7 day consultant ward rounds for medical emergency admissions

7 Day Consultant Ward rounds for medical emergency admissions Seven day services in action 16 th November, Hilton Metropole Mark Temple Consultant Physician & Nephrologist Heart of England Foundation Trust Acute care fellow, RCP

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7 Day Consultant Ward rounds for medical emergency admissions Mark Temple Consultant Physician & Nephrologist Heart of England Foundation Trust Acute care fellow, RCP Presentation from the 'NHS services open seven days a week: every day counts' event on Saturday 16 November at The Metropole Hotel, Birmingham. This event was hosted by NHS Improving Quality and NHS England to share the views and ideas of public, patients, carers, NHS England and health and social care staff on how to improve access to services for patients across the seven day week. More information at http://www.nhsiq.nhs.uk/improvement-programmes/acute-care/seven-day-services.aspx or #7DayServices


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7 Day Consultant Ward rounds for medical emergency admissions Seven day services in action

16th November, Hilton Metropole

Mark TempleConsultant Physician & Nephrologist

Heart of England Foundation TrustAcute care fellow, RCP

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Concern quality & safety patient care (OOH): RCP Position statement November 2010

Hospitals undertaking the admission of acutely ill medical patients should have a consultant physician on site for at least 12 hours per day, seven days a week, at times relating to peak admission periods. The consultant should have no other duties scheduled during this period.

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Delivering high quality care beyond AMU 7 day consultant review Medical & surgical wards

Particular risk: Transfer out of AMU within 24-48 hrs – evolving acute illness

Move to a different landscape!From AMU : enhanced staffing (cons) organisation of careTo wards:

– Unfamiliar with pt/acute care– Uncertainties about diagnosis & management – Quality monitoring /response pt deterioration?

Patient transfer Friday pm (next cons round 72 hours +?)

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Pts transferred out of AMU – receive a consultant review within 24 hrs – 7/7

Patients transferred out AMU: Early review - Consultant of team responsible for continuing care – “Golden Hour” priority duty in first working hour– Template cons physician working 7/7 all wards

• “Buddy” arrangements : link medical teams to Surgical wards

• Weekday: re-schedule conflicting duties 8.30-10• Weekend: consultant rota for shared bed patch• Review all new transfers in + acutely ill

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Aim: Consistent consultant review, critical time acute illness

• Confirm diagnosis, Rx, discharge, ceilings of care

• Involve/ communicate management plan to new ward team

• Senior assessment vs anticipated clin. trajectory

• Support ward team & covering med staff – concerns unfamiliar patient

• Benefits of consultant delivered care

Acad Royal Med Coll 2012

• NCEPOD consistent evidence delayed/ absent consultant care = unsafe poor quality care

• AKI: Adding insult to injury 2009

• Time to intervene 2012

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Birmingham Heartlands Hospital – Consultant Physician duties 7 / 7

Review of unselected (GIM) patients WeekdaysMedical & Surgical wards

0845 – 6 consultants with ongoing care duties:

Initial: “smart start” board round

Clinical review • all new transfers in• sick pts / potential discharge

Week-ends & BHsMedical & Surgical wards

0900 – 4 consultants (ongoing care) Initial: Handover

Clinical review • All new transfers in • Sick pts / discharge

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Achieving consultant “Golden hour” rounds - all wards with unselected (G)IM in-pts

• Widespread recognition – good for patient care– Consultant agreed and

implemented• More acute physicians –

allowed redeployment • Reassured : reliable JD support

– Assist with admin, discharge, request tests, prescribing

– Optimal use consultant time OOH

– Optimal use consultant expertise – senior decision making

• Reassured : staff & support 7/7 to implement consultant plan – Therapy , diagnostic and social

services. Pathways out of hospital

• Recognise extra work- job plan (4 extra physicians on site)

• Use existing synergies. Greatest resistance to additional w/e rota - consultants not providing 24/7 service

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How to change consultant working The Physicians story - Paul Woodmansey (2011)

• AMU consultant cover 12hrs w/d, 6-8hrs w/e

• W/E Troubleshooting Consultant visits all med wards : sick & quick d/c

• Increase early discharge• Coincided reduction

mortality (all and w/e)

• Major change working life : introduced with relative ease

• Consultant proposed tried & accepted

• Good for pt care• “Greatest challenge is cons

delivered (not led) service required”

• “Pace .. in hospital .. pts need daily senior input” Clin Med 2011 (11) 1: 17-19

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Impact of “Golden hour” ward rounds

• Nursing staff: welcomed cons on their ward 7/7. Decisions on existing in- patients.

• Jun Doctors: – reduced workload – Improve training, feedback

• Consultants / ALL :Monday working more manageable

• Where d/c pathways not @ w/e discharge set up for Mon/Tues

• Associated : improved LOS