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Post on 15-Oct-2015




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Group Assignment - 2

Using the trial version of Expert Choice to develop models for the following decision-making situations:

1. Vendor selection decision

2. Purchasing decision

3. Sales Channel decision

4. Advertizing Effectiveness study

5. Recruitment Decision

6. Employee promotion decision

7. Resource allocation Budgeting decision

8. Financing decision

9. Setting up a new on-line business

10. Product diversification decisionPlease work group wise, on the above topics. Formulate a hypothetical, yet realistic problem statement, and develop an Expert Choice model for decision-making.

You are required to present your decision model along with the graphs (within 10 minutes), to the class group wise on October 21 and 22, 2013.All the groups should submit the hardcopies of the write-ups/presentations at the beginning of the respective sessions. No submission/s will be allowed thereafter.In case of any clarifications, the group leaders or CRs are encouraged to either meet me in my office, or call me up directly.