a history of chile

A History of Chile

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A History of Chile. The Geography of Chile: - Located on the western coast of South America - Between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean The Indigenous Cultures: - In valleys and coasts 10,000 years ago - A diversity of cultures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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A History of Chile

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The Geography of Chile: - Located on the western coast of South America - Between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean

The Indigenous Cultures: - In valleys and coasts 10,000 years ago - A diversity of cultures a) Slash and burn farming, hunting, fishing

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Even the Incas: - Extended empire into central Chile - But northern area’s barrenness prevented settlement

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The Conquistadors: - In 1536 came looking for gold - In 1540, conquest a) Pedro de Valdivia, lieutenant in Pizarro’s army

Spanish rule: - Ruled in the interest of Spain (nearly 300 years) - Mercantilism (the colony benefited the mother country

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Napoleon: - When Napoleon’s brother, Joseph, took Spanish throne, Chileans proclaimed independence from Napoleon’s rule

- But after the defeat of Napoleon, Spain retook the colony

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Bernardo O’Higgins:

- Nationalist leader of Chile - In 1818 independence was achieved a) With assistance from José de San Martín

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After Independence:

- The social hierarchy was nominally modified a)Without peninsulares as the elite b) But still highly stratified class system

- Still influenced by powerful families and the Roman Catholic Church a) And wealthy landowners still dominated

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And the suppression of the Mapuche Indians

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By the late 19th century, a parliamentary democracy had degenerated into an oligarchy

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And there was conflict between Liberals and Conservatives

- Liberals wanted reforms while Conservatives wanted to maintain the status quo

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Eduardo Frei Montalva

- A Christian Democrat president in 1964 - Wanted reforms - But not enough for liberals and too much for conservatives

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Salvador Allende: - In 1970, the Marxist Allende was named President - Nationalization of key industries and land expropriation a) Nationalization of copper mines

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But there was opposition to Allende’s “Chilean Road to Socialism”

- And in 1973, Chilean society split apart

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September 11, 1973: - 3,000 Chileans were killed in a military onslaught - The Presidential palace was bombed with Allende inside - Allende was either assassinated or committed suicide

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General Augusto Pinochet: - Led the new military government a) 17 year rule - Dissolved Congress and suspended constitution - Night-time curfew a) Limits on media - Free market - Brutal repression

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Thousands died and thousands fled

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And then in 1988: - Pinochet miscalculated a) Lost plebiscite - By 1990, democracy was restored in Chile

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But controlled the army until 1998

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But then accused of corruption - $28 million in secret bank accounts - And on trial for human rights abuses

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Spent remaining years in Chile fighting charges

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