a first book of ansi c fourth edition chapter 5 repetition

A First Book of ANSI C Fourth Edition Chapter 5 Repetition

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A First Book of ANSI CFourth Edition

Chapter 5Repetition

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A First Book of ANSI C, Fourth Edition 2


• Basic Loop Structures

• The while Statement

• Computing Sums and Averages Using a while Loop

• The for Statement

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• The programs examined so far have been in illustrating the correct structure of C programs and in introducing fundamental C input, assignment, and selection capabilities.

• The real power of most computer programs is their ability to repeat the same calculation of sequence of instructions many times, each time using different data, without rerunning the program for each new set of data values.

• In this chapter we explore the C statements that permit this.

• These statements are the while, for, and do-while statements.

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Objectives (continued)

• Case Studies: Loop Programming Techniques

• Nested Loops

• The do-while Statement

• Common Programming and Compiler Errors

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• A section of code that is repeated is called a loop, because after the last statement in the code is executed, the program branches, or loops, back to the first statement and starts another repetition through the code

• Each repetition is also called an iteration or pass through the loop

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5.1 Basic Loop Structures

• Constructing a repeating section of code requires that four elements be present:– Repetition statement

• while statement• for statement• do-while statement

– Condition– A statement that initially sets the condition being

tested– A statement within the repeating section of code that

alters the condition so that it eventually becomes false

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Pretest and Posttest Loops

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Pretest and Posttest Loops (continued)

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Counter-Controlled and Condition-Controlled Loops

• Counter-controlled loop: the condition is used to keep track of the number of repetitions– Also known as a fixed-count loop

• Condition-controlled loop: the tested condition does not depend on a count being achieved, but rather on a specific value being encountered

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Basic Loop Structures

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5.2 The while Statement

• The while statement is a general repetition statement that can be used in a variety of programming situations.

• The form of the while statement is

• while (expression) • statement;

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The while Statement

• The transfer of control back to the start of a while statement to reevaluate the expression is known as a program loop

• The following is a valid but infinite loop:

while (count <= 10)

printf("%d ",count);

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The while Statement (continued)

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• Program 5.1• # include <stdio.h>• int main ()• {• int count;• count = 1; /* initialize count*/• while (count <=10)• {• printf (“%d “, count);• ++count; /* add 1 to count */• }• return 0;• }

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The while Statement (continued)

Output is:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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• Before we consider other example of the while statement, two comments concerning Program 5.1 are in order.

• First, the statement ++count can be replaced with any statement that can change the value of count.

• A statement such as count = count + 2, for example, would cause every second integer to be displayed.

• Second, it is the programmer “s responsibility to ensure that count is changed in a way that ultimately leads to a normal exit from the while.

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• Now that you have some familiarity with the while statements, see if you can read and determine the output of Program 5.2.

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• Program 5.2• # include <stdio.h>• {• int i;• i = 10;• while (i >== 1)• {• printf (“%d ”, i);• --i; /* subtract 1 form i */• }• return 0;• }

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The while Statement (continued)

Output is:10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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• The assignment statement in Program 5.2 initially sets variable i to 10.

• The while statement then checks to see if the value of i is greater than or equal to 1.

• While the expression is true, the value of i is displayed by the call to printf () and the value of i is decremented by 1.

• When i finally reaches zero, the expression is false and program exists the while statement.

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• To illustrate the power of the while statement, consider the task of printing a table of number from 1 to 10 with their squares and cubs.

• This can be done with a simple while statement, as illustrated by Program 5.3

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• Program 5.3

• # include <stdio.h>• int main ()• {• int num;• printf (“NUMBER SQUARE CUBE\n”);• printf (“----- ----- ---- \n”);• num = 1;• while (num < 11)• {• printf (“%3d %3d %4d\n, num, num*num,

num*num*num);• ++num; /* add 1 to num*/• }• return 0;• }

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• Program 5.3 produces the following display.• NUMBER SQUARE CUBE• ----- ----- ----• 1 1 1• 2 4 8• 3 9 27• 4 16 64• 5 25 125• 6 36 216• 7 49 343• 8 64 512• 9 81 729• 10 100 1000

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• Note that the expression used in Program 5.3 is num< 11.

• For the integer variable num, this expression is exactly equivalent to the expression num<= 10.

• The choice of which to use is entirely up to you.

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• If you want to use Program 5.3 to produce a table of 1000 numbers, all you do is change the expression in the while statement from i<11 to i <1001.

• Changing the 11 to 1001 produces a table of 1000 line-not bad for a simple five-line while statement.

