a most exciting journey through 1st john-episode 2-the light of life

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  • 8/3/2019 A Most Exciting Journey Through 1st John-Episode 2-The Light of Life


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    A Most ExcitingJourney ThroughFirst John

    Episode 2:

    The Light Of Life

    Presented By DAPH & JOSH

    A Dancing Pen Book

  • 8/3/2019 A Most Exciting Journey Through 1st John-Episode 2-The Light of Life


    What Follows:


    A Word From Our PresentersTe Light O LieMore From Dancing Pen Books

  • 8/3/2019 A Most Exciting Journey Through 1st John-Episode 2-The Light of Life



    What ollows is the original script or Episode 2 oA Most ExcitingJourney Trough First John. It was written by Daph and Josh with a

    little help rom their riends Rick and Dave.

    I youre reading about this journey on witter, you might nd slightdierences between it and the script. Tis is because witter has ew-er characters than a Russian novel.

    For those o you who have never taken a journey through First John,

    heres a brie description o what you can expect on the trip:

    First, you must journey back in time about 1920 years. Tis is whenthe Apostle John wrote his letter. Were not sure whom the letter wasaddressed to. Most likely they were Christians who had been getting alot o misinormation about Jesus rom alse teachers. Tese liars weredoing everything in their power to turn Christians away rom the Gos-

    pel. Johns goal was to protect his riends rom these liars by setting therecord straight. As he didnt have any boxing gloves (just kidding), heused his pen instead.

    You can be sure that John knew what he was talking about. As one othe original 12 disciples, he knew Jesus intimately. He even reers tohimsel in the Book o John (which he also wrote) as the disciple whom

    Jesus loved.

    You can fnd a copy o First John (a translation) in the New estamento the Bible. Te original was written in Greek. We hope that you readit as you accompany Daph and Josh on their journey. In this episode,theyre covering 1st John 1:5-2:2.

    Tats it or now. Lets head on in and meet our presenters.

  • 8/3/2019 A Most Exciting Journey Through 1st John-Episode 2-The Light of Life


    A Word From Our Presenters

    Daph: Hello Everyone. Im Daph. You might recognize me rom mygreat grandathers tale oTe Ruby Float. I was the girl my Grandpa

    told the story to. Tats my picture above my head.

    Josh: And Im Josh, Daphs brother. Tats my picture next to hers.Grandpa also told me the story.

    Daph: Which is all about nding hope in a most terribly hopelesssituation.

    Josh: Aer we heard it, Daph and me began to think

    Daph: What i we both tried to do the same thing.

    Josh: And what i we did it in such a way

    Daph: Tat you could do it too.

    Josh: So we decided wed pretend to be makingDaph: A presentation to a bunch o people

    Josh: Also known as

    Daph: You, the audience!

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    Josh: We could present a story or a play or even

    Daph: A book rom the Bible.

    Josh: Whatever it would be, it would have to give you lots o

    Daph: Hope!

    Josh: And whatever it would be, it would have to be

    Daph: Something you could also present

    Josh: Yoursel!

    Daph: Which means

    Josh: I you like

    Daph: You can switch places with us.

    Josh: Anyone you know can be the audience.

    Daph: It can be your parents

    Josh: Or your kids

    Daph: Or your riends

    Josh: Or yoursel, i you cant nd extra people or an audience.

    Daph: You can do the presentation anywhere.

    Josh: In your garage

    Daph: At school

    Josh: At your church or Sunday School

    Daph: In your backyard

    Josh: Anywhere.

    Daph: Just remember, however you do it

    Josh: Its got to give people

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    Daph: Lots o

    Josh: Hope!

    Daph: So come along with us

    Josh: As we begin

    Daph: Our very rst presentation.

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    Episode 2

    Te Light O Lie

    Daph: Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen.Josh: Welcome to the second exciting episode o A Most ExcitingJourney Trough First John.

    Daph: In our last episode we learned the denition o Joy.

    Josh: We did?

    Daph: Yes. And that denition starts with the letter J.

    Josh: You mean Jesus?

    Daph: O course. We also learned the denition o orever.

    Josh: Tat one doesnt start with J.

    Daph: No, it starts with F.

    Josh: F?

    Daph: Te First and the Last. Te Alpha and Omega.

    Josh: Tats also Jesus.

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    Te Light O Lie

    Daph: Tats right. He has many names, including Joy and Forever

    Josh: And Light.

    Daph: Which is why were calling this episode

    Josh: Te Light o Lie.

    Daph: Everyone knows that light is very unny stu.

    Josh: I dont think you can call it stu.

    Daph: Why not?

    Josh: You can hold stu? You cant hold light.

