a magazine by the students of vii-a

A Magazine by the Students of VII-A 1

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A Magazine by the

Students of VII-A



Here comes Corona virus,

The problem is very serious

When that man got back from Italy,

He scared us literally.

Its journey started in China,

Reached Paris, Italy, America and our country India

5 months of difficulties and 3 months of lockdown,

Doesn‟t mean that we will cry and breakdown.

Its journey will end soon,

If we do the needful, we will subdue it soon.

Everyone will soon cheer and the children will play.

In addition, we will soon start a new day.

Yuvaan Prasad



During lockdown,

No one went to play in the ground.

This has affected many lives,

Staying at home, this is what it looks like.

We are getting bored,

And are addicted to phones.

Life has changed,

As we do everything at home.

We shop online,

And skip standing in line.

The world has become virtual,

Which was new normal



Music Time !!!

Music, a passion, a dream.

There‟s music in every soul,

And every soul has music

It makes us feel love,

Sorrow, and pain

It lets you feel everything.

Never underestimate its power,

For its soothing nature,

Can change any moment

Ananya Chandramouli


A Trick Played by My Mother

One day in the morning,

My mother was calling.

She said, “Dear daughter,

Today there will be no water.”

I had just two bottles,

And a day which was too hot.

I used the water wisely,

But after some hours, I took it


At some point of time,

I did a small crime. The water I

had was finished,

This gave a shock to my spirit.

I wanted it to rain,

Because I was in pain.

I was a thirsty person,

Who had learnt her lesson.

It was a trick played by my


To make me think about the


So please save water,

If you want to make your life


Hridi Kaushik


COVID- The Dangerous Pandemic

Corona has spread globally and

has taken the lives of lakhs of

people. It was first identified in

Wuhan, a city in China. It

mainly spreads between people

when we have close contact,

more often due the other person

coughing and sneezing on us.

People are also infected by

touching a contaminated area

and then touching their face or


As many cases were reported

around the world, lockdown was

imposed by the governments of

different countries across the

world. The situation is still not

under control in many countries.

The main symptoms include

fever, cough and loss of taste and

smell. If you have any of these

symptoms, you must visit your

doctor. The only ways to contain

the spread of this virus is to

wash hands more often and

quarantine yourself if you have

any of the symptoms. Home

quarantine parameters are

somewhat similar to lockdown.

You should also follow social

distancing, disinfect your house

frequently and avoid touching

your eyes, nose and mouth. You

should also take more immune

rich foods.

Stay home Stay Safe!

By Mysha Gupta


It all started on a busy working day. I had to go for a

friend‟s wedding in Mumbai. I had also booked a taxi

to reach the railway station. I was on my way to the

station but I got stuck in traffic. When the traffic

cleared, l reached the station just in time. I boarded the

train and after some time, when the ticket was checked

by the TC, I took out my ticket and realized that I had

boarded the wrong train! This train was heading

towards Madhya Pradesh! What a blunder had I done! I

stepped out of the train at the first station where it

stopped, rushed and bought a ticket for Mumbai from

that station. This time I boarded the right train. I

received almost 30 calls from my friend asking when I

will reach. Meanwhile, sitting in the train, I booked a

taxi to reach the venue as I did not want to waste my

time anymore. After stepping out of the train, I sat in

the taxi and reached the venue. I saw the guests going

out. I asked one of the guests where was everyone

going. He replied that the wedding is over so they were

all going home. I was sad that I couldn‟t attend the

wedding so I went to the hotel room and went back

home the next day.

Divyam Gupta 7

Awful Day

Self-Composed poem

Plant a tree and get oxygen for free.

Some people might make you a fool,

But plants keep the earth cool.

You can grow them at your home or school,

But don’t forget to water them before noon.

Otherwise your plants will die soon.

Save the planet, save the earth,

Before you leave this wonderful world

Gowri Batra


The life of a soldier

They are not mere soldiers of the nation. They are the

pride of every Indian soul. A soldier‟s life orbits around

the principle of discipline. They leave their own family to

protect our families, being on the borders all the time. In a

war, they never turn back. They fight until their last

breath. They are the true heroes of our country. These men

in olive green uniforms stand tall, displaying tremendous

acts of valour in unexpected situations. They are the pride

of the nation. They are the true warriors of our country.