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The while Statement (continued)Output is:NUMBER SQUARE CUBE------ ------ ---- 1 1 1 2 4 8 3 9 27 4 16 64 5 25 125 6 36 216 7 49 343 8 64 512 9 81 729 10 100 1000

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• As before, the while statement consists of everything from the word while through the closing brace of the compound statement.

• Prior to the while loop we have made sure to assign a value to the operand being evaluated, and there is a statement to alter the value of Celsius to ensure an exit from the while loop.

• Program 5.4 illustrates the use of code in a complete program.

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• .Program 5.4

• # include <stdio.h>

• int main() /* program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit */

• {

• int celsius;

• float fahren;

• printf (“ DEGREES DEGREES\n”);

• printf (“CELSIUS FAHRENHEIT\n”);

• printf (“------------ ------------------\n”);

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• Celsius = 5; /* starting Celsius value */

• while (Celsius <= 50)• {• fahrenn = (9.0/5.0) * celsius +32.0;• printf (“%5d%12.2f\n”. celsius, fahren);;• celsius = celsius + 5;• }• return 0;• }

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• The display obtained when program 5.4 is executed is • DEGREES DEGREES• CELSIUS FAHRENHEIT• ----------- ------------------• 5 41.00• 10 50.00• 15 59.00• 20 68.00• 25 77.00• 30 86.00• 35 95.00• 40 104.00• 45 113.00• 50 122.00

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Condition-controlled loop

Output is:DEGREES DEGREESCELSIUS FAHRENHEIT------- ---------- 5 41.00 10 50.00 15 59.00 20 68.00 25 77.00 30 86.00 35 95.00 40 104.00 45 113.00 50 122.00

The while Statement (continued)

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5.3 Computing Sums and Averages within a while loop

• Combining the scanf () function with the repetition capabilities of the while statement produces very adaptable and powerful programs.

• To understand the concept involved, Consider Program 5.5, where a while statement is used to accept and then display four user-entered numbers, one at a time.

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• Program 5.5

• # include <stdio,h>

• int main ()

• {

• int count ;

• float num;

• printf (“\n This is program will ask you to enter some number.\n”);

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• count = 1;• while (count <= 4)• {• printf (“\n Enter a number : “);• scanf (“%f”, &num);• printf (“The number entered is %f”, num);• ++count;• }• return 0;• }

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Computing Sums and Averages Using a while Loop

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Computing Sums and Averages Using a while Loop (continued)

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• Once the while loop is entered, the statements within the compound statement are executed while the tested condition is true.

• The first time through the compound statement , the message Enter a number: is displayed.

• The program then calls the scanf (), which forces the computer to wait for a number to be entered at the keyboard.

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• Once a number is typed and the ENTER key is pressed, the call to printf () displaying the number is executed.

• The variable count is then incremented by one.

• This process continues until four passes through the loop have been made and the value of count is 5.

• Each pass causes the message Enter a number: to be displayed, causes one call to scanf () to be made, and causes the message The number entered is to be displayed.

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• Rather than simply displaying the entered numbers, Program 5.5 can be modified to use the entered data.

• For example, we can add the numbers entered and display the total.

• To do this, we must be very careful in how we add the numbers, since the same variable, num, is used for each number entered.

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• Because of this the entry of a new number in Program 5.5 automatically causes the previous number stored in num to be lost.

• Thus, each number entered must be added to the total before another number is entered.

• The required sequence is • Enter a number• Add the number to the total• How do we add a number to a total?•

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• A statement such as total =total+ num; does the job perfect.

• This is the accumulating statement introduced in section 3.1.

• After each number is entered, the accumulating statement adds the number into the total, as illustrated in Figure 5.5.

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Computing Sums and Averages Using a while Loop (continued)

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Computing Sums and Averages Using a while Loop (continued)

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• Program 5.6

• # include <stdio.h> • Int main ( ) • {• int count;• float num, total;• printf (“\n This program will ask you to enter some

number.\n”);• count = 1;• total = 0;

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• while (count <= 4)• {• printf (“\n Enter a number : “);• scanf (“%f”, sum);• total = total+ num;• printf (“The total is now %f”, total);• ++count;• }• printf (“\n\n The final total is %f”, total);• return 0;• )

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• Let us review program 5.6. • The variable total was created to store the total of

the number entered. • Prior to entering the while statement the value of

total is set to zero. • This ensures that any previous value present in

the storage location assigned to the variable total is overwritten.

• When the while loop is entered, the statement total = total+ num is used to add the value of the entered number into total.

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Ensures that any previous value present in the storage locations assigned to the variable total is overwritten and the total starts at a correct value

Accumulating statement

Computing Sums and Averages Using a while Loop (continued)

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• Having used an accumulating assignment to add the number entered, we can now go further and calculate the average of the number.

