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9/11 Ten Years Later

Volume 9, 2011

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Do you know the TRUE Thanksgiving Story? Order this TRUE Thanksgiving Packet, including all the items shown below and Pastor Peters CD’s on Thanksgiving, including; #104 Thanksgiving in America #435 Biblical and Historical Thoughts on Thanksgiving #717 Thanksgiving: The True Story Order this packet and get ready for some eye-opening truth’s that you didn’t learn in school. Learn them, and teach your children too! Available until Thanksgiving 2011 for a donation of $40.00

(regular suggested donation of $58.00) from: SFA Ministry, PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535.

New book! $16.00 Available for $20.00

Available for $6.00

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Scriptures for America Worldwide Ministry

“...to the twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad, greetings.”

James 1:1 Just as James greeted the dispersion then, we greet you today and pray for God’s blessings and favor to be upon His remnant. As time marches on, so do we here at the Ra-dio Ranch and Scriptures for America Ministry. From the LaPorte Church of Christ pulpit, we are presenting classic Pastor Peters’ messages 'from the good old days,' originally recorded on old VHS tapes and now digitally re-mastered and being re-broadcast and sent out on the DVD Church Ministry and CD Ministry. Many on the Ministry have shared with us that these messages are still as vi-brant, applicable and truth-filled as the day they were first preached. What a blessing that we are still able to share these hard-hitting messages with the remnant and the world! Truth truly is timeless. Remember that as these vintage and truth filled messages are being re-broadcast in many in-stances they are being heard (and seen) for the first time by the ever-growing number of the newer members on the Scriptures for America Ministry. The 24/7 radio broadcasts also continue to reach more of the lost sheep, with timeless truths that are still urgently needed. Our LIVE nightly broadcasts from the Radio Ranch are also continuing to put the True Word of God out, relevant to the events of the day, and boldly calling a Jezebel a Jezebel, a queer a queer, and sin just what it is, SIN! Mark your 2012 calendars and plan now on attending the SFA Big Branson Bash on June 1, 2, and 3, 2012, in beautiful Branson, Missouri.

Inside this Issue:

From the Staff @ SFA


Fires and Floods


9/11 Ten Years Later


Two New Bible Bookmarkers


The Bible in the Schools


From the Mailbag


The Hand That Rocks the Cradle...


About SFA 28

September Prayer


Shortwave Schedule


Baal Worship


From the Staff @ SFA Volume 9, 2011 DragonSlayer

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Also plan on a late summer vacation to the mountains sur-rounding LaPorte, Colorado for the SFA 2012 Labor Day Camp, September 1 & 2, 2012. Details will be forthcoming in future DragonSlayer Newsletters, but mark your calendars now! Our feature article in this month’s DragonSlayer Newsletter is a ten-year anniversary look back at the events of 9/11, and just what we got out of it. It is hard to believe that it has been ten years since the Twin Towers fell, and oh how things have changed here in America as a result of it. Don’t you feel safer now? We also present two new Bible Bookmarkers to the rem-nant, see pages 16 and 17. It was suggested by an Acres of Dia-monds man that we recommend to the remnant to pray these prayers daily, as there is an unleashing of the power of God when His people pray to Him. We thought that these Bible Bookmarkers would be a good way to remind us all to do of just that, to pray daily. Remember that we also have the Prayer Filter/Amplifier and the Forgiveness Filter available too. We ask of the Godly women on the Ministry that if you have an interesting, informative and appropriate article for the Hand That Rocks the Cradle section of the Newsletter, and would like to share it with others, you are invited to send it in for review and publication. Over the years we have been able to share many informative articles that have been sent in, and look forward to do-ing so in the future. Please keep this Ministry, and all who labor here for the Kingdom of Christ, in your prayers. Your many words of encouragement lately have been a blessing to us here. We thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. In HIS Service, The Staff at Scriptures for America Ministry

(Jon, Kyle, Jason and Richard)

From the Staff @ SFA

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Fires and Floods Page 3 Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 9, 2011

Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, look-ing for and hasten-ing the coming of the day of God, on account of which the heavens will be de-stroyed by burning,

and the elements will melt with in-t e n s e heat! But ac-c o r d i n g to His promise we are l o o k i n g

for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells. 2 Peter 3:11-13 NASB

