a. harrison - archive

r * Vol. 37, Nc 4 t i- ... Mist Georgia Hiner bM been holding services at Campbell town the p»st ten daye- , t A large party went from hf re Monday morning to survey tbe Wal'aea lands on lower Elk. A. Page Gay, of Louden County, came up Saturday, on business Be aeemi well pleas'd with hit rew home. A reunion of eonfederate and federal veteran*, atn-riTors of the battle of Dry Greek, will be held at White Belphur, August 26. Mien Appa L Sandridge, of Went Grafton, is the gusst of 1 er •later, lira. Anna L. Arbogast, at the herns < f II. S Racier. Wanted:-Teacher for Kucl.ii an acliool. Apply to G- L- Atldr- igeorX.E. Hogaett, Millioint, W.Va - * W. S. Grenhart, of Arg}le WUcoison baa accepted a jOei tlob with Hunter A K-.hols Insur auranee Com piny -s solictor for far insurance. A. D and E. H. Williams went to Poughkespiie, N. Y.- sad Hilwaakee, Witoonaon, list week Ott bnaincaa. Tbe Weeleran Marljaud shops at Elkins whieh have running on half time for a number of months hare closed until after the first of next month. Lost er Strayed: A small white dog, with collar and lock; cur, with scar on back from scald; please notify E. M. Arbogast, ^^^^jalrttrton, W. Va. Mifs lassie Dougherty, of Col pepper, VA , will open a millinery shop at D jrbin for th'J fall 9e»sou. Marlinton, Pocahontas Co., "West Virginia, A.ugust 20, 1908 —t Sl-OO A. Year John Campb II, of Acadeai} who has a large 1 gging contract for tbe DiBm lumber Compau j fell from a handcar on the lumbei road at Clover L : ck Sunday m >r uiug, and s'riking bis head on the steel rail fractured bis skull- Hi is now at the bespit*! h-ro- **m Teacher's Insitate will convene next Monday at tbe public school Moiday, August 24th The in- 1^. asmStora will be Professor Bufb mod Fleahman. .- Greedrier Presbytery will meet at Dunmore next Tuesday fining, August 25. Elders B. Smith and J, A. Sydenstric- ker will go ss delegates and alter- nate from the Matlfnten eaarck fdeath His last illness was lorj, and painful yet be bore his si flar- ing with patiei ce. During bit illness be professed saving faitb in Christ and united with the Southern Method it t Church. II t urged those who were with him to prepare to meet bim in Heaven a? he ueared the dark valley. Ma} t'-ie Comforter be with those who i ra bereft. The he«vy rain of Sunday and Monday nights \ ea ccned the dike below the settling pool ot the Tan n:ry tj su«h an txtent that ii oroke Monday night, and Tuesday morning the p >nd was found dry. i'he bottom below the pool was saturated with scent liquor, acd every wind that blows lsde&td with the scent of scur tau. Townley Bro's. store waj bor. glarixed Monday night last and #20.00 to 125.00 worth of goods •tolen. Mr. Gecrgo S .ires' resi dence in Eist K >uctv«jrto, was visited as was also the residence of Mr. George W. B aubam, i n 8 lilroad Avenue, and $20 00 f> |'30 00 stolen. Burglaries were also committed the next Light a Lewisburg but we did not learn the particulars.- Roncoverte Djm rcrat. C- J. Richardson while fishing on Jacksons river last week caught a mink on his hook. Tbe mink came up aud was swimming across the pool in which Mr Rich ard c on wasfiihing. He drew up his line aud by tu me chance hooked tbe mink in the bind leg. After a hard fight the game little animal was hauled a shore and killed This might happen again in a hun dred years. William Burner Chestnut died at his home at Cass, W. Va , Fridsy, July thirtieth, at elevet o'clock a. m., aged twenty four years, eight months, and sixteen days. He was buried in tbe fam ily graveyard near Monntair Grove, Va. A wife, father and mother, two sisters, and a brother with many friends mcurn his earl} G. W. Etautley & Son have stoat a million fset of hard wood Umber en the Sticks at their mills on Doutharda Creek. It is pro- bathe that (this lumber will be mo Ted immediately, thus giving em- ployment to a largs numbs? ef teams. Thejejeat thing in Republican politicals the report iminating freta 8wishers headqusrters that 8heer is not elegise for the office ef. Goreener, by reason ol his be- ing a native of Switzerland and •ever taking oat naturalisation Angelina Knight colored 3^ years old, fell and Je-m last Thursday eve- 1 attention