• Where do we calculate the average—within the while loop or outside it?

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• In the case at hand, calculating an average requires that both a final sum and the number of items in that sum be available.

• The average is then computed by dividing the final sum by the number of items.

• At this point, we must ask, “At what point in the program is the correct sum available, and at what point is the number of items available?”

• In reviewing Program 5.6 we see that the correct sum needed for calculating the average is available after the while loop is finished.

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• In fact, the whole purpose of the while loop is to ensure that the numbers are entered and added correctly to produce a correct sum.

• Within this as background, see if you can read and understand Program 5.7

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• Program 5.7• # include <stdio.h>• int main ()• {• int count;• float num, total ,average;• printf (“\n This program will ask you to

enter some numbers.\n”);• count = 1;• total = 0;

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• while (count <=4)• {• printf (“Enter a number : “);• scanf (“%f”, &num);• total = total + num;• ++count;• }• --count;• average = total /count;• printf (“\n The average of the numbers is

%f”, average);• return 0;• }

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• Following is sample run using Program5.7.

• This program will ask you to enter some numbers.

• Enter a number: 26.2

• Enter a number: 5

• Enter a number: 103.456

• Enter a number: 1267.89

• The average of the number is 350.636500

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Calculating an average

Computing Sums and Averages Using a while Loop (continued)

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• A program, such as Program 5.7, can be made much more general by removing the restriction that exactly four numbers are to be entered– The user enters a value for how many

numbers will be averaged– You can use a sentinel (a data value used to

signal either the start or end of a data series)• The sentinel values must be selected so

as not to conflict with legitimate data values

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• Program 5.8

• # include <stdio.h>• int main ()• {• float grade, total;• grade = 0;• total = 0;• printf (“\n To stop entering grade, type in any

number”)• printf (“\n grater than 100.\n\n”);

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• while (grade <= 100)• {• printf (“Enter a grade: “);• scanf (“%f, &grade);• total = total + grade;• }• printf (“\n The total of the grade is %f”, total -

grade);• return 0;• }

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• Following is a sample run using program 5.8. • As long as grades less than 100 are entered, the

program continues to request and accept additional data.

• When a number greater than 100 is entered, the program adds this number to the total and exits the while loop.

• Outside of the loop and within the printf () function call, the value of the sentinel that was added to the total is subtracted and the sum of the legitimate grades that were entered is displayed.

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• To stop entering grade, type in any number

• greater than 100.

• Enter a grade: 95

• Enter a grade: 100

• Enter a grade: 82

• Enter a grade: 101

• The total of the grades is 277.000000

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Sentinels (continued)

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Sentinels (continued)

• One useful sentinel in C is the named constant EOF (End Of File)

– The actual value of EOF is compiler-dependent, but it is always assigned a code that is not used by any other character

– EOF is defined in stdio.h

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Sentinels (continued)

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• Program 5.9

• # include <stdio.h>• int main()• {• float grade, total = 0; /* note the

initialization here*/• printf (“\n To stop entering grades, press

either the F6 key”);• printf (“\n or the ctrl and z keys

simultaneous on IBM computers”);• printf (“\n or the ctrl and D keys for UNIX

operating systems.\n\n”);

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• printf (“Enter a grade: “);• while (scanf (“%f”, &grade) != EOF)• {• total = total + grade;• printf (“Enter a grade : “);• }• printf (“\n The total of the grades is %f”,

total);• return 0;• }

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• To stop entering grades, press either the F6 key

• or the ctrl and Z keys simultaneously on IBM computers

• or the ctrl and D keys for UNIX operating systems

• Enter a grade: 100• Enter a grade: 200• Enter a grade: 300• Enter a grade: ^Z• The total of the grades is 600.000000

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Sentinels (continued)

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The break and continue Statements

• A break forces an immediate exit from while, switch, for, and do-while statements only

while(count <= 10){ printf("Enter a number: "); scanf("%f", &num); if (num > 76) { printf("You lose!"); break; /* break out of the loop */ } else printf("Keep on truckin!");}/* break jumps to here */

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• The continue applies to loops only; when a continue statement is encountered in a loop, the next iteration of the loop begins immediately

while (count < 30){ printf("Enter a grade: "); scanf("%f", &grade); if(grade < 0 || grade > 100) continue; total = total + grade; count = count + 1;}

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The Null Statement

• A semicolon with nothing preceding it is also a valid statement, called the null statement