Frequency  Eastern  Central  Mountain  Pacific 

9.480 9:00AM‐8:00PM 




5.755 8:00PM‐9:00AM 




WTWW S/W Schedule

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9/11 Ten Years Later

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by Radio Ranch Wrangler Richard Do you remember seeing the airplanes hitting the Twin Towers? Can you believe it's been 10 years since 9/11? Well, it has… In Bullinger's book, Numbers in Scripture, it tells us that the number 10 is the perfect number. It refer-ences the 10 Command-ments, 10 stanzas' in the Lord's Prayer, and other

places in the Bible regarding the number ten. It also denotes ten as 'nothing is wanting.' Let us remember that if we dwell in Christ, and Christ dwells in us, then we should 'want for nothing'… in our lives. That is just one of the promises and blessings that are available for the Christian. Where were you on 9/11/2001? It seems like each generation has some type of large event, a defining moment; if you will; that occurs in their lifetime that be it good or bad, seems to be a base point, a point where things change. A point of reference that might stay with them for the rest of their lives. For the Christian, it may be when they were baptized and born again. For our generation, all around this country and the world, that question for a very long time was, “Where were you on 9/11?” Perhaps for the generation before us, their question was “Where were you on November 22, 1963?” Many of us were not even born yet… but to the generation before us, they remember that day. That was the day that "Camelot" ended, the day that JFK was shot and killed in Texas.

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And the generation before them, I've heard say, always remembered and talked about where they were on the ‘day that will live in infamy' December 7, 1941’ the day that Pearl Harbor was attacked. So it does seem that each generation of people has its day….so again, “Where were you on 9/11?” I would like to share a short story with you, from 10 years ago, as to where I was on 9/11. My family and I had just recently moved out to the Radio Ranch, to work with and for Pastor Peters and the Scriptures for America Ministry. We had only been out here a few months when 9/11 occurred. It had become a habit that every morning as I drove into the ranch, if I saw the door to Pastor Peters' office was open, I would stop in and visit with the Pastor. Back then, Pastor was doing two live broadcasts each day from the Radio Ranch, and I was used to seeing him get an early start to the day. On 9/11/2001, the Pastor’s office door was open. And so I parked, got my coffee, and walked in his office, and I was ex-pecting to do what I had done several times before. I had the privilege of being able to go into the Pastor's office, share a cup of coffee with him, and talk with the Pastor. We would maybe plan out the day, and I could find out what he had in store for the day, what he wanted done that day or for the week. Well, this day was to be different. I remember walking into his office. He had a very stern, concerned look on his face. He looked me dead in the eye, and he said "Richard, an airplane has just crashed into one of the World Twin Towers in New York." He pointed to the TV in his office, and it was right there on the TV, the first tower smoking and on fire, and all the news crews trying to understand what had happened... I think we were as shocked as everyone else was in the country. It wasn't very long after, as we were watching the TV like most of the rest of the world, that here comes the second plane; and it crashed and disap-peared into the second tower in an explosion of fire and smoke.

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9/11 Ten Years Later

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So being that this is the ten year anniversary, I thought I would share a few thoughts regarding 9/11. Remember the Y2K scare? There was a lone voice out there in the broadcasting and preaching world, the voice of Pastor Peters, saying that Y2K was a farce, that there was nothing to it. The rest of the world was running around like Chicken Little, crying "the sky is falling, the sky is falling…" But, you did not hear that from this ministry or from Pastor Peters. If you remember, he said to just trust in the Lord, that Y2K is all just a big hoax. Well that Y2K day came and went, not as we expected it here, for it did not come without a life-changing event for some, but it was not as the world predicted or expected. Then once again, in the summer of 2001, you heard that same lone voice in the wilderness speak-ing out that come September 2001 nothing would be the same, that everything would change. And once again, he was right on. Well, back to where I was on 9/11. I'm standing there in the Pastor’s office, watching the TV with him, and when that sec-ond plane hit that second tower, he shook his head, and said, "…this changes everything, this changes everything. Nothing will be the same…" And you know, nothing has been the same; nothing has been the same since that day in September, ten years ago. There were many casualties from 9/11, whether it was from 'Ground Zero' there in New York, or at the Pentagon, or in that field in Pennsylvania. The towers had a capacity of around 30,000 people EACH! Yet, the 'official' death toll is just under 3,000. I think there are 2,983 names on the memorial there in New York. The Fire Department New York (FDNY) holds their official number of casualties at 343. This has become somewhat of an iconic number that has gone out in the Fire Department ranks, '343 of New York's Finest…' Along with one other icon…

