82536429 english verbs

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  • 8/10/2019 82536429 English Verbs


    English - Verbs

    Proper use of verbs is very important to speak and write correct english. Every verb has three forms(Base Form, Past Form, Past Participle Form) followed by its ing! form. "e are presenting you verb listin a easy to learn form. #t has been segregated as follows $

    %erbs in which all the three forms are different

    %erbs in which all two forms are identical

    %erbs in which all three forms are identical

    Following is the list of Verbs in which all the three forms are different

    Base Form Past Form Past Participle Form ing form

    Abide &bided &bided'&bidden &biding

    Arise &rose &risen &rising

    Awake &woke &woken &waking

    Be "as'"ere Been Being

    Bear Bore Born'Borne Bearing

    Beat Beat Beaten Beating

    Begin Began Begun Beginning

    Bid Bade Bidden Bidding

    Bite Bit Bitten Biting

    Blow Blew Blown Blowing

    Break Broke Broken Breaking

    Choose hose hosen hoosing

    Do id one oing

    Draw rew rawn rawing

    Drink rank runk rinking

    Drie rove riven riving

    Eat &te Eaten Eating

    Fall Fell Fallen Falling

    Fl! Flew Flown Flying

    Forbid Forbade Forbidden Forbidding

    Foresee Foresaw Foreseenddd Foreseeing

    Forget Forgot Forgotten Forgetting

    Forgie Forgave Forgiven Forgiving

    Forsake Forsook Forsaken Forsaking

  • 8/10/2019 82536429 English Verbs


    Free"e Fro*e Fro*en Free*ing

    #ie +ave +iven +iving

    #o "ent +one +oing

    #row +rew +rown +rowing

    $ide id idden iding

    %now -new -nown -nowing

    &ie ay ain ying

    'istake /istook /istaken /istaking

    'ow /owed /own /owing

    (erdraw 0verdrew 0verdrawn 0verdrawing

    (ertake 0vertook 0vertaken 0vertaking

    )e-proe 1e2proved 1e2proven'1e2proved 1e2proving

    )ide 1ode 1idden 1iding

    )ing 1ang 1ung 1inging

    )ise 1ose 1isen 1ising

    )ie 1ived 1iven'1ived 1iving

    *aw 3awed 3awn'3awed 3awing

    *ee 3aw 3een 3eeing

    *ew 3ewed 3ewn'3ewed 3ewing

    *hake 3hook 3haken 3haking

    *hae 3haved 3haven'3haved 3having

    *how 3howed 3hown 3howing

    *hrink 3hrank 3hrunk 3hrinking

    *ing 3ang 3ung 3inging

    *ink 3ank 3unk 3inking

    *la! 3lew 3lain 3laying

    *lide 3lid 3lid'3lidden 3liding

    *ow 3owed 3own 3owing

    *peak 3poke 3poken 3peaking

    *pin 3pan'3pun 3pun 3pinning*pit 3pat'3pit 3pat'3pit 3pitting

    *plit 3plit 3plit 3plitting

    *poil 3poilt'3poiled 3poilt'3poiled 3poiling

    *pread 3pread 3pread 3preading

    *pring 3prang 3prung 3pringing

  • 8/10/2019 82536429 English Verbs


    *tand 3tood 3tood 3tanding

    *teal 3tole 3tolen 3tealing

