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  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual



    Master Station

    Series 800

  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    PROPRIETARY NOTICEThe nformation and design disclosed hereinw moriginated by and an bc woDmY of RTS Svstems. RTSSystems resi ne s a llnahit aro Or ietv desina.niaoufacmin$, repduct ioi . r$e and h e s Z&ts thmto.and to any am cle disclosed therein, except to the extentrightsareexpressly granted to othem. -COPYRIGHT NOTICECo py ng htlW 6 by RTS Systems. All rights resewed.R uchon m whole or m pan without prior writtenpermission from RTS Systems is prohibited.PATENT NOTICEThis equipment contains and uses a design embodied inUnited States Patent No. 4,358,644: "A Bilateral CurrentSource for a M ulti-urmmal Intercom". This desien-mploys a twc-wire to four-wire convener .UNPACKING AND INSPECTIONImmediately upon receipt of the equipment, inspect theshipping container and the contents carefully for anydimepancies ordamage. Should then be any, notify thefreight company and the dealer at once.


    RETURN SHIPPING INSTRUCTIOPROCEDURE FOR RETURNSIf a repair is necessary, contact the dealer wherwaspure-h he dealer isnot possible, obtaE % K N A A RIZATION from:

  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    TABLE OF CONTENTSProprietary Notice........................................................................................................2copyright Notia ......................................................................................................... 2PateatNorice.............................................................................................................. 2Printing Histoty...........................................................................................................Unpacking I n f d o n and Inspection................................................................................QuickTableofContent8.................................................................................................TableOf Content6........................................................................................................Warranty...................................................................................................................Shipping Infotmatk ....................................................................................................SECTION1:DESCRTPTIONAND SPECIFICATIONSRef.No m


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    TABLEOF CONTENTS ewtinued)

    SECTION3: OPERATING INslraUCXLONS3.3.6 SelfTdly ........................................................................................... 233.3.7 Dip Switchkssignmu~ts.................................................................2 33.4 Model 810B-5Cn................................................................................ 73.4.1 810B-5CIZTdkk s s i v t s ................................................................. 73.4.2 8lOB-5Cn. istm Assignmars................................................................273.4.3 8lOB.5Cn. * k s s i w ................................................................273.4.4 Dip SwitchAnsignmmts ......................................................................273.4.5 81OB-5CllInkuwmedonToTW S y h ................................................73.5 M.trix SystsmC o a f ~ o n81OB-M).....................................................303.5.1 810B-AAT& Ass imts.....................................................................313.5.2 81OB-M Listm Assignmentrr...................................................................13.5.3 810B-AA TallyAssigm~~ts...................................................................323.5.4 81OBB-AADip Switchkssi&anm~ts...................................................... 23.6 CombinntionsSystems......................................................................... 33.......................................................................................7 810BFePtures 333.7.1 DynsmicM i c r o p bHeadset .................................................................. 3..............................................................7.2 GooseadMinophons (Op t i d ) 34....................................................7.3 Alternnte ElectretMicrophone ComwAion 34....................................................7.4 Alternnte DynamicMimophoneG d 34

  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    TABLEOFCONTENTS continued)SECTION5: MAINTENANCERef No m!? bl!?5.1 Inhdwtim........................................................................................15.2 Setvic8 Infomation...............................................................................515.3 G d aiUbnsocs ............................................................................1

    snwr-.3.1 OM .............................................................................15.3.2 ClePning ............................................................................................15.4 Test Procedurt....................................................................................15.4.1 setUp ..............................................................................................55.4.2 P o ~ gupply......................................................................................55.4.3 MicrophonePreamplifier& Limiter ......................................................... USM O~iput......................................................................................55.4.4 LineDriver Outputs ..............................................................................555.4.4.1 Listm Select.......................................................................................555.4.5 ListcaSumAmp...................................................................................65.4.6 spaLaAmp, Extend SpePlrcrJackaad Speplrsr *-Off Switch........................565.4.7 Auto S m N Function..................................................................... 5 6................................................................................4.8 S m im (R86) 565.4.9 H Amp..................................................................................575.4.10 Listm In/TdkOut Jumpem.....................................................................5 75.4.11 Continuity Checks ............................................................................... 57....................................................................................4.12 Logic F d m 575.4.13 57

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    NumberList ofD i ......................................................................................... 78

    OD2625 Outline Drawing. Model 865CmhPlMatrix .........................................................79ILL6505 Illustration. Mrsttr Station& Related Componats. Model 810B.................................0OD5729 OutlineDrawing. Master Station. Model 810B....................................................... 81

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    INDEX OF lRef.No.1-1 Typical Model 810B&-Up .................................................................... 12Model 810B MguratioaslSystemCoqmimns........................................... 14SidetomawlLevel Adj- ................................................................ 15Talk& ListeaAssipmats ..................................................................... 16Receive Chamel Selection....................................................................... 17

    Squaw%Talk C h d ssignmmt ............................................................. 17Squawk Dip Switch Assignmats............................................................... 18System Trsmhdon Plug ...................................................................... 18'Stringing* Squawk Style StationsTogether................................................ 19Conf- Style System BlockDi8gnm.................................................... 21. .aaF.raraTalk A s s i m .................................................................. 22~ L i s t m A M i ~...............................................................22Self Tally Assilplmeats for 8lOB-CL ...................................................... 2 3.............................................................10B-CL Dip SwitchAssignments 23.....................................................................10B-CL Pin GxQwntian 24thfe#ace Style SystemToTW System...................................................... 25.......................................................ennidng a ConfsrraaStyle System 26810s-SCTL Talk Assignmmta.................................................................. 27........................................................................10s-SCTLAssignmalts 27...........................................................lOE5CTL Self TallyAssigtuneats 28..........................................................lOB.5 Crr. ip SwitchAssignmeats 28

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  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual



    The Model 810B Master Station is a multi-puqweintercom station designed for use in professidapplications. The Model 810Ban e factoryadigured infouc different modes of opesation to satisfy a wide varietyof inteM&& req-ts.The Model 810B is compatiblewith otha RTS Series 800products. AU interam h e s are balanced h l ev e l , andopaPte in a fullduplex (both talk and listen) mode. TheModel 810B intermmects to TW ntercom circuits throughadditionalequipmat.The Model 810B nllows voice communiclton from my oneof up to ten user stations to my one,or Wmbination of,nine other user stPhOlLP. It is 0 t h eferred to as a 'squawksystem' or M .all master system'.The Model 810B may be used as a completely self-contained communications system or m addition to a

    1.4 SelectionConfroIsThe selection swi* in the Model 810B are a geleven pushbuttas. The first ten pushbuttomroess the htercom line8 pnd an be lntcnmmentqrction. The e l e v d pushbutton m m e n t q 4 o n ALL TALK pushbutton whichmystationtotalktonllintercomlinesatonce.AU frontpsnel pushbuttons have two leillumination; m activated button has a higher brigh1.5 s* CwTit ioD5The Model 8lOB can be ordered in four vero c c o m m o d n t e @ f i c ~ ~ i nof svstcm MMpemmts. l'he ten selection mshbutton kf femt funfunctionsn each version of the Modspecial versions may be designed as required. Cof=W.