They also lend a helping hand to other agencies in dealing

with matters of terrorism and tackling emergency

situations in the country.

Nipun Pamnani



A mystic had predicted a new disease,

But everyone took it with ease.

China was struck by this,

For the rest of the world, it came as the end of bliss.

Though everybody had no idea what this was,

People blamed it on Chinese and bats.

This was later known as Covid-19,

Because of this people were put in quarantine.

People told older people‟s chances were slim,

Though some survived and some didn‟t

Everybody must wait until the vaccine comes,

Until then keep on chewing the bitter gum.

Subhankar Pradhan



Mr. Morgan was an ordinary man.

He wasn‟t brave, strong, or the

one who would face any

uncomfortable situation. This

timid man averted a bank

robbery! Well, we‟ll find out how!

One fine day Mr. Morgan was

returning from his office when

some roadside bullies

encompassed him. While evading

them, he ran into an unknown

lane. The ground cracked open

and he felon three robbers, who

were trying to rob the

underground basement of a bank.

He completely blacked out! When

Mr. Morgan woke up, he saw a

blinding white light over him. He

thought that he had reached his

end and was in heaven, but on

looking around, he saw some

things that made him doubt his

earlier theory.

He was confused if it even was

heaven because it looked like a

hospital. He started thinking,

since when did the dead have

feelings of pain like the living

ones. He didn't know since when

did heaven start a new wardrobe

for angels dressing them up as

suited men with guns to guard

heaven. Then, one of them said,

“Hello agent FB0127. You have

been chosen to lead the operation:

„INFERNO‟. Welcome

aboard.”Hearing this Mr. Morgan

fainted and collapsed.

On waking up, he saw that he

was in a dimly-lit room which had

many more suited men like the

ones he had seen earlier. Those

two, without even giving him a

chance to speak, started briefing

him about the mission.


An evil villain named Dr

Moriarty was planning to wipe

out most of the human race.

His plan was to release a serum

in the Annual New Year Event

to be held in New York. The

serum would kill most of

mankind, but those who could

handle the power of the serum

would become invincible.

However, they would be

brainwashed and will be made

his puppets .So, his plan was to

infuse the serum in a special

firecracker, to be used in that

Annual Event. When the

crackers would be lit, the

serum would release and get

mixed up in the air, and this air

would act as a carrier and

would take the serum all

around the world. As the serum

would be a bit heavier, it won‟t

escape to other layers and

would only flow inside the

troposphere. Mr. Morgan

wanted to turn around and run,

but he understood that the fate

of the world depended on him,

so he stayed back. He

encountered many obstacles,

most of them, he

managed to overcome with

luck, but some with wit and

courage. His team managed to

foil Moriarty‟s plan and he was

sent to jail. Just when Mr.

Morgan was being felicitated

for his achievement, another

suited man who looked lot like

Mr. Morgan walked into the

room. On enquiring, the truth

was out in the open that he was

the actual. „Agent FB0127‟ and

was being hospitalized in the

same hospital as Mr. Morgan,

in the room opposite his. So

now, it was clear that it was a

case of mistaken identity,

which made timid Mr. Morgan

muster courage and save

humanity. So, Mr. Morgan

turned out to be a true hero in

the real sense.

Mohammed Owais Sayed


THE LIFE OF A VIRUS When I first opened my eyes, all I

saw was darkness and a glass tube

surrounding me. I had no idea who I

was nor how I was created. I heard

some excited voices around me. I

heard the word „virus‟ again and

again, so I decided to call myself

that. I stayed in that dark room for

many days. One day, a fire broke

out, and the glass tube containing

me broke and I crawled away from

my birthplace.

I first settled on an organism with

black, leathery skin. It made loud

screeching noises.

