9 .wbi ti ttp tet1 id 13id c - university of oregon · lifting its milk-whit-e flowers to heaven,...

o o 9 .Wbi ti TTP TET1 ID 13ID T C Vol. i. OREGON CITY, ORJSGOX, SATFUDAY, DECEMBER lo, 1866. iVo. 8. W. A. ALliUICH. J- - C. MERRILL. JOHN Sl'CHAKE.C ljcil):ckin Enterprise. PUBLISHED EVEET SATURDAY MORNING Uy D. O. IRELAND, )FFlOE: South east corner of Fourth and Mux street.-- , i the building lately known is the Court Ilonse. Oreon'CitCLhegon. Terms ol Subscription. One copy, one year in advance. . .. . .$3 00 Palj Sanio. In the deep woods of Mexico, Where screams the 'painted paroquet,' And mocking birds flit to and fro, With borrowed notes they half forget; Where brilliant flowers and poisonous vines Are mingled in a firm embrace, And the same gaudy plant entwines Some reptile of a poisonous race ; Where spreads the Ito icy shade Benumbing even in summer's heat The thoughtless traveler who hath laid Ilimsclfto noondav slumbers sweet: Where skulks unseen the beast of prey The native robber glares and hides, And treacherous death keeps watch alway On him who flies, or he who bides. In these deep tropic woods there grows A tree, whose tall and silvery bole Above the dusky forest shows, As shiniug as a saintly soul Among the souls of sinful men ; Lifting its milk-whit- e flowers to heaven, And breathing incense out, as when The passing saints of earth are shriven. The skulking robber drops Lis eyes, And signs himself with holy cross, If, far between him and the skies, He sees its pearly blossoms toss. The wanderer halts to gaze upon The lonely vision, far or neir, And smiles and sighs to think of one He wishes for the moment here. HISTS TO TfOCVG MOT1IEKS. FOE TIIK ENTSRFI1ISE : BY A LADY READER. With regard to the control of children, there can be no rule by which all can be governed alike. Health, temperament, disposition, each affect the behavior of the child, and should be considered in its management. Children of excitable tem- perament (and this is now by far the larg- est class), require greater wisdom in their training than others. Their over-activ- e minds and delicate bodies, s are truly a serious care to those who have the rearing of them. Example h the best of teachers, as the infant is purely imitative in its na- ture : and here, let me impress it upon par- ents, that faults of their own are reflected in their offspring, and although it may be necessary to punish those faults, the neces- sity might be avoided by a proper self-contr- ol in the majority of cases. Qualities go by inheritance it is true ; but many more are gamedy household education. If you wish to have sons and daughters excellent in every characteristic, exhibit that excellence in your own conduej; daily. Children are very apt to look upon their parents as perfection in all things, and woe to that parent who discovers to the little confiding mind so palpable a deform- ity, as to be perceived by it. There can for every thing maintenance, instruction, sympathy and, all at once, either by be- coming of a proper age, orbyr your death, he or she is cast upon his or her inexperi- ence to contend not for bread only, but for position, consequence, character, every thing desirable, unarmed with a knowl- edge of any occupation that could secure the one, ant"" too timid and desparing to know how to make sure of the other. For the sins, suffering, and shame which too frequently falls to the lot of these weaponless ones set in the front rank of the battle of life, not themselves, but their parents are too often responsible. Be- cause, a son has come to maturity physi- cally, is no reason he should be consider- ed a man, unless you have so formed his mind that he is ready to take upon him- self a man's duties. Through all kinds of errors will he struggle, and if he fall not, it will be by virtue of an inherent manli- ness that may defy temptation and trial of any kind ; and even by his success you do not stand acquitted of neglec0 Your daughters you are training up for what ? To get married ? But they may be unfortunate in marriage, or death may deprive them of protection and support. What then ? They are ignorant, helpless, and despairing. To keep a cheap boarding-h- ouse, to wash gentlemen's shirts, to sew for a few cents a day, to drudge at habits, and principles as shall secure that happiness, not only by making them be- loved and respected by others, but peace- ful and contented within themselves. To preserve their health is the first duty, and after that to teach them usefulness, virtue, self-respe- ct, and cheerfulness. The latter is of much greater value than most parents perceive. A cheerful, self-relia- nt disposition is a greater gift than a fortune, and it is never too early to begin to incul- cate it in the infant mind. Do not allow a child to dwell upon a hurt or grievance of any kind, but by lively, hopeful, or play- ful remark teach it to regard the accident as of no serious importance. A child will frequently laugh instead of crying, if, in- stead of making a great ado over some little bump it has received, you affect to pity the floor, or the table, or whatever it has come into collision with. Its mirthful-nes- s is excited by the ludicrousness of the idea, which it quickly perceives, and the trouble is forgotten. Never forget the real good of the child in the pleasure you yourself experience in lavishing pity and tenderness upon it : but mix up with these endearments wholesome lessons ofpatience and content, or, if need be, of endurance. Let no mother trust the education of her children entirely to others, if possibly she can avoid it. If she feels disqualified for teaching by any deficiencies of her own " Tlie Diligent "Voiaa&., She riseth in the morning betimes, and as the lark slngjeth to his mate, so sho ; maketh'a joyful noise in all her house. She shaketh up her bed, andbeateth the pillows thereof, and like as an eagle ; stirreth up her nest, so she stirreth up the feathers, and spreadeth out the sheets, and layeth the blankets apart. She layeth her hands to the wash-tn- b, 1 and rubbeth upon the board, making clea the fine linen ; her hands take fast hold : of i the wringer, and by turning the crank the w.ater thereof is pressed out. She clothe th her family with pure gar- - : ments, when she has made them smooth with a hot iron, and by reason thereof her husband is made comely when he sitteth among the chief men, or walketh in tho market places. She kneadeth up her dough, and baketli : a goodly jeake for her household, and to every one she giveth a piece of bread, and butter of kine. She provideth her dinner in due season, and supper faileth not. when the good man returneth at the end of the day, weary with his labors and the strife of men. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and scorneth the idle woman, with her delicate hands, who lieth in bed and calleth $ servant. She keepeth safely the heart of "her hus Q M'GR&KEN, MERRILL& GO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AXD Forwarding Merchants, GENT'S OF TIIE CALIFORNIA, 2 Hawaiian and Oi egou Packet Lines. importers of Han Qentin and Carmen Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Coffee, Lice, and Pulu. Agents for Provost's & Co.'s Preserved Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar. Dealers in' Hour, Grain, Bacon, Laid & Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster." Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship-le- nt of Merchandise or Produce in New ork, Han Francisco, Honolulu," or Portland ALDR1CII, MERRILL & CO., Nos 201 and 206 California Street, San Francisco. M CRAKEX, MERRILL & CO., 10 North Front Street, Portland. J. U. MITCHELL. J. X. DOLPII. A. SMITH. Mitchell, 'Dolph & Smith, Attorneys and Coimsellors at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and P 'roc- - ' tors in Admiralty . Office over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. (ly) V,- -. LAIU IULL. M. V. MCLKEY. HILL & KULKEY, O ATT0HKEYS and COUNSELLORS AT "X'TILL both be found hereafter at their V ? Oslice on th; corner of Front and Alder Streets, Portland, Oregon. lyr- - FERRY & FOSTER, IBKOKIiiriS ! Restl Estate and Collecting No. SO Front Street, Corner oFWasbington, PORTLAND, OREGON. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, STOCKS, Rel Estate bought and sid on Commission. Portland, Oct. lS.J. ("3:1 v- - E. G. RANDALL, I5IPORTF.R AXu DEALER IN" MUSICAL IHSTRUMEHTS, Sheet Music, and Musical Merchandise of all kinds. Sole Agent in Oregon for ?I.isoii & II;t iiiti n's CELEBRATED CABJ5ET ORGAX : AND SU'inway & Sen'' GOLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES Z First street, next door to the Post Office, Portland Oregon. 