a hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization Kees Hengeveld

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A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization. Kees Hengeveld. Research questions. Can Functional Discourse Grammar serve as a framework to predict, describe and explain processes of grammaticalization? What are the relevant processes of contentive change? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Kees Hengeveld

Page 2: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Research questions

• Can Functional Discourse Grammar serve as a framework to predict, describe and explain processes of grammaticalization?

• What are the relevant processes of contentive change?

• What are the relevant processes of formal change?

• How do these processes interact?


Page 3: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization


1. Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG)2. Contentive change in FDG3. Formal change in FDG4. Contentive change and formal change in

FDG5. Conclusions


Page 4: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

1. Functional Discourse Grammar

Page 5: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Conceptual Component




Expression Level

Prosodic Contours,Sounds

Frames, Lexemes, Operators

Templates, Grammatical elements

Pragmatics, Semantics



Morphosyntax, Phonology



Page 6: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Conceptual Component




Expression Level

Prosodic Contours,Sounds

Frames, Lexemes, Operators

Templates, Grammatical elements

Pragmatics, Semantics



Morphosyntax, Phonology



Page 7: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Conceptual Component




Expression Level

Prosodic Contours,Sounds

Frames, Lexemes, Operators

Templates, Grammatical elements

Pragmatics, Semantics



Morphosyntax, Phonology



Page 8: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Frames, Lexemes,Primary operators

Templates,Auxiliaries, Secondary operators

Interpersonal Level

Representational Level


Morphosyntactic Encoding

Morphosyntactic Level

Phonological Encoding

Phonological Level

Prosodic patterns,Morphemes, Tertiary operators

Page 9: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Frames, Lexemes, Primary operators

Templates,Auxiliaries, Secondary operators

Interpersonal Level

Representational Level


Morphosyntactic Encoding

Morphosyntactic Level

Phonological Encoding

Phonological Level

Prosodic patterns,Morphemes, Tertiary operators

Page 10: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Frames, Lexemes, Primary operators

Templates,Auxiliaries, Secondary operators

Interpersonal Level

Representational Level


Morphosyntactic Encoding

Morphosyntactic Level

Phonological Encoding

Phonological Level

Prosodic patterns,Morphemes, Tertiary operators

Page 11: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Frames, Lexemes, Primary operators

Templates,Auxiliaries, Secondary operators

Interpersonal Level

Representational Level


Morphosyntactic Encoding

Morphosyntactic Level

Phonological Encoding

Phonological Level

Prosodic patterns,Morphemes, Tertiary operators

Page 12: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization


Interpersonal Level

(π M1: [ Move

(π A1: [ Discourse Act

(π F1) Illocution

(π P1)S Speaker

(π P2)A Addressee

(π C1: [ Communicated Content

(π T1)Φ Ascriptive Subact

(π R1)Φ Referential Subact

] (C1)Φ Communicated Content

] (A1)Φ Discourse Act

] (M1)) Move

Page 13: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization


Representational Level(π p1: Propositional Content

(π ep1: Episode

(π e1: State-of-Affairs

[(π f1: [ Configurational Property

(π f1) Lexical Property

(π x1)Φ Individual

] (f1)) Configurational Property

(e1)Φ]) State-of-Affairs

(ep1)) Episode

(p1)) Propositional Content

Page 14: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

2. Contentive change

Page 15: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Scope increase (layers)

Semantic units develop diachronically from lower to higher layers, and not the other way round (Hengeveld 1989)

 Representational Level: p ← ep ← e ← f


Page 16: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Scope increase (layers)

Spanish haber ‘have’ (Olbertz 1993)

1. resultative, now replaced by tener:

Tengo prepara-d-a unacena fenomenal.

have.PRS.1.SG prepare-ANT-F.SG INDEF.SG.F meal(F)terrific

‘I have a terrific meal ready (for you).’


Page 17: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Scope increase (layers)

Spanish haber ‘have’

2. anterior

Había / he / habré preparado have.PST.1.SG/ have.PRS.1.SG / have.FUT.1.SGprepare-ANT

una cena fenomenal.INDEF.SG.F meal(F) terrific

‘I had/have/will have prepared a terrific meal.’


Page 18: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Scope increase (layers)

Spanish haber ‘have’

3. (recent) past

Me he levanta-do a las siete. 1.SG.REFL AUX.PRS.1.SG get.up-ANT at the seven‘I got up at seven o’clock.’


Page 19: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Scope increase (layers)

Spanish haber ‘have’

4. mirative (Ecuadorian Highland Spanish, Olbertz 2009)

Mire, compró estos, los probé ... y ..

Look bought.PF.3SG these them tried.PF.1SG and ¡han sido peras!have.3PL been pears

‘Look, she bought these, I tasted them ... and ... they are pears!’


