9th european iuhpe health promotion conference

Keywords Health promotion, evaluation, innovation, evidence. Authors Pau Batlle, Gemma Brunet, Anna Loste, Alex Morales, Mar Redondo, Ester Ruiz, Marc Alabert, Jordi Brunet, Xavier del Acebo, Pilar Castro, David Ferrando Theory Based Evaluation model as a basis for evaluation in health promotion CONTEXT: GIRONA PROVINCE · Location: Girona is one of the four provinces that form Catalonia, which is the north-east territorial and administrative subdivision of Spain on the border with France. · Surface: 5,835.07 km 2 · Population: 760,722 inhabitants · Population distribution: It has 221 municipalities. Inland, the population lives in widely dispersed small villages, each of these municipalities being responsible for less than 1,500 inhabitants. The coastal area, by contrast, has a much higher density of population within each municipality (greater than 15,000 inhabitants) and these centers of population are much more contiguous. The capital, Girona, is located in the center of the province and has a strong capital status. www.dipsalut.cat BACKGROUND Dipsalut is an organization run by the provincial government of Girona (supramunicipal entity) that was created in November 2008 to provide technical service and support for all the municipalities within the province of Girona, in order to promote public health and to improve the quality of life of its citizens. The legislation that regulates Public Health assigns legal obligations to the different public authorities. Many of the municipalities do not have enough resources to take over these obligations. Being a newly created organization, Dipsalut has an opportunity to build a new way of understanding the evaluation of health promotion. OBJECTIVES · Conduct a process of reflection on the theoretical framework of our health promotion interventions. · Design a new program evaluation model in health promotion to provide a critical perspective that allows continuous improvement programs. · Create an integrated model between the classic epidemiological perspective and qualitative evaluation. METHOD Responsive evaluation is a key tool for understanding the functioning of the programs, and one which overcomes the limits of an evaluation focused exclusively on epidemiological indicators. It is grounded in a constructivist perspective and uses human beings as active interpreters of the program which we will evaluate. We have used Theory Based Evaluation (TBE) in order to analyze and understand why, how, for whom and in what circumstances our programs work. TBE includes two theories: Change Theory and Implementation Theory, which allow the respective indicators of design, process and outcomes to be prepared. Involved professionals: 1. Girona University Chair in Health Promotion 2. A group of experts in Qualitative Research (AREA Q) 3. Dipsalut professionals in health promotion Steps: 1. Define the theoretical framework based on the salutogenic perspective 2. Build the Change Theory 3. Build the Implementation Theory 4. Build the Evaluation Matrix 5. Obtain the structure, process and result indicators RESULTS The adoption of TBE highlights the principles, values and processes underlying the projects, generating applied knowledge (know, understand and use) on the mechanisms that operate in a project. We have obtained outputs at different levels: Professionals: Increased professional team’s technical skills in program design, development and evaluation. Projects and Programs: Better knowledge of the projects: their limitations and potential. Developing evaluation questions has improved the understanding of the internal processes of the projects. Organization: The organization has increased its explicit knowledge of the health promotion projects and programs and in consequence the institution is able to clarify its vision, mission and values. CONCLUSIONS The strategy of sharing both academic and technical vision has clarified the theoretical framework. The process has helped the Dipsalut's professional team to increase the cohesion of its members and its effectiveness by engaging these professionals in the design, development and evaluation. F A M I L Y A N D C O M M U N I T Y C O N T E X T I N E Q U A L I T Y A X E S PERSON LIFESTYLES AND HEALTHY CONTEXTS © Dipsalut 2012 LIFE SKILLS SENSE OF COHERENCE- SOC EMPOWEREMENT S A L U T O G E N I C F R A M E W O R K P O S I T I V E V I E W O F H E A L T H H E A L T H D E T E R M I N A N T S : S O C I A L , E C O N O M I C , C U L T U R A L A N D E N V I R O M E N T D E T E R M I N A N T S THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK (METHOD) RESULTS CONCLUSIONS P R O G R A M S P R O F E S S I O N A L S O R G A N I Z A T I O N THEORY BASED EVALUATION SHARE COHESION CONSCIOUSNESS

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www.dipsalut.cat Participació de Dipsalut al 9th European IUHPE Health Promotion Conference


Page 1: 9th European IUHPE Health Promotion Conference

Keywords Health promotion, evaluation, innovation, evidence.

AuthorsPau Batlle, Gemma Brunet, Anna Loste, Alex Morales, Mar Redondo, Ester Ruiz, Marc Alabert, Jordi Brunet, Xavier del Acebo, Pilar Castro, David Ferrando

Theory Based Evaluation model as a basis for evaluation in health promotion


· Location: Girona is one of the four provinces that form Catalonia, which is the north-east territorial and administrative subdivision of Spain on the border with France.

· Surface: 5,835.07 km2

· Population: 760,722 inhabitants

· Population distribution: It has 221 municipalities. Inland, the population lives in widely dispersed small villages, each of these municipalities being responsible for less than 1,500 inhabitants. The coastal area, by contrast, has a much higher density of population within each municipality (greater than 15,000 inhabitants) and these centers of population are much more contiguous. The capital, Girona, is located in the center of the province and has a strong capital status.


BACKGROUNDDipsalut is an organization run by the provincial government of Girona (supramunicipal entity) that was created in November 2008 to provide technical service and support for all the municipalities within the province of Girona, in order to promote public health and to improve the quality of life of its citizens.

The legislation that regulates Public Health assigns legal obligations to the different public authorities. Many of the municipalities do not have enough resources to take over these obligations.

Being a newly created organization, Dipsalut has an opportunity to build a new way of understanding the evaluation of health promotion.

OBJECTIVES· Conduct a process of reflection on the theoretical framework of our health

promotion interventions.· Design a new program evaluation model in health promotion to provide a critical

perspective that allows continuous improvement programs.· Create an integrated model between the classic epidemiological perspective and

qualitative evaluation.

METHODResponsive evaluation is a key tool for understanding the functioning of the programs, and one which overcomes the limits of an evaluation focused exclusively on epidemiological indicators. It is grounded in a constructivist perspective and uses human beings as active interpreters of the program which we will evaluate.

We have used Theory Based Evaluation (TBE) in order to analyze and understand why, how, for whom and in what circumstances our programs work.

TBE includes two theories: Change Theory and Implementation Theory, which allow the respective indicators of design, process and outcomes to be prepared.

Involved professionals:1. Girona University Chair in Health Promotion

2. A group of experts in Qualitative Research (AREA Q)

3. Dipsalut professionals in health promotion

Steps:1. Define the theoretical framework based on the salutogenic perspective

2. Build the Change Theory

3. Build the Implementation Theory

4. Build the Evaluation Matrix

5. Obtain the structure, process and result indicators

RESULTSThe adoption of TBE highlights the principles, values and processes underlying the projects, generating applied knowledge (know, understand and use) on the mechanisms that operate in a project.

We have obtained outputs at different levels:

Professionals: Increased professional team’s technical skills in program design, development and evaluation.

Projects and Programs: Better knowledge of the projects: their limitations and potential. Developing evaluation questions has improved the understanding of the internal processes of the projects.

Organization: The organization has increased its explicit knowledge of the health promotion projects and programs and in consequence the institution is able to clarify its vision, mission and values.

CONCLUSIONSThe strategy of sharing both academic and technical vision has clarified the theoretical framework.

The process has helped the Dipsalut's professional team to increase the cohesion of its members and its effectiveness by engaging these professionals in the design, development and evaluation.






© Dipsalut 2012