4:ly Removed ! Removed ! The old aucl well known D. JilOXXASTE rroprlcto; PORTLAND OREGON AS NOT DISCONTINUED WORK! II but has been removed to Second street, between Alder and Morrison streets, where business will be conducted on as large a scale as in tears past. 2:ly SX, CROCKERY .'ST, AND GLASS-WAR- E, QuccnsJVare, Lamps, etc. Me II E ISR, Importer of articles in the above line, would invite the attention of purchasers to his large stock now on h'snd. V L Front strc t, 2:ly Portland, Oregon. L. T, SCHULTZ, s Importer and dealer in PIANOS, ' : : 1MELODEONS, Musical Inxti S'a ! Cutlery, T'iittcy (joi.-tj-i- , etc. 10'! Frout street 1'ortland, Oregon. Pianos and all other Musical Instruments carefully tuned and repaired. 2:ly LINCOLN HOUSE, Comer of Washington and Front sts., Portland, Oregon, m. v. 3! V3 n ; s : r e r. x , Of tit St. NICHOLAS HOTEL, Victoria, having (fcikcn, the a.hove house, ie ishes to a n- - j no u,n:- - tu the jiublic, that he ix mho prepared to mlitfactory manner. Nothing vi'C be h it undone, which in the I poidr d' tl, propfittor to do, to render guests j coiifortahl'i. 2;lv JOHN NESTOR, AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Front Street, Portland, Oregon. Plans, Specifications, and accurate working drawings prepared on short notice after the latest approved stvle. (lv) : A. G. BRADFORD, 39 Front Street, Iortl:m:l, Oreson, liirORTER AND DEALER 13 Wines and Liquors, ALSO : Sole Agent in Oregon, and Washington I Territory, for the (Joluk.v State Champaign, manufactured by Hohman, i mke t Co., from California grapes. fly R, HENDRIE, Importer Ml "Wholesale Dealer in E HAND IE S AND LIQUORS, 51 Front Street. lm3 PORTLAND, OREGON. fflARBLE AMD STONE YABD WILLIAM YOUNG, No. 33 Erpnt street, Portland Oregon Keep constantly on hand a good stock of Mantle and building stoue, suitable lor e.-er- v description of work. Mantles,-!- ' orab stones and monuments of every style, executed and set to order. ' ?i 41 t u i li x v . . . , . . J, Trims tf Advert ising. Transient advertisements, one square (12 lines or less") first insertion ...$2" For each subsequent insertion. 1 00 Uusine.ss Cards one square per annum payabh quarterly . . 12 00 One column per annum ".100 00 One half column " r' 00 One quarter " " 30 00 Legal HavertiMng at the established rates. D. m. BIcKENWEY, o Attorney and Counsellor al Law. f o ITTIIvL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO ALL V business entrusted to hi ; care, OrKici: One door north of Bell & Parker's Drag store, Oregon City, Oregon. ;':ly W. C. JOHNSON. F. O. Ji'COWX. JOHNSON & EEcCOVN, OREGON .CITY", OREGON. Will attend to all business entrusted to our care in any of the Courts of the State, collect money, negotiate loans, sell real es- tate, etc. l.yl .. Justice of the Pence c' City Recorder. OfSee I" the Cuiiri House find City OuiiH-i- i IJnotn, Oregon City. Will attend to the acknowledgment of deeds, and all other duties appertaining to the ollice of Juti'-- of the 1'ea.ve. ':ly Dr. F. Barclay, M..R. G. L.v (Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. II. B. Co.) OFFICE: At Ehhncr, Main Street (7yl Oregon City Dr. IL' SaffdrraiiSj PHYSICIAN and SURGE OX. OFFICE In J. Fleming's Book Store. Alain street, Oregon City. ("- - H. W.Ii93S, M. D,, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (Ollice over Channan Bros., Main st.,) a Orcgoa C'ly.. ly John Fleming. 1 FA I. Ell U BOOKS and STATIONERY. Tlfankful for the patronage heretofore re c"eived, respectfully solicits a continuance) of the favors of a generous public. His store is between Jacobs' and Acker-man'- s bricks, on the west side of Main street. Oregon Ciry, Octob' v 27th, '',',. (tf Professor A. J. TEA CUE 11 U E M C S be glad to receive a number ot j Pupils at. ;is Mu-i- u Room, at the ivi- - j vate residence of Mr. Charles Losius. lie j will ais. coittuie to give instructions at J private residences. No charge lor the use I of the pjauo. My pupils will please give me j notice wncii reauy to commence. o.iy v win SMITH W. U. MARSHALL" SMITH a BIARALL, IJhwk Smiths and B:nier Makers Corner of Mam and Third streets, Oregon (Jit Oregon. " " () Blacksmtthing' in all its branches. Boiler making and repaiiing. All work warrnnted to give sat ivn. BARL0V7 HOUSE, Main Street, one door north of the Woolen Facioiv, Oregon City Oregon. "Win. llarioiv, P. oiiictoi'. The proprietor, thankful fur the continued patronage- be has received, would inform the public that he will continue his efforts to .pi east his guests. o2 . 0 TTTill '!0'r.-- . fn NTRACTOR and BUILDEIE C3- - M:i'ai vtrett, Oregon City. Will attend to all work in his line, con- sisting in part id" Carpenter and Joiner work framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptly .attendeiMo. (2 " Fashion Billiard Saloon Main street, between Second and Third, Oregon City. . J. C. Mann, Proprietor. TTMIE above long established and popular JL Saloon is y?r a favorite resort, and as .only the choicest brands ol Wines, Liquors and Cigars are dispensed to customers a shar4 us tlisJ public pafruuage is solicited. Uy) J. C. MANN. SHADES SALOON. yVtfi Side Jait Strict, Icttcxi Second and 'Third, (Jrt'jon City. XJE0E.GE A. HAAS - --- Proprietor, The proprietor begs leave to inform his :frieuds and the public generally that t!ie above named popular saloon is open for their accommodation, with a new mid well assort-Q- d supply of t?;e finest brands of wines, liquors and cigars. 52 THE GEH. Jfain Street, opposite the F.st Ojfice, Oregon. E. PAYNE .'.f'. Proprietor. The undersigned ta'-e- s this method of in- forming the public that he has purchased the above saloon, ana now oilbrs a cnoiceand well selected stock of foreign and domestic wines, liquors, etc., which"" cannot fail to please tho.e who mav extend their patron re. The best J,agoi Beer, Ale and Porter i 'h-- Statcra!wait: cn draught. S:rj F. PAYNE. be no greater humiliation on one side, or grief and disappointment on the other. If you have forbidden a child to do affi ac- tion, no matter how insignificant, be care- ful that it does not find yon doing the same thing, and thereby have its sense of justice outraged, except, of course, in such cases as where the reason of the difference can be explained. The writer was once teaching a little fellow to feed himself at table. Childlike, he put in his food as fast as he could, and in very large mouthfuls. I took great pains to show him the proper size of a mouthful, suclyis he should take, using the expression do not stuff your mouth." Happening to have him at table with my- self one day, not long afterwards, I was; surprised to see him watching me with an expression of outraged confidence on his babv face, and laving down mv knife and fork, I smiled and asked him what was the matter. " Ee stuff eemouf!" replied the little fellow in so grieved a voice that I could not refrain from laughing ; for I in- stantly comprehended that he had been comparing the size of my mouthfuls with those I had instructed him to take. So soon do children begin to criticise and compare. Be careful about showing irritation of temper, for there is no habit so catching. If the-mothe- of a family is a scold, or fault-finde- r, ten chances to onv if every child she has does not turn out a scold and fault-tind- er ; not only making themselves miserable, but sending out ever-wideni- circles of misery into the families they shall raise, and they after them. Women have a good excuse for irritability in their sensitive organization, and strength so often over-taxe- d ; but when the injury done by indulgence is so great, it is worth while to try the length of yonr endurance. Beware of making uncharitable remarks about your friends or neighbors in the presence of children. It is peculiarity of these little folks to like gossip about their elders, and I have seen children sit hours in the house to listen to the conver- sation of their parents and neighbors when it was of a personal character, who would otherwise have been happily at play. The effect of such conversations on their inex- perienced minds is to give them very in- correct and unhappy notions of persons and things, and an anecdote treasured up in this way has often been of great injury, not only to the child who judged wrongly, but through the child to others wkGiH it influenced, as well as the person judged. Do not sutler a child to be made afraid of anything. Feal'is not only undignified, but