    The Model 810B an be used as a 10 x 10 point

  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    Tally idmtification is not used in the matrix system so theModel 865 CeatrPl Matrix is not negsslry. The Model8 1 O B s t a t i m c a n b e ~ u s l n g a M o d e l 4 0 2 5 ASplitter. Line termination must be provided by a systemtermination plug. This terminntion csn be ordered fromRTS Systems or nmdeby the user (see Figure3-2D).

    Each latching-action pushbutton illuminateswhen engaged,indicatingswitch stPtus (on or oft).

    Tm hannel Conf~ereine S'Pstsq


    The Model 810BCL can be used as a use^ stationwithin a10-Cbanml confereme line intearan system. AUpushbuttons are latching action to allow continuowcommunication on my channel or combination of channels.Thecall tdly feature b not used in thisconfiguration.I h e 8 1 0 B - c L c a n b e u s e d i n a v a r i e t y o f w ~ y s W i t h i nconferw~ceine systems. One example of an mangemeatconsists of a single 810BCL cwpled With tea TWintercom User Statim. The Model 4012 SystemIn is normslly used fo r thisprpose. The Model

    !hm4RequiuodMmLiolhapcd.sse: MoDbrma(SI*stlbk)800otuah l qp l t l q 4Uwe : 10.000 cbmalate.MmAndbalowloulpul:N0mio.l:

    3 V O b ~ r l i mDiaurc: 1 0 , o o dcmb!e@ooobmbi n p c d . o c ) N ~ w l

    l - aop l l au )Uxt Sutim: 1 0 0 0 0 o h r m&id.gingimpd.ase: ~ o b r n t o m m


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    1.8. MODEL 865 SPECIFICATIONSThisunit is completely passive, EontpiniDg d y oMectorsaad a circuit boud for cross umnect tally mntrixingbelweu~Model 810B Mnster Stations whea used in asquawk system ~ ~ t .U d o ignals fromatationto atation are bussed from conncdor to collasctor. A 10-channel 200 or 800 ohm t e d n h g plug is supplied toest&Lish the p m p e r l i n e ~ ~ sequired in thesystem.Dime-: 3J'Bx 1 9 W x 1 3 J 'D8 9 n r m H x 4 8 3 m m W x 3 4 3 m m DWcighl: 7.6 pound.,3.42 WqntlliP iF m a R d LvmclRilightgsayReuHouinp: OoldkidacSpcsi& NoTu:0 dm - 0.775 v* tOdBm- 1wiUiw.110.775 voh. r.m.1.+ 00dm I d O d W , opcn cirnii)0387 vdur.m.1.mto150dm hud (-6dm, p n&U

  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    SECIION2: INSTALLATIONThis sectiw is divided into three parts:applies to all Model 810B's, regardl888 of the systemdguration. A standardModel 810B is fhctoryaet in theSqupwkcanfiguratim.TheCoafiguxati01lssecti0ndetailsase-upforeachoftheModel 810B system d g u r a t i m Thc Fcstrues sectione x p ~ ~ t o u s e e a c h o f t h e v . d ~ ~ t f e a t w e s o f t h eModel 81OB.

    The Model 810B is enclosed within a metal case desigaedto fit inMEIA stsDdsrd 19. equipment nJc md occupyonerackunitofspace. Seuuelyfastentheunittotherack,allowing plmty of rcmn in theback for cablecmmections.23 POWERThe 810B r e q b 14 volts AC or 18 volts DC. A wallmounted power module with an output of 14 volts AC at1.6 amps= is shippedwith each unit. An ex& supply

    2.2.1 Wm nd Cable ComiWomThe Model 810B is ranntaed to other units wsystem using SO-conductor, 25pir) cables, simthose used by the telephme company. The cables up to 10,000 feet long. These cables are availabRTS sy*, nfcr to Model 4015-XX (-XX ecable lea$(h mdtype) in flat ribbon cable or nnmdpir cable (strpnded).

    All of the Model 810B d g n r a t i m nquire tchsnndsbe~ inadertoes tab l i shthecorrohm line impdwe. This is normally accomplished200 ohm system temidw plug. RTS Systemnumber 9020-2919-00. See Figwe 26A.The standnrd liue impsdPnce for the ModelIntexcodcatiw System is 200 ohms.ex+mslly loag cable sums are used, or wheno h m l i n c ~ i s d c s i r r d , a n 8 U ) oplug is^. ThispartmsybeordenddirectlyfroSystems. The part numba is 9020-2919-01.

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    SECTION3: OPERATING INSIRUCTIONS3.1 Codimtions & System CompprisolgTheModel 810B is a versatile c o d c a t i o n s device which c a t be set up in mrny different d @ o n s . Tshows the threemost popular systemsand explores som alternative contiguratioas.

    Model SlOB C o d i i v s t c m


    Puss ButtonType

    Tally Action

    Model 865 Requirsd?

    Attenlate M-tPry AttenlateAction ActionIdmtifiesw e r onCalledStation


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  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    A s s i p squawk listen address by adding one Berg fi5474-001 (RTS 2WM)42M)) jumper in one of Ihe fpositions: sqlla-tBehveen I401~ias : Listen Assism. Ch #:

    Add m amber film inse.rt to the switch button that c o m p d s o the selectedsquwakaddma.F i -2ASquawk Receive CChsna Selection3.2 Squawk StyleSystems

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    S1-1: O NS1-2: OFF (speakerdim enable with themic switch)(speakerdim enablewith the alltalkswitch)(auto speaker on)( i t mic on)Figure3-2CSquawk Dip SwitchAssignments

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    MODEL 8108uMODEL 8108ILI MODEL 8108 41

    u 5 0MODEL 4027 / 5 0MODEL 8108

    I I

    /MODEL 865

  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    33.3 Dip Switcb Asigumenta 33.4 "Shkghg" SquawkWorn TogetherIn a squawk style 810B, c e d u logic functions am uSed To ex& tbssystema orconvsaimcs, up toThe speaker dim fuuction is active when the MIC ON 810B's rimy be pl.oed on the spme channel,switchismnbled. Thcspeakerdimpot(R85)isfPctorysct 'string'. Statiu~~ca~beputma'grins'byf a 1SdB. l k uto speaker on fuaction is carbled whea ma Model 4M5A 1x4 splitters. This is showthe 810B d v e s a call. The instant mic on feature is 3-2E. AU stationsona stringmustbe nterrllycarb led~ the81OB~serpushesona"STA' ( or squnwL fort he same^. ' Ihisallowsstati01cbnnnel)buttm. See Figure 3-2C. chnnnel to be acmes tht mom. Sce Section3.2.

    cbaauolSslection.3.2.5 Squawk Systan Pin C o n f i i m



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    3 3 Conferena Styk SystemsThere are three different types of wnference linewnfigurations available: the 810B-Q, the 810B-SCl'L, and the 810B-3CTL.33.1 Model 81OB-CLThe Model 810B-CL w-tion is operated in awnference or 'party line" mode. AU stations thatselect the Channel 1 pushbutton will talk and listentogether. AU stations that select the Channel 2pushbutton will talk and listen together, and so on.The front-panel channel select buttons control bothtalk and listen functions. The -CL ption p r o walternate action switches wbich stay on when pressedin and turn off when p r d ut. Becausemore thanone channel may be sekcted at a time (withoutcrosstalk), a Model 810B-CLuser station can talk andlisten to other 810B-CL user stations on up to 10channels. Theblock diagram for this system is showninF i e -3A.

