a closer look

*A Closer Look* *A Closer Look* Where God Meet’s Man” Where God Meet’s Man” One Hour - Bible Study One Hour - Bible Study By Rev. Bert A. Ray II By Rev. Bert A. Ray II

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*A Closer Look**A Closer Look*

““Where God Meet’s Man”Where God Meet’s Man”One Hour - Bible StudyOne Hour - Bible StudyBy Rev. Bert A. Ray IIBy Rev. Bert A. Ray II

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* A Close Look ** A Close Look *

1. John 17:17 – Everyone claims t have truth, 1. John 17:17 – Everyone claims t have truth, but differ in their belief which is impossible. but differ in their belief which is impossible. There can be only There can be only one truth.one truth.

Jesus said that the WORD is truth.Jesus said that the WORD is truth.The WORD of God is where truth is to be found. It The WORD of God is where truth is to be found. It

can not be in ideas or creeds of denomination.can not be in ideas or creeds of denomination. If we have to choose between what the Bible If we have to choose between what the Bible

says versus man; The WORD is true and man a says versus man; The WORD is true and man a liar……………..liar……………..

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St. John 12:48St. John 12:48

The WORD of God will judge us in the last The WORD of God will judge us in the last day. day.

If we don’t live-by and obey the Bible we will If we don’t live-by and obey the Bible we will be lost.be lost.

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Revelations 22:18-20Revelations 22:18-20

Here we see can not add-to the Bible or take-Here we see can not add-to the Bible or take-away or we will be lost.away or we will be lost.

Add-to: Can’t write a new Bible or can’t Add-to: Can’t write a new Bible or can’t preach something not in the Bible or we will preach something not in the Bible or we will be lost.be lost.

Take-away: by Refusing to obey all the Bible Take-away: by Refusing to obey all the Bible we will be lost.we will be lost.

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*A Closer Look**A Closer Look*

It is vital to know the context of a book in the It is vital to know the context of a book in the Bible in order to fully understand a verse in Bible in order to fully understand a verse in that book was written to an why. that book was written to an why.

There are 4 “ division” of the New There are 4 “ division” of the New Testament.***Testament.***

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““The Closer Look” The Closer Look” The four divisions of the New The four divisions of the New


Gospels: (Matthew-John) Each start around Gospels: (Matthew-John) Each start around the birth of Jesus and ends around the Death, the birth of Jesus and ends around the Death, Burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It tells Burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It tells us about the one that saves us and the price He us about the one that saves us and the price He paid. Vital teachings are found here but are in paid. Vital teachings are found here but are in parable form.parable form.

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““A Closer Look”A Closer Look”Division of the New TestamentDivision of the New Testament

Acts: The only book in the Bible where we Acts: The only book in the Bible where we have a word for word account of what the have a word for word account of what the Apostles preached to the lost. Here the Apostles preached to the lost. Here the Apostles were found telling people not in the Apostles were found telling people not in the church how to be saved or how to get right church how to be saved or how to get right with God.with God.

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““A Closer Look”A Closer Look”

Epistles: (Romans – Jude) Letters written to Epistles: (Romans – Jude) Letters written to people “already saved” telling them how to people “already saved” telling them how to staystay saved saved

Revelations: The book of prophecy written in Revelations: The book of prophecy written in symbolic language telling us how little time symbolic language telling us how little time we have to get right with God.we have to get right with God.

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Important Questions:Important Questions:

A. Some people say it doesn’t matter what you A. Some people say it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere. Can a man believe as long as you are sincere. Can a man be sincerely wrong?be sincerely wrong?

B. Are there false preachers and churches B. Are there false preachers and churches today?today?

C. Who are false preachers and churches C. Who are false preachers and churches according to the Bible?according to the Bible?

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4. James 1:21-224. James 1:21-22

. We must do what the Bible teaches or we are . We must do what the Bible teaches or we are just a hearer of the Bible and will be lost.just a hearer of the Bible and will be lost.

