a karanga perspective on fertility and barrenness as ... · using hannah as a paradigm of curse and...

A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS BLESSING AND CURSE IN 1 SAMUEL 1:1-2:10 CHIROPAFADZO Moyo Dissertation presented for the Degree of Doctor of Theology at the University of Stellenbosch Promoter: Prof H L Bosman April 2006

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Page 1: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged





Dissertation presented for the Degree of Doctor of Theology

at the University of Stellenbosch

Promoter: Prof H L Bosman

April 2006

Page 2: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged


I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the work contained in this dissertation is my own

original work and that I have not previously in its entirety or in part submitted it at any

university for a degree.

Signature: .C..JY.\o.'(f'"

Date: .~ t.~\o ~.~


Page 3: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged


This dissertation seeks to develop further the theological interpretation of the books of

Samuel, by examining I Samuel I: 1-2:10 in tbe context of fertility and barrenness as blessing

and curse. This reading was related to the Karanga understanding of fertility and barrenness.

The contribution shows how the Biblical narrative can become a resource for etbical

reflection in African communities such as the Karanga women.

The hypotbeses that guided this study, were that:

a-Fertility and barrenness in the Old Testament should be understood in close conjunction

with blessing and cursing as tbeological concepts in ancient Israel.

b- Fertility and barrenness could also be examined in a relevant and contextual manner by

relating it to the culture and understanding of the Karanga people.

In order to achieve this, two major tasks were attempted. One: An exegesis of I Samuel I: 1­

2:10 in which Vernon Robbins' method of Socio- Rhetorical criticism was used. The metbod

helped to identify that the text is a narrative, and tbat the author might have been the

Deuteronomistic historian, who wrote in the period of the decline of the Judean monarchy

and when the Jews were in exile. The narrative is used to tell about the despair of tbe Jews,

and to inform the Jews that there was hope for restoration if they obeyed God. This ideology

is woven in the story of a barren woman Hannah who suffered the despair of barrenness and

was later blessed with a child because of her prayer and obedience to God. In the narrative

God is described as one who cares for tbe marginalised, and one who changes the lives of his

people, from curse to blessing. The metbod also helped to realise tbe culture and context of

Hannah, and made it possible to relate tbis culture and context to other cultures that are


Secondly an empirical survey was conducted amongst one hundred Karanga women. The

findings were that Karanga consider fertility as blessing and barrenness as curse.

The curse is experienced in tbe suffering of the barren women. Barrenness is used to inflict

pain, to marginalise women, and has become a major cause of divorce and deatb through the

spread of HIV and Aids. A reading of the story of Hannah helped the Karanga women to


Page 4: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged

identify their barren problems with Hannah, and to find a new way of understanding their

own problem in terms of hope.

This study was able to prove its hypothesis both through the exegesis and the discussions of

the research findings. It was found that the narrative form of the text appealed effectively to

the understanding of Karanga women. This was possible because narrative is one of the

methods of communication that is used effectively by the Karanga in their language. Through

using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility,

Karanga women were challenged to view their barren situations in a different way that is

open to accept change from curse to blessing. The study has also contributed to see how an

old text of the time of Hannah could in the present day contextually influence Karanga

women's barren experiences through holding the same culture and also by having similar

experiences barren of women.


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Hierdie dissertasie poog om die teologiese interpretasie van die boeke van Samuel verder te

ontwikkeJ by wyse van 'n ondersoek van I Samuel 1:1-2:10 in die konteks van vrugbaarheid

en onvrugbaarheid as 'n seen en as 'n vervloeking. Hierdie ondersoek verwys na die Karanga­

bevolking se begrip van vrugbaarheid en onvrugbaarheid. Die bydrae toon aan hoe die

Bybelse verhaal 'n bron vir etiese nadenke onder Afrika-gemeenskappe, soos die Karanga­

vroue, kan word.

Die hipoteteses wat hierdie studie gerig het, was dat:

a- Vrugbaarheid en onvrugbaarheid in die au Testament behoort begryp te word in 'n noue

verbintenis met seen en vervloeking as teologiese begrippe in antieke Israel.

b- Vrugbaarheid en onvrugbaarheid kan ook ondersoek word in 'n relevante en kontekstuele

wyse deur dit te verbind met die kultuur en begrip van die Karanga-mense.

