a 300-kyr record of aridity and wind strength in southwestern … · 2017-07-01 · a 300-kyr...

A 300-kyr record of aridity and wind strength in southwestern Africa : inferences from grain-size distributions of sediments on Walvis Ridge, SE Atlantic Jan-Berend W. Stuut a;b; *, Maarten A. Prins c , Ralph R. Schneider d , Gert Jan Weltje e , J.H. Fred Jansen a , George Postma b a Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), P.O. Box 59, 1790 AB Den Burg, The Netherlands b Faculty of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80.021, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands c Faculty of Earth Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands d Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universita «t Bremen, Klagenfurter StraMe, 28359 Bremen, Germany e Faculty of Civil Engineering and Applied Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands Received 8 July 2000; received in revised form 7 December 2000; accepted 25 May 2001 Abstract The terrigenous fraction of sediments recovered from Walvis Ridge, SE Atlantic Ocean, reveals a history of southwestern African climate of the last 300 kyr. End-member modelling of a data set of grain-size distributions (n = 428) results in three end members. The two coarsest end members are interpreted as eolian dust, the third end member as hemipelagic mud. The ratio of the two eolian end members reflects the eolian grain size and is attributed to the intensity of the SE trade winds. Trade winds were intensified during glacials compared to interglacials. Changes in the ratio of the two eolian end members over the hemipelagic one are interpreted as variations in southwestern African aridity. Late Quaternary southwestern African climate was relatively arid during the interglacial stages and relatively humid during the glacial stages, owing to meridional shifts in the atmospheric circulation system. During glacials the polar front shifted equatorward, resulting in a northward displacement of the zone of westerlies, causing increased rainfall in southwestern Africa. The equatorward shift of the polar front is coupled with an increase of the meridional pressure gradient, leading to enhanced atmospheric circulation and increased trade-wind intensity. ß 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: aridity; Benguela upwelling; end-member modelling; eolian dust; grain size; trade wind 1. Introduction Terrigenous sediments deposited in the subtrop- ical deep sea are a mixture of a pelagic component brought in by the wind and a hemipelagic com- ponent brought in by rivers and supplied from the 0025-3227 / 02 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0025-3227(01)00215-8 * Corresponding author. Present address: Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universita «t Bremen, Klagenfurter Strasse, 28359 Bremen, Germany. Fax: +49-421-2183-116. E-mail address: [email protected] (J.-B.W. Stuut). Marine Geology 180 (2002) 221^233 www.elsevier.com/locate/margeo

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Page 1: A 300-kyr record of aridity and wind strength in southwestern … · 2017-07-01 · A 300-kyr record of aridity and wind strength in southwestern Africa: inferences from grain-size

A 300-kyr record of aridity and wind strength insouthwestern Africa: inferences from grain-size distributions

of sediments on Walvis Ridge, SE Atlantic

Jan-Berend W. Stuut a;b;*, Maarten A. Prins c, Ralph R. Schneider d,Gert Jan Weltje e, J.H. Fred Jansen a, George Postma b

a Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), P.O. Box 59, 1790 AB Den Burg, The Netherlandsb Faculty of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80.021, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands

c Faculty of Earth Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlandsd Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universita«t Bremen, Klagenfurter StraMe, 28359 Bremen, Germany

e Faculty of Civil Engineering and Applied Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, P.O. Box 5048,2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands

Received 8 July 2000; received in revised form 7 December 2000; accepted 25 May 2001


The terrigenous fraction of sediments recovered from Walvis Ridge, SE Atlantic Ocean, reveals a history ofsouthwestern African climate of the last 300 kyr. End-member modelling of a data set of grain-size distributions(n = 428) results in three end members. The two coarsest end members are interpreted as eolian dust, the third endmember as hemipelagic mud. The ratio of the two eolian end members reflects the eolian grain size and is attributed tothe intensity of the SE trade winds. Trade winds were intensified during glacials compared to interglacials. Changes inthe ratio of the two eolian end members over the hemipelagic one are interpreted as variations in southwestern Africanaridity. Late Quaternary southwestern African climate was relatively arid during the interglacial stages and relativelyhumid during the glacial stages, owing to meridional shifts in the atmospheric circulation system. During glacials thepolar front shifted equatorward, resulting in a northward displacement of the zone of westerlies, causing increasedrainfall in southwestern Africa. The equatorward shift of the polar front is coupled with an increase of the meridionalpressure gradient, leading to enhanced atmospheric circulation and increased trade-wind intensity. ß 2002 ElsevierScience B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: aridity; Benguela upwelling; end-member modelling; eolian dust; grain size; trade wind

1. Introduction

Terrigenous sediments deposited in the subtrop-

ical deep sea are a mixture of a pelagic componentbrought in by the wind and a hemipelagic com-ponent brought in by rivers and supplied from the

0025-3227 / 02 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S 0 0 2 5 - 3 2 2 7 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 2 1 5 - 8

* Corresponding author. Present address: Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universita«t Bremen, Klagenfurter Strasse,28359 Bremen, Germany. Fax: +49-421-2183-116. E-mail address: [email protected] (J.-B.W. Stuut).

