7 important must know success truths about …ecommerce business hardly have a clue what sourcing...

1 www.SourcingProfits.com 7 Important Must Know Success Truths About Sourcing That Puts The $100,000+ Potential In Your Sales, Which Leads You To The Goldmines Without Stepping On Landmines! This Extraordinary Sneak-Peek Report Is For Select Entrepreneurs Seeking An Exceptional Opportunity To Look Behind The Curtains Of A REAL LIFE 7 Figure Physical Products Sourcing Business Dear Friend, If you’re looking to get into a good, solid business model, one that can secure your future, you would have to place ecommerce at the top of the list. The fact that you have downloaded this report shows you are someone looking for a long term, sustainable business that can produce substantial income with consistently high profit margins. There has never been a better time than now to get into the world-wide ecommerce business as the market is trending upwards with no end in sight! Here’s how fast Amazon USA’s annual revenue is growing: A vast majority of these sales are driven by average people, like you and I, who are selling physical products using the Amazon Seller Central program.

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7 Important Must Know Success Truths About Sourcing That Puts The $100,000+ Potential

In Your Sales, Which Leads You To The Goldmines Without Stepping On Landmines!

This Extraordinary Sneak-Peek Report Is For Select Entrepreneurs

Seeking An Exceptional Opportunity To Look Behind The Curtains Of A REAL LIFE 7 Figure Physical Products Sourcing Business

Dear Friend,

If you’re looking to get into a good, solid business model, one that can secure

your future, you would have to place ecommerce at the top of the list.

The fact that you have downloaded this report shows you are someone

looking for a long term, sustainable business that can produce substantial

income with consistently high profit margins.

There has never been a better time than now to get into the world-wide

ecommerce business as the market is trending upwards with no end in sight!

Here’s how fast Amazon USA’s annual revenue is growing:

A vast majority of these sales are driven by average people, like you and I, who

are selling physical products using the Amazon Seller Central program.

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This is a program that allows anyone to ship their physical products to

Amazon and have it sold on the Amazon marketplace.

Think about how lucrative it is to have Amazon as your merchant processor,

inventory manager, customer support team and most importantly, your

marketing department.

I have made over $10 million selling physical products on Amazon in just the

last few years.

Almost all of these sales are from products that I sourced and shipped from


My name is Paul Sinclair and I’m a global product sourcing expert. I’ve been in

the field for many years developing world-wide product lines.

During my journey, I’ve specialized sourcing a wide range of products from

China. In fact, I routinely travel to China up to three times per year to meet

with factory owners and suppliers.

Why China?

China is my top choice because I can source products from China for a fraction

of what it would cost to source the same products from a company in the USA.

You can easily mark up your products 3-10X, which customers will gladly pay

you for, and help you outmaneuver your competitors with your high profit


With that being said, I work China differently than most of the crowd.

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What I’ve learned is a great deal by trial and error. I’ve made mistakes that

have cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars. But these experiences have

made me smarter and better when it comes to sourcing products from China.

My goal is to bring this experience to the table for you to learn from. Sourcing

and selling products is not a small business by far.

But I have found ways that you can claim your share of the sourcing pie that is

big enough for you and your family to live off for as long as there is the Internet

to drive it.

Ecommerce is currently a 1 ½ trillion dollar per year business and is expected

to grow to two trillion dollars per year in the not-too distant future.

While there’s still plenty of opportunity for you to get involved, you’ll need to

buckle-down and learn the finer points on how to succeed – starting with this

special report.

Let me begin by giving you some previously, highly-guarded secrets about

product sourcing.

This will give you a dramatic advantage over your competitors, whether

selling on Amazon or with your own ecommerce store.

(Sidenote: I highly recommend you grab a highlighter or pen to highlight important

insights in this report. If you have been attempting to launch your own ecommerce

store or sell on Amazon, then nothing else is more important than reading this


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Let’s get started with the 7 important

truths you need to know about product

sourcing - before you even source your first


1. What Exactly Is Product Sourcing?

Believe it or not, a lot of people trying to make it with an Amazon or

ecommerce business hardly have a clue what sourcing actually is.

Let me clear this up right now so you never try your hand in an ecommerce

business without knowing the importance of proper product sourcing.

Product Sourcing Is The Backbone of Any Ecommerce Business

Product sourcing means finding suppliers of physical goods at the best price

without sacrificing on the quality of the product.

Generally, these are items you will have manufactured overseas for less cost

than in your local area and even in your own country. And it’s not to be

confused with drop-shipping.

If you do your sourcing correctly, you can position your company for many

profitable product runs that can be reordered over and over again lasting for

years to come.

On the other hand, if your product sourcing is lacking, the system will work

against you and it could easily sink your business operation too early. I have

seen it happen too many times, but we can avoid that if you understand these

seven sourcing success truths.

From contacting sourcing agents, factories, packaging companies, to getting

your final inventory into Amazon or your fulfillment house, sourcing

represents a major component that you will be performing in your business.

