9-day 100th anniversary taiwan tour · 9-day 100th anniversary taiwan tour taipei • sun moon lake...

9-Day 100th Anniversary Taiwan Tour Taipei • Sun Moon Lake • Tainan • Kaohsiung • Taitung • Hualien • Taroko Gorge 1911 is an important year in Chi- nese history; it was when the Ching Dynasty was toppled in the Chinese Revolution and a provisional Republic of China government was formed in the city of Wuchang in Hubei Prov- ince on October 11th. For a country under imperial rule for thousands of years, many people hoped that this is a new dawn. Nevertheless, the country went through another four decades of wars: the Wars of the Warlords; the National- ist’s Northern Expedition, the Japanese invasion during the Second World War and the civil war between Chiang Kai- shek’s Kuomintang and Mao Tse-tung’s Communist Party. On the other side of the strait, Taiwan was unscathed from all these turmoil. It was ced- ed to Japan in 1895 under the Shimonoseki Treaty after the first Sino-Japanese War. The colonial rule was harsh but it protected Taiwan from be- coming a victim of military conflicts. The Japanese es- tablished a comprehensible education system from early education to universities, built infrastructures, and developed industries: railroads linked the North and South; health care system that eradicated many infectious diseases; modern- ized irrigation system for agri- culture; improved the facilities at Keelung Port and Kaohsiung Port; hydro-power plant at Sun Moon Lake; and the establish- ment of Bank of Taiwan. In the early 20th century, Taiwan is the second most developed re- gion in Asia after Japan. In 1945, sovereignty was re- turned to Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist China after Japan was defeated in WWII. In 1949, Chiang’s Nationalist (Kuomint- ang) was defeated by Mao’s Communist and he was exiled to Taiwan and established the Republic of China. October 10th was made Nation Day in commemoration of the Wuch- ang Uprising in 1911. Concerned about infiltration by com- munist spies and subversion, Chiang ruled Taiwan with an iron fist and Martial Law. The island was under a one-party rule for many years. Chiang Kai-shek was succeeded by his son Chiang Ching-guo in 1975. The younger Chiang began to liberalize the island’s political system. In 1986, the first op- position party, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), was formed as a counter balance to the long ruling Kuomintang and Martial Law was dropped in the following year. In 1991- 92, the Taiwanese experienced their first direct election of legislators. In 1996, first time in Taiwanese history, Lee Teng- hui was elected president, the first president mandated by universal suffrage. In 2000, Chen Shui-bien of DPP was elected president by popular votes, he was the first non- Kuomintang president. This election will play an important historical role: it is the first non-violent, non-inherited, cross-party transfer of power in Chinese history. In the past half-century, with sound government policies and hardworking citizens, Taiwan has made impressive econom- ic and political achievements which attract international attention and made Taiwan a popular business and leisure travel destination. ESI Tours • 250 Ward Ave., Suite 215 • Honolulu, HI 96814 • PH: 808-596-0490 • www.esitour.com

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Page 1: 9-Day 100th Anniversary Taiwan Tour · 9-Day 100th Anniversary Taiwan Tour Taipei • Sun Moon Lake • Tainan • Kaohsiung • Taitung • Hualien • Taroko Gorge Tour Itinerary:

道 滄

9-Day 100th Anniversary Taiwan TourTaipei • Sun Moon Lake • Tainan • Kaohsiung • Taitung • Hualien • Taroko Gorge

1911 is an important year in Chi-nese history; it was when the Ching Dynasty was toppled in the Chinese Revolution and a provisional Republic of China government was formed in the city of Wuchang in Hubei Prov-ince on October 11th.

For a country under imperial rule for thousands of years, many people hoped that this is a new dawn. Nevertheless, the country went through another four decades of wars: the Wars of the Warlords; the National-ist’s Northern Expedition, the Japanese invasion during the Second World War and the civil war between Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang and Mao Tse-tung’s Communist Party.