was a coming than she masses ty, so she miles to a doctor to arm attended' to She % remarkable recovery ae aged JftejPfa? real egtate deal was last week by Stusrt Estate Agents, by valuable' farms owned McLaughlin, ebang the purchasers were John A. and D,, W PeJaski pur"- The rUillnton High School. Tho next session of the Mar >into i High e'ehool will opei September 14il>., will eoutinu* ii session eight monlLs, and wiM have a ctrps of »ix teaeht r». All pupils in Edray . Distric' who r r) as far advanced as seventh grsde are freo to enter without toi'.ioK, and those who uish t<> al- oud from other districts will bar* s vory low rate e f tuition te pay I: is recommended that parents seeding children for the first time ill er start them at tbe beginning of the school or wait until the be- ginning of the second lutm ser j ist after the boliiays. Please do ibis, if possib'e, but under- stand ihiri is no ir)ii c'ad ru'e. There is bit one other school in ill the territory between Lewis burg and E king that ( ff- rs oppor- tunity t'. students to do more than elementary sahool work, and it items thit there is no better place In a'l this territory than Marlinton o locate a good distilct High School iu ahich the boys and srirls of this part ©f the va'ley may prepare for college, for teaching. >r some other life work. There is a growing sedtiment mi >ng all people who have given the subject thought, that it is much better for boys and &irls to g et their secondary education at home, >r near enough to their home, where they a.e wholly or partially under tbe natural and wholesome control and influence of their par- ents; if this is a sound educational th ught, and I truly le'ieve it is. should not the people of Marlinton consider the question of putting forth their best efforts to build ap a good district high school? There are many bright youtg toerod- in a ihfeket nrtrni**«**iee At one of the experiment eta tions a test was made to find out if it was profitable to feed milk cows when on pasture a grain ra- tion, The test proved tbat it did not. During tbe past dry, hot spell we found oar cows failing in their anlk, so we began feeding a grain ration acd at tbe same time keeping a careful record of each cow. 3 cows were given a ratkn of 6 pounds of brar, and two were given 3 pounds of bran snd Z pounds ef middlings. A'l were sprayed twice a day with a mix- ture of oil and pine tar. The test showed a email gain, varying from 1 pound to £ pound at easb milking. There was no difference in the increase from the cows fed on bran alone and those fed bran and middlings. The cost of feed was t cents a ration, so to make it profitable each cow ,<rnght te] have made an inoresss of « per day. Tbe feeding was tinned foil,fttftrdeys. Now that the pastslre-wrs freshened op and the weather oooler they sr/lack to thsmnermal fljw of milk with out any grain feed.—Raleigh Register. people in this seotion who will never have an opportunity to get a college education if they are compelled to leave home to go school for a period of six or eight years; Even if they could go else- where it is better that they pre- pare for college near borne. There is nothing better for a neighbor hood than to have a good school 'browing cut a good educational sentiment to the surrounding country. Perhaps there is no county in ihe State that has sent a larger percentage of its people to college who have taken high standing than, Pocahontas, and if the people have done this under difficulty, what can they do with such ma- terial under favorable conditions. The Marlinton High School will offer its students this year Eoglisb, Mathematics, Latin,, His- tory, Botany, and French. Much attention will he given to the de- partment.of music, and arrange- ments will be made for those who wish to do extra work in this de- partment. Considerable attention will be given to scientific agricul- ture. This is a very interesting *Ld attractive feature, and has already been worth thousands of dollars to S'ates where it has been introduced through the schools. The teachers, pupils, and prin- cipal ask tbe hearty cooperation j^psajj »he people of the town and ttrrouDd|rg country in tbe work tbey shall* JPyto^gp^ the coming