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9/11 Ten Years Later

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'We will never forget.' We'll talk about that one later. There was another casualty of 9/11 that many of you might not be familiar with. And that is Pastor Earl Jones. No, Pastor Jones wasn't in one of the airplanes; and he wasn't there at 'Ground Zero.' Pastor Jones was a World War Two veteran. He had gone in on the Normandy Invasion, on Omaha Beach, and he had fought with General Patton all t h r o u g h o u t Europe. He was a man's man. He was a rocket scientist. You've heard it said before that you don't have to be a rocket scien-tist to understand the Bible, to un-derstand the Anglo-Israel message that Pastor Jones preached, that Pastor Peters preached, and that this ministry still puts out. But, Pastor Earl Jones WAS a rocket scientist. He was a Chris-tian patriot, and a Christian pastor that loved his Lord, his land and his country. It was not very long after 9/11, just a few days, that Pastor Jones passed away. I remember his widow Mary Alice sharing with us how, "…Earl just sat in front of that TV and watched over and over again what happened, those towers going down." He watched as the media, over and over and over again, showed the planes hitting the towers and the towers falling. All those Ameri-cans dying, and he sat there and shook his head. And I think that he just could not believe that the death and destruction, the war that he had seen overseas, had come home to this country that he loved. To his people that he loved.

Pastor Peters, Col. Jack Mohr, Pastor Earl and Mary Alice Jones

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9/11 Ten Years Later

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There are many conspiracy theories on 9/11. We are not going to get into them here. You can go to the many talking heads and talk-show-radio hosts and book authors to get your fill of them, as you try to keep up with the Jones’, so to speak… It really doesn’t matter. Like the children of the devil are here. It doesn't really matter how they got here, but they are here… And so 9/11 happened, ten years ago. It happened. If you want a very thorough and complete explanation in Pastor Peters' own words, request and listen to CD # 904, A Tale of Two Cities, Twin Towers Terrorist Act (try saying that 3 times fast….). Pastor recorded this just a few days after 9/11, on Sep-tember 16, 2001. A lot had happened in that month of September of 2001. It is an excellent message, as well as # 906, a radio broadcast that Pastor Peters also did just a few weeks after 9/11. If you want to hear Pastor's thoughts from that eventful day, in his own words, listen to these two messages (available from SFA). There is also the DVD about the many holes in the official story of 9/11 called, "Loose Change." We suggest that you get it and watch it as well. It sure shines a different light on the events of 9/11. It pokes a lot of holes in the 'official' story of 9/11. We do have it if you would like it. I would like to ask you if you understand something. Do you understand what happens when our government declares war? Our government has declared war many, many times. Think about this. When the US Government declared war on Communism in Korea and Vietnam in the 1950's and the 1960's, did we defeat Com-munism, or did it grow? When the US Government declared war on poverty, did poverty decrease, or do we now have more poverty than we have ever had? Do not the rich get richer, and the poor still get poorer? We are seeing that the middle class is being completely wiped out in this nation.

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It is almost like WAR had been declared on them. Have you looked at downtown Detroit lately? Or downtown Tampa, or Denver? Poverty is on the rise, not decreasing. How about the war on drugs? We have a completely open southern border with Mexico. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) admits that illegal drugs, guns and cash flow back and forth freely, and the talking heads in DC say there is just nothing we can do about it… So our war on drugs has re-sulted in more drug use and abuse, more drug overdoses and drug

deaths than ever before… Just Say No! Remember? What about the war on cancer and the war on disease? It certainly has not been won by our people. There is more cancer and disease here in America than ever before, more hospitals and clinics and Doctors and medicines and

treatments, and more and more cancer and disease. And then there is the war on terrorism. That's what we got out of 9/11, the (never-ending) war on terrorism. Let's talk about some of the things we did get from 9/11. Is there more ter-ror now than there was before 9/11? We got the Patriot Act signed into Law within just 6 weeks of the 9/11 Terrorist Act. And we got the Department of Homeland Security, the DHS. The Department of Homeland Security and their motto, "Preserving Our Freedoms." Doesn't that make you feel more secure already? It has been 10 years, and I think Wyoming is the last state to fall in line with the Federal DHS security guidelines for your pro-tection regarding getting your driver's license.