Om dit te vermag, is twee hooftake onderneem. Die eerste was 'n eksegese van I Samuel 1: 1­

2: 10 waarin Vernon Robbins se metode van sosioretoriese kritiek aangewend is. Hierdie

metode het gehelp om die teks as 'n narratief te identifiseer en dat die skrywer die

Deuteronomiese historikus kon gewees het, wat in die periode van die monargie van Juda

geskryf het en ook tydens die Jode se ballingskap. Die narratief word gebruik om aan te toon

hoe wanhopig die Jode was en om hulle in te Jig dat daar hoop op hul herstel was indien hulle

God gehoorsaam. Hierdie ideologie is verweef in die verhaal van die onvrugbare vrou,

Hanna, wat aan die wanhoop van onvrugbaarheid gely het en later met 'n kind geseen is op

grond van haar gebede en gehoorsaamheid aan God. In die narratief word God as die een

beskryf wat na die gemarginaliseerdes omsien en wat die lewens van sy mense vanaf

vervloeking tot seen omvorm. Die metode het ook meegehelp om die kultuur en konteks van

Hanna te begryp en dit moontlik gemaak om hierdie kultuur en konteks te verklaar ingevolge

die van ander soortgelyke kulture.

Tweedens is 'n empiriese studie onder 'n honderd Karanga-vroue onderneem. Die bevindinge

was dat Karanga-vroue vrugbaarheid as 'n seen en on vrugbaarheid as 'n vervloeking beskou.

Die vervloeking word in die Iyding van die onvrugbare vroue ervaar. Onvrugbaarheid word

aangewend om pyn en Jyding te veroorsaak, om vroue te marginaliseer en het 'n belangrike


Page 6: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged

bron van egskeiding en dood deur die verspreiding van HIV en Vigs geword. Deur die

verhaal van Hanna te lees, het die Karanga-vroue gehelp om hul ele

onvrugbaarheidsprobleme met die van Hanna te identifiseer en om nuwe wyses te vind om

hul eie probleme te verstaan in terme van hoop.

Hierdie studie was in staat om sy hipoteses te bewys sowel by wyse van die eksegese en ook

deur die bespreking van die navorsingsbevindings.. Dit is bevind dat die narratiewe vorm van

die teks duidelik tot die begrip van die Karanga-vroue gespreek hel. Dit was moontlik

aangesien 'n verhalende trant een van die kommunikasiewyses is wat doeltreffend deur

Karanga-vroue aangewend word in hul taal. Deur Hanna as 'n paradigma van vervloeking en

as seen te gebruik met verwysing tot onvrugbaarheid en vrugbaarheid, is Karanga-vroue

uitgedaag om hul beskouing van hul onvrugbare toestand op verskillende wyses te betrag wat

oop is om 'n verandering te aanvaar vanaf vervloeking tot seen. Die studie het ook daartoe

bygedra om te sien hoe 'n ou teks uit die tyd van Hanna tans kontekstueel die Karanga-vroue

se onvrugbaarheidservarings kan belnvloed waar hulle uit 'n soortgelyke kultuur kom en ook

soortgelyke ervarings as Hanna het as onvrugbare vroue.


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This work could not have been, were it not of the contributions of my promoter, university of

Stellenbosch staff, parents, family and friends. I would want to thank all who contributed to

help me succeed in writing this dissertation

Firstly I would like to convey my appreciation to my promoter Professor H L Bosman for his

patience and tireless help in guiding me to write this dissertation. This work was done over a

long time in which he continued to guide me in a professional way. His contribution in

guidance, encouragement and patience in reading my work helped me in my perseverance to

finish this study.

I would also like to thank the library staff, especially Mrs Susanne Botha, who tirelessly

helped me to save time by helping me to identify relevant literature from the shelves with

ought me having to search around for a long time.

My appreciation also goes to Mr G Mans from the unit for Religion Research and

Development, in the Department of Practical Theology and Mission, for helping me in

formulating my research questionnaire.

To Mr W Scholtz who edited this work, I say thank you for your help and patience.

This can not go without my special appreciation to the contribution of Mev Felicity Grove

for her effort to type and format this dissertation. To her I say thank you.

