a brief introduction to knowledge acquisition, representation and publishing


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Page 1: A Brief Introduction to Knowledge Acquisition, Representation and Publishing



27 October 2015

Page 2: A Brief Introduction to Knowledge Acquisition, Representation and Publishing

Outline◦Knowledge Publishing◦Knowledge Representation ◦Knowledge Acquisition

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Knowledge◦What is knowledge?

Knowledge is a familiarity, awareness or understanding of someone or something, such as facts, information, descriptions, or skills, which is acquired through experience or education by perceiving, discovering, or learning. (Wikipedia)

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My Knowledge◦ List your knowledge.

◦Where did you get the knowledge?

◦How do you want to share them?

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Knowledge ManagementWikipedia (2015)Knowledge management (KM) is the process of capturing, developing, sharing, and effectively using organizational knowledge. It refers to a multi-disciplinary approach to achieving organizational objectives by making the best use of knowledge.

Davenport (1994) offered the still widely quoted definition:"Knowledge management is the process of capturing, distributing, and effectively using knowledge.“

(Duhon, 1998):"Knowledge management is a discipline that promotes an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing all of an enterprise's information assets. These assets may include databases, documents, policies, procedures, and previously un-captured expertise and experience in individual workers."

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Manipulating Knowledge(Duhon, 1998):“Knowledge management is a discipline that promotes an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing all of an enterprise's information assets. These assets may include databases, documents, policies, procedures, and previously un-captured expertise and experience in individual workers.”

Knowledge Representation

Knowledge Acquisition

Knowledge Publishing

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Knowledge Publishing/Sharing◦Advantage◦Avoid losing of information an organization or one as acquired. ◦Support quicker decision making, better efficiency.◦Reusable and benefited by endless users, staffs, readers. ◦Build reputations in terms of expertise.◦Promote knowledge exchange and creation of new knowledge.

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Tools for Knowledge Publishing◦Offline ◦Books, newspaper, news etc.

◦Online◦e-books, e-newspapers, e-news etc.◦Websites◦Blogger (Blog)◦Tumblr (Microblog)◦Twitter (Short message)◦Pinterest (Image)◦youTube (Video) etc…

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Personal Knowledge Publishing◦One way to communicate personal knowledge is by sharing and publishing.

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Activities Involved in Personal Knowledge Publishing ◦Exploring◦Push◦Share links via social media

◦Pull◦Enable SEO


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Personal Knowledge Publishing using Blog◦Let’s blog.◦Why blog?◦Make implicit knowledge (e.g. not codified or structured) more explicit.◦Reflect on own learning.◦Responsibility needed as it is publicly available.

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Personal Knowledge Publishing using Images◦Knowledge does not limit to text.◦Can be covey using images or other medias. ◦Pin a series of images to show some implicit idea.

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Personal Knowledge Publishing using Videos◦Record your knowledge.◦What else can be recorded?

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Personal Knowledge PublishingIssues ◦Knowledge overload.

Can our World Wide Web handle the capacity of ever growing size of information?


Do you have any idea which information source to trust? FEEDBACK, SENTIMENT ANALYSIS, DATA ANALYSIS

◦DiscoveryAny better ways to discovery the published knowledge? SEARCH, FRIENDS RECOMMENDATION

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Knowledge RepresentationHow to make knowledge publishing better?1. I want user to be able to locate my video.2. I want user to discover the slides I share. 3. I want the navigation of my blog posts to be

topics related. 4. Many more…

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Knowledge RepresentationTag a

concept: AutomataComputer Science

Tag a name: Michael Benjamin

Tag a name: Shai Simonson

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Knowledge Representation◦So, we have resources like videos, images, texts…◦We need a way to making them more meaningful.

Resource and Description

However, each resource has its own format.Need standard form. SOLUTION: Define a standard language for writing the description -> Metadata (Semantic Web Terminology)

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Knowledge Representation



Instructor: Shai Simonson

Title: Lecture 1 – Finite State Machines (Part 1/9)

Duration: 9:59

Uploaded: May 7 2010

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Knowledge Representation- Resource Description Framework ◦This leads to one of the Semantic Web main task

Metadata Annotation- description of resources using standard language

◦Useful for search and discovery.