a source of the greatest discomfort to the possessor ; and do not teach children to doubt your word hy promising them anything which you do not perform, whether it be a favor or a punishment. Tlieir minds are not so occupied with busi- ness that they forget it, whatever it may be. They are, on the contrary, expecting you to keep your word, unless you show them by your conduct that you make promises without intending to keep them ; thereby learning them to place no confi- dence in what you say, and teaching them a lesson of equal untruthfulness. Neither, w hen you command a child, use a great many words, but remember to speak pleasantly though firmly, as if you did not doubt its instant obedience. Such a man- ner will yearly always insure obedience ; but if, for some peculiar reason, it fails, insist upon being obeyed promptly, in the same calm, kind, and firm manner. Al-md- lt the whole secret of seettrisg the re- spect and cheerful obedience of children lies in that one neglect of .parents, arising from carelessness. They imagine it easier to have an occasional battle with a child to subdue its temper when it has got be- yond the bounds of reasonable endurance, than every day, and all the time to require just the same respect of authority, which in time becomes a habit, and the child is insensible to any restraint, and of course happier than when half the time indulged and half the time restricted in proportion. Let no mother forget that she is respon- sible for the happiness of the children she brings into the world. Let her endeavor to cultivate- - in them such temne-rr-- . motives. The Mexic native fears not fang Of psonous serpent, vine, nor bee, If he may soothe the baleful pang With juices of this "holy tree." How do we all, in life's wild ways, Which oft we traverse lost and lone, Need that which heavenward draws the gaze Some I'alo Santo of our own 1 Frances Fuller Victor St. Helens, Dec. S, 1866. A Judge rx a " Fix." An awkward af- fair, which once occurred to one of the judges on the Western Circuit, has been the subject of such mirth. It appears that the pious judicial, having finished his la- bors, and having cast of Lis forensic wig at his lodgings, had retired into the next room to wait for his brother judge, whom he was about to accompany to some of the local aristocracy to dinner. The female servant of the house had entered the bed- chamber br a side door, and not knowing the judge w-a- s in thtTv-ex- t room, in a frolic arrayed herself in the judge's wig. Just the moment when the fair Mopsy was ad- miring herself in the looking-glas- s, the judge unexpectedly entered the room ; and poor Mospy catching a sight of the stern countenance looking over her shoul- der in the glass, was so alarmed that she fainted and would have fallen to the tloor, if the learned judge, impelled by humanity, had not caught her in his arms. At this critical moment his brother judge arrived, and opening the dressing-roo- m door, with a view to see if he was ready, discovered his learned brother with the fainting maid in his arms. Nqit wish- ing to interrupt what lie thought to be an amour, he quickly attempted to withdraw, when his brother judge vociferated, " For heaven's sake, stop and hear this matter explained.-- ' Never mind, my dear brother; the matter explains itself" and he left his brother to recover the fainting maid as best he could. Anecdotes of the Bench and the Bar. A railway accident lately occurred by the axle of a tender giving way, which detained the train several hours. A lady inquired of a gentlemen passenger why it was so delayed ; he gravely replied : Madam, it was occasioned byr what is often followed by serious consequences the sudden breaking of a tender attach- ment," O A gentleman having occasion to Qall upon an author, found him in his study, writing. He remarked the great heat of the apartment, and said : " It is as hot as an ovcn.'i-5'- - So it ought to be," replied the author, " for it's here I make my bread' A man exclaimed in a tavern, 4i I'll bet a sovereign 1 have got the hardest name in the company."' Done,"' said one of the number ; " what's your name ?"' " Stone,'' cried the first.'- - Hand me the money," said the other, " my name is Harder." -- - " If you ever marry,' said a Roman con- sul to his son, ' let it be to a woman Avho has sense enough to superintend the setting ol meal of victuals, taste enough to dress herself, pride enough to wash before breakfast,- and sense enough to hold her togg'ue when she has nothing to say." An apprentice sailor-bo- y fell from the 'round top' to the deck, stunned, "but tie hurt The captain exclaimed in surprise : Why, where did you come from !" " From the north of Ireland, sir,"' was the prompt reply, as the poor fellow gathered himself up. An aged Quakeress, the other afternoon was seen intently gazing upon a piece of richly embroidered satin, displayed in a linen-draper- 's show-windo- An iBsh-ma- n. passing, smiled as he saw the fascina- tion of the dame. i( Ah," said he, that's Satin tempting Eve." -- a My dear Horatio, I had a very myste- rious dream about you." ';What was it, dear?" " I dreamed I Sigv you carried up to heaven in a golden chariot, surround- ed by angels clothed in white and purple. What is that a sign of, dear?"' It is a cigu cf a foulltomacb. ray love."' 0 band, and suffereth not his feet to wander in forbidden paths, by reason of her di- rection. Yea, he loveth her, and like coo- ing doves they walk together the way of Liife. Like the busy bee, she continueth lili-ge- nt all the day long, and by reason of hard work her bones do ache, yet he com-plaine- th not. because she doth it willingly. She is modest in her apparel, and bring-et- h no shame to her husband by reason of unpaid bills for costly feathers, or mantau stuffing, or frizzly waterfalls of dog's hair. She obeyeth the voice of nature in the circumference of her waist, nd maketh but a moderate spread about her nether limbs. She is good mannered in the cars a rare accomplishment! She tucketh up her dress betimes, giving the street to men's feet, without molestation. She is a keeper at home, not gadding about, revealing the secrets she ought not, but ready always to labor ia kindness and charity and good works, 3 Many housewives have done nobly, but she excelletii, them all. Eozion Daily Ad- vertiser. The following scene occurred at a " cul- led" prayer meeting somewhere down in Massachusetts. A sable attendant wo 3 shocked at seeing one of the i fair sect" get up and deliver a discourse. His feel- ings were still further wrought upon as one after another of the sisters affected by the contageous influence got up and freed dar minds."' At last he sprang to his feet, excitement and indignation al- most mastering his power of utterance : " Feller sinners," said he, " ef I'd sposo dat de ladjes would be p'mitted to take part in dis yer discussion (sensation) ef I'd a none dat de ladies cud jine in dis yer debate (all eyes turned on the speaker) ef I'd bleebe for one moment, feller citi- zens, dat de female sect woulda dare to raise dar voices in dis yer meetin,' I'd feller citizens' 4;Wot wot would you've a did, ef you'd a none it ?" shouted two or three of the sisters, as the whites of their eyes flashed on the speaker. " I (scratching his wool) I'd a brunj ray icife along told me!" Bitlxg Axgels. When Ettie, about five years old, was being put to beu during the hight of the mosquito time, her mother said to her : " Ettie, you must always be a good girl, and then at night, when you are asleep, the angels will coma and sing and wakdi around your bed." " Oh. yes, ma," sahL Ettie, I know that ; I heard them singing around my bed last night, and some ef them bit me, too." --- Not to be Outdone. The widow of a celebrated musician had inscribed on his monument : " Ho has gone where his mu- sic can only be excelled." The widow of a pyrotechnist saw this, and had inscribed upon her husband's tomb ; " He has gone where his fire-wor- ks can only be excelled." Theodore Hook: was walking, in the days of Warren's blacking, where one of the emissaries of that shining character had written on the wall " Try Warren's B but he had been frightened from his work and fled. The rest is 'lacking," said the wit. A young lady having promised her grandma that she would never marry a -- ......wr, V.lTir- - i' fnr.n -- f .UN ..U there now V repaired witii him, after the . old. larty s aeatn, to tne Mammoth Cave, m Kentucky, and was married underground. Arizona. Governor McCormick, of Arizona Territory, in his late message says, u there is aot a single stage coach , running in the territory, although it has been organized nearly three years. A man lately inquired for letters at a country post office, was told there wa3 none, upon which he asked if there was not another post office in the place. Where is paper money first mentioned in the Bible? When the dove brought th - green uacii. 