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shelf. Terrigenous sediments escaping fromshelves are mainly deposited on the slope andrise by low-density turbidity currents and nephe-loid-layer sedimentation. The £ux of hemipelagicsediments is associated with continental runo¡,thus providing a proxy for continental humidity(Prins and Weltje, 1999). The analysis of eoliandust, therefore, allows the estimation of aridity ineolian source regions through £ux determinations,and the intensity of the transporting windsthrough grain-size measurements (Rea, 1994). Eo-lian sediments deposited in the deep sea close tothe continent are coarser grained than hemipelag-ic sediments (Koopmann, 1981; Sarnthein et al.,1981; Sirocko, 1991; Prins and Weltje, 1999).Thus, if the mixture of terrigenous sedimentscan be unmixed on the basis of the grain size ofthe di¡erent components, it can be used to recon-struct changes in continental climate.

In this study, we applied an inversion algorithmfor end-member modelling of compositional data(Weltje, 1997) to the grain-size distributions froma core from Walvis Ridge. This method, devel-oped for unmixing of multiple-sourced basin ¢lls,is a powerful tool for the unmixing of grain-sizedistributions that are composed of sediment sub-populations, i.e. end members (Prins and Weltje,1999; Prins et al., 2000b). Walvis Ridge is a NE^SW orientated volcanic ridge, extending from theNorth-Namibian coast to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.Although the terrigenous sediment fraction makesup only a small part of the sediment that is dom-inantly composed of calcareous oozes, these land-derived components are likely to contain a signi¢-cant proportion of eolian dust owing to (1) thehigh altitude of the ridge relative to the surround-ing sea £oor (V2000 m) keeping o¡ reworkedsediments and turbidity currents from the conti-nental slope, (2) its proximity to the Namib andKalahari Deserts to the southeast, and (3) theprevailing SE trade-wind system. Our objectivesare (1) to unravel a Late Quaternary (0^300 kyr)grain-size record of ¢ne-grained terrigenous sedi-ments from Walvis Ridge, (2) to attribute the re-constructed end members to the transport mech-anisms of land-derived sediments, and (3) to usethe results for the reconstruction of the paleocli-mate evolution of southwestern Africa.

2. Previous reconstructions of southwesternAfrican climate

There is a lack of knowledge on the nature ofLate Quaternary climate change within desert sys-tems, which limits the knowledge of past environ-mental changes at low latitudes. Geomorpholog-ical studies have focussed on the origin of theNamib and Kalahari Deserts and their paleocli-mate development through time, but continuouscontinental climate records from southwesternAfrica are relatively scarce (Van Zinderen Bakker,1976; Lancaster, 1984; Meadows, 1988; Rust andVogel, 1988; Scott and Partridge, 1990; Heine,1998; Stokes et al., 1998; Thomas et al., 2000).A number of proxies have been used to recon-struct climate history on the basis of terrestrialrecords: e.g. dune-crust orientation, speleothems,calcretes, £uvial and lake deposits, pollen andeven molerats (Van Zinderen Bakker, 1984b;Scott, 1989; Klein, 1991; Brook et al., 1996; Par-tridge et al., 1997, 1999). Attempts were made toconstruct continuous records by stacking datafrom di¡erent sites and time intervals. Unfortu-nately, owing to the e¡ects of local conditions anddating uncertainties, records often contradict(Dreimanis et al., 1985; Shaw et al., 1988; Stokeset al., 1998; Thomas, 1999). In their compilationof southwestern African climate for the last 25kyr, Cockroft et al. (1987) conclude that theLast Glacial Maximum (LGM, V18 kyr BP) insouthern Africa was cooler and wetter than today.Brook et al. (1996) presented speleothem, tufaand sand-dune data that demonstrate the occur-rence of several wet periods during the last 300kyr. These wet periods occurred synchronouslyover the Southern African continent and showno clear glacial^interglacial pattern, in contrastto earlier ¢ndings by Cockroft et al. (1987), VanZinderen Bakker (1967) and Tyson (1986). Amechanism for increased humidity during glacialsin southern Africa was presented by Van Zinde-ren Bakker (1967), and later corroborated bymodel studies of Tyson (1986). They concludedthat the polar front must have been subject toN^S movements during the Late Quaternary.During glacials the front shifted equatorward,which resulted in a northward displacement of