    Each conference channel should be terminated w200 Ohms. The termination requirements for tsystem are show in Figure 3-3H. See F i e 3-for linepinwdipatim333 SlOB-cL Intereomectiontom' systemIt is poshible to interwnnecta wnference style systwith an RTS TW ntercom System. This is shownFigure 3-33. A transformer and a DC blockicapaator is required for each chauael. An alternconfiguration would be to umuec! only some of tModel 810B chanuek to the "IW Intercom" systeleaY the others free for communications betweMode 810B stations only. In this case, he channthat are not conneded to the TW System mustterminated with a 2W ohm 114watt resistor. Connthis resistor aaoss the balanced audio as shownF i e Xi.

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    3.3.4 Talk AssignmentsIn a Model 810B-CL. the talk .88ignmz& are factory setforeachofthe ocham&. Thesssignmeptsaremadeviajumpers n J33. See Figure 3-3B.Add Berg RX5474.001 (RTSm007-004240) jumpenb t w u K

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    Ia a &ce style Model 810B. the tally betweenstations i s defeated. This is done inside the 810B byunplugging P17d I8 from the mother bod. TbpModcl 810B-CL does, however, wntaia the self tallyfeature. Tbisisf.ctorysetvkaddiagbuswirejumperstothemotherbod ! certnin loutions. SeeFigure 3-3D.Ada buswirejumpers totbemotherboard in the followingpsitions:

    F m -3D

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  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    MODEL 8100-CLI7 I& I a IT-MODEL 4025I'r'

    MODEL 8100-CL MODEL 8100-CL

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  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    3.4 Model 810BSCTLThe Model SIOB-SCTL cmfiguratim is opfmted n a dedicated line function, Each of the tea switches is aschPDnelnumber and either tdk or listea control of the cbmukel. This tyDe of 810B anplwMYnto an 80system. ~ i ~ eumid011 (of200 ohm) is v l i s h c d by a k RTS 3ystems power &-ly or &mination pluModel 862. Note: RTS System power supplieshave an impahme of 200 Ohms designed into each chamel line.3.4.1 81OESCIZTalk& ipmen t sIn the Model 810B-5Cn, talk assignmats pn factory set via wire wrap jumpas in 133on (hsmother board. S34A. Note: 133, pias 1& 2 use&rg umper W74-001 (RTS Y2007-2M)) instad of wirew q .J33Pins:1and23 d 65 d 1 0I and 149d 18

    SwitchedTdk Assign,Switch#1(U )3(u )5(a )7(a)9 w 5 )

    3.4.2 810ESCTL ListenA& p ~ e n t s

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    Self Tallv. Switch #

    S1-1: offS1-2: onS1-3: offS1-4: off

    liidk 1)2 (listen 1)3 ftalk2)

    7 talk4) '8 (listen 4)g(talk-910 (listen 5)

    Flgu-W810B-5CTLSeUTallyAssignments(speaker dim enable with mic switch(speaker dim enable with the all talk switch)auto speaker on)

    Figare34D810E5CIZ Dip Shtcb Assignments

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  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    3 5 Matrix System Configuration (81OB-AA)The matrix intercom system is interconnected using Model 4MSA or 4027 splitters as shown in F wMatrix-configured user stations have alternate action Switch (-AA option) allowing users to punchstation or sct of stations and speak without having to hold the buttons down while talking. This type of does not have tally lighting. Each station is dedicated to a different channel. See Section 3.1. The JIM pcm6guration for the Matrix Con6guration is the same as the Squawk Ontigration. Insert the termination plug into a connector location on the Model4M5A splittersasshown.

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    3.5.1 810B-AA Talk h i g m e n t sThc8lOEAAtslLsssi~t9mfoctorysetfordofthelQ~.h..sSi~tsmmsdeviajumpersinthemotherb o d . SeeFigure3-5A. AddBerg 6W474-001 (RTSX20074042M)) jumpers (10 total)bawcmJ33 pins: Switched Talk, Assign, Ch#1 4 2 13md4 25 4 6 37md8 49 md 10 511 md 12 613 md 14 715 md 16 817 md 18 919 md 20 10

    F w -5A8loB-'4.4 Talk ha i p u en t p

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    3.5.3 8lOB-AA Tally bsipwatsIn a mahix style 81OB-M , he tally betweeu sfations isdefeatedby unpluggingP17 .ndPI8 from themother810B-M, however, will self tally when a chaaael button is pushed on. See Figure 3-512. Add Bus wiretotal) to themother board in the following positions:SelfTally, Switch rY1

    F i -5C8 1 0 B MTally Assignments

    3.5.4 810BAADip Switch Assignments

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    3.6 CombinationsSystems 3.7 8108FeaturesThe Model 810B is designed so users have the option Each 810B unit conhius many built-in features. Tof combining several elements of a system to produce &on will expain their operation and u"custom"set-ups. Contact the factory for details. C O M ~ ~ ~ O D So these features.

    3.7.1 Dynamic MlerophoneHeadsetThis front-panel connector is provided for wanedw staudard headsets. This allows priw-tiom The comcetions for thiswnueetorshown in F i e -75.