;• Use the null statement where a statement

is syntactically required, but no action is needed

• Null statements typically are used either with while or for statements

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The for Statement• The for statement combines all four elements

required to easily produce a loop on the same line

for (initializing list; tested expression; altering list)

statement;• This statement does not require that any of the

items in parentheses be present or that they actually be used for initializing or altering the values in the expression statements– However, the two semicolons must be present

•for ( ; count <= 20;) is valid• Omitting tested expression results in infinite loop

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The for Statement (continued)

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• Program 5.10

• # include <stdio.h>

• int main ()• {

• int count;

for (count = 2; count <= 20; count = count +2)

• printf (“%d “, count);

• return 0;

• }

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The for Statement (continued)

• Output is:2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

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• Program 5.10a

• # include <stdio.h>• int main ()• {• int count;• count = 2; /* initialize outside for

statement */• for ( ; count <= 20; count = count +2);• printf (“%d “,count);• return 0;• }

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• Program 5.10b

• # include <stdio.h>• int main ()• {• int count;• count = 2; /*; initialize outside for statement */• for ( ; count <= 20; )• {• printf (“%d “, count);• count = count + 2; /* alteration statement */• }• return 0;• }

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• Program 5.10c

• # include <stdio.h>• int main() /* all expression within the for’s

parentheses */• {• int count;• for (count =2; count <= 20; printf (“%d “, count),

count = count +2);• return 0;• }

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The for Statement (continued)

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The for Statement (continued)

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The for Statement (continued)

Comma-separated list

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• To understand the enormous power of the for statement, consider the task of printing a table of numbers from 1 to 10, including their squares and cubes, using this statement.

• Such a table was previously produced using a while statement in program 5.3.

• You may wish to review program 5.3 and compare it to program 5.11 to get a further sense of the equivalent between the for and while statements.

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• Program 5.11

• # include <stdio.h>• int main ()• {• int num;• printf (“NUMBER SQUARE CUBE\n”);• printf (“------------ ----------- ------\n”);• for (num = 1; num <= 10; ++num)

printf (“%3d %3d %3d\n”, num, num*num, mum*num*num);

• return 0;• }

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• Program 5.11 produces the following display:• NUMBER SQUARE CUBE• ------------ ----------- ------- • 1 1 1• 2 4 8• 3 9 27• 4 16 64• 5 25 125• 6 36 216• 7 49 343• 8 64 512• 9 81 729• 10 100 1000

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The for Statement (continued)

(compare with Program 5.3)

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• Simple change 10 in the for statement of program 5.11 to 1000 creates a loop that is executed 1000 times and produces a table of a numbers from 1 to 1000.

• As with the while statement this small change produces an immense increase in the processing and output provided by the program.

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scanf () within a for Loop• Using a scanf () function call inside a for

loop produces the same effect as when this function is called inside a while loop.

• For example, in program 5.12 a scanf () function call is used to input a set of numbers.

• As each number is input, it is added to a total.

• When the for loop is exited, the average is calculated and displayed..

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• Program 5.12

• # include < stio.h>• int main()• /* This program calculates the average */• /* of five user-entered number. */• {• int count;• float num, total, average;• total = 0.0;•

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• for (count = 0; count <5; ++count)• {• printf (“\n Enter a number :”);• scanf (“%f”, &num);• total = total + num;• }• average = total / count;• printf (“\n\n The average of the data

entered is %f”, average);• return 0;• }

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• Although, for clarity, total was initialized to zero before the for statement, this initialization could have been included with the initialization of count, as follows:

• for (total =0.0, count = 0; count < 5;


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Computing Sums and Averages Using a for Loop

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5.5 Case Studies: Loop Programming Techniques

• Technique 1: Selection within a loop

• Technique 2: Input data validation

• Technique 3: Interactive loop control

• Technique 4: Evaluating equations

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Technique 1: Selection within a Loop

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Technique 2: Input Data Validation

Same code used in lines 6-7!

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Technique 2: Input Data Validation (continued)

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Technique 3: Interactive Loop Control

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Technique 4: Evaluating Equations

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Technique 4: Evaluating Equations (continued)

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Nested Loops

• There are many situations in which it is very convenient to have a loop contained within another loop.

• Such loops are called nested loops.

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• A simple example is

• for ( i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) /* start of outer loop+ */• { /* ︳ */• printf (“\n i is now %d\n”, i) /* ︳ */• for (j = 1; j <= 4; ++j) /* start of inner loop*/• printf (“ j = %d”, j); /* end of inner loop ︳


• } /* end of outer loop --+ */

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• The first loop, controlled by the value of i is called the outer loop.

• The second loop, controlled by the value of j, is called the inner loop.

• Notice that all statements in the inner loop are contained within the boundaries of the outer loop and that we have used a different variable to control each loop.