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“Think China,” if you want to have a global sourcing platform that is a proven

#1 solution that can offer most everything you will ever need to be a

successful ecommerce marketer.

China’s low cost materials and labor is what will propel your profits and can

become your main gateway into an international based business.

Once a product is properly sourced, you are positioned to distribute it for

hefty profits across global markets.

However, there is an art to sourcing. And with the experience I have behind

me, allow me to guide you away from the pitfalls that are easy to fall into.

Let me steer you far from the hidden landmines you don’t want to step onto.

Instead, I Will Reveal To You My Proven Shortcuts Leading To The

Lucrative Side of Product Sourcing From China

These are things I want to share with you that you will not find on just any

Internet web site.

In recent years, I have been able to create a windfall of over 10 million dollars

using the exact same sourcing techniques you will be hearing more about.

An important take-away to remember about product sourcing is it represents

the difference between being almost successful OR becoming wildly


This edge over the competition is what we teach our successful students and

it’s the missing link that many of your competitors will be without.

That’s why we train our students to be on top with the Sourcing Profits

mindset I have developed and exclusively branded into our program.

Let’s continue on…

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2. Why It’s Best To Go Offshore For Sourcing

There are very good reasons to go offshore when building your ecommerce

business. In China, you will have access to an array of sourcing channels that

you can tap into through a good foreign agent.

Here are some of the main points to consider…

Competitive Pricing

You can find raw materials much less expensive to create quality products at

much more affordable costs.

Low Cost Labor & Manufacturing

Finding and locating an agent should be at the top of your list to begin

working toward your goal of producing a good

product capable of high-profits.

A good, effective foreign agent will help you locate

the best foreign resources. They can find the lowest

costs to bring your product run within budget and

ready to launch into the world-wide marketplace at a good profit.

Helps You Save To Allocate Money In Other Areas

With the vast amounts of money you will save by sourcing internationally in

China, this is money you can then use in other areas like advertising and

marketing etc.

I can’t stress how important this will be to your marketing and success of your

global business.

Trust me, when you are trying to bootstrap your ecommerce business, every

single penny counts.

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3. Why Having A Sourcing Agent Is Important

Most people struggle to get physical products from China do to a lack of clear


Many training courses simply tell you to go to a place like Alibaba to secure

your first order. Although Alibaba is a good place to start, there are many

unscrupulous suppliers looking to take advantage of people who are new to

the sourcing game.

A lot of listings on Alibaba are not even factories, but rather middlemen,

looking to make large profits by extorting unsuspecting buyers on Alibaba.

The truth is that if you want to get your products sourced efficiently from

China, you should have access to a reasonable intelligent, English-speaking,

sourcing agent.

A sourcing agent can help you find products not

only using Alibaba, but also talking directly to

local suppliers. They work with local Chinese

networks and speak to factories in their own


Most importantly, they will try to negotiate the best prices and order

quantities for you. Factories understand that there will be a negotiation

process and a good sourcing agent should be able to get you the best price

after extensive negotiations.

This can potentially save you thousands of dollars in product costs savings

and save you months of time.

In fact, a sourcing agent can save you enough money that they pay for


Let me explain.

Most factories charge a ridiculous price for just sending out samples. They is

can range as high as $80 for a product that only sells for $20 retail. The

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reason why they do this is because they are constantly being ripped off by

people who are just looking to obtain free goods.

When a sourcing agent approaches a factory for free samples, they tend to

know that it is a serious company who is inquiring. In most cases, they give

the sample to the sourcing agent – free of any costs.

Not only do you save on the sample cost, you save on the shipping of each

sample because a sourcing agent can simply consolidate the shipping costs of

5-6 samples into one single shipment.

With a sourcing agent, there are no language barriers that get in the way of

your product production.

From product samples to manufacturing, packaging and final delivery, you

will need to have a clear line of communication with your suppliers at all


4. Pricing Your Product Correctly

Pricing your products is first about finding a foreign factory that can produce

it at the best manufacturing costs available.

Then you can consider any other procurement costs to get to your selling

price along with a built-in profit range.

Here you will exercise price structuring and strategies that will allow you to

mass produce your line of products ready for a global market.

By performing a proper profit analysis, it will help you with comparative

pricing from international suppliers to making a profit over and above your

production costs per unit sold.

By pricing your products correctly, you can strategize

your global marketing approach to keep your brand


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5. Financial Considerations

One of the ways that I have saved a great deal of money is by opening up an

HSBC bank account in Hong Kong.

The reason is simple.

Most suppliers in China have an HSBC bank account making payments simple,

instant and free.

When you start growing your business and ordering products and packaging

on a regular bases, wire payment fees can add up dramatically.

Also, some factories in China will only take payment in their local currency

and having an HSBC account allows you to pay in multiple currencies (USD,

HKD, RMB) very easily.