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    3.72 Gooseneck Microphone (Optional)The gooseneck mic at t ach to the Model 810B frontpaneL RTS Systems supplies an elearet gooseneckmicrophone, which is specially designed for us. Thegooseneck microphone Wires are cnmcded to a 4 pinMolar plug labeled P22. P22 is comcbed to theModel 810B mother board through J22 which is a 4pin Molex connector. The pin-out descriptionis:Pi1 - mic hi/voItage supplyPi2 - n/cPin 3 - miclowPi4 chassisground3.73 Alternate EleebetMicrophone Conneetion(on rear panel, J103)This connection is used as a an alternate connectionto electret microphones. If the microphone. selectedrequires a different bias network, remove Jl03, R17,R18 anda. djust R81 (mic level pot) as desired.w uc as follows:

    3.7.4 Alternate Dynamic Microphone Goosene(on rear panel, 1103)When repbeing the electret goasneck micdynamic mic gooseneck do the foil* RRl, R18, CZ,C1 andU.Wire the gooseneck tas follows:P i 8 - michiPin9 - nfcPin7 - mic lowconnect shield to chassis of 810B3-75 ExternalHeadsek (on rear panel, J103)This is used as an extension to the fronDYNAMIC HEADSET CONNECTOR. Onamneaion to a headset may be used at a timemiaophone must be c o n n d with a seshielded cable to avoid electrical coupling headphone into the microphone. Do not connmiaophone ground and theheadset ground toTo disable the front panel dynamic headset con

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    3.76 Remote Microphone Switch(on rear panel J103)These fonnections are used as an external It is not affected by the MIC ON switch. Tbe outmicrophone switch such as a footswitch. Short these level i s 3 volts peak-to-peaknominaI. Comecxcontads to turn the microphone on The front-panel are &own in F i e -7.7.miaophone switch must be OFF. Wue externalswitch toJlO3 as s h m n Figure3-7.6. 3.78 Remote Spalru Switch (on rear panel, 11033.7.7 UnswitchedMicrophoneOutput (on rear Shorting the contacts the speaker on whenpane1J103) front-panel speaker switch is in the OFF positSee Figure3-73.These contacts provide a transformer-baknced line-level output from the miaophone preamplitier andlimiter.

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    In the standard factory conSguration 3103 pins 6 (Hi) and 9 (lo) are h t e t d y connected to the headamplifier output via jumper W2; this is the LISTEN OUT onfiguration. Pins 6 and 9 may be optconnected to the LISTEN SUM AMP output which precedes thevolume ewtroi, by removing jumper Wh t a b g umper W1; his is the TALK IN configuration. See F i e -7.9. The volume of the TAprogram will be controlled by the 810BMASTER VOLUME ontrol.

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    3.7.lO ExternalSpealcerOutputThis connector is the output from the speaker amplifier. Note that the output is on the TIP and SLEEthe 114"stereo phone plug. Connections are shown ia F w 7.10.


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    The micmphone limiter colltrol is used to adjust the outputof the microphone amplifier circuit. It is n o d y actoryset for 3 volts peak to peak output (at u4, pin 1). SeeFigure 3-7.11.

    The microphone gain colltrol is used when comedugmimuphones with output lev& differeat f'rom themicrophones normally supplied, or whm the user isunusually soft or i d n hismer spePLing voice. Ihsmimophone gain control, trim potR81, anbe adjusted forthe desired microphme pmmplifier gain. This coatrol isfactory-& at m id p o i See Figure 3-7.113.7.U Auto Spealrer On (Sl-3)On a Squawk style unit, this function is normally W r ympbledaudcllurestheextemnlspesLertotumonwheamy incoming signal is received at the assigned listmchanllel. The function is n o d y disabled in confelwlcestyle units. To disable the function, moveDIP switchS1-3

    The 'instant microphone on" function automaticon the microphone whea a station or TALKprassed,ev~wbeathefront-plmicswitcOFFpasitiOn. OnaSqupwksty1e,itisdyfactory for ON. The huctim is n o d y discollferrace style units. To disable the instant mioswitch S 1 4 to the OFF position. See Figwe 3-7.13.7.U SpealrerDim Enable (Sl-1 and 51-2)The speslrer dim M o n utomatically earblestwo ways (seeF i -7.12):1) with the MIC ON &h, when S1-1 is ONstyle) or,2) with the ALL TALK switch, when S1-

    (conference style).RS5 (speaker dim level pot) adjusts the level odim.3.7.16 SpealrerDim Adjambent

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    3 8 SpedalAppUcaUoms3111 Minimum VolumeThe minimum volume option prevents the volume mntrol from being turned all the way down or OK Toactbate this feature, cut the trace under R49 on circuit sideof 810B board see F w e 3-8.1. This affeas boththe headphone and speaker volume.

    ,*-. /*-.I \1 ' 1 'I I '\.-./r,+,+#,+ \.-/, ' y l l l l l l l l C /*-,

    \ - / I I I I l I I I I 1 ' Al L 4+#++ I I I V'.-, I I, , ,;-If7f I I r---1I 1 I I I I I r--'1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ I

  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    3.8.2 AutoAnswer Back 3.83 l n t u l s a toModel 802 Master StationThe AUTOANSWER BACK feature allows a personto respond to an incoming signal message withouthaving to press any buttons. To implement thisfeature in a standard 810B, install the jumpers listedin the table below.

    An 8108 pser stationmay be comebed to a M802 MASTER STATION. This allows 810B the sveaker and the miamhone in the ModTo a kmp l i s h this, see FG~.82. Set tLEVEL witch to MIC LVL and theMODE swmsw. Verify the intenmi i d e r witch on trear panel k selected o n TheAUX VOL conthe 802 front oanel will adiust the810B volume802 Verify that P1 switches and control potsadjustment board am ON.

    EV8-> 'IT8 Channel8EV9->TI9 Channel9EVlO ->lTlO Channel10After th e jumpers have been installed,verify S1-3 s inthe ON pooition.

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    3.8.4 Interface to 'IW Intercom Speaker Station 3.85 Arbihary System lntcrconnectionReqoimmentsAn 810B user station can be connected to a TWSpeaker Station that has the squawk option added. Other devices may also be co~ectedo the This allows the speaker aad the miaophone in the Before wmedq external deviw verify thTW Speaker station to be used in place of those on deviceb e i i connected does not exceed the rthe 810B. F v e -83shows the co~ections. the 810B.

    RMS3OO-SQ MODEL 810 8

    HEADPHONEP*IP 57 J103-

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    Figwe 3-8.5 lists the Model 810B front p e l opexatbg controls. The refacncs mmbers in this table correspocircled numbem in Figure 3-8.4.Ref& BaP2

    . clmldSelect Switches P u s h L l u t t o n ~ . S d c c t s w h i & c b s n n t l t h e ~ ~ t o t n l Lto.

    It ism alternate action@ushudpshhoff) craritch in-AA,-CL, or-5CTL configuration. It is a mommtarystion switchwhen used inthe squawk d g u d h .

    3 (Op t i d ) GwsmeckMic An electret gooeadcmicrophone for the 810B. Is activewbca thePANELMIC switch is pushed on.

