a lényeg a barátcserjéről(vitex agnus castus)

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/11/2019 A Lnyeg a Bartcserjrl(Vitex Agnus Castus)


    It works by stimulating and normalizing the

    pituitary gland, which regulates the balance of estrogen and progesterone in the body.

    supports the endocrine system to find its own balance

    It is the single best herb for treating the many possible symptoms of PMS: cramps, flooding, headaches, depression, water retention, constipation, acne, breast tenderness, and irritability.

    It can help normalize irregular or scanty periods.

    It is a wonderful tonic to enhance the chances of conception through its abili

    ty to regulate ovulation and

    if taken through the first trimester, vitex will reduce the chances of miscarriage. After the birth, it helps a new mother to produce plenty of milk.

    Vitex also offers many benefits to women who are menopausal.It helps to relieve many of the uncomfortable symptoms of this transition time,including

    hot flashes, irregular cycles, depression, and flooding.

    Vitex is also an indispensable remedy for women with

    uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, or endometriosis.

    All of these conditions proliferate under the influence of estrogen and shrink under the influence of progesterone.

    Chasteberry has been shown to inhibit prolactin secretion by competitively binding to dopamine recepto

    rs.May be an effective treatment option for hyperprolactinemic (elevated serum prolactin levels) conditions, and premenstrual syndrome (PMS):

    alleviating some signs and symptoms of hyperprolactinemia and premenstrual syndrome

    It is thought to have a normalizing effect on the menstrual cycle and has been used

    successfully to treat both amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) and menorrhagia (heavy menstruation).


    Hyperprolactinemia (excessive prolactin in the blood): Chasteberry may

  • 8/11/2019 A Lnyeg a Bartcserjrl(Vitex Agnus Castus)