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Have you tried to get a drivers license lately? You only need a STATE certified birth certificate, your Social Security card/and/or number, and at least two different types of local forms of ID to show state residency. Unless of course you don't speak English. Then you can just tell them where you were born, and they seem to be ok with that, and if 'se habla no englas', then you can have an 'interpreter' there with you to help

you with the test and with answering all the questions on the form. (Just to get a license to drive.) Well, thank you for the war on terrorism. Feel safer now? The lady at the Drivers Li-cense Office just smiles

and says this is for our own good, this keeps us safe from terror-ism. We are much safer now. I just laughed at her. What about Afghanistan? We have been at war in Af-ghanistan for ten years now… Do you realize that this is longer than we fought in WW1 or WW2? Why are we still fighting in Afghanistan…? If you read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, you will read of the need for the goyim to be in perpetual wars. Pg 295. #7. We shall force the Christians into wars by exploiting their pride and their stupidity. They will massacre each other, and clear the ground for us to put our own people into. Has that not happened? Our pride continues to blind us from seeing the truth of what is happening right before our eyes.

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And #11… In this manner we shall prepare Revolutions which the Christians will make them-selves and of which we shall reap the fruit.

Now that is what the anti-Christ's say, and have done. There is nothing new under the sun. Remember the Tower of Babel? And they said, "Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name; lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth." And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And the LORD said, "Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same lan-guage. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them. "Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not under-stand one another's speech." So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole earth; and they stopped building the city. Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of the whole earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth. Genesis 11:4-9 NASB There truly is nothing new under the sun. There was their Tower of Babel then, and then their Twin Towers in jew York City, a center of Baby-lon, just 10 years ago. Same stuff, different time…

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What is truth? Where does truth come from? "…If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31-32 NASB Has the Government ever told you the truth? No, it does-n't do that. Pastor Peters understood this, and he studied it. Lis-ten to message #904. In it, Pastor tells us he first heard this when he was just 17 years old. Do you realize that this means he un-derstood and preached and taught this for almost 50 years? But I ask you again, has the Government ever told you the truth? Again, from message #904...

Did the government tell you the truth about the sinking of the Lusitania, the USS Maine, or the OKC bombing? About the moon landing, Pearl Harbor, about the JFK assassination, about MLK Jr. (Who the media even today holds up as almost a savior, and he was a womanizer and a pla-giarizer...)? Well, it's been 10 years since 9/11, and do we even have a who? Do we know who caused 9/11? Well, we know that Truth only comes from God. We know from many, many past experiences that we

don't get truth from our government. If a trumpet is blown in a city will not the people tremble? If a calamity occurs in a city has not the LORD done it? Amos 3:6 NASB I learned this from Pastor Peters and his teachings. I re-member when he preached it, and I heard it again when I re-listened to message #904. This is the Truth, the Bible. And Truth changes not. Has not the LORD done it?

Why, why would the Lord do this?

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"…Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD and so bring wrath on yourself from the LORD? 2 Chronicles 19:2 NASB

Do we help the wicked and love those that hate God? NO! NO! We don't do that, we say. But we do. We even say, “Send us all your tired, your poor, your ungodly…. We don't care……We love them all, bring them in, let them all inter-mingle with all of us…” The Bible is Truth. And, the Bible says he who denies the Christ is the anti-Christ. And we, as a people, love the anti-Christ. We hate them here at this Ministry, and call an anti-Christ an Anti-Christ, just as Jesus hates them and God hates them. Read the Bible. Read Malachi 1:3 and Romans 9:13. This is Truth. God hate Esau. But we as a nation love Esau; we love them. We send tons and tons of money and support every year to them. We support them in front of the rest of the world, and the world knows. When the Israeli’s say jump, this nation jumps. We are ruled as a nation by the anti-Christ's.

Look at those smiles! They are happy!