year, and fleV^yt^sjskethe school one in which evefy emdsfJKl terested in the upbuilding of the. county shall j|ke Dride. iL. W.'BDBIS. Admiafrator's N»tfcf. All against the ebcrry, d Ujo present \jm to the lor. Every one ISM The partnership heretofore ex- ist'ng between J O. Hiner and W. C. Gum has been d : ssolved by mutual consent The business will be carried on by the under signed sod in his name. AM per sons knowing tbemselv* s to be in debt to this.firm, are hereby noti fled to come forward and settle a* once with the nnder*gned J. O. Hiner;Marlinton. W. Va. More coal than gold Tie mine inspector of West Vir iriuta teports a product of over 112 000,000 from the mines of the Mountsin State during the hist year, says the Baltimore Sun. ["nil iibalf as'g eta value as the t tal pre daction fa all the gold mines of California. Tbe dlscov- ^ry of gild on tin Pacific e)est more than half a centaary ago itiracted people from every <HUfiar tar of the wor'd »ud msde C«$for oia famous as the "Golden State" And yet|*t'\ej annhal rroJaot of tbe gold mines of California dur ing the decad J froin H.')0 to 18«0 when the golden»tBi was the flood vas no more ih.su $55,000,000 a MONEY IS IN SANG DIGGING. A few days age Shed Carpdn- 'er, Preston Carpenter and 'Dad" Hall of Skel, returued frem a "serglrg"^trip on the head of Gauly. Tbey apent eight .days up there and brought back with them }ust twenty-five pounds of green ginseng, whioh was purchas ed by the United Cash Stores Company of this place at $2 per pound. The largest root , had three immense prongs and weighed three quarters cf a pound. .The greater part of this "seng" was forks of Ganly,—Wehetsv Echo. Taks lotks t That en the 17th day of July, tbe firm or company known as the Arbevale Mercantile Co., was by mutual agreement dissolved. All accounts against said com- pany and accounts due said com- peny will be settled with D. O Woods, under whose name the business is now carried on. : * ,_ And further notice, I will not be responsible for any debts made by or against said company prior to .date of dissslvement. Very respectfully, W. E. AKBOGAST. Executor's Notice All persons having accounts againBt the eitate of George Bax- ter, dee'd., are notified to presat the same duly proven to the aider signed executer for payment. Any one indebted to the estate are re- quested to come forward andjeettle at once. ,- Given nader my hani this- 8th day of August, 1908. A O. Baxter Executor of George Baxter, dee'd. Administrator's Notice. All persons having claims sgainst tbe estate ef Remns Bev- erage, dee'd., are bareby notified to present their claims properly proven to the undersigned admin- istrator. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to come forward and settle at once. Given under my hand this 6th day of August,-1908. JSUJH A. BBVBTkAQI, i of Abram Shinni Given under my hand this 12th day of August, 1908, I) F- «»»neberry, Adminiatfatef<mAomn Shinna , Seal bids will be received by the undersigned until Saturday the 22 day of August for the erection of a Parsonage building selves to be indebted to said estate %fc QwiQbjulk ^rding to, speai- by note or account are requested to come forward and settle. ficstions on We with me Iffceth may be seen or which will ha far* Apdsmy, nisbed on applicatxny The right it re-tted to rejeat awy W, H. W Notice to Trespcsacrs All persons are 1 erebv notified not to trespsss on the lands of the undersigned on Back Allegheny Mountain, in any manner, es- pecially by cutting timber and ranging stock, under penalty of law. Given undor my hsnd this 10.L day of August, 1908. B. N. GALKORH. Wanlest, W. Va. To Whjm it May Ccneern Notice Is hereby K ir-n that at a general meeting t f the s'ock holders of tbe Cranberry Lumber Company'held at Mill Point, West Virgipisfha the 29th day of June 1908, a resolution wee adopted by a majority interest ef tbe en tire stoe'e of said company as follows: Resolved: That this corporation dls'ceJWlnus business sa a corpo- ration and surrender to tho State of Watt Virginia Us charter and corporats franchise, and after pay ing all of Its debts sol liabilities, diviced its property and aaiets re- maining among its stock holders And to this end the board of