:7i '4: it; - evols at university of hawaii at manoa: home--the evening1 bul-bfrt-inr-h i.imit....

m ff. ,' '. 1 -- x- u- - B&ttM': .V.V..V,: MtiiMK. The 7VV )M '; ' :' 2WV M tf StJkhn Siibg, tpi i'aJjuahi V$u Don't Get ALL the News. lUPjaclm ALL ilw "People. VH 8 M ' J' ; ..feMiyWt' :7i '4: it; !' .. ' - .;-- . MW Vol. 1. No. 3G7. .HONOLULU, H. "LVv WEDNES tAY. w JjTHLKw 29, 1890. Pjuoh ?!?& y.. -r : rf ":;.; :;;; -- THE EVENING1 BUL-bfrT-INr- H i.iMiT. v& LD tfidtER WITHOUT DOUBT i AT FOTESSVf pWHLL IN ,.TBE BICKER. BDIT$ iPubllflhod every day except Snndnymt A i - 000 King Street, Honolulu; H. 1. :BraoiS-Purifet- og "'Effect suusanri'Tiow '? i an iuMr i;.ni.vi:r it:. .iii!i.i:NA i issiiiti'iusnnv.'irii i.!oNswrittt.vr,i:.NAN ivtow.- - &? w V -- $ ".' f' y lvVl i ' Per Month, nnywhero In the Ha- waiian .W1HV'WJW rx::x v. A HAMIS03I ic m r r.- - l ,u--4: 'SSShil'Al' ,!,'iaii4aV!iE."- - Inlands , f . 7fl Tmrv I' - tmat ..j!.mi Per Van i. - t I Sff' SEC' - r. I....M .......!... Cftimdn, or Mexico ,10 )( -- 1 ?er V postpaid otn r Forotgc Countries 13 00 i'nyntito: 'Invariably ln'A'dviittcov w TclepWo 250.$ 4 .Sg. S.'UFIMrtYfManagcK lllc AfFflvn ttH.M'l'Lret .i? 'sTM !U1J Aa iuji;uetor of foou-i- B neuu ' od in Kjstablishtnctits wlvero ' Jfeund. rI'nno but a denier in irtAwt tu(f wftold object 'to .'oifwibfl-ecwito- n thot men who ' ' ijnu'ke s 't'vit i buj :. ..' ,.'bast..gicn!a at fignrs within . .; .tlie Teach bftiwavoragobreftfi- -' . Wir.iitT soli s thciu" p uirki;' iibit there s no dangbr f We nro waking a specialty . of .groceries, good groceries, which we buj and toll cheap. ; . Cars in the, selection of them, '.; no job lots loft on the hands of jobbers, but .good clean clear cut goods suitablo for the best class df people, but which wo sell at'.pricos. within tho reach of ovpsy one. Our reputation for selling Dry Goods cheap GXtendVliroru Nitaau to Hawaii; it will Se no grwater than tho . record .wo inteud luaking for selling grficerifs cheap. Our .stock optiU'riuesiSTeas, Coffees, , .Syrups, Huucy, Jlics. Cn ta & !3lftckweI2'a Jamp, Sqi, Ta- - .pioca, Saf.son Breads Fish in tins, Snlt Pork hi tins for ffamily use, iand tho&esfc vario- - vties of clieesa. Our stock as now and new igoods aro rwetfived ;by evtry isioauior. Queen Sta'eet. Mortages's Notico cf Intention toi'orc- - clo:o'and of "Saio. " r - k t r"'J '' V5 X' V .y; '- - - In iiaeni dance with tlio nrovUiona of (lint certain ranitirnco made by (1. 1). GliAMA(i), mid KKA1.AI. VINA, 111 wife, to JOHN 10-J.A- (!). lUtod May '.', 1S8-- . rccordi'd In Uio llcirlatrar Oll'.fc, O.ilni, lu Ubcr tin, pp. SK!) nnil tsao, is ii'Ti'iiy kIvcii tliut eW lHortK,'f iiiUtiidx to t ir;rlu--i- li wsaine fori Co'lldltldtrl-roln?f- lt, the non fayun!nt oi b(ithpiinriRl nml - Notlculs lllsewlso tilvcn that after the ox- - plrotlpniif thiue ccKb , from tUU date tho Ifin iiMzmzaUim Will mictl' Jlilit theiifetlon rorttm-nlSIlim- M i. .MorL'. in. Honolulu, on Wednesday. August V W.M. at 12 u'clock nonii (if Mut dny. For further purllciiian apply to J. A. Jlnnoon, attornoy for John l'ulaa.inorttfajioe,' iloiuiliilu Halo. Meichunt strwt. Dated Ilonoliilii. July .M, lb'JO. w The property, to 'jq(iold.l ns follows: ., .., -- A All.tUat plcefe 6r:paeel oMand.rttUHteiUt; KHimakea ami ippukaila.i Walklkl ," Oalffi, doierlbud in Koyal Patent No. .'003, Kuleaim 15"C, to KniK ntilili, nil area of four nmliiu-ioonerci- i. iwy-f- AMERICAN Livery andvEoardingiStab Curncr Mciehant aim llTuhanla 8I. LK?YAMtBOApD)N STABLE houri. TELIU'llOSE VJ0. ?.Ir. Chnrlm Strp1icnnn, a wll-lnnir- n JltUhvity Kinplfifo at Knlnpol, KLw ..nuujiUf nit-- t ( rsss WMW&SsS"7"''' '''t?,, ;JJM"' "About ten years nj?o, whllo en- gaged in slmnting, my foot caught between tho rails, and my leg was fractured below tho kneo. It healed n ti'V'1 ' "t T '''' 1 f"i fi'inMd havo been obliged, at times, to wear a bandage. About a year ago It be-'cn- much worse, and I feared I should .bo obliged to givo up my work. A frVnd advhurt me to try Ayer's Sr.rsiipanlla. 1 did so, and after taking four bottles tho swell- ing disappeared, and I havo not boon troubled with It since." AYi mmmm. Bald Madal at the World's Ciiitl Dtyslllaag. AYER'S PILLS for Biliousness Hollister IJrug Co., Ltd. la Agents tor the Republic of Hawaii. HjM.iWlMtyfcM uwnrt Mftiiiiuawywi ,o?ma 5"W,SFJ & & COOKE A 6RE0.T IffifEHTIQH The Traveling awi? Sprinkler Jloves iteoif nlioul yourLatrn. Travels in n Htralglit liuu or n civclo. Htoprt uutom-atiottll- y. I&t for vy loagth 0KJ1050. jy No bmIi fpriiJiler ha vot been ilftced on tits morUut b lore . Coip.o and Seo it! LEWERS & COOKE, FortStrtot, - .' -- ' - Toleplione 0. Henry Davis, 320 Fort' Hlrect, near lleioliwit. CoJIillBSION tVaKNT, , -. w iff v, TV-T- ...J niTji.iT.:-- .. General Business Agent. ' "nlTotice) p y r Duriug Mr. Donrduinu's iiImoiico, Jit;., HwiiiR will havo charge of my boolfs nnd nt tend to nil GoUiotkin. Ilo can bo found 'eithefnt .Mr. Uoardmsui's ollieo tit Ogurii.A: Co. Hornt my ofllco. .'135-- tf Dlt. HEIHIBUT. ..r .V I UAinvoYioe,. jm pEJJTAL (M' FIOR WILL HE o1oire&Aii;tlHt imij-t- i'i ptutnber during n) nUs'jfj7c,totttoCoi,iv ' :io:i lw D, UUDDY.' mm wmw'm hcm " "V,T--iviTr- m i An-TTV'- AV'P ljixii avwu.naiii .T .1. ?- - 1 A A Mrl.i...lM nl I A ItKAil.'Mflni it tf I & I ..'. naT , 'Ini'iii-j- ' Kibi'(oti )iccii-litlo- n n to ttic Iti'i.llll. ' I Much titno ut last uighlNi 8l-- 4 . ArlnirAlSfrtilwfo'iiK- - micros-sio- n o thfl court martial wns oo- - eopist, o! Honolulu Iirs reeoived cupied'Svitli tli'o'erosd-xtiminatio- u I na expert opinion of: Hie higliost of Oaptaiu Good e Ailvo- - vnluo upon tho choloiu btieilli cats Kinney ,.fout vary littlu liovv litios ifainfKlewitljjtlioiJHlniico uititlpr was brought out. The of Dr. Day, at tho timo of llie rolatiou3,pr.t ho defoudiint with II. onidotuic horc Inst your. It wns I. r.Uiii.c-- ..?! .Oiiu B.i.-- r won- - miuutoly (,',oiu- - iiito, us vH-- i tho tostiinony kivoh by Captain Uood bofoio tho Uouut of iuqui- - j ry held ubout tho missing sight. H. G. Rhodes was recalled for farther testimony. Said ho had been in the grounds of tho Excoti- - liiu lucn'ii id June, alter Lc uu stracted i ho sight, and offered to' domonstrate how ho tool: tho breech block out of tho gun mul put it in rvtfain. court proceeded to tho gun shed, whero Mr. Bhodos rcrooVcd tho block, but after trying for suveial minutes to put it back again was nnsuctvprffttl. Ho dem- onstrated his exportnoo3 at romov-h'-- S fights by removing and Due from o)i o tho guus m one minuto tind from unothor m ti niiiiiito and a half. Aftov roluniing to the court room a few moro questions were nut to Mr. lihodes and tho ense closed, Attornoy Itobortson innda tho firtit ftrguuiont fop the dffemte, dovotini thr first portion of it to th-- ' layc.of tho case as laid down bv miliforv authoritieH. olRiniiii" that were tho firs.t live spoo- i- fieations admitted to bo truo th--- .' could not b. coash-ued-iuti- conduet unbocomiug an ofiicor ami a gcutlounui. The latter portion of tho argument waa do-vot- nd to spopifications 0 and 7, relating to the missing sight. Judge Advooato Kinney follow- ed for the profcix.iifion nud iirgud that the ovnloiiuo abundantly sup- ported the charges, incidentally fmying his respects to the witneM others who tebtilied for the defense. v Mr. Itobertfou closed by call- ing tho attontion of tho court to tho weak places in tho Judge Ad- vocate's argument and tho caso eaniM to nn end as for as public pro- ceedings aro concerned. It wns after midnight whan the froora was cV-nro- and tho court commenced its deliberations. Tho findings will not bo ujada public nrjlil aft"!- - tJijir apiiuiviil by th.i Commander-in-chie- f. There is much speculation as to the result. Tho Court was only in sooret session Inst night long onough to pontpwi"1 I'nrihi-i- - n of tho caso until tiutiirduy night at 7:510, by vhich lime tho evidence will huvo boon transcribed from tho shorthand notes. Aiiierliiiii lifiiKlu. Tho election ot olliooi-- s nt .the, mocking of tho American League-- ' last night resulted as IoIIowb: T. 1J. Murray, president; "Win. Lnr-so- liriit Uforemcn (Jrabbo, .ept'outl vico-presidan- t; V. D. Hamilton, recording secrotary; Mark Konnedy, iinancial Beciotn-r.y;.irustoo- s, J J.. Delany, Captain Wilson, "V. L. Uowors; treasuior, GoQrgo llawkinsf1 fTlio' nelli-cbf- s willibo (installed oif Tuescfoy, August lOtlft. . f. - - -- ' - ! . I'. v;.'!re Ininili.-iAiit- K Co'inlnt;- - By.tho Pacilio Mail StoauiBhip Peru, duo horo on Saturday, '275 Irioro Cliinpso contract lahororu avo oxpocteil. This .is the firat lot shipped ufider-'tlf!- ) ailspiVosr tho PAciue' Immigration Company of .Hdholulu, which is in, 'tlOHoiU by ThomaMftsr g V 'n.pli,ui iiliii'r-- . rum flip nren.ni(.'.- - roiDiioU lljfit V "lifiMs of NeWOrk1t8iJiv his a . . . - m m i opinion, on examination ot too sumo cuitui8, that the disease from which they 'wero dorived was Aoiatio ehiilra. As opinions wore perriistonMy ulvon out hero that Urn epidemic J$ , Ul All. JuautiiMu-'- o BiMi.u.i- - tiou, consented to havo tho slides sont to Vienna for examination and report. Accordingly Mr.Johnstono forwarded them to Mt Hfieliort. tho Kjj;iit vno ! up,)i-- ; him with microscopical iuHliutue'nts, with a request that ho huvo them snb miui'ii to u lecuguiueii uicyriuio-gis- t in Vionna for exumiuntion. Lnst month Mr. Johnatonn u reply from his corres- pond! nt, enclosing a report nliicli ii priiibd horowith from 1'rof. AVoiohsellmnm. Mr. Iteichort in hia lottor eays that this 'professor is tho most oniiuont bactoriologist in Vionna. Following ia his re- - ir. port to Mr. .. lloiohort, ..... trnnslated by sir. J. 1'. llaclcfohi, Austrian Consul: (i'ransation.) Vienna. April 80, 1890. Mil. IiKipnsnT, Vienna. 'Uhu preparations from Ilono- - ! !l!lu (which aro, huvrcvt r, in dam- - ' aSfld condition.) haiuted to mo, for tho purpose of giving my opinion on nuie, show Vibrios, which, no cording to appearance, aizo and arrangement conform entiroly with tho typieul I'iorio cholera: asialhiv (Koch), so thut consider- ing especially tho preparations from tho stool gonuino cholera can bo accepted with tho grcatost probability. An absolutely cor- rect iliaguotds can, howevor, not bo mado from tho glass filido a. With' my highest regard, (Sgd.) TaoF. Weicjisixhauji. With referouco to tho statement nh. ml tho slides being damaged, Mi. Johustono xpluins that the eonilition was duo to thn breaking of envoi- - glasses in previous as thoy nro the same sIvIph that were examiued by Dr. Beggs in Now York. ' w till) II UN"" WAY. Oecurx 011 ?i'uiiHi)ii Klt-Or- i lllltl lint IMsiiKirnim, UcmiUi. . c A moment of misplaced confi- dence, on tho part of Charles Achi'a man, has caused Charles to mourn tho loss of his now hrako and horse, which ho purchased 'from Larry Daoa fejiv days siheo. I About lOroO ,onfjn t morunig tho : driver lott the horso6tandingt on Nuuanu stivot untied, while ho wont to boo a nlitu. , The. horso promplly took advuntnge of this state of affairs to dash headlong down the stroet, smashing, tho 'brake und!f injuring 'hiuiSqj to Buon an extent mat 110 wju pro- bably have to bo shot. Tho brakS was taken to T.li.Murrny's for ro-pai- , J Proline I'lirlormer August AViegttntl,". tho noted or- ganist ftt( tho Sylnov, Towu Hall whoill'pass tlirHtigli Honolulu in a. couplo.oE jnontbA and may give a coi'icftrt Wreaf fjlnyH iliSiJ now'conlpotfibonu in Uio ptmt ivo TT.i uln .; . . tuft I years. w v.. ..u-.- vj aino piece winn ul ... J dm b UV ' "' 4 - DcU'OTto lto3i riH li Welcomed Iliituo rVnn. ihVf tlluti i.nivt. ' "Vhn Dr. MaLentiRi), u clmr.ter. mombur and tho valued physioiau, Jy tlio5uxrouia Court Oanioee, Anoiont Order tlmfc involves tho powers aucWimi- t- i)i leuuueu iu: liuii in. Unit Bocioty lust night, ho found tho stnirvruy deconuod witli vinos. Entering th lobby heToTlnd it I: so ilccornted. Llis nrst idea was that "tno otlmr society oitwtinsj iu tho si.nio Jin.ll hail hieu huviug "timo"' recuutly. But on going into tho forgo Ante-roo- tho sight of a tublo spread with gooil tilings mado him think that something was up among his brethren, tho good knights of tho forest. ivi uio neau ol uio room thorn was 'furthor cvMonco of and German lings together, llio Union Jack proved to bo a com- pliment to tho good doctor him-soi- r. while the unperiul Teutonic rn,,lr.H v,,fn i7i honor or l''o. J, V. Lcknrdt, tho luluiniug lu tho High Court of . tho Pacific CoaBt. As Dr. McLonnnn ia not going to leave for ltarotonga un- til tho lattor part of August, tho farowell roceplion to Intu thus early was a surprise. When tho court went into ses- sion tho routine but-hieu- s wus hastened, and, aftor' it had been dispatched, 13ro. Collac'o stepped forward and delivered tho follow- ing address to Dr. MoLonnau, accompanying it with the gift therein mentioned: To Dr. Donald "MoLchxax. Dear Sir and Brother: "We. .members of Court Carnoos, lake : this opportunity to express our deep regret at your early depar- ture from Honolulu, and nt the Banio time wo wish to oonvey to you our heartiest good wishes for your future hiippiueas and pros- - perity m your now homo, in a an f':' o-- Uy y us. a a nlways kind is wish present you with, a memento and will accept this gold-heade- d enno ot locr.l workmanship, as a souvenir of brother hood. farewell wo would join, names. of Mrs. r-r it 1 tnu meinuers of your in liospeotltiliy in U., U J. Collaco, 1 A. Com. J. 1 Too enno is a highly kou wood headed with ii heavily mounted in bears following "Presented to Dr. McLennan members of Camoes Lodgo, No. 8U0, Hono- - lulu,' July 28th, 180G." The !or P11,0'1 nn.8' their m - f f tKol ol- - ll Dr. Mfihounnp's ploco ft8 hard j were mauo y Alvarez and Leo. Mr. also presented report a to h Court, trom v ! 11 ... ti. ndnni'Anm r'niiriuifi ct Ill lUVpV.'WIH "V ..,b.w.....vM I members h lo tintpM whero, for a the. orood olioor.. llierc provided was' il imii-ikim- i iii.' u iiiimti-ii- 'j :iiV i TMtirtMincs.. . w lJfBrfcHf,,.?3HTl?HffiBrmrrt Co.uct..onjnjicR8-- o tt i-- W A d?v.-i- brn x u rnAved ntions of a combination Hnwuiiau us a. hui. It is an -- bLai and Kilauauo, Alekakiiud.' Malubia, tuinoi-s- . bytheir gUird-ift'- n, David Ktttt, against WrJ'aat Kaleikini. ' Hardy thir JFiflh Circuit rouderud jmigjiiiui for tho plaintiffs, whoarochildreik nn original member of tho huL. Defendants excepted tho caso camo to tho Supremo Court. Chier .. .Liu Oou.i tho pxcoptious. tho fol- lowing sylliihuH tho cii80 is clearljr and decided in favor of the plnU'tiF: " ' f in Uio f )'-i- r constitution mado by ienAivfcf in common n traut of land bv which thoy delegated to an ol'er cnlled n luna nni (gonerid man- ager) appoiutpd by them tlw-car- e and control their comm.012. esbito. pnrsuauca or this pow- er the general uru.auir. by a w rift-i- ll g, .off in ooverulty to onolt portious common es- tate for occupation, subject to tenants ns to as expressed by tho voto o :i regnlur mooting of tho tenants. "Hold, this agreement is hinoV-in-g until rescinded. " "Whoro one of the abovo teu- - ants under tho nboYe dispossessed teunnt the parcel of laud'sot. to hini,. .ojectment woald to recover pnrh poai-sosion.- Ilosft, fur plaintiffs; Kanlnkorf. for defendant. Carter is hearing the? Piitiut In llx Xnmc. mtt Climate of every variety exerfen different influence on the sires of mankind for stimnfont. j colder zonns bovomrjr . alcoholic ... etrenjitVr.ro"' I very inueii largiu- - iiegroo tnffu iu. ' the Jropies. 15pim is best nuitad' lo cliniato and non. ::rn in tho market is hotter tliau rhat I bearing tho 'brand ,'TaTjbiv MilwAukklI" is bfc ffod from. tho best of malt nnd hops .ana threat thirst nuenehcr .' T iuvi- - gorator Htin'mlates tlic nerves and muscles'.'" tho UoynlfOoH-mopolita- n nnd Pacific salopus mny found, cold and puro. chocks i'sbuoiJ which may used at any iho' roaori8t cmv .. t; slnnililerf , Au ... item j:lst night's SturjflRt ing tho Custom House- - had a half dozen .amongst tnom tnnl. could make a decent score, thov .gayotjijp tho idpi- - ,. J. f..in 'T,.'t . .ffuigersiiWnu-Ui- e woriu. Qxtox JLU.1 I,Q0Q madenud eoltl, Uli 3 "ji.... .1:..' u...it j:i.. 17 ij L. t tP.rmKxriu!imiK n .' 1111 ni iiinHnii ;ji .jja-.!.-,- ' -- - -"" KwMhIUyffijFrSli. f P'JFiaft' .juptauiuiy, iiMJiVVilL-.M.nSBKo- t learning and rniii'wiiUiii. Ui'IkTwrao. h&imt. .r.-.- i .n...'i "s- - r KHi!' auiuioiuiuuatreeii. doing so wo would like to oBsuro i l""' wulve, cnSQ Kwoug linns you that it is not Only as mom- - fTl v. Wong Duck and uoa ber of the Court that you shall bo rfplnym oE o horse. Magoou missed by tis, but 11 friond also. "n, ,'"'l3,JUi, piamtiff: your unfailing kindness and tn for defendants. Andrew gonitdity you havo tho hearts ! l'l ton or twelve of of momber and ' years, sono of the witnesses, ami. physician of this Court you have lie 8ftTO ' with clear-bee- n untiring and attentive; as aout proowion that loterested friend, mid charitable, prosont. . It our to wo hope you our friendship and In bidding you tho .l iueijcniinn aim inner family tins Godspeed. oais ii. rtud P. P. H. It. ViiuitA, Diar, 'i polished one of boar's tusk gold. It tho by A. O. P., doc,- - 1" for bcauli .., Btaled of Hnother Judgo ,.,.. physician will to till. NojJ toiujjivhjoh cjiu lQUged anytj)Uier only tho most assiduous th.e..govoriimi-n- t for lention to sick members, ,but by (l .janloh shoa(,is ontiroiy iifoor-ac- ts of charity oubido a dootor's regt-- . inspgetor of tho'Ciiatonis. role, has ondeared himself to force stiid,tQj)ay tlpit tho n hnil tho "momhors tho court. ' thunht qfji piejjiwg ot .a.'nmtch A.fter,tth.q pweoulalipuwromurkfi toiunhufiii4ng.tJiorp wfibuit n. JiCKanu, ur. "Walter Eckardt a volumiii;. ous as iloiegnto tno Hi and, ins in- - creasijfl t'nmvKrdgd theto j'gainud,. uvor-ruli- ng agroena-u- t ,0tfhr- - vidoneo supgpsted many important chang-- - eatavmrjla atthoAvorld sColutu-o- a Uio wq'rh. The proceedings; kb'iaBfE'ipoHiUoiimorciDllen'Mf'of' ...n nnniit HIU ho ror)nin tho room, . soiWion, 1, , .;;: rlnli enhvette.l tile ;i krfowh in Judge or of nnd J-- ,': '.' Jn rf was of In set tenant of tho of 'thn ofc off lie a de a In Xfcfll our df "' It is and At it" bo aro bb of s jn h P"1- hh-- ul. c-i.- .-- ..'..' .ir 8"' won uE ull As nil 1). be by of A' ho nif of Air. heir in 4? t& 'a n - i. m ft ft Jit Vi '

