he is never absent.

And Penelope whisper‟s to herself he‟s cute”

Mr. Carrillo couldn‟t take anymore of her nonsense and interrupted her

Mr. Carrillo: “Ok, ok it‟s good that you are making an effort, but I strongly suggest and insist

that a good president would be Steven and I see Penelope agrees as well” Steven smiled

Eric: “But why him?”

Sally: “Yeah! What makes him so special?”

Steven was turning red again. Steven dared and frightened raised his hand

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Script 6

Steven: “Mr. Carrillo… Why would I make a good president?”

Mr. Carrillo: “Well Steven you are a very bright and intelligent young man. You are very

focused, you know what you want. You wouldn‟t have trouble resolving any problem the school

would face. You have the right tools”

Everybody thought that answer was a little bit cheesy and just “uggh” in chorus. Then the bell

rang and everybody was out like a bolt talking about the elections. Steven stayed last fixing his

stuff, waiting for everybody to leave so he could talk to Mr. Carrillo, but he began saying

Mr. Carrillo: “I am dead serious when I say that you should run for president, you and I know

that you would make a very positive change for this school”

Steven very flattered started to smile again

Steven: “You really think so Mr. Carrillo?”

Mr. Carrillo: “Positive! I hope to hear your name in the announcement tomorrow”

Steven: “You will”

Penelope: “So are you going to sign up?”

Steven: “Yes! Want to come with me to the office?”

Penelope: “Of course I would … I mean sure”

Steven headed straight to the office and singed up. After that he went on his rest of the day in

his normal classes then he went home happy, thinking of the support Mr. Carrillo had given


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Script 7

During dinner Steven was anxious to let his parents know about his day, so he was waiting to

be asked

Mrs. Johnson: “So honey you look very cheery today, how was school?”

Steven: “It was great mom!”

Mr. Johnson: “Oh really, what happened?”

Steven: “Well today, the principal gave an announcement about people who are interested on

running for president …”

Mrs. Johnson: “Oh my Steve, and of course you are going to sign up right?”

Steven: “I already did! Mr. Carrillo encouraged me to do so, although I am nervous the

competition looks pretty heavy.”

Steven looked down remembering Melanie and his parents looked at each other concerned.

Mrs. Johnson: “Why do you say that sweetie?”

Steven: “Well Melanie is also running…”

Both parents drop their eating utensils

Mrs. Johnson: “How can she even think of that, I mean she was a very lovely girl until she was

with that soccer, football, basketball or whatever player. You two were very close friends until

that. And then she started picking on you like if you two never even knew each other. Can you

believe the nerve of that girl? Is she picking on you again? Tell me, tell me right now!”

Mr. Johnson: “Marylyn, this is not the time for flashbacks and it certainly isn‟t time to speak of

that young lady. This is about our Steven and the fact that he is running for president.”

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Mr. Johnson turns to look at Steven, Steven was turning red regretting to even mention about

his day

Mr. Johnson: “Now look here son, it doesn‟t matter what happened between you two. The point

is that you are a very intelligent young man and we are pretty sure you have great ideas for your

school. There is a reason Mr. Carrillo encouraged you to run for president, he also sees what we

do. You know you have our endless support.”

Steven smiled again

Steven: “Thank you! I‟ll give everything I have, although I still am very nervous I‟m not sure if

I‟m good enough. I‟m not as important as Melanie or …”

Mrs. Johnson: “And what makes her so special…? What does she have that you don‟t?”

Steven: “Well she is known for being the Cheer Captain, and she organizes the school events,

she also gets along with the principal very well.”

Mr. Johnson: “Yes well, that doesn‟t matter when it comes to being president; it‟s another job

and a very big responsibility. In which you have advantage.” (Points to Steven)

Mrs. Johnson: “Also I am sure you are very well aware of the school‟s needs and we both know

you will have very great ideas to give.”

Steven: “I‟ll try. I really want to start campaigning and hand out flyers and more. Dad what

would you do?”

And so the family went on and on talking about ideas for campaigning and Steven went on

about the things he had been thinking of to make the school better. The next day in school

Steven waited in Mr. Carrillo‟s class for the announcement of the candidates.

