a lloooillllo - marist college · ot public u&l\h hl'tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona...


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Page 1: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,
Page 2: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

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Page 3: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

• p,., ,,.81 e. • De&!' JI.IH-

I .. lM't1aC ._u, t or a -u.ac or *loll ,.,. -... l _, IO So ,_ -u. of U.. loar IU• dUlor loilll _. II 1•1 Ila••

Pleuo lo• M un a llot-laaQlllnU.a '-r. U ,...,lllAl 11"1aC • ,_ ,boa.,., - a llOOOillllo ..... D' ' W1 tll n. .... 1a ncaN M tM PUoe~o .-OU•• U lllP' - ...


Page 4: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,


• ,)J-'?'IWIW..t Cl w; rMMUk comm or A 11.TIO!!AL • 1-P.of lll6IJll DILL 1l!AT !OJILD ~!r&UY~LX WW.CE DIE !A!i~?--~J> ,'?.._


• ' ..


l. tn eplto ot the dnlale or the J.aerlcan -teal. A•IOOleUt..,_.~to / -cal. care 1a aot now a..U.blo to a 11.ri• put or tho popul&t!an.

iltl>ot>ib tbla U..aia 1a ~ c1o.o ... t.rabh, ..,. -.U.U.Uoca aorn onl;r to c<mtl,.. the CMpetent oddenco al.N1141 otlat11'g: in tb9 report of tho Comolttee oc the Coota ot ~eal. care, 19)21 in the toat!Joo117 ot leo4ora ot -••l oei- CiTon in tho Auric&n l'OWldotJ.on•a report, •.uerican lhdict.n.•, 1937; and in a~ u.d• a few 7eara aro b7 federal •conoloo.

2. Tho Wldoubi.d nood caMOt bo .. t Mrel.J' by oxtondina tt>e dlotrlbut1cn° ot ...U.cal. car<1 or lowarinl: tha coat · of tho product that exiota. Iaprodna the prodll(:t itult ....t be a pri.u17 cooaldoration. tn -cal. care it lo apeculat1Te whether inadequate dlacnooi• and poor care an bettor t.bon no care at all.

The ....Utoot ....,, - in the lO<ll ""' - to reorpnl .. pibllc heal.th oonl~s and ...U.cal. ca,.. tor t.llnNl-thirdo of tha population 1a to lq o fl.rm foundation ,_ for prog,reaol.TOly increuln& tho cc"petonce of the inotitutiona and the Mn that prGT1de these aervic... Thia ia the beart ot tbe propooed bill.

;. Adequate nedicsl CU"e1 •htther tor dia;gnoa1a, curo or prevention, 111 no longer obta.1nable throuah the individual practit.S.onor alone . Jus t t.I technological &dVO.OCel hf.TO ch.&.nged tbe piCt.W'e Of DOClern industry, ao tho rapid dnelopi>ent or •odern aedlcal science 114• Mde 1t 1.mpoasiblo tor the 1nd1T1dual. doctor to ·- ell tho tocllltie• needed tor -em ocientific ...U.cal coro. Adequate -1cal. caro MW Nqu!rea the intocrotod Mrrlcoa of tbo 1nd1T1dual doctor, tllo laboratory ood tho hoopltal.

H follows that -col -•tlce will bo carried on hr croupa r.pr-esentin,g all the 1pecl.altiea &nd. U'nter-.cl 1n nery ca•• •l"Ou.nd hoapltala. Thi• -n• that hoapltal artiUatlon llUlt be open to all llWtdlCAl .en or tbe eoeaun1tr wboee ate.nda.rda ot pr•ctice are accept.bl•. 'I'•• closed otatf, which haa historically been an attoopt to ... inttln high atenderds, must ba auperoeded b7 an open otafr O'Jlt8'1 that will impo•• a higb atandArd upon all """ associnted wlth the inatitutiono

. th4t profit bJ federal t\Ulda.

Only th""'ih ""ch an intograt.ed 07&t .. 1D lt poulblo to organhe & 07ato .. or piblio health ....... 1 ••• and medical ~ that 1• directed t.ouard the preY90tion Mt.her than the eure or dt...... the pro1:ress1Ye conquest or va.r-lou.a font• of disease and t.he contlnual discovery ot •peclfic .....U.oa ore rapldly 111\J'ting the •PhHl1 !root tlle cure or diMase to th• •1.nt..nance or poslt.lve health, •• tho obJeetlvo ot public he&l.tll .. ntcu and modlcal. .. .., •


Page 5: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

4. Nod•ra 1.nduetrial. oond..Ltion1 also ~u.1n a chanced conoeptlon or th. 1onrueot'• proper rel&tlcm. to the probl .. ot iocrM•in& t.b• •po•1t1..-e llMllh• of the olU...,llllip. U ta. U..017 of pure]¥ 1..UrlduaJ. retpootibUltT tor h .. lt.h •• •Y91' ~bl.a, tt le not \.enable 1A the pNMnt. lmuat.:r1al ap, when the t1.U ot Mdlcal acienc.• ha• ~ '4<> ftat tor th• lnd1rldual doc:tor to o0"r, and -.hen th• coat or .ohl"l1 10lent1.f1C Mdloal e&re hat beCOM too greet ror th• ind1T1.d.ual. "paUtnt11 to ... ,..

'l'h• 1overuent 1 • pe.rtt.cipt. tiOd 1.n • national or&an1aat1on ot pu..blic Mdie&l aen-ic•• and Md.teal care u009t b! con(intd to the •eanavktlon or pihJ le eopl••. F.S..re.1 approprtaUoae aDd the out.1-io-e.J.d l'l•tea aho\&14 be uMd •• a cou11wiat 1...,. tor ratatac: et.ada.nh ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu..

,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,..., tb• t.1 .. haa patted -.hen the l .nd1-rl.d.ual et.n atet the coat ot adequa.t.e medical care prodleat.ed on all tho pNh'Ot rolM:>urcea or medical. acience. Th• 1.ndividual cltl11n, under aod•m icdustr1.al. condltlona, can no 110r. 1u.p~ ror bJ.M:elt th• Heo\.U'C-11 req_\dred tor 90dero .scienillic Md.teal e&re then h• can aappl.J tor bi.ue.lt tbt relOUl'Cea nqu.lred tor public educaUoa..

Al'f¥ a.Uo:iiel. hMltb pollc,. that it po1t.ula:t.ed o:s t.he ind1•1d!,l&}.1 1 pll'Cba•• or aedical c&re &9 • co:DOIS.1ty brMka down at. ••••ntl&l points. Medical o..n 1• note. co..oditt. the turni&hlnc ot aedicel. cat'I 11 not, t.nd c.Mot b•, a bueln••• · Nor ia it •hollt a profession . It matt alftf• b• in part • public 1ervlco t he atandarda or •·hlcb a.H d•t.tnined by tb• t.xacting req-u.irMent.a or acience and by t.he l..U•1dua1.'• oepo.oll.j' for ""111> .m prod .. u .. llrloc.

!bi• bill r11t.1 aquar•l.J u;ioa ~ princl.91.e that. the qual.lt;)' ~ MCl1cl.1. ~ pro.-1.d..d wder Ul• .,-aw. here ••t. up baa oo depend.e:nt nl.ation to the econoalo etetua or th• r.ciplent. In order to be appl"OVK, a at.ate pll.a iau1t be prtdic.at.d upon th• provi11on or fll0410&l. c.are to •ll that n•td it, •bet.her indigent, "medieall.1 indlaent", financially competent or veil to do.

While, lf'ith due Ht•recce to th• •18Clom ot nolutiOMr')" de-v&lo~ ..at, tM Qatff bere Mt up ahoWd. laolude • etehaol• b)' 1bicb t.hoaoe that an able to pq lhal.l do so, U. prtMnt propoal look.a tow.rd th• ... ntu&l finou>el.oS or Mdl.oel. ...,.. tl>"'"lh tuatica, l>Mrln& u...UonolJ' upon the o1~l .. nlllllp, probabJ.7 ulU.Mtel.7 lt1VOh1ag (•el'll'log a pr1no1ple ramUiar in th• h11tory ot p.lbllo education) t&xat1on (tader.l> atate and local) • .......,~ ror hoallh .

'tpYISJQ.'13 THJ.T SHOOLD Bl gpttCit Ir• m BILL

1 . E41Wtlr!tlTt UQiClCf\199 of bttlsp, f»ps\\Mt

The present. IOlt.\.tNd heal.th Nn'ictl ot tbe pn,.,..nt l!w>ul4 bt drawn to.f•th.er under th• surreon O.oen.l or the u·ni t.'4 Stlltt• Public HM.1th Service . The United State• Publtc Health S4!orr-1ce it the out-1Wndln.g agenc1 tor the aoordi natlon or hNilth aen--1c11 now exlatinc ln th• Depe.rt..unt ot Lebor, the O.pe.rttnet1t. ot A&ricul.tW"• (rood •nd

Page 6: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

~i)VJY~ Dt\1,11 Adainiatration) / th• Depi.rt.nt. ot Co...rce, And 1l11•h•r.. It aboul.d hco.. the oool'dlnaU12& ei•nc.r not ol\Q' ••a •tt..r ot loa;ic but oa the ot.nnctb ot • p&rt.J.cula.rl.7 coapetent record txtend.1.nc th"""1> - y ......

ln the preaent. a'\atu.a of connmenc. crp..alat.lon, lt .,.... d.esirabh rat.Mr tb&o otbo,..114 tut th• corrol.atl.nc !eduol hoolUl outhorltJ' ahould be veated ln a bureau. rather tha4 1n a depa.rtoent1' t.ha hNd or which would chana• wi~ e.-ery cb.ani• or national adaiol1t.retio·n .

J.ec~~~b::_~-:;~n~!.:~:, 1~·f:::!.:r~r~~~:°1~ tor co:ot.lau.1t, o! orpnJ.uUoo &r.d. ot cU.ncUon, 11 a ~••rr coo­dlUon or peraaient. plarmiag and or contl.auou.8 devel.os-eot.

Th• correl&Uon or th• h-1.th t\&.nct.iona ln one pl.a.et wW imolve an adainiatretJ.vt; ,......J.ipme,,t. or hMlth tuncttona and th• re))Ml ot v&r1ou •eta or t1U11, for ioatanca, Title 5 and 6 of t.ha Soo1&1 8ttJu.r1t.y; t he acts 01tebl1Ming the Food o.nd Drui• Adal1nl1t.ration, the CM14.rtt1 't1 Bureau, etc., all ot t1h1ch repr111nt. 110l.9t.td prorlliond &Od Hrricea that should. now be properl.T rel.a led to a co;iprehenaive pollq.

1b J.n::r and Ji6TJ ated.ical Serrlcea 1IOUJ.d., ror obrlou• alllt.ary ,... eon•, rue.in -.btH tb.,. are.

2 . §clentltic unUict\lpn ot ataprde

In ordor t.o prcrrld• f or ocicntifio unltie•t1oo or t.h• et«todardd th.at. ehould govern ln the provision or public health ••nicee and in Md.lul p:racUce, Md.1~ -4ucat.1on &1..d Md1cal ttMuch, ~ bill aho\lld pro.-lde ror • General Jleodica.l Council to be ooaatJ.t.utAd of n1ne ..-.ra. In the co-po•1U~ or ~1• Council, the wel~t. abould be on cUAie&l Mdicloo. ,

The bil1 should oont.ai.n apec1.t1c provlaions tor tb• ooitposit.ion ot th• council and thould 1-ndlcato t.h• tielde to b• repro1•nted. Theae should lncl ude1

(ll Pllbl..lc h .. l\h (2' llocilcloo and ouri:•IT (1DC>lud.1Jlc induatrlal udic1no) 0) Tl>• bulc •el•-• (14Cludt.,. p.ar.coloQ)

The exeeut1•• ottlcer o r th. Ct.Mnt.l Wedit.al Col.moll aboul.d be t.be Su.rs.on Oenoral or tht Ul\it.od. StatAt Public liecltb. Service.

Mtt.bgd o C ApnointJ.& tj\t Q!Dtl'!ll Jll\dlQAl Council

The appo1At.lltot.o ahould. be •d• b7 th• President., rit.h the a.dYic• of &n adrtoocy ~tt.ee ot five li!Uben1 chosen troa tM apprond 11Di•erait7 ..U.cal. achoola.