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    3.8.7 Rear Pnael ConnectionsTable 3-8.6 below lists the 810B Opsrpting controls and d o t 1 6 ound on the mu pad. Ths ref-comespadto the circledmmbm in Figure 3-8.7.Table 3-8.4Ref.th &!B Descri~tim1 PWR IN, '3um&or JlOl A4-pincim~larcoaaedor.14volCsACat1.6pmpaisrequirsa t p i n s 2 m d 3 , t o o p a s t e t b a d ADCpowerslqrplycrmbauseCoptsCtbrtOryfor-infomath.2 AUXILLARYCONNECIIONS, 1103 A 2 5 p i n f e m d e ~ ' ~ . H . s d o n s f o r E x ~Redset, UnswitchedMic, Rcm,te SpaLa Switch. RcmoteMicPPadMic, a n d ~ f o r s p e c i r l ~ o n s .3 POWER AMP O W TOLOUDSPEAKER ConecdorJla 1 / 4 * s t e r r o ~ j a c k , i s t h e o u t p r t ~mextcnnlspeplar.4 LINE CONNECTION,J102 A 50p'mmicm-ribboa camoztm. Thisis the lint inputloutput

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    SECTION 4: THEORY OF OPERATION4.1 IntmductionSection Four is a descsiptim of how the 810B 6ystemworlcsaswdasthe~onofeachuni t .4.2 Systan Tbeorg4.2.1 Sjgnsl PathsA typical system masists of Model SlOB squawk stylestations,m 865 Ceatrnl Matrix and inUraamctiq 50-conductor cables. In each Model 810B usez station them. n lO i d e a t i c a l t s lW l i s tm ~ e l s . T b e s e l O ~ r u eMnnected togetha throughaut the svhole systeal. Thusc h a a a e l 1 i n ~ o n # 1 , i s c h a n n e l 1 i n a U o t h rM o d e l810B's in the system Any station may talk M call to m ychamel. For a station to receive a call, he listen amplifiermust be connected to (usually by a umper) the channel the~ w i ~ t o h e r r .n~stmdudsqunwLcoufiguratimePchstationisdediutcdtoherronly~ch.nned.In a wderma? style system, all channels ue

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    4.3 Model 810BOverallAmetionnlDcseriptimFor this dkusdon, please referto p g e 1 of tbe schematicSD5732. Beginning with the uppa efi-haud aide tbas shave the El& Bias Nehvork. The stmdud pawlmirropbont is a g d lectret condmsff mMIC Select allows bdwea! the headset mic or thegoceaeckmic.TbsM1cPrtamplifiestbemi~Signaltoalinclevdsignal. R43 is the limitor adjust. The limiter coatrols tbegaiu of the mic pre. R81 antrols the gain before imiting.The elwhunic mic switch is coatrolledby Mic Logic: MiclogkiscoatroUedbyPin9anddetermineswhatherthemicwill be tunedm or off. The shndard in- is from thefnmt-pmd MIC switch .ad themVi mid stripREMOTE MIC SWITCH 1103~ .ad 10. Whm S1-4i s i n t h e ONp o s i t i o n , t h em ~w i U t um o nwh e n e v a achannel select button is pmssed. This faPtun is calledI d m t Mic. TJw MS1 input can also be used to turn themicon. Ifanyofthassfeshucsared1edthemicwil lbeon. AUofthesefeahues~beoffforthemictotumoff.

    fnnnotherstationswiU,howcver,pp.88ththepot i s~tedtotbt l i s t eauapl i f i~f . sLblodrdinpnm, t h e ~ on op aa t o rw i l l b e ab l ecrllsonthatcbmnel. I n a s t m d u d ~ d g ueschst.tianisjumprrdtomonitocmecb.lmoonfezeacestylesydsm,eachlistmtrp(LT)istbroughtheswitchmodule~tothe~sumThus, w h w e r r ehsrmcl select button is pr&comspoading chmaelwill behead.TbtlistmsumuaplifiasumsalltbeaudiocominTheoutput fromtbeListeaSumAmplifiafeedspanel volume pot. It contmls the. l d oinHeoaphoasAmpIaa.The front psmel volume pot also feeds thespeaker switch which feeds the buffer amplifier tthe sperker amplifier. The speaker jack 11, VmcaMectstoan~~te.n%l l~er.The elechnic sp.lra switch is conhulled by p ~ n e l peak switch, the rear-@ REM SPKthe lamp module if S1-3 is in tbe on position. Sspeaka override switch. Whemver a call is d

  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual



    This section provides mrvice idomation fo r normPlmsintaumce, factoryperf- tests aud tmub1-i n f o d o n .

    Thss d c i n g iMhuctioM aIe fo r qualified pasonnclonly. TO W O ~ccrric shock, do aot perf- pnyservicing other tlwn that contained in the opmting~ o M d ~ q u s l i f i e d t o d o s o .

    WARNING: D i ower before serviciag.

    A m s s To get inside the MODEL 810B, mscms n the top and bottom coven. Slidecovers

    Clean the outside of the Mcdel 810B with dalcohol or a mild solution of d m ud waterthe nkxior with dry, low pmme air. The ckucaa be cleanedwithW- or Freon TF.sUoutbpsCor.~~~&cntstogetintothepots

    EquipmeatNeedcd (seeFigure 5-2,Teat Set-Up)- Voltagemdcurrcatmeteredvariable voltage~ f ~ ,VARIAC', "POWERSTAT",etc- TW C hm d Oscillarcope, 15 mbaadu.idtb.- Audio Si@ - 20-20 kil-- AC volW with decibel ~ d g i a g l 6 0 0- RTSMCP10101810BT& Fixture (SD2743).FigureEl.

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    4-PIN XLR



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    , 7""SIG GEN MCP1010/810TEST FIXTURE(SD2743). .- . .-

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    1Note:If the RTS test fixture is not available, the testing may beperformd by cmaecting the test equipmeat to the pointsonthe810Btobetestedusingthetest~torsof~gun5-3.And forparts rep-t:Tamperahascontrolled soldering iron, andRosim core, 60140 &tion, solder.

    W NOTUSE SOmER P m !

    SchematicD i , DS732, SD5606Figure 5-3 Model 810BTest conuedoasFigure 5-2 Model 810B Test Set-upFigure 5-1 Model 810B Test F i x M

    V i y nspect the board for proper I.C.'s md fuse (2amp slow blow)

    With an isolated meter,mtssure the voltage scroIt should be 45 millivolts DC.Messunthevol tage.crossC306orC307. Its16.0+ .5 volts, DC.Mersun the voltage snoss C308. It should be 12volts, DC.Messun the voltage at the output of U302. It 6.0 +0.3 volts, DC.AU lights shouldbe on dim.5.4.3 MkrophoaeReamplifierAnd IKmiterApply a 123 millivolt peak to peak, 1,000 He&the fmnt-pand microphone camnestor by settinggmentorswitchonthetestfixhuetoMIC. Thebechefksdbysett ingthemctalscopeswitchtove&jsignalonthesoope. Connectthescopepmpin 1. Adjust R43 for 3.3 volts peak to peak. USM Output

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    Repeat for outputs2 through L i i electIf testing a squawk style 810B, add Dadregs jumper forchnanel 1 ( i i nto J401), pins 1-2 pre chpMel1,pins 3-4uachmel2.etc.Repmt for channels 2 through 10 setting, d g heDadregsjumperinthe ' position. Inset addletsjumper n c w posZZTie mic switch shouldoff. Set the signal gmerotor switch to lint md the signallavelto2voltSpf!aktoperk. Setthetestfixturelineswitchtochpnnell. Set theswpeswitchtoHPdtumthe volume level up half way. Depress tllL c h d 1button.Thesignal should appear at the headphone output.5.4.5 Listeah mpConnect the o s c i l l v o pin 7 of U3. Connect a 1voltpeak to peak, 1,000Hertzsignnl to E62 using the probe on