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Script 9

As the class goes on towards the end… Mr. Carrillo was writing on the board

Mr. Carrillo: “For homework… Finish Chapter 7 and just a reminder tomorrow is a quiz”

Mr. Carrillo: “I expect to hear great news today.”

Steven: “Oh you will Mr. Carrillo.”

Principal (Through the speaker): “Good Morning to all fellow students and staff. Today we have

very few announcements. First of all Congratulations to our Mathletes, on their victory yesterday

against Bravo High school. Next we have the candidates who will be running for president. First

we have from Mr. Carrillo‟s class Melanie Brooks…” The whole class was cheering “Next we

have from Mrs. Garcia‟s class Xavier White, and lastly we have from also Mr. Carrillo‟s class

Steven Johnson. Attention fellow candidates, elections will be next Thursday in the monthly

assembly. That will be all, no further announcements. Good lucks students.”

Melanie: “Hmmm, so the nerd thinks he can be president, we‟ll see about that”

Valerie: “Don‟t worry Mel, he won‟t even make it to elections” Both girls started to laugh

Without turning around to look at them Steven…

Steven: “Watch me”

Eric: “Aww the little boy tries to stand up for himself, how adorable.” The whole class starts to


Mr. Carrillo: “Eric!” The bell rang. Both Melanie and Valerie give Steven a dirty look.

Mr. Carrillo: “I‟m glad you decided to run for president, Steven. I just wanted to let you know

that I am more than happy to help with anything you need.”

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Script 10

Steven: “Thank you, Mr. Carrillo. I already made some flyers I will be distributing them today

during lunch at the quad.”

Mr. Carrillo: “That‟s impressive Steven! You have so much enthusiasm. That is precisely what

the school needs. May I have one?”

Steven: “Sure!”

Steven searches his backpack for a flyer and hands it to Mr. Carrillo.

Mr. Carrillo: “Wow these are great!” Penelope sees them and interrupts.

Steven: “Thanks. I was up late working on them.”

Penelope: “Cool! Are those your flyers? Need help?”

Steven hands Penelope flyers and they both head to the quad during lunch and starts handing

out his flyers.


Melanie was with her friends.

Melanie: “Look at him with his ugly flyers he isn‟t going to convince anybody with a piece of


Heidi: “I know I mean like, the papers aren‟t even pretty and they don‟t come with free stuff, he

definitely isn‟t going to win.”

Sally: “I know! Look at his clothes!”

Heidi laughs Heidi: “I know, where does he shop? Nerds „R‟ us?”

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Script 11

Valerie: “I know…” Melanie cuts her off

Melanie: “Valerie … Hush!”

Sally: “So what are you planning to do Mel?”

Melanie: “I‟m going to throw a party…” The whole crowd was shocked and surprised in a

good way.

Eric; “What!? You‟re throwing a party. Ooohh that means you are up to no good” He smiles and

snickers mischievously.

Tom: “Melanie‟s parties are the best only cool kids can go like always.” The whole crowd gets

excited with agreement and eager to hear Melanie‟s plans

Valerie: “It‟s going to be off the hook!”

Melanie: “Valerie shut up! But not this time.” Everybody made a noise in confusion

Sally: “What do you mean?”

Heidi: “Yeah Mel, let us in on it!”

Melanie: “Well I need everyone to vote for me even the geeks and nerdletes or whatever but the

only way for them to vote for me is to invite them to my party and let their nerdy selves think

they are worth hanging out with us.”

Tom: “I don‟t like the idea of hanging out with those geeks but ok. Hey! Don‟t they give out like

cupcakes or something so people can vote for you?”

Melanie: “Oh yeah, that‟s a good idea I was just thinking of that. So now you guys need to do me

a favor spread the word everybody is invited to my party this Saturday.”

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The day finished and Melanie sent text messages to everybody she knew and told them about

the party. Penelope gets excited and calls Steven

Penelope: “Hey Steven! There‟s a party this Saturday. Do you want to come with me?”