The ;an.el of naae1 fJ"Oll •hich \he Preald.ent, ao •d•1Md, will Mke h11 Mlectlon ot the nine --.er1 ot the Goncral Me.dt.etl Council, • W c.oneist or noia11'lf.t.ione •do by the Stat.Ct Univeralt.111 h•vlna approved fOW"-)'Ht' m.ctlcal echoolt •nd by t.h• • private" unt"ntrsit.1es havln& approved tour )'e•r aediet!.l 1chool1. E:ach Un1.ver1ily M.y S\lbait

Page 7: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

,.,. 4

thrff "'-"'· Th• 1J'ni•er11t1ta, in aubllitUn,g na .. a, lhould N able to 11ve aaa&r'9.DCt that. th• canilidat.e• a.re rl.ll.1na to Mt"l'e. The \hrM .o.a wboH n&ae• an suballted b7 &ey J:iTe.n On1nra1ly M)' OOM troa &QT pa.rt ot t.ht count17 aftd ~ r-epnaeot Ut:I dirlalon ot oeid.lcal 1clencei or put>llc hNlth.

Maben o! t.bt Oene."'1 ..UC&l Council ebouU 11" l\&.U ti. ,."1.ee.

fht \era of lt,....lce lhould. b9 cine ,.._,.., OM 9tlibtr ,..Urlac •c.b 7...r. ID U:it oonaUtution or the first. Council, ~r, ooe -.bar lhould be a,ppo1ntAd tor ten years, one t or ll yKr11 one tor l2 you-1, one tor 4 7-.n, one tor 5 roar•, ol'»ti tOT 6 7 .. ra, one for 7 7ear•, ant tor a 7ear1, and one tor 9 year-a.

·' Th• Ml&ry 6hould be $151000 a year. Sine• it. 11 u.nllktly that &Q)' M.D below th• .... or 50 would ba nominated (pre-ea1n111.c• in hi• t1eld btinc ' qu..liflcatlon tor .. m?>orsbip) •nd eineo, thtrotore, it ia unlike}¥ that a un after aerrlco in the OenorAl "-d.ie&l Counoll would rotl.lnl t.o pri••t• prootioe or teacblftl, meubers ahould hAve the prirtlegt ot r.tiriiic at 68 with a pension.

['unotlonp or the COW)Oil

n. Council •lll. bo Cb&rgod wit.I> dof1ninll ood •upuvl•ln& tho at.e.ndarda ot Ill io•t.ltutlona and pract.itionara that profit bJ t«le:r&l. gn.nU-1.D-&id to t.bt at&tel. ne Council will t.hu1 Nccme the etand.a.rd-Ut.t.lt11 b«tJ' tor

Md.ica.l .OUC.t.ioa. ced1cal resarch -4.tcal pre.ct.ice

!ht Qenen.l lledS.~ Council m-ut a;>preTe the plan• 11.1baitt.ed b7 th• 1t&tea tor 1-proTitll aed.ical edue&~n, tor b\llld.lni and equtppJ.ac hotpit.a1•, tor orcani•h\I .. d.ical care and tor .. u other tpte1!1o hMlt.h ""·1ctl dl.nctAd to-a.rd pe.rtlcular 1roup1 al'kl co:nd1Uont1 t.nd no t eden.l tv.n4I shall be •de availAble to th• 1t...t.t1 t.hrou&.h gnant ... in-ald unltltl th• CtntJ"6.l. Medical Council baa eertltied to the SW'1~.l'l Oenenl that. tbt at.an4ard1 ••t. up by lht CounoU, have been C011pl114 with b1 t.b• 1t&to1 rtquoatlng rederal eld .

Provi11on. tor Judlc11l revio• or tho c••• or aey at.a t• or 1t&te1 'fthoae plant have bttn rtJooted auat. be proTided tor. tho Cot.1ncll lhlll h••r appeieJ.1 tNll •1\1 c.Ltit.tn ot t be at&te 111ho belie.,.•• that t he t ld1ral grant.a a.re beit11 alauatd in that atat.e o:r UHd ine£Ctct1vel.r tor th• J)W"PoH• tor which cbtt .. rt p-anted.. In caae Utt appH.l 11 8\IOCteaf'Ul, th• Cowtcll &Mll auapend f ederal p-anta to tbf.t. at.at. u.nt.11 1uch tlae .. it 1• ••IW'td t.bat &bu••• • ill be tt:edled.

&.abs d tttts or th• Council

Charl1 > the ents..r.11 tpeeltic t.aslc: or Uw Council 1n detlnl04 &nd M&.pe.mUnc th• at.and.arda or ..t.1C&l educ.tion, -.cllcal ,.. ... rc.h, Mdical pract.Jce requif'81 tht &dTi90ry urvice ol' KieotlfiC And \.td'nlo.l 1Ul>­COClll.it.\4t8 oonril'IC • "*-'7 tleld or Mdical tducnt.ion, Md.ical re.-rch and Mdic.t.l. pnctlce. !'htH co•lt.tets •lll ~ cooat 1Wt.ed undar th.a

Page 8: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

•uthorit)' or t.b• GneN.l. Medic.1 Council; the •llMr1 or t.bt 8Ub comtt tff• will i:ot receln Ml.uS..1., but expeti .. I Wurred in connection ..S.tb tM work ot the 1\lb-cOM.1ttM1 rill. be paid. trom t.ctenl. tu.net• (•daia1•tr&U ve ~ appropri&U.an) ,

I_n recopUt ion ot the probabil11.)' that tbt HrriCtl ot 1099 ot tho .. MD wUl at tS...1 be n.a••M.17 for lonae.r period• than e&n be a.ch1"*1 on a "voluntffr" ba.aia., tlltl'9 A\ll't be pnwleion tor pq~ the •ltbu• ot the 9\ll>-ocm.itteea tor IJ>K111o period• or t.eapoN.r)' MMce, on • JZtt JU.1B bell•.

1t1atl9P pr th• Cerc!!.l lledical Coupcll to tile St+\t•

th• stoto DopartN•t or BMll.h in ..,.,.., nato lhall be u.. ~rl.c a&•nC)' tor .tederal srant1-io--a.ld .ad• avail.fhh on rec-.nd&Uon of \he Gene.ral liledica.l Council and ln coapl.l.&Dce with it1 1t&Ddard1. lhll• t.he ind.1.-idua.l etat.o1 will Mt up wbat.onr coordWtlna or1uia.t1on they ,.. tit to cooper ate with th• St.ate Depa.rtunt of Hoalt.b, it 11 1u.geated that a Cener4l Med.1ca.l. Council, CCMlpoaed on a state baa.le, •Ul to.ra the 11eat •ttect1Ye .method tor at.at• oooperat.1on both 11 t.o ada1n1ttt.l'at.1on and •• t.o ac1ent1tic standardn •

.11 in the federal ••t 1.1$>, the State Heal.th Otticer wUl. be t.b.e executive oft1ce:r or tha cootdtnatlnc oo-J.tt.oe or ~ne.ral Medical Councll or the at.ate .ii.en it baa ti.ea e1t&blitb9d.

Stoto pWI• wtll be Mll>ait\od io I.ho c.,,.,..i ....Uca.1 Oow>cll U>rooP I.ho St.ate BM.1th O!J'ieer. It. lhoW.d be provided that &.t'Wr a.n bte.nal or S (or 10?) 1oor1 auto piano .... i be """11date...i by a o1oclo boo.lib a&"""7, •l.thoueb in lb• lnt.erla1 with due nprd to t.b• p,..Mnt Ot¥aniset1on of cerlaln at.ates, certal.n a1p1ct• o.t the at.ate health plan-., he delegated by t.be State Hool.th Ottlcer to tIJ.9tl.as aceneies.


Ae 1.ndJ.c•ttd i n th• Pr1nc1pltl 1tat.ed in Section I of th1a M.-orancb.im, lt la eeaenti&l that tho at.at.e plans S-utaitted to tho Ctnoral Jledical Council thtll arr..nge Cor the myvi1l9n or eedical care to all t.Mt. nttd it and that thin e&re t.ball be &ivt:n 1n contonlty with th• 1t..adard• deli.Md b7 th• Central Wica.l Council.

Kedical car. t.hu1 prcwlhd IN.It lncl.udei

(l) I.ho 10"'1eu or oo J.ml~ fbl'aicJu -rcllaat.J.nc the aerrlce1 ot •pte1allata and conault.&.nt• •1th re!e.renc:• to the patient.1

(2) direct. acce11 t.o ltOd•rn di&gnoatlc e,nd c.."ierapeutlc tac11J.tle1 ln ~ &1vtn hospit.l with •hlch, •• o~ ot tho sr..,p, Uto pl\¥11cl.on 1• oJ'CWated;

(3} hoapitali11ation in th• 11ven hospital when needed;

(4} bOIN cetre under the direct.ion of th• pvr.on.l ph)'alcl.an • htl the ho1plt.il ~roup ot • hlch he la • •llL-or.

Page 9: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

, ... 6

•ppronrl&Uon• W141r t.ht bLll

!be appropri.a Uons t.o b. carrltd ..S.r thi• bW lt.IOlll.d lClllWMle 1c

the tir·at. lnat.aoce ool.7 .:ml•• tor adalAlet.nU.OC, tor the '80A. ot the Get1eral ...Uo-1 Cow.ell and lta eub =~11tt.t.Ma, and tor the upaAd.oo o! the Publio HMl\h Strri.ces, loclwllQI Ute t.ra1D:1.n& ot PtrlOflOll. 'Ih• •pportlgwpl or the --Jot approprlat.lon• ot Uae bill tor 1n..nta-1~d to et&tet bet.nen aedical l<luoat.ion, aedlcal reaearch ind the provialon ot .. .u~ ca.re, including Ule c.on•truction, 1qulp1111nt, bpro•eunt. o r purgbeao of hoapJt.a.11, •bould bti dot.t.rmir.td by the Oen..ral. llod.ioel CouncU.

!b9 bW th\ll locorpon.te• th• principle or ~tatnt&l •ppa"Oech

to I.be fodoNl. U..IW'J'· ll>e cuWOI prin<:ipl• of lb• bill lo U>at &ppr"Oprlat.lon• '" ueale:as and -., bt ..,.ea daap~ smltta ia. .. ap;iroprlatiou coa.ttltut.e thA _,,, of u turln& CODl>l•t.. Md.lul ca.re

accordirl& to modem. Klentitlc st.e.od&.rd•·

April U, 19)9 llar-p

Page 10: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

•.. ii . .

- '° Ull 9111 D -uor 0urUo - ... Lr• t <>r .... l- ( lo)' Piil)

to a ... ,... ... id, t..a \Ila Ot.r.lt Ooun ot A,,..ie •

11d.• le ~1- • lrloe the M9 Jv4&• h1• l • M'\ Jft er•i.i M \.be 'iolll Le _,Mt .. t.o ,.. • • ( • ppe• l • f"rOll P--.,, 'Del ..... J.)

Major r-..on t or ooml4erlnc hi• (•p-.Jd.QI non .. polltlo&ll1) • wld ''" W M t.hat he l• • 1oo4 jt.14&• 1n. the Oou.r\ ot 0.-a Pl-..e ot Phll ad•lphl• •Nre be ,._. 'M• tor a IUt'Mr ot ,...,... Low• and ll•M hi• Jo'i of Ml .. • Jude•• • •• at.tuh... Hl&blJ ,.,...,.. .. ln Ph11ad.•l phS.a. lttort• • •r• 1 d• t.o 1.t. hi-. t.o nan t or _,.r lMt h. • wld.at. llk• \hat Jo'io ucl uwr bit,

I ha•• DO id• ,_. '1:111 • P....-7lft.l\la adrl1•• on ap,ol~• rep,.. OW"\l• W\ l \ l• al_.t cut.sin of """'' \hat oa pu.r• lJ 10lt\t..._1 arouiit• O\W tiaMt•t• would ht:: 2

thel r poll\•l . ... ru • r• •s­gr•• L••l1 U.. Ou.r\1• • hM• polt t loal f\mll't.loa11t1: l • oa1J • ki• ot sratt.. OUr\le ........ "° .... eotllri ....... m.oco \.o ..... O..O.Orat1• . .... eb.leh ou,p\ \o 11•• Ith "99 rati.JI& 1.n t.ho polltl• al olrel•.