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Why, why would the Lord do this? "…Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD and so bring wrath on yourself from the LORD? 2 Chronicles 19:2 NASB On 9/11 at the memorial service at the National Cathedral in DC, the Obama-nation himself was there, and he even quoted Scripture. Many think that makes him a Christian. The many are wrong. They invited Buddhist nuns to come and chant and give their blessings there on the ten year anniversary, on Septem-ber 11, 2011 at the National Cathedral. They also invited an Imam. I don't even know what an Imam is, and I don't want to know. It is probably some ungodly, anti-Christ raghead hajji… Do you think they invited any Christians, and Evangeli-cals that would go and pray, "Lord, forgive us, we know it's OUR fault that this happened to our nation?" NO. No Christians were invited or welcome there. Imagine that. Well, we have Christians here. We have Christians here, and we have Christians on the SFA Ministry that do read and be-lieve the Word, and that do pray for this Nation. We remember. We do. Earlier in this article I mentioned one of the icons that came out of 9/11. "We will Never Forget…" "We will Never Forget…" It's almost ludicrous. These

people that say they will never forget, they have already forgotten….. They've for-gotten their God, the God of their fa-thers, and His Son that He sent for them.

9/11 Ten Years Later

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They've forgotten the Laws, Statutes and Commandments, and they've even forgotten the State Statues that, when they were written, said in almost every state, "If it pleases Almighty God…,." or …"grateful to Almighty God," or "…in reverence for Almighty God…" They have forgotten. Do not forget. We do want you to remember this very important thing, this Truth from the Word. "The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly. John 10:10. The Word is Truth. Remember that there is a thief. The Word warns you about this; do not take this warning lightly. There is a thief, and the thief does come; and the thief comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. But more importantly, we want you to remember the rest of this Scripture. What Jesus Christ said here, that, "I came that they may have Life abundantly." This is what we want you to never forget. These trials and tribulations do come, but Jesus Christ came that we would have life and have life abundantly. And this, we should never forget.

Never forget the price HE paid for you!

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Scriptures for America Ministry presents two new Bible Bookmarkers; The Lord’s Prayer & The Full Armor of God, and the Pistol & Rifle Prayer. We continue to work to help provide

Two New Bible Bookmarkers

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Two New Bible Bookmarkers

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the remnant with tools and weapons to assist in the daily fight of faith that we all participate in. These Bible Bookmarkers are available for a donation to SFA Ministry. Request yours today!

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This was sent in to us by an Acres of Diamonds Man in Missouri. This article shows the importance of a Christian Edu-cation, and that the public education should be just that, a Chris-tian one. However, in today’s day and age the public fool system is as Psalms 14:3 tells of, a fool’s system. If you don’t homeschool your children, please pray about it and try to. For God, and Country, and for them! - - - - - - - - Sixty Years Ago in Taney County From the Taney County Republican


Nov. 17, 1904. --There can be no true religion without a lofty morality, and no more can there be a lofty morality without true religion. Christianity being thus essential to the highest na-tional virtue, then the man who would aid in the exclusion from the schoolrooms of our land that means of instruction which gives light to the mind, rectitude to the conscience, and power to the will needs to be labored with if he is ignorant or, if not igno-rant, ought to be resisted as the enemy of free government and of the human race. It is the duty of the state not simply to tolerate or sanction, but to make religious instruction one of the prime factors in its system of popular education. If a sound morality is an essential condition of national safety and prosperity and if the sublime teaching and temper of Christianity essential to the development of the finest virtues in social and public life, then the policy which dissociates religion from education, which puts secular knowledge above morality and religion, which rules in geology and rules out Genesis, rules in science and rules out the Bible, which rules in evolution and rules out God, rules in Herbert Spencer rules out Jesus Christ, is suicidal policy which, if per-sisted in, must eventually provoke the common destiny of all


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things godless. As a nation we cannot hope to escape the dire conse-quences of the present policy. Things may go on for a time in a somewhat orderly fashion. Our contemporaries may not feel it much. It may take some time to make a full-blooded atheist out a scion of twenty generations of Christians. Our schools may go on for a time, though their origin be disavowed. But sooner or later their character will be stamped with irreligion and irreligion when complete will bring forth death. (Our thanks to Mr. W. E. Freeland for permission to use the files of the Taney County Republican for 1904.)

———————————————————— Many thanks also to the Acres of Diamonds Man that sent this article in. We re-print it here to try to awaken HIS people to see and understand how men of God were and thought, just a couple of genera-tions ago. Truth is truth, is does not change.

