a collaborative approach: moving toward information literacy through data governance (286473384)

8/20/2019 A Collaborative Approach: Moving toward Information Literacy through Data Governance (286473384) http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/a-collaborative-approach-moving-toward-information-literacy-through-data-governance 1/25 Moving Towards Information Literacy Through Data Governance Scott Owczarek • Jason Fishbain

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Moving Towards Information Literacy ThroughData Governance

Scott Owczarek • Jason Fishbain

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Scott OwczarekUniversity Registrar 

Division of Enro!ent "anage!ent


Jason Fishain

%hief Data Officer  &ason#fishbain$wisc#edu

 This presentation leaves copyright of the content to the presenter. Unless otherwise noted in the

materials, uploaded content carries the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlie license, which grants usage to the general public with the stipulated criteria

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• 'istorica ti!eine• (ask force for!ed

• %harge) findings) chaenges) and strategic ga*s

• +ision for the future

• ,resentation to the ,rovost• Reco!!endations and *ro*osed soutions

• (he invest!ent in a %DO

• %reation of a Data -overnance ,rogra!and Fra!ework

• .e/t Ste*s

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0123 ,rovost For!s a (ask Force

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Our %harge

The overall goal is to develop a comprehensive data

governance framework.... balance the institution’s need for

data with compliance, privacy and security requirements…

it should also:• honor stewardship of the data

• eliminate barriers to legitimate use of data

• encompass responsible means for access to, use of, and

of storage of data

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(ask Force "e!bers

• University Registrar) Office of the Registrar 4(ask Force


• %hair and ,rofessor of Eectrica and %o!*uter Engineering

•  6ssociate Dean for Student 6cade!ic 6ffairs

•  6ssociate Registrar for 6**ications Deveo*!ent 7(echnica Services

• %onsutant 88 Office of 9uaity I!*rove!ent

•  6ssistant +ice %hanceor 88 Office of :ega 6ffairs

• "athe!atics ,rofessor) "athe!atics

•  6ssistant Dean) Director of %enter for 6cade!ic E/ceence)%oege of :etters and Science

• ,oicy and ,anning 6nayst) Schoo of Education

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Data Sources at U;8"adison

!"etaphorical representation#

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• %o!*e/ andsca*e of data and technoogy toos

• E/*ertise and knowedge in s!a *ockets on ca!*us

• Diversity of users

• Increased vunerabiity for security concerns 4i#e# breach5

• Du*ication of data) efforts) services) syste!s) and toos

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Strategic -a*s

• :ack of roes) res*onsibiities) co!!on definitions

• (raining and *rofessiona deveo*!ent

•  6ccess and authorization

• :ack of coordination of issues and soutions

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;hy is this I!*ortant<

• (his is the infrastructure needed for success in the foowing

ca!*us initiatives=

• Achievement gap

• Activity-based budgeting

• Administrative $%cellence !A$#• Compliance

• $ducation &nnovation !$&#

• Self-paced learning

• 'earning and academic analytics

• (isCel ) (isconsin Collaboratory for $nhanced'earning

• New program evaluation

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Our +ision

Create a data governance system tosupport the evidenced-basedmission of the great University ofWisconsin-Madison

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Data -overnance

 6 data governance syste! incudes=

• (he rights and accountabiity fra!ework to enabe

a**ro*riate e!*oyee access to) and vauation) creation)

storage) use) archiving and deetion of) infor!ation#

• (he *rocesses) roes and *oicies) standards and !etrics

that ensure the effective and efficient use of infor!ation in

enabing an organization to achieve its goas#

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(ask Force Reco!!endations

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%hanceor shoud charge the ca!*us eadershi* to authorize

and co!!it resources to the %IO to=

• Build a sustained campus data governance and

management effort that meets the data needs of all

employees while maintaining security and privacy of data.

• Integrate and develop campus data infrastructure to facilitate

streamlined access and use across the enterprise.

• Ensure, develop, and coordinate the training and staff core

competencies required to translate data into meaningful and

mission relevant information.

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Detaied Reco!!endations

• %reate an Office of Infor!ation 6ffairs•  6ccountabe for the coordination and *rogress to

i!*e!ent and scae data governance and


• Estabish a Data -overnance and "anage!entStructure

• Deveo* guideines) *oicies) *rocedures) and

standards for ca!*us

• %reate Data Su**ort (ea!s• %o!!unity of *ractitioners) to buid e/*ertise and

inteectua sharing

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;hat ;oud Data -overnance :ook

:ike at U;8"adison

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Risks of "aintaining the Status 9uo

•  :ose a co!*etitive edge a!ongst *eers

•  Inabiity to deiver effectivey on either ca!*us initiatives


•  :ong8ter! and increased distributed costs 

•  Security and ,rivacy Issues


•  Re*orting inaccurate !etrics

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I!*e!entation of the First (askForce Reco!!endation

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;hy a %DO

• E/ecutive eve roe to organize) cha!*ion and

otherwise direct efforts reating to institutiona

data !anage!ent

• >ey skis=

• .egotiation

• %o!!unication

•  6biity to think both strategicay and o*erationay

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,rogra! -oas

• Estabish a ?data8@uaity cutureA that drives data infor!ed

decision !aking

• %reate Structured 6ccountabiity) with defined roes and


• Faciitate %oaboration 7 Education reated to data8reated

*oicies and use of data

• Faciitate standard) consistent data definitions where


•  6ign with ca!*us shared governance

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 6cco!*ish!ents (o8Date

• O*erationa for B !onths

• Re8defined UniversityAs Data %assifications C risk


• For!aized 3 sub8grou*s 4Stewards5 for s*ecific

data do!ains

.e/t Ste*s

• Roe8based access• Si!*ify *rocess to gain access

• (raining

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'e* Us I!*rove and -row

(hank you for *artici*ating

in todayAs session#

;eAre very interested in your feedback# ,ease take

a !inute to fi out the session evauation found within

the conference !obie a**) or the onine agenda#