Ol.Lr\l• t~l• t...., lo tlM lOlll ,... ' U.. h'"•.__1. l • l wortr. l o b ~ P.doral Oclu..r'W, he :State 1'0rk 1• •109\7 "711111" .,.. l\1• _.1..U q4 • • l\b U.o ......... a'\l • .. nr.11 la ooat.rol _. ..-wt •han&•· T'hit ot.r-.dt jY ............ U.... n., 4o-n and trJ . .... ••IM nH ff • holl7 ln .. • ,,.11. t e loe-llos. •

lell, ht eaaw ltr and rat.• lt.I hop• nit sill • •• \ • bi• ..rtu • .._ OY.f'ftlJ .ll Jl prod\loe \Mlr oandtdat.•. I • l • h ~ U.t n.t c°" 4 &et. • ••ualnt .. • tt.h Ourtl• --h•'• 90rt.b l\.

r:c-( Co,u .... A~-..)

Page 11: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

• Judfe Bolc'e Judffe "Ulen"

• .1.c1t.ao11• o, f'•• ••a.1110. ~ OWffr ....... NN FOritt .. .,,,.. A. x..,,, 1-. lNl. IOI ,,, a ~by ...........

.... MCICWU. ....... ..,.......,....,_ ... thltdw .. ..-, ........

111r'ehe~ ......... --Radltr. ~-- ..... ... - ......... ..._.. ti OlrUll Bcln1'oc*--. ............... ................. .....,.., .. .... atw ... -.811111rt, ,. .. ... ..uc, .. ,,.... ... ..._,. .... ad~ ................. ..

...... ....... ft ..... - llr9"t • -w ...... With,......... ... ... ... ncn.t. • ..w ...... -~-- ....... U.wwtdot the - ... wtu. 1111 tlQJI ...... ....... _,__ ... ~··~Mdwtt.NlloPe .. ..u .. h.lt dlltr\111 "' ---nw 1iC111 ot the i.w Edward .,,._ di• [1'Udl bnmlsr&1U Wt\o bu lt:h all in'l~ marlr on \M Amitf'bn IM,J.l.dM workl. Cwu. llok. unllkt h.lt talMJ, hM talctfl CO 1*1 NU. late Ln 111 .. 'Thol;ip *"' hi. ffrt>' tom.a. thll Iii hlti ftnt boollt. AU 1111 lde ht .... delibwa\41b' ............. ....,. ti- wrtU.C or ~ a ..,.. la w. tlUW"f .. ..,.,. • ....,....... u. .... .... i..,.. ............ . trn­...... poDddu. • Mdal ~. M4 8M.ttT. M Mt , .... U..-. ,_.. ,.... ... Cnlb' ......... ......., .. ,,.. c.rt., c-.. ........... . -,.,......~ ...... ....... .. lloolr ..... S' c ..... ,,.... mm " - _...., ._ OlrUt ... ,... ........... u .. ..-. ... ~ .... l!til: ..... t ....... . srin&e ~ .,... ....... u.. dMIQPb .. ~ ... ..,..... """-ti:


!Mt ti.. 1-t• Ji.uo. HoJ.- "'lov.CI ......... , ........ _........,. ... ,.. u. .. tMt .,. tt ti.a ... ........... It..

\119 CW1almbr kiwi - ...... . .........._.,_--.a ...... .. u. .... fl toCW ... '*' """ .. dilllp &Mt - fllill: ...... .... cw. ., a.. ...,.,..._, ... dw

~ --. ,.. -... .. _ .................... . ~----~ n.,.-- ......... ,..... ,.. ... ~-.,.,. _,.. ......m.~--UJ.Kt ... __ ..... &.._..._._ U.W•dle~ ... , ?dew ---~......,_ ......... ........... - ad .. 0-.t dwM

TLe "D .. ltcoverer

r.u H6MU.o A. "°""""" 0/ Non• ~ a,10-&A.M ~. ,,,,,.. ror•; DoM, 11-4 4 ~ J.Nt. a..1

"'"'°"' .... .,. ~ ti1' "'*"' 'h::tuu: Ou• n


T km't ~ to bt a KOl'VI CuoHn.lua - ...... kin to .. \0 ... IUDW.Jated aad -~ 'iy Mr • ~. boolr: .._ h.111 Ula. An tor art"• Nb Ill alwQol Cf'OPPUlll' out .. 1--tMa Md......,,.... .. dtll _, ..... - e&mNl • 90dolclcfiM. h ..-"- ......... """'"' .cMn .,.. ....

Re t.ab9 ,.. lileN: tr-. ........ ............ ~ .. rn.11: GraluMa. ........... ooti- ........ .. .... .... to u. """'~ ... ...... .,..,&f9'*9itt' ' ) I ,., ... - .......... after ---~ ttl. el .. ~Jldelq -. ... tnift• rrom ~ .. Gr--.

--.......... °"" loti.. ~ ud Mdr" .. Ml at.a mat« •t ai.;Ptt .Hlll,. and &lw1Q't witlt • bawl' frkk ol puttlq • Nd rlbboft .. • rtadsdc to maJlr It danct, or • bltidc ... aocl letdaf tt 07, l.a all !ht w-.ya Ill Wl\kb North C&rolN 11 dJlrt"fl!lt a.nCI the othn' Wll)'l ln .tl.ich It II lYPlc•I >W are aurlld a)onr a. the~ el•~ calhoille. Qilfttd IUld CIOll'IPMioMble Pfttl .. .mllll, Ji ... ll'f'•t to - wtth htn. ~ Wbeft. &DCI ~ at hmDia.

'nalil llook. ON: flfl • ..... ... "The ~ au.c.- Wllk:h Dodd, ,.... .. ~ ...,,... ........ ,,...,. ,..,,.... h ta .. IMldfldt1' '"* ... JIU\lft ,,.., llocrlD .... Jooa!IU. ..,.. - ...... *' dllt ...... ..... ltwoe ~ and "'- - ..... n.~..-.w.N.u.o.i....

.. .. done.ttr ·~ - .....,,.....

M&owd Doctrrt,, or c.uromi.•. •tan. f.n Chi cb•OC.r on MbeTlllt. 1bomu

Wtite COii* 1IOfl'll ap1ft. 6M4. Mr. n...1ti. wu • paJl·bMtwr. 1bOMu Wotr1 11..t wrttten 1U Ol tlit fel,.,., dtl. ~ lhtft IUld COUid Ol'¥ft' ap1ft fft) CIOnllon&bat w1th Uwm. A.JI over the loud! thtre ..,. vnu. rOUr;a, ud ...,. not ll'Ml\.I.., ~ uw "!Nd at" 1-UIM Draaa.i. for ~ iw ~ .._,, ti.. .. Ilk •A l evllt.ar•u-

~ Uw --~- & hM wrh· - ....... Ut.laip ... ,.... f//IMl ..... -. ... w. .... -. .. ,.,. .. _._...._..,. ........................ ttd ........ 1'lwrt .. JIU'UT '--..... ........... u,.,_.~ .. -1&: .... ·----..... blZJ, NII....,.. .,.. ·Uift _. thi7' .......... ..,Mell. ........ ~ NW • .,.,g be cu fttl h • -.u ..... 1c.u.--..to1ttio ~ ~t .. ~"'".,..,. u ... uw. ,...... aJJ Ill. tn'l'Q Md .......... ,.... ii.t CIOIDN bedt \0 Korth C•~ at IQrtlr .. a .,._.

'" Mdllklft II tJlit t41C't U..t bl writes whh merdt\11 h"ledom from thaw • • • ru1 l11t~ Wbk:b ...,. M&k-

1"6 ti>"'""*' lflllllll hm.1 ' o tll'°'1 until ui. -.ar pin 1.n •Jfnl.. tOC\la ar1

1wryt.1ta._. Oectu.. M It • - ot .. Clfl'I and ..S.0 • ~ hll

•t.orr - ll'lt W'IUI b1mr, and Jw l•U. It ..... .. l\WtO .,,. Jh.arp.. ..._, U..t""' .u ..... ~u.. and~ .... 1*:1dimi.l, DO mat-\W boW ,..,.\,Md .... N-. -.. .... ,.. • UttJ. ... ,,_,.

··~·~.-. .... ~ • ................ - llldlM--................... __ .. ._.._ ......... lie ... wtlll ............... ~ •

Page 12: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

......... --- v L•" I . ~·

I ,.

r .....__

"v ,... -· -...--u .... -

;....,., '· lMt n.r •• , 11 .....

J ••• oTW. la•t aiP,t, wt u. a» er•'"' lahr•• •. na•• Jlaa ;., {~ ~ .,,.,... tor I.ho Jmlrl ... ,.... __._ mr etro., ..-. .. 1oa .... re-, ~' _...._. 11 U.\ \M ,i.. _. .. , la, R\ lt \.be reooN ot ••tl't .. , ~J wt.U& tM .... , et tM m\bor'e, 1\Ul a:t1t1, l\ 11 la U.. .._.lo or tho 1112.ar ot MO ltt~ A.-.. ... aot 11Uoep\t•l1 t.o 4l11Awn.u\ . , U.l• , •••

n.a .... u. t10\ \bat J ,... .... u.. pl•• wouJ.4 ••• DOWIC '° .. W'lta \be ............ tt ....... , • • lltenll7 , .... tM\ .. all U.. eou1..,.t1•• CS._ \o \ho plMo • .._ ... ot U.. -\lam' vao at M pole\ -..-. n• to Mr .... ,., tlaal JVT ot ...,._ J 4o M\ UU* J weal.4 .._ .. r tll11 pla .. 1Mwo11111", lt tb4l plaa ba1. M\ ..._ 011i1 or \to• 1a tU ,..... &l'0'1P ..... lat-.lw ooaolderatloa at lM ....

J • oaclool .. \M Jll,aa., W*ial Ula\ J'DI m, •Ml l t. '9 • lt1 oa.tot.aa4Jec •Lrtlie9 are

(1) It• ooa1\lt•\loa al aa •~11•• oo~\\el, la1\ea4 ot a LMcu OD••ll <, ... r191471ac OU of th• •• , ObtlO•• allliri.11\la\l•• tNtv11 ot \h• z.a.el:

(a) tlak1.al a ..._,!air68 '"'' ottect lft , l.aat-.t of~., -.alal\61

Ja t b• lllOe (l r .. 11er -., \&lb "1\ll •· loot oa t1s11 polat) .-.al•llT .. , coa•l .. rM \o lie \bl lla•1o prlaol.Pl• la \bo ._...el.,..at ot la\or•\loaal law, h t 9CJ9e of u \boqht \!lea. &114 W.* .... \bat 'Ul.111 ,a.,o wtU o t the ~1"• -.Jlrl'7 ...... ~ •l.Ur .. u ....... ...._, ... ,.,. -.o• \M "''· ...... ....it. ..... tl&M oal7 la U.. m.i..ut-. I ...t.1• \Mt lt ...... a .. os.rat.11 ,..,.._ •dal , ... ,, "-' l\ .... , .. '°•\Mt U.. wrU i.1 k M " oreuJ• .. tla\ tMi11 \Mt ha•• lbt lupr Ti• oaa .._ U..lr ¥111 lffHtl-.. wl\ll tto11 otlll 1• \Ile •tace of ••11 1., ..... , •al.7·

(3) !ho - of \llo '"-'' - ot -.. -••&al la 'OrlaOIC l'Mlllel\ftd - Jllll'&1.r • 11 ............ ...... to , .....

Page 13: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,




wwww1nnooa. OOW1'MCH'I OIJT

- 3 -

....-o­........... 4)-C)• u •ntO -

"'"9 u.r.. tealan• ot tb pl.aa o•r•lal.7 TU\lJ' s..,rne "PO• \U ~ kl attll. I 4o aot thiak the J>l.u t1t• 194' , t or th• to11 .. 1oe tvo rffeon 11

(l) 1\ I.hove tbe 1••11t1aoe of 19.aQ on ·~tlonal 10'Nl'elp\7• aa4 prote111 too ach oa Ult• pota\. l think -01\ of u DOW Dow \bat • oeriala mrr...S• ot M tioi:&l 1• \•H•\ 11 •• ... tlalJ' '° U. workia.c ou aot •nlT of a ooop«N\ 1•• .. , of ,.. ••nlal• &at ot U. ._.,..,i.p..et o~ U. ...._la of , .,..... llil.t &lao Yi.th npr4 to ottiMaU.lp •4 1-1.,..t.10 ..