10 Auau. Twig." This Erie flic cut tio co!- - the most menial and unprofitable employ ments, unable to educate or even comfort- ably clothe their children this is the fate awaiting them in case of any accident to their prosperity. Let me consul and en- treat you to do what you can to prevent it. Educate your daughters not only in books and every accomplishment you can afford, but also in some one particular branch of industry which would afford a mainte- nance if necessary, and in that one branch see that they excel. It is true that men have hitherto jealously guarded the ave- nues of trade from the encroachments of your sex ; but when you have become really fitted to compete with them in the knowledge of and capacity for any busi- ness within your desires, it will be in vain for them to resist you. The time is corn- ing when women may be truly independ- ent, hi the way perfectly compatible with delicacy and feminine dignity. In these few hints which I have given concerning the treatment of children from infancy to maturity, I have arrived at con- densing instruction into a small space, be- lieving that if you value my suggestions the subject will continue in your minds, and you will elaborate it in your own thoughts. And let me here again remind you of the importance of physiological knowledge, as well for yourselves as your children. It is imperative upon you, that before you assume the responsibilities of motherhood you should know witl what a terrible and wonderful, as well as beau- tiful, being you are gifting your offspring. Gather about you the best authors on Physiology and Medicine, and by an un- derstanding of the first, endeavor to avoid the necessity of the latter. And now go over these imperfect suggestions from first to last, and begin to think upon the sub- ject. Follow7 up thinking with reading, and reading again with thinking ; and as fast as your daughters are old enough, teach them what you have learned, and council them to continue the study. Neither excuse your sons ; but bo especi- ally faithful with your daughters, for with them rests the welfare of future genera- tions. Sardines. The lovers of the "little fishes biled in fey should know that the fish which furnishes them with such a deli- cious repast belongs to the herring family. The popular name Avas given to it by Cuv-ie- r, who was the first to assign it to a dis- tinct place in the finny tribe. He called it Sardinia, from which it is known as the sardine. Sardines are caught principally along the coasts of Brittany and, to a less extent, in Portugal. The fisheries employ a large number of men and women. The fishing vessels of eight cr ten tuns each, and carrying a crew of from six to ten go out two or three leagues from the land, and watch for shoals offish. When they see them, they spread, their gill-ne- ts for them, and scatter on the water the bait that has been prepared, and which consists of the eggs and flesh offish; especially of cod and mackerel, and sometimes of salted fish. Large quantities of sardines arc taken in this way. Some are salted on board and others are carried on shore, and either gid fresh or prepared for shipment. For the latter purpose, they are salted and packed away in tin cans, vnth melted but- ter and olive oil, which is poured upon; them in almost a boiling state. The cans are sealed up to prevent the air reaching the fish, and are then ready for shipment. A clergyman of a country village desir- ed his clerk to give notice that there would be no service in the afternoon, as he wjis "going to officiate for another clergymen." The clerk, as soon as the sermon was ended, rose up, with all due solemnity and called out : " I am desired to give notice, that there will be no ser- vice this afternoon, as Mr. L. is going a fishing with another clergyman." Mr. L., of course, corrected tho awkward, yet amusing blunder. Lord Buckingham was once at a dinner where a Mr. Grubb was requested to sing. He begged to be excused, urging that he knew not what to eing. " Sing I'd be a butterSy," " the ncblemas. education, she ought, by all means, to use what leisure she may have in qualifying herself in those branches which her child- ren are pursuing. This, perhaps, is equally the duty of both parents : for children are always far more deeply interested in that which seems to interest their parents, than in other sibjects. But if it is important to show a sympathy in the jjursuit of the earlier elementary branches, in order to fix their attention sufficiently upon them, it is even more important when the pupil becomes farther advanced to be able not only to assist your children in their studies, but to be competent to judge of the pro- priety of the course of instruction they are following, as well as of the merits of authors, and the perfection of theories. Those children who are handed over to teachers, no matter how able, who have no special sympathy with their pupils, al- most invariably learn by rote, instead of having that thorough understanding of their subjects which familiar instruction and conversation imparts to the confiding, youthful mind. It frequently happens in this way that a very expensive and appa- rently thorough education is nearly lost upon a son or daughter, who, after going through all the text books, and having all the usual masters, turns out a dull and really ignorant person ; the fault having been that no one ever engaged his or her attention by sympathy- the most sure and universal mode of instructing suc- cess full v. Teach your children to inquire into causes w hen they see effects, instead of al- lowing them to take up with any absurd or superstitious explanations which may-hav- e descended through generations of uneducated and credulous persons. There is no training of the human mind more ennobling than that which comes by a close observance of. and inquiry into the mys- teries of Nature. If you are able to in- struct your child in these mysteries to teach him the exquisite and harmonious relations of things to explore Avith him the intricate but delightful paths of science, and to make of him a chemist, botanist, geologist, or naturalist, or to explore with him the great and wonderful truths of as- tronomy, you give him one of the most surest means of happiness as well as of usefulness ; and you make of him the no- blest of whatever he is capable of being. Admitting that you are not able to go far with him in these pursuits ; only then go as far as you can. and give him a taste for the stud- - or studies. This course, too, "will develop not only his highest morality, but will show to you and to him the peculiar bent of his mind, for he will be sure to have a preference for some one thing over another, and thereby you can decide upon his future profession. Supposing that he does not find his pecul- iar talent in the natural sciences, the ac- quisition of this knowledge is a help to him in the attainment of any other kind of knowledge. Try him then on mathematics and mechanics, or on logic. During all this exploring, you will be deeply delight- ed, and your child led insensibly to an un- derstanding of and confidence in his own powers in some particular sphere of ac- tion. In doing this for him or her, you renew your own youth and experience over again it) the enthusiasm of school-day- s ad student-lif- e. After thus becoming acquainted with the capacities of your children, by joining in their studies, and having perfected their knowledge by furnishing them the best books on their favorite subject, decide for them, or with them, upon a profession. Every child, male or female, should have a profession, trade, or handicraft of some sort The origin of loaferism is the want of this, in nine cases out of ten. The want of this among women re- sults still more deplorably. How, let me ask any kind father and tender mother, can you reconcile yourself to the righteous- ness of bringing children into the world to turn them off, as soon as they arrive at the estate of men and women, to depend upon mere chance ? There is no doubt as to the tiukindness, not to say, wickedness of such a desertion of your duties. Hith- erto your child has depended uroii von