    5-4.6 S w mp, Exteraal Speplrer Jspeaker ON-OFF switehI n s a t t h e E XT S P K Rp l u gf r om t h e h e f i xh umr-pad EXT SPKR jack. Set the isc copEXTSPKR. Turnthevolumnp50%.Veriry signal is being applied to E62 ( 1volt pealKHz) push on the spsrker switch. The oushouldgo to 8 volts p-p before dipping. Checkof the speaker switch. Verify that the speaker swi s o n b x i g h t w h e n t h e ~ i s p u s h e d o n d dthespsrfraswitchispwhedoff.Connectm 8 ohm speaker to thePOWER AMP OSet SPKR switch to OFF position. Twn onDIP3 (AUTO SPKR ON). Press the 8lOB test fbutton#l. Asywprassbutton#l,switch#lonbeiig teated should brighten. Tum up volume pthe1,OOOHertztame;throughtheextsmnlspeakthe SPKR SW light on he 810B brighten. Rdmf ixturedbuttonsndthetoneahwld~. Tmdchrnaelswi~onthe81OBbsingtestadsho

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    5.4.9 EeadphooeAmpS e t t h e ~ I ~ s w i t c h t o H P .utascopeprobe.crmsJ103 pins 6 aad 19. Inmuse thevolume control aad checkforheadphmesignslourpurof8voltspeaktopeakbefaeclippingoccurs. Set the test fixture MFTWSCOPE switchto HP. Increrss tbe volume collrrol until clippiag occursontheheLdpbaoeoutput. 'IkehgdpbolreIcvdsbwldbe8volts peak to psk befm dipping.

    If umper W2 (listm out) is installed in the 810B, verifythtthesigasll.velb.hmeclpins6.rd19ofJ103istbtspmeastbebeDdphontoutput. SfjumperWl( ta lk0l r t ) i sinstsued in the SlOB, the sip4 behuem pins 6d 9 of1103 should be fixed at 6 volts peak to peak. Only onejumper(WlorW2)&ouldbeiastdIedntatims. WZi snormally installed in st.odud units.

    Check with sn ohm nxter, at 1109 pins 9 through 19 forcontinuitywith rhe dp lm i c headphone camstiom on thefront p a d . Check continuity at JlO9 with the psnclMIC

    Put a 1000W ignal t h q h the spcrlier. SwitpPtlCl SPKR switch to OFF. Sbat the urmio.Ls oONlOFF CONTROL ( p ' i 5 aad 18 of J103). Thoutput should come on and the spcplrsr switchbrightea. RcmDve the &nt. Th peslar mitcdimrmdthespaLerqUier

    InaSquawkstyleunit,thefoUowhgdipswitchdected ON = Switch S1-1, S1-3 & S1-4. Swisoff.In a mdexmce810B unit, dip switch S1-1 is on.S1-2, S1-3 & S1-4a ff.For special 8lOB units, check the schematic for yas o the selection of dip switch fundions.In a mixed SqunwklCONF style 810B uuit, lbdip switches rreselected ON = Switches S1-2, S14. Switch S1-1 is off.

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    lais section contoins parts lists. d nstmctia~or oduhg npLccmmt parts. 'Ibs Parts List is divided intoli. isted below in 6.1.1 Division of PadsLists. Immtdi.talv followinn the dwxi~tionf a oert is themMIfSuppliercagea& tor each um-6.1.1 Diricioa OfPartsList Into Sub-- LidsModel 810B6.4 F i ly, Model 810B6.5 Reu Pawl ksscmbly, Model 810B6.6 Qssris Assembly, Mahl810B6.7 SwitchBoard, Model 810B6.8 MothsrbDPrQ Model81OBModel 8656.9 F i d Assembly, Model 865

    6.10 F i ssembly, Power Supply ForModel 810B62HawToObtainParts

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    1 Wnsha, nylon shoulder SmithPIN 26684 W a s h , lock #8, intend tooth4 Nut, Hex Kep 6-324 Screw, 4-40 x 114' PanHD, hil, Yd Cad4 Screw, 6-32 x 318' Bind Hd,Phil, Cad4 Scraw, 8-32 x 1/2' PanHd, Phil,Ye1CadAIR Sbrhk slewing, 114' Blk Fit22111 J -Gold Plate Bern 65474-001AIR Cabie,2 C u d shielded-LOWnoise. Beldm 9452AIR Win, 24 Awg BlWWhite, TwkIdR, IPVC UL100714 Lms Cap, PkcClear EAO 99-921.714 LcgmdPlw, kcWh. EAO 99-908.91 Fuse, 2 Amp Slo-Blo Bushman MDL-26.5 RearP a d Aswrbly, Model81OB -9020-564940

    Lug, older#6 Smith 1416-6

    RTS Part Number1006MK14M)low-oo27-0010074002-0010084023001008-6013-00100&8025-001301-0001-0020074042-002503M)04-002506a03-002705-0005-00270&0011-002801-0009-00


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    6.8 Rinted CircuitAssembly, MothaboPrd,Modei 810B -9 0 3 0 - ~k f DeMiDtionC14 Capacitor, d c iac, rsdial1OOpfIlkvoltsC15 capacitor, ceamicmmo, rndisl.2uf/50voltsCl6 Capacitor, ceamicmono, radial .luf/50 voltsC17 NotusedC18 Capacitor, taatalum, radial luf135 voltsC19 Not usedCzO Notuseda 1 capacitor, canmic disc, radial .OOZZuflloOvC22 capacitor, d c ono, radial. ufl50 voltsC23 Capacitor, nylnr, dial .Wluf/lOO voltsC24 N o t dCZS h i t o r . electro rPdifllOuf/25 voltsC?6 C&itor; canmicmmo, rPdirl .Zuf/50vCZ7 CPpscitor, el&tro 10ufl16 voltsC28 CIDscitor, electro .Oluf150volts~ d tsed -

    Not usedCapacitor, electro 47uf116 voltscapacitor, d c ono, radial .luf/50 voltsCapwitor, tantalum, radial luf135 voltsCapacitor, cledro 47Ouf116 volts