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the climate zones, so that the zone of moist west-erlies reached southwestern Africa, resulting inincreased rainfall. During interglacial stages thepolar front had shifted south, resulting in a pole-ward displacement of the climate zones.

The marine realm is favorable for the construc-tion of uninterrupted paleoclimate records, sincesedimentation is often continuous and age controlcan be obtained relatively easy using the oxygen-isotope composition of foraminifers (Imbrie et al.,1984; Martinson et al., 1987). A number of stud-ies have concentrated on southwestern Africanpaleoclimate by analyzing ¢ne-grained terrigenoussediments, pollen and freshwater diatoms andphytoliths transported to the ocean £oor (VanZinderen Bakker, 1984a; Diester-Haass, 1985;Jansen and Van Iperen, 1991; Jansen et al.,1992; Gingele, 1996; Shi and Dupont, 1997; Du-pont et al., 1998; Shi et al., 1998, 2000). Thesestudies showed that changes in the trade-windsystem and changes in southwestern African cli-mate during the Late Quaternary have had largee¡ects on the transport of wind-blown and river-transported material to the SE Atlantic Ocean.However, there is no consensus on the southwest-ern African climate history. For example, VanZinderen Bakker (1984b) concluded that no sig-ni¢cant change in rainfall occurred in southwest-ern Africa during the last 18 kyr, whereas accord-ing to Shi et al. (1998) the LGM in this regionwas characterized by relatively cold and arid con-ditions. However, Shi et al. (2000) conclude thatthe region was in£uenced by northward move-ments of the winter-rain regime, causing increasedrainfall during the LGM.

In summary, there is no consensus on thesouthwestern African climate history as yet, nei-ther from land records, nor from marine records.In this study we evaluate the grain-size distribu-tions of the terrigenous sediment fraction in Im-ages II core MD962094 (Bertrand et al., 1996)from Walvis Ridge as a proxy for aridity andwind strength in southwestern Africa.

3. Materials and methods

Core MD962094 was recovered from Walvis

Ridge at 19³59.97PS/9³15.87PE at 2280 m waterdepth (Fig. 1). This 30.75-m-long core fully coversthe last V650 kyr (Bertrand et al., 1996). Thedominant lithology of the core is foraminifer nan-nofossil ooze. The core was sampled at 2.5-cmintervals from the ¢rst 4.5 m and at 5-cm intervalsfrom 4.5^14.7 m below sea £oor, with two seriesof 10-ml syringes. These samples were used forstable oxygen-isotope analysis and for grain-sizeanalysis.

To separate the terrigenous sediment fractionfor grain-size analysis, calcium carbonate, organiccarbon and biogenic opal were carefully removedusing repeatedly excess HAc bu¡er (pH = 4 at20³C), H2O2 (3% at 85³C) and NaOH (2 M at100³C for 25 min), respectively. Microscope anal-yses revealed that this method successfully re-moved all biogenic constituents. Grain-size analy-ses were carried out in the sedimentologylaboratory, Utrecht University, on a Malvern In-struments Mastersizer S using a lens with 300-mmfocal length. This results in grain-size distribu-tions from 0.05 to 814 Wm in 64 size classes. Be-cause the terrigenous sediment fraction from Wal-vis Ridge is ¢ne-grained (6 100 Wm, Fig. 3A), thenumber of input variables for the end-membermodel is reduced from 64 to 34 size classes inthe range 0.5^100 Wm. To estimate the minimumnumber of end members required for a satisfac-tory approximation of the data, the coe¤cients ofdetermination were calculated. The coe¤cient ofdetermination represents the proportion of thevariance of each grain-size class that can be re-produced by the approximated data. This propor-tion is equal to the squared correlation coe¤cient(r2) of the input variables and their approximatedvalues (Weltje, 1997; Prins and Weltje, 1999).