“How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” 1 Kings 18:21 The book Baal Worship is available for a $10.00 donation, and the CD’s are available for a $36.00 donation, or you can order the Baal Wor-ship Special, the book and CD’s, for $40.00.

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Greetings Wranglers at SFA, Thank you for a wonderful message this evening.. you're doing great and we will continue to keep all of you in our prayers. Here in Alaska we average 107 earthquakes a day we just had one a few days ago that was felt area wide. We keep a watch on our pets as they give fair warning with their ac-tions. We also watch the weather channel some and continue to rejoice at the mighty hand of our God and all that He is doing across the nation. Lots going here as well so will keep all in our prayers. Alaska - - - - - - - - Colossians 2:14-15 refers to the law of the Pharisees (hand written code) being nailed to the cross and Jesus making a public spectacle of the legislators of the day. He did not make a public spectacle of Moses. I cannot find in Scripture any refer-ence to God's Law being nailed to the cross and done away with. When Jesus was nailed to the cross and died he fulfilled the requirement (Matthew 5:17) of the Law which required death as a penalty for violating it. He paid that in our place. We have the same scenario today with volumes upon vol-umes of laws written by man that are held in higher regard than God's Laws (Mark 7:9). The simple truth is that we need no other law other than God's own Law. In it's perfect wisdom it covers everything even with all the technology and complexity we have today. It teaches us how to love God, our neighbors and our-selves. I can see why David meditated on it day and night. The Holy Spirit gave this to me in order to respond to the many who think that God's Law was nailed to the cross. I hope that it will be useful to others to refute that false teaching for the glory of our King Jesus Christ. Texas - - - - - - - - I was recently told about your Church and ministry. I greatly enjoyed the live sermon this week. My family and I live in Mississippi. We do not attend Church regular, because of the doctrine the local churches teach. Since I have found a church

From the Mailbag

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From the Mailbag

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with sound doctrine, I plan on having Church with ya'll on Sun-days from now on. Thanks for broadcasting on line, and giving us such good sermons. Mississippi - - - - - - - - Hi, Radio Ranch Wranglers, I don't have a lot of time right now, but I just wanted to say that I saw a short snippet of the film, “The Exorcist,” tonight on YouTube. Did you know that movie was released in 1973 and they mention "Ritalin" in it? Isn't that something? "They" love to tell on themselves. As if Ritalin would help any children, ever!!!! Best regards… Illinois - - - - - - - - I had been with Pastor Pete for many years...he was our Pastor. I and my wife cared for him deeply, and relied on him as our Spiritual leader and guide. We will always cherish his mem-ory, and all his knowledge of the Kingdom that he shared with us. We continue to pray that all of you at Scriptures for America will be blessed, and can keep Pastor Pete's dream and hard work alive, working to reach many more souls for the King-dom. Times have become difficult for many across the land in America with the leftist socialist take over in Washington, but pray we can continue to offer you our support. Georgia - - - - You are our family in Christ and we thank the Lord every

day for His mercy bestowed on us to be part of a body of believ-ers after years we served the Lord alone in our home church. Now, we take part in the communion and listen to the Sun-day Sermons and are blessed tre-mendously. South Africa - - - - -

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Dear Radio Ranch Wrangler Kyle, I was listening to your show on castration (8/2/2011, ar-chived at www.SFAWBN.com), and two thoughts oc-curred. One was that the school system, from grade to college, neuter men. Telling them that they are complete equals to women and be nice. The second thought was thinking about these so called alternative radio stations. They like to feed you what is wrong, but never have a solution, or offer the same old solutions that don't work. I think that not being able to do some-thing is a form of neutering, like the Baal priests not wanting to talk about what is going on in the world. Just some of my thoughts. In Christ… Wyoming - - - - - - - - Good to see you are drawing on the wonderful resource of Pastor Peters earlier messages-much had been preached & taught before many of us had ever heard of SFA minis-tries. Praying for you all… New Zealand - - - - - - - - A note from the Staff at SFA Ministry, We got this response recently while trying to order some new specialty Bibles for children. Thought you would like to see this correspondence with them and our reply… I was surprised that your church is not a 501(c)3 church, so I looked online at your website. I also saw the Wikipedia arti-cle about LaPorte Church of Christ Colorado. We are not in agreement with the teachings of your church described in this article and would, therefore, not want our _______ Bibles to be sold on your website or through your outreach ministry. I pray the following scripture for both of us: Psalm 25:4-5 Show me Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth... And our reply… Dear __________, We truly are in the Last Days. Read Isaiah 5:20 and Luke 6:26. Do you believe what the anti-Christ's say and report, or what the servants of Jesus Christ say?