di- rectors will proceed as speedily as possible te convert all property, chouse in action and asset cf this corporation into money, and to pay off and discharge all ot the debts and liabilities according to their paroities and after fully dis- charging all each debts acd liabi- lities^ to divide and pay over all such assets remaining to several tcck holders of this company prorate with their several holdings of stock. But no payment shall be so made to any stock holder until after publication of >ha no tice of thin reeolnt'on as herein provided. Resolved further that the pre- sident csase a notice of the ado- ption of this resolution to be pub- lished in some news paper near Mill Point West Virginia (this be ing the place of business of this corporation) once a week for at leastpix weeks and that he forth- with certify nnder bis signature and ibe seal of this corporation i copv of this resolution te the Sec rotary of the State of West Virgi nie,..*. 'Jf { : Given under my hand this 29th day of June, 1908. H. O. Browning Jr. President. For Sale: Valuable lot on Oamden Avenue near eighth Street, apply to Paris D. Teager let Natnial Bank Building WANTED: A teacher for Spruce school to commence by September 1st. Apply to Box '""-• Card of Theatai I desire to return thanks to the many kind friends who aided me in earing for my dear husband during his sickness. May our Heavenly Father bless them all is the sincere wish of LILUS CHBSTSOT. rtofce. Tbe Bsard of Education of Little Levels will receive bide till August 95, li o'clock, for the construction of a two room school house in snb district No. 11, at or near Emannal church on ths lands of T, A. Brnffey, Contractors will fie bond double the amount of bid. Bpecifloations will be fennd in the hands of John A, Young, Lobelia, and W. W. Rnckman. Tbe Board reserves tho right to njeet any and all bids, By order of tbe Board. M. L. BBABD, Pros, W. W. BCOXMAH, Bee'y, The Ladies ABOUT YOUR BOY ANO GIRL. . School Days will soon be here. Have you decided to which store to go to buy their clothing, shoes, hats, trunks, suit cases, furnishings, and all necessities that a boy and girl has to have to go away to school? If you want to get come to this store. your money's worth and more, My line of shoes are the best in the county, my line of clothing,' hats, furnishings, trunks, and suit cases it the largest in the county, my prices are the lowest consistent with the quality of goods I handle. If you will five me the opportunity, I will save you many dollars. A. Harrison The Underselling; gtore A special Invitation is extended to Membeft the Teachers Institute to come and take advantage special prices offered Institute week. of ••V NOTAX The healthiest and purest Soft Drink Made only of Bat* ley Malt and Hops only. Guaranteed to contain less than 1-2 of 1 ; For Sale at all first class Hotels^ Drugstores. M an u factu red by - * ELKINS BREWING Co. f... . V ELKINS, WFST VIRGINIA NOTICE. To sell any beverage containing more than 1-2 of 1 percent of Alcohol requires both Government and STATE License. NOTAX REQUIRES NO LICENSE WHALEVER. Greenbrier Presbyterial School Lewisburg, FOR BOYS - West Virginia. ..-..>...»....„,,._...„„— ......... Young men prepared for say University or Professional School Thorough Instruction, Christian Influenof, Home Life, New Buildings, steam heat, water on every flwr, heathM location; ap* to date ah'etics; good foot ball, base ball «nd tennis \taamt, Experienced Faculty; all degree men from best Unireraitiei. Two additional members of faculty.. Enrollment doubled an! school full last year, Ninety par cent, of old boys return. Arrangements being made to aocomodaw greater number ol ststasaita. Military DicipHne will be adopted. B. M. MOORE, A. M. Principle, LEWISBURG, WESf VIRGINIA. M# Not Dead We learn that some unprincipled parties are tailing: that we are not handling fertiliser and coal this faH, thereby hoping to increase their own sales. We take pleasure in thus informing our patterns'ttftat we are still in the business at the old stand, and you will find our prices lower than the lowest quality considered. r * VouHHor business, FARMERS

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i- ...