Steven: “Hi Penelope, I‟d love to go with you but I‟m too busy with my campaign and my


Penelope: “Really you‟d like to go with me?”

Steven: Awkwardly “yeah”

Penelope: “I mean I could help you out with your posters, you don‟t understand. This is

Melanie‟s party! You have to come she invited me she said it was a very special occasion

because of the elections, and she told me that you were invited too!”

Steven: “Really! She said that?”

Penelope: “Well sort of. She sent me a text. Please you have to come; everybody always says her

parties are good.”

Steven: “I don‟t know sound suspicious. She never invites people like us.”

Penelope: “Exactly that‟s why we have to go. Come you also need to relax and have fun. You are

ahead from the rest of the candidates”

Steven: “You‟re right. Ok I‟ll go. Well goodnight I‟m pretty tired, sorry to leave you. See you


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Penelope: “I Know I‟m right Laughs Hey! See you tomorrow at the front door so I could help

you with the posters.”

Steven: “Yeah, thank you! I‟ll be there early”

Penelope: “It‟s nothing, Goodnight!”


The next day Steven went early to meet Penelope. They were in the main office.

Steven: “Hey Penelope, the principal says we can start putting up posters already.”

Penelope: “That‟s great you want to just put them up on the halls?”

Steven: “Yeah that work. Let‟s try and hurry so were not late to class.”

Steven and Penelope head to the hallways.

Steven: “So why do you think Melanie would invite me to the party?”

Penelope: “I don‟t know. Maybe she wants to be friends again, I guess”

Steven: “I know, but why out of all of the days, today?”

Penelope: “Ummm I don‟t know Steven, Why do you care?”

Steven: “Well because she was actually a good friend, I missed her.”

Penelope: “Exactly! She WAS your friend. But I‟m your friend now”

Awkward Silence

Steven: “Oh, I know why you‟re angry! Because you think that if I become friends with Melanie

again o will leave you for her!”

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Script 14

Penelope: “Umm no Steven I li….” Steven cuts her off and puts one arm around her shoulder.

Steven: “Don‟t worry, you‟re my best friend in the world! How can I forget about you, I‟d never

do that to you.”

Penelope: “No that‟s not … Steven you are not getting the point”

Steven: “What do you mean?”

Penelope: “Well … it‟s just that I …” The bell rings

Steven: “You what? What is it?”

Penelope: “Forget it.”

Steven: “Ok you better get to your class in time. See you in Mr. Carrillo‟s class. And thanks for

the help”


In Mr. Carrillo‟s class. He was finishing up the lesson.

Mr. Carrillo: “Ok so I assume everybody understood the lesson right?

Steven nodded, the class was silent.

Mr. Carrillo: “Alright then, your homework for the weekend will be exercises on page 234 and

235. The class complained and „uughed‟ All of them since I see you are all experts.”

Heidi: “Mr.! Why do you give us homework!?”

Sally: “Yeah we have lives too you know!”

Melanie: “Come on „Mr.‟ not this weekend”

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Script 15

Valerie: “Yeah Melanie‟s party is this weekend”

Melanie: “We all know that Valerie!”

Mr. Carrillo: “Well I didn‟t know and I don‟t care what is going on this weekend”

Principal (Through speaker): “Good morning students. Today we have a special announcement

for the candidates. There will be a speech rehearsal on Tuesday after school. We want everything

to be organized so be there on time. Second we are pleased to say that our library is now opened

our lovely Ms. Collins is back from recovery. That will be all for today, have a wonderful

weekend, Be Safe!”

After the announcement Melanie stood up

Melanie: “So I expect to see you all tomorrow at my Good Luck party right?”

Valerie: “Of course you‟ll see us! Right?”

The whole class was cheering with excitement. The bell rang and as usual Steven stayed

behind fixing his stuff with Penelope and this time so did Melanie.

Melanie: “So Steven, I hope you could make it to my party tomorrow.”

Steven: “I‟m invited?”

Melanie: “Yeah, didn‟t you‟re … um ... friend Penelope tell you?

Penelope: “Of course I did! We‟re going together!”