(2) f'b.o MOOD4 r .. eoa n,- I 4o DO\ \ bJ.* \)a,e pl&A 11 &Mpl ... to 1946 l• \bat it •till ezalt 1 pOlt t loal orcani .. t loa ottr .00001110 u d. 1• too 11 ttl• oomiteloua that \ht M.110 of toOAO-.io ooopentlon will 'bt tbe on17 l.a•tl DC M.•11 tor poll\loal OOOP4ra\lon.

lot that l WM: t M•• lut two po1at1 •.t \o be .a. to na ..... le Dowe \U. lttttw U... we 4.o.

Page 14: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,
Page 15: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,



.. £>.O l'OI\ Till; Pf\ESIDE:J,T:

,.. r .....

I forgot to t ell you thl e sorn1n1 tha.t Joe Ln1h Oftlled "e to •llY the liavy h&4 turned h lm down , o 1mpl~ a~y 1n~ ttv.t h11 quolttt.eflt1onA wo?\e not whnt they wAnted. I know tbey vent tc everyone who ever knew b.1111 And that e'•eryone ifave him • clean bill or henlth .

I :old h.l!'Zi t:-.at I thou'tht bt Md Detter ..-ke n~ rurt~er effort •• h~ 11 tn1rty-tvo 7ear• old, but to 11·~ly 'o 1111.114 &1.d pte b1ce~1f a ueetiJl &I t:.1 c:•n ln hlc prea.ent occu;>a~1o:t •n•\ to do •• good ~ Job •• be can v1th colle.,_.. •l"OU~I.

Do 7ou 1urreet

C:: .R.

Page 16: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,



Dec.-J>er l2 , 1941 .

I oa ret\U'111ng be......ttb repori

OD to11ph P. Leab . The Pre814•~ ba•



Page 17: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

.JtJJ.1 18, 1944

'I f1n1th•4 Ch&rl•r M1ohel1on' • ~ook. I think 1'

1bould be required reading 1n •••r1 cour11 in pol1t1oal 1011no1

and tor enr1 llev Dealn who ha• entered poll Uoe beoauH ot

oon•iotion ratl\er than orrtoe. For M1cbel1on de1oribe1 ibe

real •Ot1•eo that b1nd together• po11t1oal .. ob1ne and ••n or .... conv1ot1on ignore euoh real1t1e1 a t tlM price ot 1mpor~noe.

At 1tf 1noept1on • pol1t1oal part7 1o oreatod •• an 1netl'llmont

by vb1oh to real1~e a program, But eoon tbereatter the progro.a

b100: 11 1ne14ental, and the 1ntere1t of the aach1ne in boldlng

onto the Jobe beoo~e• para11ount. For aoet people the

1Eportanoe or the Demooro.t10 Part1 1n t~ decade hao been

ite ueetulneee ln real1t1ng a program. Bu~ tor the Part7

1""lf the progra= hat been ueetul for coming to power. It

v1ll be 1ntereoting to 11e 1n the neat rev 4a71 whet her oouthorn

pol1 t1o1ano will be reoono11ed to a plank on the legro•o ••

otrong ao the Republ1can 1n •iew of tho fact that the Negro TOtl

••1 be tho deo1d1ng one 1n man7 1tate1.

'The Preo14ent 1o greatne11 ha• been 1n h1o abil1t7 to

b&rnooo 1dealo to political re•11ti••· Re hao kept together

the alliance ot the independent Tote, the part7 organlt.atlon and

the labor •ote. But what or the tuturet The P,A. O. 11 doing

a good Job 1n br1ng1ng the lebor •ote into a more 1nterf:r•ted

relationoh1p w1th the p1rt7 organi••tion.But what about the

1ndependent •ote wh1•~ 11 predom1natel7 • a1ddle olaoo •otef ~

In tho laot eleotion it vao repreaentod ano! organ1••d b7 the

llon1e-L&Guard1• group. But no cachin•rr vaa dneloped oub

. .

Page 18: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

••quentl7 to br1ng it into a pe:rmanent relation1hip with the

part7 and I do not bel1eTe 1t oan be adequatel7 repreeented

through the P.A.c. •But I agree with 7ou oompletel7 that party organ­

i,at 1on1 are neoe1sary and that tor the pre1ent, the Demoorat1o

Party ia the beet on the aoene.• •

Page 19: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

._...,., ,.. .. J . t,.

0.. ol \b• putallnc \hl"'• *"' \lM ,....~ ""• lir \h• ..,_ .m .... l • u.a .. ru ail ...- .... • t '' 111at1 - • r.. u. ...._ .. •\.Ul7 111.\l • w 11t•IM1• · ... Ml• o rti..,,, .....u .... - .......... 91b1M l • 'i.ell .. , l• M ... \It.• ..a\• a ... "' - I t ,.odW• ot • ur•• l \ •• ~ \h• \ \.ho ...U.IW ... • .i;..,,..., \ht\ l\ k ..

t.o • • ..... , , .. .mna111 w oun -~""°' ...,.""., ., ''-. II>• \h• \ p~llo ... .,. h .. \o bo \M• W •i.ll \ho .. ._-' •t ti•et• ... o. """''• an u;l\l onal M&l• ..... ••04IPJI' .. \o • • , eM \hd l• t.hn \ h • P"•""" a\4l"1 pNYl••• UNI ti.Aun •aQ lft \h• Na' ..,1..-1oa ot M • \ho _,. •• l1n. l\ \nnatere \I'• ro.,.....Mll\p hr \he t.s.1 .... 11 •p \ h• IDut.•rn and loll\om """'' ,._ \ b • '-1• W \b9 -...i .. t:"' .... "" ..., \he .... h, ...... - ...... _ .., .... ul• tit• ol ••• · J\ al• ti\• la 9'.Ut ' " ' l Mr ... l"I ...,.""• \hd

0.. kale U'• P"'P'&r.; \o go tmdorgo\IM d'\er all l\.Uy . ........ l'or • • • • ... l a \he •ut• \h•17 .. "1• h .tp ,.._ llalro \Mlr _ .._, ..,oet.&117 ,, ,.~ ~ ... , . l•""' - ........... . i • ....., ..,. __,1.,. ... , .,.. • ,..n-..,. o.,. .. ao •• ,_ ......... , 4".t.p r-1 oul.Mrl\J'•

Page 20: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,



Oo9ober lD, lM:!,

Hl'10JlAllP~ l"OR

11):1 , JO 'iA '!'!WI Ill.~ n:Lll I«>" . JtH llAR!rES

Vlll 7oa ••• wl>a• TOD 9&11 <Ir> ,

tor Ann 1-gtllln' m. •• vl.\h

,., .. , llllllan•' Or<:Snh•tlon and

alllO .... llellOOJ'etlO St oio t..-adu.

I -.r•t•nd ehl 1• a ft~ f'DCM\


. · . .

Page 21: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

THa WHl'T• HOU•&


_, /' /'

!'tu/,/ .. ,//,' .. 0 , . l1


2.. v{ ~ ,, .;

Page 22: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

ne-r- ft.., ~ ~ • / r~· J·v•



..... , It, 19",

--CIDlllAL 11Afl011

11111 T ... _.....,... u appola\­

.. at to• 114 l.MsbllD tll1o wool<'

Page 23: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

• • c .. ~ ,.

• i



hO ..... '4:.u.in c;.. .. leo tOC;41) anJ 1 .. 1a

:.laJur ..oo<•f' Lad to.d t~ tu •'- t in t;X.;.Cl.&

•1to ..ic 11.t"ut -.r. app::>tut.:u::nt •1th Y1JU.

lit Wlib«i to toAO \It> 1'1 th )."OU tt.e f1Jl ..

1n, or !:le:N1ll1 1 ~ plc.ce . \jhal. t. cc.n I ttl_j,


". (TtJJ.cphone nu.;lbor - ..aurr1.1.y hi•.l

2-HijO Lcti.Vc. \:ior u •1~1 u1t,1or :Ir. btutld

uf ~111 ~r~1c1.1.or)

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..,,.,WK 10R TU f!USIDDTt

, ,

- do ,..,.. nat to "" latt llcClo- 7.

rr ..... kl.Ur called .. tro.> In Jon, ...s aoked part1cuJ.ar l 7 tb&t ,..,.. H• hla. .. u

••ry a.a.ch 1Dt1re1ted.

•· ....

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.· :




Don 't you think it would bo better

tor you to telephone this i;ontle&lltln 'I


(... t'

I c. ·~· \ ~ ~

~ S 1 I ,. ,

./ '0('19. ,1.Y N·' ('"'\ 1/- ••



~\ ,., ,-

I / ·

" .

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, .




Augu1t 12, 19.0.



Will you arrange tor ae

to see McCl oak91 - ab1olutely ott

the record - and tell him he must

not tell anybody that he ha• been

t o 1ee me at th11 timeZ Have

him come through the White Hou1e

and g1 ve him about a ten minute


f, D, R.


• •

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r / -_,,•wro·,Uc llatio-J &ww"h.

....C. Of' .... Mrn..WAlllA --

~-::..:;. ~~ Agra!• •• 1960 -" Pl'9•l4•11• Jl'&lllcll.ll D. RooMnl11 'lhU• Bou• WalllllDC'ODo D. O.

Mr 4•ar Jlr , Pl'9•14•Dt•

Due \o •h• ehor\mH ot rq Till\ W1 th :rou 7'1•ter4a7 aom1111, I •7 11ot hllT• eaphui .. 4 •Dough •7 4Hire nat 70u l11T1\• M. 8 . llOOlo•Joe7, Jr. to .... to ... :rou, ..... I 414 DO\ w1•h to go iD\O all ot th• 1'9&ffll• W117 1 tllougllt \hi• •oul.4 be helpful.

Br1etl7, ..Clo•llor 414 a pea\ Job tor •• 111 • N u4 •se 111 Pe111111171Tu1a, bu\ 111 •1111, he •• ••• • terse• b7 -ot our aiop.14•4 friend• 111 \he Dao0l'9Uo Put7, llll4, u a reeul\, he 1'9Ure4 traa poliUH. ut1eipaU11g \ha trouble -ere go111& •o ha" bo•h 111 ti. eta\• &114 111 \he llllUOD 111 ru­•1q td• to ec1911•te wUh th• oppo•l uo11, I P"' h1a OD \he Delepte-et-1.&rp ela\e U4 eUrred lip hie 111\erH\ 'Calllo lie eUll 1'9Mllh the tree-11\ \ha\ OOlfte7, B\en1 et al , pn h1a 111 'M, b•\ he i• - ot 70111' -... a4a11'9r• &114 he 1• a olo• per.....i tr1•D4 ot allle .

1 t .. l \hll\ 1t 70u 111T1h4 h1a 111 that 1\ tl0ul4 fur­ther 111\hu .. h1a, ..... h• tl0ul4 be nrr helpful , ... I.a \rTlllS to ral• tU114• tor the MatioD&l Ccolaltt••• aD4, I.II a44it1011, b• ot 1reat help 111 the 1•a11ra1 ~1gz1,

I Mll4 7011 thh memru4ua, teutul :rou M7 th111lc, b7 reuon ot the tao t \hat l 414 110\ 4nll Oil the 1'9HOD• tor Hldllg 7011 to lllTl ll hill, that l ••• llOt ... 4Hpl7 OOllHrm4 about u u 1 aa.

The MleoUoll ot :14 JrlJ'llll wa• r•o•1 "4 b7 our triH4• here ... rr e11\hueiaeUoaU7. 1 \ILillll: \he tao\ \hU rul•7 4•­pH4•4 90 ... Oh Upoll n71111 ill ... Iorlc State poll Uu thll\ hll i• """ pu\ 111 a poe1uo11 ot lOJ&).11' e\u41q b7 h1a llll4 g1T1q all '""' help ""' .....

Wi \II •nrr goo4 W1 all, 1 •

D'~ DA.VII> x.. Ullllllf<m

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-PS F: '' L"



.... 'l.

J/ }JI .

/ . •' 1'


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••• ~y Ute ••1, l hive 8'\lrPOrted t.he l'T'eti~t. \hrH t.:1.et, t.ht l•st. with f<ftluctance . f knQll' many tnOther Who dl d t.h,ii 11114 tnd bl!Yt l'tO intention ot doing •o again, but. know Uiey • on •t. tell the Pre11d'!n t befoN Conv~nt.1on day and not. onl,r t.htt., UJl11111!11 at.c.end tha t. con'itnt.ion and not. 1-t. knOlln their inWnUon1. To 9¥ aind the Prtt Sden\. t.1 all th• Glor7 there U t.o be hldJ m, ?"•Ofl pl•n he ur n.w er •"" appro.,.. of 1'111 bt eurdl!red becau.t• ot piononal hatred, •• waa don• with tootirow 'fllaon , Tt th.ia Countrr oJl'l't. wJggU. on because ot on• i t 11 tl•• • e know it., i n llU' op1nton .