    RTS Pnrt N*

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    Cl l lCll2


    htd CircuitAssembly,Motbsbosrd,Model 810B 9030-5732-00Desamtioncapacitor, ccnmicmolm, radial .luf/50voltscapacitor, ceramicmono, Rdid .luf/50 voltscapacitor, ceramicmono, dial .luf/50 voltscapacitor,Poly Film luf150voltscapacitor, dcctro47W16 voltscapacitor, elecho 10uf116voltscapacitor, tmtrl~rm,a um5 vohacapacitor, onmicmono, Rdirl.2dISOvcapacitor,PolyFilm l a 0 oltscapacitor, dc&ud i a l 1OOOaf/16voltsCapacitor, onmicmono, d i a l .022uf/lOOvcapacitor, ceramic caPmio, radial. uf150voltsCapacitor,&ctm 1/50voltscapacitor, csrsmio disc, radial33pft50voltscapacitor, elecho, 47uft10voltscapacitor, ceramicmono, radial. uft50 voltscapacitor, dectro 1/50voltscapacitor, ceramicdisc, radial33pf/SOvoltsc.ppcitor,dectro, 47uft10voltscapacitor, ceramicmono, radial . ufI50volts

  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    6.8 Printed CircuitAssembly,MotborboPrd,Model 810B 9030-573-m ~ t i ~Capacitor, eledm, 47ufI10 voltscapacitar, ceramicmono, radial .luflM vdtsCapacitor, electro 1/50 voltsCapncitor,ceramic disc, d i a l 33pf150 voltsc.pscirOr, lectro, 47ufI10 voltsCPpscitor,ceramicmono, radial .lufI50 voltsCPpritor,Cenmicmono, radial .luf/50 vdtsCapacitor, csnmicmono, ndid .lufI50 voltsCapacitor, ceramicmono, radial .lufl50 voltsNot usedNot usedcapacitor, ceramicdisc .Oluf/lkvCapacitor, ceramic disc .Oluf/lkvCapacitor, ceramicdisc .Oluf/lkvCapacitor, csnmic disc .Oluf/lkvCapacitor, electro, PXirl22OOuf125capacitor, electm, axial22aOufmCapacitor, electro, axial2200uflZSCapacitor, elcctro lOOOufI16VCapacitor, ceramicmono, radial .2uf/SOvCapacitor, ceramicmno, radial .2ufl5Ov

    RTS PutN u d q

  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    ~ N Iapo!a m~ N IIpota L~ N IF a 9~ N I-!a n~ N IF a IWNI *?a o~ N I-?a 6~ N Iapo!a s~ N ITOW Lm ~ tm a 9~ N I-?a s~ N I+?a m~ N Iopo?a ~ N I-!a z~ N I-!a I~ N I-!a o~ N I?po!a c~ N I-?a 8~ N I=POW L~ N IVW 9

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    PosnWN Pasn WNPaSn WNpasn *ON F=" ION nld 91: 0~t-119s9- apgHoz 'OZP-119s JapgHposnWN3d8PIINx 'T*f j?Y

    LLSE'IEOnva -9~s ' ~YMHX ' J T I ~ ~ Im a I~ N I-!a SW N I apo!a P~ N I+!a E~ N I*a Z~ N I-!a 1~ N Iv!a OW N I ?po!a 6m ~ ~ ' a p o O~ N Iapo?a Lm N I -!a 9

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    6.8 Printed Circuita b l y , MotherboPtd, Model 810B 9QJQ5l3Z-W

    19 Not used110 Not used111 Notused112 Not used113 Not used114 Not used115 Not used116 Not used117 Header. Berg 65611410118 Header, Berg 65611410119 N o t d120 Notused121 Clam, d e x 9-74-1041.4pinI22 &nu, molex 09-74-1041.4pin123 Comq molcx 09-74-1041,4pin124 COM, olex 09-74-1031,3 pin125 Header, &rg 65000-210,U) pin126 co00, olcx 09-74-1031,3 p h127 Herds,Berg 65611410128 Not used129 Not used

    PTS Part Number

  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    6.8 Printed Circuit a b l y , Motberbonrd, Model 810B 9030-LmMO

    R21 Redst01 CF 5% 112w 10ohmsR22 ResistorCFlI4~5%2ZkilohmsR23 NotusedR24 ReeistoICF 114w 5%3.3 kilohmsR25 Resistm CF 114W 5% 68kilohmsR26 RssistorCF1/4~5%22kilohms

    Nor usedR d & x CF 114w 5%56kilohmsResisrorCF 11 4 ~ 5 % 2 o hResistor@ 1 1 4 ~ 5 %.1MohmsResistor@ 1 1 4 ~ 5 %2kilohmsRedst01CF 1 1 4 ~ 5 %40ohmsResistorCF 1 1 4 ~ 5 %kilohmsResistorCF 114w 5% 100kilohmsNot usedNot usedRedstor CF 114w 5%22 kilohmsResistor CF 114w 5%240 ohms

    RTS PartN u m k

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    R71 Not usedR72 Not usedR73 Not&


    Not usedRssistorCFl/Zw5% looohmsResistor CF 114w 5% 120 ohmsResistorCF114~5%220ohmsRcsistoi CF 114w 5% 100 dunsResistorCF 1 1 4 ~ 5 % kilohmsPot, trim linesr Piher PTClOLVP500KA 500 kildunsRcsistoiCF 1 1 4 ~ 5 %0ldlohmsNot usedNot usedPot, Trim Audio Piher PTIOVVPZOKA 20 kilohmsResistorCF 1 1 4 w 5 % 2 2 k i I ~ResistorCF1/4w5% lkilohmsResistorCF 114w5%39 ohmResistor CF 114w 5% 1kilohmsResistorCF 114w 5% 22 kilobmaRtsistor CF 114w 5%22 kilohmsOp t i d

    RTS Part Number

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    intedC i t ssenbly, Motkbomd, Model 810B 9030-932-00

    ResistorMF 114w 1% 0 k i l o bRtsistorCF 1 1 4 ~ 5 %00ohmsPot Trim linePrmmet ,PTClOLVP20KA 20 kilohmsPot TrimPiher PTlOLwlOK 10kilohmsRcsistorCFl/4~5%ZiohmsResistorMP 114w1%60.4 kilohms

    Resistor CF 114w5%100ohmspot rim lineucarmet PTCIOLVP~OKA kilohmsPot rim pibsr PTIOLV~IOK 10m h m sRcsistorCF 1 1 4 ~ 5 %2ohmsResistor MF 114w 1% 60.4 kilohms

    Resistor CE 114w 5% 100ohmspot rim line~rmmet ,PTC~OLVP~OKAkilohmsPot TrimP i TlOLwlOK 10 kilohms

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    6.8 PrintedC i t Assanbly, Motkboad , Model810B 9030-573240&f DescriutimR206 ResistorCF114~5%1000hmsRUYl PotTrim linsprcermet PTClOLVPU)KA 20 kilohmsR208 RasistorCF114~5%22kilohmsR209 RssistorCF114~5%22kilobmsR2lO Resistor CF 114w 5%22 kilobmsR211 ResistorCF 1 1 4 ~ 5 %2kilohmsR212 ~ C F 1 1 4 w 5 % 2 2 k i l o h m sR213 Resistor CF 11 4~ 5%2kilohmsR214 Resistor CP 114w5%22 kilohmsR215 Rssistor CF 114w 5%22 kilohmsR216 ResistorCF1/4~5%22kilobmsR217 Resistor0 114w5% 22 kilobmsR218 Not&R219 NotusedR220 Resistor CF 114w 5% 22 kilohmsR301 RssissorCF 114w5%22 kilohmsR302 Resistor CF 114w 5% 22 kilohmsR3m Resistor CF 114w 5% 22 kilohmsR304 ResistorCF114~5%22kilohmsR305 RssistorCF114wSA W k i l o b

