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    This document is meant purely as a documentation tool and the institutions do not assume any liability for its contents  


    of 29 April 2004

    on the coordination of social security systems 

    (Text with relevance for the EEA and for Switzerland) ◄ 

    (OJ L 166, 30.4.2004, p. 1)

    Amended by:

    Official Journal

     No page date

    ►M1  Regulation (EC) No 988/2009 of the European Parliament and of theCouncil of 16 September 2009

    L 284 43 30.10.2009

    ►M2  Commission Regulation (EU) No 1244/2010 of 9 December 2010 L 338 35 22.12.2010

    ►M3  Regulation (EU) No 465/2012 of the European Parliament and of theCouncil of 22 May 2012

    L 149 4 8.6.2012

    Corrected by:

    ►C1  Corrigendum, OJ L 200, 7.6.2004, p. 1 (883/2004)

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    of 29 April 2004

    on the coordination of social security systems 

    (Text with relevance for the EEA and for Switzerland) 


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, andin particular Articles 42 and 308 thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the Commission presented afterconsultation with the social partners and the Administrative Commissionon Social Security for Migrant Workers ( 1 ),

    Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and SocialCommittee ( 2 ),

    Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of theTreaty ( 3 ),


    (1)  The rules for coordination of national social security systems fallwithin the framework of free movement of persons and shouldcontribute towards improving their standard of living andconditions of employment. 

    (2)  The Treaty does not provide powers other than those ofArticle 308 to take appropriate measures within the field ofsocial security for persons other than employed persons.  

    (3)  Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 of 14 June 1971 on theapplication of social security schemes to employed persons, toself-employed persons and to members of their families movingwithin the Community ( 4 ) has been amended and updated onnumerous occasions in order to take into account not only devel-opments at Community level, including judgments of the Courtof Justice, but also changes in legislation at national level. Suchfactors have played their part in making the Community coor -dination rules complex and lengthy. Replacing, while

    modernising and simplifying, these rules is therefore essentialto achieve the aim of the free movement of persons.  

    (4)  It is necessary to respect the special characteristics of nationalsocial security legislation and to draw up only a system of coor -dination. 

    (5)  It is necessary, within the framework of such coordination, toguarantee within the Community equality of treatment underthe different national legislation for the persons concerned. 


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    ( 1 ) OJ C 38, 12.2.1999, p. 10.( 2 ) OJ C 75, 15.3.2000, p. 29.( 3 ) Opinion of the European Parliament of 3 September 2003 (not yet published

    in the Official Journal). Council Common Position of 26 January 2004 (OJ C79 E, 30.3.2004, p. 15) and Position of the European Parliament of 20 April2004 (not yet published in the Official Journal). Decision of the Council of26 April 2004.

    ( 4 ) OJ L 149, 5.7.1971, p. 2. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No1386/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 187,10.7.2001, p. 1).

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    (6)  The close link between social security legislation and thosecontractual provisions which complement or replace such legis-lation and which have been the subject of a decision by the public authorities rendering them compulsory or extending theirscope may call for similar protection with regard to the appli-

    cation of those provisions to that afforded by this Regulation. Asa first step, the experience of Member States who have notifiedsuch schemes might be evaluated. 

    (7)  Due to the major differences existing between national legislationin terms of the persons covered, it is preferable to lay down the principle that this Regulation is to apply to nationals of a MemberState, stateless persons and refugees resident in the territory of aMember State who are or have been subject to the social securitylegislation of one or more Member States, as well as to themembers of their families and to their survivors. 

    (8)  The general principle of equal treatment is of particularimportance for workers who do not reside in the Member Stateof their employment, including frontier workers. 

    (9)  The Court of Justice has on several occasions given an opinionon the possibility of equal treatment of benefits, income andfacts; this principle should be adopted explicitly and developed,while observing the substance and spirit of legal rulings. 

    (10)  However, the principle of treating certain facts or eventsoccurring in the territory of another Member State as if they

    had taken place in the territory of the Member State whose legis-lation is applicable should not interfere with the principle ofaggregating periods of insurance, employment, self-employmentor residence completed under the legislation of another MemberState with those completed under the legislation of the competentMember State. Periods completed under the legislation of anotherMember State should therefore be taken into account solely byapplying the principle of aggregation of periods. 

    (11)  The assimilation of facts or events occurring in a Member Statecan in no way render another Member State competent or itslegislation applicable. 

    (12)  In the light of proportionality, care should be taken to ensure thatthe principle of assimilation of facts or events does not lead toobjectively unjustified results or to the overlapping of benefits ofthe same kind for the same period.  

    (13)  The coordination rules must guarantee that persons movingwithin the Community and their dependants and survivorsretain the rights and the advantages acquired and in the courseof being acquired. 

    (14)  These objectives must be attained in particular by aggregating allthe periods taken into account under the various national legis-lation for the purpose of acquiring and retaining the right to benefits and of calculating the amount of benefits, and by providing benefits for the various categories of persons covered by this Regulation. 


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    (15)  It is necessary to subject persons moving within the Communityto the social security scheme of only one single Member State inorder to avoid overlapping of the applicable provisions ofnational legislation and the complications which could resulttherefrom. 

    (16)  Within the Community there is in principle no justification formaking social security rights dependent on the place of residenceof the person concerned; nevertheless, in specific cases, in particular as regards special benefits linked to the economicand social context of the person involved, the place ofresidence could be taken into account. 

    (17)  With a view to guaranteeing the equality of treatment of all persons occupied in the territory of a Member State as effectivelyas possible, it is appropriate to determine as the legislation appli-cable, as a general rule, that of the Member State in which the

     person concerned pursues his/her activity as an employed or self-employed person. 

    ▼M1 (17a)  Once the legislation of a Member State becomes applicable to a

     person under Title II of this Regulation, the conditions foraffiliation and entitlement to benefits should be defined by thelegislation of the competent Member State while respectingCommunity law. 

    ▼C1 (18)  In specific situations which justify other criteria of applicability,

    it is necessary to derogate from that general rule. 

    ▼M1 (18a)  The principle of single applicable legislation is of great

    importance and should be enhanced. This should not mean,however, that the grant of a benefit alone, in accordance withthis Regulation and comprising the payment of insurancecontributions or insurance coverage for the beneficiary, rendersthe legislation of the Member State, whose institution has grantedthat benefit, the applicable legislation for that person. 

    ▼M3 (18b)  In Annex III to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91 of

    16 December 1991 on the harmonization of technicalrequirements and administrative procedures in the field of civilaviation ( 1 ), the concept of ‘home base’ for flight crew and cabincrew members is defined as the location nominated by theoperator to the crew member from where the crew membernormally starts and ends a duty period, or a series of duty periods, and where, under normal conditions, the operator isnot responsible for the accommodation of the crew memberconcerned. In order to facilitate the application of Title II ofthis Regulation for flight crew and cabin crew members, it is justified to use the concept of ‘home base’ as the criterion fordetermining the applicable legislation for flight crew and cabincrew members. However, the applicable legislation for flight crewand cabin crew members should remain stable and the home base

     principle should not result in frequent changes of applicable legis-lation due to the industry’s work patterns or seasonal demands. 


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    ( 1 ) OJ L 373, 31.12.1991, p. 4.

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    (19)  In some cases, maternity and equivalent paternity benefits may beenjoyed by the mother or the father and since, for the latter, these benefits are different from parental benefits and can beassimilated to maternity benefits  strictu sensu  in that they are provided during the first months of a new-born child's life, it is

    appropriate that maternity and equivalent paternity benefits beregulated jointly. 

    (20)  In the field of sickness, maternity and equivalent paternity benefits, insured persons, as well as the members of theirfamilies, living or staying in a Member State other than thecompetent Member State, should be afforded protection. 

    (21)  Provisions on sickness, maternity and equivalent paternity benefits were drawn up in the light of Court of Justice case-law. Provisions on prior authorisation have been improved,

    taking into account the relevant decisions of the Court of Justice.  