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Page 1: 9 .Wbi ti TTP TET1 ID 13ID C - University of Oregon · Lifting its milk-whit-e flowers to heaven, And breathing incense out, as when The passing saints of earth are shriven. The skulking



9 .Wbi



Uy D. O. IRELAND,)FFlOE: South east corner of Fourth and

Mux street.-- , i the building lately knownis the Court Ilonse. Oreon'CitCLhegon.

Terms ol Subscription.One copy, one year in advance. . . . . .$3 00

Palj Sanio.In the deep woods of Mexico,

Where screams the 'painted paroquet,'And mocking birds flit to and fro,

With borrowed notes they half forget;Where brilliant flowers and poisonous vines

Are mingled in a firm embrace,And the same gaudy plant entwines

Some reptile of a poisonous race ;

Where spreads the Ito icy shadeBenumbing even in summer's heat

The thoughtless traveler who hath laidIlimsclfto noondav slumbers sweet:

Where skulks unseen the beast of preyThe native robber glares and hides,

And treacherous death keeps watch alwayOn him who flies, or he who bides.

In these deep tropic woods there growsA tree, whose tall and silvery bole

Above the dusky forest shows,As shiniug as a saintly soul

Among the souls of sinful men ;

Lifting its milk-whit- e flowers to heaven,And breathing incense out, as whenThe passing saints of earth are shriven.

The skulking robber drops Lis eyes,And signs himself with holy cross,

If, far between him and the skies,He sees its pearly blossoms toss.

The wanderer halts to gaze uponThe lonely vision, far or neir,

And smiles and sighs to think of oneHe wishes for the moment here.



With regard to the control of children,there can be no rule by which all can begoverned alike. Health, temperament,disposition, each affect the behavior of thechild, and should be considered in itsmanagement. Children of excitable tem-

perament (and this is now by far the larg-

est class), require greater wisdom in theirtraining than others. Their over-activ- e

minds and delicate bodies, sare truly a

serious care to those who have the rearingof them. Example h the best of teachers,as the infant is purely imitative in its na-

ture : and here, let me impress it upon par-

ents, that faults of their own are reflectedin their offspring, and although it may benecessary to punish those faults, the neces-

sity might be avoided by a proper self-contr- ol

in the majority of cases. Qualitiesgo by inheritance it is true ; but manymore are gamedy household education.If you wish to have sons and daughtersexcellent in every characteristic, exhibitthat excellence in your own conduej; daily.

Children are very apt to look upon theirparents as perfection in all things, andwoe to that parent who discovers to thelittle confiding mind so palpable a deform-

ity, as to be perceived by it. There can

for every thing maintenance, instruction,sympathy and, all at once, either by be-

coming of a proper age, orbyr your death,he or she is cast upon his or her inexperi-ence to contend not for bread only, butfor position, consequence, character, everything desirable, unarmed with a knowl-edge of any occupation that could securethe one, ant"" too timid and desparing toknow how to make sure of the other.For the sins, suffering, and shame whichtoo frequently falls to the lot of theseweaponless ones set in the front rank ofthe battle of life, not themselves, but theirparents are too often responsible. Be-

cause, a son has come to maturity physi-

cally, is no reason he should be consider-ed a man, unless you have so formed hismind that he is ready to take upon him-self a man's duties. Through all kinds oferrors will he struggle, and if he fall not,it will be by virtue of an inherent manli-ness that may defy temptation and trial ofany kind ; and even by his success you donot stand acquitted of neglec0

Your daughters you are training up forwhat ? To get married ? But they maybe unfortunate in marriage, or death maydeprive them of protection and support.What then ? They are ignorant, helpless,and despairing. To keep a cheap boarding-h-

ouse, to wash gentlemen's shirts, tosew for a few cents a day, to drudge at

habits, and principles as shall secure thathappiness, not only by making them be-loved and respected by others, but peace-ful and contented within themselves.

To preserve their health is the first duty,and after that to teach them usefulness,virtue, self-respe- ct, and cheerfulness. Thelatter is of much greater value than mostparents perceive. A cheerful, self-relia- nt

disposition is a greater gift than a fortune,and it is never too early to begin to incul-cate it in the infant mind. Do not allow achild to dwell upon a hurt or grievance ofany kind, but by lively, hopeful, or play-ful remark teach it to regard the accidentas of no serious importance. A child willfrequently laugh instead of crying, if, in-

stead of making a great ado over somelittle bump it has received, you affect topity the floor, or the table, or whatever ithas come into collision with. Its mirthful-nes- s

is excited by the ludicrousness of theidea, which it quickly perceives, and thetrouble is forgotten. Never forget thereal good of the child in the pleasure youyourself experience in lavishing pity andtenderness upon it : but mix up with theseendearments wholesome lessons ofpatienceand content, or, if need be, of endurance.

Let no mother trust the education ofher children entirely to others, if possiblyshe can avoid it. If she feels disqualifiedfor teaching by any deficiencies of her own

" Tlie Diligent "Voiaa&.,

She riseth in the morning betimes, andas the lark slngjeth to his mate, so sho ;

maketh'a joyful noise in all her house.She shaketh up her bed, andbeateth the

pillows thereof, and like as an eagle ;

stirreth up her nest, so she stirreth upthe feathers, and spreadeth out the sheets,and layeth the blankets apart.

She layeth her hands to the wash-tn- b, 1

and rubbeth upon the board, making cleathe fine linen ; her hands take fast hold : of i

the wringer, and by turning the crank thew.ater thereof is pressed out.

She clothe th her family with pure gar- - :

ments, when she has made them smoothwith a hot iron, and by reason thereof herhusband is made comely when he sittethamong the chief men, or walketh in thomarket places.

She kneadeth up her dough, and baketli :a goodly jeake for her household, and toevery one she giveth a piece of bread, andbutter of kine.

She provideth her dinner in due season,and supper faileth not. when the good manreturneth at the end of the day, wearywith his labors and the strife of men.

She looketh well to the ways of herhousehold, and scorneth the idle woman,with her delicate hands, who lieth in bedand calleth $ servant.

She keepeth safely the heart of "her hus



Forwarding Merchants,GENT'S OF TIIE CALIFORNIA,

2 Hawaiian and Oi egou Packet Lines.importers of Han Qentin and Carmen

Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Coffee,Lice, and Pulu.

Agents for Provost's & Co.'s PreservedFruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar.

Dealers in' Hour, Grain, Bacon, Laid &Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster."

Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship-le- nt

of Merchandise or Produce in Nework, Han Francisco, Honolulu," or Portland

ALDR1CII, MERRILL & CO.,Nos 201 and 206 California Street,

San Francisco.M CRAKEX, MERRILL & CO.,

10 North Front Street, Portland.


Mitchell, 'Dolph & Smith,Attorneys and Coimsellors at Law,

Solicitors in Chancery, and P'roc- - '

tors in Admiralty .

Office over the old Post Office, Frontstreet, Portland, Oregon. (ly)V,-




AT"X'TILL both be found hereafter at their

V ? Oslice on th; corner of Front andAlder Streets, Portland, Oregon. lyr- -


Restl Estate and Collecting

No. SO Front Street, Corner oFWasbington,PORTLAND, OREGON.


sid on Commission.Portland, Oct. lS.J. ("3:1 v--


MUSICAL IHSTRUMEHTS,Sheet Music, and Musical Merchandise of

all kinds. Sole Agent in Oregon for?I.isoii & II;t iiiti n's



First street, next door to the Post Office,Portland Oregon. 4:ly

Removed ! Removed !

The old aucl well known


AS NOT DISCONTINUED WORK!II but has been removed to Second street,between Alder and Morrison streets, wherebusiness will be conducted on as large a scaleas in tears past. 2:ly



QuccnsJVare, Lamps, etc.