    Daph: What about water?

    Josh: Use a glass.

    Daph: What about a fashlight? Tat holds light.

    Josh: rue. But whatever light is, youve got to admit that its veryweird.

    Daph: Just thinkit can come all the way rom the stars

    Josh: And all youve got to do to stop it is

    Daph: Shut your eyes.

    Josh: Open them up

    Daph: And its back again.

    Josh: ake the light away rom your fowers

    Daph: Especially sunfowers

    Josh: And they die.

    Daph: ake the light away rom the planet

    Josh: And you can sleep or a long time.

    Daph: Josh, be serious.

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    Te Light O Lie

    Josh: Okay, then its curtains or everyone.

    Daph: Tats rightcurtains!

    Josh: Because theres darknessabsolute, complete, total

    Daph: Darkness!

    Josh: Tats depressing.

    Daph: Like Montys dungeon in the last episode.

    Josh: Its not Monty, its Edmond.

    Daph: I like Monty better. Its easy to remember.

    Josh: Youre getting o the subject.

    Daph: Ten lets get back to the subject.

    Josh: Which is Johns letter.

    Daph: Lets travel back to his writing desk

    Josh: Where he is just now writing down these words:

    Daph: God is light

    Josh: And in Him is no darkness at all.

    Daph: John is remembering what Jesus told him y years earlier

    Josh: When they were hiking all over Palestine, spreading the GoodNews.

    Daph: Jesus said to him

    Josh: And to everyone else who was listening

    Daph: I am the light o the world

    Josh: He that ollows me shall not walk in darkness

    Daph: But shall have the light o lie.

    Josh: Just like He asked John and the others to ollow Him, Jesus is

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    Te Light O Lie

    asking us too.

    Daph: He is lighting up the way, just like the sun

    Josh: So that we can see everything and not get into trouble

    Daph: Because i something happens, He will always be there to helpus.

    Josh: But i we go the other way

    Daph: You mean without Him?

    Josh: Yes.

    Daph: Ten its pitch black

    Josh: Even though we can still see.

    Daph: Yes. And that is the strange thing.

    Josh: Everything looks ne. Everything seems to be all lit up. You canwalk anywhere.

    Daph: Only something in your mind is shouting No!

    Josh: Your mind could also be saying other things.

    Daph: Like what?

    Josh: Such as, Jesus would never go here.

    Daph: Tats right.

    Josh: Or it could be this.

    Daph: What?

    Josh: We can see Jesus going one way, but we decide to go anotherway.

    Daph: Because we dont want to ollow Him.

    Josh: And because we think the other way is better.

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    Te Light O Lie

    Daph: Like the Story o Te Practical Son.

    Josh: I dont know that story.

    Daph: Yes you do. Jesus told it. Its in the Bible.

    Josh: Te Story o Te Practical Son?

    Daph: Tats right. He is tired o living at home and wants to go away.

    Josh: Yes?

    Daph: So he asks his dad or all the money he can get and scrams.

    Josh: Ten what?

    Daph: He spends every penny he has. Pretty soon he doesnt haveanything.

    Josh: So he goes to work or a armer who makes him eed pigs.

    Daph: You do know the story!

    Josh: Its Te Prodigal Son, not Te Practical Son.

    Daph: Tats what I mean. Only he was very impractical. When hewas at home he had everything in the world.

    Josh: Tey had corn and potatoes and peaches and all kinds o won-derul things.

    Daph: I dont remember that part.

    Josh: Whatever they had, it was very nice.

    Daph: And his ather was also very nice. When his son le he waitedand waited and waited

    Josh: Hoping that one day his son would come back.

    Daph: Meanwhile, things were getting much worse or Te ProdigalSon.

    Josh: Te armer he worked or was very mean.

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    Te Light O Lie

    Daph: He wouldnt give him enough to eat.

    Josh: And when he asked or pig slop the armer wouldnt even givehim that.

    Daph: So he starts thinking about his dad and the old times.

    Josh: Home sweet home is sounding better and better as time goesby.

    Daph: But Te Prodigal Son is very araid that his dad will be verymad at him.

    Josh: Even so, he drags himsel back home with his head bowed.

    Daph: He hopes that his dad will let him be a worker on the arm.

    Josh: At the very best.

    Daph: Yes, at the very best.

    Josh: But when his dad sees his son coming back, he almost jumpsout o his shoes.

    Daph: He runs to him and hugs him and kisses him

    Josh: Because it is the happiest day o all his lie.

    Daph: It is the same with Jesus when we come to Him.

    Josh: He is so happy that all the angels in heaven start singing.