    *tride 3trode'3trided 3tridden 3triding

    *trike 3truck 3truck'3tricken 3triking

    *trie 3trove 3triven 3triving

    *wear 3wore 3worn 3wearing

    *well 3welled 3wollen 3welling

    *wim 3wam 3wum 3wimming

    +ake 4ook 4aken 4aking

    +hrie 4hrove'4hrived 4hriven'4hrived 4hriving

    +hrow 4hrew 4hrown 4hrowing

    +read 4rod 4rodden 4reading

    ,ndergo 5nderwent 5ndergone 5ndergoing

    ,ndertake 5ndertook 5ndertaken 5ndertaking

    ake "oke "oken "aking

    ear "ore "orn "earing

    eae "ove "oven "eaving

    ithdraw "ithdrew "ithdrawn "ithdrawing

    rite "rote "ritten "riting

    Verbs in which all two forms are identical

    Base Form Past Form Past Participle Form ing form

    Alight &lit'&lighted &lit'&lighted &lighting

    Bend Bent Bent Bending

    Behold Beheld Beheld Beholding

    Bleed Bled Bled Bleeding

    Bring Brought Brought Bringing

    B.! Bought Bought Buying

    Bind Bound Bound Binding

    Broadcast Broadcast'Broadcasted Broadcast'Broadcasted Broadcasting

    B.rn Burnt'Burned Burnt'Burned Burning

    B.ild Built Built Building

    Breed Bred Bred Breeding

    Catch aught aught atching

    Cost ost ost osting

    Clap lapped'lapt lapped'lapt lapping

  • 8/10/2019 82536429 English Verbs


    Clothe lad'lothed lad'lothed lothing

    Come ame ome oming

    Creep rept rept reeping

    Dare ared ared aring

    Deal ealt ealt ealingDig ug ug igging

    Dream reamt'reamed reamt'reamed reaming

    Dwell welt welt welling

    Feed Fed Fed Feeding

    Feel Felt Felt Feeling

    Fight Fought Fought Fighting

    Find Found Found Finding

    Fit Fit'Fitted Fit'Fitted Fitting

    Foretell Foretold Foretold Foretelling

    Flee Fled Fled Fleeing

    Fling Flung Flung Flinging

    Forecast Forecast'Forecasted Forecast'Forecasted Forecasting

    #et +ot +ot'+otten +etting

    #rind +round +round +rinding

    $ang ung'anged ung'anged anging

    $ae ad ad aving

    $ear eard eard earing

    $old eld eld olding

    /nla! #nlaid #nlaid #nlaying

    /np.t #nput'#nputted #nput'#nputted #nputting

    /nterla! #nterlaid #nterlaid #nterlaying

    %eep -ept -ept -eeping

    %neel -nelt'-neeled -nelt'-neeled -neeling

    %nit -nit'-nitted -nit'-nitted -nitting

    &a! aid aid laying

    &ead ed ed eading

    &ean eant'eaned eant'eaned eaning

    &eap eapt'eaped eapt'eaped eaping

    &earn earnt'earned earnt'earned earning

    &eae eft eft eaving

    &end ent ent ending

    &ie ied ied lying

    &ight it it ighting

  • 8/10/2019 82536429 English Verbs


    &ose ost ost osing

    'ake /ade /ade /aking

    'ean /eant /eant /eaning

    'eet /et /et /eeting

    'elt /elted /olten'/elted /elting'is.nderstand /isunderstood /isunderstood /isunderstanding