Somehow, I managed to multiply in

number. I was elated to see my own

kind; however, this was only the

starting. I then settled onto another,

much bigger organism. It had

smooth skin and looked much better

than my earlier host.

Here, I could multiply much more

easily, so this species became the

main host for all my kind who came

after me.

I began to multiply like never

before. Our kind had reached at

least a zillion in number. I began to

hear the word „virus‟ everywhere, so

I thought that I had become

extremely popular. People were

afraid to even touch the dead bodies

of their loved ones where my kind

had resided. This was the moment

of realization for me that I was a


One day, one host who I was settled

on got something injected into his

body. The fluid destroyed all of my

kind who were on that host. I

somehow managed to escape, but

am greatly weakened, so, while I lie

here waiting for my end, I write the

story of my life.

PS: This bears no resemblance to

the current scenario. This is

purely the writer’s own

imagination. Any similarities are

completely coincidental and the

writer does not take any

responsibility for them.



Experience as a Student Editor I was very proud to be designated as a student editor for

my class. In the beginning, I thought it was an easy job.

But when I started getting write-ups from my team-mates,

I came to know that it was not as easy as I thought it would

be. I had often heard that power comes with

responsibilities. This came true in this case. This

responsibility included checking every entry minutely for

spelling errors, punctuation marks, plagiarism and

grammar. I felt really empowered with this responsibility

as I even had the power of selecting and rejecting the

contributions of my team-mates. I got 10entries; I studied

them very carefully for any errors. Out of them,7 were

drawings. I also gave my entries for the e-magazine. I am

very grateful to my teachers for giving me this opportunity

of becoming a student editor as I learnt a lot of new things.

I would love to get more opportunities like these in future.



Master Editor

I was so excited when I was given a chance to become an

editor. I was told to edit all the contributions sent by my

group mates and send it to the teacher. At first, everything

seemed easy, which it was not. When my duties as an

editor actually began, I was so delighted to see beautiful

work of art by a few students. Beautiful poems and

stories also took my breath away. I feel that our section‟s

magazine will be the best.



Experience of being a part of the editorial team

It was an honour for me to be a student editor for my

class and help make our class magazine the best. I am

very thankful to my class teacher for giving me such

an opportunity. It was an amazing experience. I

enjoyed it a lot. I was told to edit the poems and

review the drawings presented by my peers. It was an

enriching experience. I am grateful for this


Hridi Kaushik



My time as a student editor was pleasant and I

distinctively remember the day when I got an email

from my teacher saying if I wanted to be a student

editor. I was overjoyed and at once gave a reply, “I

would love to become one of the student editors

ma‟am.” I accepted this as a challenge which would

take me outside my comfort zone and hopefully show

what I am capable of and I am thankful to my teacher

as she had faith in me.

It was a great learning experience for me, and I

thoroughly enjoyed the experience and hopefully, it

will also help me in my future.

Subhankar Pradhan



My time as a student editor was pleasant and I

distinctively remember the day when I got an email from

my teacher saying if I wanted to be a student editor. I was

overjoyed and at once gave a reply, “I would love to

become one of the student editors ma‟am.” I accepted

this as a challenge which would take me outside my

comfort zone and hopefully show what I am capable of

and I am thankful to my teacher as she had faith in me.

It was a great learning experience for me, and I

thoroughly enjoyed the experience and hopefully, it will

also help me in my future.

Subhankar Pradhan




My experience as an editor was overwhelming in the

beginning. I kept waiting for contributions, but finally

got some in the end. I would like to thank my teachers

for giving me this chance to edit the entries of my peers.

It also helped me understand the struggles of the editors

of newspapers, magazines and books. Overall, it was an

enriching experience.




Naina Savarn

Nischay Kumar




Hridi Kaushik

Hridi Kaushik


Priyanshi Soni

Hridi Kaushik

Gowri batra 22

Naina Savarn

Gowri batra


Rudransh Tiwari


Summer Hues by Panya


Amolika Mishra


Aditya Raj

Nischay Kumar


The harder you work for something,

the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.


Magazine Designed by – Priyanshi Soni