Page 20: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Scope increase (layers)

Spanish haber ‘have’

p ← ep ← e ← fp ← ep ← e ← fp ← ep ← e ← fp ← ep ← e ← f


Page 21: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Scope increase (layers)

Pragmatic units develop diachronically from lower to higher layers, and not the other way round

Interpersonal Level: M ← A ← C ← R ← T  


Page 22: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Scope increase (layers)

sort of (Hengeveld & Keizer 2009)

I keep sort of thinking about that and coming back to it. (Google)

I think I can more or less understand in general terms what happens up until sort of the impressionist time, maybe just post-impressionist. (BNC)

McCain backtracks on gay adoption, sort of. (Google)


Page 23: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Scope increase (layers)

sort of

M ← A ← C ← R ← TM ← A ← C ← R ← TM ← A ← C ← R ← T


Page 24: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Scope increase (levels)

Semantic units may develop diachronically into pragmatic units, and not the other way round (Hengeveld & Wanders 2007)

Interpersonal Level↑

Representational Level


Page 25: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Scope increase (levels)

RL: Providing food assistance is not easy because the infrastructure is lacking.

IL: Watch out, because there is a bull in the field!

RL: Providing food assistance is not easy exactly because the infrastructure is lacking.

IL: *Watch out, exactly because there is a bull in the field!


Page 26: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Scope increase (levels)

Semantic units may develop diachronically into pragmatic units, and not the other way round

Interpersonal Level↑

Representational Level


Page 27: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Scope increase (levels)

Semantic units may develop diachronically into pragmatic units, and not the other way round

Interpersonal Level↑

Representational Level


Page 28: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

From lexeme to operator

Goossens (1985), Olbertz (1998), and Keizer (2007).

π ← Lexeme


Page 29: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

From lexeme to operator

fail to (Mackenzie 2009)

π ← LexemeHe failed to win the race.The bomb failed to explode.

fail (fc)(neg fc)


Page 30: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

From lexeme to operator

decir (Olbertz 2005, 2007; Grández Ávila 2010)

π ← LexemeThey say (dicen que) Juan is ill.Juan apparently (dizque) is ill.

decir (C) (Rep C)


Page 31: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 32: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: haber


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 33: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: haber


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 34: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: haber


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 35: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: haber


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 36: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: haber


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 37: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: haber


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 38: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: haber


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 39: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: haber


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 40: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: haber


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 41: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: sort of


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 42: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: sort of


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 43: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: sort of


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 44: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: sort of


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 45: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: sort of


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 46: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: sort of


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 47: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: sort of


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 48: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: because


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 49: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: because


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 50: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Contentive change in FDG: because


Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓Interpersonal Level M ← A ← C ← R ← T

↑Representational Level

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑Lexicon Lex Lex Lex Lex Lex

Page 51: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

3. Formal change in FDG

Page 52: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Main issue

There cannot be a one-to-one relation between formal changes and layers/levels, as lexical elements may enter the grammatical system at any layer/level


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Grammaticalization scales

inflectional affix < clitic < grammatical word < content item

but: isolating vs. agglutinative vs. fusional languages


Page 54: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

A scale of formal change in FDG

Keizer (2007)

lexemes (xi: – man – (xi): – old – (xi))

‘the/an old man’lexical operators (that xi: – man – (xi))

‘that man’operators (1 xi: – man – (xi))

‘a man’


Page 55: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Formal categories in FDG


lexemes: modification:an extremely old man

lexical operators:focalization(which man?) THAT

manoperators: neither


Page 56: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

A grammaticalization scale in FDG

operators < lexical operators < lexemes


Page 57: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

4. Contentive and formal change in FDG

Page 58: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Linking the scales

Each of the contentive parameters can be linked to the formal parameter to provide a more coherent view of the interplay between contentive and formal aspects of grammaticalization processes


Page 59: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Linking the scales

contentive scale:p ← ep ← e ← f

formal scale:operators < lexical operators < lexemes

As elements move up the contentive scale, they cannot move down the formal scale


Page 60: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Linking the scales


p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

operators < lexical operators < lexemes


Page 61: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Linking the scales

Not allowed:

p ← ep ← e ← fc ← fl

operators < lexical operators < lexemes


Page 62: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Linking the scales

contentive scale:M ← A ← C ← R ← T

formal scale:operators < lexical operators < lexemes

As elements move up the contentive scale, they cannot move down the formal scale


Page 63: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Linking the scales


M ← A ← C ← R ← T

operators < lexical operators < lexemes


Page 64: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Linking the scales

Not allowed:

M ← A ← C ← R ← T

operators < lexical operators < lexemes


Page 65: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

5. Conclusion

Page 66: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Conclusions 1

FDG offers a framework within which known processes of grammaticalization can be captured

Contentive changes are restricted in terms of the hierarchical relations between layers and levels

Formal changes can be captured in a crosslinguistically valid way by adopting Keizer’s grammaticalization scale rather than traditional ones


Page 67: A hierarchical approach to grammaticalization

Conclusions 2

Contentive and formal scales can be linked by defining a relative rather than absolute relationship between them


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