Present-day eolian dust was collected along atransect (13³25PS/12³04PE to 20³00PS/09³15PE) o¡the Namibian coast (Fig. 1) during the Images IIexpedition (Bertrand et al., 1996) using an Ander-son dust sampler model GMWL 2000 which waslocated V15 m above sea level. During the sam-pling period a SSW force 4 Bft. wind prevailed.The dust was rinsed o¡ the ¢lter following themethod described by Kiefert (1994) and Kiefertet al. (1996) using de-mineralized water insteadof tri-sodium orthophosphate.

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Eight to 10 well preserved and clean specimensof planktonic foraminifer Globorotalia in£atad'Orbigny were hand-picked under a binocularmicroscope from the 250^500-Wm fraction toachieve an analytical weight of 0.05^0.10 mg.

The stable oxygen-isotope composition of G. in-£ata was measured with a Finnigan MAT 252mass spectrometer at the Fachbereich Geowissen-schaften in Bremen, Germany.

Fig. 1. Location of cores MD962094 and GeoB 1711 (Little et al., 1997b) in the SE Atlantic Ocean. White dotted line: transectalong which the present-day dust sample was collected. Bathymetry is shown in contour intervals of 1000 m. Annual rainfall isindicated in mm. Wavy lines: zone of wind driven coastal upwelling.

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Fig. 2. Age model. (A) Globorotalia in£ata N18O record versus depth. MIE and MIS after Martinson et al. (1987) are indicated.(B) Globorotalia in£ata N18O record versus age. (C) SPECMAP N18O record after Martinson et al. (1987)). (D) Linear sedimenta-tion rates (LSR).

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Fig. 3. Time series of variations in median grain size and end member contributions of the terrigenous sediment fraction in coreMD962094 compared with global climate. (A) Globorotalia in£ata N18O. (B) median grain size. (C) End member contributions ofthe three end members.

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4. Age model

The oxygen-isotope record of Globorotalia in£a-ta is correlated with the stacked record of Mar-tinson et al. (1987) to obtain an age model forcore MD962094 (Fig. 2B,C). Correlation of theoxygen-isotope records was established using thesoftware package Analyseries version 1.1 (Paillardet al., 1996). Twenty-two marine isotope events(MIE) were taken as calibration points for theage model. The ¢nal age model resulted from lin-ear interpolation between the age-calibrationpoints. The upper 14.7 m of the sediment recordin core MD962094 appears to span the last V300kyr, i.e. marine isotope stages (MIS) 1^8. Assum-ing no hiatuses in sedimentation, the linear sedi-mentation rate varies between 2 and 12 cm/kyr(Fig. 2D). MIE 7.5 was not recognized as a fullinterglacial substage with associated low N18O val-ues relative to the SPECMAP (Martinson et al.,1987) curve. This phenomenon is typical for thearea (Schneider et al., 1996). Nevertheless, oneisotope peak appears to coincide with MIE 7.5in Martinson's curve (Fig. 2C).

5. Results

The median grain-size record of the terrigenousfraction in core MD962094 is shown in Fig. 3B.Median grain size varies between 3 and 7 Wm. Thegrain-size record and the Globorotalia in£ata N18Orecord show very similar patterns over time, albeitwith a small phase di¡erence, indicating relativelycoarse-grained mud deposition during interglacialstages (MIS 1, 3, 5, 7) and relatively ¢ne-grained

mud deposition during glacial stages (MIS 2, 4, 6,8).

The average grain-size distribution in coreMD962094 has a modal grain size near 5 Wm

Fig. 4. End-member modelling results of core MD962094.(A) Summary statistics of input data (grain-size distributions,n = 428); maximum, mean and minimum frequency recordedin each size class. (B) Coe¤cients of determination (r2) foreach size class of models with 2^10 end members. (C) Meancoe¤cient of determination (r2

mean) of all size classes for eachend-member model. (D) Modelled end members of the terrig-enous sediment fraction of sediments from Walvis Ridge.For comparison the grain-size distribution of the present-daydust sample, collected along the transect shown in Fig. 1, isplotted.

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(Fig. 4A). Fig. 4B shows the coe¤cients of deter-mination (r2) plotted against grain size for modelswith 2^10 end members. The mean coe¤cient ofdetermination of the grain-size classes increaseswhen the number of end members increases(Fig. 4C). The two-end-member model(r2

mean = 0.62) shows low r2 (6 0.6) for the sizeranges 4^8 Wm and s 24 Wm. The three-end-mem-ber model (r2

mean = 0.89) shows low r2 for the sizerange s 70 Wm only. This coarse end is well re-produced by models with ¢ve or more end mem-bers only. For the choice of the number of endmembers, however, the coarse end (s 70 Wm) canbe ignored because it comprises only less than0.3% weight of the mass of the samples. Thegrain-size range 6 10 Wm, on the contrary, shouldbe well reproduced by the mixing model becausethis size range contains a considerable proportionof the sediment mass. The goodness-of-¢t statis-tics thus demonstrate that the three-end-membermodel provides the best compromise between thenumber of end members and r2.