    (22)  The specific position of pension claimants and pensioners and themembers of their families makes it necessary to have provisionsgoverning sickness insurance adapted to this situation. 

    (23)  In view of the differences between the various national systems,it is appropriate that Member States make provision, where possible, for medical treatment for family members of frontierworkers in the Member State where the latter pursue theiractivity. 

    (24)  It is necessary to establish specific provisions regulating the non-overlapping of sickness benefits in kind and sickness benefits incash which are of the same nature as those which were thesubject of the judgments of the Court of Justice in Case C-215/99  Jauch  and C-160/96  Molenaar , provided that those benefits cover the same risk. 

    (25)  In respect of benefits for accidents at work and occupationaldiseases, rules should be laid down, for the purpose ofaffording protection, covering the situation of persons residingor staying in a Member State other than the competent MemberState. 

    (26)  For invalidity benefits, a system of coordination should be drawnup which respects the specific characteristics of national legis-lation, in particular as regards recognition of invalidity and aggra-vation thereof. 

    (27)  It is necessary to devise a system for the award of old-age benefits and survivors' benefits where the person concerned has been subject to the legislation of one or more Member States. 

    (28)  There is a need to determine the amount of a pension calculatedin accordance with the method used for aggregation and pro ratacalculation and guaranteed by Community law where the appli-cation of national legislation, including rules concerningreduction, suspension or withdrawal, is less favourable than theaforementioned method. 


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    (29)  To protect migrant workers and their survivors againstexcessively stringent application of the national rules concerningreduction, suspension or withdrawal, it is necessary to include provisions strictly governing the application of such rules. 

    (30)  As has constantly been reaffirmed by the Court of Justice, theCouncil is not deemed competent to enact rules imposing arestriction on the overlapping of two or more pensions acquiredin different Member States by a reduction of the amount of a pension acquired solely under national legislation. 

    (31)  According to the Court of Justice, it is for the national legislatureto enact such rules, bearing in mind that it is for the Communitylegislature to fix the limits within which the national provisionsconcerning reduction, suspension or withdrawal are to be applied. 

    (32)  In order to foster mobility of workers, it is particularly appro- priate to facilitate the search for employment in the variousMember States; it is therefore necessary to ensure closer andmore effective coordination between the unemploymentinsurance schemes and the employment services of all theMember States. 

    (33)  It is necessary to include statutory pre-retirement schemes withinthe scope of this Regulation, thus guaranteeing both equaltreatment and the possibility of exporting pre-retirement benefitsas well as the award of family and health-care benefits to the person concerned, in accordance with the provisions of this Regu-lation; however, the rule on the aggregation of periods should not be included, as only a very limited number of Member Stateshave statutory pre-retirement schemes. 

    (34)  Since family benefits have a very broad scope, affording protection in situations which could be described as classic aswell as in others which are specific in nature, with the latter typeof benefit having been the subject of the judgments of the Courtof Justice in Joined Cases C-245/94 and C-312/94  Hoever and Zachow  and in Case C-275/96  Kuusijärvi, it is necessary toregulate all such benefits. 

    (35)  In order to avoid unwarranted overlapping of benefits, there is aneed to lay down rules of priority in the case of overlapping ofrights to family benefits under the legislation of the competentMember State and under the legislation of the Member State ofresidence of the members of the family. 

    (36)  Advances of maintenance allowances are recoverable advancesintended to compensate for a parent's failure to fulfil his/her

    legal obligation of maintenance to his/her own child, which isan obligation derived from family law. Therefore, these advancesshould not be considered as a direct benefit from collectivesupport in favour of families. Given these particularities, thecoordinating rules should not be applied to such maintenanceallowances. 


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    (37)  As the Court of Justice has repeatedly stated, provisions whichderogate from the principle of the exportability of social security benefits must be interpreted strictly. This means that they canapply only to benefits which satisfy the specified conditions. Itfollows that Chapter 9 of Title III of this Regulation can apply

    only to benefits which are both special and non-contributory andlisted in Annex X to this Regulation. 

    (38)  It is necessary to establish an Administrative Commissionconsisting of a government representative from each MemberState, charged in particular with dealing with all administrativequestions or questions of interpretation arising from the provisions of this Regulation, and with promoting furthercooperation between the Member States. 

    (39)  The development and use of data-processing services for theexchange of information has been found to require the creationof a Technical Commission, under the aegis of the AdministrativeCommission, with specific responsibilities in the field of data- processing. 

    (40)  The use of data-processing services for exchanging data betweeninstitutions requires provisions guaranteeing that the documentsexchanged or issued by electronic means are accepted asequivalent to paper documents. Such exchanges are to becarried out in accordance with the Community provisions on

    the protection of natural persons with regard to the processingand free movement of personal data. 

    (41)  It is necessary to lay down special provisions which correspondto the special characteristics of national legislation in order tofacilitate the application of the rules of coordination. 

    (42)  In line with the principle of proportionality, in accordance withthe premise for the extension of this Regulation to all EuropeanUnion citizens and in order to find a solution that takes account

    of any constraints which may be connected with the special char -acteristics of systems based on residence, a special derogation bymeans of an Annex XI — ‘DENMARK’ entry, limited to social pension entitlement exclusively in respect of the new category ofnon-active persons, to whom this Regulation has been extended,was deemed appropriate due to the specific features of the Danishsystem and in the light of the fact that those pensions areexportable after a 10-year period of residence under the Danishlegislation in force (Pension Act). 

    (43)  In line with the principle of equality of treatment, a special dero-gation by means of an Annex XI — ‘FINLAND’ entry, limited to

    residence-based national pensions, is deemed appropriate due tothe specific characteristics of Finnish social security legislation,the objective of which is to ensure that the amount of the national pension cannot be less than the amount of the national pensioncalculated as if all insurance periods completed in any MemberState were completed in Finland. 


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    (44)  It is necessary to introduce a new Regulation to repeal Regulation(EEC) No 1408/71. However, it is necessary that Regulation(EEC) No 1408/71 remain in force and continue to have legaleffect for the purposes of certain Community acts and agreementsto which the Community is a party, in order to secure legal


    (45)  Since the objective of the proposed action, namely the coor -dination measures to guarantee that the right to free movementof persons can be exercised effectively, cannot be sufficientlyachieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason ofthe scale and effects of that action, be better achieved atCommunity level, the Community may adopt measures inaccordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out inArticle 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality as set out in that article, this Regulation doesnot go beyond what is necessary, in order to achieve thatobjective, 


    TITLE I 


     Article 1 


    For the purposes of this Regulation:

    (a) ‘activity as an employed person’ means any activity or equivalentsituation treated as such for the purposes of the social securitylegislation of the Member State in which such activity orequivalent situation exists;

    (b) ‘activity as a self-employed person’ means any activity orequivalent situation treated as such for the purposes of the socialsecurity legislation of the Member State in which such activity or

    equivalent situation exists;

    (c) ‘insured person’, in relation to the social security branches covered by Title III, Chapters 1 and 3, means any person satisfying theconditions required under the legislation of the Member Statecompetent under Title II to have the right to benefits, taking intoaccount the provisions of this Regulation;

    (d) ‘civil servant’ means a person considered to be such or treated assuch by the Member State to which the administration employinghim/her is subject;

    (e) ‘special scheme for civil servants’ means any social securityscheme which is different from the general social securityscheme applicable to employed persons in the Member Stateconcerned and to which all, or certain categories of, civilservants are directly subject; 


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    (f) ‘frontier worker’ means any person pursuing an activity as anemployed or self-employed person in a Member State and whoresides in another Member State to which he/she returns as arule daily or at least once a week;

    (g) ‘refugee’ shall have the meaning assigned to it in Article 1 of theConvention relating to the Status of Refugees, signed in Geneva on28 July 1951;

    (h) ‘stateless person’ shall have the meaning assigned to it in Article 1of the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, signedin New York on 28 September 1954;

    (i) ‘member of the family’ means:

    1. (i) any person defined or recognised as a member of the familyor designated as a member of the household by the legis-lation under which benefits are provided;

    (ii) with regard to benefits in kind pursuant to Title III, Chapter1 on sickness, maternity and equivalent paternity benefits,any person defined or recognised as a member of the familyor designated as a member of the household by the legis-lation of the Member State in which he/she resides;

    2. if the legislation of a Member State which is applicable undersubparagraph 1 does not make a distinction between the

    members of the family and other persons to whom it is appli-

    cable, the spouse, minor children, and dependent children whohave reached the age of majority shall be considered membersof the family;

    3. if, under the legislation which is applicable under subparagraphs1 and 2, a person is considered a member of the family ormember of the household only if he/she lives in the samehousehold as the insured person or pensioner, this conditionshall be considered satisfied if the person in question ismainly dependent on the insured person or pensioner;

    (j) ‘residence’ means the place where a person habitually resides;

    (k) ‘stay’ means temporary residence;

    (l) ‘legislation’ means, in respect of each Member State, laws, regu-lations and other statutory provisions and all other implementingmeasures relating to the social security branches covered byArticle 3(1);

    This term excludes contractual provisions other than those whichserve to implement an insurance obligation arising from the lawsand regulations referred to in the preceding subparagraph or which

    have been the subject of a decision by the public authorities whichmakes them obligatory or extends their scope, provided that theMember State concerned makes a declaration to that effect, notifiedto the President of the European Parliament and the President ofthe Council of the European Union. Such declaration shall be published in the  Official Journal of the European Union; 


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    (m) ‘competent authority’ means, in respect of each Member State, theMinister, Ministers or other equivalent authority responsible forsocial security schemes throughout or in any part of the MemberState in question;

    (n) ‘Administrative Commission’ means the commission referred to inArticle 71;

    (o) ‘Implementing Regulation’ means the Regulation referred to inArticle 89;

    (p) ‘institution’ means, in respect of each Member State, the body orauthority responsible for applying all or part of the legislation;

    (q) ‘competent institution’ means:

    (i) the institution with which the person concerned is insured atthe time of the application for benefit;


    (ii) the institution from which the person concerned is or would be entitled to benefits if he/she or a member or members ofhis/her family resided in the Member State in which the insti-

    tution is situated;


    (iii) the institution designated by the competent authority of theMember State concerned;


    (iv) in the case of a scheme relating to an employer's obligationsin respect of the benefits set out in Article 3(1), either theemployer or the insurer involved or, in default thereof, the body or authority designated by the competent authority ofthe Member State concerned;

    (r) ‘institution of the place of residence’ and ‘institution of the placeof stay’ mean respectively the institution which is competent to provide benefits in the place where the person concerned residesand the institution which is competent to provide benefits in the place where the person concerned is staying, in accordance withthe legislation administered by that institution or, where no such

    institution exists, the institution designated by the competentauthority of the Member State concerned;

    (s) ‘competent Member State’ means the Member State in which thecompetent institution is situated; 


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    (t) ‘period of insurance’ means periods of contribution, employmentor self-employment as defined or recognised as periods ofinsurance by the legislation under which they were completed orconsidered as completed, and all periods treated as such, wherethey are regarded by the said legislation as equivalent to periods of


    (u) ‘period of employment’ or ‘period of self-employment’ mean periods so defined or recognised by the legislation under whichthey were completed, and all periods treated as such, where theyare regarded by the said legislation as equivalent to periods ofemployment or to periods of self-employment;

    (v) ‘period of residence’ means periods so defined or recognised by

    the legislation under which they were completed or considered ascompleted; 

    ▼M1 (va) ‘Benefits in kind’ means:

    (i) for the purposes of Title III, Chapter 1 (sickness, maternity andequivalent paternity benefits), benefits in kind provided forunder the legislation of a Member State which are intended

    to supply, make available, pay directly or reimburse the cost ofmedical care and products and services ancillary to that care.This includes long-term care benefits in kind;

    (ii) for the purposes of Title III, Chapter 2 (accidents at work andoccupational diseases), all benefits in kind relating to accidentsat work and occupational diseases as defined in point (i) aboveand provided for under the Member States' accidents at workand occupational diseases schemes; 

    ▼C1 (w) ‘pension’ covers not only pensions but also lump-sum benefits

    which can be substituted for them and payments in the form ofreimbursement of contributions and, subject to the provisions ofTitle III, revaluation increases or supplementary allowances;

    (x) ‘pre-retirement benefit’ means: all cash benefits, other than anunemployment benefit or an early old-age benefit, provided froma specified age to workers who have reduced, ceased or suspendedtheir remunerative activities until the age at which they qualify foran old-age pension or an early retirement pension, the receipt of

    which is not conditional upon the person concerned being availableto the employment services of the competent State; ‘early old-age benefit’ means a benefit provided before the normal pensionentitlement age is reached and which either continues to be provided once the said age is reached or is replaced by anotherold-age benefit; 


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    (y) ‘death grant’ means any one-off payment in the event of deathexcluding the lump-sum benefits referred to in subparagraph w;

    (z) ‘family benefit’ means all benefits in kind or in cash intended tomeet family expenses, excluding advances of maintenance payments and special childbirth and adoption allowancesmentioned in Annex I. 

     Article 2 

    Persons covered 

    1. This Regulation shall apply to nationals of a Member State,stateless persons and refugees residing in a Member State who are orhave been subject to the legislation of one or more Member States, aswell as to the members of their families and to their survivors.

    2. It shall also apply to the survivors of persons who have beensubject to the legislation of one or more Member States, irrespectiveof the nationality of such persons, where their survivors are nationals ofa Member State or stateless persons or refugees residing in one of theMember States. 

     Article 3 

    Matters covered 

    1. This Regulation shall apply to all legislation concerning thefollowing branches of social security:

    (a) sickness benefits;

    (b) maternity and equivalent paternity benefits;

    (c) invalidity benefits;

    (d) old-age benefits;

    (e) survivors' benefits;

    (f) benefits in respect of accidents at work and occupational diseases;

    (g) death grants;

    (h) unemployment benefits;

    (i) pre-retirement benefits;

    (j) family benefits.

    2. Unless otherwise provided for in Annex XI, this Regulation shallapply to general and special social security schemes, whethercontributory or non-contributory, and to schemes relating to theobligations of an employer or shipowner.

    3. This Regulation shall also apply to the special non-contributorycash benefits covered by Article 70.

    4. The provisions of Title III of this Regulation shall not, however,affect the legislative provisions of any Member State concerning ashipowner's obligations. 


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    5. This Regulation shall not apply to:

    (a) social and medical assistance or

    (b) benefits in relation to which a Member State assumes the liability

    for damages to persons and provides for compensation, such asthose for victims of war and military action or their consequences;victims of crime, assassination or terrorist acts; victims of damageoccasioned by agents of the Member State in the course of theirduties; or victims who have suffered a disadvantage for political orreligious reasons or for reasons of descent. 


     Article 4 

    Equality of treatment 

    Unless otherwise provided for by this Regulation, persons to whom this

    Regulation applies shall enjoy the same benefits and be subject to thesame obligations under the legislation of any Member State as thenationals thereof. 

     Article 5 

    Equal treatment of benefits, income, facts or events 

    Unless otherwise provided for by this Regulation and in the light of thespecial implementing provisions laid down, the following shall apply:

    (a) where, under the legislation of the competent Member State, thereceipt of social security benefits and other income has certain legal

    effects, the relevant provisions of that legislation shall also apply tothe receipt of equivalent benefits acquired under the legislation ofanother Member State or to income acquired in another MemberState;

    (b) where, under the legislation of the competent Member State, legaleffects are attributed to the occurrence of certain facts or events, thatMember State shall take account of like facts or events occurring inany Member State as though they had taken place in its ownterritory. 