    'iswed /iswed'/iswedded /iswed'/iswedded /iswedding

    'islead /isled /isled /isleading

    (erhear 0verheard 0verheard 0verhearing

    Pa! Paid Paid Paying

    Preset Preset Preset Presetting

    Proe Proved Proven'Proved Proving

    )id 1id'1idded 1id'1idded 1idding

    ).n 1an 1un 1unning

    *a! 3aid 3aid 3aying

    *eek 3ought 3ought 3eeking

    *ell 3old 3old 3elling

    *end 3ent 3ent 3ending

    *hear 3hore'3heared 3horn'3heared 3hearing

    *hine 3hone 3hone 3hining

    *hoe 3hod 3hod 3hoeing

    *hoot 3hot 3hot 3hooting

    *it 3at 3at 3itting

    *leep 3lept 3lept 3leeping

    *ling 3lung 3lung 3linging

    *link 3lunk 3lunk 3linking

    *mell 3melt'3melled 3melt'3melled 3melling

    *neak 3neaked'3nuck 3neaked'3nuck 3neaking

    *oothsa! 3oothsaid 3oothsaid 3oothsaying

    *peed 3ped'3peeded 3ped'3peeded 3peeding

    *pell 3pelt'3pelled 3pelt'3pelled 3pelling

    *pend 3pent 3pent 3pending

    *pill 3pilt'3pilled 3pilt'3pilled 3pilling

    *tring 3trung 3trung 3tringing

    *trip 3tript'3tripped 3tript'3tripped 3tripping

    *tick 3tuck 3tuck 3ticking

    *ting 3tung 3tung 3tinging

    *tink 3tank 3tunk 3tinking

  • 8/10/2019 82536429 English Verbs


    *weat 3weat'3weated 3weat'3weated 3weating

    *weep 3wept'3weeped 3wept'3weeped 3weeping

    *.nb.rn 3unburned'3unburnt 3unburned'3unburnt 3unburning

    *wing 3wung 3wung 3winging

    +each 4aught 4aught 4eaching+ell 4old 4old 4elling

    +hink 4hought 4hought 4hinking

    +ear 4ore 4orn 4earing

    ,nderstand 5nderstood 5nderstood 5nderstanding

    Ve0 %e6t'%e6ed %e6t'%e6ed %e6ing

    ed "ed'"edded "ed'"edded "edding

    eep "ept "ept "eeping

    end "ended'"ent "ended'"ent "ending

    et "et'"etted "et'"etted "etting

    in "on "on "inning

    ind "ound "ound "inding

    ithstand "ithstood "ithstood "ithstanding

    ring "rung "rung "ringing

    ithhold "ithheld "ithheld "ithholding

    1inc 7inced'7incked 7inced'7incked 7incking

    Verbs in which all three forms are identical

    Base Form Past Form Past Participle Form ing formBet Bet Bet Betting

    B.rst Burst Burst Bursting

    B.st Bust Bust Busting

    Become Became Become Becoming

    Bid Bid Bid Bidding

    Cast ast ast asting

    C.t ut ut utting

    $it it it itting

    $.rt urt urt urting&et et et etting

    P.t Put Put Putting

    2.it 8uit 8uit 8uitting

    )ead 1ead 1ead 1eading

    *et 3et 3et 3etting

    *hed 3hed 3hed 3hedding

  • 8/10/2019 82536429 English Verbs


    *lit 3lit 3lit 3litting

    *h.t 3hut 3hut 3hutting

    *.blet 3ublet 3ublet 3ubletting

    +hr.st 4hrust 4hrust 4hrusting

    ,pset 5pset 5pset 5psetting

    English - +enses

    +here are three t!pe of +enses 3

    #) Present 4ense##) Past 4ense###) Future 4ense

    Each +ense has fo.r s.b categories4 +he! are 3

    /5 Present +ensea) 3imple Present

    b) Present ontinuous

    c) Present Perfect

    d) Present Perfect ontinuous

    6a5 *imple Present 3+his +ense is .sed to e0press the habits7 dail! ro.tine and .niersaltr.ths4 /n this tense the first form of the erb is .sed4

    4aking the verb eatwe can make sentences in the following manner $

    +he form.la for simple present is *.b8ect 9 V:

    # eat an apple every day.

    "e eat apples every day.

    9ou eat apples every day.

    e eats an apple every day.

    3he eats an apple every day.

    #t eats an apple every day.

    4hey eat apples every day.

    6b5 Present Contin.o.s 3+his +ense is .sed to e0press an action which is contin.ing or

    taking place now4 /n this tense the ing form of the erb is .sed4

    +he form.la for present contin.o.s is *.b8ect 9 A.0 9V; 6ing form5

    # am eating an apple now.

    "e are eating apples now.

    9ou are eating an apple now.

    e is eating an apple now.

    3he is eating an apple now.

  • 8/10/2019 82536429 English Verbs


    #t is eating an apple now.

    4hey are eating apples now.

    6c5 Present Perfect 3+his +ense is .sed to e0press an action which is oer 8.st now orcompleted toda!4 /n this tense the third form of the erb is .sed4

    +he form.la for present perfect is *.b8ect 9A.0iliar! Verb 9 V< 6Past Participle Form5

    # have eaten an apple today."e have eaten apples today.9ou have eaten an apple today.e has eaten an apple today.

    3he has eaten an apple today.#t has eaten an apple today.4hey have eaten apples today.

    6c5 Present Perfect Contin.o.s 3+his +ense is .sed to e0press an action which beganat some point of time in the past and is still contin.ing4 /n this tense the ing form of the

    erb is .sed4+he form.la for present perfect contin.o.s is *.b8ect9A.09A.09V;6ing form5

    # have been eating apples for the last three months.

    "e have been eating apples for the last three months.