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Page 1: :7i '4: it; - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home--THE EVENING1 BUL-bfrT-INr-H i.iMiT. v& LD tfidtER WITHOUT DOUBT i AT FOTESSVf pWHLLIN,.TBE BICKER. BDIT$ iPubllflhod every


,' '.1-- x-

u- -

B&ttM': .V.V..V,: MtiiMK. The 7VV )M ';' :' 2WV M tf StJkhn Siibg, tpi i'aJjuahi

V$u Don't Get ALL the News.

lUPjaclm ALL ilw "People.

VH 8 M'

J' ; ..feMiyWt':7i '4: it; !' .. ' - .;-- .

MWVol. 1. No. 3G7. .HONOLULU, H. "LVv WEDNES tAY. w JjTHLKw 29, 1890. Pjuoh ?!?&y..

-r : rf ":;.; :;;;-- THE EVENING1 BUL-bfrT-INr- H i.iMiT.


iPubllflhod every day except Snndnymt A


000 King Street, Honolulu; H. 1. :BraoiS-Purifet- og "'Effectsuusanri'Tiow '? i an iuMr i;.ni.vi:r it:. .iii!i.i:NA i issiiiti'iusnnv.'irii i.!oNswrittt.vr,i:.NAN ivtow.- -


w V

-- $





i ' Per Month, nnywhero In the Ha-waiian .W1HV'WJW rx::x v. A HAMIS03I ic m r r.- - l ,u--4: 'SSShil'Al' ,!,'iaii4aV!iE."- -

Inlands , f . 7fl Tmrv I' - tmat ..j!.miPer Van i. - t I Sff' SEC' -


I....M .......!...Cftimdn, or Mexico ,10 )(

--1?er V postpaid otn r ForotgcCountries 13 00

i'nyntito: 'Invariably ln'A'dviittcov wTclepWo 250.$ 4 .Sg.


lllc AfFflvnttH.M'l'Lret.i? 'sTM !U1J

Aa iuji;uetor of foou-i- B neuu' od in Kjstablishtnctits wlvero

' Jfeund. rI'nno but a denier in

irtAwt tu(f wftold object 'to.'oifwibfl-ecwito- n thot men who

' ' ijnu'ke s 't'vit i buj :. ..',.'bast..gicn!a at fignrs within

. .; .tlie Teach bftiwavoragobreftfi- -'

. Wir.iitT soli s thciu" p uirki;'

iibit there s no dangbr f

We nro waking a specialty

. of .groceries, good groceries,

which we buj and toll cheap.; . Cars in the, selection of them, '.;

no job lots loft on the hands of

jobbers, but .good clean clearcut goods suitablo for the bestclass df people, but which wo

sell at'.pricos. within tho reach

of ovpsy one. Our reputationfor selling Dry Goods cheapGXtendVliroru Nitaau to Hawaii;

it will Se no grwater than tho. record .wo inteud luaking for

selling grficerifs cheap. Our.stock optiU'riuesiSTeas, Coffees,, .Syrups, Huucy, Jlics. Cn ta &

!3lftckweI2'a Jamp, Sqi, Ta- -

.pioca, Saf.son Breads Fish in

tins, Snlt Pork hi tins forffamily use, iand tho&esfc vario--vties of clieesa.

Our stock as now and newigoods aro rwetfived ;by evtryisioauior.

Queen Sta'eet.

Mortages's Notico cf Intention toi'orc- -

clo:o'and of "Saio. "r -


t r"'J ' ' V5 X' V .y; '- - -

In iiaeni dance with tlio nrovUiona of (lintcertain ranitirnco made by (1. 1). GliAMA(i),mid KKA1.AI. VINA, 111 wife, to JOHN 10-J.A-

(!). lUtod May '.', 1S8-- . rccordi'd In Uiollcirlatrar Oll'.fc, O.ilni, lu Ubcr tin, pp. SK!)

nnil tsao, is ii'Ti'iiy kIvcii tliut eWlHortK,'f iiiUtiidx to t ir;rlu--i- li wsaine foriCo'lldltldtrl-roln?f- lt, the non fayun!nt oib(ithpiinriRl nml -

Notlculs lllsewlso tilvcn that after the ox- -

plrotlpniif thiue ccKb , from tUU date thoIfin iiMzmzaUimWill

mictl' Jlilit theiifetlon rorttm-nlSIlim- M i..MorL'. in. Honolulu, on Wednesday. AugustV W.M. at 12 u'clock nonii (if Mut dny.

For further purllciiian apply to J. A.Jlnnoon, attornoy for John l'ulaa.inorttfajioe,'iloiuiliilu Halo. Meichunt strwt.

Dated Ilonoliilii. July .M, lb'JO.

w The property, to 'jq(iold.l ns follows: ., ..,--A All.tUat plcefe 6r:paeel oMand.rttUHteiUt;

KHimakea ami ippukaila.i Walklkl ," Oalffi,doierlbud in Koyal Patent No. .'003, Kuleaim15"C, to KniK ntilili, nil area of fournmliiu-ioonerci- i. iwy-f-

AMERICANLivery andvEoardingiStab

Curncr Mciehant aim llTuhanla 8I.


houri. TELIU'llOSE VJ0.

?.Ir. Chnrlm Strp1icnnn, a wll-lnnir- n

JltUhvity Kinplfifo at Knlnpol, KLw

..nuujiUf nit-- t (

rsssWMW&SsS"7"''''''t?,, ;JJM"'"About ten years nj?o, whllo en-

gaged in slmnting, my foot caughtbetween tho rails, and my leg wasfractured below tho kneo. It healedn ti'V'1 ' "t T '''' 1 f"i fi'inMd

havo been obliged, at times, to weara bandage. About a year ago It be-'cn-

much worse, and I feared Ishould .bo obliged to givo up mywork. A frVnd advhurt me to tryAyer's Sr.rsiipanlla. 1 did so, andafter taking four bottles tho swell-ing disappeared, and I havo notboon troubled with It since."


Bald Madal at the World's Ciiitl Dtyslllaag.

AYER'S PILLS for Biliousness

Hollister IJrug Co., Ltd.la Agents tor the Republic of Hawaii.

HjM.iWlMtyfcM uwnrt Mftiiiiuawywi

,o?ma5"W,SFJ & & COOKE


The Traveling

awi? Sprinkler

Jloves iteoif nlioul yourLatrn. Travelsin n Htralglit liuu or n civclo. Htoprt uutom-atiottll- y.

I&t for vy loagth 0KJ1050.

jy No bmIi fpriiJiler ha vot beenilftced on tits morUut b lore .

Coip.o and Seo it!

LEWERS & COOKE,FortStrtot, - .' --

' - Toleplione 0.

Henry Davis,320 Fort' Hlrect, near lleioliwit.


, -. w iff v, TV-T-...J niTji.iT.:-- ..

General Business Agent.' "nlTotice) p y r

Duriug Mr. Donrduinu's iiImoiico, Jit;.,HwiiiR will havo charge of my boolfs nndnt tend to nil GoUiotkin. Ilo can bo found

'eithefnt .Mr. Uoardmsui's ollieo tit Ogurii.A:Co. Hornt my ofllco.

.'135-- tf Dlt. HEIHIBUT...r .V I


jm pEJJTAL (M' FIOR WILL HEo1oire&Aii;tlHt imij-t- i'i ptutnber during n)nUs'jfj7c,totttoCoi,iv '

:io:i lw D, UUDDY.'

mm wmw'm hcm" "V,T--iviTr- m i An-TTV'- AV'Pljixii avwu.naiii

.T.1. ?- - 1 A

A Mrl.i...lM nl I A ItKAil.'Mflni it tf I & I ..'.naT , 'Ini'iii-j- ' Kibi'(oti )iccii-litlo- n

n to ttic Iti'i.llll. 'I

Much titno ut last uighlNi 8l--4 . ArlnirAlSfrtilwfo'iiK- - micros-sio- n

o thfl court martial wns oo- - eopist, o! Honolulu Iirs reeoivedcupied'Svitli tli'o'erosd-xtiminatio- u I na expert opinion of: Hie higliostof Oaptaiu Good e Ailvo- - vnluo upon tho choloiu btieillicats Kinney ,.fout vary littlu liovv litios ifainfKlewitljjtlioiJHlniicouititlpr was brought out. The of Dr. Day, at tho timo of llierolatiou3,pr.t ho defoudiint with II. onidotuic horc Inst your. It wns

I. r.Uiii.c-- ..?! .Oiiu B.i.-- r

won- - miuutoly (,',oiu- - iiito, us vH-- i

tho tostiinony kivoh by CaptainUood bofoio tho Uouut of iuqui- - j

ry held ubout tho missing sight.H. G. Rhodes was recalled for

farther testimony. Said ho hadbeen in the grounds of tho Excoti- -

liiu lucn'ii id June, alter Lc uustracted i ho sight, and offered to'domonstrate how ho tool: thobreech block out of tho gun mulput it in rvtfain.

court proceeded to tho gun shed,whero Mr. Bhodos rcrooVcd thoblock, but after trying for suveialminutes to put it backagain was nnsuctvprffttl. Ho dem-onstrated his exportnoo3 at romov-h'-- S

fights by removing andDue from o)i o tho guus

m one minuto tind from unothorm ti niiiiiito and a half.

Aftov roluniing to the courtroom a few moro questions werenut to Mr. lihodes and tho enseclosed,

Attornoy Itobortson innda thofirtit ftrguuiont fop the dffemte,dovotini thr first portion of it toth-- ' layc.of tho case as laid downbv miliforv authoritieH. olRiniiii"that were tho firs.t live spoo- i-fieations admitted to bo truoth--- .' could not b. coash-ued-iuti-

conduet unbocomiug an ofiicorami a gcutlounui. The latterportion of tho argument waa do-vot- nd

to spopifications 0 and 7,relating to the missing sight.

Judge Advooato Kinney follow-ed for the profcix.iifion nud iirgudthat the ovnloiiuo abundantly sup-ported the charges, incidentallyfmying his respects to the witneM

others who tebtiliedfor the defense. v

Mr. Itobertfou closed by call-ing tho attontion of tho court totho weak places in tho Judge Ad-vocate's argument and tho casoeaniM to nn end as for as public pro-ceedings aro concerned.

It wns after midnight whan thefroora was cV-nro- and tho courtcommenced its deliberations. Thofindings will not bo ujada publicnrjlil aft"!- - tJijir apiiuiviil by th.iCommander-in-chie- f. There ismuch speculation as to the result.

Tho Court was only in sooretsession Inst night long onough topontpwi"1 I'nrihi-i- - n oftho caso until tiutiirduy night at7:510, by vhich lime tho evidencewill huvo boon transcribed fromtho shorthand notes.

Aiiierliiiii lifiiKlu.

Tho election ot olliooi-- s nt .the,mocking of tho American League-- '

last night resulted as IoIIowb: T.1J. Murray, president; "Win. Lnr-so-

liriit Uforemcn(Jrabbo, .ept'outl vico-presidan- t; V.D. Hamilton, recording secrotary;Mark Konnedy, iinancial Beciotn-r.y;.irustoo- s,

J J.. Delany, CaptainWilson, "V. L. Uowors; treasuior,GoQrgo llawkinsf1 fTlio' nelli-cbf- s

willibo (installed oif Tuescfoy,August lOtlft.

. f. - - --' - !.

I'. v;.'!re Ininili.-iAiit-K Co'inlnt;- -

By.tho Pacilio Mail StoauiBhipPeru, duo horo on Saturday, '275Irioro Cliinpso contract lahororuavo oxpocteil. This .is the firat lotshipped ufider-'tlf!- ) ailspiVosr thoPAciue' Immigration Company of.Hdholulu, which is in,'tlOHoiU by ThomaMftsr g


'n.pli,ui iiliii'r-- . rum flip

nren.ni(.'.- - roiDiioU lljfit V"lifiMs of NeWOrk1t8iJiv his a. . .- m m iopinion, on examination ot toosumo cuitui8, that the diseasefrom which they 'wero dorivedwas Aoiatio ehiilra. As opinionswore perriistonMy ulvon outhero that Urn epidemic

J$ , Ul All. JuautiiMu-'- o BiMi.u.i- -

tiou, consented to havo tho slidessont to Vienna for examination andreport. Accordingly Mr.Johnstonoforwarded them to Mt Hfieliort.tho Kjj;iit vno ! up,)i-- ; him withmicroscopical iuHliutue'nts, with arequest that ho huvo them snbmiui'ii to u lecuguiueii uicyriuio-gis- t

in Vionna for exumiuntion.Lnst month Mr. Johnatonn

u reply from his corres-pond! nt, enclosing a report nliicliii priiibd horowith from 1'rof.AVoiohsellmnm. Mr. Iteichort inhia lottor eays that this 'professoris tho most oniiuont bactoriologistin Vionna. Following ia his re- -

ir.port to Mr...lloiohort,.....trnnslatedby sir. J. 1'. llaclcfohi, AustrianConsul:

(i'ransation.)Vienna. April 80, 1890.

Mil. IiKipnsnT, Vienna.'Uhu preparations from Ilono- -

! !l!lu (which aro, huvrcvt r, in dam- -' aSfld condition.) haiuted to mo, fortho purpose of giving my opinionon nuie, show Vibrios, which, nocording to appearance, aizo andarrangement conform entirolywith tho typieul I'iorio cholera:asialhiv (Koch), so thut consider-ing especially tho preparationsfrom tho stool gonuino choleracan bo accepted with tho grcatostprobability. An absolutely cor-rect iliaguotds can, howevor, notbo mado from tho glass filido a.

With' my highest regard,(Sgd.) TaoF. Weicjisixhauji.

With referouco to tho statementnh. ml tho slides being damaged,Mi. Johustono xpluins that theeonilition was duo to thn breakingof envoi- - glasses in previous

as thoy nro the samesIvIph that were examiued by Dr.Beggs in Now York.

' w till) II UN"" WAY.

Oecurx 011 ?i'uiiHi)ii Klt-Or- i lllltl lintIMsiiKirnim, UcmiUi. . c

A moment of misplaced confi-

dence, on tho part of CharlesAchi'a man, has caused Charles tomourn tho loss of his now hrakoand horse, which ho purchased'from Larry Daoa fejiv days siheo.


About lOroO,onfjn t morunig tho :

driver lott the horso6tandingt onNuuanu stivot untied, while howont to boo a nlitu. , The. horsopromplly took advuntnge of thisstate of affairs to dash headlongdown the stroet, smashing, tho'brake und!f injuring 'hiuiSqj toBuon an extent mat 110 wju pro-bably have to bo shot. Tho brakSwas taken to T.li.Murrny's for ro-pai-

, J

Proline I'lirlormerAugust AViegttntl,". tho noted or-

ganist ftt( tho Sylnov, Towu Hallwhoill'pass tlirHtigli Honoluluin a. couplo.oE jnontbA and maygive a coi'icftrt Wreaf fjlnyHiliSiJ now'conlpotfibonu in Uio ptmtivo TT.i uln .;

. . tuft Iyears. w v.. ..u-.- vj

aino piece winn ul... Jdm b UV ' "'


-DcU'OTto lto3i riH li Welcomed Iliituo

rVnn. ihVf tlluti i.nivt. '

"Vhn Dr. MaLentiRi), u clmr.ter.mombur and tho valued physioiau, Jy tlio5uxrouia

Court Oanioee, Anoiont Order tlmfc involves tho powers aucWimi- t-i)i leuuueu iu: liuii in.Unit Bocioty lust night, ho foundtho stnirvruy deconuod witli vinos.Entering th lobby heToTlnd it I:so ilccornted. Llis nrst idea wasthat "tno otlmr society oitwtinsjiu tho si.nio Jin.ll hail hieu huviug

"timo"' recuutly. But on goinginto tho forgo Ante-roo- tho sightof a tublo spread with gooil tilingsmado him think that somethingwas up among his brethren, thogood knights of tho forest.ivi uio neau ol uio roomthorn was 'furthor cvMonco of

and German lings together, llioUnion Jack proved to bo a com-pliment to tho good doctor him-soi- r.

while the unperiul Teutonicrn,,lr.H v,,fn i7i honor or l''o. J, V.

Lcknrdt, tho luluiniug lutho High Court of . tho PacificCoaBt. As Dr. McLonnnn ia notgoing to leave for ltarotonga un-

til tho lattor part of August, thofarowell roceplion to Intu thusearly was a surprise.

When tho court went into ses-sion tho routine but-hieu- s wushastened, and, aftor' it had beendispatched, 13ro. Collac'o steppedforward and delivered tho follow-ing address to Dr. MoLonnau,accompanying it with the gifttherein mentioned:To Dr. Donald "MoLchxax.