     Article 6  

    Aggregation of periods 

    Unless otherwise provided for by this Regulation, the competent insti-tution of a Member State whose legislation makes:

     — the acquisition, retention, duration or recovery of the right to benefits,

     — the coverage by legislation,


     — the access to or the exemption from compulsory, optional continuedor voluntary insurance,

    conditional upon the completion of periods of insurance, employment,self-employment or residence shall, to the extent necessary, take intoaccount periods of insurance, employment, self-employment orresidence completed under the legislation of any other Member Stateas though they were periods completed under the legislation which itapplies. 


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     Article 7  

    Waiving of residence rules 

    Unless otherwise provided for by this Regulation, cash benefits payable

    under the legislation of one or more Member States or under thisRegulation shall not be subject to any reduction, amendment,suspension, withdrawal or confiscation on account of the fact that the beneficiary or the members of his/her family reside in a Member Stateother than that in which the institution responsible for providing benefitsis situated. 

     Article 8 

    Relations between this Regulation and other coordinationinstruments 

    1. This Regulation shall replace any social security conventionapplicable between Member States falling under its scope. Certain provisions of social security conventions entered into by the MemberStates before the date of application of this Regulation shall, however,continue to apply provided that they are more favourable to the bene-ficiaries or if they arise from specific historical circumstances and theireffect is limited in time. For these provisions to remain applicable, theyshall be included in Annex II. If, on objective grounds, it is not possibleto extend some of these provisions to all persons to whom the Regu-lation applies this shall be specified.

    2. Two or more Member States may, as the need arises, conclude

    conventions with each other based on the principles of this Regulationand in keeping with the spirit thereof. 


     Article 9 

    Declarations by the Member States on the scope of this Regulation 

    1. The Member States shall notify the European Commission inwriting of the declarations made in accordance with point (l) ofArticle 1, the legislation and schemes referred to in Article 3, theconventions entered into as referred to in Article 8(2), the minimum

     benefits referred to in Article 58, and the lack of an insurance system asreferred to in Article 65a(1), as well as substantive amendments. Suchnotifications shall indicate the date from which this Regulation willapply to the schemes specified by the Member States therein.

    2. These notifications shall be submitted to the EuropeanCommission every year and shall be given the necessary publicity. 


     Article 10 

    Prevention of overlapping of benefits 

    Unless otherwise specified, this Regulation shall neither confer normaintain the right to several benefits of the same kind for one andthe same period of compulsory insurance. 


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     Article 11 General rules 

    1. Persons to whom this Regulation applies shall be subject to thelegislation of a single Member State only. Such legislation shall bedetermined in accordance with this Title.

    2. For the purposes of this Title, persons receiving cash benefits because or as a consequence of their activity as an employed or self-employed person shall be considered to be pursuing the said activity.This shall not apply to invalidity, old-age or survivors' pensions or to pensions in respect of accidents at work or occupational diseases or tosickness benefits in cash covering treatment for an unlimited period.

    3. Subject to Articles 12 to 16:

    (a) a person pursuing an activity as an employed or self-employed person in a Member State shall be subject to the legislation ofthat Member State;

    (b) a civil servant shall be subject to the legislation of the MemberState to which the administration employing him/her is subject;

    (c) a person receiving unemployment benefits in accordance with

    Article 65 under the legislation of the Member State of residenceshall be subject to the legislation of that Member State;

    (d) a person called up or recalled for service in the armed forces or forcivilian service in a Member State shall be subject to the legislationof that Member State;

    (e) any other person to whom subparagraphs (a) to (d) do not applyshall be subject to the legislation of the Member State of residence,without prejudice to other provisions of this Regulation guaran-teeing him/her benefits under the legislation of one or more otherMember States.

    4. For the purposes of this Title, an activity as an employed or self-employed person normally pursued on board a vessel at sea flying theflag of a Member State shall be deemed to be an activity pursued in thesaid Member State. However, a person employed on board a vesselflying the flag of a Member State and remunerated for such activity by an undertaking or a person whose registered office or place of business is in another Member State shall be subject to the legislationof the latter Member State if he/she resides in that State. The under -taking or person paying the remuneration shall be considered as theemployer for the purposes of the said legislation. 


    5. An activity as a flight crew or cabin crew member performing air passenger or freight services shall be deemed to be an activity pursuedin the Member State where the home base, as defined in Annex III toRegulation (EEC) No 3922/91, is located. 


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     Article 12 

    Special rules


    1. A person who pursues an activity as an employed person in aMember State on behalf of an employer which normally carries outits activities there and who is posted by that employer to anotherMember State to perform work on that employer’s behalf shallcontinue to be subject to the legislation of the first Member State, provided that the anticipated duration of such work does not exceed24 months and that he/she is not sent to replace another posted person.  

    ▼C1 2. A person who normally pursues an activity as a self-employed

     person in a Member State who goes to pursue a similar activity inanother Member State shall continue to be subject to the legislationof the first Member State, provided that the anticipated duration ofsuch activity does not exceed 24 months. 

     Article 13 

    Pursuit of activities in two or more Member States

    ▼M3 1. A person who normally pursues an activity as an employed personin two or more Member States shall be subject:

    (a) to the legislation of the Member State of residence if he/she pursuesa substantial part of his/her activity in that Member State; or

    (b) if he/she does not pursue a substantial part of his/her activity in the

    Member State of residence:

    (i) to the legislation of the Member State in which the registeredoffice or place of business of the undertaking or employer issituated if he/she is employed by one undertaking or employer;or

    (ii) to the legislation of the Member State in which the registeredoffice or place of business of the undertakings or employers issituated if he/she is employed by two or more undertakings oremployers which have their registered office or place of business in only one Member State; or

    (iii) to the legislation of the Member State in which the registered

    office or place of business of the undertaking or employer issituated other than the Member State of residence if he/she isemployed by two or more undertakings or employers, whichhave their registered office or place of business in two MemberStates, one of which is the Member State of residence; or

    (iv) to the legislation of the Member State of residence if he/she isemployed by two or more undertakings or employers, at leasttwo of which have their registered office or place of business indifferent Member States other than the Member State of resi-dence. 

    ▼C1 2. A person who normally pursues an activity as a self-employed

     person in two or more Member States shall be subject to:

    (a) the legislation of the Member State of residence if he/she pursues asubstantial part of his/her activity in that Member State;



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    (b) the legislation of the Member State in which the centre of interest ofhis/her activities is situated, if he/she does not reside in one of theMember States in which he/she pursues a substantial part of his/heractivity.

    3. A person who normally pursues an activity as an employed personand an activity as a self-employed person in different Member Statesshall be subject to the legislation of the Member State in which he/she pursues an activity as an employed person or, if he/she pursues such anactivity in two or more Member States, to the legislation determined inaccordance with paragraph 1.

    4. A person who is employed as a civil servant by one Member Stateand who pursues an activity as an employed person and/or as a self-employed person in one or more other Member States shall be subjectto the legislation of the Member State to which the administrationemploying him/her is subject.

    5. Persons referred to in paragraphs 1 to 4 shall be treated, for the purposes of the legislation determined in accordance with these provi-sions, as though they were pursuing all their activities as employed orself-employed persons and were receiving all their income in theMember State concerned. 

     Article 14 

    Voluntary insurance or optional continued insurance 

    1. Articles 11 to 13 shall not apply to voluntary insurance or to

    optional continued insurance unless, in respect of one of the branchesreferred to in Article 3(1), only a voluntary scheme of insurance existsin a Member State.

    2. Where, by virtue of the legislation of a Member State, the personconcerned is subject to compulsory insurance in that Member State,he/she may not be subject to a voluntary insurance scheme or anoptional continued insurance scheme in another Member State. In allother cases in which, for a given branch, there is a choice betweenseveral voluntary insurance schemes or optional continued insuranceschemes, the person concerned shall join only the scheme of his/herchoice.

    3. However, in respect of invalidity, old age and survivors' benefits,the person concerned may join the voluntary or optional continuedinsurance scheme of a Member State, even if he/she is compulsorilysubject to the legislation of another Member State, provided that he/shehas been subject, at some stage in his/her career, to the legislation of thefirst Member State because or as a consequence of an activity as anemployed or self-employed person and if such overlapping is explicitlyor implicitly allowed under the legislation of the first Member State. 