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5. Matthew 7:13,14,21-275. Matthew 7:13,14,21-27

These scriptures tell us that the majority of These scriptures tell us that the majority of people will be lost. The broad way of people will be lost. The broad way of destruction vs the narrow way of life. “Few destruction vs the narrow way of life. “Few there be that find it” In order to find something there be that find it” In order to find something one must be willing to look for it.one must be willing to look for it.

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““A Closer Look”A Closer Look” People that are saved will be those who have done the People that are saved will be those who have done the

“Will of the Father”. “Will of the Father”. The word “testament” means a written will of The word “testament” means a written will of

instruction for family to use after the death of the instruction for family to use after the death of the writer. writer.

God left his will in writing, his very words for God left his will in writing, his very words for instruction is clearly seen in the Bible. instruction is clearly seen in the Bible.

Therefore can one be saved when he/she is Therefore can one be saved when he/she is disobedient to what God has written in the disobedient to what God has written in the Bible?Bible?

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6. Matthew 16:18-196. Matthew 16:18-19

Here Jesus gives the Apostle Peter the keys to Here Jesus gives the Apostle Peter the keys to the Kingdom of God, which is what he will the Kingdom of God, which is what he will later preach in Acts 2. That sermon will serve later preach in Acts 2. That sermon will serve as a as a ““Key to the door”Key to the door” for people entering for people entering into the Kingdom of God.into the Kingdom of God.

For people entering into the Kingdom of God.For people entering into the Kingdom of God.

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7. Galations 1:6-97. Galations 1:6-9

** Here the Apostle Paul tells us that if a man ** Here the Apostle Paul tells us that if a man or angel preaches anything different that what or angel preaches anything different that what the apostles preached they are not of God or as the apostles preached they are not of God or as Paul said “accursed”Paul said “accursed”

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“ “ A Closer Look”A Closer Look”

Here is how to know a true preacher form a false one Here is how to know a true preacher form a false one and how to know a true church from a false one. If and how to know a true church from a false one. If they are no preaching what the Apostles preach they they are no preaching what the Apostles preach they are not of God.are not of God.

Everything the Apostles preached can summed up Everything the Apostles preached can summed up in two categories. in two categories. How to get saved and how to stay How to get saved and how to stay saved,saved, we will deal with what they preached to be we will deal with what they preached to be saved. For it is here the Devil has deceived so many saved. For it is here the Devil has deceived so many people.people.

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8. I John 4:1-68. I John 4:1-6

The apostles had a test to know who was of The apostles had a test to know who was of God or not. God or not.

Anyone who Anyone who heardheard what the apostles preached what the apostles preached and obeyed was of God. They that did not hear and obeyed was of God. They that did not hear and obey was not of God. Read II Peter 3:2 and obey was not of God. Read II Peter 3:2

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9. Matthew 23:159. Matthew 23:15

Here Jesus is telling the Pharisees that they Here Jesus is telling the Pharisees that they think they are helping people when they think they are helping people when they convert them. convert them.

But because their beliefs were based on But because their beliefs were based on traditions of men their converts were twice as traditions of men their converts were twice as likely to go to Hell then they would have, if no likely to go to Hell then they would have, if no man had ever talked to them.man had ever talked to them.

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10. II Corinthians 4:3-5 10. II Corinthians 4:3-5

If the gospel of salvation which the apostles If the gospel of salvation which the apostles preached is hid to you, then you are lost.preached is hid to you, then you are lost.

In other words if you don’t know In other words if you don’t know what they what they preach to be savedpreach to be saved, you know you haven’t , you know you haven’t done it and can’t done it and can’t be savedbe saved..

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11. Colossians 2:8-9 11. Colossians 2:8-9

Teaches us to beware of philosophy and the Teaches us to beware of philosophy and the “tradition” of men.“tradition” of men.