Mist Georgia Hiner bM been holding services at Campbell town the p»st ten daye- , t
A large party went from hf re Monday morning to survey tbe Wal'aea lands on lower Elk.
A. Page Gay, of Louden County, came up Saturday, on business Be aeemi well pleas'd with hit rew home.
A reunion of eonfederate and federal veteran*, atn-riTors of the battle of Dry Greek, will be held at White Belphur, August 26.
Mien Appa L Sandridge, of Went Grafton, is the gusst of 1 er •later, lira. Anna L. Arbogast, at the herns < f II. S Racier.
- *
W. S. Grenhart, of Arg}le WUcoison baa accepted a jOei
tlob with Hunter A K-.hols Insur auranee Com piny -s solictor for far insurance.
A. D and E. H. Williams went to Poughkespiie, N. Y.- sad Hilwaakee, Witoonaon, list week Ott bnaincaa.
Tbe Weeleran Marljaud shops at Elkins whieh have running on half time for a number of months hare closed until after the first of next month.
Lost er Strayed: A small white dog, with collar and lock; cur, with scar on back from scald; please notify E. M. Arbogast,
^^^^jalrttrton, W. Va.
Mifs lassie Dougherty, of Col pepper, VA , will open a millinery shop at D jrbin for th'J fall 9e»sou.
Marlinton, Pocahontas Co., "West Virginia, A.ugust 20, 1908 —t
Sl-OO A. Year
John Campb II, of Acadeai} who has a large 1 gging contract for tbe DiBm lumber Compau j fell from a handcar on the lumbei road at Clover L:ck Sunday m >r uiug, and s'riking bis head on the steel rail fractured bis skull- Hi is now at the bespit*! h-ro-
**m Teacher's Insitate will convene next Monday at tbe public school Moiday, August 24th The in-
1^. asmStora will be Professor Bufb mod Fleahman.
Greedrier Presbytery will meet at Dunmore next Tuesday fining, August 25. Elders
B. Smith and J, A. Sydenstric- ker will go ss delegates and alter- nate from the Matlfnten eaarck fdeath His last illness was lorj,
and painful yet be bore his si flar- ing with patiei ce. During bit illness be professed saving faitb in Christ and united with the Southern Method it t Church. II t urged those who were with him to prepare to meet bim in Heaven a? he ueared the dark valley. Ma} t'-ie Comforter be with those who i ra bereft.
The he«vy rain of Sunday and Monday nights \ ea ccned the dike below the settling pool ot the Tan n:ry tj su«h an txtent that ii oroke Monday night, and Tuesday morning the p >nd was found dry. i'he bottom below the pool was saturated with scent liquor, acd every wind that blows i» lsde&td with the scent of scur tau.
Townley Bro's. store waj bor. glarixed Monday night last and #20.00 to 125.00 worth of goods •tolen. Mr. Gecrgo S .ires' resi dence in Eist K >uctv«jrto, was visited as was also the residence of Mr. George W. B aubam, i n 8 lilroad Avenue, and $20 00 f> |'30 00 stolen. Burglaries were also committed the next Light a Lewisburg but we did not learn the particulars.- Roncoverte Djm rcrat.
C- J. Richardson while fishing on Jacksons river last week caught a mink on his hook. Tbe mink came up aud was swimming across the pool in which Mr Rich ardcon wasfiihing. He drew up his line aud by tu me chance hooked tbe mink in the bind leg. After a hard fight the game little animal was hauled a shore and killed This might happen again in a hun dred years.