Torre1t. t...ar 1'-ar •nd'°"ftit, .lt.tcrntt• •ortolt, ~ebr~•k:a

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c 0 p T

Pr .. id•t Fraak.Uo o. 1oos ... 1t f!M Wb.Jt• J!.OUae.

•rt.h ltoaJ.act-oa, eo. • ., • ....., to. lltl

I .,.,. •..-Y ~.b with 10\I• by air, oa tb..1• hi..t.orio day or )'OW" third U..ugw-atloa.

Tour filldillf tt.z. to •rite M, ju.It before tb&~ ..,-. it more than appr.oia •d, but l ••t oorrtot a totally WJ"Oog i•o•tiOD g11'en by ~ leti.r Of JUl\I&.,. lit whioh OODJ\l.tod t _, dlatt.not m.ttwe, 1A M et!brt to b• 'br11t.

M)t .S.11ro, e:llpha.tio&ll)', wu llOt to barter oertaizl information tor ,..,. p-1t1rr1d Portltlcc •• to Oo~,,__t tr-9lgbt:J

~ .Wa..tr ie •!aplJ .,- &MDI ot ou171Dc thro~ •011 -:r on• wJ.th the 1.n!'oniatioD ••rrioe. whUh a ppUM tolely to SI perecma.1 effort. It. alao l\.lnb~ a reuoa tor • preanre, .. • -.1-r or it• o,....

Ou iz..nt tnlp~ ~•now are aow .,."""'.,.• and ovt.­-.rd tnigbt: i • op.a to ao.........i or -:t °""9r lhlpper, oa • ord.laar7 oompRid.Te -..11, tor rtphr ••"'-' h-oa "-ok•011Yill1 . I i.Doe I l:iafil'l'll to be .quJ.ppM to -..a•el l'Mt.1 rna nmorii. la \he areu cono1rnttd., mre eullJ uwl rapw.i, Ulaa a ~t &pot. l - ~~to Oat'Ty OD, ud Nport. if I VCOlll f\11.

~Till& r.-obtobd cm t.he OU.t-.la airporu throu.g;b a 11eD wtL.o ha• l !TM 1n th. •tM•h" alone tor ,.._,., proepeotlng oil tor larg9 1.attrMU, th•y OM b• "M'lh•<l With h•lp ot In.die oh1ef•, who ha•• be911 t.b9n.

Th••• U • r •portM ot a. ...... oot JaPNM•• oon•t,,,..tion, and ooqrff O't'•r with t•lled treat •ILd or•1ptr• •

l M:•e tood f"8&fOD to b• OOftViAo•d tti.t 1 OUl g• t l"'ll•W.t• 1a aor• t.taa OM di.rtotim ud fMl I ou "'1Ag lt a looe.

Jla'Te h• d _.. u..n .., U..n or th• \rop101 ...s th1I k1ad or •t\d't 11 mt a:, u .. or • d••at1W• tor the t\aa ot it . Ia tut, •aooptac 1• 41etu-t.tvl wt .... ,..,.,..

1tf •PMd -.::/" be 1 .. 1 U... &loa& lU.. lt.1&&-eftM, ,..t I OM a.pproolate 70ur r•ucm tor DK p ... a, Ui.• 14M a 9bo~·.

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/ ,

/ It •-- )alder tbr • to h9 or •• la tJU• ori•ie ti.a

U.e pq,. or WlA48o.r• • ltho\A&JI 1 ha.Ye abd1eated mot~ "'1t Po ........ .

'!htt .... dw ~ TOlua&Mr •WTIM 1d.U. •• g.r., •o akoul4 ocae -.ler tbs 1t.'tvte ot lla1~Uou.

R. R. LEAYelWT •• Lo&ki•

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.... ·-c>7· · l­~ ... ~· e-.;... . J... . - \A, . ' ·er-· ... • . •1 I

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fL~ ,, 2

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• I

G•&CT 1N•• A.MCI 8••T w .......

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J L 'UI L:G. c.~ .... <.

-evt--L;; ~- Lr ~

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·/ •

as W4 l.l. ll•((f

Dear J.;r. President 1 ;;1

•• • "tll. /f

There ifkt /Jtof/, /W"li411 morning' e lli.rror by P.ea,J:eJ/ IM.l~~llen

'rfCE/VEn about what they say I eaid to you a year aoo. The story is a harmlese and

unimportant one , but I don' t like you

to think that I talk to the papers

about my too infrequent talks with

you. I don ' t know Pearson or Alle.n.

I don't remember SdYins to you -~bat

th~y say I said . I don't quote my

convere~tions with you.

I am, my dear Kr. !'resident,

with great r espect

~~:·~·) The P:reeident /tb~{~~

The ihi te House ..;' j j 1 w .. ahington, D. c. ~, .' J "! •.)

Enclosure '

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l'' MaJ'Ob 16, 1942.

Door Ruuella

6osetiae1 I •hh I could ca:r17 out :rou:r Ulo\l&ht ot more t:requmt ialklnc on Ule air OD • 1 part but the one tbin& I dread 11 tbet ., talks ahoul.d be ao t r .. uent H to 1010 tbetr ettec:tt•e­neas . .lad 1no 1dontall7, I 1uppo1e 7ou ;noor tbe t ever7 t1Jae I talk ovor t he air lt •ean1 tour or five da71 ot lone , owerti•• llOl'll tn Ulo prepara­tion of •bat I aa7. Actuall7, I oannot atroru t o ta.<e th11 t!Ale awa7 troa more Yltal Udnc••

!Mrc ta apat~, t boueh fl'a.nkl)' I t hink it is lecacoi!li •

.But )'Oii are dead ricb t about t he parade1 and the bra11 band1 NM! the ""'U.1111 &nL the waYinc ot the flae. I u t:ryinc to cc t ' t hat 1tarted el.l ove?".

• Hones tly , the r~al trouble 11 not 1n the

people or t.bc leudc:r1, but in a canc!lich unfor-tunately »u:rvive1 ~ aadc up mo1tly t hoae • bo Wt. r e 11olation11 t1 be f ore Doceeber 1c n th and who a re a c tuated today b7 Yario111 mot1Ye1 l n tbalr effor t to 1n1t1ll d11un1ty 1n the coun t r)'. SOiie arc publhher1 ike Bertie llcCormlck and the Pa tter1on1 ano Roy llo•ard papc re. Tll~ beuts ot tbHe people not 1n unity and aOlle of thu 1t1ll want a neco la ted peace . S0110 of t t- are colu nht 1 or r ad i o c Oll!lentator1 • bo a re act i.ated by t ho aue mo tiYH. So::h of th• arc ;>ol1t.1cally ainocd o.nd 1e t.i< el ection 1a1.n1. Soac of U- are anti-racial aaw ant1-reltc1ou1 l i ke tho a.K. K. crowo

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• ' <

/ - 2 -

and ao•e are extr .. e national1ats l1ko aome ot the wild Ir1ah.

The bes t co1:1cnt I have beard waa b7 Eh wr Davia attor I apoko at the end or Pebrual')'. He aa1da • 6olle people want the United Sta tea t6 win 1 0 lone aa L'ngland loses. So~e people •ant the Onit«I St#t.a to win ao lon1 aa Ruasia loaoa • .t.nd ao.llc ,..eople want thci United Sta.tea to win 10 lonG •• Rooaevelt l oaea.•

I th1n~ we muat avo i d too •uch personal leader•h1p -- my good triond Winaton Chllrchill baa autfe r ed a l i ttle tro;ri. this. It aua t gro• more a.lowly -- rc.aubcring always tha t we have onl.y been in the war t or throe •ontha.

Jlut you are dead r1Cht 11nc I - atart1n& on that 11ne. you one o r these daya aoon •

about 11are enthuaia• I do hope to 1ee

.t.1 ever youra,

Honor a ble R. C. Lottincwell, 23 l'lall Stre• t , :1ew Yor .c , !I. t.



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Ir. LettiDpell allked me to

pve 70u thie letter.


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/ :!9 '1'4.._'/t,</),,,,t


Lear l'r . treeidPr.t:

I a\lt,.uee tl1At Y® l.d.,t a tu~f;f'ttn.r PYflr.,' •lro\;,te

tr.;,r:- tore one. \"•t I ho;..t. yo't n1 ll t;1 •• l!'~r• tii.at~ a. P'\O tr. t' a

thuu..,h t tu t•1("~0 ft'l1 au&.,eat-1or1e ot 111ne .

1 think l'f!Ople need to be r ou••4 fl"n~ the tr •poth,y

and rror'l tllo1r dti!onae pl'lycllolnG)', o:atl !'lore o! thttm rror.1 tlit;lr

"'"okl\ittns , t114 ~tin:.(! r r oin thPi1· deteattn·'· I til1n~ :·01,1 are

tbf' onl.y Ont ,.,ho cun 4o 1 t •

.rit•.Y ~oo tn.frec;:uentl.y ee-c Yt.1\1, v.~ tl)O 1r rreriue-ntly

he11r 10~ voice. :'o!> :seldo• and too lat- ~o !. t' .ave tl1t ..,T'S"

tl.rill ur t.,•rlr-c.; you a;...eak in dih:ct d11 oitr•l' 11 'S r f'!-1'n

.e ... utitul tr t,liat1.

tor thf.t t"odei; ar.C t=oce1o:l'at di•t"'rt,.d rtfltcti'>ll ot

tlte c..1 Y• ..,.,. t.Wc:w of 10\l.1" conv-..rsr ~ionft 1tl th t>,,. r-1ortf'r~ "·"'• -n ' t

do tno Job at oll . .ndeed ofte"l C!'I l'\Ot 1 t do"• er rt.i<!h )-.... lT' Cl!ll

4,;00d ,

A4Ju1n , 1u1out defenaie t>P:yoi.oloi...Y, : ttl11 1·;i- n~l t to

"toi. lt.\11n.,. dt1t'eneo lJ'O>uda unU bec1n eoll1n..; W-•r b'>rd1 , uncl

orcAnir.11 th,, t.onktrrt nt ~l:fl c1J1J.ntry 1 1.111 over tht oowtry , t o

flell t.'1ttl', Thf'J' 'Ju..)1t w hold t'leet1.,.t,;tt a:~ --"~ tl., r1-~.

An4 l t'.1!'l1<. .,,c o·a~ht 1;t) ~e"d O'.tr lwye ~ "" :t 1t:2;1ntrtG

ow1;.1 wl t.h J •radet a.•.A brA!"S L.#ndA er••l C'I~ rer11 re t. a~ .. .,r 1 ave the.:­

Pl'lri l)•.-t f'I( 1':01111 :.u.:l.~nor~ 4.!:.t' ~~tzr-4,,. IXC•! t" ty tJ1•lr !~· tlie!

"" tl\;J•t_t 1 t wtrt l'Ore ,, in.:,. to be a..d h u·a t OT rv,.n 'lfltcr t"d fl :.oo t..

i'• l!"u•t. _t ta 11t-tle tt.rtll of t•trlotle r-rv~ !nto

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-2 ,

t ht• ~ "'BJ"t" or , 11 tuo fAtovlt" . l't1•·y n l"t hav,. t 'I''-' uJ1d p

• .tift&!.01 e; tt dti t i·1 t~ curr7 l.}1" r.v t,.i, v1ct.~? ,:,i . tl.1 ;t n 1:6 to

.,,1C; lifted l\lt f U.• I . ir1 t •( .:t"ir ff ~\'.1" ucr ~l•' ). 4f•l!C'\ll tOu

a. 1-r!t vt >.o,.. tt.,;" ree ... lve to tr!w . .:.. .

! un , r :,/ dt·ur

:'.'hto .?)·~~!.~tn~ :,~ ... ;;}d, tv u.Jl.l.tlC

';;" .~h1t1.c.,""'to•1 , • C.

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J 11ft1• entsndu 1u.11, ; Kedl1on Oer4ee., at. JlooteYolt,

qui je YO)"ai• pO\U' la pr~fre to11, 1t, pt•nent r111u.r1

IYIO u.n oell tou.t neut de ct beau type hWMin d 1un Chit

91u, j 1•Ya1t ad.llJ.r0 qu'; notr1 'poqu• W\I de.oor•tit tUt

orat. d• l 111prll et du coeur. ~·•11nt pu, juaqtN ia,

J\A&•r qu. 11bOIDit d1 ~tat, qu111 ••t t10111 d 1adalror,

J11ppr;bmd111 qgelquo c1ec1pt.1on. IW' la plaWorM d1

pol1Uqu1 1A~r1 .. .i.r11 dana un di100W"1 part11t.Met.

