a logical model for taxonomic concepts for expanding knowledge using linked open data

A Logical Model for Taxonomic Concepts for Expanding Knowledge using Linked Open Data Overview Millions of species throughout the w orld have been classified and named by d ifferent perspectives among t axonomists. For example, the Chinese p eacock butterfly named Papilio bianor okinawensis and Papilio bianor ryukyuensis h ave b een reclassified many times. The up-to- d ate informati on may not be enough for r esearchers to learn from a single t axonomic name, whereas, the history of c hange and linked data of it can e xpand more knowledge about taxon concepts. A logical model for taxon concepts in RDF has be en proposed in order to r ecord the c hange of taxon concepts and publish in LOD. 1. To develop ontology to present the change of taxon concepts and open link to public. 2. To Implement a prototype to ensure the feasibility of the model. Linked Taxonomic Knowledge (LTK) Ontology Prototype https://sites.google.com/ site/linkedtaxon Download LTK Ontology: please visit Web Interface Service Data Jena RDF Framework SESAME RDF Store Papilio bianor okinawensis (P. b. okinawaensis) has been named by Fruhstorfer since 1898 Papilio bianor ryukyuensis (P. b. ryukyuensis) has been named by Fujioka since 1975 One taxonomist has reclassified by merging into the older name P. b. okinawensis P. b. okinawensis P. b. ryukyuensis Afterwards, a taxonomist has considered to split that name into P. b. okinawensis and P. b. ryukyuensis again. Discover more informatio n Example Problem In this case, if present-day researchers study a species named P. b. ryukyuensis, they may consume only information about . However, some information of , that were recorded by with name P. b. okinawaensis, might be missing. Because, at that time, P. b. ryukyuensis were interpreted as P. b. okinawaensis. Let’s start with the scenario of the changes of two species of Chinese peacock butterflies . . . . . . . Objectives Rathachai CHAWUTHAI Asian Institute of Technology [email protected] Hideaki TAKEDA National Institute of Informatics Vilas WUWONGSE Thammasat University Utsugi JINBO National Museum of Nature and Science Please visit The prototype is a web-based system that comprises three service layers: web interface, business service, and RDF data store. (1) the Web Interface allows a user to create the knowledge of taxon concepts in RDF. It also demonstrates the temporal context and link of taxon concepts. Furthermore, it presents the reasons and details about changes of them. (2), the Java Servlet Service is made for managing and computing RDF data by using the power of Jena reasoning engine. Other applications can access data via this layer. (3) The Data layer, we used SESAME, a RDF store, to record data. Moreover, the prototype can publish data to LOD cloud, and provide SPARQL endpoint for other services. Changes of Taxon Concept Name Rename New name Spelling sequence Synonym Junior Synonym Senior Synonym Common Name Homonym Junior Homonym Senior Homonym Classifica tion Remodel Merging Splitting Hierarchy Change Promoting Demoting Changing higher taxon The logical model is expressed in an ontology named Linked Taxonomic Knowledge (LTK). This model extends ontology of Contextual Knowledge for Archives (CKA) by focusing on the operations of changes of taxon concepts. The classification of changes of taxon concepts is Moreover, the LTK also reuses some properties from SKOS and LODAC. For example the property representing higher rank of taxon concepts called ltk:higherTaxon is derived from skos:broaderTransitive and species:hasSuperTaxon. Example of properties are Property rdfs:subPropertyOf ltk:higherTax on cka:higherClass, skos:broaderTransitive, and species:hasSuperTaxon ltk:mergedInt o cka:serialLinkTo, and skos:relatedMatch ltk:synonym skos:exactMatch The LTK ontology describes the change of taxon concepts by identifying the operation of changes firstly. The operation is represented by a Class that can be ltk:MergeingTaxonConcept, ltk:SplitingTaxonConcept, ltk:ReplacingTaxonConcept, ltk:ChangingHigherTaxon, ltk:CorrectSpellingLink, ltk:CommonNameLink, ltk:JuniorSynonymLink, ltk:SeniorSynonymLink, etc. After that, it needs to assign some parameters of the operation by properties cka:conceptBefore (a concept before change) and cka:conceptAfter (a concept after change). Finally, an aspect of time has to be added by a property tl:beginAtDateTime. The example RDF model illustrates that the species:Pb_okinawensis and species:Pb_ryukyuensis have been merged into species:Pb_okinawensis_yyyy. The suffix _yyyy (represent the year of change) shows that the concept species:Pb_okinawensis_yyyy differs from the concept species:Pb_okinawensis because the former is broader than the latter. Thus, every change of taxon concepts results to a new identity and some old relationships have to be transferred to the new one. cka:conceptAfter cka: conceptBe fore ltk:MergingTa xon Concept species:Pb _ okinawensi s species:Pb _ ryukyuensi s species:Pb_ okinawensis_y yyy cka:conceptBefore rdf:type “YYYY-MM-dd” tl:beginAt DateTime

