7058757 verbal notes grammar book

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  • 8/13/2019 7058757 Verbal Notes Grammar Book


    English Grammar from EnglishClub.com

    i- English Grammar Terms

    ii- The 8 English Parts of SpeechThese are the words that you use to make a sentence. There are only8 types of word - and themost important is the Verb!

    1- Verbs be, have, do, work

    2- Nouns man, town, music

    3- A!ecti"es a, the, 69, big

    #- A"erbs loudly, well, often

    $- Pronouns you, ours, some

    %- Prepositions at, in, on, from

    &- 'on!unctions and, but, though

    8- (nter!ections ah, dear, er, um


  • 8/13/2019 7058757 Verbal Notes Grammar Book


    i Glossary of English Grammar Terms

    Active Voice

    In the active voice, the subject of the verb does the action (eg They killed the President).


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    See also Passive Voice.


    A word like big, red, easy,Frenchetc. An adjective describes a noun or ronoun.


    A word like slowl!, "uietl!, well, often etc. An adverb #odifies a verb.


    $he %indefinite% articles are aand an. $he %definite article% is the.

    Auxiliary Verb

    A verb that is used with a #ain verb.Be, doand haveare au&iliar! verbs. Can, may, mustetc are #odal au&iliar! verbs.

    ClauseA grou of words containing a subject and its verb (for e&a#le' It was late when hearrived).


    A word used to connect words, hrases and clauses (for e&a#le' and, but, if).


    $he basic for# of a verb as in to work or work.


    An e&cla#ation inserted into an utterance without gra##atical connection (for e&a#le'oh!, ah!, ouch!, well!).

    Modal Verb

    An au&iliar! verb like can, may, mustetc that #odifies the #ain verb and e&ressesossibilit!, robabilit! etc. It is also called %#odal au&iliar! verb%.


    A word like table, dog, teacher,Americaetc. A noun is the na#e of an object, concet,erson or lace. A %concrete noun% is so#ething !ou can see or touch like apersonor car.An %abstract noun% is so#ething that !ou cannot see or touch like a decisionor happiness.

    A %countable noun% is so#ething that !ou can count (for e&a#le' bottle,song, dollar).An %uncountable noun% is so#ething that !ou cannot count (for e&a#le' water, music,money).


    In the active voice, a noun or its e"uivalent that receives the action of the verb. In theassive voice, a noun or its e"uivalent that does the action of the verb.

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    $he -ingand -edfor#s of verbs. $he -ingfor# is called the %resent articile%. $he -edfor# is called the %ast articile% (for irregular verbs, this is colu#n ).

    "art !f $#eechne of the eight classes of word in *nglish + noun, verb, adjective, adverb, ronoun,reosition, conjunction and interjection.

    "assive Voice

    In the assive voice, the subject receives the action of the verb (eg The President waskilled). See also Active Voice.


    A grou of words not containing a subject and its verb (eg on the table the girl in a reddress).


    *ach sentence contains (or i#lies) two arts' a subject and a redicate. $he redicate iswhat is said about the subject.


    A word like at, to, in, overetc. Preositions usuall! co#e before a noun and giveinfor#ation about things like ti#e, lace and direction.


    A word like, me,you, he, him, itetc. A ronoun relaces a noun.


    A grou of words that e&ress a thought. A sentence conve!s a state#ent, "uestion,e&cla#ation or co##and. A sentence contains or i#lies a subject and a redicate. Insi#le ter#s, a sentence #ust contain a verb and (usuall!) a subject. A sentence startswith a caital letter and ends with a full sto (.), "uestion #ark () or e&cla#ation #ark(-).


    *ver! sentence contains (or i#lies) two arts' a subject and a redicate. $he subject isthe #ain noun (or e"uivalent) in a sentence about which so#ething is said.


    $he for# of a verb that shows us when the action or state haens (ast, resent orfuture). ote that the na#e of a tense is not alwa!s a guide to when the action haens.$he %resent continuous tense%, for e&a#le, can be used to talk about the resent or thefuture.



  • 8/13/2019 7058757 Verbal Notes Grammar Book


    A word like "to# work, "to# love, "to# begin. A verb describes an action or state.

    ii "arts of $#eech Exam#les

    0ere are so#e sentences #ade with different *nglish arts of seech'



    noun verb

    1ohn works.

    noun verb verb

    1ohn is working.

