8 ps march 2012 photo art credits1

Artist: Chad Huniu was born and raised in Orange County, California, but his photos show off his love for the Pacific Northwest. Huniu experiments with both film and digital photography, but he manages to keep a consistent vintage and surreal feeling with both. His hazy, dreamlike pictures evoke a world trapped somewhere between the sunny, Los Angeles beach scene and the wooden wilderness of Oregon and Washington, where Huniu now lives. Huniu’s photography never strays far from the ocean, be it the coasts of Southern California or Western Oregon. But Huniu’s vision of the beach is not the laid back, California stereotype of the Beach Boys or the surf scene. Huniu’s beach photos are sadder and more lonely--from his images of a rotting sea lion to his black and white picture of his girlfriend standing behind logs of drift wood. Even Huniu’s photo of three CPR dummies makes the life guard training tools look corpse-like, bizarre and disturbing. Chad Huniu currently lives in Oregon, where he studies creative writing and plays music with his band, Daddy Longlegs. photography/art credits 8-1 4-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18 ps+

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ps + C had Huniu was born and raised in Orange County, California, but his photos show off Chad Huniu currently lives in Oregon, where he studies creative writing and plays music with his band, Daddy Longlegs. Artist:


Page 1: 8 ps march 2012 photo art credits1


Chad Huniu was born and raised in Orange County, California, but his photos show off his love for the Pacific Northwest. Huniu experiments with both film and digital photography, but he manages to keep a consistent vintage and surreal feeling with both. His hazy, dreamlike pictures evoke a world trapped somewhere between the sunny, Los Angeles beach scene and the wooden wilderness of Oregon and Washington, where Huniu now lives.

Huniu’s photography never strays far from the ocean, be it the coasts of Southern California or Western Oregon. But Huniu’s vision of the beach is not the laid back, California stereotype of the Beach Boys or the surf scene. Huniu’s beach photos are sadder and more lonely--from his images of a rotting sea lion to his black and white picture of his girlfriend standing behind logs of drift wood. Even Huniu’s photo of three CPR dummies makes the life guard training tools look corpse-like, bizarre and disturbing.

Chad Huniu currently lives in Oregon, where he studies creative writing and plays music with his band, Daddy Longlegs.

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