Dear Sir and Brother: "We..members of Court Carnoos, lake :

this opportunity to express ourdeep regret at your early depar-ture from Honolulu, and nt theBanio time wo wish to oonvey toyou our heartiest good wishes foryour future hiippiueas and pros- -

perity m your now homo, in


an f':' o-- Uy


us. aa

nlways kindis wish present you with,

a memento and willaccept this gold-heade- d enno otlocr.l workmanship, as a souvenirof brotherhood. farewellwo would join, names. of Mrs.

r-r it 1tnu meinuersof your inliospeotltiliy in U.,U

J. Collaco, 1

A. Com.J. 1

Too enno is a highlykou wood headed with ii

heavily mounted inbears following

"Presented to Dr.McLennan members of CamoesLodgo, No. 8U0, Hono- -

lulu,' July 28th, 180G." The!or P11,0'1 nn.8'

theirm -

f f tKol ol--


Dr. Mfihounnp's ploco ft8hard


were mauo yAlvarez and Leo. Mr.

also presentedreport a to

h Court, tromv

! 11... ti. ndnni'Anm r'niiriuifi ctIll lUVpV.'WIH "V ..,b.w.....vMI members h lo tintpM

whero, for a the.orood olioor.. llierc provided was'il imii-ikim- i iii.' u iiiimti-ii-

'j :iiV iTMtirtMincs... w


Co.uct..onjnjicR8-- o

tti- -

WA d?v.-i- brn x u rnAved

ntions of a combinationHnwuiiau us a. hui. It is an

--bLaiand Kilauauo, Alekakiiud.'Malubia, tuinoi-s- . bytheir gUird-ift'- n,

David Ktttt, against WrJ'aatKaleikini. ' Hardy thirJFiflh Circuit rouderud jmigjiiiuifor tho plaintiffs, whoarochildreik

nn original member of tho huL.Defendants excepted tho casocamo to tho Supremo Court. Chier

.. .Liu Oou.itho pxcoptious. tho fol-

lowing sylliihuH tho cii80 is clearljrand decided in favor of the

plnU'tiF:" ' f in Uio f )'-i- r

constitution mado by ienAivfcfin common n traut of land bvwhich thoy delegated to an ol'ercnlled n luna nni (gonerid man-ager) appoiutpd by them tlw-car- e

and control their comm.012.esbito. pnrsuauca or this pow-er the general uru.auir. by a w rift-i- ll

g, .off in ooverulty to onoltportious common es-

tate for occupation, subject totenants ns to

as expressed by tho voto o:i regnlur mooting of tho tenants.

"Hold, this agreement is hinoV-in-g

until rescinded." "Whoro one of the abovo teu--

ants under tho nboYedispossessed teunntthe parcel of laud'sot. to hini,..ojectment woald to recoverpnrh poai-sosion.-

Ilosft, fur plaintiffs; Kanlnkorf.for defendant.

Carter is hearing the?

Piitiut In llx Xnmc. mtt

Climate of every variety exerfendifferent influence on the

sires of mankind for stimnfont.j colder zonns bovomrjr. alcoholic ...etrenjitVr.ro"'I very inueii largiu- - iiegroo tnffu iu.' the Jropies. 15pim is best nuitad'

lo cliniato and non. ::rn intho market is hotter tliau rhat

I bearing tho 'brand ,'TaTjbivMilwAukklI" is bfc ffod from.tho best of malt nnd hops .ana

threat thirst nuenehcr .' T iuvi- -gorator Htin'mlates tlic nervesand muscles'.'" tho UoynlfOoH-mopolita- n

nnd Pacific salopusmny found, cold and puro.

chocks i'sbuoiJwhich may used at any iho'


cmv .. t; slnnililerf,

Au...item j:lst night's SturjflRting tho Custom House- - had a

half dozen .amongst tnom tnnl.could make a decent score, thov

.gayotjijp tho idpi- - ,. J.f..in 'T,.'t .

.ffuigersiiWnu-Ui- e woriu. QxtoxJLU.1 I,Q0Q madenud eoltl, Uli

3 "ji.... .1:..' u...it j:i.. 17 ij L.t tP.rmKxriu!imiK n .' 1111 ni iiinHnii;ji .jja-.!.-,- ' -- - -""

KwMhIUyffijFrSli. f P'JFiaft'.juptauiuiy, iiMJiVVilL-.M.nSBKo-


learning andrniii'wiiUiii. Ui'IkTwrao. h&imt.

.r.-.- i .n...'i "s- - rKHi!' auiuioiuiuuatreeii.

doing so wo would like to oBsuro i l""' wulve,cnSQ Kwoug linnsyou that it is not Only as mom- - fTl v. Wong Duck and uoaber of the Court that you shall bo rfplnym oE o horse. Magooumissed by tis, but 11 friond also. "n, ,'"'l3,JUi, piamtiff:

your unfailing kindness and tn for defendants. Andrewgonitdity you havo tho hearts ! l'l ton or twelveof of momber and ' years, sono of the witnesses, ami.physician of this Court you have lie 8ftTO ' with clear-bee- n

untiring and attentive; as aout proowion that loterestedfriend, mid charitable, prosont. .

It our towo hope you

our friendship andIn bidding you

tho.liueijcniinn aim inner

family tins Godspeed.oais ii. rtud

P. P.H. It. ViiuitA,

Diar, 'ipolished

one ofboar's tuskgold. It tho

byA. O. P.,


1"for bcauli..,






physician will to till. NojJ toiujjivhjoh cjiu lQUged anytj)Uieronly tho most assiduous th.e..govoriimi-n- t forlention to sick members, ,but by (l .janloh shoa(,is ontiroiy iifoor-ac- ts

of charity oubido a dootor's regt-- . inspgetor of tho'Ciiatonis.role, has ondeared himself to force stiid,tQj)ay tlpit tho n hniltho "momhors tho court. ' thunht qfji piejjiwg ot .a.'nmtch

A.fter,tth.q pweoulalipuwromurkfi toiunhufiii4ng.tJiorp wfibuit n.JiCKanu, ur.

"WalterEckardt a volumiii;.ous as iloiegnto tnoHi and, ins in- -

creasijfl t'nmvKrdgd theto j'gainud,.

uvor-ruli- ng




supgpsted many important chang-- - eatavmrjla atthoAvorld sColutu-o- aUio wq'rh. The proceedings; kb'iaBfE'ipoHiUoiimorciDllen'Mf'of'...n nnniitHIU

ho ror)nin thoroom, . soiWion,

1,,.;;:rlnli enhvette.l tile


krfowh in

Judge or


J-- ,': '.'Jn




settenant of tho

of 'thn



a dea



df"' It




arobb of




ul.c-i.- .--

..'..' .ir


won uE

ull As



beby of

A'ho nif








n- i.




Page 2: :7i '4: it; - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home--THE EVENING1 BUL-bfrT-INr-H i.iMiT. v& LD tfidtER WITHOUT DOUBT i AT FOTESSVf pWHLLIN,.TBE BICKER. BDIT$ iPubllflhod every




I l




uooi unci tatio.v sruri'.

'er'Compoallloii of a Unit rrucl- -

ca Pencil FtKber.

A rcoont ibbuo of tbo San Fran-fcc- o

Exarainor contains tbo fol-Mwi-

court report, which, it will

fc'6ticod, is fire-trat- o rhymo inesq, heading and all:


Ma Emsonkr at the City HallHe Seehed to Vanish

Tunouaii the "Wall.

M Barglnr on Trial, by PlyingBis Trad- -, a Dreadful' Sen .;

sation Suocosnfully Mado.


If; Many 'Old IiatcaU, Sonu Shortijntj Some- - Tall, Oeorge Brighton,

Hie Burglar, Was Cutest of All.

His honor, Jadgn Wallace, satfeck in hi chair, the clerk, the

porter, the lafryore wero- - there;vfcon in marchod the bailiff with

tlprits ,sixtnon--eig- ht mon on naede and tho bailiff botwoeu. Poto.ao'oy, for murder, was mio of thomtevrr Housobreaker Jim Buck-'j'Mi-8

in the gang, too;thon bigBarry Herrmann, uoar little JohnAmes, .whilo most of tho othorsfed fictitious names.

Frank Timlin was thoro on arfce'ny charge; and Church, who

fw twenty years won't be at largo.Boino hard-lookin- g rascals, soinoT.ort and some tall; George

Ikighton, it burglar, tho smallestrf all. The. Judge heard thogJeadings of those not yet tried, tofGfourch and to Buckley now hear-ibcr- fr

denied. OF all of the cul-3ri- ts

not puo could give bail, socbnliiB wore put on them, to goInck'to jail. - -

Pole Ducoy, for. .iuurdor, wqb'bbo- - Vif . tho ovovt, HousebreakerJim Buckley was m the guiig,tiro; then big Harry Horrmnnn,2?ar little John Jninos, and oil ofatios" other witlf fictitious, imudu'i.IFrauk Tiiulin wuc '.Iwro nn HieAtrcHtry vliurge; :itid Church, who3ot twenty yeais won't bo at large,Some hard-lookin- g rascals, tlisUoort .and the tali; but missingsas Brighton, tho smallest ofall r..


Bravo Curtis, tho bailiff, aston-akeri- ,

dismayed, said surely noawtn frbm hie sight could havoraliayed; but Brighton, the burg-Ba- r,

the smallest bf nil, had van-ished as if ho had gone throughfito wall. No way through thoanndows, a guard at tho door; thoroiling U.0 hih for escapo andShe floor too solid to cut through,ad nowhere a space by which any

Min could got out of tho place.His honor, Judge Wallace, sat

IP in his chair; tho lawyers houauned with a threatening glare,

fo looked at the Sheriff and gazedufttho clerk, and started tho crowdin the thiof-catchiu- g work. Tho3)itrict Attornoy jumpeU into thoease; ho gave tho absconder a ter-fcl- o

chase. Ho searched all histele and looked through the code;uaong the spectators he hurriedly

Arode.Clerk Salomon's desk was gone

K&rtiedly through. Thoy lookedi tho stove, and the waste-baske- t,

uoat-ppekot- a, wuenevor sus-usl- y

bier, encountered theJiff's inquisitive dig. High hats

tceto examined, ana not a hueo: was. aliowod to escapo till itsiworo snook. Tho pitcher of

a dootor did noto, andit tnrougn rim classes doop

hd its throat.As spectators raced in tho woniut search, tho prisoners bench

re a sort of a lnrch, and Bomo--observed it and told what he

maw. --.Then thoy pulled Brightonmat with the arm of the law. Theferglnr had slyly droppod down

t of'Bight, and had wedged him-self in. where bench boards worejbt. Then out marched thowliWwithJonlprits sixteen eighteeu ou a Bide and tho bailiff nr

Pet& Ducoy, for murder, wascrae of-- the craw. HousebreakerJRro Buckley was in the gang,too; then big Harry Herrmann,mar little John James, and of; alldf tlie-otho- rs with fictitious names.Vrank. Timlin was there on afcrcony chafgo; and Church, who

twenty years won't be at large.oitfS hard looking raflcnU, some

dforfc,)hd some Ull, and Brighton,pbe uurgiao, the maiurpr afPVPBMBMMnMMaHHaMHMManHaHaH

with' VkntL'txiut r WmJIu DlmMrrti.flcrrmU.vAMru. mMiritil Debit--Kw,. 111 b xlnaa .mU botth at Pit OOE- -

mym imov ULA7H XMUUllonilorrtl.cll" fc "33rjdffliSSSSS:

Books, wo know,Aro a substantial world both

puro and good.Round thoso with tendrils

Btrong ns flesh and bloodOur pastimo and our happi-

ness will grow.Wadsworth, Porsonol Talk,

stanza 3.

We Wave Th em:

All. the LatestBooks of t.he

Wour. - - --

Our. Stock ofBooks



To be Found .'JIn the City. -

Xft If you don't find what you

want, lot us order it from tho Pub-

lisher, it takes only a low wooks,nnd we cbffrgp you notlfing extrafor tho getting oB it.

Try us

Nichols Oo,

The BigBook Store.

I UKKbl ,irrzt I1 WWIIIi


Armenian Atrocities!Projuuly Jllmtratcd


(DyBov. Edwin M.Blisa.)

Of" Prospectus ami subscription listsat

mi., rr " . t n. tibb nawaiiafl news to.,

Tvlerohant Stroot, Honolulu.In one vol. cloth, $ 200In one vol. cloth gilt, 2 60In one vol. nn frilt ,1 50

Notice of Copartnership.

The undersigned, each residing in Hono-lulu, in the Island of Oahu, of tho Itepub-li- o

of Hawaii, havo formod a copartnershipwith oaoh other in the business of buyingand selling general merchandise ana ascommission merchants in said Honolnlu,undpr the firm name or style' of JT Water-hous- e,

being the baainoas heretofore car.ried on by J T Watorhouae, first, and hissuccessor, J T Wntorhouso, second.


Jouk Waikkiiodbk,qkorox 8 watkr1iod3k.

315 1m


I hT made orer all the stook and mer-chandise in the business carried on by thelate J. T. Waterbouse, and also the goodwill and nllntstanding accounts thereof,to my sons, F. T. F E. O., John and G.S.Waterhouse, who henceforth carry on saidbuiinee and 'Msnm all liabiliuea fromthis dato,


Sole Legatee under the will ofJohn T, Waterhouse. . 345 Im




Prepare Teachers for tho NextExamination,

tW Apply at Eagle House. 353-l-m

t fnflnVHPf ImF ikSMWKKKBpmBsKmmmmmrmmmmmmmmm1



Bl Klntr Street.O. J. WAMran MANAQKn.



Naw ContractorsRefrigerated Poultry


Fresh SalmonOOKSTArnY ON HAMD.

Hetfopolitan fieat do.

Telephone 46.

Central MarketNtTUAHTJ STltEET.

Tli Very JEinesfc


eMgeiMed' .--. Mea

Sweet and. Wholesome.

Oomo and boo our


Westbrook & Gares,l'roiirleton.

Telophbuc - - - - 104.

City MarketKSTAllMSHKI) 1SS3.

JasEpli TinkBT, - - Prap,Beef, A&e&i !fiulton'

Pork, k, Veal,Of tho rmont Varieties.

Makci-- ortlio Celebrated 1'ork S.iun(,rc.

Nuuonu htreol, opp. Chaplain lano.

Telephone 289

City Feed Store,Old Armory, Boretania 6ts.

L. H. Dee & Co.

Now Consignment of

Hay, Grain and FeedPer S. O. Wilder. A large consignmentexpected by ship Btorbuok from Portland.

Finn Family Flour, Roped Baled Hay,

Also, 2 Surreys and 1 Phaeton.


For tho Equino Table in thoway of all kinds First Class


Aro on sale by tho


51 Fort; St. Tel. 422.

STANDARD LINES .of Groceries are moro palatable as wellm healthier than the other kind.

V0ELLER & CO.(Warlnc Block, UoreUnla Street).

Handle nothing but the best. Llbby &McNeill's Canued Meats. Klng-Mor- ee

Table Frulta, GhlrordclU's Chocolate,Milkmaid Ilraod Milk, Paragon Pure Lardand

'EXCELLENT FLOUR'" Telephone G80 -- a


Caph -:-- Grocers

Fort Stroot & Chaplain Lana,

Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

98 Fort Street, HonolnluTelephoner 2U P.O. Box 470



& Conipanj-- ,



IPlumbinpc ond n

Sanitary Work a Specialty

'Jobbinc promptly attended to.Telephono 705. 235-t-f

John KTott?Importers and Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,


l.TJtf King Stn-et- .


WHAT?My SI 0.00 Until Tubs, liued with best

quality, No. 10 zinc, G in. Pipe, Uhain nnd1'Iob, with wood )im all complete. Otheidealers nro duiufonudcd, nnd texott to allluiiunor of Tricks and Kxeuies.

15b iiot deceived, tliefto llath Tubs havebeen sold for Sit until I reduced the price.

I am prepared to do till work in lny liceand guarantee satisfaction: Estimates d.

If you want a pood Job cheap for Caih,riug up Telephone 81-1- , nud I am yourman.

JASNOTTJr,Tinsmith & Plumber


For Family Usel

Just Recoived, ox "0. O. Funk," a cargo of

Wellington, DepMfeui'e Baj, Coal

Which is offered in quantities to suit.

2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVERY FREE.




Also White and Black Sandat the very lowest marketrates. Telphone No. 414.

Hawaiian FertilizingCOMPANY

la prepared to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo order for 18M.

In Quantities to, Suit.Orders solicited for a future de

tWerj.A. r. COOKE, MnKer.

Building Lots!At WAIKIKl on car line tad on FA

LAMA JtOAD rear FertilizesPlant

These Lota are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Deelrable Acre Troota near the city andother Properties for sale.

BRUCE, WARING & CO.,Dealers in Lota and. Lands,

Fort Street, near King.Thlmhonb 607. P. O. Box 82L




Curry Powder as .made byBccipo from the

gropared after OriginalPurest Ingrediehta.

r VTEY it onojuj -


Just Receivedtho New Stand, King Street,

' (Adjoining Arlington.)

Whole Wheat Flour,Goldori Gate Pour,Choice Hams,Bacon,Fresh Almonds nnd Walnuts,Cal. Block Butter,Smoked Beef, '

New Potatoes,Onions, etc.,

XUItA.I3IL.ITYK3? I receive orders for


Agont for Hooker &

ua ih tho


and For --Sale


-- '


GSias. Hustacv

Hoiiolnlii Road' Wagon!

Ku it TnnvT



the above Vehicle.


Co., San Francisco, Col.

ED. A. WILLIAMS,(Successor to C. E. Williams, H. H. Williams & Co.

and Williams Bros.

Pioneer Furniture Warerooms,Established 1859

Pianos for Sale, Hire and Moved. Chairs for Rent

Undertaker jad Embalmer,Tombstones and Monuments.

Itesldenco and Ni8ht Tel. 815. 611 KING STREET, Tel. 179.

H. HACKFEkD & CO.Importers and Doalora in


Plantation Supplies.


J .'(. Ais 4. Ki& ,Wfc ijk'kjktt, ' W. 2- - '.:"5&v' . 4M4i4C''''J',.'rfUjK.r' 'jL'4. &i-- -

tT .


Page 3: :7i '4: it; - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home--THE EVENING1 BUL-bfrT-INr-H i.iMiT. v& LD tfidtER WITHOUT DOUBT i AT FOTESSVf pWHLLIN,.TBE BICKER. BDIT$ iPubllflhod every




a - aww'''wpwwi'wmAVltlWKfSfl A A JKUKSOH.

Sfhcmtt of l'r'"liliit Nentt ni tH

UiiIhii Iron Work ol'.Nnn I'mnt-tMeii- .

Ilonry T. Scott, President oftho Union Iron Worko, 5h fieriotis-l- y

considering the ortjmiizntion otx event corporation to ro into tho

'.. i? i ; ii. !g irasinoss on

Const." It would unquestionably bo n

big thing," snid Mr. Scott in dis-

cussing the subject. " Wo wouldfind ninplo work to do, when youconsider thnt wo could oporntofrom one end of tho const to thoother. At present thoro urn nordnlly effective appliances herofor scientific wrecking, mid

thing wo should do would 1

to pvovido ourselves with u comploto and modorn plant. My ideais that all of tho more importantshipping and ship-buildin- g firmsshould go in as tho principalstockholders, on an oven-shar- e

basis, and 'then employ ..a profes-sional wrookor as raannger and acompotent and experienced crew.I would; suggest, off-han- d, thattho corporation should comprisetT. D. Sprocket & Co., Qooaal),Perkins & Co., tho Pacific MailBtonmsbip Company, Union Iron"Works, the Merchants and Ship-owners' Towboat Company andseveral moro interests of thatohrftctor. I belUva it iri beddife.'and if it ii I know itwill bosuccessful) It i eomothing thatis needed on this CoaBt." Exa-miner.

ttNtot la It Xaaa.Climate of every variety exerts

a difforont influence on tho de-

sire of mankind for a stimulant.In oolder zones beverages of great

looholio strength ,aro used to avery much' larger degree than inthe tropics. Beer is best suitedto our climate and none found intho market is bettor than thatbearing the brand of "Pabbt,Milwaukee." It is brewed from,tho boat of malt and hops and isa great thirst quonchor and invi-gorat- or

and stimulates tho nervesand muscles. At the Royal, Cos-mopolitan and Pacific saloons itmay bo.found, cold And pure. In-terchangeable cheoks are issuedwhich nioy be used nt any of thothree resorts.