    Daph: Tis is why John wrote these words while he was sitting at hisdesk:

    Josh: I we coness our sins

    Daph: He is aithul and just to orgive them

    Josh: And to cleanse us rom all unrighteousness.

    Daph: Just like Te Practical Sons dad.

    Josh: Tats right. He even gives his son brand new clothes to wear.And its Prodigal Son, not Practical Son.

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    Te Light O Lie

    Daph: Sorry. I got mixed up again. But some people arent like TeProdigal Son.

    Josh: Tey wont come back, no matter what.

    Daph: Sometimes they think they are better than people like TeProdigal Son

    Josh: Because they are doing quite well on their own, thank you.

    Daph: Or because they are good at ollowing their own command-ments

    Josh: Or because they think they are much smarter than God.

    Daph: Whatever the reason, it is all nonsense.

    Josh: Because all have sinned and all short o the glory o God.

    Daph: Who said that?

    Josh: Paul wrote that in a letter.

    Daph: Te same Paul who wrote the Colossal letter?

    Josh: It was Colossians. I told you that in the last episode. Tis letterscalled Romans.

    Daph: He wrote a lot o letters. Was he writing this one back to John?

    Josh: No. He didnt have Johns address.

    Daph: Dont be silly now.

    Josh: Okay, Paul was writing to some people in Rome. John wasntliving in Rome.

    Daph: Where was John living?

    Josh: I think he was in a place called Ephesus?

    Daph: Wheres that?

    Josh: Im not sure.

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    Te Light O Lie

    Daph: We cant say that. Our listeners need to know where it is.

    Josh: Well tell them when we nd out.

    Daph: When will that be?

    Josh: In the next episode.

    Daph: Okay. But we better not orget.

    Josh: Great. Now Ive orgotten where we were.

    Daph: I remember. John was at his desk writing the answer to Pauls


    Josh: He was?

    Daph: In a way. When Paul wrote about us sinning, John wrote aboutJesus orgiving us.

    Josh: Youre right. As we said beore, John wrote

    Daph: I we coness our sins, He is aithul and just to orgive them.

    Josh: Good thing Jesus isnt like Te Prodigal Sons brother

    Daph: Who was very angry at his brother and his dad.

    Josh: He thought his dad was being unair.

    Daph: Aer all, hed stayed home the whole time and helped his a-ther.

    Josh: He didnt think his brother deserved to be loved or orgiven.But his dad stood up or his starving son.

    Daph: Just like Jesus does or us when we come back to him.

    Josh: Which brings us to the end o our episode.

    Daph: Josh! Whats the big hurry? Teres one last thing.

    Josh: Whats that?

    Daph: You were going to tell everyone what the man you were named

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    aer said.

    Josh: Josh?

    Daph: Not Josh. Your ull name. Joshua. Like the man in the Bible.

    Josh: I wasnt named aer him.

    Daph: Who were you named aer, then?

    Josh: No one. Mom and Dad just liked the sound o Joshua.

    Daph: What about my name?

    Josh: You were a girl in a story.

    Daph: I was?

    Josh: Yes. But thats a whole other story. Weve got to nish this epi-sode.

    Daph: Okay, you start.

    Josh: Te time is many, many years ago, one thousand ve hundredyears beore John is sitting at his desk writing a letter.

    Daph: Joshua had led millions o people across a big river to theirnew home

    Josh: Which was called Te Promised Land.

    Daph: Te Promised Land is Israel. I think everyone knows wherethat is.

    Josh: And Joshua said to them:

    Daph: I it seems evil or you to serve the Lord

    Josh: Choose or yourselves this day whom you will serve

    Daph: Whether a god which your athers served on the other sideo the River

    Josh: Or the god o the Amorites in whose land you dwell

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    Daph: But as or me and my home

    Josh: We will serve the Lord.

    Daph: And thats it, Ladies and Gentlemen.

    Josh: We hope that youll decide to serve the Lord

    Daph: Just like Joshua and his amily

    Josh: And that youll tune in next time

    Daph: For o Know Him Is o Love Him

    Josh: Te next exciting episode o

    Daph: A Most Exciting Journey Trough First John.

  • 8/3/2019 A Most Exciting Journey Through 1st John-Episode 2-The Light of Life


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    Your Friends,

    Daph & Josh

  • 8/3/2019 A Most Exciting Journey Through 1st John-Episode 2-The Light of Life


    A Most Exciting Journey Trough First John

    Episode 2: Te Light O Lie

    Copyright 2012 by Rick Nau

    Published by Dancing Pen Books


    All rights reserved. No part o this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any orm by any

    means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise,without the prior permission o the author, except as provided by

    USA copyright law.
