a g e n d a - salem, new hampshire

1 A G E N D A BOARD OF SELECTMEN August 10, 2015 6:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3,II(c) Town Manager’s Office 7:00 p.m. PUBLIC MEETING Knightly Meeting Room 1. Meeting Minutes 2. Chairman Comments 3. Additions and/or Requests by Public or Board by Vote Please note unscheduled matters are limited to a 15-minute discussion and must be presented before 7:30 pm or item will be moved to after Old Business 4. Discussion on Adding to Scope of Work to Include Additional Properties as Part of South Shore Road Sewer Extension Project 5. Proposal to Construct a Sidewalk Connecting Existing Sidewalk on Stiles Road to Recently Constructed Sidewalk on Pelham Road 6. Proposal to Install Crypts at Pine Grove Cemetery/Discuss Other Cemetery Locations 7. Update on North Policy Street Water Project 8. Clarification of Salem Municipal Code Chapter 90 Use of Municipal Property 9. Town Manager’s Report/Questions from Board of Selectmen 10. Selectmen Reports/Correspondence/Tabled and Pending Issues Budget Committee Rep. CART (Cooperative Alliance for Regional Transportation) Conservation Commission Rep. Council on Aging Rep. Historic District Commission Rep.

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August 10, 2015

6:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER

Non-Public Session – RSA 91-A:3,II(c)

Town Manager’s Office


Knightly Meeting Room

1. Meeting Minutes

2. Chairman Comments

3. Additions and/or Requests by Public or Board by Vote Please note unscheduled matters are limited to a 15-minute discussion and must be

presented before 7:30 pm or item will be moved to after Old Business

4. Discussion on Adding to Scope of Work to Include Additional Properties

as Part of South Shore Road Sewer Extension Project

5. Proposal to Construct a Sidewalk Connecting Existing Sidewalk on Stiles

Road to Recently Constructed Sidewalk on Pelham Road

6. Proposal to Install Crypts at Pine Grove Cemetery/Discuss Other Cemetery


7. Update on North Policy Street Water Project

8. Clarification of Salem Municipal Code Chapter 90 – Use of Municipal


9. Town Manager’s Report/Questions from Board of Selectmen

10. Selectmen Reports/Correspondence/Tabled and Pending Issues

Budget Committee Rep.

CART (Cooperative Alliance for Regional Transportation)

Conservation Commission Rep.

Council on Aging Rep.

Historic District Commission Rep.


Museum Committee Rep.

Planning Board Rep.

Recreation Advisory Committee Rep.

Field of Dreams Rep.

Town Wide Road Stabilization Committee Rep.

Economic Development Action Committee Rep.

11. Additions and/or Requests by Public or Board by Vote Please note unscheduled matters are limited to a 15-minute discussion

12. Upcoming Meetings

August 24, 2015

September 14, 2015 (Regular Meeting/2016 Budget Presentation)

September 21, 2015 (Budget Review – 6:30 p.m.)

September 23, 2015 (Budget Review – 6:30 p.m.)

September 24, 2015 (Budget Review – 6:30 p.m.)

13. Upcoming Events



PROJECT: I-93 Salem - Manchester, Exit 2


DESCRIPTION OF WORK:S:\All Projects\1205 Salem-Manch 13933E Exit 2\Extra Work\Stiles Sidewalk\[Stiles Rd Sidewalk.xls]10

LaborLabor (Straight Time) Labor (Over Time) Labor (Double Time) Totals

Code Description HR Rate Total HR Rate Total HR Rate Total Labor

Edwards, Steve Foreman 16 $62.47 $999.52 $999.52

MacElman, Ron Union Operator 16 $64.30 $1,028.80 $1,028.80

Correa, William Union Laborer 16 $62.20 $995.20 $995.20

Lage, Antonio Union Laborer 16 $62.20 $995.20 $995.20

Devarney, Richard Non-Union Driver 16 $28.44 $455.04 $455.04

Grasso, Dane Union Operator 4 $64.30 $257.20 $257.20

Sub Total $4,730.96

10% $473.10

Labor Total $5,204.06

EquipmentEquipment Totals

Code Description HR Rate Equip.

2096 2011 Ford F-250 PU Truck 16.00 $27.35 $437.60

15033 2006 Volvo EW 180B RT Excavat 16.00 $104.57 $1,673.12

37016 2011 CAT 966H Loader 4.00 $107.40 $429.60

3079 1997 Mack 600 RD600 16.00 $61.22 $979.52

Equipment Total $3,519.84


Stiles Road Sidewalk


Description Rate Equip.

Brox01 Crushed Stone 22 $22.80 $501.60

Sub Total $501.60

15% $75.24

Material Total $576.84


Description Rate Equip.

Sub Total


Subcontractor Total

Unit ItemsMaterial Totals

Code Description Units Rate Equip.