    ▼M1 4. Where the legislation of a Member State makes admission tovoluntary insurance or optional continued insurance conditional uponresidence in that Member State or upon previous activity as an

    employed or self-employed person, Article 5(b) shall apply only to persons who have been subject, at some earlier stage, to the legislationof that Member State on the basis of an activity as an employed or self-employed person. 


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     Article 15 

    ►M1 Contract staff ◄  of the European Communities

    ►M1  Contract staff ◄  of the European Communities may opt to be

    subject to the legislation of the Member State in which they areemployed, to the legislation of the Member State to which they werelast subject or to the legislation of the Member State whose nationalsthey are, in respect of provisions other than those relating to familyallowances, provided under the scheme applicable to such staff. Thisright of option, which may be exercised once only, shall take effectfrom the date of entry into employment. 

     Article 16  

    Exceptions to Articles 11 to 15 

    1. Two or more Member States, the competent authorities of theseMember States or the bodies designated by these authorities may bycommon agreement provide for exceptions to Articles 11 to 15 in theinterest of certain persons or categories of persons. 

    2. A person who receives a pension or pensions under the legislationof one or more Member States and who resides in another MemberState may at his/her request be exempted from application of the legis-lation of the latter State provided that he/she is not subject to thatlegislation on account of pursuing an activity as an employed or self-employed person. 




    CHAPTER 1 

     Sickness, maternity and equivalent paternity benefits 

    S e c t i o n 1 

    I n s u r e d p e r s o n s a n d m e m b e r s o f t h e i r f a m i l i e s ,e x c e p t p e n s i o n e r s a n d m e m b e r s o f t h e i r f a m i l i e s 

     Article 17  

    Residence in a Member State other than the competent MemberState 

    An insured person or members of his/her family who reside in aMember State other than the competent Member State shall receive inthe Member State of residence benefits in kind provided, on behalf ofthe competent institution, by the institution of the place of residence, inaccordance with the provisions of the legislation it applies, as thoughthey were insured under the said legislation. 


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     Article 18 

    Stay in the competent Member State when residence is in anotherMember State – Special rules for the members of the families of

    frontier workers 

    1. Unless otherwise provided for by paragraph 2, the insured personand the members of his/her family referred to in Article 17 shall also beentitled to benefits in kind while staying in the competent MemberState. The benefits in kind shall be provided by the competent insti-tution and at its own expense, in accordance with the provisions of thelegislation it applies, as though the persons concerned resided in thatMember State. 

    ▼M1 2. The members of the family of a frontier worker shall be entitled to

     benefits in kind during their stay in the competent Member State.

    Where the competent Member State is listed in Annex III however, themembers of the family of a frontier worker who reside in the sameMember State as the frontier worker shall be entitled to benefits inkind in the competent Member State only under the conditions laiddown in Article 19(1). 


     Article 19 

    Stay outside the competent Member State 

    1. Unless otherwise provided for by paragraph 2, an insured personand the members of his/her family staying in a Member State other thanthe competent Member State shall be entitled to the benefits in kindwhich become necessary on medical grounds during their stay, takinginto account the nature of the benefits and the expected length of thestay. These benefits shall be provided on behalf of the competent insti-tution by the institution of the place of stay, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation it applies, as though the persons concernedwere insured under the said legislation.

    2. The Administrative Commission shall establish a list of benefits inkind which, in order to be provided during a stay in another MemberState, require for practical reasons a prior agreement between the personconcerned and the institution providing the care. 

     Article 20 

    Travel with the purpose of receiving benefits in kind —authorisation to receive appropriate treatment outside the

    Member State of residence 

    1. Unless otherwise provided for by this Regulation, an insured person travelling to another Member State with the purpose ofreceiving benefits in kind during the stay shall seek authorisationfrom the competent institution. 


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    2. An insured person who is authorised by the competent institutionto go to another Member State with the purpose of receiving thetreatment appropriate to his/her condition shall receive the benefits inkind provided, on behalf of the competent institution, by the institutionof the place of stay, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation

    it applies, as though he/she were insured under the said legislation. Theauthorisation shall be accorded where the treatment in question isamong the benefits provided for by the legislation in the MemberState where the person concerned resides and where he/she cannot begiven such treatment within a time limit which is medically justifiable,taking into account his/her current state of health and the probablecourse of his/her illness.

    3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply  mutatis mutandis  to the membersof the family of an insured person.

    4. If the members of the family of an insured person reside in aMember State other than the Member State in which the insured person resides, and this Member State has opted for reimbursementon the basis of fixed amounts, the cost of the benefits in kindreferred to in paragraph 2 shall be borne by the institution of the place of residence of the members of the family. In this case, for the purposes of paragraph 1, the institution of the place of residence of themembers of the family shall be considered to be the competent insti-tution. 

     Article 21 

    Cash benefits 

    1. An insured person and members of his/her family residing orstaying in a Member State other than the competent Member Stateshall be entitled to cash benefits provided by the competent institutionin accordance with the legislation it applies. By agreement between thecompetent institution and the institution of the place of residence orstay, such benefits may, however, be provided by the institution ofthe place of residence or stay at the expense of the competent institution

    in accordance with the legislation of the competent Member State.

    2. The competent institution of a Member State whose legislationstipulates that the calculation of cash benefits shall be based onaverage income or on an average contribution basis shall determinesuch average income or average contribution basis exclusively byreference to the incomes confirmed as having been paid, or contribution bases applied, during the periods completed under the said legislation.

    3. The competent institution of a Member State whose legislation provides that the calculation of cash benefits shall be based onstandard income shall take into account exclusively the standardincome or, where appropriate, the average of standard incomes for the periods completed under the said legislation. 


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    4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall apply  mutatis mutandis  to cases wherethe legislation applied by the competent institution lays down a specificreference period which corresponds in the case in question either whollyor partly to the periods which the person concerned has completedunder the legislation of one or more other Member States. 

     Article 22 

    Pension claimants 

    1. An insured person who, on making a claim for a pension, orduring the investigation thereof, ceases to be entitled to benefits inkind under the legislation of the Member State last competent, shallremain entitled to benefits in kind under the legislation of theMember State in which he/she resides, provided that the pensionclaimant satisfies the insurance conditions of the legislation of the

    Member State referred to in paragraph 2. The right to benefits in kindin the Member State of residence shall also apply to the members of thefamily of the pension claimant.

    2. The benefits in kind shall be chargeable to the institution of theMember State which, in the event of a pension being awarded, would become competent under Articles 23 to 25.

    S e c t i o n 2 

    P e n s i o n e r s a n d m e m b e r s o f t h e i r f a m i l i e s 

     Article 23 

    Right to benefits in kind under the legislation of the Member Stateof residence 

    A person who receives a pension or pensions under the legislation oftwo or more Member States, of which one is the Member State ofresidence, and who is entitled to benefits in kind under the legislationof that Member State, shall, with the members of his/her family, receivesuch benefits in kind from and at the expense of the institution of the place of residence, as though he/she were a pensioner whose pensionwas payable solely under the legislation of that Member State. 

     Article 24 

    No right to benefits in kind under the legislation of the MemberState of residence 

    1. A person who receives a pension or pensions under the legislationof one or more Member States and who is not entitled to benefits inkind under the legislation of the Member State of residence shall never -theless receive such benefits for himself/herself and the members ofhis/her family, in so far as he/she would be entitled thereto under the

    legislation of the Member State or of at least one of the Member Statescompetent in respect of his/her pensions, if he/she resided in thatMember State. The benefits in kind shall be provided at the expenseof the institution referred to in paragraph 2 by the institution of the place of residence, as though the person concerned were entitled to a pension and benefits in kind under the legislation of that Member State. 