Sure to Win..The people recoj-nU- and appreciate real

murit. That Is why ilood'i Uarsaparllla hasthe largest sales In tho world. Merit In sae-dlc-

means the power to cure. Hood'scures absolutely, permanently

cures. II Is Ilia One Truo Blond Purltler. Itssuperior merit In an established fact, and me-rit wins.

Hood's Vjlls nre easy to take, easy tooperate. Cure Indication, headache.

A. J. Doiby, D.D.S., Dontaloffieo Cottngo No. 100, Alakeastreet, telephone o. 615. Officehours 9 a.m. to 4 P.M.

M. A. Pdxoto, proprietor of thoUnion burbor shop, next to thoArt Gallery, guarnnteos to givo ashave thnt will make your hnircurl with joy,

There is n handsomo pieco ofproperty, 70x100 feet, on tho cor-ner Prospect and Hnckfeld streets.It is nil fenced ready for buildingand water pipes are laid on. En-quire of H. M. Dow.

..Tho Critoriou Saloon is npjeasant place to go to and itsgreatest attraction is tho pure,cold Soattlo boor on draughtthoro. It makos ono's mustachecurly and puts now lifo into thefailing consumptive.

Singers lend the world. Over18,000,000 mnde and sold. High-est awards at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for excollonco ofconstruction, regularity of motion,enso of motidn,-gro- at speed, ad-

justability, durability, ease oflearning and convouionco of ar-rangement. B. BorgorBcn, agont,King and Bethel streets.

There Booms to bo some blightaffecting tho bloom of tho beauti-ful Puuciana Rogia this season,for of all tho trees in tho city butfew hnvo blossoms enough to at-

tract attention. Tho onp on Hotelstreet next to tho Arlington 1s anotable exception, and in con-sequence is a source of wonderand delight to visitors who havenovor before seen this tree inbloom. King Bros, have madeseveral excellent flk'otohos in oiland water colors of this subject,which are meeting with rtadysalo.

FRIGEToollsuirerlnir with Tfiroat, Long or Wasting PlMa;- -

Ptomach Catarrh. 6croJuln, Atthmn, or Ncrvona j)LIUIty, etc.. will lie irtven a Miupla tottlo of DM. (.Oil.DIN'S CHOOOliATK KMUUUON tor trial. Call aH'pro dt IloiMKini Krna i, Honolulu, U, I. "UUKuarantcd u 1'alatalilo as Jllllc or Uoauy.

yymfc-rr"ii- nv snrw - n . ...

p'sr-r-i m jit t. i

BRUISESM cciinc without any previous worn- - hU i..--

. Alia bc.i v.jy ij c:vcya to HB bo prepared. Keep a botxlc ofi l'erryDnvis'PAiMKii.r.KK.byyou. Ej

H It relieves ot once. gIthulEoasJrocurufort'rumni, Collonml M

K an'l nil Internal fain.

3TmJEht fnl whrrpone doe of PainKiUef' would auccecd. Ifyou havea cough or cold or miy other wintercomplaint, try Poiu Killer at once.It never falls to nive Instant relief.

I PmarDAVu&ScaC ProrldcctR.L

( KILLEf.curt a cold, beferc it aettlea , I

1 or after It settles. The right I,m, Ubm tm take it b when ya M

,fCol' the cold coming on. ' Mk tttpaxtd tm3f or m

. ferry Dark son- - ffnrUmm,n.t

Hollister : DrugComjuuiy,

lse-t- t Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

J. J.80IXIVAH, J. OooxLaT.Prealdaati Sn't.

FashionStatilesCo.,L'fI.Honolaln, H. I.

StmuvAN it Bdoxlxt, MtinVrw,

FINEST EQUIPPED CARRIAGESin the City, trith Competent and Care-

ful Drivers.

Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Hotel Stroots.

TeiiKPnoHx:Haw'n Hotel Stables, 83.Pantheon StablcB, 84,FMhibn Stables. 148.


BAGGAGE dolivcrcd nnd chock-ed to any Steamer. Faruituronnd Pianos carefully moved ntHousonablu Rates.

Satisfaction.Fort and Queen Sts.

Dny Tel. 912, Reswlenoo Tel. G43.

rfTo Ef Patrons j

It gives tno much pleasureto nnnounoe tbat MB. M. E.COUNTElt, ono of the mostskilled watchmakers over inthose1' Islauds, is now managingtoy repairing department. Nowatch is so complex in itsmochanism but wo can givo por-fe- ot

sutisfuction in correctingtho evils to which watches areheir. Wntchos nre delicatothings to handle. Wo guarnnttothat they will rocoivo no injurynt our hands nnd will leayoour ptoro in perfect repair.




OF JEWELRYis a lino art. Costly jewelry whendumaged noods careful attoution, ex-

perience and care. To get this, Bondyour work to

A. fi. R. Vieira,AT UltOW.V A KUIIKY'N.

Unique Designs in Jewelry.Telephone 705. 334-t- t

EC- - e. BIAET,

O na Puna MakanaKa Hivvabhva oi Ion nku olea Nani Mnkumne.

E Hiki ke Hoomaemaepu iit na "Wnti poino a. mo kalmki o ko A-- u.

Alanui Fapu, kokoke nlnnui Moi.


(Xuuauu Street, ricnr Hotel)

. . STRAW HATS . .

I Havfi HUNDREDS of DOZENS wliiohl am Selling

1ST Inter-Islan- d orders In quantity filled nt


LOOK ! - :

New Japanese Rugs, Parlor Sdreens,3araboo Blinds. Silli; Goods,

. Crepe Shirts, all sizes:esr JUST RECEIVED

MUEATA fc CO.,Comer Uotal and Knnann RtresU.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectticCompany,

Hsa a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates givon for house wir-ing and Eloctrical plants.

Marino Wiring a tpeolalty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t-d Manager,

Cottage Architecture.Complete Plans and Specifications and Foil

Working Drawings.

Designs of New Model and ArtistioDwellings. From a $500 Artistio Cottageto n $25,000 Dwelling, at soTonty.fivo noroent loss than present'price charged in ttonolnlu.

Tho owners and contractors will incurno extra exponso on acconnt of faultyspecifications or not furnMiing completeworking drawings to the contractor for hisestimates.

A. V. QEAlt,334-t- f 609 King Street.


next to Lucys' Mill

Ships' Blacksmithing,Carriage Building

and RepairingDrays, Carts and

Wagon Building




. Fittod up with nil tho ModernAppliances for

Manufacturing and Repairing Vehicles

of Every Description.

Blacksmithing and Hors Shooing.


Teleplxom-- e ST'SLOLULlF

Carriage Manufactory128 & 130 FORT STKEET.

CSarriags Builderand iinpAiitim.

Blacksmithing in All Its Branches,

W. W. WltlUHT, Proprietor.(SucccsBor to G. West)

HOKSE SHOEING3?ar Excellence

(At tho Union.)

LEONARD NTJNESIlftn just openod his shop at T; B. Murray'u

Carriage Factory and will

Shoe Your HorseAt Bottom Figures,


. xuin4rtml'i9&ii . raaa.vifc


a h'gnre Imnotslblo to meet.


- LOOK !


TJe Yoohami Specie Muttms,

Subdoribed Capital Yon 12,000,000Paid Up Capital Yen 4.600,000BcservoFnnd Yen 4,130,000


BRANCHES XKD AGEN0IB8.Kobo, London, Lyons, Now York."

ban Franclnoo, ShanRhai,Bombay, Hong Kong.

Transacts a General, Banking and Ei-eha-

Buaiacsa,Ageooy Yokohasaa Spatia Bank

Ntw Repnbllc BnlUlii, Honolulu. E L

S. KIMURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors and FrovUIone, Bakl a upeclalty,

Allen Btbeet. Tblepuonk 703.

PALACE RESTAURANTFormerly tho By Horee Saloon

Corner Bethel and HoUl Streets, Honolula.

8PE0UL EATINQ HOUSE:Private Rooms for Ladios ond Gentlemen.

Open from B a. m. to 1 in momtng.Prico of Tioketa, $4.60. Single Meal, 25o.

JNew , Restaurant,Bethel street above Post Office.

NICE AND CLEAN.Chiokou on Tuesdays, Thursdays and

Saturdays. Ioa Cream on Sundays. PineSalads with dinnor each day.

Moals, 25c. 22 TiokotB, $4.C0.


Meals 25 Cents. &"?. .PrivatoBoom for Ladies.

Corner HoTEr. and Union Sts.

ooodsArrived per S. B. "Australia."



American Goods,

English Goods,

German Goods,

Chinese Goods,

Japanese Goods,

pleWQood3l pleWQoods!1ST" Come enrly and get your choice.

KWONGsiNG LOV,107-- 0 KIn St., near Castle & Cooko.


, L. AHLO,No. 408, .--. . Nuunilu stroot.

Has just roociveda new line ofDRY GOODS, LADIEii AND GENTS,


Agent for tho following rico plantations)Waiplo, WaiawH, WhIuiuIu, WuialuaKniifoho nnd Kupalumu,&y My rico from Knneohe is marked

L A and is guaranteed Al.T. O. Bos 114. . . Telephone IBB,

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT;General Manager of

The Equitablo Lifo Assurance Society

Of tho United States for tho HawaiianiBlunds,

Ow'cn: Morchant street, Honolulu.



Assets, -v-

-- $10,000,000.

. H. W. BCHMlOT & 80NS,Agents for tho Hawaiian Inlands.

, 4, ' to.'g3NW.s

LIN TAi On.110 Hotfll street, nenrNnunnu.

ImportersOf All Kinds of Provisions,

Chinese Tea andG-ing-e- r,

GROCERIES, -I- - RICE,All kinds of Canned Fruit, Cigars,and n largo assortment of goods toonumerous to mention nt the very


KAM TAIBios just receivod a large con

slgnment of


Ia Ferla Del Oriente

Finest Flavored Smoke in tho Market.

Hotel Street, oppo. Pantheon llarber Bhop.

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nnuanu street.

Importers and Dealers in

General -:- - merchandiseFine Manila Cigars, Chinese and Japa.

mm Crockerwan, Uattinm, Vases of ail'kinds, Campbonrood Trunks, RaMan.Chairs: A Aaaortnent of Dress BUks.Choicest brands of Chinese and JapaneseTcasof latest importation.

4tT" New Goods by every steamer.Mutual Tel. 206 1. O. Box 108


FRESH :- -: FRUITSif By 9ry California steamer.

Importers of all kinds of Groceries, Fralts,Canned Goods, Cigar and Tobaccos,

at Lowest Prices.Fresh Vegetables Always n IIan4.

AH PING,Dealer in Chinese Tea, Cigars,

Peanut Oil, Sugar, Soap,Candles, etc, at lowestmarket price. . t . .

Conor Nunann and Pauahl stroets. 14&

HOP HING& COMPANY,Wholesale Dealers In

Chlncso Silk, Tea, and Hatting,LIqnors and Manila Cigars, English and

American Groceries.402 Hotel street. - Tclcphono 147.

QTJONG SAM KEE & CO.Importers and Dealers In

Qeneral Merchandise,145-t- f Corner King and Maunakea Sta.


X'lnixi'bex'sand dealers In

CROCKERY, OLA88WARE, ETC., ETC.Water Pipes, laid and repaired,and plnmblnK neatly executed.

14- 2- No 41, Nunanu street

FOR . . .Best Imported Chlncso Tea,


WARE, CIGARS, ETC,At lowest prices, go to

WINQ TAI LUNG.14- 1- 831 Nuuanu street.

LIN SING KEE,Plumber & Tinsmith

Dotfcr In Tin and Agato Ware.All Ulr.ils of I'lumlilnp dnno In a Satlsfactor)

.Mauuer nt Lowest llutcs,1'. O. Box S74, ai'J 4C3 Hotel St

XiAJC SI3STG- - KEE.PLCituintt.

ALL KINDS OF TINWARE, CROCKERY,etc., at tliu very lowest prlc.es. Klnir streetmakul and Ewa of Mauuikea.


All kinds of tlnwnro, crockery,eto, at lowest prices. ....

141 Nnuanu and Hotel street

TOM CHUNG KEE,No. 47, ... . Nuuanu street.

Dealer in Ladies' nnd Gentle-men's Shoes.

Boots and Shoes to order. I ubo the bestmaterial. Goods warranted towcar well, 14&--

' FOOK ON & CO.,Nuunnu Stroot.

Juht opened now supply of First-clas- s Shoosjustrocctvud.

Ladies' & Gonts' Shoos Mado to Order

From American and Frouch Leathers.

W. W. Aham'Slakes ClollmiK to UKDEU of tlir

very iui)t tuiitvriitiit auil iu tha vcrlatust stylo. , . Z

A. Jr'evibcb Fit'i ,- -



Cleaning and '.Htpairkg a Spdilp

W.,;W--flHA- Nfc

To Whom It

May Concent.

This ia to certify thnt O.bos mado BOToral suits of olefor mo and tbo workmnnshilgfcboon of tbo best. I tako plod&nm reoommunuing nun nna-m- nwork.


TIM KEE,MERCHANT TAJ&WSnlU to order. Fit Qasnnteed. DBJBBSJStBait, 95 up; Flne,Twed Pants, fPine Butt 918 up. Clothes cleanedpiwd.. . 9NUXObTI! i U. UOXIMJ

Cbock Chit A Co., litfcilntClothes Cleaned and Bepaircd.

No. 322 Nnuann Street.216-l- y . O. Boat

DYEiisrajIf yon want yonr Clothes Dyod an

10 jook new, call around at

CHOCK LOOK'SMerchant :- -: TaiLta

48 Nuuann street, P O Box 158.


No. 324, Nuuanu streat.

MERCHANT TAILORFine Sultlugs made to order at lowctt pdboat145 Clothes cleaned and repaired.

"W. .A.hiu & Co320 Nuuaun Stroot.


Fino Siiting3 from Best AmericanEnglish Cloth.

Olothca Cleaned and Bcpaired.

Y. MA.3ST SI2STGFashionaolc Dress Maker,


DrosKOi mado to order. Sewing jpsvran teed. If tho utitohes break I wif swpair without extra charge. 307- -'



:IN . .

Furniture, Bedding, Etc., Efc.Contraowr nnd Guilder.

No. 80, Nuuiimi street. .

Has on hand Coffins, Camphor TrwtejMattlug, Wnrdrolon. Desk5, Matretscs,ati.

BJ8f Cull in and inspect goods.


ContractoiK,T3iiilclersFuruituro Dealers and PalnterH.


Fort Street; opposite Club. Stable.

Orient Planing MH&


Fnrnlture of all kinds made and roprimSuuiidinc nouses ana iniKing rice mills.cimiy, i'. u. noi itu, corner tuuj; anustreets.

YEE ON CO.,817 Nuuanu St. P. O, Box 148.

Watchmakers and Manufadfca- -'

ing Jewelers. - ;Repairing of Watches and Jewelry, WSkWORK GUARANTEED.Importers ot Watches aud Clocks ol .VmmRiU'J Grades.











Page 4: :7i '4: it; - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home--THE EVENING1 BUL-bfrT-INr-H i.iMiT. v& LD tfidtER WITHOUT DOUBT i AT FOTESSVf pWHLLIN,.TBE BICKER. BDIT$ iPubllflhod every





Irrigation Notico.

.a .f -- ... tlktt tla.iA nK flirwn 1UIV- -Honiara "i wiwi )iii(iicv -- , '

ing wtr rt arc hereby notified that the

norm for irrigation purposes nrc inmi u iuo'dfoole A. t. and to 0 o'clock v. m.

AN'IlKBW IMJWN,Supertntcmtent llonolnlu Water Work.

Approved!.1. A. Kiso,

Minister of the Interior.Honolulu, July 10, IsuO. VM-U-

Sr;? Eue?iQ Bulletin,


"WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1896.

Ouv morning contemporary ia

astray ia its sweeping imputationof 'heartlessncss to American

liowspipor publishers. Thoionrovoterau writers in the Statesvfhnaa tlasliitfn yours nro madecomfortnblo by pensions settled

on thorn by appreciative ownerstfliom th.y bad borved. Thoy

need only contribute to tboirbenefactors' paper when thoy,eol so inclined. Newspaper pio-Icieto- rs

liko tho Into George W,Ghilds have lived and wo boliove

am living, who:jnlnablorpcords of

Icatjii ny wilnj,WAys bo. nneT. 1 i ? t b.ig' i 'd chnrbp of

XTOhftpf.liaftv&'in'ttiB guild.- -t

Jffer i, rw "lMl&b.P?m.Wia opiloancJf'

In- - ynr win Aifttie cholera hnvo

b J k' i '." ' ' i't' ' M U- -

us of eminent scientific opinionsb$14u AiiwtcHit iiurope. Inlooking back at that dread beason,it uiUHt bo regarded n fortunatetluktr the pli'bioi.111 w' ' was calledto tho first patient ontsido of thoquarantine station Dr. Murray

had seou casf s of cholera boforonnd wua therefore, in a position logiro pojitivo and timely warningot Ihoroscnce of the unwolcomovisitor.

Whon a newspaper interferesiu competitions for Governmentcontracts before they nro awarded

it goes too far. Tf a nowspaporthinks that the officials having thoresponsibility of deciding suchaintters nro not com potent forthat service, it should come out'iStniigbtforwardly and sny so.

Two of our contemporaries arosquabbling over the question ofwhether the articles iu a third aroseditious. In the meantime thoopiuions of tho third on its two

judges innko muchmore interesting reading thanthoir laborious vaporing nboutit3olf.

An interesting decision bearingon tho limitations of private com-

binations for mutual prolit is re-

ported today.

It's bullion to buttons that thoPopulists have tumbled aud fallouinto lino behind silvor-tongue- d


I'ollco 'nrl Iiuiiin.

In Judge Wilcox's court thisaooMiinj5 0. B. Mangos, tho youngwan who to k a royc oin from apassungor on the Wnrrimoo to

ibuy some ntp- and failed to re-

turn ths ch i 'go tbangod his pleaof not guilty t.) ono of gnilty.Sentence w fiupeuied at theroqu3t,af the Mnrsbal.

A Japanese who imbibed enffi-ciontsn-

lnat night to make himhilarious paid the nsuml ponnltyiii arfh cusms nmdf ni.l provided,to jrit: 2 and ooata with a head-ache thrown in.

K.ihale, a female .ho created a

disturbance and uas consequentlylocked np, was reprimanded bytho Court nnd dis hnvgod.

Mainao, for solliug liquor with- -

out a license, pleaded not gniltyand had his trial fixed for August1st.

Tho trial of Yong Yoo aud TonTak for burglary was Set for Aug-- .

list 3d.


rffSflSf"Asi: or Ai.i.i:a:n nusiunoN.

One or tho nimij 1'ocHllttr OMie WlillCoiiip Itrforo n IHiixIMrnli'.

In tho District Court yesterdayafternoon J udgo "Wilcox was honr-iu- g

tho caso of Fnjiwara vs. Noio,

for deseition, in which a peculiarstate of affairs was dovolopcd.

More than sovon years agoEujiwara was a farmer in Japannnd married Noio, tho girl of hischoice, nnd in duo courso of timoa sou aud heir was born. Aftora couple of years tfujiwarathought ho had had enough ofwedded hnppiness, and made uphis mind to como to tho promisedland of Hawaii. Ho told his wifoof his decision to separate fromhor and in nccordanco with tholaw in Japan went b"foro a proper oflicor and sinned a contractof sopaiation boforo witnessesand told his wifo to go homo toher folks, which sho did.

This was live years ago, butabout ten days sinco Fujiwaraunexpectedly inot his former witoon tho street, and ho. assorts thntnil his former loe for her return-ed to Ill's bosom or thoplace whoro lovo is supposedto reside and ho determined Rho

should bo his once more. Hotraced her out ind with a coupleof friends went nftor her. Butsho was living with another man,who refused to let hqr. even seeher former husband nnd threat-ened to kill him on sight if hecame " round the much any more.

fujiwara .then hadhe wniinu.nrrobted'fnr Jiie- -i iti ,u ()n

. tintrial (lie nbov fncts wen1 b'-o'- 'hifoith together with lh6 H'Uitioual

his wifo during his stay here owcnt lies' "any mouey and

w;ould not have .thought anytjiing'more ri'ioat lu-- i

' hr hn 1 nf u(iiheron thostrettni 11 lidialu.