    9ou have been eating apples for the last three months.

    e has been eating apples for the last three months.

    3he has been eating apples for the last three months.

    #t has been eating apples for the last three months.

    4hey have been eating apples for the last three months

    //5 Past +ense

    a) 3imple Past

    b) Past ontinuousc) Past Perfect

    d) Past Perfect ontinuous

    6a5 *imple Past 3+his +ense is .sed to e0press an action which is oer or completed atsome point of time in the past4 /n this tense the second form of the erb is .sed4

    +he form.la for simple past is *.b8ect 9 V=

    # ate an apple yesterday.

    "e ate apples yesterday.

    9ou ate an apple yesterday.e ate an apple yesterday.

    3he ate an apple yesterday.

    #t ate an apple yesterday.

    4hey ate apples yesterday.

    6b5 Past Contin.o.s 3 +his +ense is .sed to e0press an action which was contin.ing atsome point of time in the past4 /n this tense the ing form of the erb is .sed4

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    +he form.la for past contin.o.s is *.b8ect 9A.0 9 V;6ing form5

    # was eating an apple yesterday.

    "e were eating apples yesterday.

    9ou were eating an apple yesterday.

    e was eating an apple yesterday.

    3he was eating an apple yesterday.

    #t was eating an apple yesterday.

    4hey were eating apples yesterday.

    6c5 Past Perfect 3+his +ense is .sed to e0press an action which was oer long ago4 /nthis tense the third form of the erb is .sed4

    +he form.la for past perfect is *.b8ect 9A.0 9 Vormally ideas are not e6pressed in Passive %oice in this tense. 4herefore it is better to avoid

    attempting a Passive %oice in any Perfect ontinuous 4ense.

    //5 Past +ense

    a5 *imple Past

    # watched a movie yesterday.

    & movie was watched by me yesterday.

  • 8/10/2019 82536429 English Verbs


    "e watched a movie yesterday.

    & movie was watched by us yesterday.

    9ou watched a movie yesterday.

    & movie was watched by you yesterday.

    e watched a movie yesterday.& movie was watched by him yesterday.

    3he watched a movie yesterday.

    & movie was watched by you yesterday.

    #t watched a movie yesterday.

    & movie was watched by it yesterday.

    4hey watched a movie yesterday.

    & movie was watched by them yesterday.

    b5 Past Contin.o.s

    # was watching a movie yesterday.

    & movie was being watched by me yesterday.

    "e were watching a movie yesterday.

    & movie was being watched by me yesterday.

    9ou were watching a movie yesterday.

    & movie was being watched by you yesterday.

    e was watching a movie yesterday.

    & movie was being watched by him yesterday.

    3he was watching a movie yesterday.

    & movie was being watched by her yesterday.

    #t was watching a movie yesterday.

    & movie was being watched by it yesterday.

    4hey were watching a movie yesterday.

    & movie was being watched by them yesterday.

    c5 Past Perfect

    # had watched a movie three years ago.

    & movie had been watched by me three years ago.

    "e had watched a movie three years ago.

    & movie had been watched by us three years ago.

    9ou had watched a movie three years ago.

    & movie had been watched by me three years ago.

  • 8/10/2019 82536429 English Verbs


    e had watched a movie three years ago.

    & movie had been watched by him three years ago.

    3he had watched a movie three years ago.

    & movie had been watched by her three years ago.

    #t had watched a movie three years ago.

    & movie had been watched by it three years ago.

    4hey had watched a movie three years ago.

    & movie had been watched by them three years ago.

    d5 Past Perfect Contin.o.s

    &s we indicated earlier, ideas are normally not e6pressed in Passive %oice in this tense. 4herefore it is

    better to avoid attempting a Passive %oice in any Perfect ontinuous 4ense.

    ///5 F.t.re +ense

    a5 *imple F.t.re

    # will watch a movie tomorrow.

    & movie will be watched by me tomorrow.

    "e will watch a movie tomorrow.

    & movie will be watched by us tomorrow.

    9ou will watch a movie tomorrow.

    & movie will be watched by you tomorrow.

    e will watch a movie tomorrow.