M e II E ISR,Importer of articles in the above line,

would invite the attention of purchasers tohis large stock now on h'snd.

V L Front strc t,2:ly Portland, Oregon.

L. T, SCHULTZ,s Importer and dealer in


Musical Inxti S'a ! Cutlery,T'iittcy (joi.-tj-i- , etc.

10'! Frout street 1'ortland, Oregon.Pianos and all other Musical Instruments

carefully tuned and repaired. 2:ly

LINCOLN HOUSE,Comer of Washington and Front sts.,

Portland, Oregon,m. v. 3! V3 n ; s :r e r. x ,

Of tit St. NICHOLAS HOTEL, Victoria,having (fcikcn, the a.hove house, ie ishes to a n- -

j no u,n:- - tu the jiublic, that he ix mho prepared tomlitfactory manner.

Nothing vi'C be h it undone, which in theI poidr d' tl, propfittor to do, to render guestsj coiifortahl'i. 2;lv


AND DRAUGHTSMAN.Front Street, Portland, Oregon.

Plans, Specifications, and accurateworking drawings prepared on short noticeafter the latest approved stvle. (lv)


A. G. BRADFORD,39 Front Street, Iortl:m:l, Oreson,


Wines and Liquors,ALSO :

Sole Agent in Oregon, and WashingtonI Territory, for the (Joluk.v State Champaign,

manufactured by Hohman, i mke t Co.,from California grapes. fly

R, HENDRIE,Importer Ml "Wholesale Dealer in




WILLIAM YOUNG,No. 33 Erpnt street, Portland Oregon

Keep constantly on hand a good stock ofMantle and building stoue, suitable lor e.-er- v

description of work. Mantles,-!- ' orab stonesand monuments of every style, executed andset to order. ' ?i

41 t u i li x v. . . , . . J,

Trims tf Advert ising.Transient advertisements, one square

(12 lines or less") first insertion ...$2"For each subsequent insertion. 1 00Uusine.ss Cards one square per annum

payabh quarterly . . 12 00One column per annum ".100 00One half column " r' 00One quarter " " 30 00Legal HavertiMng at the established rates.


Attorney and Counsellor al Law.f oITTIIvL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO ALL

V business entrusted to hi ; care,OrKici: One door north of Bell & Parker's

Drag store, Oregon City, Oregon. ;':ly



OREGON .CITY", OREGON.Will attend to all business entrusted

to our care in any of the Courts of the State,collect money, negotiate loans, sell real es-

tate, etc. l.yl..

Justice of the Pence c' City Recorder.

OfSee I" the Cuiiri House find CityOuiiH-i- i IJnotn, Oregon City.

Will attend to the acknowledgment ofdeeds, and all other duties appertaining tothe ollice of Juti'-- of the 1'ea.ve. ':ly

Dr. F. Barclay, M..R. G. L.v

(Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. II. B. Co.)

OFFICE: At Ehhncr,Main Street (7yl Oregon City

Dr. IL' SaffdrraiiSjPHYSICIAN and SURGE OX.

OFFICE In J. Fleming's Book Store.Alain street, Oregon City. ("- -

H. W.Ii93S, M. D,,

PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON(Ollice over Channan Bros., Main st.,)

a Orcgoa C'ly.. ly

John Fleming.1 FA I. Ell U BOOKS and STATIONERY.

Tlfankful for the patronage heretofore rec"eived, respectfully solicits a continuance)of the favors of a generous public.

His store is between Jacobs' and Acker-man'- s

bricks, on the west side of Main street.Oregon Ciry, Octob' v 27th, '',',. (tf

Professor A. J.


be glad to receive a number ot j

Pupils at. ;is Mu-i- u Room, at the ivi- - j

vate residence of Mr. Charles Losius. lie j

will ais. coittuie to give instructions at J

private residences. No charge lor the use I

of the pjauo. My pupils will please give me j

notice wncii reauy to commence. o.iy


SMITH a BIARALL,IJhwk Smiths and B:nier Makers

Corner of Mam and Third streets,Oregon (Jit Oregon.

" "()

Blacksmtthing' in all its branches. Boilermaking and repaiiing. All work warrnntedto give sat ivn.

BARL0V7 HOUSE,Main Street, one door north of the Woolen

Facioiv,Oregon City Oregon.

"Win. llarioiv, P. oiiictoi'.

The proprietor, thankful fur the continuedpatronage- be has received, would inform thepublic that he will continue his efforts to.pi east his guests. o2


TTTill '!0'r.-- . fnNTRACTOR and BUILDEIE

C3- -

M:i'ai vtrett, Oregon City.

Will attend to all work in his line, con-sisting in part id" Carpenter and Joiner work

framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptly.attendeiMo. (2

" Fashion Billiard SaloonMain street, between Second and Third,

Oregon City.. J. C. Mann, Proprietor.

TTMIE above long established and popularJL Saloon is y?r a favorite resort, and as

.only the choicest brands ol Wines, Liquorsand Cigars are dispensed to customers ashar4 us tlisJ public pafruuage is solicited.

Uy) J. C. MANN.

SHADES SALOON.yVtfi Side Jait Strict, Icttcxi Second and

'Third, (Jrt'jon City.

XJE0E.GE A. HAAS - - - - Proprietor,The proprietor begs leave to inform his

:frieuds and the public generally that t!ieabove named popular saloon is open for theiraccommodation, with a new mid well assort-Q- d

supply of t?;e finest brands of wines,liquors and cigars. 52

THE GEH.Jfain Street, opposite the F.st Ojfice, Oregon.

E. PAYNE .'.f'. Proprietor.The undersigned ta'-e- s this method of in-

forming the public that he has purchasedthe above saloon, ana now oilbrs a cnoiceandwell selected stock of foreign and domesticwines, liquors, etc., which"" cannot fail toplease tho.e who mav extend their patron

re. The best J,agoi Beer, Ale and Porteri 'h-- Statcra!wait: cn draught.

S:rj F. PAYNE.

be no greater humiliation on one side, orgrief and disappointment on the other. Ifyou have forbidden a child to do affi ac-

tion, no matter how insignificant, be care-

ful that it does not find yon doing the samething, and thereby have its sense of justiceoutraged, except, of course, in such casesas where the reason of the difference canbe explained.

The writer was once teaching a littlefellow to feed himself at table. Childlike,he put in his food as fast as he could, andin very large mouthfuls. I took greatpains to show him the proper size of amouthful, suclyis he should take, usingthe expression do not stuff your mouth."Happening to have him at table with my-

self one day, not long afterwards, I was;surprised to see him watching me with anexpression of outraged confidence on hisbabv face, and laving down mv knife andfork, I smiled and asked him what was thematter. " Ee stuff eemouf!" replied thelittle fellow in so grieved a voice that Icould not refrain from laughing ; for I in-

stantly comprehended that he had beencomparing the size of my mouthfuls withthose I had instructed him to take. Sosoon do children begin to criticise andcompare.

Be careful about showing irritation oftemper, for there is no habit so catching.If the-mothe- of a family is a scold, orfault-finde- r, ten chances to onv if everychild she has does not turn out a scold andfault-tind- er ; not only making themselvesmiserable, but sending out ever-wideni-

circles of misery into the families theyshall raise, and they after them. Womenhave a good excuse for irritability in theirsensitive organization, and strength sooften over-taxe- d ; but when the injurydone by indulgence is so great, it is worthwhile to try the length of yonr endurance.

Beware of making uncharitable remarksabout your friends or neighbors in thepresence of children. It is peculiarityof these little folks to like gossip abouttheir elders, and I have seen children sithours in the house to listen to the conver-sation of their parents and neighbors whenit was of a personal character, who wouldotherwise have been happily at play. Theeffect of such conversations on their inex-perienced minds is to give them very in-

correct and unhappy notions of personsand things, and an anecdote treasured upin this way has often been of great injury,not only to the child who judged wrongly,but through the child to others wkGiH itinfluenced, as well as the person judged.