Ignoring Penelope

Steven: “Oh she did but I didn‟t think it was true”

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Melanie: “Why of course it‟s true. It‟s a good luck party for all the candidates. And I‟m not the

only one. I hope to see you there” She winks at him and smiles, like when they were friends.

Penelope sees and gets jealous.

Steven: “Ok.”


School ended and Steven had met up with Penelope after school at the quad.

Penelope: “So we are still going to the party right?”

Steven: “Sure! Why wouldn‟t we?”

Penelope: “Well because … never mind. That‟s great. I‟m glad I changed your mind.”

Steven: “Yeah, I can‟t believe me and Melanie are going to be friends again!”

Penelope; “Well, she never actually said that but ok. If you say so. Well I got to go my mom‟s

here. So do I go to your house or will you go to mine? Or should we just meet at Melanie‟s


Steven: “I‟ll go to your house and we‟ll go from there.”

Penelope: “Ok. Well, see you tomorrow.”

Steven: “Bye”


Steven went home. He had dinner with his parents and talked about his results of the


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Script 17

Mr. Johnson: “Steven, how is your campaign going?”

Steven:” its good dad. I handed out flyers and put up posters like you suggested, and I‟ve been

getting a good reaction from students”

Mr. Johnson: “That‟s good son. I‟m proud of you. I am pretty sure you are going to win if you

keep it up”

Steven: “So hey mom… I was wondering… can I go to a party this Saturday?”

Mrs. Johnson: “Now Marylyn our Steven is a grown young man, I think he is responsible enough

to know what time is reasonable to be back.”

Mrs. Johnson: “I know but…”

Mr. Johnson: “Marylyn!”

Mr. Johnson: “All right, all right.”

Steven: Whispers to dad “Thanks dad”


The next day Steven got to Penelope‟s house and rang the doorbell. She came out to open.

Steven: “Hey! Ready to go?”

Penelope: “You here early! Let me just get my bag”

Steven: “I know. I‟m sorry but you know me. I‟ll wait for you here.”

Penelope ran upstairs gave herself one last look at the mirror and gave herself a few fixes and

ran downstairs.

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Script 18

Penelope: “I‟m ready”

Steven: “Great let‟s get going.”


They both left and arrived at Melanie‟s house. (Loud background music)

Penelope: “Wow this is awesome! I‟ve never been to party.”

Steven: “Me neither”

Penelope: “Hey Steven, you look handsome tonight…”

Melanie: “Oh! Hey you guys, I am super glad you could make it!”

Steven: “Thank you for inviting us. The party looks great!”

Melanie: “Why thank you! It‟s going to get better. Hey feel free and go ahead and get some

punch, soda, chips anything you guys want, there is more snacks in the kitchen. Steven you know

where it is right? Do you still remember those times when we played in here? ”

Steven smiled while Penelope looked away in anger

Steven: “Of course I remember. How can I forget?”

Melanie smiled and had to leave

Steven: “Do you want some punch? Or soda Penelope?”

Penelope: “Punch would be nice thank you!”

Steven: “Ok I‟ll go get it. Stay right here.”

Penelope: “Sure, Hey look Alice is here too, I‟m going to be with her”

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Steven: “Ok I‟ll catch up to you”


Melanie found Valerie in the party and takes her to a quiet part where they can talk

Melanie: “I‟m glad I found you Val! I need you to play this disc when I am giving my


Valerie: “Sure Melanie. But what is it?

Melanie: “Let‟s just say … Its how I am going to win the election!”

Valerie: “What do you mean?”

Melanie: “I was up all night trying to find this it‟s an old video where Steven comes out and…”

Valerie: “Oh, no Melanie if it‟s another one of your scheme, I am not doing it then.”

Melanie: “You don‟t have a choice. You‟ll play when I tell you to and that‟s it!”

Melanie leaves Valerie alone and without being able to say another word.


After a while of the party Melanie is ready to give her presentation.