The grain-size distributions of the three endmembers are shown in Fig. 4D. All end membershave a clearly de¢ned dominant mode. End mem-ber EM1 has a modal grain size of V13 Wm, endmember EM2 of V7 Wm and end member EM3has a modal grain size of V4 Wm. The down-corerecord of the relative contributions of the endmembers is shown in Fig. 3C. End memberEM1 varies between 0 and 70%, EM2 between0 and 90% and EM3 between 0 and 80%.

6. Late Quaternary southwestern African aridityand trade-wind intensity

Eolian sediments deposited in the deep sea closeto the continent are coarser grained than hemi-pelagic sediments. Terrigenous sediments withmedian grain size larger than 6 Wm are generallyattributed to eolian transport, and smaller than

6 Wm to hemipelagic transport. This is based ondeep-sea sediment studies (Koopmann, 1981;Sarnthein et al., 1981; Sirocko, 1991; Prins andWeltje, 1999; Prins et al., 2000a) as well as sedi-ment-trap studies (Clemens, 1998; Ratmeyer etal., 1999). As a consequence, EM1 and EM2 areconsidered of eolian, and EM3 of hemipelagicorigin. The eolian character of EM1 and EM2 iscorroborated by the agreement of the grain-sizedistributions of EM1 and EM2 with the present-day eolian dust sample (Fig. 4D). The grain-sizedistribution of the present-day dust is somewhatcoarser probably due to the fact that it was col-lected along a transect from the coast to core site(see Fig. 1). End member EM3 is interpreted ashemipelagic mud, settled out of suspension fromnepheloid layers. The nepheloid layers that pro-duced EM3 may originate from the ephemeralrivers draining the Central Namib Desert or theOrange River, and be transported northward bythe Benguela Current (Diester-Haass et al., 1988).We cannot exclude potential nepheloid layersfrom the Cunene River that may be transportedsouthward by tongues of the Angola^BenguelaFront (Bremner and Willis, 1993). If nepheloid-layer formation is related to sea-level lowering,it may have an e¡ect on the proportion of EM3in the sediments. However, we assume that con-tinental runo¡ dominates the supply of hemipe-lagic mud, and together with the £ux of eoliandust determines the aridity record.

Considering the interpretation of the three-end-member model, changes in the ratios of the endmembers re£ect paleoclimate variations in SWAfrica. The proportion of the eolian end members(13EM3) is interpreted to represent continentalaridity. The aridity record indicates relativelyarid climate conditions during interglacials andrelatively humid conditions during glacials(Fig. 5B). The ratio of the coarse over the ¢neeolian end member (EM1/(EM1+EM2)), re£ect-ing the eolian grain size, is interpreted as a mea-

Fig. 5. Reconstructions of Late Quaternary aridity and trade-wind strength in southwestern Africa. (A) N18O record of Globorota-lia in£ata. (B) The proportion of the eolian end members is used as a proxy for continental aridity. (C) The ratio of coarse over¢ne eolian dust is used as a proxy for SE trade-wind intensity. (D) Relative abundance of the planktonic foraminifer Neoglobo-quadrina pachyderma (s) in core GeoB 1711 re£ects Benguela upwelling intensity (Little et al., 1997b).

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sure of the intensity of the southeastern tradewinds, that is the transport agent of the eoliandust. The record indicates that the trade windswere intensi¢ed during glacials compared to inter-glacials (Fig. 5C).