Jmlgo Wilcox di'cil( I that thoJapanese divoue was g8Cc7andthat if it was not tho woman wascertainly not guilty of desertinghor hiishiud. Tho complainingwitness dillers with tho Jmlgo onhis construction of the law andtho evidence nnd will npppalto the higher court. Uo ia $3.50out of pocket for costs as far as hohas got.

Auction b'ulcs by Jus. F. Morgan.



TO-NIGH- T, July 29,AT 7 O'CLOCK P. M.,

At tho "Waverly Builcling,"BtjthU &trout,

I will sell ut Publlo Aucliou for iiccount otwhom it limy unucom:

The Stock-- OF

Dry GoodsDaiiinKoil ly firo niut wuler nt tho ht jio ot11. F. lihlcw it C.i., Honolulu.


JAS. F. MORGAN,307-- Auctioneer.

Attention, Company G--.

AUMOUV TOMI-VV- O, X. O. II.,Hosoii'LiT, Tuly 20, 1890

tvnnv Jiuiiuu: uv tuij coit- -

puny is lieroby ordorod to ronortu nt the DiillSliu.1, THIS (Woauoacky)BVENINO, July 20, 1S00. nt 7:0o'clool;, for Drill,

JOHN'M. KEA3fi7.lt (I 11 f I 11 ULVittr!


Tw Ab'a Bolied and Imlugtrtoua

Young Men,

&SJ App'y nl P. Molnerny' PndyStoie, Tort etreet. 7-- !t

v i " '"h'l"" "

Iotic.PtmiVa 511 AB8BNGR TOOil THE

Ilnwuiiau my bio)ir C'hnua Veewill liiiinngo my two nkiro U04-U0- Nunmm htrcot known n You Clnin, uud 330'!.'!2 Niluiinn Htieet known ii.i O. Afut,nmlcr full jiowei of nttornoy.

0. ArAT.Honolulu, July 27, 1800. Mia iw

Situation Wanted

AS HALEMAN1 Oil TIIAVnU.ER UYinnii cxiioriencoil iu Island trnda. 1' O UnxJUG. 305-l- w

if--1 'iIlT I ifflifT'!



MMwannW " fa-- .. w

Jumly jQpis-- ON

Refrigerating AUchinesand Cream Sep-


Now that the Fourth of Julycelebration is over and peopleare settling down to businessagain, we desire to call theattention of the residents of

the Hawaiian Islands to a fewmatters of interest.

Wc have lately been ap-

pointed sole agents for Bar-

ber's- Refrigerating AU-

chines.This machine can readily be

arranged in creameries, etc., soas to cool cream, milk . andwater to any desired tempera-

ture down to and below freez-

ing, as also to hold a well-insula- ted

butter-roo- m at any;temperature desired above 5degrees, only requiring' therunning of the machine fromfour to six hours per day,which is the usual time thattne oilier nncninervv. liv-a- 1-

creamery istfp2rated. '

In addition to creameries,th?i.e nachjjjee.jsandaptedfprA yse in produce houses,

t market", hotel ., clrbhouses, etc. Their perfect woi klu: teeii dcjiioniniated fully

two .years in -- a largenumber of creameries in differ-ent portions of the East, andmore particularly in the Elgin,111., district, as well as in butterhouses in Chicago, New Or-leans, and elsewhere.

The cost of operation is no-

minal, as the charge of ammo-nia furnished with the plantshould last a year or morewithout recharging, and willcost only about $1?.00

The De Laval CreamSeparators are now in al-

most universal creamery orfactory use the world over,and in the past few years theDairy or "Baby" sizes of thesemachines have almost as com-pMe- ly

revr V: i'-,- :;one;aldairying as had the largermachines previously the cream-eY- y

industry.The De Laval Company now

presents to the public a smallertype of its latest and mostimproved "Alpha" machinesintended for household andsmall dairy use, and designedto conier 'in its new field thesame inestimable benefits ofcentrifugal separation of creamfrom milk as have the largermachines in their respectivespheres.

No more fitting and des-criptive term could well beapplied to this little machinethan the name which has beeni.o iiptly given it, the "ilum-ming-Bir- J."

It is very small,very compact, extremely sim-ple, easily understood andcared for, afe a, id durable, llpossesses every advantage tobe found in any of the larger"Alpha" machines, is 50 ex-tremely casy ot nreiaiion bvreason of its new method ofobtaining motion as to bedesigned mainly for use bywomen and children, and isabsolutely thorough in itseffectiveness. It need simplybe said that it fulfills everyrequirement of its purpose.


Hawaiian Hardware Co.

LIMITED,Opposite Spreokols' Bank,


"t--h- - '--tfj.

-.yj U' Oh' JWte-

Tho Uult.etin very kindlynoticed our now departmoutthat of



in its columus of. hint woek, inand nlrcndy tho number oforders for this kind of work,convinced ns that there hasbeen pressing need for suchwork in this city.

"Without making thoalichtostbrng on tho hind of woik onrengraver is able to do, we fool

so cortnin that wo can pleasetho over particular that therewill bo no longer any oxcubofor Bonding away for yourcards, or for any of the linerembossing work, which youhavo been compollod to do upto tho present inoinont.

Our Prices" '

Will bo fonncl tolbo' '


Our stationery tho latest andGnost in use. "Wo will keep i

posted on ovary now wrinklein the ork nnib-yq- u ..cnn,ro3tnHsured that any work turned

ut bv n v.'M ''" r)orrp"t nndth kind oii won't b ashamedof.

Will you keep this work athoirio by placing' your ordorswith us? You snvo tho oxpeneoof mailing, to say nothing oftho long wait, so let us do yourwork.

H. F.WiclimanEja'asHfiiDHSiasMS'aEiiMajsisiBJEi


6 Years' Lease of

Emmes' Wharf . ,


Property contains

A WarehouseBoat 33tiilclei,,w

2100 Tout of Wntur Tiontnyo.


Purchasers of llila property can cot backtliulr money In n ulinrt tlmo by extending thowarcuoiiso accommodations. Apply lo

JOHN OASSIDY.Tclepliouo 310. SKH-l-

To Cozensof Hawaii Sf. J .

I tako pleasure in announc-ing to von that I have remov-ed to mv lu-- qu'irters at NOi318 FOUT blilKKT and amproparcd to exoouto all ordoisportnining to my business.Jowolry Hopairina, WatchRepairing, Fine Engraving,etc.. etc. I hao a handsomestook of .itcheB and Jewel-ry to show you including alargo variety of valuablo Isl-and OurioR. Your pntronngois rofapoctfully solicited.

304-t- f



OrriCKi 208 Morchnnt utreot, CampljellIllool: roar of J. O. Ourtoi's oulco, P. O.Jlox3G0. 310-t- f

iiilfc -

' ft if

" --temiimi ifMiMmmtmJl'VWlygfn mvif

We Have

Everything !

Hope YouV

Are WeSI Fixed.

giWo refer of courso to Footwear, particularly nil tlio now shadescolors for Lndies and Gentlemen..

If You Need Fixing .s&eCome in and See XJs.


The Manufacturers' Shoe Go,(,- -

Big Shoe'Store.

nTriVrlTs-i-n Out:

r hito. )jiTiu Tabic Dairmsk, ijood qualifcv.Wlyto'J4inn with Nupkisin uiatchtWlHfeJiiiuiU4J.flfrSheotiiigfJ10,J , itybr aj i'0 tporard.Yhito Linen nv Killpw Cases Jf)Mnol,nGOo.pcr yard.'

flMHific Vniit.Tiyaqi6,J8G inch, GOn per-yar-

TTnTl T ,1il,. T.i iiinftlc . r(Ynnncl 70W iVlt''vovH?- - ' ' 'White JDif.tlffeIcTable Covb? c'UpeVi'o'b

Iliul?' 75 T lV'TO.u'jt;ii,

Knd Border 75c nnd 01.25 a

CoM Fort Street"'

T1 i- - I ..!. ll..- - Olliat' J 'ir aiv ri..fWli'tf lJni.'-l- J)ojicb with

B. g,' EM'Qr '&' - -



A Complete

Line of .

Sporting '



'Martha. Davifl'

Castle k Cooke





- - 4jMft"fW "

IB V91 PR1EHTTCW imk til

1,9 tit l1oi-t'tsti,k-- L.

Linen TDerrTmp-n-

Kl .. A......


This is liofc weather, foodspoiling weather, unless theproper attention is given to re-

frigerator suggestions. There'sall sorts of devices for kcopino-foo- d

fresh, good, bad or indiff-

erent. Sotno of tho named re-

frigerators are no better thandry goods boxes; the lining isnot right and tho systemot draii'rhr, nnJ mris defective.

In the United States therewere complaints onanist tlmGurney, complaints wo hadnot Heard ot hero. When wewere at tho Coast a few weeksago, wo took tho trouble toinvestigate and learned thatthe objections were all right,but thoy were against the Gurney Challenge jefrigerator andnot tho Uurnoy Cleanablo.

Wo sell tho Cleanablc; wereappointed solo agents for thoHawaiian Islands and wodon't sell any other. ThoLruniey Cleanablo is linedwith mineral wool, tho irreat- -ost non-conduct- or known toscience; tho Gurney Chal-fcug- o

u l,uod With charuu.iland is a cheap combinationthat is uusorvicoble.

Foods ai--o easily kept tund appetizing with a rightrofrigerator to help. Yoursummon health is easier keptthan regained. There arouiany refrigerators, some ex-cellent ones, but none equal thoGurney Cloauable. Profits aroforgotten when wo sell them.

Von Holt Building.


Page 5: :7i '4: it; - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home--THE EVENING1 BUL-bfrT-INr-H i.iMiT. v& LD tfidtER WITHOUT DOUBT i AT FOTESSVf pWHLLIN,.TBE BICKER. BDIT$ iPubllflhod every







Company O will drill this oven-in- g.

Honolulu vs. First Regiment onSaturday.

Gus SprockolB wont to Maui ontho Olaudino yesterday.

Onptnin Murray is still presidento the Anioricivn Lenguo.

Tlio I3onrd of Health is holdingits weekly sossion this afternoon.

Tho great salo of tho Tomplo ofFashion commences on Mondaynext.

Tho band will givo tho usualconcert at tho Executive buildingthis afternoon.

Chemist J. T. Crowloy of thoPlan tors' Association loft forMaui last night.

Read tho lis,t of articles to bosold at Mrs. Bolton's houso by W.S. Luce on Friday.

ProfesBor Koobolo shipped bov-or- al

colonies of ladybirds to Kauaion last night's steamer.

Twolvo dayb' Inter news fromtho Coast in tomorrow's Bulletin,if the Mariposa makes hor ubualtime.

This is positively tho,last nightof tho Ehlors nuutiun'onle. Evory-- .thing loft muBt bo disposed of to--

uight- - XmAmong tho departing Mnai

passeugois last nightwoio J. F.Brown, M. D. Monsurrat and L.A. Dickey.

Di. Wood brought back withhim Irom Ciuim cultures of theplague; They show jthu mioiotfcocci in iino dot clustery.'

TlldoirBt roh carshl'tif tho ohoruBof tho "11 Trovatoro" opera com- -

)any took placo last evening at, or"! l, i'n re idi'iue.

'1 Iim n.nlcrw i iters' sale C(f damngdd goods from tjlie fire at 13. jj".

Einors & Oo.'a storo will bo continued n,t 7 o'oloek this evening.

PTflnornytliQ Fort sjreotvrixhls to ojjgpge tho

faorvicos of two able - bodiod,Honest and industrious youngmen.

II. "W. Schmidt & Sons nro re-

tailing their dry" goods at whole-sale prico3. Now serges, lawns anddry goods aro specialties thisweek.

Co. B'hncl a rattling good drilllast night. Tho men worked withprecision and opirit, though some-what discouraged by tho poor at-


Tho foru is indicative of fascin-ation. In Saxony tho present bya lover to his sweotheart of nhandful of ferns is oquivnlout toa proposal.

Tin 35i I rl u'' i . Mr i3tomouow will contain tho linalproceedings of tho Democraticconvention nnd tho first day of thoPopuliht convention.

Last night's rehearsal of thoplay, "Under Two Flags," to bopresented by Company B in abouttwo weeks, gives promise- of asplondid performance.

The quarantine of all tho Chi-

nese at Quarantine island will boiip on Saturday. They will allbo nt off boforo tho lot expectedon tho Peru aro landed.

Bishop "Willis has gono to "Wai-luk- u

nnd Lalmina for ton days.Rev- - L. C. Lytton looks aftor thoaffairs of tho diocese and officiatesat the Cathedral services in hisabsence.

.Tamos Thomp'-nn-, clerk of thoSupremo Court, all-ioun- d athloto,ball-playe- r and minstrel perform-er, is oxpocted homo tomorrowan 1 will be ou hand for Saturday's! '.' ii i.

When you aro dowu on yourluck and feel ns if tho world wascold, haul and dwriry, jtinr stepinto tup (Jriteviou s. loon and put aroae-oolore- d tint ou eveiythmg byimbibing a glass or Seattlebaor.

A twenty-ma- n team matoh bo-twe- sn

tho Sbarpsdiooiora and Com-

pany B will take piee at MakikiIjutts next Saturday. CaptainDodge of tho Sharpshooters made47 yesterday and others of histeam made good ncores. Co. Bwill hayo to look to its laurels.


Makes lktter Dread and Pastry than

Any Other Known Brand,

,ltk Your Qrocir For It.

UNION FBIW 00., Solo Agents.

Thnro was a dinner party atPresident Dole's hiBt ovening.

The court martial in adjourneduntil Saturday evening at 7:30p in. The public will not bo ad-mitted.

AnoluiawnB arrested this morn-ing for selling liquor without alicense Ho gave bonds for hisnppearanco in court.

Thoro must havo been a heavyrainstorm on tho makai sido oflho bay this morning. Thoro'sa big wash out on tho Adams.

Mystic Lodge No. 2, K. of P.,will confer tho amplified thirdrank at its convention this oven-ing. All qualified knights arocordially invited to attend.

Sterling, tho paintor, iB pro-parc- el

to quoto prices on roofpainting. He uses a composition ofcoal tar and comont. Cheapestand best roof proparation in Ho-nolulu.

Merchants and others aro wrest-ling with tho Bchodulos of taxableproperty to bo returned to thoAssessor's office and many ofthoin absolutely refuse to fill outBomo of tho blanks provided.

H. J. Rhodes, who gained somuch notorioty by his zoaloiiB

work in tho'casa of thomissing gun sight, has resignedhis"position in tho governmentdotoctiye sorvico. Tho resignationhaajjcemaccopted. -

It is-- reported that H: Haokfold& Co. havo loased tho largo.Btoro-ro6- m

in tho Wavorley block,whoio tho auction snltiH"now go-ing on, for a ear, iiud'tluft it is tobo fitted up at onco,, for the ropsumption of business by B. F.Ehlors & Co.

Chester A. Dnylo is celebratinghis 25th birthday 'today, UmU'liowould not toll tho reportor'whdth-e- r

it was the 2.3th tut Unlay tinsyour or not. It is said that ho istaking out tho neeeH-ar- y pipers toadopt tho Bulletin's indla nib-b- or

baby in honor of tho event.

Auction Sales by W. S. Lure.

jiouselioldpurnitoeRT SUCTIDN,

By W. S. LUCE, Auctioneer.

On FRIDAY, July 31st.On account of tlie Intended departure ofMUS. HOIION'. I slinll fell at liur Ke'ldenco,Ilcrctnnla strout, oiljolnln ' tlio homo ot II.W. Stumldt, Esii.,

On FRIDAY, July 31,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 31.,

Tho Entire Household Furniture, condst-ln- g


Upholstered Parlor Chairst TToblci. Carpets, Runs,

riciurcH, iiooM, uraeken,

I Magnificent PIANO,"Cabinet Grand inadu bv Beet Orcnn nn.l

Pluno Co. I.'d, Ouclph, Cnnudo. Full IlrnnsHnck, nwxrl new mid ono of the finest In-struments on tlio Islands."

Oak Bedroom Suits,Oalv Extension Dining Tablowlth Chairs

to match;Crotkon, (ilassivarc, (iasolluo Stoe,

Kitchen Utensils, Etc. Etc, Etc.

W. S. LUCE,3J7-2- t Anitionoer.

pltf.cpdRetail Their .

. . . Large Stock


33RY GOODS!At Wliolfsalo Prices!

Specialties THIS WEEK

New Serges,


Dress Goods.307-O-

Mystic Lodge, K. of P.

AT Tlin IiCGULAR CONVKN'TJONot Mybtio Lod(jo, No. '2, K. of 1'., to bobold at their CaHtlo Hall. I'ort Btreot, THIS(Wednesday) KVENINO, at 7:.10 o'clock,the Awidiliod Third ltank will bo eonforred.All Knight iualiiled nre cordially iuvitedto bo prosent.

1'er order of the O. O.M. X. KENNEDY,

.107-- lt Actlug K. of It. A: S.


Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.

MR UVIll A IT3 V& jrtSS.

m m w 2&S2&&


Side SapWo perspire a pint a day with-

out knowing it; ought to ifnot, theio's trouble ahead. Thoobstructed skin become orbreaks out in pmplcs Thstraiblo goi'S deeper, but this istrouble enough.

If you mo Curative Skin Soap,"no matter how often, tho kin isclean and Mjftwnnd operttand c'ear., Dfi't U'-- o auyuilher but GucattvcSkin Soflp on the baby if you w.intits s.s.in koiit fieo i'rjin biumisheswhich torment the little ones.There's' nodffubt wJouT its" "being

the b'-s- t and purest medicinal !oai).Try it.

HobroivDg Co.

A BadMfiittert i' .Y.

SKify0"0 To Blancior mi iiuncuaa and llrulccs.

nndl.unch. ti 00 j ( r bottle. Druggitta,i llnrm Drilt rs or direct.v. r. Vjir;.i;. i. n. if..

Kb. e Aatrat bi., .HuilusUoU, .Mass.

HobroilDrug Co.SOl' AGENTfe.

"w&'&vSuB.v3a . ss a v zs

fcSJll'jfivgX jfyUWhy Pay $110

For a Bicycle.tliat RclU in tho Coast for P7.",whou you cau buy an liouoatBloyolo at an boncst price at

The v CleveliiDil v itmo t'

lS'Jlt Moiul t100.1805 Model ; 75.1S95 Model, ladies 70.

H. E, WALKER,IVInnonlo Tomplo.

Take an Outing


Trains will leave at 9:15 a. m,nnd 1:45 ! St., arriving in Hono-lulu at 3:11 nnd 5:5f"5 p. Jt.


Pnarl City $ 15 $ SO

:.. 1 00 75Wninnne 1 50 1 U5

Jusl Issued from tho Press:

'How to Live or the

Hawaiian Islands' .

A 8o.mmrv of IndividualIJjKidiu by . . .

N. RUSSEL, M. d.Contents: Introductory. Hawaiian iti,

Snll nnd wuttr, liiu liilluciico fgrouad polsoiu upon tbo system: Scluetlon(if place for resldencoj HiilldlnK of a bonce;Food; UiitbliiK, Exercise, C'oucliidln;; re-marks; HaHnllan climate for linalids.

Price 50 Cents." OUE UEALTII POLICY "Ily tbc pamo author: Trlee 1(1 cents. For

me at nil lioultstorcs,SCS-l-

V.msmV --f



lrion Sales by Jaa. F. Morgan.

dksika-Bjle- :

ns fp tiit rrn wamtfilyitmAT AOSTiON !

Ort Wednesday,August 13, 1896,

At 12 O'clock Noon,At Hi' Salesrooms, Queen

Street, I ill selKatPubliu Auction,

Desirable 1 t


Situated "on the wosUle&fNuuanU Millfiy aud'aboeltlio


Tlijj location rfl'"?o ljt istho most desirable, j iuj' thosuburbs of the city.

The ssti. cuti-uiaiuTa- (in-

tended view of tlio city andtho surrounding country.

As a residence location forthosu who wish to ebcnpo thomalar.al atmosphero of the lowlauds of tlio city; tho situationof these lots cannot be equaled.