Melanie: “Ok ok, everyone settle down! Attention! Attention! Ok now that all eyes are on me, I

can continue. So, in honor of all the candidates including Mua! I created PowerPoint


Melanie: “First we have Xavier. We may not have many classes together but he is a good

athlete, a good dancer…”

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Script 20

Melanie: “Next is myself! Yes, you know me the person who knows everything about anything

and everyone. I know my people. I know what we want. And FYI I would make a cute


Melanie: “Now I‟ve saved the best for last. Our lovely classmate Steven.”

Everyone at the party start to murmur and look at Steven while he was mortified by all the


While she was talking toddler picture were shown in her presentation. Everybody at the party

laughed and mocked him.

Melanie: “Steven is very smart, creative, and well I‟ll just let the pictures tell you the rest”

After the pictures were over “All I can say about this guy is that if you really want him as your

president, think twice you might end up with an unexpected surprise”

Steven was embarrassed and didn‟t know what to do he was frozen with fear

Melanie: “Valerie! Play the disc!”

Valerie: “But I don‟t want to do this to …”

Melanie: “uuugh just hand it over I‟ll do it myself” Melanie takes the disc by force from

Valerie‟s hands and shoves her in front of everybody.

The minute the video played Steven recognized it and unfroze so he headed towards the door.

Steven: “I need to go” Tom and Eric were blocking the exit

Tom: “Where are you going little boy?”

Eric: “Yeah. We‟re just getting started baby boy” Both Tom and Eric got him by force.

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Steven: “Let me go!” they made him watch the embarrassing part he wanted to avoid. All

Steven could do was burst out in tears he tried to force himself out of the strong jock‟s arms

but didn‟t even budge. Screaming desperately

Steven: “Let me go!” Seeing a teen, a young man cry like that was a very horrible sight.

Penelope: “Just let him go!”

Alice: “Let him go! You can‟t do anything more that will make him feel worse than this.”

Valerie: “See what you did?! Was that really necessary Melanie?”

Melanie: “Don‟t you dare …”

Valerie: “Stop, I‟m not going to take anything of this from you. You are Jerk! I don‟t even know

why I became friends with you. I‟m done” Valerie walks away

Melanie didn‟t know what to respond, she was shocked. She felt horrible seeing him like that

she never knew she could do such a horrible thing. The sight of seeing him cry like that ached.

Tom and Eric were laughing. All she could say was

Melanie: “That‟s enough. Let him go cry somewhere else”

The guys let him go. Steven ran towards the door forgetting about his friends. Penelope

caught him before he went further.

Penelope: “Steven don‟t go!”

Steven: “Why!? Why should I stay huh? So they could laugh at me even more?”

Penelope: “No that‟s not what I meant.”

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Script 22

Steven: “Then what did you mean? That I‟m important and that I deserve to be president? Well

I‟m not either of those things so...” Penelope cuts him off

Penelope: “Steven! Listen to me for once ok? To me you are important, you‟re more than

important, and can‟t you see? I‟m always trying to be there for you and support you, yet it‟s like

you see right through me, like I‟m not there! You talk about feeling unimportant when you have

me right here in front of you! I do care about you Steven believe it or not … more than you


Steven: “You‟re just saying that to try to make me feel better, but it‟s not working!”

Penelope: “But, Steven …”

Steven: “Just leave me alone” Steven walks away


Steven got home and went to his room without saying a word.

Mrs. Johnson: “Well you‟re back earlier than I expected”

Mr. Johnson: “Like I said a Responsible young man. How did it go buddy?”

Steven shut the door. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson looked at each other concerned.

Mrs. Johnson: “That was odd! Do you think something happened to him? It looks like he was

crying need to see him”

Mr. Johnson: “I saw that too. Don‟t worry I‟ll go check on him”

Mrs. Johnson: “I hope he‟s ok.”

Penelope and Alice went to catch up with Steven. They got to his house and rang the bell

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Script 23

.Mrs. Johnson: “Hello?”

Alice: “Hello Mrs. Johnson how are you?”

Mrs. Johnson: “I‟m very concerned about Steven he came home a while ago acting very strange I

even think he was crying I don‟t know what‟s wrong”

Alice: “We do. May we please speak with him?”

Mrs. Johnson: “He locked himself in his room. Can any of you please explain what happened?”