Philosophy: There are many ways to be saved.Philosophy: There are many ways to be saved. Tradition of men: My dad was a-----Tradition of men: My dad was a----- My mother------ and bless God, I will die a My mother------ and bless God, I will die a


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3 Ways to be lost3 Ways to be lost

A. Never heard what the apostles said in the A. Never heard what the apostles said in the book Acts, of what you are to do to be saved.book Acts, of what you are to do to be saved.

B. Deceived by a false preacher or church B. Deceived by a false preacher or church (One not preaching what the apostles did for (One not preaching what the apostles did for salvation)salvation)

C. After hearing what you are to do: You do C. After hearing what you are to do: You do nothing about it.nothing about it.

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12. St. John 3:1-8,16-1812. St. John 3:1-8,16-18 Jesus tells us this new birth experience consists of Jesus tells us this new birth experience consists of

being born of the water and the spirit. One can not be being born of the water and the spirit. One can not be saved unless he is born of both water and spirit.saved unless he is born of both water and spirit.

Vs.16 is twisted by the “easy believism” to make one Vs.16 is twisted by the “easy believism” to make one feel that all he has to do is believe. It is simply telling feel that all he has to do is believe. It is simply telling us that if some really believes, he should not be lost us that if some really believes, he should not be lost but be saved.but be saved.

Vs. 18 is to help clarify Vs. by saying if a man Vs. 18 is to help clarify Vs. by saying if a man doesn’t believe he hasn’t got a chance.doesn’t believe he hasn’t got a chance.

- To take Vs. 16 alone to the exclusion of what the - To take Vs. 16 alone to the exclusion of what the apostles preached in Acts, is error.apostles preached in Acts, is error.

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13. John 7:38-3913. John 7:38-39

Tells us we must believe as “ the scriptures are Tells us we must believe as “ the scriptures are written”.written”.

Here The Bible tells us that believers should Here The Bible tells us that believers should receive the Holy Ghost.***receive the Holy Ghost.***

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14. Mark 16:16-1714. Mark 16:16-17

Beyond believing, one must also be baptized Beyond believing, one must also be baptized to be saved.to be saved.

One of the signs that would follow true One of the signs that would follow true believers was that they would have the ability believers was that they would have the ability to speak in a new tongue (language). This was to speak in a new tongue (language). This was fulfilled throughout the book of Acts.fulfilled throughout the book of Acts.

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15. Luke 24:47 -49 15. Luke 24:47 -49

Teaches us that the apostles were to begin to Teaches us that the apostles were to begin to preach at Jerusalem.preach at Jerusalem.

Our next scripture begins at Jerusalem. Let’s Our next scripture begins at Jerusalem. Let’s go to the book of Acts.go to the book of Acts.

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16. Acts 1:4,5,8, 16. Acts 1:4,5,8,

Jesus is commanding his disciples to stay in Jesus is commanding his disciples to stay in Jerusalem until they receive the promise of the Jerusalem until they receive the promise of the Father which was the Father which was the Holy Ghost.Holy Ghost.

One would receive “power” only after they get One would receive “power” only after they get the Holy Ghost.the Holy Ghost.

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17. Acts 1:13-1517. Acts 1:13-15

Tells us that there were about 120 people Tells us that there were about 120 people waiting in an upper room for waiting in an upper room for

the Holy Ghost. In that number was even Mary the Holy Ghost. In that number was even Mary the Mother of Jesus.the Mother of Jesus.

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18. Acts 2:1-4 18. Acts 2:1-4

They received the Holy GhostThey received the Holy Ghost

This was the first out pouring and they began to This was the first out pouring and they began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance.them utterance.

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19. Acts 2:37 19. Acts 2:37

*Here we have people not in church whose *Here we have people not in church whose hearts have been touched by Peter’s preaching hearts have been touched by Peter’s preaching and ask the apostles what they should do to get and ask the apostles what they should do to get right with God. *right with God. *

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20. Acts 2:38-3920. Acts 2:38-39

The man with the keys told them the plan of The man with the keys told them the plan of salvationsalvation

A. RepentA. Repent B. Baptized in water in the name of Jesus B. Baptized in water in the name of Jesus

Christ for the remission or forgiveness of sins.Christ for the remission or forgiveness of sins. C. Receive the Holy Ghost. C. Receive the Holy Ghost.