Do not sutler a child to be made afraidof anything. Feal'is not only undignified,but a source of the greatest discomfort tothe possessor ; and do not teach childrento doubt your word hy promising themanything which you do not perform,whether it be a favor or a punishment.Tlieir minds are not so occupied with busi-ness that they forget it, whatever it maybe. They are, on the contrary, expectingyou to keep your word, unless you showthem by your conduct that you makepromises without intending to keep them ;

thereby learning them to place no confi-

dence in what you say, and teaching thema lesson of equal untruthfulness. Neither,w hen you command a child, use a greatmany words, but remember to speakpleasantly though firmly, as if you did notdoubt its instant obedience. Such a man-ner will yearly always insure obedience ;

but if, for some peculiar reason, it fails,insist upon being obeyed promptly, in thesame calm, kind, and firm manner. Al-md- lt

the whole secret of seettrisg the re-

spect and cheerful obedience of childrenlies in that one neglect of .parents, arisingfrom carelessness. They imagine it easierto have an occasional battle with a childto subdue its temper when it has got be-

yond the bounds of reasonable endurance,than every day, and all the time to requirejust the same respect of authority, whichin time becomes a habit, and the child isinsensible to any restraint, and of coursehappier than when half the time indulgedand half the time restricted in proportion.

Let no mother forget that she is respon-sible for the happiness of the children shebrings into the world. Let her endeavorto cultivate-- in them such temne-rr--. motives.

The Mexic native fears not fangOf psonous serpent, vine, nor bee,

If he may soothe the baleful pangWith juices of this "holy tree."

How do we all, in life's wild ways,Which oft we traverse lost and lone,

Need that which heavenward draws the gazeSome I'alo Santo of our own 1

Frances Fuller VictorSt. Helens, Dec. S, 1866.

A Judge rx a " Fix." An awkward af-

fair, which once occurred to one of thejudges on the Western Circuit, has beenthe subject of such mirth. It appears thatthe pious judicial, having finished his la-

bors, and having cast of Lis forensic wigat his lodgings, had retired into the nextroom to wait for his brother judge, whomhe was about to accompany to some of thelocal aristocracy to dinner. The femaleservant of the house had entered the bed-chamber br a side door, and not knowingthe judge w-a-

s in thtTv-ex-t room, in a frolicarrayed herself in the judge's wig. Justthe moment when the fair Mopsy was ad-

miring herself in the looking-glas- s, thejudge unexpectedly entered the room ;

and poor Mospy catching a sight of thestern countenance looking over her shoul-

der in the glass, was so alarmed that shefainted and would have fallen to thetloor, if the learned judge, impelled byhumanity, had not caught her in hisarms. At this critical moment his brotherjudge arrived, and opening the dressing-roo- m

door, with a view to see if he wasready, discovered his learned brother withthe fainting maid in his arms. Nqit wish-

ing to interrupt what lie thought to be anamour, he quickly attempted to withdraw,when his brother judge vociferated, " Forheaven's sake, stop and hear this matterexplained.-- ' Never mind, my dearbrother; the matter explains itself" andhe left his brother to recover the faintingmaid as best he could. Anecdotes of theBench and the Bar.

A railway accident lately occurred bythe axle of a tender giving way, whichdetained the train several hours. A ladyinquired of a gentlemen passenger why itwas so delayed ; he gravely replied :

Madam, it was occasioned byr what isoften followed by serious consequencesthe sudden breaking of a tender attach-ment," O

A gentleman having occasion to Qallupon an author, found him in his study,writing. He remarked the great heat ofthe apartment, and said : " It is as hot asan ovcn.'i-5'-- So it ought to be," repliedthe author, " for it's here I make mybread'

A man exclaimed in a tavern, 4i I'll beta sovereign 1 have got the hardest namein the company."' Done,"' said one ofthe number ; " what's your name ?"'

" Stone,'' cried the first.'- - Hand me themoney," said the other, " my name isHarder."

-- -

" If you ever marry,' said a Roman con-

sul to his son, ' let it be to a woman Avho

has sense enough to superintend the settingol meal of victuals, taste enough to dressherself, pride enough to wash beforebreakfast,- and sense enough to hold hertogg'ue when she has nothing to say."

An apprentice sailor-bo- y fell from the'round top' to the deck, stunned, "but tiehurt The captain exclaimed in surprise :

Why, where did you come from !"" From the north of Ireland, sir,"' was theprompt reply, as the poor fellow gatheredhimself up.

An aged Quakeress, the other afternoonwas seen intently gazing upon a piece ofrichly embroidered satin, displayed in alinen-draper- 's show-windo- An iBsh-ma- n.

passing, smiled as he saw the fascina-

tion of the dame. i( Ah," said he, that'sSatin tempting Eve."

-- aMy dear Horatio, I had a very myste-

rious dream about you." ';What was it,dear?" " I dreamed I Sigv you carried upto heaven in a golden chariot, surround-ed by angels clothed in white and purple.What is that a sign of, dear?"' It is acigu cf a foulltomacb. ray love."' 0

band, and suffereth not his feet to wanderin forbidden paths, by reason of her di-

rection. Yea, he loveth her, and like coo-

ing doves they walk together the way ofLiife.

Like the busy bee, she continueth lili-ge-nt

all the day long, and by reason ofhard work her bones do ache, yet he com-plaine- th

not. because she doth it willingly.She is modest in her apparel, and bring-et- h

no shame to her husband by reason ofunpaid bills for costly feathers, or mantaustuffing, or frizzly waterfalls of dog's hair.

She obeyeth the voice of nature in thecircumference of her waist, nd makethbut a moderate spread about her netherlimbs. She is good mannered in the cars

a rare accomplishment! She tuckethup her dress betimes, giving the street tomen's feet, without molestation.

She is a keeper at home, not gaddingabout, revealing the secrets she ought not,but ready always to labor ia kindness andcharity and good works, 3

Many housewives have done nobly, butshe excelletii, them all. Eozion Daily Ad-


The following scene occurred at a " cul-

led" prayer meeting somewhere down inMassachusetts. A sable attendant wo 3

shocked at seeing one of the i fair sect"get up and deliver a discourse. His feel-

ings were still further wrought upon asone after another of the sisters affected bythe contageous influence got up and

freed dar minds."' At last he sprang tohis feet, excitement and indignation al-

most mastering his power of utterance :" Feller sinners," said he, " ef I'd sposo

dat de ladjes would be p'mitted to takepart in dis yer discussion (sensation) efI'd a none dat de ladies cud jine in dis yerdebate (all eyes turned on the speaker)ef I'd bleebe for one moment, feller citi-

zens, dat de female sect woulda dare toraise dar voices in dis yer meetin,' I'dfeller citizens'

4;Wot wot would you've a did, efyou'd a none it ?" shouted two or three ofthe sisters, as the whites of their eyesflashed on the speaker.

" I (scratching his wool) I'd a brunjray icife along told me!"

Bitlxg Axgels. When Ettie, about fiveyears old, was being put to beu duringthe hight of the mosquito time, her mothersaid to her : " Ettie, you must always be agood girl, and then at night, when you areasleep, the angels will coma and sing andwakdi around your bed." " Oh. yes, ma,"sahL Ettie, I know that ; I heard themsinging around my bed last night, andsome ef them bit me, too."


Not to be Outdone. The widow of acelebrated musician had inscribed on hismonument : " Ho has gone where his mu-

sic can only be excelled." The widow ofa pyrotechnist saw this, and had inscribedupon her husband's tomb ; " He has gonewhere his fire-wor- ks can only be excelled."