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• For each single trip through the outer loop, the inner loop runs through its entire sequence.

• Thus, each time the i counter increases by 1, the inner for loop executes completely.

• This situation is illustrated in figure 5.9.• Program 5.19 includes the above code in

a working program.

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• Proram 5.19

• # include <stdio.h>• int main ()• {• int i, j;• for (i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) /* start of outer loop ----+*/• { /* ︳ */• printf (“\n i is now d\n”, i ) /* ︳ */• for (j = 1; j <= 4; ++j) /* start of inner loop ︳ */• printf (“ j = %d”, j); /* end of inner loop ︳ */• } /* end of outer loop ︳ */• return 0;• }

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• Following is output of a simple run of program 5.19.

• i is now 1

• j = 1 j = 2 j =3 j = 4

• i is now 2

• j =1 j = 2 j =3 j = 4

• i is now 3

• j =1 j = 2 j =3 j = 4

• i is now 4

• j =1 j = 2 j =3 j = 4

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• Let us use a nested loop to compute the average grade for each student in a class of 20.

• Each student has taken four exams during the course of the semester.

• The final grade is calculated as the average of these examination grades.

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• Program 5.20

• # include <stdio.h>• int main()• {• int i, j;• float grade, total,

average;• for (i = 1; i <= 20; ++i) • {• total = 0; • for (j = 1; j <= 4; ++j)•

• {printf (“Enter an examination grade for this student : “);

• scanf(“%f”,&grade),• total = total +grade;• } • average = total / 4; • printf (“\n The average for

student %d is %f \n\n”, i, average);

• }• return 0;• }

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• In reviewing program 5.20, pay particular attention to the initialization of total within the outer loop before the inner loop is entered.

• The variable total is initialized 20 times, once for each student.

• Also notice that average is calculated and displayed immediately after the inner loop is finished.

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5.7 The do-while Statement

• Both the while and the for statements evaluate an expression at the start of the repetition loop.

• There are cases, however, where it is more convenient to test the expression at the end of the loop.

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• The do statement, as its name implies, allows us to do some statements before an expression is evaluated.

• • The general form of the do statement is

• do• statement;• while (expression); ---don’t forget the final;

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• As with all C programs, the single statement in the do may be replaced with a compound statement.

• A flow-control diagram illustrating the operation of the do statement is shown in figure 5.10

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• As illustrated in Figure 5.10, all statements within the do statement are executed at least once before the expression is evaluated.

• Then, if the expression has nonzero value, the statements are executed again.

• This process continues until the expression evaluates to zero.

• For example, consider the following do statement:

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• do • {• printf (“\n Enter a price : “);• scanf (“”%f”, &price);• if (price < SENTINEL)• break;• salestax = RATE * price;• printf(“ The sales tax is $%5.2f”, salestax);• }• while (price != SENTINEL);

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• Here the compound statement within the loop will always be executed at least once, regardless of the value of the tested condition.

• They will then be repeatedly executed as long as the condition remains true.

• Notice that in this section of code the loop is also stopped when the sentinel value is encountered.

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• As with all repetition statements, the do statement can always replace or be replaced by an equivalent while or for statement.

• The choice of which statements to use depends on the application and the style preferred by the programmer.

• In general, the while and for statements are preferred because they clearly let anyone reading the program know what is being tested “right up front” at the top of the program loop.

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Validity Checks

• The do statement is particularly useful in filtering user-entered input and providing data validity checks.

• For example, assume that an operator is required to enter a valid customer identification number between the numbers 1000 and 1999.

• A number outside this range is to be rejected, and a new request for a valid number made.

• The following section of code provides the necessary data filter to verify the entry of a valid identification number:

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• do• {• printf (“%\n Enter an identification number:

“);• scanf (“%f”, &idNum);• }• whilie (idNum < 1000 ︳︳ idNum >1999);

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• Here, a request for an identification number is repeated until a valid number is entered.

• This section of code is “bare bones” in that it neither alters the operator to the cause of the new request for data nor allows premature exit from the loop if a valid identification number cannot be found.

• An alternative for removing the first drawback is

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• do • {• prntf (“\n Enter an identification number : “);• scanf (“%f”. &idNum);• if (idNum < 1000 ︳︳ idBun > 1999)• {• printf (“\n An invalid number was just entered”);• printf (“\n please check the ID number and re-enter”);• }• else• break; /* break if a valid id num was entered */• } while (1); /* this expression is always true*/

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• Here we have used a break statement to exit the loop.

• Because the expression being evaluated by the do statement is always 1 (true), an infinite loop has been created that is exited only when the break statement is encountered.