Having to pay factories in their local currency can slow down your business if

you don’t have the means of paying them in their local currency.

6. Product Packaging

Most factories can provide generic packaging for the products they

manufacture for you. But in most cases, this packaging can diminish the

perceived quality of your product and could be costly.

Let me explain.

Although some factories can do packaging for you, this is not their specialty.

But approaching a packaging supplier, you can get can high quality packaging

for your products at a cheaper price than you product factory.

This is because packaging factories specialize in packaging and can get you

much cheaper raw material and labor costs then product factories.

The key is making sure you manage the relationship between the product and

packaging factories to have the packaging shipped and assembled with the

main product at one location.

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7. Never Compromise On Product Quality And Value

Your product and brand will live or die on the quality and value you bring to

the table.

Never produce an inferior product just to cut costs. It will backfire on you just

down the road and before you know it, the sky will fall.

This is especially important if you are selling on Amazon, where your

product’s lifeline is determined by the review rating system.

Too many one-star reviews due to poor quality will kill your product sales in a

blink of an eye.

Therefore, you must employ strategic product

sourcing methods to produce quality AND quantity at

the same time PLUS have a built-in profit.

This is where the rubber meets the road and where

many ecommerce sellers fall flat on their faces.

Many factories in China will automatically assume that you want the cheapest

price available (at the detriment of quality) and by even just increasing the

price by mere pennies can have a huge improvement on product quality.

The Best Way Is To Understand The Proven Principles

of Product Sourcing That Work Time And Time Again

If you are serious about building an ecommerce profit platform that works off

of leveraging China that can propel your ecommerce business into a life-long

income producer… you are at the right place, right now.

I was encouraged by my good friend Gauher Chaudhry to create this training

because he knew that the market needed this information. There are

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thousands of people trying to earn an income selling products on Amazon, but

don’t know the first this about sourcing products from China.

In fact, Gauher wanted to get into the business of selling on Amazon and came

to me almost immediately to help in sourcing baby bowls from China.

With my sourcing knowledge and help, I was able to help him get high quality

baby bowls manufactured, packaged and shipped from China straight into

Amazon in just under 45 days.

He now makes just under $15,000 a month, with a healthy 30% profit margin,

selling just baby bowls on Amazon.

In fact, he is now switching from air to sea freight for his next order of baby

bowls that will increase his profit margin to up to 50%. He was able to make

the switch easily because of my inside knowledge of logistics and shipping

from China.

Whether you are new at this or a have experience… here is something else you

need to know.

There’s a missing link in most Amazon and ecommerce training programs…

They Leave A Section Of The Road Out, Making

It Very Difficult For You To Get Where You Want To Go…

However, the road that connects the highway to ecommerce success is,

effective product sourcing.

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Gauher recognized this and encouraged me, with his

help, to create an entire training system on how to do


With sites like, Amazon and Alibaba out there allowing

anyone to sell on their platforms, it creates extreme

opportunities for success.

Yet, at the same time if you don’t get the product sourcing right, you will fail.

You won’t believe how many Amazon sellers I have met who have given up

due to sourcing and inventory problems.

Many home businesses online stem from some type of ecommerce training

program. The great thing is that this is a true opportunity for starting a

lucrative business online.

However, most of these students are not getting the proper sourcing training

to prepare them for the world-markets.

And this is exactly what our Sourcing Profits training system provides…

Our Sourcing Profits program is very different from the popular ecommerce

training programs you may already own or have heard about.

In fact, our program makes them much better by fortifying what they teach

adding-in the highly-specialized training they leave out that comes with our

proven experience in sourcing.

And we hand to you on a silver platter without all the trial and error,

pitfalls and landmines in the way…

What Sourcing Profits does is fulfills this void in those other programs

enhancing everything they teach.

This all-important sourcing training we provide fully rounds-out any

ecommerce business.

In fact, every ecommerce business should have Sourcing Profits if they want to

increase their Amazon or ecommerce store sales.

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Additionally, since you are going to build your ecommerce business from the

ground up… we want to be there to help you!

We have in-depth video training, transcripts, checklists, rolodexes on

everything so you don’t miss a thing on what you need to know to become

successful at product sourcing.

Most importantly, Sourcing Profits has defined the missing link that other

training programs leave out which is exactly what our program addresses and

what you get.

Beta members in Sourcing Profits rave about the quality of our training and

how it has dramatically helped their Amazon and ecommerce businesses.

But don’t just take my word for it.

Here is what some members are saying publicly.

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Clearly, from what I have shown you here, you now have a workable list of

things to follow up on to become prepared for launching a successful physical

product on Amazon or your own ecommerce store.

But this is just scratching the surface…

Stay tuned for more free additional sourcing training in the next few days.

Be sure that you don’t miss it because others have only seen something like

this in only paid training sessions.

Talk soon,

Paul Sinclair & Gauher Chaudhry


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SourcingProfits.com, where you learn all of this and more…