608.12 2" BITUMINOUS SIDEWALK (F) SY 167 $14.00 $2,338.00

Unit Item Total $2,338.00

Grand Total $11,638.74



To: Keith Hickey Town Manager

From: Rick Russell Public Works Director

Date: August 6, 2015

Re: Proposal to introduce crypts at the Pine Grove Cemetery


Please find below talking points to be presented at the August 10th BOS meeting. As we are all aware we are running out of room at the Pine Grove Cemetery and have had land acquisition in the CIP for the past several years. Even though it is practically impossible to tell the exact amount of time in years we have left in Pine Grove because of the many variables I believe this proposal to install cremation crypts will definitely slow down the immediate need to acquire land and also provide residents an appealing alternative to ground burials for reasons to be explained at the meeting. I trust that once this is presented and the associated costs are updated that this will be a very viable solution to the land problem and a great project for the residents of our community. The following are topics to be placed on the screen for explanation.

Virtual tour showing location of the proposed site in Pine Grove Cemetery

Part II of above showing remaining available space in newer section

Slide show with narration

Slide of existing site/section proposed to be utilized in its current state

Description of proposed area/section on approx. 2-1/2 acres

Slide with architectural concept drawings of typical proposed crypts on existing site

Slide showing styles, sizes and prices of typical crypts

Slide comparing costs associated with ground burials Vs. costs of cremation crypts

Page 2

Slide showing expected benefits of crypts

Slide with pictures of cremation crypts at the NH Veterans Cemetery in Boscawen

Slides with pictures of other recently installed crypts in area

Questions from the BOS as Jeff Hardy representative from Hardy Doric Inc. will be in attendance.


Rick Russell


Department of Public Works

[email protected]


603-890-3882 - Fax

ActID Description Orig










24 31 07 14 21 28 05 12 19 26 02 09 16 23

MobilizationBase Bid

1000 Moblize to Project 1d 1d 17AUG15 17AUG151010 Install Erosion Control 1d 1d 18AUG15 18AUG15

Alternate-A Joseph Road2000 Moblize to Project 4h 4h 19AUG15 19AUG152010 Install Erosion Control 4h 4h 19AUG15 19AUG15

Installation of Water MainBase Bid

1020 Install Water Mains 30d 30d 19AUG15 30SEP151030 Test Water Main 5d 5d 01OCT15 07OCT15

Alternate-A Joseph Road

2020 Install Water Mains 5d 5d 01OCT15 07OCT152030 Test Water Main 5d 5d 08OCT15 15OCT15

Installation of ServicesBase Bid1040 Install Services 10d 10d 08OCT15 22OCT15

Alternate-A Joseph Road2040 Install Services 3d 3d 23OCT15 27OCT15

Misc Work and CleanupBase Bid1050 Temp Pavement 5d 5d 19OCT15 23OCT15

1070 Loam and Seed Road Edges and Services 3d 3d 26OCT15 28OCT15Alternate-A Joseph Road

2050 Temp Pavement 5d 5d 22OCT15 28OCT152060 Loam and Seed Road Edges and Services 3d 3d 29OCT15 02NOV15

Moblize to ProjectInstall Erosion Control

Moblize to ProjectInstall Erosion Control

Install Water MainsTest Water Main

Install Water MainsTest Water Main

Install Services

Install Services

Temp Pavement

Loam and Seed Road Edges and Services

Temp PavementLoam and Seed Road Edges and Services

Start date 30JUL15Finish date 02NOV15Data date 17AUG15Run date 30JUL15Page number 1A© Primavera Systems, Inc.

DeFelice CorporationNorth Policy_Rockingham Road W ater

Early barProgress barCritical barSummary barStart milestone pointFinish milestone point

Chapter 90


ARTICLE I ARTICLE IIRenting of Town Hall Political Activity

§ 90-1. Rental policy. § 90-2. Restrictions on use for partisanpolitical activities.

[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Salem as indicated in article histories.Amendments noted where applicable.]

ARTICLE IRenting of Town Hall

[Adopted by the Board of Selectmen 6-22-1959 (Ch. 67, Art. I, of the 1995 Code)]

§ 90-1. Rental policy.

The T own Hall w ill not be r ented to p rivate p arties a nd will b e r eserved f or t he u se of loc alorganizations.

ARTICLE IIPolitical Activity

[Adopted by the Board of Selectmen 8-5-1974 (Ch. 67, Art. II, of the 1995 Code)]

§ 90-2. Restrictions on use for partisan political activities.

In order to p rovide a guideline for a ll interested parties and persons on t he use of municipallyowned property for partisan political activities, the following policy is hereby adopted by theBoard of Selectmen:

A. Political advertising signs and/or s tickers f or a ny party, is sue or c andidate s hall not b eplaced on public property, on public buildings, structures or municipal vehicles.

B. Political p arties ma y r ent, a t the established rate, p ublic b uildings ha ving meeting r oomfacilities f or t he p urpose of b usiness meetings, organizational meetings, elections,candidate nights and similar activities; s uch p ublic f acilities w ill not b e a vailable f orcampaign purposes p rior t o any election f or a po litical pa rty, po litical c ommittee o rpolitical candidate.

C. The following activities on municipal property are prohibited:

(1) Any activity which disrupts the normal business operation of the site or facility.

(2) The use of sound trucks, mobile sound systems or loudspeakers, other than on thepublic way.

90:1 11 - 01 - 2013


11/2013 Page 117 of 756