As n safe and pnying in-

vestment, parties will bear inmind tho wonderful apprecia-tion in values of lands adjacentto the city in the pu&t fow years.

Tho (government water mainis laid to tho lots.

That these lots may bo with-in the luic'.i of all, we offer thofollowing unparalleled terms:

First :Cnsh, with a discountof 10 percent.

Second 25 cash, balanceat 5 per month.

Third 10 cash, balance at7.50 per month.

KTDEEDS FREE. .33"For fuithcr particulars,

apply to


D35-- td Auctioneer.

Valuable '.' HomesteadOK sale.

Tlio promises at present occu-pied by E. Kopka, Esq., Bituntoat tlin corti&r ot ure. iiml tclo- -

ria streets on the slope of Punch-bowl, nro ofForod for snlo. Tliodwelling hmiHo nnd ont buildingsaro well ri r ui. d nnd roinraoiu-oil- s

nnd tht) yiuuuds nro lingonml well laid oat. Excollont viowof Diamond ITond nnd tlio oconn."Will bo sold vory lonsonnbly nnd..,! P (l. --....l.,remain on tho oroDcrtv aocurodby mortgage.

For furthor pnrticulnra npplyto J. F. IIACKFELD,AttoVnoy-i- n I'notof A. Ehlors, Esq.

3li(i lm


A Lady's Bicycle I

NearlyXew; Up l'uttcru, iuPerfect Couditlou.

- Apply nt Wootou'n Dloyclo RepairShop, Kiug sticcit, ueur Alulitf.i.


JBiit-itoiM-i '"' A

- tiiiliifilliiiriMBiiii' mM ifif8 ilHfi "


Noyeltie's in Wash FabricsElegant Goods ! Latest Designs !


N. S. SACHS'520 lort Street.

. Dimities, Alusiins $ Lawns .Handsomest Assortment of "Wash Goods

ever exhibited, , , , ,

PERSIAN" AND DRESDEN PATTERNS!Latest Combination of Colors


JSTew eilinc:, ISTew Laces,Dresden. K,ibbons, Klid Gloves.


K&. Inspection solicited.



no-!- i -- 4t; .


33 Yo aro now busy"Rock Bottom."









l":' ft

Marking Our to


27th, 189U,

to August 8th !


. n'' ti



area! Rediiciion



K3P u3X"CxXQiirniniiwMwimiiiiiinii


ih itllwrr nil


Goods Down

3iv2.33ri2I. "fell



A Special Line of Dress Patterns

IWAKAMI,3SCotfel Street, Robinson .Block

-- ;i



i ws

Page 6: :7i '4: it; - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home--THE EVENING1 BUL-bfrT-INr-H i.iMiT. v& LD tfidtER WITHOUT DOUBT i AT FOTESSVf pWHLLIN,.TBE BICKER. BDIT$ iPubllflhod every

n '



A winter' eT rti ! i limit .tr CorticalMy frellngs nnt h tlio uplr t c f tho night I

Kot cnn choorrul II n w i mtli nntt lightIlHpel foreboding thoughts nnil rmtleMiieM.TU nt such ilmos ilreiul vision cross our sight,

Unwelcome phantom, rhailowllki', appear,Supplant Iiojki'h prophecy ttlth lillo fiar,Urouto aiul mock our luiluticholy plight.But, of A sudden, my Rood friend Is hero;An mists beforo tho mn Uhw doinong go,ttlmt mattur winter's cold nnd skies nbovoSly heart la full of 1iipplnii4 nnd chrcrlBach swift transition thoy nlone on knowWho drink foul clop of friendship and Its lovo.

Waltor Francis Kcurlck In Boston Journal.


Ho had that iusolciit, nxgressh o boltof beauty that ninkos people turn nroumliu thu street mid stnro tho strong, fuir,Owl given beauty that oven men like tolook' at

Ho lived up to his bennty, and forMa lip.intvnnil hv his berratv. Ho looked1tlft n At,,rtn n nvlnAA r4 anmn Mrt41,rtvi '

engn liko Frithjof, tho destroyer ofgods. Ho looked liko tho impossible heroof n penny novolctto written by a worn- -

Ho was ouo evening tit Colonel andMrs. Wayno's. Tho musio was complicated, nnd tho women wcro rllalii,and ho wishing theso conditions bodbeen reversed sat with bis elbow rest-ing on a littlo tablo ner him and handlifted np, looking at his nails. It soothedhim and prqycntetl his. yawnhur tromtcoacnirjg nnmnnscaihly frequent

"May I see Ihcnt, toot" Bold a worn-ax'- s

voico at his side It was a clearyoung voico, and vrhcoho turned around

0r look St iU OWtMT hs WM dlsap- -

joinsatnl m pmlnter," Mtid she, "fend

andewtond beautiful hands. " She holdout ono of her own, palm upward, as

ho waiting for hba to lay hisupon It Ho did so smiling, not know-I- n

esfsetlr what totkr. sod she beatlet betd n liUl ft ori sMa moA koJc"

The dsnghtenrof tbff BOswcpIsy-"- ''tag a long duct

''How dreadfully bored you nro," shsSaid thooakifullv. withoot raiairur her

tin . Izi-JPT- Lcjvb , urn yawns w wu diiuuka i uuswy take bm-- k your hood. Thank you. "

Ho was again at n loss what to say.flc did not quito understand Jier, With

jotty Tqico nud hor ugly face HovTTOlA havo liked to know what shethough! of bis hand, but it looked foollsh to aok. go ho sal still, storing atbar aggravating, untidy littlo profile. ,

The ugly littlo thing oimo up to himbeforo tho evening was over and liftedher small hard fsee to his. "Air. Vastden.Houvcl," isho Bald in a protty voicotliat ought to have belonged to somo onoelse, "I want yotratocoino and see mo

that is," sho corrcctod'lunghirjgly, "Iwont you to come ontl lot lne-sc- o you.I want to paint you, plonso. " And heron softening of tho pretty voico. "Younro so very beautiful! I am an exceed-ingly clever painter, you know, so youneed not fear to trust your beauty withme."

Ho wont next day, and tho doy afterthat tiud every day.

SIio never heeded or cared about whathis thinig'iid or his feelings might bo.Sho puinUd, on, stopping sometimes toclasp her hands in frank, heathenishadoration before him. "Your beautypositively hurts mo!" sho would say,pressing both her hands to hor heartAnd if ho turned, palo sho told him tospoil her tints.

"I lovo you," said Hcuri Pierro onoafternoon ns sho bent ot cr him with acardboard lotus lily in her baud.

"Don't be foolish, dear,' sho said,her landscape.

"I lovo you," repented Nnrcissus.''Now your curls nro nil tangled up

on tliO'Wroug side, and it will takes monn hour to fasten tho lilies on yourhead," nlio said crossly. And with light,turpentiuy fingers and with a long brushin her mouth sho patted him into shajoagain. "There, look down now andsmilo.'

"I shall try and catch smallpox," saidHenri Pierro, opening his oyos, "or getburned in ii.flip nutl bo all scarred andhideous. Then you will lovo mo forsomrthiug better than my beauty.",

"Then I shall not lovo you at all,"said tho girl, with a decided littlo dabof (ho brush "Go to sleep. Hero comesDiana." ;

It was not Diitua. It was LydiaLoyo,tho poetess, who opened tho door midcntcictl with the flush and dazzle of heryoung Buccess, and of her scailet hatand cloak.

"fily dear, you must lend him tonio," sho said after rIio had kissed herfriend and btared at Honri Pierro untilho filiut his eyes again in self defense."1 havo got an order for 24 sonnets,and my brain is ab&olntcly driid up.Lend him to mo fcr thrcq weeks. I'llsend him back unimpaired Heavens!Vliut u iaeo ho has!"

no learned all her poems by hoart,and icoited thorn to her in thomorningswhen sho was too calm to write. Howit tit h t feet from morning to nightwith tho blno intensity of his eyes fixedon Iwr willful f.ico, uud his hoart brokenby hsr capriqious kindness.

"I lovo yon," ho said.Sho laughed "Bo content with tho

gift of gifts tho gods havo blcuscd youwith your benuty your improbable,your pe.-fce-t, yuur magnificent bounty. "

m niwfifilTvallsnlfrrlnir Throat, I ons or WMttnir PIk-w-

StuiimchCjirarili.Scrofiils, AMhim. or Ninons Jl;l-ll- .Mr., vlil n rl.n a samiilo tiutla of Vfl. S

riinr I mi rMI'WIOV trf trial, fallalfturoof ,ni, , u ru ' ,11'iolal", Jl. I. "It'b

uf '.MtooU u 1'aUUtiW at Milk or llouet.

They All" There nro fads In mcdlcino as well ns

In other things," said t busy druggist,"but tho most rcmnrknblo thing nboutHood's Sarsaparllla Is that customers whdtry other remodlcs nil como back toHood's, nnd this Is why tho enormoussales ot this medlotnokoop up whllo others

. Comeand In a short tlmo go out ot sight en-

tirely, to bo heard from no moro.""Why Is it?" "O, Bhuply because;

Hood's Barsaparllla hns mora real curativemerit than any mcdlcino I ever Bold."

This is ot dally occurrcnco in almostovery drug store. Hood's Samparllla istho standard remedy which has curedmore sickness, roliovod more distress and,mado moro happiness by bringing people

Back tohealth than any other medicine. Itswonderful cures of the wont cases atscrofula, running sores, ulcers, salt rheum,etc.; ot dyspepsia and other troublewhere a first Class tonleand aid to diges-

tion was needed; of catarrh, rheumatism,malaria nnd other 'troubles arising fromor promoted by impure blood,' havo tnd


Sarsaparilla 4The standard the Ono True Blood rurlfier.

niff are UmooIt puis to taliHOOdS with Hood's BanapatlU.

fitobron Drug Co., Agent,.

Seaside Resorta - rr sr

Wright's YMa,A Short Distance from tho Bridge,


Tourists and others will find it to theiradvantage to visit the abovo resort, asthey will meet with every acoommodstisnthat comfort requires.

MB8.TH0S. WRIGHT,325-t- f Proprietress. ,

OENTEAI,Kona Sanatorium.Situated on a Beautiful Uillside Overlook-

ing tho Ocean, and 1300 feetabove Sea Lovol.

Only 21 bourn' sail from Honolulu.Climate mild, dear dry atmoBpbero, freefrom fogs and malaria, especial provisionfor quiet and mat as well as for ainuso-we- nt

nnd outdoor life.13?" Abdress

DK. H. A. LINDLEY, Prop.,325 tf Kona, Hawaii.

G. R. Harrison,Practical Piano Maker and Tuner,

Can Furnish tho BestFactory Reference.

Office, Fort street, opposito Catholic School.Telephone 23J, 412 and 11)0.

ST" Orders promptly nttonded to.

243-t- f i "

Street, -BOARDING, -:- - SALE


1 "iM


A MVNlKCr BULLETIN, JULY 29. 1800.rv 1 - mAafc; 'fc - W .

I'M, ,K' ' ' il!'LiiM

jijrhii 'itllSr






f 1



FROM S6.00 UP.

J. P. RODRIGUES,Fort Btrtet, oprxulto Uackfeld's.


MakeSBim J A 1





A Now Lot o Kico Goods JutEoceived. Oloaning and Re-

pairing. 215-t-f


ANTWant Them toOPYou ... O

ANTIn this hot climate ill-fitti-

clothing not only looks sloven-ly but is uncomfortable to wear.In order to ensure handsomenud comfortable Buits, tho qual-ity and rnako of which areguaranteed, call around at

Medeiros & Decker'sand you'll get what you want.

Telephone Gil. P. O. Box 298.


MmciiAKX Strvet,

Tel.- -- -AND LIVERY.1

TO- -


Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn.Assets, $0,229,213.09. Incomo, $ 7,000,103.08.

London & Lancashire Fire ' Insurance Company, (U. S."Branch), Livepool, England.

Assets, $2,700,&"0. Income, $1,8M,006.

Talatine Insurance Company (U. S. 'Branch), Manches-ter, England.

AsketB, SSjSSOO.CS, Income, S3,04r.U84.00.

jDiy Insures Firtt-tliu-- s Mercantile and Manufacturing Hie Is sud Dwelling Pro-perty in tho above vell-lsuou- n Conipimies on tho most fuvoiuble torais.




DBeEi2cxTa- - rEaroiEeszss.:- -- .A:NX --: SA.DDJLIDA specialty.



The best of attention riven to animals le f 5 with us. Careful ilriiers, respectfulattendntitH, prouipttiet.s. JHacks, Bunietf, Biakcs, liutriel'haotons, Wagonettes,

CI.AIS Sl'HEtKl S. W.H. O. InwiK.

BAftKErS. ,


San Francisco Agents Tiib Nevada Hank ofSan Kuan Cisco.

nnAW r.xcHAsoc onSan Fhancisco The Ncvtula Hank of San

Francisco.London The Union Hank of London, Ltd.New Yokk American Exchange National

Dank,Ciikaoo Merchant' National IHnk.l'Alils Cuinptolr Nathinal d'Lscompt dc

Paris.BnnLis Dresdncr Bank.HO.NOKONO AND YOKOHAMA IloilRkollg it

Shanghai lianklnc Corporation.Nkw7alandandAustiiaua Bank of New

Zealand.Victoria and Vancouveii Bank of Mont-

real. , 'Transact a General Banking and Eichange Business

Term- - and Ordinary Dcpolsts, Kccelvcd.Loans made on Approcd Security. Com-mercial and Travelers Credits Issued. Billsof Exchango bought and sold. ,

Coti.ncTioNS rnoMPTir Accounted Fon.

p. o. Joins. E. A. JONXS

The Hawaiian


Ju&T&sxsicmx CtuHAVE FOB SAIiE

A Fovhareaof- -

Pala Srjffftr Stock,Hawaiian Sugar Co. Stock.


Hawaiian Ctoverasncat and 1stMortgage Sugar Planta-- ,

s1 .itioa-Bond-

. b .MT For rTmculsxs spjtly to

Tho Hawaiian Safe Deposit &Anveaimoni

408 Vort Street ttonolnlu

.EuUblUhed 186S

rexsiEsCoii? 5c oaBANKERS.

Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, available in all the principal citiesof tho world.


Tlfi- - Drills Qo.r





ft ir' " '.

j , -" Ono of tho that has ever como.

human race."


-- r




Fort and Sts.

AgentsDry Groods?


divinest benefits tptho- -

TJiomas Cdrlyle. " v

Wo from theof tho


&Corner Merchant



Pipes, Tobacco,Cigars andSmokers' Articles.

import Princi-

pal Factories World.

Fine Cigars Specialty


Bulletin, 75c. Per Month

Wholesale and Sotail.

It Cures! Yes, Cures!!

Mrs. Utter Had Serious

Kidney and Brain


Stubborn Rheumatic


All Praiso to the' Great

Medicine That Made

Her Well.


v 'i .n ' t

Paso Rdiilks, Cal., May 1, 1893.Wells, Richardson & Co.,

Gentlemen: I cannot speak too highly of Paine's Celery Compound. Ihave just purchased the third hottlc, and am sure that tho medicine, with God's'blessing, has relieved me of a serious nilection of kidney and brain trouble anda stubborn case of rheumatism. .'


I feel very grateful that I was so fortunate as to learn of tllis lnedicinethatniakes people well. ' i

I remain, as "" Yery respectfully, " mcU tilCu,

OILISTER DRUG Co.,. Wholesale Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

sv'sif'' i

H -




,. "s L.?.:iwhmbj.jig '

' t



Page 7: :7i '4: it; - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home--THE EVENING1 BUL-bfrT-INr-H i.iMiT. v& LD tfidtER WITHOUT DOUBT i AT FOTESSVf pWHLLIN,.TBE BICKER. BDIT$ iPubllflhod every



imng my tjcnutyl" cried HenriPicrro pnssionatoly. "I want to bo loved

loved for noreasoii--loved- l Not be-

cause vj noso fc straight, and my hairbrawny yellow, Md my eyes sky blaol

...put lpvtd with closed eycs.(blindly,"

I Vun sorry, " laid Lydia, who hadfinished her twenty-fourt- h Bonnet thatday; "but Jt cannot help you. And ifyou toko my advico you will novcr boangry or in earnest .about anything. Ikspoils your features. "

"Chi illco ea 11 stelU so 'lueeste,Ntm Mpe sfnocchla ea tn Men'nf rent."

Jt was not a boy, it was a young girlkinging, and a little boy who wm withker played the guitar. Henri r Florethrew U)a4pwn a shilling., Tho littlofellow iwmw lately topped-playin- g to

, pick.it but tho girl west oa tingingla her brill, young Toloei

unW, Ctrotl, oa I'aria doool"Neil day they came again.

..."CM 400, ca wlooenle,"roso tb UmpldTbioo of tbi littlo 'atroei

, Mage Ilk tfaft entinuation of dream.Ho throw up, the, window, and, suro

enough, the they stood, the girl andtho littlo boy.

Henri latere loofcad pt the gM andthen walked rap to the large mirror thatwachodirota the oetling to tho groundbetween two of the irrndOTra. Ho lookedat himself closely and oarefullyfor nlong time, thou ho lifted his flat andcrashed It down on tho mirror 00 thattho broken gla Sow all around him.

Then he callod his set-ra- to bandageup his hand.

Tho Countess D'Arcy was putting onher gloves and talking to Lydia Love.

"Jfcs, I have mado up my mind,"said tho countess. "I am going to callon her. Of courso I shall drop her again,but I want to sco her. It is preposterous.Tho whole thing is prepostorous. "

And sho rustled out of tho room.Henri Pierre's littlo Italian brldo was

pitting on tho sofa when tho CouutossD'Arcy was announced. Sho arosowhentho visitor entered nnd held out herhand. Then sho Bat down again andwaited.

"As nn old friend of your husband 1

lmvo wmhed to Lo tho first to call andcougratulnto hin bi ido. " Kiid tho coun-tess gracloiibly

"Do ju know, " nnhl tho counter,"that you lmvo carried off tho prizetho preat prio of tho season?"

Tho gill (lushed warmly "I know it.niRiiont, I know it," sho said, clnepingher lu.im n, d Bpe&kliig v illi mi ndir-nbl- o

Sicilian accent. "I havo taken thoprizol I havo got tho prince, tho kingthat marries tho jjlrl in tho story book.Ho is liko San Giorgio, tho slayer ofdragonn, or tho Arcaugolo Michelo! Hois tho greatefct, tho noblest, tho best, thoclovcrcfitl"

Tho couuteM smiled with indulgentpity.

"Yes, ycsl Ho may bo tho greatest,tho best, tho cleverest, but what, mydear, is absolutely cortaln is that youhavo carried off tho handsomest man intho country! Such beauty as his is notequaled onco in a century. "

Tho littlo street singer lifted her face.and hor lids fluttered over her quioteyes.

"Ah, that of courso means nothing tomo," slio said. "I am blind." LondonSun.

Tho Quecreit of Human Ailments.If you will carefully read tho statis-

tics of tho lato war between tho statesyon will find that according to tho state-ments which havo from timo to timoemanated from tho adjutant general'sofflco 100,720 Union troops died of dis-cas- o

during tho years 1801-- 5. Of tho100,270 who succumbed to various mal-adies during thoso torriblo years 21,187died of a disoaso that was not classi-fied simply becauso of its varying symp-toms.

Tho majority of readers have novorheard of Uiis malady, but that it oxist-r-d

among tho troops on both sides dur-ing tho civil wax1 and in all other wars,

,or that matter will not bo denied byany observer who took tho tronblo tolook a littlo beyond tho havoc caused byshot and shell and tho long catalogue ofwell known and woll marked diseasesinoidont to warfare. Wo rofor, to thomalady known as nostalgia, which istho medical term for "homeaiokness. "When this queer disoaso seizoa its vic-tim with a strong grip, ho is almost assuro to die as though his malady worocholera. Persons who die ,from nostal-gia apparently dio without causo for sodoing, but thoy dio just as dead asthough their ailment had been charac-terized by tho eruptions of smallpox ortho "block vomit of yollow fever.

Nostalgia is not strictly an Americandisease, but has been known in all coun-tries ever slnoo men first booamo able todistinguish between physical ailmentsand cases of literal pining; and frettingone's lifo away. Bismarck 0000 saidthat for every 100 deaths In tho army 1were due to nostalgia or homesickness.