On the other side of the strait, Taiwan was unscathed from all these turmoil. It was ced-ed to Japan in 1895 under the Shimonoseki Treaty after the first Sino-Japanese War. The colonial rule was harsh but it protected Taiwan from be-coming a victim of military

conflicts. The Japanese es-tablished a comprehensible education system from early education to universities, built infrastructures, and developed industries: railroads linked the North and South; health care system that eradicated many infectious diseases; modern-ized irrigation system for agri-culture; improved the facilities at Keelung Port and Kaohsiung Port; hydro-power plant at Sun Moon Lake; and the establish-ment of Bank of Taiwan. In the early 20th century, Taiwan is the second most developed re-gion in Asia after Japan.

In 1945, sovereignty was re-turned to Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist China after Japan was defeated in WWII. In 1949, Chiang’s Nationalist (Kuomint-ang) was defeated by Mao’s Communist and he was exiled to Taiwan and established the Republic of China. October 10th was made Nation Day in commemoration of the Wuch-ang Uprising in 1911. Concerned about infiltration by com-munist spies and subversion, Chiang ruled Taiwan with an iron fist and Martial Law. The island was under a one-party rule for many years. Chiang Kai-shek was succeeded by his son Chiang Ching-guo in 1975.

The younger Chiang began to liberalize the island’s political system. In 1986, the first op-position party, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), was formed as a counter balance to the long ruling Kuomintang and Martial Law was dropped in the following year. In 1991-92, the Taiwanese experienced their first direct election of legislators. In 1996, first time in Taiwanese history, Lee Teng-hui was elected president, the first president mandated by universal suffrage. In 2000, Chen Shui-bien of DPP was elected president by popular votes, he was the first non-Kuomintang president. This election will play an important historical role: it is the first non-violent, non-inherited, cross-party transfer of power in Chinese history.

In the past half-century, with sound government policies and hardworking citizens, Taiwan has made impressive econom-ic and political achievements which attract international attention and made Taiwan a popular business and leisure travel destination.

ESI Tours • 250 Ward Ave., Suite 215 • Honolulu, HI 96814 • PH: 808-596-0490 • www.esitour.com

Page 2: 9-Day 100th Anniversary Taiwan Tour · 9-Day 100th Anniversary Taiwan Tour Taipei • Sun Moon Lake • Tainan • Kaohsiung • Taitung • Hualien • Taroko Gorge Tour Itinerary:

9-Day 100th Anniversary Taiwan TourTaipei • Sun Moon Lake • Tainan • Kaohsiung • Taitung • Hualien • Taroko Gorge

Tour Itinerary:(2011 Departure dates: 09/24, 10/15)

Day 01: U.S. - TaipeiDepart U.S. for Taipei.

Day 02: TaipeiArrive Taipei. Transfer to hotel.Accommodation: Gala Hotel.

Day 03: TaipeiMorning visit to Keelung Harbor and Yehliu Geopark where may unique rocks in different formation formed by years of natural erosion. Lunch at a local restau-rant; afternoon tour of Taipei city, visitng Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the stunning National Pal-ace Museum, Martyrs’ Shrine and Taipei Handicraft Center. (B/L/D).

Day 04: Taipei - Sun Moon LakeDepart Taipei for Sun Moon Lake; visit the Wenwu Temple, Holy Monk Shrine and Peacock Garden. (B/L/D).Accommodation: Fleur de China Hotel.

Day 05: Sun Moon Lake - Tainan - KaohsiungDepart Sun Moon Lake for the historic city of Tainan, visitng Chihkan Lou (Fort Provintia) Kozinga Shrine and Chimei Museum. Onward to Kaohsiung, the sec-ond largest city in Taiwan. Evening visit to the Love River and Lio Ho Night Market. (B/L/D).Accommodation: Howard Plaza Hotel.

Day 06: Kaohsiung - Kenting - TaitungMorning tour to Kenting National Park, visit the Olu-anpi Light House, Maopitou Coast scenic area and Kenting forest recreation area. Onward to Taitung in the afternoon. (B/L/D).Accommodation: Naruwan Hotel.

Day 07: Taitung - HualeinTravel north to the city of Hualein via the scenic East Coast of the island. Visit the Siaoyeliou, Sensientai, Stone Steps and Caves of the Eight Immortals en-route. (B/L/D).Accommodation: China Trust Hotel.