William Burner Chestnut died at his home at Cass, W. Va , Fridsy, July thirtieth, at elevet o'clock a. m., aged twenty four years, eight months, and sixteen days. He was buried in tbe fam ily graveyard near Monntair Grove, Va. A wife, father and mother, two sisters, and a brother with many friends mcurn his earl}
G. W. Etautley & Son have stoat a million fset of hard wood Umber en the Sticks at their mills on Doutharda Creek. It is pro- bathe that (this lumber will be mo Ted immediately, thus giving em- ployment to a largs numbs? ef teams.
Thejejeat thing in Republican politicals the report iminating freta 8wishers headqusrters that 8heer is not elegise for the office ef. Goreener, by reason ol his be- ing a native of Switzerland and •ever taking oat naturalisation
Angelina Knight colored 3^ years old, fell and Je-m last Thursday eve-
1 attention was a coming than she masses ty, so she
miles to a doctor to arm attended' to She
% remarkable recovery ae aged
Estate Agents, by valuable' farms owned
McLaughlin, ebang the purchasers were
John A. and D,, W PeJaski
The rUillnton High School.
Tho next session of the Mar >into i High e'ehool will opei September 14il>., will eoutinu* ii session eight monlLs, and wiM have a ctrps of »ix teaeht r».
All pupils in Edray . Distric' who r r) as far advanced as seventh grsde are freo to enter without toi'.ioK, and those who uish t<> al- oud from other districts will bar*
s vory low rate e f tuition te pay I: is recommended that parents
seeding children for the first time • ill er start them at tbe beginning of the school or wait until the be- ginning of the second lutm ser j ist after the boliiays. Please do ibis, if possib'e, but under- stand ihiri is no ir)ii c'ad ru'e.
There is bit one other school in ill the territory between Lewis burg and E king that ( ff- rs oppor- tunity t'. students to do more than elementary sahool work, and it items thit there is no better place In a'l this territory than Marlinton o locate a good distilct High School iu ahich the boys and srirls of this part ©f the va'ley may prepare for college, for teaching. >r some other life work.
There is a growing sedtiment mi >ng all people who have given the subject thought, that it is much better for boys and &irls to g et their secondary education at home,
>r near enough to their home, where they a.e wholly or partially under tbe natural and wholesome control and influence of their par- ents; if this is a sound educational th ught, and I truly le'ieve it is. should not the people of Marlinton consider the question of putting forth their best efforts to build ap a good district high school?
There are many bright youtg toerod- in a ihfeket nrtrni**«**iee
At one of the experiment eta tions a test was made to find out if it was profitable to feed milk cows when on pasture a grain ra- tion, The test proved tbat it did not. During tbe past dry, hot spell we found oar cows failing in their anlk, so we began feeding a grain ration acd at tbe same time
keeping a careful record of each cow. 3 cows were given a ratkn
of 6 pounds of brar, and two were given 3 pounds of bran snd Z
pounds ef middlings. A'l were sprayed twice a day with a mix- ture of oil and pine tar. The test showed a email gain, varying from 1 pound to £ pound at easb milking. There was no difference in the increase from the cows fed on bran alone and those fed bran and middlings. The cost of feed was t cents a ration, so to make it profitable each cow ,<rnght te] have made an inoresss of « per day. Tbe feeding was tinned foil,fttftrdeys. Now that the pastslre-wrs freshened op and the weather oooler they sr/lack to thsmnermal fljw of milk with
out any grain feed.—Raleigh
people in this seotion who will never have an opportunity to get a college education if they are compelled to leave home to go school for a period of six or eight years; Even if they could go else- where it is better that they pre- pare for college near borne. There is nothing better for a neighbor hood than to have a good school 'browing cut a good educational sentiment to the surrounding country.
Perhaps there is no county in ihe State that has sent a larger percentage of its people to college who have taken high standing than, Pocahontas, and if the people have done this under difficulty, what can they do with such ma- terial under favorable conditions.
The Marlinton High School will offer its students this year Eoglisb, Mathematics, Latin,, His- tory, Botany, and French. Much attention will he given to the de- partment.of music, and arrange- ments will be made for those who wish to do extra work in this de- partment. Considerable attention will be given to scientific agricul- ture. This is a very interesting *Ld attractive feature, and has already been worth thousands of dollars to S'ates where it has been introduced through the schools.