Bt. Louis Republic.

Nicely furnished rooms nt thePopulnr Houbo, 154 Fort utreot,from 31.00 per wook up.

Seattle is fast becoming, a greatcity. One thing which mnkos itfamous is Seattle beer, which youfind at the Criterion. .A goodthings always makes its mark.This is ono of tho boat things onearth.

J. "W. BorgHtrora is ngent forthe celebrated Kroeger pianos, ofNew York. Ho builds organs.Second-han- d pianos taken as partpayment Pianos sold on instal-ments, Tuning and repairing.P.O. Box 387. Telo.347.


P. D. Corsets

In "White,Pink,

.Cream,and(5l-iray.- :


$lJVJKEI -:- - COH$Etfp


R $ faAT- -



Dr. W. L. Moore3PIb.3rsIcIa,rL

Sio.xg'eon..Hllo, Hawaii.

Special nttentlqii glvini to diseases o( thoeye and car.

Onico hours S! pm.am.

Waiaancnne Ave. near Court tio..t.e. lOJMt

:-- Dr. Rnssel, -- :

Ofl'ico, Mntsonio Building.Hours: - 11 am, a--5 pin. - Telephone 4St

Residence. Telephone 070.103-l-



Emma Street, near Beretania.VST Hours: 3 to 5 nnd 7 to 8 p m.


TELEPHONE 023.Office: Corner of Fort and Borctania

streets.OOlco Ilonra: 9 to 11 n. m., 1 to 4 p.m.

Sundays, 0 to 10 a. m.

I. MORI, M. D.,Ollico: Corner Fort and Kulcuists.

Rcsidonco, Arlington Hotel.Hours: 7 to 8:30 am; 4 to 8:30 p m; Sat-urday and Sunday, 1 to 5 p m. Tel. 530.

Dr. C. B. High,DENTIST.

Graduate Philadelphia Dental College.1892.

Masonio Temple.A. O. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.Hotel Street, Arlington Cottage. .



Honolulu, 11.1.

fSJ" Ofllco t lit Merchant street.




miss, hi. f. ledeker.Orrint Bruoe Waring & Co., Fort


FREE'ToJInffrlii'Vttli TVmI. 1m or VTuUm Dimvwwacn laurim.HrratnlA. Amthrtimt lrA.B lukW&5.i'') W ' MBlll Wul Of DU. OOJ

rnOOOLATE CMDUrOM for IrUL Clltkmot llouuttB lruiwuuia m rutuwa ilUiker fluty.


Castle & Cooke(LlMITFB)



MerchandiseAgrieuliumlImplomonta . ,andPlantationSupplies.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(lilMITBD),

Wm. O. Irwin, - Prosidont and MnnngorOlnuii Sprookolg, - - - Vico-Proaide-nt

W. M. Qiffard, - Secretary and TreasurerThoo. O. Porter, ... Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AQENIS OF xnx



Queen street, Honolulu, II.I.

AGENTS" FORlliwallin Agricultural Company, Onomrn SuparCol ipaii) , Honumli Silpar Coinpnny, WallukuSuRar Compnn, Wallne Sugar Comiiiuv, MakcehU(arl.oiniliM, HjIeaUnla Kntirli Compam


I'lantLrV Line Sin Wanclscoihk'ii, in Mkut i tn 'a i.uie nt H .on

r'arU-f- ) I i, l.c,ir.l .,1 i I, rm-i- .AsL-it- i l'lila Iwl, I11.1 Bo.ifit of t'mlciwiiitrt.

LIST Of OIFIOLM: ,PC Jones, President: Goorgo II Kohortson,Jllinnjer: I V Ki Uo, TreiiHun r .rni.l Soc-toia- t,

Co'. 1' V'luii, Aiu!ili.i-jfn!cool;-

H Wnti-rhmuo-, Cnrlor. Directore.

Club Hotel,(Mis. D'Arcy, Proprietress.)

First-clas- s in

Every Respect.

Terms Reasonable T

Beretania, near Fort Street.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALL BODJtS.


Cigars and TobaccoALTfATB ON HAND.

Eagle -:-- HouseNumum Avenue.

CilRL KLEMME, Prnprlatar,

New management. Commodious rooms.Table Board the finest, including manyPalatable German Dishca.

Board per mtl $6.50 to $7.50Tatle Board, per week --. $5.00


W. ICrovwe, ... Zxop.Per Day. 8 2,00Per Week 12.00

BpsclSLl Moatlily 3teitlThe Best of Attendance, the Best Situstion nnd the FineHt Meals in this City

F. HORNe .A. ic e: is "2r zHotel street, near Fort.

BREAD, PJES and CAKESOf all kinds,

MT'TU Finest Imported and Home,made Confectionery.

The Elite lee Cream Parlira

MI 219 Ileadqnartera for Island Ouriot.


t II I f I I L' 11 VL


iHPomtni ANeLiguon'MtnCMAirrt.

No. 5, Drutatt-StweV'.''- .' -- 3n PnclB.ron fiirM in 'bdijc.

AmmipAK Doonnox ViiijKira fa Mn'd Vw'bamTeonUlnlng about tO BtHom eebnt various prioos according to acendquality. . -

, 4- 1

OauronNiA Gram Bjukut tn Bond pebarrel of abont 40 to 50 gallons;

OABEaOODS. ' '' AlnthictltlratidCait"tflUiit:

"Extra Pony" Bourbon Whisky, 12Jbottle3 Rallona por caao ,,. t

"BeMRraBs" Bourbon- - Wilskjr, 12iottlefli a'2-- 5 gaHonsjMrxasa. . ..

Old Moneor" Bourbon Whisky, 12 bottles,2 2-- 5 gallons per ease'. '

"TennMsee White Bye" Whisky, 12 bottled2 2 G gallons per oase.


8endordors by .mail. Satisfaction d,

. k

Brauiisoh'weigerJ'& Co.,14Mm No. C.DrummBtrceti

Empire Saloon.A genoral stock of Liquors, Ales and




Aro of tho finest nnd coino to ut(liu-c- t from r.nropo. . . .

OUR MCBRAYKR WHISKER'Imported straight from LouisMile, Ky. .


COMMERCIAL SALOON'or. Niiiuiiiii unci Krrollliiln Ma.

t. ki:vi:, niniiKcor.

COOL FRESBL BEEROu Druuglit and tlio Standard Brands ot



TlllI.E CI.VIirr A 81'KCIAI.Tir.



Tbo celebrated ENTEitpniSE

Bker on Draught and inBottles. .

David Dayton,43 Merchant Street.

Lands For Sale situatedat Kaneohe, Oahic.

Lot near Lunalilo Home.Lots at Pearl City.Furnished Rooms To Let.

David Dayton.42 Merchant street.


Custom Hquii Broker,

Notary -- :- .Public,General Business Agent.

Collections carefully attended to.

CPOffloe with. H. E. Walkor, Cum-mins Block, Merohant street. 238-t-f


General Business Agent'Will attend to Conveyancing in

all ita Branches, Collectingand all Business, Matters

of trust.

All BusineBB entrnsted to himwill receive Prompt and CarefulAttention. Office :

Hcnoktt, Hamakoa, Hawaii

A New Abstract Office.

Ab a result of 15 year's expori-enc- o

in the Abstract Business, Iam prepared to make Abstracts ofTitle in a most thorough, acouratoand complete raannor, and onshort notice.

F. W. Maximnet.la W. O. Smith's Office, 818

Fort Street. 215-t-f

PURIFINEla the disinfectant that the world

la talking; about In tho UnitedStates its merits arc becomingknown. The peoplo aro using; it.Purifino possesses many points inIts faror ercr other preparations.It is odorless, and In employing; itas a disinfecting agent, dooa notcreato another odor as offenslvo asthat which It subdues. us

too. That's an adva-ntagechildren will meddle;

misunderstand J then there'strouble. Some eno Is poisoned,

These who use it Bpeak'ita praiselriconrlnclng-lrncuatj-

a. Horo'a6itatnm the Pewrtment ef MedtctM

, in tho UnlTerslty,, of Michigan,

"We uso Purlflne and find It rerygood for deodorizing sinks 'andboxes, etc., and for waahlsgrsnongca'used about subjects "for 'dlsso'c--ua. w. a; cxsifvkll:

.i)cmontr.tor. of Anatomy."

'"' imJk'


upon you and explain tho merits of "Purifino" and'tho "Au-tomatic Distributors." "

r'HOLOSTER DKUGeQ:?,' 523 Forf Street. 3' Exclusive Agents 'for tbo-Islan- ds.

V'X. ' B




tTl "& f j"", r D k

V-- 1 luuuieiLA.ISTD

Telephone 240. Ill Fort




ot Fort and

Just Albert on


1inttjttJk.lL AJk JMy


w, --g?

li 3

Brade .



--PUBIPINE is Bale by

fc0""-8Tl.B DrUO Co. in25c, 50c., 75c. and $1.50 bot-


rental Agents will call

$ eo.'s?-:- ;IP

i4 , ."

:. . -

a'-- '

, '

CocoasStreet. P. O. Box 147.

m JfT? H TM

nnsortmont of Wr" "IraTTra "




Citv Furniture Store,(Comer

received Ex. Bk.






Beretania street.)



H.H. WILLIAMS, (Manager)Uadertakor and Embalnlei

--r.O.BOX t4


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.New Goods IleceiTod by Every Packet from the Eastern States and Europe

FREBH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMER,All Orders faithfully attended to and Goods DeUvered to aay

i'art,of the City FHEE,IiLAJTO 0MD1M BOLlCnxDJ . . BATCUACmoX H 11 1 1 1 IHMW'


Telephone 53. .f tST P. O. Box 220.

Oahu Lumber Building Co.,King Street, near Oahu Bail way k Land Go.1 Depot.

Lumber Kirc!ints, Contractors and Buildin.IMPORTERS AND DEALER8 IN

Doors, Sash, Blinds, IPaints, Oil,Builders'. Hardware, Etc., Etc.








'3' JX.ms




TiViia ItsSSSsMsSsWl . '

Page 8: :7i '4: it; - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home--THE EVENING1 BUL-bfrT-INr-H i.iMiT. v& LD tfidtER WITHOUT DOUBT i AT FOTESSVf pWHLLIN,.TBE BICKER. BDIT$ iPubllflhod every


hi'i ''



ftftt.E .





1,iv i- - j lifemM I

0lUftXO S. S. M.VKttfUSA HJ 1(1


"Iho Sicunier SCiiilul lor KiiiiuI llulng'" AlDllff tlio Doclfi t'uKrvilKOrN

lo,pnrtMl. .

TClns Pacific Man's wilt bo Juo fromthe Orient on Saturday.

The barkontlnc J M Griffith in discharginghit targo of Kmbcr at tlio Railroad wharf.

The barken! I no K11kll.it lm nbnut lltilbeil.discharging I inn jer. She Is lying nt Fortstreet wlmrf.

Tomorrow. high tide large 0 42 p in; high1Ttide eninll 7:55 a in; low tide largo 1:8 11 in;low tide small 1 .km p m.

The British bnrk Velocity, Contain Martin,''will sail for Hongkong with lroiL'lilimd pas-sengers on or nbuiit August ".

The steamship Mariposa should arrive to-

morrow from the Golden Hate. Preparationto coal the liner Is bilng made today.

The Kauai it-- the mil,) ipiini r Bailing lo-ll aj". blic took n cargii of general merchan-dise and lumber tur I he Harden Isle.

Tim hark Mohlrnn needs several thotisniidrooro bags of suifar to complete lirr cargo,blie Will likcl K"v auuy some lime next

' Sugar Is being steadllj- - put Into the harkllelmnnt. It ill ni.t be loin: liefon Hh" '.'Ishci white wlngn fvr Uiev,ago round ttioHorn.

AH t'-- CMiikc freight lir t by lliooartt Velocity lis been deliviriU. Anothertaircii omwtoMU by cutMtu3 officers amano today


., . WniiNtaiuv, July 20.

Stfflr Knttal, Ilriibii, for Nawlllvlll, Ko-las, Malmwell anil Wnlmen.

I t . ll-i- 'A. if L

$Vfr .Unsl, per stror Iwnl&nl, July SS WII ttlccaru) wire, Mm Kopke, .Miss E Kopkc,Miss Kdna liopkc, Mnster K Kopke and ser-pent, Ituv It Ison berg end wife, .1 K Parley,Tf rinhnrg. I CM. Perkins S Wilson. C T)1'' n, ! J . ' .'. . J ' 1, V Kn .

l"or "Usui, per .mi' UauUiic. Ju'tMrt B.iir. Mlu Klue, Miss Elan-dee- , JWdec-ht!-, C f nn cktls. L A DleUey, Jnoob

Brown. M D Moiimrrat, J A , .1

T Crowley. :rs anU (lilidren.llOV 6 KspQ ukIK Pblldmu. UeV II Kllnirn, OUoofl, PbhopXMllls, Jllss .ara!i Williams,VI fTllotokbhllil, W H Ilulokubiki mid MrsI. K UelhL '

VI 88KI, t IN 1'OKT.

V S 8 Adam, Varl 11, irini KramUco,


(l.oualer not tucludwl In tills list.)

Ambktne fi drifflfh, Airoy, Giattte, Wnsh.in;Teloeity, .Martin. HonsUoni;Am bktn nUkttHt. Catler, PtQamblc.toblcijBtooijWlUityaaoy.Am Ilk Jqlien. thim daro, can rrauclsoo.1UW bk loliui, MrCturo. New York.Br bK Rrisplniko. Hodd. Xtcnstlc.


V'l VV herr Iroto linek HnMes'er Nnwont-tl- Auu 15

il lu l'...l ;n 'iUUn ....Newenstlu.. July ltdAm LI. lii'vait! Vi:it,...,ew York. .Av Mi.

J I k se'iiinu!" Newcastle HueAf Up KUi'l Neweasllo. .. DuoAuisuip Uuuldwntnl....X YHer bk .""pjiii liremcn Aiij"oSrltbk Lattae I.tvvrpool Aii io

in the rrwrrr cornr, rritsT1 Cti-cul- hi the Hawaiian luinnd-i- , lutho matter ot tho ltitte of Juinen (J f,iine.On rcwllns nuil (Umg tho potition nt John

.0. Lmie, tho Guardian of snid Jutnca CCauiS, ft non l"uijiuk miutm. piuyinu fnr noonlerof ffllo of W'nin vluliUib.loDrIiug to ealit wniiT nitiii.tu at Maltuu uuilItflpakn, Kool.inlua, 0.ilm, ami Mottlup,forth certain Itgal reasons why such rcutcslatn Hhotlltl ho BolJ.

It in hoiuhy onleiod, that tho iioV yf hiu5I tlio UlUil vaftl, nnd nil persons '..nteieiMin tho said extiito iipjicarbftnie 1,W Ooerton FRIDAY, the 7ih day of ngot, A. I)1800, lit 10 o'clock, rt. rr,,, at tho Courtj urn of thisCotirt; in M.moluln. then nuiltl ero to show chubo v ny nn orAe)' shontiluot be grnntel for t! .0 sa'o uf unota fHt.it-- .

Datotl llonoiuin, 11. 1 Jaly2l,lsJ0ByOioConrt:

u UierK.(JA. S. nuMpimKVS. ttornoy. - :i33-- lt


onlt Haw iii ! Tl in' .. In tlift Jimtterin the ti d Xi u 11 j cinra, uab-v- ,

'iinis.l .. Aiiuii an.', .jiiliii Lull Jr.. mtiiarx. Uurending and fiUni the petition of John Kna,

'tho guardlrn of tlio wild .Mabel. Jlarv, Chra,i).ilsy, 'I'hos. !'.. Anna and John Kuiv Jr.,inliior, pinyliii; for an onlerof salo of certain

' feat estate uelongtin; to the said wnrdKi'sltil-at- o

nt Miiknn and Knpaka, lvooliiuliia, Oaliu,and Mttlnafortli eci tain Usal icusons ivhvBh real estato should bo sold.It Is hereby ordered, thaUtlie iiet of kin ni

the sail wants and all punoilrintVrtttril Inthe -- n d jrtlote, api''r bifure tills tJnnrt on

?ViStl'tv 11. lfl ,.il the.ii'iirl 10 .li At tillTortn, 1j HoiiwIitlUYinHiTiiid lliere'to aUon

Ctto,hy im.'ordu sli.im not be gnuueiifr the nikV .if snfli eliit-- .

tu'l IV'Wi lU, tm)Ji.v --

Ri f'l. t.'.uirl:. p rHlMRtflM.l.'c'Ai


ft , ; .,NOI'IOK IS HliUKiil mviw vu .vub

pei 'ma Inniucliilni8ji?ain8t tho hututuot.. KSbof VirinsfilihilUtQ'of jloi.oblu,

nniler- -

!Ku1 within hiVJltf'U.tly' li.0.1'1 "i",'H0,iMtho iililientiKi)' iTnals u 'lie-- , 01 thuyVll!'La fik.li.ar lutr. It and t'inie niiluliteii

sia IUte nrarrqprt to'rff im.wo.llpto

ji.ynii-'i- . (TlniH mar hf pVesortttil at'thoO&ieMofl' Vnniimiiu, Hst'l.


ouolpln, July 13600. 301-- t

--' b"." he far th EVKVIMI I'lDIr

umrv 7:



IKS. ".

Bcni('p4tMthoferWKy''1 Avi X f '.NilfchwrfeH, In I little vli.- - t,f vrio1.- - rhon'i that lot kButfihft.c d LL

--notliiufr in the world bo innch ns a col-ou- y

of byeliivos, livo a commmilty ofCOO or 700 people, who nro variously

to bo tho descendants of ouo oftho Jost trlhcsof Israel, tho nbori;Iuc3 ofsouthern India, and u ooirunmuty ofMnnfchaicjis.

Thoy boliovo in n strango trinity anda hell, a dismal stream full f.f Icecuoj,iyi'1 this thry innst rrn;s by nipatis of asingle thread. Tho noul hunh urd withsin ia too heavy for "Mils Blender support,nnd tho sinner falls into tho Ftrcam, buttho thread MMtnins easily the sonls oftno fjoou.

Tlio funeral of n Toda, for that is thouninu of tho singular tribe, is us odd inits way as its religions belief. His bodyis wrapped.iu a new cloth and his toe's

, fjf djogqtliflr.with red thread.. . Grain,sujrnr, tobnreo and money arii rnneeuleilin Iiis funeral toga to provide him forhis journey ucroa tho Slyx and tho daik'plain beyond.

iwo lmllnlocs nro slain besido thoeorjo, mid the dwid mau's bauds uroplaced upon thoir horua A lucce of his

his Jbjiir. mid his flnscruiails tiroremoved to bo used later tai at the frentcelebration of tho death of all ihoe whoduring tho ta months Jmvo tukoii tholeap over tho Kreat preeipico into the bot-tomless nbysq. " When theso tokeiis aroremoved, clariiled butter is fintearcd ontho fragrant wood of t'no funeral pyre,find tho 11 uly n burnrd to asht und thonslies (scattered to tho four winds.Pearson's Weekly.

I lower I'.inniiiit Tor V.'omrii.Flower farming undertaken by wom-

en Is by 110 means uiilucrativa I liavo0110 friend who is doing well with aviolet farm and npplo orchard. AnotherladVj, no longer young, but with an

plrt"k, onn'polbvl bycirctiTn- -

i t . : 0, . , ,

a lily turm lunt sumimr ui a leinuit)conntiy villago in Sussex. I am gladto'say sho is Buccccding wonderfully, andbesidos her lilies disposes of egg?,cream, mushrooms nnd garden produce,w. l.out diflionlty. And u y 1 i .id v.uu jLoadun wouiiui .wlro hud Laa 110 pre-vious exporjenco in country ways anddoings. Loudon Ontlowomau.

Meolianics' Iiotno, corner Ifoteliml Niiimiiu strpets, lodging byd iv, wool; or month. Tonne: 264ml 50 contH pnr nipM" $, nnd31.2ii nor veek.