From the Mailbag

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From the Mailbag

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Here is OUR statement of faith, from OUR website. (We then emailed them our Statement of Faith, right off our website, scripturesforamerica.org) We preach Jesus Christ, repentance, Baptism, and the Resurrection. We preach the Bible. All of it, to all the world..... Do you understand what the 501(c)3 designation does to the Church? It makes them a corporation of the STATE, with the Secretary of State as the head, and not Jesus Christ. So much for separation of Church and State..... We too pray Psalm 25:4 and 5 for you also... That you are led in HIS Truth, and not the lies of the world that hates HIM! In HIS Service, SFA - - - - - - - - Ecclesiastes 10:2 King James Version (KJV) A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left. Ecclesiastes 10:2 New American Standard Bible (NASB) A wise man’s heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man’s heart directs him toward the left. Via email - - - - - - - - Howdy Partners, Bet Pastor Peters is jumping for joy! Seeing what you guys are doing. You’re sure kicking the devil’s butt, ...meditating on God and Scripture reading. WOW.. I love to wake up to Pastor Peters’ sermons, and go to bed hearing him again. He still lifts my spirits… You know, brothers in Christ, I’ve been praying for you all and for the church. Thank God for men with stones, not afraid of the government dogs and the devil’s children. Hit the saddle, cowboys! I’m riding drag listening to all of you. (note: ‘riding drag’ means riding last in line, following the herd...SFA staff.) North Carolina

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Recently, we did a "God's Home Health Care Program" (September 14, 2011, and ar-

chived at www.SFAWBN.com) where we spoke on keeping your sanity in this day and age while raising children. I invited

a guest speaker, Diann, on the

show; as she (while not perfect) always appears calm to me. She renamed the show with a more appropriate name, "Keeping Your Contentment…" After the show, I got to remembering a ladies' meet-ing we once had in the Northwest. Our men had gathered, the children were off playing games in the yards around the large meetinghouse we were at, and the ladies were left with our little ones in a group having what the men would call "a hen party." Some of the women were stitching away on their needlework when one woman brought up the topic of calling a husband, "lord," as I Peter 3:5-6 describes Sarah did. While some of the women sat silent, listening, there were some who very quickly spoke out with statements to the effect 'that they would never call their husband lord,' quite disgusted by the very thought. Then the woman in who brought up the subject continued to share some of the responses she was receiving in calling her husband 'lord' when the woman next to her, who was reported to be her best friend started backing her. The latter woman felt the contentions in the room towards her friend and she began to relate that she had also "experimented" with calling her hus-band 'lord' and some of the responses she was getting. As they discussed back and forth how they thought it was mak-

Hand that Rocks the Cradle

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Hand that Rocks the Cradle

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ing their husband's feel when they called them lord that huge urge to say something swelled in me until I could hold back no longer. This was years ago and I cannot quote what I said word for word, but I started by explaining that every woman in that room was blessed to have a husband who provided for them. A husband can be called 'lord' strictly through lip service just as the large "L" Lord has been called Lord through lip service. (see Isaiah 29:13 & Matthew 15:8-9) A lord is someone who saves you from something or spares you. I proceeded to tell them, "My husband IS my lord (small 'l' of course) as he saved us (me and my daughter) from a world of burden." Do not be caught up in lip service, ladies. The truth is, if you are blessed with a godly covering in this day and age, you are saved (spared) from a multitude of troubles. If you cannot speak it from the heart, calling your husband 'lord' will mean nothing to him. This is not written to you out of grief for my personal loss as Pastor did a fine job at covering what he foresaw for my future. It is written to you in contentment in the work Pastor left to me and Jesus expects of me as I live. As Diann says, "Contentment is a choice." Gratitude from the heart is godly and produces a peaceful spirit that transfers to our homes. Let us be as King David was when he wrote Psalm 63:5. "My soul is satisfied as with marrow and fatness, and my mouth offers praises with joyful lips." Praise be to Jesus! “For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body.” Ephesians 5:23