1obr1 1t d;pouill•. J'•i ou le protoftd.1 1atl1t1otlon d1 n1

Jamal• 11 prendr• •~ d~t1ut do oa.pl1l11nc1 1nYor1 lui-

- ' ao .. , d 11bendon • aucwio do coa d1u.x t1nt1tion1 habituollo1

dt l 1oratour polltlquot la r~toriqu• O\.I 11 d'-9;os1•·

L1ho ... que j'ai ent·endu n 1e1t po1 1 oh•aJ'l11 1100

I " , , \ h.bllit• 1upre:ao, 6DY1r1 lui-....., oon1i1tt prtoi1e.ment •

pay:volr ne J1aei1 11or1ti1r ••• 1x1,e.n.011 intia11, 111 ' . ,

ts1&1nc11 •1cr1t.ee, a 11hab111te poli\..1,u• 1nd11pene1bl1.

la r~111t.e, 11 Yl'lll dr ... ~iA 11t otlu1 41 01\\.1 1011.

t\td1 ltor9t.e pmr:d. la toul11 c1ll1 41 t.OU\ ..aw.r d 1b0Mlill

eyant. • ,...,11r ID Cl .ond.1 Wll a1111CID·

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.. -- '

-· ............ I ima.n'-4 lbat tll9 ltate Dlftetol"­

ldalp of Ille ,....ral aa.•lllS W.llll•traUon

1JI ...... 'lmHtt• l• op9D all& I "11111&

appsoeelat• n lf ,,. -14 -.ia.r Daahl Lellan4 for thl• po•lUon. .U

,,_ know, 119 -. ooama-.. wt.tb tll9

B,O,L,o. for a -bar of,..... llD4 alao

Illa• Ma• emr-'94 wt.th ftl'loa• real

••'-'- _... 111 llD4 al'Ollll4 .......

i' .D.a.

Page 46: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

.r... ••• 19".

Dear Daa1

!be '"•l4eat la• JCllll' litter aa4 wa1 4elt.pw4 to knaw that llt.117 l• llbowf.as Hal. lai#OHMBt &114 ll 10 •11'1 la\en1W ln all that ll'Oll Oii _ .. 1111' tblM daJ'I,

Ill 11 M84l1s 1f/lla - to A111el' Pel'llllOll to tell hill of JllUI' l11t1n1t 111 thl ..... 1111 .. tt1 1Stat1 J)lnotorohlp of thl • .1.&. Wo wlll. lit ~ Imo• wbat w hl&I'.

!Ill PNlf.4ont Hn41 ...... JIOl'IOnal ftg&l'41 to JOU &114 0ool'I••

Aa ..... .

... • D&lll•l Lollan4 ' 188 VaYll'lJ Aft- , llewton , 111a1 ... baMtt1.

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<P~l~)~­~ Ir\. tJ.l::.. . /J~Tnr. <:f~

J ~cnil/ tat ~ ~. StJili fJinuJqy 1 -if-t J. If a. /iao ~ o-wd,a.o -9~~ ~ r-~at~,·~~u~~ io ~~h-tt~. Jja. ti.~ ~r-' k ~,,, ,g ~ ~~~· '

~W\.<A£· ~~ . -trt/ f/wru-~ -~ ~~'~' ~*...,~~ a. ,/,~ ~ ~ ~&a .. ,;.f "-, ?1VCal.L.7 ~ A4 IV ad."J ~ Ut/;;_ . 4-~ t~ et. ~ ~ -it.t;:,,f n.. ~ .,.,;,., u.ol. •. .'c::tL. ~~, ~ M ~~.

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~ ,' ~~~~ · ~~~~~Af;'7 ~p/~M ~~rJ-~ fvl71v ~.

, I

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.II - p • r

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' ' '

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. . ,,.. WHrn HCM.-: ---

,,... 2), 19'9

wook .nor Is•• llo.oll.P.D.R.~


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0 0 p


>Cr - llr. l'n1l4at1

!otel 4 1Uaa Parh J..,.. 7 , 1939

The l'ario e41H.., ot th<! Boral4-!ri'bw>o ooalll.J>o th<! "''" ot th<! 41toa\ ot U11 Llb- blll ot th<! !ouao. I ooat111 that I - 00111Pl•t•l7 bowll41ro4 all4 "l'J' moh 4h\r111o4 117 ouch ..., ....._cto4 oOolco. It •• •-• llloa17 n WM du to otap poUUoo ot the "'"' 4ooplcabl1 oort. I aa 411gu1t14 ~114 ........... BaTi,.g ha4 DO .,..,. tro;o V11hiactoa I hpo 1Gppooo4 tbat th bill WM 110lnc throucl> vithout 411fi0\lltl11, p orhopo alNNldT been pa1"4. 01'17 7oot1rda:r I vao tolU114 Jullaa Cain, Dlnotor of the libllothlquo B&Uoaol about your plaa la vhich he 1xpr11114 the greo.t11t lat1r11t all4 tho hope tbat lt •lght be written up ao aa •-pl• o! pu.bllo oplrlto4 gon1rc(J7 vhioh oucht

' •f• to bo tollowd 117 otl:uo. s£ J 1

I aa 1•t >t nc ioaorTOV on the Pnelda Jloo1nelt and oball bo 1n lln Tort: 117 Ju;co l? an4 le Vaohi a tov ""7• later. Then I ohall toll< U onr vltb ) all4 otbero all4 hope that I aBT 111 :rou lt :rou aro otlll there, l 4on't want to i t" IJP :rot all4 am quite rea4:r to pt into &1 bii a tight 11 po1-1lbl1.

-hil•, I aa crlndlAt: SI tooth to thlnl< the\ I ba ... to bo O¥rtT at Ju-t thlo ti...

I tln4 that all SI triondo onr hero (~""4 - J'ruoo -Bolgiwi) are ooarlnco4 that 7our lotter to Bitler and M\looollnl vu a molllc17 vroncb la the machinoey an4 4aaapd n oon1l4lrabJ.7, prcbabl7 b17ond npalr all4 that lo ""' °"" opinion.

T1.17 1lac1N17 70ur1,

'l'ho !ononblo J'nal<lla I>. lloooenlt , fbo Vhl to Bouoo, Vaobiactono D. O.

Valdo S. Lolan4

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Page 57: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

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Card vr1tten 1n llro. FDR'• hanelvr1t1ng Apr1l 3rd, 191• rros 1733 N Btreot, Vaohlngton, D. c.

•1:4Jrore! IAYott, Ila• UnCI vHh H tor t1Yo 90ntbo oo bu.Slor and •olet. 1 ho•• roun4 h1• boneot and eober and •or7 ooapetent. Re 1• a Ytr7 eo<>CI nlet and ltoepe ••er7tb1ng 10 goo4 orelor. Re keep• 1llY1r •err vell end aak.11 •err aoo4 1al'4• and 1a.n4w1~b1 1. A• I •• ~lng 1wa1. Mr1. Jue1 Rooe1Y1li:, •9 Eaet 6&th ltreet, ~" Yor~ 01t7 •Jll be glad to opeak to an7ono about h1a. I let •go IOIUll 4o noi need hla 1n Summer. Mra. r. D. Roo11Y1l t•

Page 58: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

..... -.. --. 10 &llr ~rnrmt .


.... ,x. ~ -&"-~

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Page 60: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

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. . • •

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Page 63: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

r11e under L1abt!oot.

. .


Page 64: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

O.atl•• '

Io ..,i7 \o ,._ lllqw.1'7 reprdllll MUD a. UcamOO'I', 430 • •• N \ ll ,,,...,, ...- Yolit, .. "'°" Ula\ be l • t t ,...... ot ... . •rrl .. llA4 1'Nld .. • , &1"8 . ........

llabJeo\ .. , be.a ldeatl t1• d witb tM adnrtl1laf, ad••rtl 11ac --1, aM ladut rlal -aiaffrla& bWllM• • to:r IO ,...,.. or M N ud ._. JMft I.So opeN\H _,.,. tbll ... ot t M t.lgllttoot S."1.••· tadutl"lal ..pa..n ud ed""'l • lac • "1••·

At ._. ,,..._, u .. \M •lijMt ,,,_,.. • • \M ,,.. ... , aad 4caiutllle ta•\O'r u 14s:MtMt "-eoelaM•, l••· I Ml ....... . ... I tktl fttJ'l 1aoorp1r11Md ... r tM law "' u. ..... - . .. Tork OD , ... U t la.., ""Aprt.l ,., wttla .. avtbor1Nd .. ,1\&l ' '°* ot tSO)abu'H, all ot *1e) &l't t1f _. olul, Yltlaoft per ftlu.

T"9 ... ,. of t t. ... en. l• to ocxaWt\ • .... n.i •~•Uc truiia_. botb u ,,.Udpllla •• .,._,,, 1.r!olud.inc t.be prer.n\toe ud ,,.........., or adqMJ--..t1 u4 tt.e __.aotun uO OOU\1\11\ OD ot .,n nl•llt& dftieee ... oonltl ••·

•• " " uebla \o contact lfr. 1.tptroot e t bl• pl••• ot rNl4a~L~ ..,., la l"NJI09N to a oard ~•tlaB • ~la'-'• bt Ned tide omoe .......... tut_ i.. ... i .. n ... ,..,. ••r•n , n.o. ,_ .. • "b .... .,., ...s wwld .f04"b\MlJ bt 1D t!mt el t7 ma\ 1 t t\ar psrt o th -*, W t \bat • • t•llM ud defl•i t • l.Dt oiwatl OD oould" d»\al.D• 4 ,,.. b.ia OD bt• n un to ... torte Olt7.

Iaqal1'i•• • 4• ta outal d.a eou1"Caa u.d or ,.reNnoe• tunt1.hed b7 k r . LlibttOOt tall to tiaO AAJOQe 1.o a pe>eltlOD \0 .-xprtll 1.D Opl DlOD Al tO hit tlaanolal 1tat u1 or "'P<*•lbl llty, or.,..,.. wt bltD able to e1\abll1b .....

TM IUJao\ oocnapl• • a $UIS. a llODtb • P91'WtiOt oo 1M ea• tloor (wlte O) at •30 lil t t61ll ltl'Mt, hw To~ Olt)', at wb.ioaa M14"'' bl t• taTOrt.bl1 .. .-.r,n..i1 •pot• ot •• • da•lnbl• tenut, baa a t•deo07 at tl.a9• to be a 11 tl• • • ta .. • tlca ti.11 .oa\hl.7 rmt, wt • tl"OQbl• bu beea npert•oed la ooll1ot ln.c -., aad N14 to be owiq DOthln,g lo tMt f.t1"90tloa at tlae ,.,.. .. , \l.M.

0. oouultla& tba llt tattoe ftOOrta " tta4 tba\ OD A"C"I\ 26. 19!15 a IW.t •I l.a.at lWted. &p.lut9f.J'J'9 2. 4"1.gtt;tf'oo\, 1~ LolqiOD An., for t r:z.60 bf ~alt-er t.. Ilona tor ••ntoM nndand. o, loy• ber e, lt3B a Ja..-t-.. tllt4 &plut "'•rl"a R. 1.1.Ptfoot, ••""- at t.30 la• '- Nab Stl'Ht, tbla c1t7, tor l t,8!0.01 'OJ' Zlaz a: llaJ'er. Ice., OG • Cl tr COlllJ't J~t.

0. ~bar lt, 19$2 • ""1.lt tor eMJ..t!5 fllH ..-1.ut ••,.,._a. Light.toot, ••"94 ., 10915 Pf ft .lT•.' bt ZIAD .. Jq.r loo. I 09 ( 6J nowa. Oa aro....,.r U, 1931 . eulti tor •&.~. a.a!!i.n.et W&t'J't!t R. LtgbJ.fOOt 13' 11'••t 31 &\net arid MS14-N6 I. Ll~htfoot, l~f.I &e.1t ~ Strett 1 tor •~.300 bf the Crant'ot-O -rni.t Co., OD 1 note.