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Knowledge Representation- Resource Description Framework ◦Common language for describing resource◦A statement with structure.◦A statement is a triple.◦Subject-predicate-object◦Subject: resource◦Predicate: a verb/property/relation◦Object: A resource/a literal string

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Knowledge Representation- Resource Description Framework

To describe the statement: "The instructor of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyUK5RAJg1c is Shai Simonson". The subject of the statement above is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyUK5RAJg1c The predicate is: author The object is: Shai SimonsonSimplified RDF <?xml version="1.0"?><RDF>  <Description about="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyUK5RAJg1c">    <instructor>Shai Simonson</instructor>    <title>Lecture 1 – Finite State Machines (Part 1/9)</title>  </Description></RDF> Study: http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_rdf.asp

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Knowledge Representation- Resource Description Framework

Source: Fulvio Corno, Semantic Web, Metadata, Knowledge Representation, Ontologies

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Knowledge Representation- Resource Description Framework Solution: metadata standardization is requiredMany standardization bodies are involvedGeneral standarde.g. Dublin Core (DC)or may depend on goal, context, domain, …e. g. educational resources (IEEE LOM), multimedia resources (MPEG-7), images (VRA), people (FOAF, IEEE PAPI), geospatial resources (GSDGM), bibliographical resources (MARC, OAI), cultural heritage resources (CIDOC CRM)

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Knowledge Representation - OntologySemantically rich descriptions need “understanding” the meaning of a resource and the domain related to the resource

Disambiguation of termsShared agreement on meanings

Description of the domain, with concepts and relations among concepts

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Knowledge Representation - Ontology

◦Controlled vocabularies◦Taxonomies◦Thesauri◦Faceted classification◦Ontologies◦Folksonomies◦Others

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Knowledge Representation - Ontology

TaxonomySubject-based classification that arranges the terms in the controlled vocabulary into a hierarchy

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Knowledge Representation - Ontology◦ACM Classification system.◦Used to annotate bibliography.

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Knowledge Representation - OntologyModel for describing the world that consists of a set of types, properties, and relationships.

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Knowledge Representation - OntologyOntologies generally describe:Individuals◦the basic or “ground level” objectsClasses◦sets, collections, or types of objectsAttributes◦properties, features, characteristics, or parameters that objects can have and share

Relationships◦ways that objects can be related to one another

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Knowledge Representation - Ontology◦How much knowledge do you have about ice cream??

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Knowledge Representation - OntologyWeb Ontology Language (OWL) is a family of knowledge representation languages for authoring ontologies.Built upon a W3C XML standard for objects called the Resource Description Framework (RDF).Computational logic-based language, exploited by computer programs, e.g., to verify the consistency of that knowledge or to make implicit knowledge explicit.

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Knowledge AcquisitionWhere does the knowledge comes from?

Manual◦Written by expert.

Automated◦Gathering from those written by expert. ◦Allow aggregation, consolidation and organization for better usage. ◦Allow enhancement like semantic annotation, classification.

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Knowledge Acquisition◦Knowledge acquisition is the process of extracting, structuring and organizing knowledge from one source, usually human experts. ◦Extraction ◦Get resource from texts.

◦Structuring◦Annotate the resource.

◦Organizing◦Store the resource in representation like ontology.

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Knowledge AcquisitionKnowledge can be extracted from Unstructured Text◦Web pages◦Article◦Scanned document

Semi Structured Text◦XML◦Excel◦CSV◦BIB

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Knowledge AcquisitionExtraction from unstructured text ◦Can you differentiate between Person and Organization?

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Knowledge AcquisitionExtracting aspect and sentiment from a sentence. Use Part of Speech Tagging.

Review sentence: The room is beautiful. POS tagged sentence: The/DT room/NN is/VBZ beautiful/JJ./.

Representing the acquired knowledge: RDF triple(hasSentiment, room, beautiful)

General simple rule (R1): +.*(/nn1) +.*(/jj1) +

Mapping of aspect and opinion (M1): map (nn1, jj1)

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Knowledge Acquisition – Road AheadToo much knowledge out there to be acquired.

Lots of research opportunities, especially,unstructured resource to structured resource Identify relation in a resourceIdentify implicit meaning in a resource

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Gan Keng HoonkhganATusm.my

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Picture Source: http://www.mindonsolutions.com