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September Prayer

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Prayer for the Scriptures for America Gideon-Elite Prayer Warriors

These days we are privileged to live in are full of de-ceit, of trickery, of sin, and of wickedness. His people, His remnant, are in need of saving, they are in need of having their eyes opened to the schemes of the devil that seek to destroy them. His remnant, those that look to Him and Him alone for their deliverance, need to cry out to Him once again, as was done in Jeremiah Chapter 3. God hears the cries of His people! The prayer for the month of September 2011 is a prayer to the God of the Bible, who is a God of Deliver-ance and of Vengeance, and worthy of our praise. Praise Him, Remnant, and watch God deliver! Psalms 94:1-7, & 22-23 O LORD, God of vengeance; God of vengeance, shine forth! 2 Rise up, O Judge of the earth; Render recom-pense to the proud. 3 How long shall the wicked, O LORD, How long shall the wicked exult? 4 They pour forth words, they speak arrogantly; All who do wickedness vaunt them-selves. 5 They crush Thy people, O LORD, And afflict Thy heritage. 6 They slay the widow and the stranger, And mur-der the orphans. 7 And they have said, "The LORD does not see, Nor does the God of Jacob pay heed." 22 But the LORD has been my stronghold, And my God the rock of my refuge. 23 And He has brought back their wickedness upon them, And will destroy them in their evil; The LORD our God will destroy them.

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September Prayer

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September Prayer Our Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in the precious Name of our Lord and Savior, our King and our Deliverer, Jesus Christ. We give thanks and praise to You that we serve a mighty and a just God. We praise You because You are the God of gods and worthy to be praised. Hear our cries O Lord, as we Your people cry out to You and say save us, just as we are instructed in Jeremiah 31:7. "…give praise and say O Lord save your peo-ple the remnant of Israel". Deliver us from the conspiracies of men, the schemes of the devil, the power of the dog and all who hate us. Open our eyes so that we can see all of the deceptions that are against us, that we can be the ones that trample the wicked under our feet, on the day which You are preparing. Anoint us and em-power us as we fight victoriously, swinging the sword of the spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ. Malachi 4:3 You will tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day which I am preparing,” says the LORD of hosts.

The monthly prayers are mailed to those that request them, and are posted at our Ministry website.


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CD Ministry:

Our CD Ministry

congregation receive two politically incorrect, yet

Biblically correct messages

every two weeks in the mail.

(Good Outreach Tool)

Satellite and Internet Radio Broadcasting

We are broadcasting on the internet & satellite (audio) 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, heard all across North

America and the world! The satellite is digital audio, KU band; see our web page, “Online

Audio”. We also have SFA-TV—24/7 video at the website!

Church Broadcast & Video Streaming

The Sunday morning Church services at the LaPorte Church of Christ

are video streamed live to our website, www.scripturesforamerica.org

from 10:00am until noon, Mountain time. (a high-speed internet connection is

suggested). You can also attend our ‘Early Morning Church’ (the previous weeks’

sermon) at our website from 8:00—10:00 am, Mountain Time.

A Data DVD is also available weekly for YOUR local Public Access Cable TV free broadcast

—contact us for details.

SFAWBN.com Visit our Network website for the complete

programming schedule and archives. www.GodSaveAmericaAgain.com www.AnotherUntoldStory.com


Printed Material Write for our most current catalog

and to subscribe to this free newsletter. (both also available at our website)

Church Camps & Confer-ences throughout the US

This newsletter is an outreach of the LaPorte Church of Christ, PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535 and is sent free of charge to those who request it. Scrip-tures for America is a national & inter-national outreach ministry, founded by Pastor Peter J. Peters, and is supported by tithes and free-will offerings. The La-Porte Church of Christ has Sunday School at 9:15am on Sunday mornings, followed by Church Services at 10:30.

DVD CHURCH Messages of the LaPorte

Church of Christ Sunday morn-ing Church services are sent

out (every Monday) on DVD to those requesting to be on the DVD CHURCH Ministry. This has also become a GREAT

outreach tool for sharing the Gospel message.

E-mail: [email protected] Radio call in— 307.745.5913 Office phone— 307.742.7582 Office fax— 307.745.5914

PO Box 766 LaPorte, CO 80535

Scriptures For America Ministry

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