Theodore Hook: was walking, in thedays of Warren's blacking, where one ofthe emissaries of that shining characterhad written on the wall " Try Warren'sB but he had been frightened fromhis work and fled. The rest is 'lacking,"said the wit.

A young lady having promised hergrandma that she would never marry a-- ......wr, V.lTir- - i' fnr.n -- f .UN ..U

there now V repaired witii him, after the .

old. larty s aeatn, to tne Mammoth Cave, mKentucky, and was married underground.

Arizona. Governor McCormick, ofArizona Territory, in his late messagesays, u there is aot a single stage coach ,

running in the territory, although it hasbeen organized nearly three years.

A man lately inquired for letters at acountry post office, was told there wa3none, upon which he asked if there wasnot another post office in the place.

Where is paper money first mentionedin the Bible? When the dove brought th -

green uacii. 10 Auau.

Twig." This Erie flic cut tio co!--

the most menial and unprofitable employments, unable to educate or even comfort-ably clothe their children this is the fateawaiting them in case of any accident totheir prosperity. Let me consul and en-

treat you to do what you can to prevent it.Educate your daughters not only in booksand every accomplishment you can afford,but also in some one particular branch ofindustry which would afford a mainte-nance if necessary, and in that one branchsee that they excel. It is true that menhave hitherto jealously guarded the ave-

nues of trade from the encroachments ofyour sex ; but when you have becomereally fitted to compete with them in theknowledge of and capacity for any busi-

ness within your desires, it will be in vainfor them to resist you. The time is corn-

ing when women may be truly independ-ent, hi the way perfectly compatible withdelicacy and feminine dignity.

In these few hints which I have givenconcerning the treatment of children frominfancy to maturity, I have arrived at con-

densing instruction into a small space, be-

lieving that if you value my suggestionsthe subject will continue in your minds,and you will elaborate it in your ownthoughts. And let me here again remindyou of the importance of physiologicalknowledge, as well for yourselves as yourchildren. It is imperative upon you, thatbefore you assume the responsibilities ofmotherhood you should know witl whata terrible and wonderful, as well as beau-

tiful, being you are gifting your offspring.Gather about you the best authors onPhysiology and Medicine, and by an un-

derstanding of the first, endeavor to avoidthe necessity of the latter. And now goover these imperfect suggestions from firstto last, and begin to think upon the sub-

ject. Follow7 up thinking with reading,and reading again with thinking ; and asfast as your daughters are old enough,teach them what you have learned, andcouncil them to continue the study.Neither excuse your sons ; but bo especi-ally faithful with your daughters, for withthem rests the welfare of future genera-tions.

Sardines. The lovers of the "littlefishes biled in fey should know that thefish which furnishes them with such a deli-cious repast belongs to the herring family.The popular name Avas given to it by Cuv-ie- r,

who was the first to assign it to a dis-

tinct place in the finny tribe. He calledit Sardinia, from which it is known as thesardine. Sardines are caught principallyalong the coasts of Brittany and, to a lessextent, in Portugal. The fisheries employa large number of men and women. Thefishing vessels of eight cr ten tuns each,and carrying a crew of from six to ten goout two or three leagues from the land,and watch for shoals offish. When theysee them, they spread, their gill-ne- ts forthem, and scatter on the water the bait thathas been prepared, and which consists ofthe eggs and flesh offish; especially of codand mackerel, and sometimes of saltedfish. Large quantities of sardines arctaken in this way. Some are salted onboard and others are carried on shore, andeither gid fresh or prepared for shipment.For the latter purpose, they are salted andpacked away in tin cans, vnth melted but-ter and olive oil, which is poured upon;them in almost a boiling state. The cansare sealed up to prevent the air reachingthe fish, and are then ready for shipment.

A clergyman of a country village desir-

ed his clerk to give notice that therewould be no service in the afternoon, ashe wjis "going to officiate for anotherclergymen." The clerk, as soon as thesermon was ended, rose up, with all duesolemnity and called out : " I am desiredto give notice, that there will be no ser-

vice this afternoon, as Mr. L. is going afishing with another clergyman." Mr. L.,of course, corrected tho awkward, yetamusing blunder.

Lord Buckingham was once at a dinnerwhere a Mr. Grubb was requested to sing.He begged to be excused, urging that heknew not what to eing. " Sing I'd be abutterSy," " the ncblemas.

education, she ought, by all means, to usewhat leisure she may have in qualifyingherself in those branches which her child-ren are pursuing. This, perhaps, is equallythe duty of both parents : for children arealways far more deeply interested in thatwhich seems to interest their parents, thanin other sibjects. But if it is importantto show a sympathy in the jjursuit of theearlier elementary branches, in order tofix their attention sufficiently upon them,it is even more important when the pupilbecomes farther advanced to be able notonly to assist your children in their studies,but to be competent to judge of the pro-

priety of the course of instruction theyare following, as well as of the merits ofauthors, and the perfection of theories.Those children who are handed over toteachers, no matter how able, who haveno special sympathy with their pupils, al-

most invariably learn by rote, instead ofhaving that thorough understanding oftheir subjects which familiar instructionand conversation imparts to the confiding,youthful mind. It frequently happens inthis way that a very expensive and appa-rently thorough education is nearly lostupon a son or daughter, who, after goingthrough all the text books, and having allthe usual masters, turns out a dull andreally ignorant person ; the fault havingbeen that no one ever engaged his or herattention by sympathy- the most sureand universal mode of instructing suc-

cess full v.

Teach your children to inquire intocauses w hen they see effects, instead of al-

lowing them to take up with any absurdor superstitious explanations which may-hav-


descended through generations ofuneducated and credulous persons. Thereis no training of the human mind moreennobling than that which comes by a closeobservance of. and inquiry into the mys-

teries of Nature. If you are able to in-

struct your child in these mysteries toteach him the exquisite and harmoniousrelations of things to explore Avith himthe intricate but delightful paths of science,and to make of him a chemist, botanist,geologist, or naturalist, or to explore withhim the great and wonderful truths of as-

tronomy, you give him one of the mostsurest means of happiness as well as ofusefulness ; and you make of him the no-

blest of whatever he is capable of being.Admitting that you are not able to go farwith him in these pursuits ; only then goas far as you can. and give him a taste forthe stud- - or studies.

This course, too, "will develop not onlyhis highest morality, but will show to youand to him the peculiar bent of his mind,for he will be sure to have a preference forsome one thing over another, and therebyyou can decide upon his future profession.Supposing that he does not find his pecul-iar talent in the natural sciences, the ac-

quisition of this knowledge is a help tohim in the attainment of any other kind ofknowledge. Try him then on mathematicsand mechanics, or on logic. During allthis exploring, you will be deeply delight-ed, and your child led insensibly to an un-

derstanding of and confidence in his ownpowers in some particular sphere of ac-

tion. In doing this for him or her, yourenew your own youth and experienceover again it) the enthusiasm of school-day- s

ad student-lif- e.

After thus becoming acquainted withthe capacities of your children, by joiningin their studies, and having perfected theirknowledge by furnishing them the bestbooks on their favorite subject, decide forthem, or with them, upon a profession.Every child, male or female, should havea profession, trade, or handicraft ofsome sort The origin of loaferism isthe want of this, in nine cases out often. The want of this among women re-

sults still more deplorably. How, let meask any kind father and tender mother,can you reconcile yourself to the righteous-ness of bringing children into the worldto turn them off, as soon as they arrive atthe estate of men and women, to dependupon mere chance ? There is no doubt asto the tiukindness, not to say, wickednessof such a desertion of your duties. Hith-

erto your child has depended uroii von