On .11.ll.7 23, 19~ iarTR 8 . LiLbtfOOt ltln Z..et 93 StNat tiled a TOl'in~ ]>tltltton ln t.nk"-&ptor, •• .. t• t 32,SOO., il•b111t1•• l 63,f6t ,e8. Atton..,.a Poeee , l'1tober • Drs•en , 29& liled.l•on '"• •·· t hl• otty.

On lul.1 !$, l 93S, a J.-11 p.;_d1n1 (ror1olown or .oncaca ) tllH apiu'\ "'•rn• A • .C.t1bttoot , propart7 at OnA4 u4 .... -. 8tNtt1 1 tbl• cltJ bJ' 1.b.a Oraato\"4 Tl'\&•t Co., to Ht u1ee OOllTilJenc1.

ft.I rouowtaa •it• .. " tiled ..-1ut - • rt"a a. l.1ptroot. 1 1 "94 at l M1dlM1 Aft. \bil ol~, hi-cb t , 1917 • tlot. t t 111J tbl leblaat .,.,ftle tor a tONp• lma 24l ltt.9. • IOO. llf tt. Com1A l ire Co •• oa tou.r aotu Oot 0b1r 11, 19'9 - • 98.M 1)J \be tu a. 91 at., o._,... tao. tor aionae:

0. ~t &, 19'1 a jadpMt -.. t'lled. ... 1.Ut • arm a. Lt&)littoot aad 1oM 11. Luba, e44N N IOt •Ut.4 tor 1163.!4 llJ tllll ... 4-l•ioe C.tter St.op ••tuN ot aot lon aot •t.ated. · '

OD D1....,_r 31, 1930 no J~Jl\a .. :re ttle4 l.llh•t WaJ'l'M 1. u4


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llildrlM 9. Liptfoot, dO.J"N• aot •'-'* "7 \lie Tl.._ RMltJ • CoutNO· \lCID Oo. l•o., ce. tor ea,ot&. tt lln4 tbt otller tor 11,SU.~. ;,ptut Warre 1..1pttoot, M4rMa DO\ 1'\et .. , la ltt6 ,._,,.. _. • • Jud .... ,, la lttf t.bne .. -· Jed-'· Ob , .. ...,. 30, lnl, • J~\ b)' tbe sww Tu ec.&l .. toa ._1ut .-. pel"tJ fol' t&?O.!f •

• , • looel beak tb• 1.tsMtoot .A.e.o•l•t•• lao. I •lOUiDila« • -11 "-' .. tlataoto17 , routta• DOa-bo1'1"0W1ae oMetU& aoeOlat •la•• 193'7, ttA a oCCNat '6-4 bNa oaachao...O a.loq pl"Op9t l lu• u4 " l1tlonaldp Nttataot orr. hJ'ftD R, Ltahttoot baa llDOI 1918 be-. mplOJ"ed II Un1'1lalag oou.DH19T bf, ..... NOO aaiio & Pbaa.ognS;b Corp., w ., • .l••· · t bl-• olt7, a.a4 bl • Mi­Tte•• l• t bPt oepeel t)' ban b99 b11bl.:r •tlotaoton. ._ ta .. 11 lmo.a u.11 re.orebl7 reprded bf 8-Juia Abrw111, pN•ldll'.lt or tb.1• ooccero, 1lbo •t•tt• t bati h9 baa known tb• 1ubJ1ot tor th• ptlt l & 71&.re u4 Wbat bUal:n•N nl•ttoo• M baa ba4 • l t'e hbt bl•• al•ia:t• Mi-. ooeduct9'd La • proptf' -.uor • •• c. 8•baldt, MMg1.nc: dt H ot.or ot \be R. f,Ut.o1 Cv.ttlhg liei.t.e, to ?tn• StrHt, tb11 clt7, and who aotl •• ibl ""Yo,. npre1en t•tl•• of tba Ooloalal R.cllo Corp., Bu:tt&l.o, H.Y., •t•t.••· t bet. bl bt• m°"11 t h• n.bJeot ~1"1Aa tb pe•t l& ,..,. bOtb u • bulM•• GM! eootal ..,., tha\ W&rND a. Ltct:i:ttoot. u, tM ~et m:d aleo the Ll&htfoot luoct•t•• • ban •ot.0 •• •4Tert1•le.g OOWlfflore tor t.ta. Coloni al R.4lo corp. 1 •4 aleo la e.n •d•i•on oa peol tf, whst bu•lQ••• rel••tono b• Ml bl\4 W1 tb LtlCbttoot han al_,• l>MD att'1lt•4 t.o prcaptl1 u4 pro;erl7, baa rieadliNd aatielaotory ••"le•, e,okm ot u a m.n. ..U polt'4 ln !ll• Uu at '*'*• na-u4• 1'la bilbl.7 ud ooa1ld•'P bl.a "'paa..1tbl• &a4 dlJ.rlaa t.b• •Uf T••re 1M ba• knoa. bia bl• 1-•J'IS no •d•erH ort tlct•. BlllT B. Burritt, aea.eral cllreotor « tb• C~lt7 '9.nlce, Ia.c •• ~1' 4th Aft., thi• ol t7. net••· tb&t be bo• bOllll thie aobJeot 4UJ'1.a.& tlM put. 15 or m """ u4 tor a t1•Mr ot 1•• ..... up UDtU tour or M•• 1-.n •Co ba ( 1ubJeotJ bad Men • 1110,-ed ln •n ad•l•ory e&Pf'Oltf end •• adY•rtl•lng cowaotl bf the N.,, 'ton I:n.etltut • tor l~ro.,1a1 tb• OoaC1ti~ or the Poor, • Moh ... 1uMe­Q.~tl7 •rc•d lato tbl Comu..clt7 S.nlc•, tne. Tbat 1.t&bt!'oot nct!•rM b.1Pb' Mtter•c\017 •"1.ce, eould• re at.ill • 9Ul wall ••Ned tn t.b.9 ad••rtl•· la& fi.•ld and ~tle be ne uneblt \0 IJ;J>rt•• u oplO.lOn •• to eubJeoi• • ttnanotel NlpOa.ll blllty bell9••• t?ult: lo tb• ptat h• dld d•rl•• a tUrlt good UY10Jj 1ACClme fro. hi• bu.•lA••·

Warra R. Light.toot d'ur1q t!le J*•t 11s 71•r•1 ln• bMn 10\lq •• •0· Y1rt.l1lng ooun1elor ror ibt Welbi l t 8tOT• Co., {appllanoee} &?•lR FlueblDrl AY-•· t ~·petb., L,I .' • h•H be l• •pOteD Of •• MD ot abUlty, o•~bl•. •Nlci•nt a4 aunna tbl tu. U..t ti. baa tlMll • pl.OJ'14 la ill• Mpe.oltr hi• nadered hl.ghl.7 • ttetaot.or.r Hnlce, Dtftr ~ Uc.Cer..., c.rit lcl•, ooaeld•J" b1a • Bl8A Of ability and re1~albl•1 t1:11orer a• tbelr bueln"' 1"9lattonabtp 11 CODC!lf'tltd,

11'arriq R. Li&httoot t• .. u ~ to u4 t1YOr..lll.7 Ngan.4 1'T, oae of th• 41.reot.on or th• Iii.- YoK d.eni.ld 'f"l"ll;Nne, 230 "••t iU S tre.t., tb1• c&t7 , 'Wt!.o • speak• of hlJl •• a ... n or yeere ot erperleac• l,n tho ~4'f'lrt1e1n' t i • l d, ~d wbat bu1t1:1eet Hletioct be hu bad With Ma et tla9• 111 tte pa1t. nre properlJ' ~41'4. Thil P9-1"'t7 .. , UA•bl• to upl"NI u opln.lClll •• t-o \hi' 1'M'pGU1bllit)" o: tM wbJeot ot ln,v.:trr.

IJ'ti. CODO• DllU ot oplnlon rea,a.rd.ln& tt• wbJeot, b1 tboe• 111t•r"fi.-.d, LI or a teYOnbl• utur• t:uo!•r ••bl.Yin••• eblllt7 c4 r11.a\loo1 •re cw.c•rned~ bQt. eltboc&gb. tM nrlw• Mfll'IDC•• OOGll!llt'4 l\et• tbat ,__,. bt'f'• t:r.IOWD Ltghttoot tor MD.1 1••rt thl7 .. ,.. unable to oft•r ao opt.atoa •• to bl• tinaaoiel T'tlptD&l bll lty or to ""''' e xt .. t hi would bl re1pon1\bl1 •

.,...,..r, .. an UMbl• to ••tabl\U &:17 .,..., aout o! tla.uot.i ,... l poD.tlbllitr ud aa&ae•t that lD •tt•H • b•re OJ"IO!t l• OODt•pl.•hd he be aed.1 to aublllt proot~ot Me ebSllty to M•t .....

R1&1rd1n4 1our •$1+0l!'1.o q11e•i-100 u to eu.bJ•ct•a 1ct1.-lt1•• Ln t1M Nl•lai: ot t\Dd1 tar eoU~e , .. are laJ'o""4, tlliat ._, ,..._,.. •ao be • • aot.tT• La th!• dl,..cttoo, but durlag tM peat t l•• yean or '°• bit tlon1 nothing llong tbOJ• ltn••, and oontlne• bi• aotl'f'\tl~• to tbl• or ad'f'l1'1 1•1,aa oowaelo~.

Page 66: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,


t..e•••r troa D&Tid Llll•tb•l \lo Senator •o1"1'1a about

Olla1,..... llorgon op1>40!.JIC h1o N•appo1n-n•. Szpl.&1Aa

thoil' 4U1'-0H o1' op1n1°"" 1n HCU'd •o T .V.A .

&Dolo1e1 hi• i..tt•r• to llorgu 11114 b11 Npl7 •

Page 67: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

IS.~ _JJ,, •J., '

TDtNma YAU.SY AUTHOlltln ~ Wa I II ITON ~:;;!;; ~ • • ltal

Joa. aobwt • · Le FoU.tt.e, Jr. lreDate 0tt1M • 1 >•1 11 ~.o.c.

n..- S-t.ol" .. f.u.\t.et

Siaort ov noeet ~•U• 1 u. .. Ml.Mt.ed •• .,., •• 11hidli lll.arin\e • OODOWD et. Ua9 lmtboritJ'' • Dtc1..Mer1ac DiTid.oD' • pnotioe ol ""pol.atillc ~ •• .,.. bl\,.r op_ .. ot pobUo op.eraUoa or poweJ' •••l•s Y.

l reoopJ.M that ia du buJ.ld.1Dc ud nea 1a operac.ioa., .. ••t oft.en ue an who ba•t 'bffa la. UI• •plOJ ot pri,..M utJ.llU... Tbere 11, bOW'nr, DO Ju.at.Uioatioia tor Ult appoiD.t.at of COIUW.tanta trit.b \be noord1 ot tboee I rtler to below, tibere IAq ..,. ud do fll:too• poU.Uo.

la Mp•• ot lllA I not.ad in o -- IM\ a.u-a More-a W •anoanc .. ta. appola'-t. t:4 U.. Ull1.1t&Dt. \o Ulil rr-1.da\ ot tM -- loll T~ ~ to Ile in ....... ,_ ot ~ .. i.ou.- ot OU' "''!C!i To mn •cb a •\t. °"" to• uuuq. mauU" ...... •* poll07 th&\. I opPMtd U-1 ap.­polDtiNDt, ad \be loud dffidtd a,p..lut. lt1e HleoU•, at't..r at.eaded c11.aa .. 1oa. I at.t.acb OOP7 at .- tal.•vu to tile lctud 1n thia •tt.r, 9U'ked "'"· •

Tb• ~naa Diri•io• iA recent. ... t. bat NOOMIDded and .. han •plOJ"ll4 •• oonwlt.aata Ul1H ep1

(a) Dul.el I • ....S, .. u Down tor b11 oppo1iUOC1 t.o p;ablic power deTelopmnt, pa.rtj.cahrl.7 tor hi.a at.taok1 u,,oe <loo St. LnnDoe pnJoot.

(~) Cloorp I. ~-. - 7oor• IA• ri.,t.• -man t4 Mu-till ball, N 'Yi ........ Pd&t of ~ DOt.orioul 111.dd.le lu\ ~tillUu ~. - a -...ltiAc _, r in a.t-.