Penelope: “Sure we will Mrs. Johnson”

Valerie arrived at the house and before entering Penelope spotted her

Penelope: “What are you doing here?”

Alice: “Yeah haven‟t you and Melanie done enough?”

Valerie: “Listen I am not here to fight or discuss I came here to apologize to Steven, I really am

sorry, Steven didn‟t deserve anything Melanie or even I did to him.”

Mrs. Johnson: “What did they do to him? I am confused. Can someone please explain?”

Penelope: “Sure we will Mrs. Johnson”

Mrs. Johnson: “Please come in”

The group of friends went in the house. Mr. Johnson came to the living room saying

Mr. Johnson: “He says he doesn‟t want to see anybody that is strange. What happened?”

Alice: “Don‟t worry Mr. Johnson we‟ll tell you.”

After his friends left. Steven came out and talked to them about dropping out of the election.

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Mr. Johnson: “We know what happened son.”

Mrs. Johnson: “Your friends just left a while ago. They were really worried about you.”

Steven: “I don‟t want to talk about them right now. I want to let you know that I am dropping out

from the elections.”

Mr. Johnson: “But why you need to show that nothing could bring you down…”

Mrs. Johnson: “Conner! You need to understand his situation, this is very delicate”

Mr. Johnson: “Yes I know Marylyn, but ...”

Mrs. Johnson: “But nothing. Steven you have our endless support you know that and we

understand you.”

Steven: “Thank you, that‟s all I wanted to let you know. I‟ll be in my room”


The next day Steven went to the office to try to get out of the elections

Secretary: “I am sorry sweetie but it‟s too late to do that, it‟s the school rules it all depends on

your speech now.”

Steven: “Are you sure there is no possible way to drop out?”

Secretary: “Positive! Why would you want to drop out all of a sudden? Steven right? You were

doing so well.”

Steven: “No reason, and thank you.”


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Steven was in the classroom with his head down ignoring everyone. Until he heard an unusual


Elizabeth: “You know I don‟t think you deserve what Melanie did to you.”

Steven: “I know”

Elizabeth: “I sit back here hoping to be noticed. You were they voice for me. The voice I never


Steven: “Really?”

Elizabeth: “Yeah it‟s like if one of us is heard then all of us are heard. Bell rings Think about it.”

Principal (Through Speaker): “Attention. This is a call to all the Student Candidates and the rest

of the student body we will begin our election in 20 min. so candidates please report to the

auditorium as soon as possible. Thank you.”

Steven got up from the chair decided to give a speech


Steven got to the auditorium and headed backstage were the candidates were supposed to be.

Both Melanie and Xavier gave their speeches and last was Steven.

Principal: “Our last senior candidate is Steven Johnson”

Melanie walked towards the podium before he did.

Melanie: “Look Steven, Valerie made me realize something. I know I hurt you and I am sorry I

really am. I know I was a jerk. And I want everyone to know that I have no interest in winning

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the election. Why would someone deserve to be a leader if they can‟t play nice? You deserve to

be president not me. So come on up here and show them whose boss.”

The crowd cheered for Steven to get on up there

Steven: “Good afternoon everyone. My name is Steven Johnsons and I would like to be your

president. I believe that all voices need to be heard. Popular or unpopular we all need to be

heard. I realized I was I voice for many students who go by here unnoticed. I promise you, you

will all be heard. By that I not only mean fixing the school‟s needs like school supplies for

teacher they will be heard as well. Vote for me as president, and I promise you, you won‟t be left


The audience fills with cheer. They were all moved by Steven‟s speech. They were chanting his

name. It was clear who won.

Principal: “I don‟t think there is a doubt of who is your president. Steven Johnson! And to the

rest of the candidates you all tried your best very satisfying work, sadly we can‟t win them all”


Steven looks for Penelope

Steven: “Thank you.”

Penelope: “For what?”

Steven: “For noticing me, even when others didn‟t.” Penelope smiles

Penelope: “You don‟t have to thank I‟ll always be there for you”

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Steven: “Umm, by the way, umm would you like to errr… umm go out some time, maybe get

some yogurt or something?”

Penelope: “I‟d love to!”