Partridge et al. (1997) reported an astronomicaldriving mechanism for South African climate.They constructed a 200-kyr southern Africanrainfall record on the basis of textural and com-positional changes of crater-lake sediments innorthern South Africa. This rainfall record, pre-dominated by the precessional cyclicity, correlateswell with 30³S January insolation changes, andre£ects humid monsoons during the periods withmaximum austral summer insolation. In the west-ern part of South Africa however, climate varia-bility is regulated by the shifts of the climate beltsconnected to the movements of the polar front(Van Zinderen Bakker, 1967; Tyson, 1986). Dur-ing glacial periods the polar front moved equator-ward, resulting in a northward shift of the winter-rainfall belt, causing increased precipitation insouthwestern Africa (Shi et al., 2000). The north-ward displacement of the polar front is coupledwith an increase in the meridional pressure gra-dients, resulting in intensi¢ed SE trade winds. Theapparent asynchrony of Late Quaternary ariditychanges in the western and eastern parts of south-ern Africa can be explained by regional variationsin the aridity forcing mechanisms: precipitation inthe western part is controlled by the winter-rainregime associated with the westerlies, whereas pre-cipitation in the eastern part is controlled by thesummer monsoon system (Partridge et al., 1997).Our proxy records for continental aridity andtrade-wind strength indeed show that glacial peri-ods are characterized by increased wind strengthsand decreased aridity. OIS 8 in particular shows avery high proportion of EM1. Whether this iscaused by unusual windy conditions has to beproven by records from other cores.

The paleo-wind strength record of coreMD962094 (Fig. 5C) shows a similar variabilitycompared to the record of the cold-water fora-minifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s) in coreGeoB 1711 from the eastern Cape Basin (Little etal., 1997a; Figs. 1 and 5D). The relative abun-dance of this species is considered a proxy for

trade-wind-induced upwelling (Little et al.,1997a,b; Ufkes et al., 2000). Although the corre-lation between the two high frequency records isnot perfect, owing to imperfections in the agemodels of the two cores, it corroborates withthe interpretation of end members EM1 andEM2. The di¡erences between these records mayalso arise from the fact that peaks in the N. pa-chyderma (s) curve may be in£uenced by changesin the quality of the upwelled waters, not relatedto trade-wind intensity.

Another possible transport mechanism for theeolian dust deposited Walvis Ridge is the so-called berg winds. Berg winds are catabatic winds,generally blowing from the NE, supplying largeamounts of eolian dust into the SE AtlanticOcean (Shannon and Anderson, 1982). The pos-sible interplay between berg winds and tradewinds cannot be discerned from our grain-sizerecord. However, berg winds are local phenomenaand are intermittent on an annual timescale. Ifthey occur they blow for a few weeks only, where-as the SE trades are a year-round feature. There-fore, we assume that the eolian dust deposited onWalvis Ridge has been supplied by the SE tradewinds. Possible changes in trade-wind zonalitycannot be derived from our proxy records either.Changes in the zonality of the SE trade windscould possibly result in changes in wind stressdriving the Benguela upwelling system, as wellas in changes in the composition of the wind-blown material transported to the Walvis Ridge.Thus, provenance studies of the eolian sedimentson Walvis Ridge are needed to reconstructchanges in the zonality of the SE trade windsand possible contributions of eolian dust suppliedby the berg winds.

7. Conclusions

(1) Three end members are recognized in thegrain-size distributions of core MD962094 fromWalvis Ridge, using an end-member modellingalgorithm. The two coarsest end members are in-terpreted as `coarse' and `¢ne' eolian dust, thethird end member is interpreted as hemipelagicmud, deposited from nepheloid layers.

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(2) Variations in the proportion of the eolianend members re£ect variations in aridity in south-western Africa. The ratio of the two eolian endmembers re£ects the eolian grain size. Changes inthis ratio are interpreted to re£ect changes in theintensity of the SE trade wind.

(3) The aridity record shows relatively arid cli-mate conditions during interglacial stages and rel-atively humid climate conditions during glacialstages. The apparent asynchrony of Late Quater-nary aridity changes in the western and easternparts of southern Africa can be explained by re-gional variations in the aridity forcing mecha-nisms: precipitation in the western part is con-trolled by the winter-rain regime associated withthe westerlies, whereas precipitation in the easternpart is controlled by the summer monsoon system(Partridge et al., 1997).

(4) The wind strength record shows intensi¢edtrade winds during glacials compared to intergla-cials, and shows a similar variability compared tothe upwelling intensity record of Little et al.(1997b).


We thank the crew and scientists aboard N.O.Marion Dufresne for their help with coring andsampling operations during Images II. We alsothank M. Reith (Utrecht University, Utrecht, TheNetherlands) for analytical support, and M. Segland B. Meyer-Schack (Universita«t Bremen, Bre-men, Germany) for carrying out the oxygen-isotope measurements. J. Compton, J. Giraudeauand an anonymous reviewer are thanked for theirhelpful suggestions to improve the manuscript.This work was financed by the NSG-NIOZ-Bremen co-operation. This is Netherlands Re-search School of Sedimentary Geology (NSG)publication number 20001105.


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