7.vina serevina andry fitrian

EVALUATION IN PHYSICS LEARNING PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS ABOUT OBJECTIVES, FUNCTIONS AND BENEFITS PLANNING ASSESSMENT Student : Andry Fitrian Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb. Lecturer : Dr.Ir.Vina Serevina Master Program Of Physics Education State University of Jakarta 2014

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Student :Andry Fitrian

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Lecturer :Dr.Ir.Vina Serevina

Master Program Of Physics EducationState University of Jakarta


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• Source: Joyce, Bruce. 2009. Model-model Pengajaran. Pustaka Pelajar Page 7

• Teachers are human resources become planners, perpetrators and decisive achievement of educational goals. Thus, the main role of the teacher in teaching is a reliable print learners

• to determine the level of difficulty of learning of the material that has been taught to them or to measure the success rate of students themselves. Because if the absence of an assessment plan can, then the teacher will have difficulty in assessing and achieving the expected learning objectives.


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Summary of


1. Are the objectives, benefits, and functions of the planning assessment? 2. The problem of what is

going on in education-related purposes, benefits

and functions of the planning assessment and

what solutions are offered to solve the problem?

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1) PURPOSEPlanning assessment done so that we do the assessment in accordance with the objectives that have been planned

2) Benefits• Become guidelines for evaluators to through every stage of the

evaluation process. • Assist evaluators to decide the type of information required by both

the evaluator and the stakeholders themselves. • Maintain order not to waste your time collecting information that is

not so necessary because of the definite planning guidelines. • Assist in identifying methods and strategies most appropriate to

gather the information needed. • Help you make the determination of reasonable and realistic time

for evaluation. • The most important, the evaluation plan will help you improve your

efficiency evaluation program.

DISCUSSION planning Assessment

Source: Mukhtar. 2003. Desain Pembelajaran PAI. Jakarta: CV. Misaka Galiza. P. 147-148 Rahmah, Sitti. 2011. Hakikat Islam. http://rahmahpgsd.blogspot.com/2012/02/hakikat-islam.html. Diunduh tanggal 20 Februari 2014

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3) Function1. Organizing is the process of learning to manage all

aspects related to the learning that regularly organized.

2. Think more creatively to develop the student what to do.

3. Establish the means and facilities to support learning.4. Mapping indicators of learning outcomes and how to

achieve it.5. Designing programs to accommodate the needs of specific

students. 6. Communicating processes and learning outcomes.

DISCUSSION planning Assessment

Source: Erni, Laswinda. 2012. Perencanaan Evaluasi Pengajaran. http://ernilaswinda.blogspot.com/2013/01/perancanaan-evaluasi-pengajaran-makalah.html. Diunduh tanggal 21 Februari 2014

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problems: A teacher did not make teaching with lesson plans, so that when the value of the teacher's decision to give value to the original

• solution: According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers claimed that competence is a set of knowledge, skills, and behaviors that must be owned, lived, and controlled by the teacher or lecturer professionalism in carrying out the task.

Issues regarding assessment planning purposes

Planning Assessment

Source: Fajar, Ibnu. 2012. Guru Profesional. http://ibnufajar75. wordpress.com/2012/12/27/empat-kompetensi-yang-harus-dimiliki-seorang-guru-profesional/. Diunduh tanggal 21 Februari 2014

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problems: A teacher assessment planning, but in the teaching of each semester to make mistakes the same teaching concept is wrong. Whereas in the assessment plan contains the error

• solution: The teacher should look at re-evaluation he had done. There should be a teaching tool as each controller has a previous semester evaluation materials

Issues regarding the benefits of the planning assessment

Planning Assessment

Source: Fajar, Ibnu. 2012. Guru Profesional. http://ibnufajar75. wordpress.com/2012/12/27/empat-kompetensi-yang-harus-dimiliki-seorang-guru-profesional/. Diunduh tanggal 21 Februari 2014

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problems: A teacher made lesson plans, but at the time of continuous teaching notes on the board, making it difficult for students to understand the lesson the teacher

• solution: Is correct the teacher makes the lesson plan, but in reality the RPP unused, one of the functions of the planning assessment is the process of communicating and learning outcomes.

Issues regarding the assessment of planning functions

Planning Assessment

Source: Fajar, Ibnu. 2012. Guru Profesional. http://ibnufajar75. wordpress.com/2012/12/27/empat-kompetensi-yang-harus-dimiliki-seorang-guru-profesional/. Diunduh tanggal 21 Februari 2014

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conclusion• Planning assessment done so that we do the

assessment in accordance with the objectives that have been planned. In order for the assessment to effectively and efficiently. Planning here is a systematic and repeatable process that is planned and implemented jointly by the whole school community. In this case, the evaluation is an important dimension of education. Evaluation of educational programs can be regarded as a process monitoring and adjustment desired by the evaluators in determining or improving the quality of education.

Source: Dhea, Agustin. 2011. dari Hermawan, 2007. Perencanaan Pembelajaran. http://dheanurulagustina.blogspot.com/2011/12/pengertian-prinsip-tujuan-dan-fungsi.html.

Diunduh tanggal 20 Februari 2014

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referencesDhea, Agustin. 2011. dari Hermawan, 2007. Perencanaan Pembelajaran. http://dheanurulagustina.blogspot.com/2011/12/pengertian-prinsip-tujuan-dan- fungsi.html. Diunduh tanggal 20 Februari 2014 Erni, Laswinda. 2012. Perencanaan Evaluasi Pengajaran.

http://ernilaswinda.blogspot.com/2013/ 01/perancanaan-evaluasi-pengajaran-makalah.html. Diunduh tanggal 21 Februari 2014

Fajar, Ibnu. 2012. Guru Profesional. http://ibnufajar75.wordpress.com/2012/12/27/empat-kompetensi-

yang-harus-dimiliki-seorang-guru-profesional/. Diunduh tanggal 21 Februari 2014

Joyce, Bruce. 2009. Model-model Pengajaran. Pustaka Pelajar. Mukhtar. 2003. Desain Pembelajaran PAI. Jakarta: CV. Misaka Galiza. Hal 147-148

Rahmah, Sitti. 2011. Hakikat Islam. http://rahmahpgsd.blogspot.com/2012/02/hakikat-islam.html. Diunduh tanggal 20 Februari 2014

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