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    2. In the cases covered by paragraph 1, the cost of benefits in kindshall be borne by the institution as determined in accordance with thefollowing rules:

    (a) where the pensioner is entitled to benefits in kind under the legis-lation of a single Member State, the cost shall be borne by thecompetent institution of that Member State;

    (b) where the pensioner is entitled to benefits in kind under the legis-lation of two or more Member States, the cost thereof shall be borne by the competent institution of the Member State to whose legis-lation the person has been subject for the longest period of time;should the application of this rule result in several institutions beingresponsible for the cost of benefits, the cost shall be borne by theinstitution applying the legislation to which the pensioner was lastsubject. 

     Article 25 

    Pensions under the legislation of one or more Member States otherthan the Member State of residence, where there is a right to

    benefits in kind in the latter Member State 

    Where the person receiving a pension or pensions under the legislationof one or more Member States resides in a Member State under whoselegislation the right to receive benefits in kind is not subject toconditions of insurance, or of activity as an employed or self-employed person, and no pension is received from that Member State,the cost of benefits in kind provided to him/her and to members ofhis/her family shall be borne by the institution of one of the MemberStates competent in respect of his/her pensions determined inaccordance with Article 24(2), to the extent that the pensioner and themembers of his/her family would be entitled to such benefits if theyresided in that Member State. 

     Article 26  

    Residence of members of the family in a Member State other thanthe one in which the pensioner resides 

    Members of the family of a person receiving a pension or pensionsunder the legislation of one or more Member States who reside in a

    Member State other than the one in which the pensioner resides shall beentitled to receive benefits in kind from the institution of the place oftheir residence in accordance with the provisions of the legislation itapplies, in so far as the pensioner is entitled to benefits in kind underthe legislation of a Member State. The costs shall be borne by thecompetent institution responsible for the costs of the benefits in kind provided to the pensioner in his/her Member State of residence. 

     Article 27  

    Stay of the pensioner or the members of his/her family in a MemberState other than the Member State in which they reside — stay in

    the competent Member State — authorisation for appropriatetreatment outside the Member State of residence 

    1. Article 19 shall apply  mutatis mutandis  to a person receiving a pension or pensions under the legislation of one or more Member Statesand entitled to benefits in kind under the legislation of one of the 


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    Member States which provide his/her pension(s) or to the members ofhis/her family who are staying in a Member State other than the one inwhich they reside.

    2. Article 18(1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the persons describedin paragraph 1 when they stay in the Member State in which is situatedthe competent institution responsible for the cost of the benefits in kind provided to the pensioner in his/her Member State of residence and thesaid Member State has opted for this and is listed in Annex IV.

    3. Article 20 shall apply  mutatis mutandis  to a pensioner and/or themembers of his/her family who are staying in a Member State otherthan the one in which they reside with the purpose of receiving there thetreatment appropriate to their condition.

    4. Unless otherwise provided for by paragraph 5, the cost of the benefits in kind referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3 shall be borne by thecompetent institution responsible for the cost of benefits in kind provided to the pensioner in his/her Member State of residence.

    5. The cost of the benefits in kind referred to in paragraph 3 shall be borne by the institution of the place of residence of the pensioner or ofthe members of his/her family, if these persons reside in a Member Statewhich has opted for reimbursement on the basis of fixed amounts. Inthese cases, for the purposes of paragraph 3, the institution of the placeof residence of the pensioner or of the members of his/her family shall be considered to be the competent institution. 

     Article 28 

    Special rules for retired frontier workers

    ▼M1 1. A frontier worker who has retired because of old-age or invalidityis entitled in the event of sickness to continue to receive benefits in kindin the Member State where he/she last pursued his/her activity as anemployed or self-employed person, in so far as this is a continuation oftreatment which began in that Member State. ‘Continuation oftreatment’ means the continued investigation, diagnosis and treatmentof an illness for its entire duration.

    The first subparagraph shall apply  mutatis mutandis  to the members ofthe family of the former frontier worker unless the Member State wherethe frontier worker last pursued his/her activity is listed in Annex III. 


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    2. A pensioner who, in the five years preceding the effective date ofan old-age or invalidity pension has been pursuing an activity as anemployed or self-employed person for at least two years as a frontierworker shall be entitled to benefits in kind in the Member State inwhich he/she pursued such an activity as a frontier worker, if this

    Member State and the Member State in which the competent institutionresponsible for the costs of the benefits in kind provided to the pensioner in his/her Member State of residence is situated have optedfor this and are both listed in Annex V.

    3. Paragraph 2 shall apply  mutatis mutandis  to the members of thefamily of a former frontier worker or his/her survivors if, during the periods referred to in paragraph 2, they were entitled to benefits in kindunder Article 18(2), even if the frontier worker died before his/her pension commenced, provided he/she had been pursuing an activity asan employed or self-employed person as a frontier worker for at leasttwo years in the five years preceding his/her death.

    4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be applicable until the person concerned becomes subject to the legislation of a Member State on the basis of anactivity as an employed or self-employed person.

    5. The cost of the benefits in kind referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3shall be borne by the competent institution responsible for the cost of benefits in kind provided to the pensioner or to his/her survivors in theirrespective Member States of residence. 

     Article 29 

    Cash benefits for pensioners 

    1. Cash benefits shall be paid to a person receiving a pension or pensions under the legislation of one or more Member States by thecompetent institution of the Member State in which is situated thecompetent institution responsible for the cost of benefits in kind provided to the pensioner in his/her Member State of residence.Article 21 shall apply  mutatis mutandis.

    2. Paragraph 1 shall also apply to the members of a pensioner'sfamily. 

     Article 30 

    Contributions by pensioners 

    1. The institution of a Member State which is responsible under the

    legislation it applies for making deductions in respect of contributionsfor sickness, maternity and equivalent paternity benefits, may requestand recover such deductions, calculated in accordance with the legis-lation it applies, only to the extent that the cost of the benefits pursuantto Articles 23 to 26 is to be borne by an institution of the said MemberState. 


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    2. Where, in the cases referred to in Article 25, the acquisition ofsickness, maternity and equivalent paternity benefits is subject to the payment of contributions or similar payments under the legislation of aMember State in which the pensioner concerned resides, thesecontributions shall not be payable by virtue of such residence. 

    S e c t i o n 3 

    C o m m o n p r o v i s i o n s 

     Article 31 

    General provision 

    Articles 23 to 30 shall not apply to a pensioner or the members ofhis/her family who are entitled to benefits under the legislation of a

    Member State on the basis of an activity as an employed or self-employed person. In such a case, the person concerned shall besubject, for the purposes of this Chapter, to Articles 17 to 21. 

     Article 32 

    Prioritising of the right to benefits in kind — special rule for theright of members of the family to benefits in the Member State of


    1. An independent right to benefits in kind based on the legislationof a Member State or on this Chapter shall take priority over aderivative right to benefits for members of a family. A derivativeright to benefits in kind shall, however, take priority over independentrights, where the independent right in the Member State of residenceexists directly and solely on the basis of the residence of the personconcerned in that Member State.

    2. Where the members of the family of an insured person reside in aMember State under whose legislation the right to benefits in kind is notsubject to conditions of insurance or activity as an employed or self-employed person, benefits in kind shall be provided at the expense ofthe competent institution in the Member State in which they reside, ifthe spouse or the person caring for the children of the insured person pursues an activity as an employed or self-employed person in the saidMember State or receives a pension from that Member State on the basis of an activity as an employed or self-employed person. 

     Article 33 

    Substantial benefits in kind 

    1. An insured person or a member of his/her family who has had aright to a prosthesis, a major appliance or other substantial benefits inkind recognised by the institution of a Member State, before he/she became insured under the legislation applied by the institution ofanother Member State, shall receive such benefits at the expense ofthe first institution, even if they are awarded after the said person has

    already become insured under the legislation applied by the secondinstitution.