Day 08: Hualein - Taroko Gorge - Taipei.Day tour to the Taroko Gorge National Park and enjoy the natural wonder of the Gorge, visit the Ev-ergreen Shrine, Swallow Grotto, nine Turns of Tun-nel, Marble Bridge, Tienshiang and Marble Factory. Onward to Taipei.Accommodation: Gala Hotel.

Day 09: TaipeiDay free for you to explore Taipei at your own pace.

Day 10: Taipei - U.S.Transfer to airport for departure.

團體行程:(2011 出發日期: 9/24,10/15)

第一天: 飛往臺北。

第二天: 抵達台北抵達桃園國際機場,專車接往台北住宿飯店,其餘時間,自由活動。飯店:台北慶泰飯店

第三天: 台北/基隆/野柳/台北市區觀光飯店享用早餐以後,前往北海岸,參觀基隆的中正公園、野柳大自然海岸風景區,大概中午時間回到台北。享用午餐以後開始台北市區觀光,我們將參觀中正紀念堂、總統府(經過)、忠烈祠、故宮博物院、中國寺廟、中工藝品中心。結束後送返台北住宿飯店。 (早、午、晚餐)

第四天: 台北/日月潭早餐後,驅車前往台灣中部的名勝地“日月潭國家風景區”。我們將乘巴士參觀日月潭周圍的風景點文武廟、德化社、慈恩塔、玄奘寺等。夜宿於日月潭。(早、午、晚餐)飯店:日月潭雲品酒店(山景房)

第五天: 日月潭/台南/高雄早餐後,驅車前往台南。台南是台灣的古都,人文歷史風貌保存完整,是台灣獨樹一幟的文化城市。我們將帶你參觀赤崁樓、延平郡王祠及奇美博物館等。接著,我們將繼續前往南台灣最大的城市“高雄”。晚上,我們將參觀六合夜市及愛河夜景。 (早、午、晚餐)飯店:高雄福華大飯店

第六天: 高雄/墾丁/台東早餐後,驅車前往墾丁,墾丁國家公園位於台灣南端恆春半島之南側,三面環海,是國內唯一涵蓋陸地與海域的國家公園,也是台灣本島唯一的熱帶區域。我們將參觀貓鼻頭、鵝鑾鼻燈塔等風景區。下午驅車前往台東,途經南廻公路,沿途欣賞南迴公路之美景。夜宿於台東。(早、午、晚餐)飯店:台東娜路彎大酒店

第七天: 台東/東部海岸/花蓮早餐後,驅車前往東部海岸國家風景區。東部海岸國家風景區位於花蓮、台東縣的濱海部份,綿亙於海岸山脈東側以及太平洋之間,擁有長達170餘公里的海岸線,是台灣面積最大的國家風景區。東海岸地形結構以石梯坪、三仙台及小野柳三處景觀最具色。之後我們將繼續驅車前往花蓮,夜宿於花蓮。(早、午、晚餐)飯店:花蓮中信飯店

第八天: 花蓮/太魯閣/台北早餐後,驅車前往太魯閣國家公園。我們將停留於長春祠、燕子口、九曲洞、天祥等風景區。午餐以後,參觀大理石工廠。下午驅車返回台北,沿途欣賞清水斷崖壯觀之美景。(早、午、晚餐)

第九天: 台北一天自由活動。 (早餐)

第十天: 離台早餐後,自由活動。班機起飛前的三小時,由專人送往桃園國際機場。(早餐)

DepartureTour cost

per person09/24/11 $2,40010/15/11 $2,285Single room supp. $455

Tour costs do not include taxes and subject to change without

notice.Tour cost included:

Round trip economy air transporta-•tion from Honolulu to Taipei.8 nights of hotel accommodation •based on double occupancy.Alltoursandtransferspecifiedin•the itinerary, included admission fee to sightseeing attractions.Mealsspecifiedintheitinerary.•Airlines fuel surcharge.•

ESI Tours • 250 Ward Ave., Suite 215 • Honolulu, HI 96814 • PH: 808-596-0490 • www.esitour.com