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    6.8 PrintedC i t ssenbly, Motberbosrd, Model 810B 9030.573200

    R416 ResirtorCF114~5%22kilohmsR417 RtsistorCF1/4~5%22kiIohmsR418 Raristor CF 114w 5%22 kilohtllrR419 Resistor CF 114w 5%22 kilohmsR420 RcsistorCF114~5%22kilohmsResistorcp 1 1 4 ~ 5 %2kilohmResistorCF 1 1 4 ~ 5 %2kilobmsResistor- 1 1 4 ~ 5 %2LilohmsResistorcp 1 1 4 ~ 5 %2kilohmsResistorCF 1 1 4 ~ 5 %2kilOhmsRss'iCF 1 1 4 ~ 5 %2kilohmsResistotCF 1 1 4 ~ 5 %2MOhmsResistor CF 1 1 4 ~ 5 %2kilohmsRgistorCF 114w5%22LilohansResistorCF114~5%22ldlohmsResistorCF 1 1 4 ~ 5 %2ldlohmsResistor CF 114w 5%100 kilohmsResistorCF 1 1 4 ~ 5 %2kilohmr

  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    6.8 Rinted C d t Assembly, M o t b b d , Model 810B 9030-513200

    I.C., Analog switch RCA, CD4053BEI.C., VoltageRag. TL317C. LM317LZI.C., NE5532N. SigneticsI.C., NE5532N. Si@csNot usedI.C.. LM380N-8, ationalNo usedI.C., T d , M383A-T01, N a t i dI.C., Tmnsi&r, LM383A-T01, N a t i dNot uscd-~I.C., NES532N, S i g n&~I.C.. NES532N, SignetifsI.C., NE5532N, Si@aLC., NES532N. Si@csLC., NE5532N. SigDeticsI.C., NES532N. SimeticsI.c.; ~ 5 3 2 ~ ;i a c sI.C.. NES532N. Sides. ~ ' ----~:--I.C., NE5532N. SignetlcsI.C., NE5532N. Signetics

    RTS PartNumbq

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    6.8 RintedC i t stmMy, Model 810B 9030-Sn2

    XU1 I.C.sockstBurndy DIL16P-108,16 pinXUZ NosocketXU3 I.C.sockstBumdyDIL8P-108.8 pinXU4 LC.sockstBumdy DmP-108. 8pinXU5 NotusedXU6 I.C.Sock&BwndyDIL8P-108.8 pim

    XU10 ~ o t dXU11 I.C.Soclrst Bumdv DIL8P-108.8 in- - -

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    ogSF, hex 6-32 x 9/16. Amptom 8216-A432Scrrw, 4-40 x 114' slotS c m ~ ,-32 x 314' paaM, hil, blackScrew,8-32 x 314' flatM, hil, blrk ox~p .m ,ex 6-32 x 1in. Smith, 8429Wrsber, flat 6-32 Nylon Smith, 2515Nut, Irep, 440Scrrw, 4-40 x 318' paa,M, lot, cad'Ih- 6-32 x 1/2' Smith 2366Screw, 6-32 x 318' dot,panMRBiaor, CF,114w, +5%, 200 ohmCorm, femslc50 pin 57-205004c.bleussmblyconnstor, 0pin 3M 34736010connstor, 0 pin mPls 3M 3564-1002Connector, 50 pin female3M 3565-1000ARibbon cable 50d pectn843 1352801050-pPndemu. stab. plateT ed m ti n g plug rrscmbly

    RTS PutNumber10014023-001008-4019-001008-8009-001008-801(Ml1001MX)6M)1006-0019-0010084CS-001008-6002-001008-6022-001 r n - r n S D2008MXn-009020-2622-00m 4 0 3 g O O200gOOll-002008-0013-002 S O 1 ~ 1 - 0 09080-2619-009100-1942-009020-2919-00

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    TbeModel 865 is m electronic coupmeat used to allowt h e 8 1 O M n s t c r S t a t i ~ l l l t o h r v c a c r o s s ~ t a l l yfeature. This feahm is only available whm the 810stationsaredinasqumrksysUmarraogemeat.The Model 865 is a passive ~mit, ontPining all of thed ~ a n d s i g n r l m u t i a g a e c c a ~ r y t o r m t s t h etally feature. Thgc are no h e echmics on thesingle circuit board, md a power supply is not rsquiredtooperPtsthslmit.AUoftheradiosignalsuebussedfmmcomectortommector. All of the logic signals that oolLPtilute thetallys are cross connected on the printed circldt board;this mMixing of sip& reqPirrs dl 810's to becomrected to their v t i v e fdQsss amuectom on the865. Forexample, f au 810 is set to d v e ignalsonswitch positicm #4, then it must be plugged into J4 onthe 865.

    The Model 865 is designed to moPnt in a rts19" equipmat&. Securelyhstm the 865using 4 screws placed thrwgh he frmt p a dboles.The865un be placed anywhere in a ncL; hchoosing a mtd loation between the MMuaa Stationscable imgthscanbe minimize

    Rgllove the cable kcapers fmm the backumm+ag the thmbmm. Plug the ablconnector locations. The 11 ~refa to the Model 810 Masreceive addressnllmbers.Itis impoNnttoinsurease~ure~tioncables and the comeaos. Geatly wiggle eamake sun, t is in plam. When dl of theconnected, -lam the cable keepas.necssnry to use a piece of rubber or oth

  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual



    OD 2625 OutlineDming. Model 865CeaeP1Motiix. .......................................................9ILL6505 Illustration. MuAer Station& Related Cmponeats.Model 810B.................................0OD5729 OutlineDnwing.Master Station, Model 810B.......................................................1AS5606 Assermbly Drawing. P.C.B. Switchbod. Model 810B............................................ 2sD5606 S c h d c Disgmm. Switchbod.Model 810B...................................................... 83sD5732 SchematicDingrpm. F u n c t i d Blodi -on, Model 81OB. sht 1of 6 ................4SD5732 Schsmptic Diagram, Micmphom PrrampISwitching. Model 810B. ht2 of 6..................85SD5732 Schematic Din- HeodphonelSpeakerAmps &PowerSupply.Model 810B. sht 3 of 6...86

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  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


    I I II


    i. .4L Dl-5 r n z Wo34NOTES: JEe SUEST 6--



  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual


  • 7/28/2019 810B Service Manual