City (Jarriugo Co.. J. S. And.rndo, mnnnger. If you wunt a

liook with good horso and cito-f- ul

drivor ring up Teloplinno 113,corner of Port hn1V"Mcrohnnttresis Hack at all hoiira.



144 Men r

Tho 145tU Muugets left. . .


usn23T Your only chance; come anil sec 'em.

"The 'Kash9


I. LEVINGSTON, - Manager.

Wnvorloy IjIocU, Uotol Street.

j?2r Shlrls Made to Order.

Itil,?"v; t ,V"i ill

. i WtlJUWM tt-

L5?'VST My HaoU does not tip iu thia man-uer,'ri- o

niotter how weighty the lovd. !

J' MtUM ! '.''KRAN K Tu LULi I S'


.H.aete NiQ--1

1W TELEPHONE 17:j.f?ra

Standi liuth.il and KIhk - o'h.


'' &


BTllfflKGr 3tJLLll,. JULY 20, 1J08,

I!:11 i i.C . 'vtc4"t.'1 iii.'ilii -.-- . .

ft Two toro!) on'ls'mwuii striil.4 Four, Lots on MggKlnc Mil, 75x120.

From JiU to fl)0 each.5 Lot on Ilaekfeld street, SOxlOO.0 ACIuiicoltesldeueoou Luualllo street,

having all modern Improvements,7- -- nelrnble Itpsiilenro at Maklkl.

Grounds well laid out. Eusy terms.8 Four Houses and Lots on. Punchbowl

street, all rented lit a'mouthly rental of ?105.Tlil property Is 210fcet on l'unehbowl strrf,Mithadepthof 22 i feel running to the drillj.Tiim , or armory, yith a frontao on sameMr 4 nr 5 moro cotlagiS. The cuitral loen-ti- on

ol tlio,liroperty,makcs ltiuosluullable.0 House and Lot'on Klnau street. Lot

70xlr.il ft. Tills property will bo sold at costand Is an excellent bargain for n koljtuf cckcrTho liiiuso is elegantly finished and of thebest M orkmansliip and materials. Tbero U acarriage bouse and burn on the premises andtlio 3 nrd Is well laid out w 1th fruit and orna.mental trees.

10 A F'llio llesldenee centrally located,containing ifl rooms. Lot 120L'0(I ft. Twoemail cottage! oh IfuIo1 hrltlgltig In goodrental., U-.'- )!) .Veres ofl.aiid ln.Kallhl valley, (Wal-- 'klki side). iV stieum of water Units along ,

this land. A bargainla-- U Acres of Uest Coflcc Land lu Puna.

i .1aWcn . '.J r0,"r, tcp-- .n i.m.i

u i.ri.i i.. i .... .i.V . i ' ,,....;.:..'"ISO acres adjoining above with n privilege ollS'jrarsmoiu. l'l Ire S J.O0U.

i:i Sold.14 A Coirmodlous Itosldcuco on Ilasslngcr

strcet.llttul ulili nil modem conveniences. Orwill trade lor suburban property.


II! Ilnue ami Lot on llcretanla street.House contains u rooms, ntut all modern con-veniences. Lolboxurj,

I". rine llesldi-nr- r on Borcranla slret. I

For untlii.1 piih. ui n lui(uiu-A- i ui) oftleu, j1H HoiHe inn I.nt on Yomiir .dri'i t.l'J Houso and Lot comer Vielorln and.

Beretanla streets, opposite Thomas square'!" i. tiilun t! it-- . .ZLi'l"lnt lui- '(I, '

!W Sold.21 IIouxo and Lot on Young street near

tlio residence ol thu Hev. Mr. Hyde. Lot110x1411. Houso contains eight rooms.

'21 Small House and Lot on Kcnumokustreet. Lot 50x100.

23 I'enrl City Property. I94 ! 'IrV'ii- TriM-- l of '('ofTee T.nnd on Ha--

.i hkill Inn.. ..!- -. Il.rrn Inrl.rli.r. ll,,...'..j. I tl..rcar-o- f said el ores eoutaluliiL- - 2u rooms in slLThe above pays 10 per cent, and Is leased toresponsible parties for a term of years.

2d A mo&t Uoxir.iblo Homo on Thurstoniivm' " T v "i'V'K mi1 In m'if ft" -

' ' 'is tl.l ll.-'- ll il IMV.Iliillt III

hnnl wooil with all lc-- t liiiprovu.ueiilx.Bxcoilrut view of the city nnd ocean, nndono which ounnAt lie cut off.

27 L'lryo L d and (,'oumioilious Dwel-ling on Green Street, commanding an un-obstructed viow of tho city and harbor. Nochoicer residence is to bo hud in the oityoven by tho most fastidious.

2S A New House ol soven roems withelectric lights lb' uiiglioii', bhlli, Uiit Wl), reivunir. nnailcii-nul- l Hiablos. Owl blockfrom car line at I'unuliou.

2'.- i- Only twelve i.l tlioso Lots left nenrKniucliamelia bcliuol, fiom$.'5o to fO.m uneh.

110 Two Houses and Lots on Lllllia sheet.!!1 An IS Acre Tr' t of Land at Killihl

suitable for dividing up into building lots.,?UA Iloitso and Lot nu Alakea street.

3;t A TieautUul lliilldlng Lot alTvalllil,UUsSOO, cleared, fenced nnd water laid on.

ill A Oently Bloplng Lot on Thurstonavenue, 2!0x&, having u frontaee on (ireeustreet of 105 feet, and eomuisnUiiig u bird's-ey- n

view of tho cllv und harbor85 A Lot on Alexander sheet, adjoining

residence orciaus 8reekcU.Wi Klegant liiacb 1'ioperly at Walklkl.'37-S- old

88-- llte duly CHOICK LOT. left nt M jklklltadjrins.tbu re.ldenee of J A (iilmnn audthe Kiiiunei- - siieiuf W h Hopnei, It Law ,pud. Dr vyoud.

80 fold,IU A Lease of a Hotel centrally located

nud completely furnished. A food, layingInvestment.

41 a 1 Lots at Kallhl oo tho installmentplan. Kverr one can have a home. TeriniS3 per month.

Norms: T can N.'gotlnte Loans on any ofthe uiioie iii-rt- lor purehsi;rs tlosliiiik;lame at from 60 to 7A per cent uf the value

Kor Reyit.1 Ifuited.ii U'llled.

4 store ou King street near Fort, street.5 Olllco Iloom ou King street near Fort

strict.on Ksplan-jdo- .

7 Itemed. ,

lu'imd.lu A Store on Fort street ue.t to Club


12 A Moduin Dwelling on Tliurou omii-no- ,

eemmiikidlug au etei pllonul view of theharbor.

18 A rive K .no Cot'ese on BeretsnlaRM;ik't n a i!i- - iiiMl ln i.ll m, oi will luiuse Ina good tenant

11 A FninWieil Coltago hi a good locationfor two or tlueo month,

1- 0- House anil Iiot, lOOx'JSO, on Lano offShi ool fctroHt, ndjoinina Kunluwela seliiiolhuiioi-- . i L'uilur, .'. ! u .! ..uu-- . Iiuini;-'- . in,k.li'iKi., j.auts. I) iiuhuaie, cii li.iu 110U..C,hbili'n nnil nntlmlldliii;. Itont i;0 perinoiilh.

17- - A Ileantlful Summer Hesldencont tlioI'enlnsiiln, pearl City, completely furnished;Qvo rooiim mvl servent's iii'irter. Will lentcheap tu a (lea! ruble temiut The lot Is overan nciu in flw1 mid Melt laid out, and s

a bealvtMir isw of thelmrhor,18 Store l.out , (li-4- Si", per month.

(I rive why Into P. iwiV ofCity Feud tit ore ,

lUM'ltriugriiiiiiu fciit front, ou Uereta-nl- usi riot, next tt C'ltv Feed Store Will

(.net good loie on ui'oiiiul and lease ii ycaislit f0 tier mnilllf: '

. JO A featl Cotagi on N'uuanu Aveuue,emu ilnln" (1 rn.'inTi 'tii'l lt!i, t

'.1 I'liriiUbed Ki'blikuee on lUng streetlu u locality.

A. Y.274-- tf OiW King street.

Gommissionoi' of Deedsroii Tin:- i.

.SMS of jjalifornia;Hnvhii' tin-- iiiipiiinled nnil lummlssloned

a Cnmiiilsxloiicr of Deeds lor tu btate otCalIf,,...,.....,,,!., I n... .,r,, ,,...,,. i .....I ,ii,jiiii.ii

To administer and certify oaths.To take and certify depositions and nplda'

vits.To tnko and eerllfy tho dknowlcdgment.or

proof' .otipou.irfl of uttorney, mortgagos,traiiBori, tiiits, deaa qr other lnBtnimentsor record.

a. v. gt:ar, :

Tclephonti J.ji). Coj King Street


t & A,.k

"C ' ,V4rJW"r7.TrJ,..


8icnmera o tho above Lino running In connection With th6"

PACIFIC .RAIL TYBetween Vancouver, B. O., and Bydncy, N. S. W., and enllhig at Victoria, U. C.

Honolulu and fiuvn (Fiji),

--A.35H 3DX7B JLTX? aKCOSTOXjTToirCOn or uboul tho datoa below staled, a.':

Sjl'roiu 9yiiiiny nnil Suvn', for Victoria nndI Vntu'iiiuor. J! L'.tSlmr "MIOWP.T1A" August 24Stmr "WAIUIIMOO"-.-- . ..September 21

" ....October 24Btiur"WAIUUMOO".... . .November 21

Through Tlofcof issued from Honolulu to Cunadn,Jiiitcd Sidles and Europe.

rr.ciuiiT and i'A8sE.;aiJi aocnts:D. MoNlOOLl.. Montreal. Canada.

.HonciiT Kcitn, Winnipeg, Canuda.' --" Stukn, Pii' Frntii'Iceo. (il.

G. MoL. Biiown, Vtiueouvor, B. O.

mil ic teffls!i Co.

Austi-alin- toil Service.

For ?:?. Fr

'Iho Now and Fine Al Ktcol Steamship

"Alameda"Of tho Oceanio Stenmshit. Comtmnv willbo duo at Honolulu from Sydney nnd '

a i,.ni .moriilKi-- t'

A - - - . . Ii'..'J '- -' ' UlUi'And will Icavn for flm nbnrn tinrf. irtfltAlalia and l'OBseugorfl on or about that '

dak'. I

For Syth-'- y rA lv.$lrtfl.liiu Now and Fino Al titoe Stmship

" "MariposaOt tlio Oceanio Steamship Company willbe duo nt Honolulu from Sau Franciscoon or about

ejftily 80. 1S9G.And will have prompt deepntch withiVlaila nnd tor the above ports.

Tito undersigned nro now preparedto issue

TltrovKli Tlckote to Ail Pohi.i,in llio'Ciiited Stiitci?;

8"For ktirtber partioulara regartlingFreight or Pouauge apply to

WM.kG. IRWIN St CO., L'd,Gonorol Agents. ,

Gcoanic SteamshiD k

S. i. AUSTRALIA.Arrivo Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. forS.F.Aug. 10, 1800. ,.Ang IS, lfel'flfc5cnt..!,lS!)(i.. , opt. 0, 1600

THROUGH LINEFrom San Fninckco From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.Arrive Honnhiln. Lcaiv ITnnohilu.

Mnriposn, JulySO,'ri0 Alani'or., s.ng20'01Monowul, Aug27,'00 MniipiiBti,Septl7,00

A LIFE SIZECrayonPortrait

JJ'rarned Complete

Ors. Susa F&stot of the Silts:

Only ' S515.00PtTI tha LATEST Ol'FElt wo have

to make.

J.J.'WILIPortrait and LandscapeFotpfrapnor.v.

J urines - Xj. TrEolt,Gkn'rhat'Businkss Aknt, Ac-

countant AND CoLLIiOTOII.

Okficu: No. 11 Kniiliniuami Street. Tolo-phon- o

No, CM. Prompt utteutionguaranteed. 217 tf

irry- -


2iTot2:37- - 3?Tj.TolioTelephone 2a0, :.o. (JiW, King St.

t$m$&$ . Urn


yrojmVlrtMi-l.-- ami VmioniMdi', It, 0 toMinn mitt Sydney.

Stmr "WAI1T5IMOO" Auf"6tllbtmr MhiWBi:A" SeplemUrlOStmr "WAHK1MOO" October 10Stuir"ilIOWEl!A' . .November 10

tjf For Freight nud Pas-sng- nnd allGeneral Information, apply to

TE0. H. DAViES & CO.. L'dAgent u for tho Ilawciinu Inlands.

R Ifl ?,l) M rVI

4 Mm flrlll! Hmm i



rw;iFor Y0K0HAKA and HOHOKOKQ;Steamers of tho nbovo Companies will

call at Honolulu on thoir way to tlioabove ports on or about tho followingdates:

Vim- - H , 1 loir;

foi.1 I'1 OLJil, ir..;u

For .GAIT rPJlKOlSCO:S teamore of tlio nbovo Comtianies will

call nt Honolulu on their way from'tnjiel ni,? : i ii i o'K" i t' nl ivepint on or ii'r nt VJu' I ..1J iHikiKil.ittf ;

etiurPern Aug. 1, 1800Stmr Rio di Janeiro Aug. 10, 18310

Btmr Gnolio ng, 28, 18C0

Rates of Passage are as foj'cws:TO YOKO-HAlt.- TO noNo- -


Cabin lfJ0.00 $173.00Onbiu, nraud trip, 4

moul'm .... !223jD0 2G2.C0Cabin, ttnind trip, 12

inuutuu . . . Hi&fjU 31C!rAiruyo-i- SUerrti..v . ti5.00 100.U0

jarl'ttaBeagorH paying full fnro will boallowstl 10 percent oil return faro it

twvo months.

CJfFor Freight nnd I'aseogo apply to

H. HACKFCLD & tCMA gen to.

Wilders Steanshipv.

TIMiD TAELi'.O. L. WIGHT, Pres. 8. B. HOSE, Boo.

Cnpt. J. A. KING, PortSupl.

Stmr. KHSTAIj",GLAS1KE, Commanilcr,

Vill l"iive Hoi ohiUi nt 10 A. m., touching ntImIiuiuh, liiuuiuu Hay and Mukcun thosiimoiby; Mnhukouu, Knwnihaound

tho following day, arriving ntllilo tho same ovening.


Friday.... Tuesday,.. ..Ait(i. 4Tucs.i.iy,., .Ai-- lrt Aug. Il"Friday, . . .Aug 28 Tuendny,...Aiitt. 2oTuesday, . ..Soi t. 8 Fridny Sept. 4

ItetuiT i;, w: Jeavo Hllo nt 1 o clock1". M., t nl.U. g nt Luupahoehoe, Muhu- -kouu n 1. i.uuiunno tj'iuiii day; Unkeun.Maalut .i - iy nud Luhiiina the following(lay; i..iw ,; . ; l.oii'j.i..ii u.e ultei.:.'ui.aof Tuosday nnd Frirlnya.

Will call nt Pohoiki, Punn.ipffi7No Freight will be received after

12 noon on day of bailing.

Stair. CLAUDIKE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday nt 5i'.M.,touching, ut Knhuhii, Ilonii, UauioanndKlpahulu, Mnui. itttuinlng arrives ntHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call nt Nun, Knupo, on secotid tripof enoh mouth. '

K&VXo FjeifV.t 'will be deceived afterr. m. on it't.v oi bii iug.

This Company will luiorvba the right touuike changes in tho timo of dcpurtuio und.nrrivni oi us sienuiors wiiuniii notice anilit wi'l not bo ltnponMUln for i.ny euw(jui'lii'ouuiis.ii theiefioiiit

J C6uiTKiincb iniiHtVe atltheLiihdfiiBi. toreceive " their Freight; tlili Oo'uipaUyv.'illnot hold itself rupoiwiblo for frciglit ufterit hnsbceu laudcil..

Livo Stuck only ut oHiier'ti ribl... This Company will, not bo. icwpouiblo,for" Money or Vnlunliles of prtn3eiigeiijunless placed in tho euro of Pursers.

Pntscugcrs are renueste'd to purohnsetiokots before embarking. Thoso failing todo so will bo subject to nn ndditionalclmrgo of twenty-flr- o per oent.

' 'ortLease.,,TnB MBSinFNCE OFVMR3. ALONO,

one-- niilo frbm'pdbtoffla.feliarge hongoTwithfnrhitnro "FOuV bo"d roonT pnilrTr7lSrgo

"dinjng room, pnntj-y-, kitchen, bath vooum,

hot and cold waUr, .with pnteut rloseti,sorvant hi.iiBi's, ht.iMli 'i, h'Hi.e p(di,q).'l,L;..r !i n iUiittJ'-- . I. At ' itwuinK 1'io.iluoM.

Apply t" .1 M I'l.'l I) MAUOON.tf MulCl.iU.lbt., lit il i O..IOIU..U.

, CPTEnfCN' '

. '

Shaving ParloreFort St. OpP: Ponthoon Stables.

Our Scissors aro sharp; ourHuzors aro bright; wo Shuvoequally well by day or bynigbt



T l itmnnw .. LUm. '.Llnstruiiient -- Maker,'

Hieyclo repairing nnd nieicl platitiL' aHpucialty, ulso

Golu.Silyer anil 'Bronze ElectroDlaliiiE.

1.,0 . , , ..TtL.007.


C. B. DWI&HT,.T'! colllniot 'or oil kinds of STONE

"ul" etiueui anil'. i ' lie hiilewnlkn mill ,..,.!.;.... i ," k.i.iiiiK. j. iiavooil. ....l 111! lift till ll.kll 11....... li

griitilto, j.to. UnoBtono for inoiiiudcntal N""-- - mvon nuu lowest prices

u .ureil. Jtluilwnefe.l3. .. ' t. - I. .I ,


Culisol'ukiiu t.uL h utii-Co.-,


Cornet Aliui & . orl Sis., Honolulu.

KOLLSSTER '&, CO.,Agents.

Nuunuu Volley, nbovo tlio Muiiboltum.

All orders given prompt and faithful at-tention. No ostrn charro for daliverlnnHow ('I'M In ui.y jMr( f tl(. ri'y. hjja,.liiiuiiimu .rc. h una CunmUtmn a pe--clnlty. 206-t- I



Hawaiian nud Foreign Hlrds nnd Animalsmimntcd lu the bit tiniun-r- , ueluir the latestmethods only. Hotel Si near I)r Meflrow.

337-l- f



Hotnl Bl.. nr Port. Tol. S02.


No. 43 Queen Street.

Expert Appruigcn.cnt of IlealEetHto nut Fi'ruUtu ,



225 Qnoen stroet, Honolulu, ET. I.

A. HAHRXSON,King st., bet. Foit und Alnkca.

Contractor : and : Builder.jiosu.i:ia.w akii TOiuaiowra.

W Finest drndo ilLUE STOND fromPuubliou uuuirkb. 278-l- f

M. S GRINBAUM & Cq.,Lj.uizei) 'v'


Queen streel, Honolulu, and 21C Frontstreet, San Prnticbicti, f'nl,

' 14u'j..tu:s okGeneral Mcrcliacdiso and . ,

." . "CommiEsibn Mfirohants.

A). fHTLLfPS & CO.,

Wholesale Impoi'tots niid Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods'.

Fprt nud Queon Stioets. '



.w.ALIiJja&kROBlNSONV ', t

ii itrl liuilnitw fcii : i f iikinds. ,. , -- ,,,.,

Qnowrtrot. Honolulu;


Book' 'Qnf Job;' PrinterWeroMantiStroot,Honohilu,' II. I.

Over fi awuiian Nowb Company'sBook Storo. " mv13.

IlEWXlks & OOOEE.-riiroKTEt- ss

anh ikalhiih in LbmbubAKI) Alili HI iH 01' UutliDtNO

W .i;iili,s. x.

' "- -

i ., -.

Strefet, - vFort - Honolulu."' ; vm ....'iyt:-- i i , , , r m.- -.


GEiinnAi',,6oiiMissfeo: AacHTS. ' '

, Uor. Fort nud Queen Streets, Honolulu.

' uf . 1 1 kills i. '. 1 i. .tlttflfol ,i: r 4 y. l.' .!jr ' J'. o:ck: a