    2. The Administrative Commission shall draw up the list of benefitscovered by paragraph 1. 


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     Article 34 

    Overlapping of long-term care benefits 

    1. If a recipient of long-term care benefits in cash, which have to be

    treated as sickness benefits and are therefore provided by the MemberState competent for cash benefits under Articles 21 or 29, is, at the sametime and under this Chapter, entitled to claim benefits in kind intendedfor the same purpose from the institution of the place of residence orstay in another Member State, and an institution in the first MemberState is also required to reimburse the cost of these benefits in kindunder Article 35, the general provision on prevention of overlapping of benefits laid down in Article 10 shall be applicable, with the followingrestriction only: if the person concerned claims and receives the benefitin kind, the amount of the benefit in cash shall be reduced by theamount of the benefit in kind which is or could be claimed from theinstitution of the first Member State required to reimburse the cost.

    2. The Administrative Commission shall draw up the list of the cash benefits and benefits in kind covered by paragraph 1.

    3. Two or more Member States, or their competent authorities, mayagree on other or supplementary measures which shall not be lessadvantageous for the persons concerned than the principles laid downin paragraph 1. 

     Article 35 

    Reimbursements between institutions 

    1. The benefits in kind provided by the institution of a Member Stateon behalf of the institution of another Member State under this Chaptershall give rise to full reimbursement.

    2. The reimbursements referred to in paragraph 1 shall be determinedand effected in accordance with the arrangements set out in the Imple-menting Regulation, either on production of proof of actual expenditure,or on the basis of fixed amounts for Member States the legal or admin-istrative structures of which are such that the use of reimbursement onthe basis of actual expenditure is not appropriate.

    3. Two or more Member States, and their competent authorities, may provide for other methods of reimbursement or waive all reimbursement between the institutions coming under their jurisdiction. 

    CHAPTER 2 

     Benefits in respect of accidents at work and occupational diseases 

     Article 36  

    Right to benefits in kind and in cash

    ▼M1  1. Without prejudice to any more favourable provisions in paragraphs2 and 2a of this Article, Articles 17, 18(1), 19(1) and 20(1) shall alsoapply to benefits relating to accidents at work or occupational diseases. 


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    2. A person who has sustained an accident at work or has contractedan occupational disease and who resides or stays in a Member Stateother than the competent Member State shall be entitled to the special benefits in kind of the scheme covering accidents at work and occupa-tional diseases provided, on behalf of the competent institution, by the

    institution of the place of residence or stay in accordance with thelegislation which it applies, as though he/she were insured under thesaid legislation. 

    ▼M3 2a. The competent institution may not refuse to grant the authori-sation provided for in Article 20(1) to a person who has sustained anaccident at work or who has contracted an occupational disease andwho is entitled to benefits chargeable to that institution, where thetreatment appropriate to his/her condition cannot be given in theMember State in which he/she resides within a time-limit which ismedically justifiable, taking into account his/her current state of healthand the probable course of the illness. 

    ▼C1 3. Article 21 shall also apply to benefits falling within this Chapter. 

     Article 37  

    Costs of transport 

    1. The competent institution of a Member State whose legislation provides for meeting the costs of transporting a person who hassustained an accident at work or is suffering from an occupationaldisease, either to his/her place of residence or to a hospital, shallmeet such costs to the corresponding place in another Member Statewhere the person resides, provided that that institution gives prior auth-orisation for such transport, duly taking into account the reasons justifying it. Such authorisation shall not be required in the case of afrontier worker.

    2. The competent institution of a Member State whose legislation

     provides for meeting the costs of transporting the body of a personkilled in an accident at work to the place of burial shall, in accordancewith the legislation it applies, meet such costs to the corresponding place in another Member State where the person was residing at thetime of the accident. 

     Article 38 

    Benefits for an occupational disease where the person sufferingfrom such a disease has been exposed to the same risk in several

    Member States 

    When a person who has contracted an occupational disease has, underthe legislation of two or more Member States, pursued an activity which by its nature is likely to cause the said disease, the benefits that he/sheor his/her survivors may claim shall be provided exclusively under thelegislation of the last of those States whose conditions are satisfied.  


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     Article 39 

    Aggravation of an occupational disease 

    In the event of aggravation of an occupational disease for which a

     person suffering from such a disease has received or is receiving benefits under the legislation of a Member State, the following rulesshall apply:

    (a) if the person concerned, while in receipt of benefits, has not pursued, under the legislation of another Member State, anactivity as an employed or self-employed person likely to causeor aggravate the disease in question, the competent institution ofthe first Member State shall bear the cost of the benefits under the provisions of the legislation which it applies, taking into account theaggravation;

    (b) if the person concerned, while in receipt of benefits, has pursuedsuch an activity under the legislation of another Member State, thecompetent institution of the first Member State shall bear the cost ofthe benefits under the legislation it applies without taking the aggra-vation into account. The competent institution of the secondMember State shall grant a supplement to the person concerned,the amount of which shall be equal to the difference between theamount of benefits due after the aggravation and the amount whichwould have been due prior to the aggravation under the legislation itapplies, if the disease in question had occurred under the legislationof that Member State;

    (c) the rules concerning reduction, suspension or withdrawal laid down by the legislation of a Member State shall not be invoked against persons receiving benefits provided by institutions of two MemberStates in accordance with subparagraph (b). 

     Article 40 

    Rules for taking into account the special features of certainlegislation 

    1. If there is no insurance against accidents at work or occupationaldiseases in the Member State in which the person concerned resides or

    stays, or if such insurance exists but there is no institution responsiblefor providing benefits in kind, those benefits shall be provided by theinstitution of the place of residence or stay responsible for providing benefits in kind in the event of sickness.

    2. If there is no insurance against accidents at work or occupationaldiseases in the competent Member State, the provisions of this Chapterconcerning benefits in kind shall nevertheless be applied to a personwho is entitled to those benefits in the event of sickness, maternity orequivalent paternity under the legislation of that Member State if that person sustains an accident at work or suffers from an occupationaldisease during a residence or stay in another Member State. Costsshall be borne by the institution which is competent for the benefits

    in kind under the legislation of the competent Member State.

    3. Article 5 shall apply to the competent institution in a MemberState as regards the equivalence of accidents at work and occupationaldiseases which either have occurred or have been confirmed 


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    subsequently under the legislation of another Member State whenassessing the degree of incapacity, the right to benefits or the amountthereof, on condition that:

    (a) no compensation is due in respect of an accident at work or anoccupational disease which had occurred or had been confirmed previously under the legislation it applies;


    (b) no compensation is due in respect of an accident at work or anoccupational disease which had occurred or had been confirmedsubsequently, under the legislation of the other Member Stateunder which the accident at work or the occupational disease hadoccurred or been confirmed. 

     Article 41 

    Reimbursements between institutions 

    1. Article 35 shall also apply to benefits falling within this Chapter,and reimbursement shall be made on the basis of actual costs.

    2. Two or more Member States, or their competent authorities, may provide for other methods of reimbursement or waive all reimbursement between the institutions under their jurisdiction. 

    CHAPTER 3 

     Death grants 

     Article 42 

    Right to grants where death occurs in, or where the person entitledresides in, a Member State other than the competent Member State 

    1. When an insured person or a member of his/her family dies in aMember State other than the competent Member State, the death shall be deemed to have occurred in the competent Member State.

    2. The competent institution shall be obliged to provide death grants payable under the legislation it applies, even if the person entitledresides in a Member State other than the competent Member State.

    3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall also apply when the death is the result ofan accident at work or an occupational disease. 

     Article 43 

    Provision of benefits in the event of the death of a pensioner  

    1. In the event of the death of a pensioner who was entitled to a pension under the legislation of one Member State, or to pensions underthe legislations of two or more Member States, when that pensioner wasresiding in a Member State other than that of the institution responsiblefor the cost of benefits in kind provided under Articles 24 and 25, the  


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    death grants payable under the legislation administered by that insti-tution shall be provided at its own expense as though the pensioner had been residing at the time of his/her death in the Member State in whichthat institution is situated.

