8 effective ways to verbal articulation

Effective Ways to Verbal Articulation Madhuram Yadav Marketing & Communication

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Page 1: 8 Effective Ways to Verbal Articulation

Effective Ways to Verbal Articulation

Madhuram Yadav

Marketing & Communication

Page 2: 8 Effective Ways to Verbal Articulation


Know Your Subject Speak on matters where you are able to bring more clarity to

others or help add to the discussion.

Let others speak about things that they are an expert in and add to that discussion through articulate questions. Do your research and know the alternative perspectives but be willing to quit sharing when you move outside your current knowledge.

If you don't know your subject well but have to speak on it, then extensive research will help you sound like you know your stuff.

References – Wikihow.com

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Think before you speak.

This helps to eliminate the verbal pauses and may prevent you from saying something that does not make sense.

It's okay if this slows you down a bit. In fact, pausing before you give a real answer will make you look more thoughtful and intelligent than someone who just blurts out a string of nonsensical phrases as soon as a question is posed.

If someone asks you a question and you really want to think it through, don't be afraid to say, "Come back to me in a minute. I need to gather my thoughts." You will sound much more prepared after you have time to think.

References – Wikihow.com

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Expand your vocabulary

Using a variety of words that mean that same thing creates more interest and color in your speech.

If you do not understand the words you read, consult a dictionary or thesaurus. The easiest way to expand your vocabulary is to read, read, read.

Knowing synonyms for words can be helpful, but you should make sure you use them correctly instead of using a word you've only ever seen in a dictionary aloud for the first time.

You can create vocabulary flashcards and quiz yourself. Make a goal of learning ten new words a week.References – Wikihow.com

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Use real words Shun slang and contractions.

Instead of hi, use hello, instead of yeah, use yes.

Never use huh, uh-huh unless in the context of a story or event….if you're giving a formal or even semi-formal presentation, then it's important to use intelligent, full words.

Avoid too many contractions (say "I cannot" instead of "I can't") and speak in complete sentences as much as you can, unless you are not doing so for effect.References – Wikihow.com

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Use correct grammar.

Study the proper uses of the words following words: I, me, him, his, he, no, not.

When reiterating a fact you already stated, always say "as I said", never, "like I said". Here are some other tricks to know:

You should say, "He and I were discussing…" instead of "Him and I were discussing…"

You should say, "You can give your report to her or me," instead of "You can give your report to her or I."

You should say, "Such as…" instead of "like…"References – Wikihow.com

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Exude confidence.

If you want to sound articulate and intelligent, then you have to look confident when you deliver your message.

Make eye contact with the audience, sound like you really mean what you say, and speak loudly enough for people to hear you. If you seem comfortable with your message and like you believe in your words, instead of second-guessing yourself, then people will be more likely to believe in it too.

Make your sentences sound firm and decisive. Don't end your sentences with a question or with turning up your voice slightly, or you'll sound like you're constantly asking for affirmation.References – Wikihow.com

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Be more concise

Saying more by saying less can make some people shut down or quit listening.

Add content to discussions that is as condensed as possible without being vague.

Talking until you get to your point will ensure half of your audience has already tuned out.

State your point up front and people will know what you are trying to elaborate about.

If you have to give a speech and there's a time limit, don't squeeze in the thirty thoughts that come to your head. Pick the three most important ideas, and elaborate on those.

References – Wikihow.com

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Eliminate verbal pauses

Words such as um, a, like, etc... degrade and detract from what you say.

They disturb the flow of a sentence and make it detached.

A nonverbal pause is much better.

When floundering for words, a nonverbal pause, placed correctly, gives the listener the effect of a dramatic or studied thought. It confirms your control over what is being said.

Speaking more slowly, eliminating distractions, and making eye contact will also help you stick to your message.

References – Wikihow.com

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