    #ronoun verb noun

    She loves ani#als.

    noun verb adjective noun

    Ani#als like kind eole.

    noun verb noun adverb

    $ara seaks *nglish well.

    noun verb adjective noun

    $ara seaks good *nglish.

    #ronoun verb #re#osition adjective noun adverb

    She ran to the station "uickl!.

    #ron. verb adj. noun conjunction #ron. verb #ron.

    She likes big snakes but I hate the#.0ere is a sentence

    that contains ever! art of seech'

    interjection #ron. conj. adj. noun verb #re#. noun adverb

    ell, she and !oung 1ohn walk to school slowl!.

    %ords &ith More than !ne 'ob

    3an! words in *nglish can have #ore than one job, or be #ore than one art of seech.4or e&a#le, %work% can be a verb and a noun5 %but% can be a conjunction and areosition5 %well% can be an adjective, an adverb and an interjection. In addition, #an!nouns can act as adjectives.

    $o anal!6e the art of seech, ask !ourself' %hatjobis this word doing in thissentence%


  • 8/13/2019 7058757 Verbal Notes Grammar Book


    0ere are so#e e&a#les'

    &ord #art of s#eech exam#le

    work noun 3! &or(is eas!.

    verb I &or(in 8ondon.

    but conjunction 1ohn ca#e but3ar! didn9t co#e.

    reosition *ver!one ca#e but3ar!.

    well adjective Are !ou &ell

    adverb She seaks &ell.

    interjection %ell- $hat9s e&ensive-

    afternoon noun e ate in the afternoon.

    noun acting as adjective e had afternoontea.$hese are just

    a few e&a#les. f course, there are #ore, even for so#e of the words above. In fact, if!ou look in a good dictionar! !ou will see that the word buthas si& jobs to do'

    verb, noun, adverb, ronoun, reosition and conjuction-


  • 8/13/2019 7058757 Verbal Notes Grammar Book


    ) English Verbs


  • 8/13/2019 7058757 Verbal Notes Grammar Book


    ).)* %hat Are Verbs+


  • 8/13/2019 7058757 Verbal Notes Grammar Book


  • 8/13/2019 7058757 Verbal Notes Grammar Book


    ought to

    0ere are e&a#les using #odal verbs'

    I can;tseak

  • 8/13/2019 7058757 Verbal Notes Grammar Book


    =in(ing verbs

    A linking verb does not have #uch #eaning in itself. It %links% the subject to what is saidabout the subject. Dsuall!, a linking verb shows e"ualit! (E) or a change to a differentstate or lace (F). 8inking verbs are alwa!s intransitive (but not all intransitive verbs are

    linking verbs).

    3ar! isa teacher. (#ar! E teacher)

    $ara isbeautiful. (tara E beautiful)

    $hat soundsinteresting. (that E interesting)

    $he sk! becamedark. (the sk! F dark)

    $he bread has gonebad. (bread F bad)

    :ynamic and stative verbs

    So#e verbs describe action. $he! are called %d!na#ic%, and can be used with continuous

    tenses. ther verbs describe state (non+action, a situation). $he! are called %stative%, andcannot nor#all! be used with continuous tenses (though so#e of the# can be used withcontinuous tenses with a change in #eaning).

    dynamic verbs 3exam#les4esult

    #resent sim#le %I== base verb

    If I see 3ar! I will tell her.

    If $ara is free to#orrow he will invite her.

    If the! do not ass their e&a# their teacher will be sad.

    If it rains to#orrow will !ou sta! at ho#e

    If it rains to#orrow what will !ou do

    result I- condition

    %I== base verb #resent sim#le

    I will tell 3ar! if I see her.

    0e will invite $ara if she is free to#orrow.

    $heir teacher will be sad if the! do not ass their e&a#.

    ill !ou sta! at ho#e if it rains to#orrow

    hat will !ou do if it rains to#orrow

    EnglishClub.com Ti#

    So#eti#es, we use shall, can, or mayinstead of &ill, for e&a#le' If !ou are good toda!, !ou canwatch $V tonight.


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  • 8/13/2019 7058757 Verbal Notes Grammar Book


    I would be ha! if I #arried 3ar!.

    She would #arr! Ga# if he beca#e rich.

    ould !ou be surrised if it snowed ne&t 1ul!

    hat would !ou do if it snowed ne&t 1ul!

    EnglishClub.com Ti#

    So#eti#es, we use should, couldor mightinstead of &ould, for e&a#le' If I won a #illion dollars, Icouldsto working.

    Third Conditional