    2. Paragraph 1 shall apply  mutatis mutandis  to the members of thefamily of a pensioner. 

    CHAPTER 4 

     Invalidity benefits 

     Article 44 

    Persons subject only to type A legislation 

    1. For the purposes of this Chapter, ‘type A legislation’ means anylegislation under which the amount of invalidity benefits is independentof the duration of the periods of insurance or residence and which isexpressly included by the competent Member State in Annex VI, and‘type B legislation’ means any other legislation.

    2. A person who h.as been successively or alternately subject to thelegislation of two or more Member States and who has completed periods of insurance or residence exclusively under type A legislationsshall be entitled to benefits only from the institution of the MemberState whose legislation was applicable at the time when the incapacityfor work followed by invalidity occurred, taking into account, whereappropriate, Article 45, and shall receive such benefits in accordancewith that legislation.

    3. A person who is not entitled to benefits under paragraph 2 shallreceive the benefits to which he/she is still entitled under the legislationof another Member State, taking into account, where appropriate,Article 45.

    4. If the legislation referred to in paragraph 2 or 3 contains rules forthe reduction, suspension or withdrawal of invalidity benefits in the caseof overlapping with other income or with benefits of a different kindwithin the meaning of Article 53(2), Articles 53(3) and 55(3) shallapply  mutatis mutandis. 

     Article 45 

    Special provisions on aggregation of periods 

    The competent institution of a Member State whose legislation makesthe acquisition, retention or recovery of the right to benefits conditionalupon the completion of periods of insurance or residence shall, wherenecessary, apply Article 51(1)  mutatis mutandis. 

     Article 46  

    Persons subject either only to type B legislation or to type A and B


    1. A person who has been successively or alternately subject to thelegislation of two or more Member States, of which at least one is not atype A legislation, shall be entitled to benefits under Chapter 5, whichshall apply  mutatis mutandis  taking into account paragraph 3. 


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    2. However, if the person concerned has been previously subject to atype B legislation and suffers incapacity for work leading to invaliditywhile subject to a type A legislation, he/she shall receive benefits inaccordance with Article 44, provided that:

     — he satisfies the conditions of that legislation exclusively or of othersof the same type, taking into account, where appropriate, Article 45, but without having recourse to periods of insurance or residencecompleted under a type B legislation,


     — he does not assert any claims to old-age benefits, taking into accountArticle 50(1).

    3. A decision taken by an institution of a Member State concerningthe degree of invalidity of a claimant shall be binding on the institutionof any other Member State concerned, provided that the concordance between the legislation of these Member States on conditions relating tothe degree of invalidity is acknowledged in Annex VII. 

     Article 47  

    Aggravation of invalidity 

    1. In the case of aggravation of an invalidity for which a person isreceiving benefits under the legislation of one or more Member States,the following provisions shall apply, taking the aggravation intoaccount:

    (a) the benefits shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 5, applied 

    mutatis mutandis;

    (b) however, where the person concerned has been subject to two ormore type A legislations and since receiving benefit has not beensubject to the legislation of another Member State, the benefit shall be provided in accordance with Article 44(2).

    2. If the total amount of the benefit or benefits payable under paragraph 1 is lower than the amount of the benefit which the personconcerned was receiving at the expense of the institution previouslycompetent for payment, that institution shall pay him/her a supplementequal to the difference between the two amounts.

    3. If the person concerned is not entitled to benefits at the expense of

    an institution of another Member State, the competent institution of theMember State previously competent shall provide the benefits inaccordance with the legislation it applies, taking into account the aggra-vation and, where appropriate, Article 45. 

     Article 48 

    Conversion of invalidity benefits into old-age benefits 

    1. Invalidity benefits shall be converted into old-age benefits, whereappropriate, under the conditions laid down by the legislation or legis-lations under which they are provided and in accordance with Chapter5.

    2. Where a person receiving invalidity benefits can establish a claimto old-age benefits under the legislation of one or more other MemberStates, in accordance with Article 50, any institution which isresponsible for providing invalidity benefits under the legislation of aMember State shall continue to provide such a person with the 


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    invalidity benefits to which he/she is entitled under the legislation itapplies until paragraph 1 becomes applicable in respect of that insti-tution, or otherwise for as long as the person concerned satisfies theconditions for such benefits.

    3. Where invalidity benefits provided under the legislation of aMember State, in accordance with Article 44, are converted into old-age benefits and where the person concerned does not yet satisfy theconditions laid down by the legislation of one or more of the otherMember States for receiving those benefits, the person concerned shallreceive, from that or those Member States, invalidity benefits from thedate of the conversion.

    Those invalidity benefits shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 5as if that Chapter had been applicable at the time when the incapacityfor work leading to invalidity occurred, until the person concernedsatisfies the qualifying conditions for old-age benefit laid down bythe national legislations concerned or, where such conversion is not provided for, for as long as he/she is entitled to invalidity benefitsunder the latter legislation or legislations.

    4. The invalidity benefits provided under Article 44 shall be recal-culated in accordance with Chapter 5 as soon as the beneficiary satisfiesthe qualifying conditions for invalidity benefits laid down by a type Blegislation, or as soon as he/she receives old-age benefits under thelegislation of another Member State. 

     Article 49 Special provisions for civil servants 

    Articles 6, 44, 46, 47 and 48 and Article 60(2) and (3) shall apply  mutatis mutandis  to persons covered by a special scheme for civilservants. 

    CHAPTER 5 

    Old-age and survivors' pensions 

     Article 50 

    General provisions 

    1. All the competent institutions shall determine entitlement to benefit, under all the legislations of the Member States to which the person concerned has been subject, when a request for award has beensubmitted, unless the person concerned expressly requests deferment ofthe award of old-age benefits under the legislation of one or moreMember States.

    2. If at a given moment the person concerned does not satisfy, or nolonger satisfies, the conditions laid down by all the legislations of the

    Member States to which he/she has been subject, the institutionsapplying legislation the conditions of which have been satisfied shallnot take into account, when performing the calculation in accordancewith Article 52(1) (a) or (b), the periods completed under the legis-lations the conditions of which have not been satisfied, or are no longersatisfied, where this gives rise to a lower amount of benefit.  


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    3. Paragraph 2 shall apply  mutatis mutandis  when the personconcerned has expressly requested deferment of the award of old-age benefits.

    4. A new calculation shall be performed automatically as and when

    the conditions to be fulfilled under the other legislations are satisfied orwhen a person requests the award of an old-age benefit deferred inaccordance with paragraph 1, unless the periods completed under theother legislations have already been taken into account by virtue of paragraph 2 or 3. 

     Article 51 

    Special provisions on aggregation of periods 

    1. Where the legislation of a Member State makes the granting ofcertain benefits conditional upon the periods of insurance having beencompleted only in a specific activity as an employed or self-employed

     person or in an occupation which is subject to a special scheme foremployed or self-employed persons, the competent institution of thatMember State shall take into account periods completed under the legis-lation of other Member States only if completed under a correspondingscheme or, failing that, in the same occupation, or where appropriate, inthe same activity as an employed or self-employed person.

    If, account having been taken of the periods thus completed, the personconcerned does not satisfy the conditions for receipt of the benefits of aspecial scheme, these periods shall be taken into account for the purposes of providing the benefits of the general scheme or, failingthat, of the scheme applicable to manual or clerical workers, as thecase may be, provided that the person concerned had been affiliatedto one or other of those schemes.

    2. The periods of insurance completed under a special scheme of aMember State shall be taken into account for the purposes of providingthe benefits of the general scheme or, failing that, of the schemeapplicable to manual or clerical workers, as the case may be, ofanother Member State, provided that the person concerned had beenaffiliated to one or other of those schemes, even if those periods havealready been taken into account in the latter Member State under aspecial scheme. 

    ▼M1 3. Where the legislation or specific scheme of a Member State makesthe acquisition, retention or recovery of the right to benefits conditionalupon the person concerned being insured at the time of the materiali-sation of the risk, this condition shall be regarded as having beensatisfied if that person has been previously insured under the legislationor specific scheme of that Member State and is, at the time of thematerialisation of the risk, insured under the legislation of anotherMember State f