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““A Closer Look” A Closer Look”

Here John 3:5 Water and spirit is preached Here John 3:5 Water and spirit is preached with it’s intended meaning.with it’s intended meaning.

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21. Acts 10:1-6 21. Acts 10:1-6

Here a devout, God-fearing man is told he is Here a devout, God-fearing man is told he is lacking something and was told to send for lacking something and was told to send for Peter (the man with keys) and he would tell Peter (the man with keys) and he would tell him what he needed to do to be right.him what he needed to do to be right.

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Acts: 10: 44-48Acts: 10: 44-48

While Peter is preaching the gentiles receive While Peter is preaching the gentiles receive the Holy Ghost and the Jews knew they did the Holy Ghost and the Jews knew they did “for they heard them speak with tongues”.“for they heard them speak with tongues”.

- They too were ordered to be baptized in Jesus - They too were ordered to be baptized in Jesus Name.Name.

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22. Acts 19:1-6 22. Acts 19:1-6

Here is where some followers of John the Baptist are Here is where some followers of John the Baptist are re-baptized in Jesus name and receive the Holy Ghost re-baptized in Jesus name and receive the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues. (Don’t slander or there and speak in tongues. (Don’t slander or there religions, just state there is only one scriptural way to religions, just state there is only one scriptural way to be baptized).be baptized).

This is scripture for re-baptism and also shows that This is scripture for re-baptism and also shows that true disciples will continue to walk in a new true disciples will continue to walk in a new revelation.revelation.

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**A Closer Look****A Closer Look**

1. T or F What the Bible says, not men, is Truth.1. T or F What the Bible says, not men, is Truth. 2. T or F We will be judged by the or our obedience 2. T or F We will be judged by the or our obedience

to the Word.to the Word.

3. T or F We don’t have to obey all Bible, we can 3. T or F We don’t have to obey all Bible, we can leave some of it out.leave some of it out.

4. T or F Acts is the only book in the Bible were we 4. T or F Acts is the only book in the Bible were we have the Apostles telling sinners or people not in have the Apostles telling sinners or people not in church. church.

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““A Closer Look”A Closer Look”

5. T or F John the Baptist was given the keys to the 5. T or F John the Baptist was given the keys to the Kingdom of God.Kingdom of God.

6. T or F One can be saved and not do the will of 6. T or F One can be saved and not do the will of God or obey the Bible.God or obey the Bible.

7. T or F If a preacher is not preaching exactly what 7. T or F If a preacher is not preaching exactly what the Apostles preached for salvation, he his a false the Apostles preached for salvation, he his a false preacher.preacher.

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““A Closer Look”A Closer Look”

T or F It is better to be a non church T or F It is better to be a non church

Goer than to be in a church where people have Goer than to be in a church where people have changed what the Apostles preached.changed what the Apostles preached.

* T or F It is wise to just be what all your other * T or F It is wise to just be what all your other family is as far as you church decision. family is as far as you church decision.

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““A Closer Look”A Closer Look”

1. _________,____________,1. _________,____________,

_________, are the 3 ways to be lost._________, are the 3 ways to be lost.

2. In John 3:t Jesus said one had to be born of 2. In John 3:t Jesus said one had to be born of __________&_____________________&___________

to be saved.to be saved.

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““A Closer Look” A Closer Look”

The plan of salvation according to Peter and The plan of salvation according to Peter and the rest of the Apostles was.the rest of the Apostles was.

A._____________A._____________ B._____________B._____________ C._____________C._____________

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““A Closer Look”A Closer Look”

In the name of ____________ was the only In the name of ____________ was the only way the Apostles ever baptized in water.way the Apostles ever baptized in water.

** Do You wish to be saved.. Or lost?**** Do You wish to be saved.. Or lost?**