The teachers, pupils, and prin- cipal ask tbe hearty cooperation
j^psajj »he people of the town and ttrrouDd|rg country in tbe work tbey shall* JPyto^gp^ the coming year, and fleV^yt^sjskethe school one in which evefy emdsfJKl terested in the upbuilding of the. county shall j|ke Dride.
lor. Every one
The partnership heretofore ex- ist'ng between J O. Hiner and W. C. Gum has been d:ssolved by mutual consent The business will be carried on by the under signed sod in his name. AM per sons knowing tbemselv* s to be in debt to this.firm, are hereby noti fled to come forward and settle a* once with the nnder*gned J. O. Hiner;Marlinton. W. Va.
More coal than gold Tie mine inspector of West Vir
iriuta teports a product of over 112 000,000 from the mines of the Mountsin State during the hist year, says the Baltimore Sun. ["nil iibalf as'g eta value as the t tal pre daction fa all the gold mines of California. Tbe dlscov- ^ry of gild on tin Pacific e)est more than half a centaary ago itiracted people from every <HUfiar tar of the wor'd »ud msde C«$for oia famous as the "Golden State" And yet|*t'\ej annhal rroJaot of tbe gold mines of California dur ing the decad J froin H.')0 to 18«0 when the golden»tBi was the flood vas no more ih.su $55,000,000 a
MONEY IS IN SANG DIGGING. A few days age Shed Carpdn-
'er, Preston Carpenter and 'Dad" Hall of Skel, returued frem a "serglrg"^trip on the head of Gauly. Tbey apent eight .days up there and brought back with them }ust twenty-five pounds of green ginseng, whioh was purchas ed by the United Cash Stores Company of this place at $2 per pound. The largest root , had three immense prongs and weighed three quarters cf a pound. .The greater part of this "seng" was
forks of Ganly,— Wehetsv Echo.
Taks lotks t
That en the 17th day of July, tbe firm or company known as the Arbevale Mercantile Co., was by mutual agreement dissolved.
All accounts against said com- pany and accounts due said com- peny will be settled with D. O Woods, under whose name the business is now carried on. :*,_
And further notice, I will not be responsible for any debts made by or against said company prior to .date of dissslvement.
Very respectfully, • W. E. AKBOGAST.
Executor's Notice All persons having accounts
againBt the eitate of George Bax- ter, dee'd., are notified to presat the same duly proven to the aider signed executer for payment. Any one indebted to the estate are re- quested to come forward andjeettle at once. ,-
Given nader my hani this- 8th day of August, 1908.
A O. Baxter Executor of George Baxter,
Administrator's Notice. All persons having claims
sgainst tbe estate ef Remns Bev- erage, dee'd., are bareby notified to present their claims properly proven to the undersigned admin- istrator. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to come forward and settle at once.
Given under my hand this 6th day of August,-1908.
Given under my hand this 12th day of August, 1908,
I) F- «»»neberry, Adminiatfatef<mAomn Shinna
, Seal bids will be received by the undersigned until Saturday the 22 day of August for the erection of a Parsonage building
selves to be indebted to said estate %fc QwiQbjulk ^rding to, speai- by note or account are requested to come forward and settle.
ficstions on We with me Iffceth may be seen or which will ha far* Apdsmy, nisbed on applicatxny The right it re-tted to rejeat awy
W, H. W
Notice to Trespcsacrs All persons are 1 erebv notified
not to trespsss on the lands of the undersigned on Back Allegheny Mountain, in any manner, es- pecially by cutting timber and ranging stock, under penalty of law.
Given undor my hsnd this 10.L day of August, 1908.
Wanlest, W. Va.