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COPY °' WES'l'BBN VNION TELEGR.lK P'lor·enco, Alabama

July 26' 1933

Tenno,eeo Valley Authority Attention A.rthur B. Morgan 1.nd B. A. Morgan .K{loxvillo, Tennessee

Greatly concerned ovor now3paper roporta of sor lou.a conaidoration

to application of Kendall Weisiger •a,1atant to Proaidont of

Southern Boll Telephone Company as important man in Poreonnol

Division atop Granting Weisiger$ tine character and tochn1cal

quall.ficationa his c.losa aa3oc1•t1on wi th lllrgost util ity 1n

An:criea and hie unquestioned loyalty to hi• chiefs in my Judgment

would almo5t co~ta1nly d1aqual1fy him to ald in aoloetion ot

pOr$onnol tor Authority atop Thia 11 by no moCUla a rotloot1on

on Wo1aigor tor I aaeume that in hie present employment ho baa

concurred in Bell Syate~3 deep seated opposition to govertui:ent

in bua1~oas ond that ho could not over n16)1t profeas • belief

in tho fOa3ibil1ty and wisdom ot the SOVOrn:!lents rirst gree.t

busl..nees aet1v1t7 as required ot Board combera by the act stop

Purthen:nore 1t would give extremists an opportunity to cr1~1c1 zo

every nppoint'li\Ont 1n Wb.1ch he part1c1patod as boing pro~ptod by

his pnst assoc1.at1ono a.nd resu1t 1n emba.rras1irent to him

particularly since report ls that he la to be on loavo ot absence

atop 8ol1ave important matter of principle involved and

ee.rnestly solicit your ea.r6tul weighing or tho abovo considera­


David E . Li11onthal



Page 69: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

.. .. -~~-----.--------~----~~~-----..~~-------~ ./ :~

'' .,,. .. -::~ r .I§ ..... : .. ~ /ll .., l' • .: f


llaD.rr ... t P. • •lall Cllall'Mll llew Yor, POiter J.11\llcrl~ Chlooao, Ill1no1•

IUllla&\cm, I>, O. llaa• Ii, lt~

I Ila•• '"-' lo l"llo4 tllat Daelol I, - lo to 4olhor u e\taot \11100 tho H&l&oorla& pl ... O tor \110 4H•l-Dt ot tho lDtUUtlOMl Ropl4o SM\SOD .r tho S \, lAWl"eDH -WQ· W1Dter •eat 1Dt o •••r'J pU.M ot U.1• proJeot.. Ul lD\orodo4 P9rt1oo wen Sn1t•4 to PHHD \ \bolr Yiowo but PrcfoHor lied 414 DO' 1Dd1ooto hi• lDtarHt nor hlo wllU,,...H. to t.0Uf7 bdcro • Co•i \te• •b.,.. he • oulO baft be• aubjeo\ to oro•• exaal at lm. end Wlloro rebuttal too\t..ciQ tfoa tho ArJQ llqlaeoro whca .Protouor llea4 nc • olurri.D&~ ottaou 001114 lla'N boH pro4uoo4. I .. D°' eur9rleo4 that Prote190r Mead aboul5 mpon1or a 'blaao4 •AC1•••r1a.& atteok upon tba St . JAwre.aoa s ... ., . llar4-allella4 r•0Uour7 4ur1a& hlo 7oaro or •plo:r-ont oo o antler or tho tacult7 or \ ho llnlnrol ~ ot WlooooolD. lie llaa Dot 44-•otad bl • m.U n tlM to ua.i•v•1 Qt wort Mw••v a.ad aa1Dt.a1.n• at lea.at. t.wo otrloe1 wber• h.18 1u"•loe1 _, b• retained tor prlTWita t110rt. It lo ••11 lea°'"' tl>at Protoooor 11•0 boo boon aloool1 o ttll1ote4 wl\11 pr1Yeto pawor lntoroo\o, It M1 bo well ID peeataa to ~· U:lat he t.rl.S. to ••n• tba pr i••C.• power• ..at.or.at• 1>1 uklD& uot.llor l ooL a!Auto untnorablo 011111Doerln11 ropor\ ln ton444 to dolQ tbo Boul4or l>oa proloot • lllola aloo lD•ol .. o l•rso publl a pow or 4 .. olopMnt. 'nlo reUtsooUon ot tlao S\, Lawreoo o Troa~ aot 0Dl7 •<OD• u outlot to \tao - tllr tor\;J-tho a1111on poaplo now lu4-looko4 1n tho 1114- oontSnoat, but 1t wll!

Page 70: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

I .,

• •• •• ...... ..

~ ~ . ~ .... . ~ ,. •

:~.o brbc to tnitioo C.~4Jtl2pm~tor publio u11e u4 'benotit or toll• lorgoat bloo ot ••tor po"r oa tho Mort.II 48<..riou oontillont, Prl't'ato pow. ... r lotoroato 4cmiuto4 bJ l. P. llorgu 0114 OOllPUi•• ot Uni to4 Corporat1o11 ha't'o boo aooklllg thl• gr••} ut11ral rooouroo tor their OWD Hlthh m4a. AD4rn Molloo'a ' il-111\lll Coapan7 alao bu e big oteko 111 tlaia ovot.ro't'ora7. IA Tio• ot Prot~aor Mood'• well ma.· 11 tie up with thoprl't'ato ut111t1-I • ahookod thot ho ••• about to 4ol1't'or a paper botoro three 4iat1o~u1aho4 e11g10 .. riJ16 aoolotloo without u oppor t1111it7 tor rob11ttal witil 1our lotter ot protoat -4• it. poaslblo tor 7011 to be proao11t. I ahall be ploaao4 lt ao oppor t1111ltJ1 ia ottorded tor J"Oll to aproa4 upoo the al.auto• thia tologrom to llldioato tla t .Protc.oaor Mood 4ooa n~ apooll: tor tho people or w,aoooalll, 4oaplto tho tao ~ that ho la • .. llb•r ot U&o rao11lt7 or tho atat•'• groat

'ltarollgh ropoeto4 laglalatl't'o aotl oo ud lo o't'or1 oloot1oo aloe• olllotaoo hllll4rod ao4 two11t7 tho ao't'orolgll peopl• ot Wlaoooa lo ha't'o roglatero4 tho"lr will thr t tile S~. la .. raoot Soawq •hall be bllllt.

Robert M. La Follette, lr.

' , •'

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• •



Vlll 1• - U 7Ga ean n.4 _, ~ . .a..d •••11 Y. U""• .. lla4 ... et a. -111•.,I• uan1 wldell .._ part ln n. lnaeloa.


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/ sf

s an •.aw. ... ms.-

SUI ,_ .U 111 ..._ _. .. U Le 7

-'9-ta •- S.helilHa. .. e-•1•e H1a11 $0 •• .. r t I ....... lbalt

n ........ ......... 8 I 71 7 '

....... I' ·- , .......... ... - .,_ ............... .. .. . ........... .., __ ,_._ ............ -........ . ................... I

=-'·'l:lr. ........ ·=~-

....... ... i)~.·

·~ . ·.

I (~1h..?)


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AODOM': All Sb.19• &Ad St.t.tcoe

l . 9-ct1uur:c •ttb U:i• dMllll'•tlon or a 1aaio.cal ••r&•Mf la 1539, ••llllUl• r•t-4rtd on"lcere. lDoludl.n& t.bo•• retit>ed ror ;br1tceJ. d1eah1llt1, •r• r9'0.ll \•4 to actl•• duty. Stnoe \.b•t t1a, th••• oN'lc•r• ud aal'l¥ ortscer1 retired sub•loelu•nt to that ~lnl• b••• •et'fed t.h• Matton and th• n.•1 ••l\, lb.t.>' b.9•• pe1'fO)'M<\ lnah11blt ••"le• 10 d••eloptoe; Ult M••Y to lt• pt•1•.nt et.re.nc~ erid err101eno1. Mt1fl1 M•• pertonned t.bl1 :1erYtc1 et • ••r1 OODlld•rebl• ptr­aonal 1acr1no1.

2, Th• otrtotr•ptreonnel altuAtion hae now tftJll'OT•d •urtto1tnl=l1 t.bro14b tbe tr1tio1n1 or roiutt•r orr101r•. bot.b reaerve1 and roeulu1 , \.O 11ert•t i.l:.t oo•­••oet!)g or • proer1e11•• rtl•e•• ot rettl"eO orr1ceT1 fl'r.t turtl.er •Ott•• &.u.y.

3. 'Di• rel•••• or retired oN'lc•T• fr"CXl ect1•• du.ty 11 DO\ t.o bt coa.-trued u O\btr t.ban one of Ult ••• •nU ~ r1r1t •t•? ;;o edjult orrtotr ,.reoaa.el t.o curr•.ct. ..n~ p,..IJl4'Ct1.•• r•~'Jif"AM..Ot• or Lht a.•al aemce,

4.. !ti. r•l••• or Ht.S rt4 otti.cve tru1 actl•• duty .. .u i. lltot .... rt 17 proce..S l!P'94'.Jallf eo u to retu.lt lo • a1At1l:a d.tnarh&llCe to Uoe • •• l t•TIOt. lac tbta r•1ien. 1\ 1• U;e lurtea•e 1ct~t.1oo to f'tlM•• tlTtt \boet ort1c ....... ~,.le•l co'41tloa or adn.m..t _,.. lc."'Uad.• NC!l•n d••lr•ltl• thelr .. r11 r•\.>O:"D to laectl•• .. tf • ..a• aeert.l pJdit tG tt:.• tr.ttr••t.• or u.altoralt.7

0 u,. llu"••u

• 1*•• tlret. oo•• •••r•t1o. tor ntu.ra. to lilecc.t•e dla\J C•Y• W> ell t't\lrM ottlce:e or or •bioY• UI• IC•• 1ad1oettd below:

rLJ> ontems Ci.P'\'.UN3 CQLl\.~,.JtJ)OS

I.I llt/!llW.-T CQt.W1!ll>lS l.IJU'!' .. Al<'l'S l.l~NA!CTS IJO) ENSlO~S Qr() .,,. 10

5• Tb• •*• '-tbl• it GO\ lG\ .. dtd 1.0 11&.it. t'tleaet Onl.J '-0 tlU>tt or·tlc•rt O'ftr ~h• qt• 1nd loattd, ft.• detire• or 1nd1•l~~t.l retired ottlotrt or aa.1 •Pt ro:r r•tu:rn "° tn1ot.1Yt0iit.1 ar-t t.o bt g1Ye:i ftYOrtbl• ooa.1l4trtt.10D --.ta•••r- th•

:i.ede ot \ht ••r-YlOt ptralt.

E.. Jn ordtr to T1'D'Y10. tbt hr"lt.'J .. 1th tuU lnfoniitt.ton oa. wtLlob to bu• c or4•rl7 •1•owtt o11 or t.t.te olu 0 tNne110 •tdalcl et.ntt•• ottiott, ,.114 ocmacsot O& of!lcert t!"t 4lrtc'td t.o for--u4 to 'tbt lun•o thet?" r.ccrnecdtt.lorit NStt'd.l q Lht c:rdtr Ott rtlMt• t.o La~tln 4ut1 ot TetlHd orrtc•r• u • •r Vie1r oc.amd.I. 1Ddlcattoa \be . .. , or \hoe• retlNld orttc.n ~on ••ntee1 ou t e .,.,..., wt\.b­out &ft l!94Mllti.. Oant•Ot Nlter. •re ft9CllNJ'7 0 .. tdti"ll tt.• 1'tl1tr •lll be ;iro•t4ed • ltllllo • r•.-onebl• t1M. ~· ca•• or u1 ottlotrt, f't.l.U4ltN or e.ge. tlb.ca o.a-=sdtnc ottJ.ctr• eou1.der tlo\ p.b,.t~ 1.1' or ot••rwl•• f\lll.7 ~~1.tl•4 to r•aln o:. aotl•t dQ\y t.toull1. 'b9 l.railcat..td. - !b..Ovt. L. 1. Oitatltld.

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('4U) ,t.-. ' /




•111•1<1111- 1118

"· ----· .... , .. ..- .... •• wl• .-.U __, taaaa w


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• ..

/ ..

THIS WHfT& Hou••


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Page 90: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,

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Page 91: a llOOOillllo - Marist College · ot public U&l\h Hl'Tic11 t.nd of the 1nat1tutlona &ad Jilu'aloW. wt pz"QTld• •••!lcal cu.. ,. Tor o.lea.rly, •• 1nd1oated abo.,... ,


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Pr•• ldeat P'h.nklla D. loo••"l' TM Will•• louo WNh1n"°9, D. C.

lltr dMr Prffldeet: looeenlt1

April 11, 1931

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