9 key techniques to improve your website domain authority


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Post on 20-Feb-2017




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Page 1: 9 key techniques to improve your website domain authority

9) Have Patience, Let Your Domain Grow:Domains don’t grow, at least not lengthwise. You need to age them. Keep working on your site patiently and you will see your rankings improving with time. You can use this domain age checker tool by Webconfs to check the age of your domain.

8) Increase The User Friendliness Of Your Site:All SEO tactics, social plugins and even awesome content, everything is nothing without your readers. If you want readers to your site, you have to make your site user-friendly. No one would like a site that loads for ages. Do not jam-pack your site with ads that pop up every now and then. And finally, increase the white space by removing the clutter.

7) Social Media Optimization:Complete dependency on search engines could prove to be a folly. In fact, social media can give you referral traffic and brand value too. Use social media to market your content and reach more audience. The more the people affected with your writing, the more the authority of your articles. Get people to share your content by writing great content. Also use sharing buttons for making social sharing a cake walk for your readers. You can also try paid advertising in order to reach more dedicated readers.

6) Off-page SEO:In order to have positive search engine optimization, you need to have a proper off page SEO tool. The major points your off page SEO strategy should include guest posting, social bookmarking and blog commenting.

5) Write Epic Content And Nothing Less Than That:When you want to prove your authority, you need epic content that no one can beat. Epic content in the sense; content that provides value to the readers. Write posts that keep your readers glued for more and avoid duplicate content issues. If you have a post that is somewhat similar to an existing one or is an updated version of it, use the rel=”canonical” feature to point out search engines to the original source of the article.

4) Build A Well-Planned Internal Link Structure:Internal links are said to have occurred when a link in an article takes you to another related article within the same site. In other words, interlink all your posts to have better on page SEO and finally an improved domain authority.

3) Not Only Diversification, You Need A Clean Link Profile:Having a variety of sites linking to you might seem lucrative, but if they are not in good terms with standard search engine optimization practices you can get penalized. Put a check to spammy and very low-quality sites linking back to you. The same applies to the forums and community link backs. Refrain from improper SEO practices like buying links, site wide link ads, and low-quality sites. In case you fall prey to low-quality sites, disavow them. Keep a constant check on who is linking to you through Google WebmasGoogle Webmaster tool and stay guarded.

2) Start Marketing Your Content:Content marketing is the new game in the blogging world. You need to market your content to increase its reach. The more eyes on your content, the more will it help the readers and hence more link backs, more social shares and more authority.

1) Earn Links From More Sites:Gaining links through high-value informative content can help you earn a lot of good links. As “the number of root domains linking” is a major factor to boost your domain authority, try to get more and more sites linked to you. Writing engaging content and educative case studies that help your audience can get you credible backlinks.

Domain authority not only helps you to rank for keywords, but also makes your site appear authoritative to search bots. This simply means that whatever you write is considered import-ant and it ultimately boils down to more followers, more sponsored post requests, and more value of your website.