To Whjm it May Ccneern Notice Is hereby Kir-n that at
a general meeting t f the s'ock holders of tbe Cranberry Lumber Company'held at Mill Point, West Virgipisfha the 29th day of June 1908, a resolution wee adopted by a majority interest ef tbe en tire stoe'e of said company as follows:
Resolved: That this corporation dls'ceJWlnus business sa a corpo- ration and surrender to tho State of Watt Virginia Us charter and corporats franchise, and after pay ing all of Its debts sol liabilities, diviced its property and aaiets re- maining among its stock holders And to this end the board of di- rectors will proceed as speedily as possible te convert all property, chouse in action and asset cf this corporation into money, and to pay off and discharge all ot the debts and liabilities according to their paroities and after fully dis- charging all each debts acd liabi- lities^ to divide and pay over all such assets remaining to several tcck holders of this company
prorate with their several holdings of stock. But no payment shall be so made to any stock holder until after publication of >ha no tice of thin reeolnt'on as herein provided.
Resolved further that the pre- sident csase a notice of the ado- ption of this resolution to be pub- lished in some news paper near Mill Point West Virginia (this be ing the place of business of this corporation) once a week for at leastpix weeks and that he forth-
with certify nnder bis signature and ibe seal of this corporation i copv of this resolution te the Sec rotary of the State of West Virgi
nie,..*. 'Jf{: Given under my hand this 29th
day of June, 1908. H. O. Browning Jr. President.
For Sale: Valuable lot on Oamden Avenue near eighth Street, apply to Paris D. Teager let Natnial Bank Building
WANTED: A teacher for Spruce school to commence by September 1st. Apply to Box
'""-• Card of Theatai
I desire to return thanks to the many kind friends who aided me in earing for my dear husband during his sickness. May our Heavenly Father bless them all is the sincere wish of
rtofce. Tbe Bsard of Education of
Little Levels will receive bide till August 95, li o'clock, for the construction of a two room school house in snb district No. 11, at or near Emannal church on ths lands of T, A. Brnffey, Contractors will fie bond double the amount of bid. Bpecifloations will be fennd in the hands of John A, Young, Lobelia, and W. W. Rnckman. Tbe Board reserves tho right to njeet any and all bids, By order of tbe Board.
M. L. BBABD, Pros, W. W. BCOXMAH, Bee'y,
The Ladies
ABOUT YOUR BOY ANO GIRL. . School Days will soon be here. Have you decided
to which store to go to buy their clothing, shoes, hats,
trunks, suit cases, furnishings, and all necessities that a
boy and girl has to have to go away to school?
If you want to get
come to this store.
your money's worth and more,
My line of shoes are the best in the county, my line
of clothing,' hats, furnishings, trunks, and suit cases it the
largest in the county, my prices are the lowest consistent
with the quality of goods I handle. If you will five me
the opportunity, I will save you many dollars.
A. Harrison The Underselling; gtore
A special Invitation is extended to Membeft the Teachers Institute to come and take advantage special prices offered Institute week.
The healthiest and purest Soft Drink Made only of Bat* ley Malt and Hops only.
Guaranteed to contain less than 1-2 of 1
NOTICE. To sell any beverage containing more than 1-2
of 1 percent of Alcohol requires both Government and STATE License.
Greenbrier Presbyterial School
- West Virginia. ..-..>...»....„,,._...„„— .........
Young men prepared for say University or Professional School Thorough Instruction, Christian Influenof, Home Life, New Buildings, steam heat, water on every flwr, heathM location; ap* to date ah'etics; good foot ball, base ball «nd tennis \taamt,
Experienced Faculty; all degree men from best Unireraitiei.
Two additional members of faculty.. Enrollment doubled an! school full last year, Ninety par cent, of old boys return. Arrangements being made to aocomodaw greater number ol ststasaita. Military DicipHne will be adopted.
• • • M#
Not Dead We learn that some unprincipled parties are tailing:
that we are not handling fertiliser and coal this faH, thereby hoping to increase their own sales.
We take pleasure in thus informing our patterns'ttftat we are still in the business at the old stand, and you will find our prices lower than the lowest quality considered.
r* VouHHor business,