    & movie will be watched by him tomorrow.

    3he will watch a movie tomorrow.

    & movie will be watched by her tomorrow.

    #t will watch a movie tomorrow.

    & movie will be watched by it tomorrow.

    4hey will watch a movie tomorrow.

    & movie will be watched by them tomorrow.

    b5 F.t.re Contin.o.s

    # will be watching a movie at this time tomorrow.

    & movie will be being watched by me at this time tomorrow.

    "e will be watching a movie at this time tomorrow.

    & movie will be being watched by us at this time tomorrow.

  • 8/10/2019 82536429 English Verbs


    9ou will be watching a movie at this time tomorrow.

    & movie will be being watched by you at this time tomorrow.

    e will be watching a movie at this time tomorrow.

    & movie will be being watched by him at this time tomorrow.

    3he will be watching a movie at this time tomorrow.& movie will be being watched by her at this time tomorrow.

    #t will be watching a movie at this time tomorrow.

    & movie will be being watched by it at this time tomorrow.

    4hey will be watching a movie at this time tomorrow.

    & movie will be being watched by them at this time tomorrow.

    c5 F.t.re Perfect

    # will have watched a movie by : pm tomorrow.

    & movie will have been watched by me by : pm tomorrow.

    "e will have watched a movie by : pm tomorrow.

    & movie will have been watched by us by : pm tomorrow.

    9ou will have watched a movie by : pm tomorrow.

    & movie will have been watched by you by : pm tomorrow.

    e will have watched a movie by : pm tomorrow.

    & movie will have been watched by him by : pm tomorrow.

    3he will have watched a movie by : pm tomorrow.

    & movie will have been watched by her by : pm tomorrow.

    #t will have watched a movie by : pm tomorrow.

    & movie will have been watched by it by : pm tomorrow.

    4hey will have watched a movie by : pm tomorrow.

    & movie will have been watched by them by : pm tomorrow.

    d5 F.t.re Perfect Contin.o.s

    >ormally ideas are not e6pressed in Passive %oice in this tense. 4herefore it is better to avoid

    attempting a Passive %oice in any Perfect ontinuous 4ense.

    All sentences cannot be made into Passie Voice4 0nly the sentences with an ob

  • 8/10/2019 82536429 English Verbs


    #n the above sentence the erb go is an /ntransitie Verb. 3uch sentences which do not have anob

  • 8/10/2019 82536429 English Verbs


    "e are participating in a football tournament here.


    -alidasa was a great poet.

    +opal was riding a bi2cycle when he was hit by a scooter.


    4hey were my classmates in ehradun.

    4hey were going to +oa when their train met with an accident.


    # have many grammar books at home.

    # have read all of them.


    e has a laptop with him.

    e has put it in his briefcase.


    # had a beautiful pen.

    # had bought it in @;;A.


    4hey do their work sincerely.

    4hey do not go home before pm.


    e does his work efficiently.

    e does not waste even a single minute.


    3he did her

  • 8/10/2019 82536429 English Verbs


    'odal A.0iliaries

    'odal A.0iliaries can onl! be .sed as a helping erb4

    illD #t is used to e6press intention. #t is normally used in future tense.

    "e will go to aisalmer ne6t week.

    4hey will visit our place in February.

    "ill they accompany you for lunchC

    o.ld D #t is the past form of will.

    e would complete his work by this time tomorrow.

    3he would be going for her dance classes from ne6t week.

    "ould you like to have a glass of waterC


    3hall # take leave tomorrowC

    3hall we go on a picnic ne6t weekC

    3hall we have coffee in PC


    9ou should pay attention in the class.

    3hould # accompany her to her houseC

    9ou should drink two glasses of water daily in the morning.

    'a!D #t is used to indicate possibility.

    # may come to your house tomorrow.

    #t may rain in the evening.

    +overnment may hike the price of petrol and diesel.

    /ay # borrow your book for a couple of daysC

    'ightD #t is the past form of may and is used to e6press less certain situations.

    # might take a leave tomorrow.

    ad might come to office the day after tomorrow.

  • 8/10/2019 82536429 English Verbs


    /id term elections might be announced in mid /arch.