Last but not least I would like to thank my parents who often encouraged me to continue

even when I felt weary with my research. To my husband and children, I say thank you for

your sacrifice, help and encouragement. You sacrificed not to have me as wife and mother

for all these past years. My husband Elisha Moyo thank you for the financial support that you

gave me when it was needed most.

Lastly I say thank you to my sponsors, all the staff of the LWF, DMB and my church. May

this kind of help be passed on to others. God bless you.


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Summary .

Acknowledgements .











Statement of Problem 2

Hypothesis 2

Methodology 2

Meaning of the Concept "socio-rhetorical" 3

Inner Texture 3

The Repetitive Texture and Pattern 4

Progressive Texture and Pattern 4

Opening - middle - closing Texture and Pattern 4

Argumentative Texture and Pattern 5

Sensory-aesthetic Texture and Pattern 5

Intertexture 5

Oral - Scribal Intertexture 6

Cultural intertexture 8

Social intertexture 8

Historical intertexture 9

Social and Cultural Texture 9

Common social and cultural topics 10

Final cultural categories 10

Ideological Texture 11

Sacred Texture 11

Deity 12

Holy Person 12

Spirit Being 12

Divine history 13

Human redemption 13

Human commitment 13

Religious Commitment 13


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Religious Community 13

Ethics 14

Empirical Study... 14

Survey of Literature 15

Definition of Key Concepts .. 17

Blessing 17

Curse 18

Barrenness 19

The Context of Blessing and Curse in the Old Testament... 20

Structure of Dissertation 21

















Introduction 23

Inner Texture of 1 Samuel: 1-2; 10 23

Repetitive Texture and Pattern 24

Narrational 39

Summary of the Inner Texture 51

The Intertexture 51

Ancient Near East Context of Barrenness and Fertility 52

Oral-scribal Intertexture 55

Historical Intertexture 60

Summary of Intertexture 61

Social and Cultural Texture 61

Social Role of the Priesthood 61

Nazarite 62

King 63

Social Institution 63

Shiloh 63


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The purity Codes and the Family of Eli as a social Institution 65

The Family of Elkanah as a social Institution and the social Relations involved 66

Concept of Honour and Shame in the Family of Elkannah 70

Honour 70

Shame 73

Social Setting of the Family of Elkanah 75

Ideological Texture 77

What are the Ideologies of the Deuteronomistic History? 76

Sacred Texture 81

Deity 82

Holy Person 85

The religious community '" 86

Human Commitment 86

Human Redemption '" , 88

Summary of the Sacred Texture 88

Summary of Chapter 2 89

Inner Texture 89

Intertexture 90

Social and Cultural Texture 92

Sacred Texture 94


READING OF 1 SAMUEL 1: 1-2: 10 97

3.1 Introduction '" 97


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Page 96: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 97: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 98: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 99: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 100: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 101: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 102: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 103: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 104: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 105: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 106: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 107: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 108: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 109: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 110: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 111: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 112: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 113: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 114: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 115: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 116: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 117: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 118: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 119: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 120: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 121: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 122: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 123: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 124: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 125: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 126: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 127: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 128: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 129: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 130: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 131: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 132: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 133: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 134: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 135: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 136: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 137: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 138: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 139: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 140: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 141: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 142: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 143: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 144: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 145: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 146: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 147: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 148: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 149: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 150: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 151: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 152: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 153: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 154: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 155: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 156: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 157: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 158: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 159: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 160: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 161: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 162: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 163: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 164: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 165: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 166: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 167: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 168: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 169: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 170: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 171: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 172: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 173: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 174: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 175: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 176: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 177: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 178: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 179: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 180: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 181: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 182: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 183: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 184: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 185: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 186: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 187: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 188: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 189: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 190: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 191: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 192: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 193: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 194: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 195: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 196: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 197: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 198: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 199: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 200: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 201: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 202: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 203: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 204: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 205: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 206: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 207: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 208: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 209: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 210: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 211: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 212: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 213: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 214: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 215: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 216: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 217: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 218: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged
Page 219: A KARANGA PERSPECTIVE ON FERTILITY AND BARRENNESS AS ... · using Hannah as a paradigm of curse and blessing in relation to barrenness and fertility, Karanga women were challenged