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JIST2012. Dec 2 - 4, 2012, Nara, Japan. A Logical Model for Taxonomic Concepts for Expanding Knowledge using Linked Open Data. Objectives. To develop ontology to present the change of taxon concepts and open link to public. To Implement a prototype to ensure the feasibility of the model . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: A Logical Model for Taxonomic Concepts  for Expanding Knowledge using Linked Open Data

A Logical Model for Taxonomic Concepts for Expanding Knowledge using Linked Open Data

OverviewMillions of species throughout the world

have been classified and named by different

perspectives among taxonomists. For example,

the Chinese peacock butterfly named Papilio

bianor okinawensis and Papilio bianor

ryukyuensis have been reclassified many

times. The up-to-date information may not be

enough for researchers to learn from a single

taxonomic name, whereas, the history of

change and linked data of it can expand more

knowledge about taxon concepts.A logical model for taxon concepts in

RDF has been proposed in order to record the

change of taxon concepts and publish in


1. To develop ontology to present the change of taxon concepts and open link to public.2. To Implement a prototype to ensure the feasibility of the model.

Linked Taxonomic Knowledge (LTK) Ontology



Download LTK Ontology: please visit

Web Interface Service Data





Papilio bianor okinawensis(P. b. okinawaensis)has been named by Fruhstorfer since 1898

Papilio bianor ryukyuensis (P. b. ryukyuensis)has been named by

Fujioka since 1975

One taxonomist has reclassified by merging into the older name P. b. okinawensis

P. b. okinawensis P. b. ryukyuensis

Afterwards, a taxonomist has considered to split that name into P. b. okinawensis and P. b. ryukyuensis again.

Discover moreinformation

Example Problem

In this case, if present-day researchers study a species named P. b. ryukyuensis, they may consume only information about .

However, some information of , that were recorded by with name P. b. okinawaensis, might be missing. Because, at that time, P. b. ryukyuensis were interpreted as P. b. okinawaensis.

Let’s start with the scenario of the changes of two species of Chinese peacock butterflies . . . . . . .


Rathachai CHAWUTHAIAsian Institute of [email protected]

Hideaki TAKEDANational Institute of Informatics

Vilas WUWONGSEThammasat University

Utsugi JINBONational Museum of Nature and Science

Please visit

The prototype is a web-based system that comprises three service layers: web interface, business service, and RDF data store. (1) the Web Interface allows a user to create the knowledge of taxon concepts in RDF. It also demonstrates the temporal context and link of taxon concepts. Furthermore, it presents the reasons and details about changes of them. (2), the Java Servlet Service is made for managing and computing RDF data by using the power of Jena reasoning engine. Other applications can access data via this layer. (3) The Data layer, we used SESAME, a RDF store, to record data. Moreover, the prototype can publish data to LOD cloud, and provide SPARQL endpoint for other services.


ges o

f Tax

on C




RenameNew name

Spelling sequence


Junior Synonym

Senior Synonym

Common Name

HomonymJunior Homonym

Senior Homonym




Hierarchy Change



Changing higher taxon

The logical model is expressed in an ontology named Linked Taxonomic Knowledge (LTK). This model extends ontology of Contextual Knowledge for Archives (CKA) by focusing on the operations of changes of taxon concepts.

The classification of changes of taxon concepts is

Moreover, the LTK also reuses some properties from SKOS and LODAC. For example the property representing higher rank of taxon concepts called ltk:higherTaxon is derived from skos:broaderTransitive and species:hasSuperTaxon.

Example of properties are

Property rdfs:subPropertyOfltk:higherTaxon cka:higherClass, skos:broaderTransitive, and


ltk:mergedInto cka:serialLinkTo, and skos:relatedMatchltk:synonym skos:exactMatch

The LTK ontology describes the change of taxon concepts by identifying the operation of changes firstly. The operation is represented by a Class that can be ltk:MergeingTaxonConcept, ltk:SplitingTaxonConcept, ltk:ReplacingTaxonConcept, ltk:ChangingHigherTaxon, ltk:CorrectSpellingLink, ltk:CommonNameLink, ltk:JuniorSynonymLink, ltk:SeniorSynonymLink, etc. After that, it needs to assign some parameters of the operation by properties cka:conceptBefore (a concept before change) and cka:conceptAfter (a concept after change). Finally, an aspect of time has to be added by a property tl:beginAtDateTime.

The example RDF model illustrates that the species:Pb_okinawensis and species:Pb_ryukyuensis have been merged into species:Pb_okinawensis_yyyy. The suffix _yyyy (represent the year of change) shows that the concept species:Pb_okinawensis_yyyy differs from the concept species:Pb_okinawensis because the former is broader than the latter. Thus, every change of taxon concepts results to a new identity and some old relationships have to be transferred to the new one.








