7 bad habits that are killing your productivity

7 Bad Habits That Are Killing Your Productivity

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: 7 Bad Habits That Are Killing Your Productivity

7 Bad Habits That Are Killing Your Productivity

Page 2: 7 Bad Habits That Are Killing Your Productivity

Sometimes it’s hard to focus and be productive, especially when there are too many distractions around the office.

These 7 bad habits may be stoping you from working at your best.

Page 3: 7 Bad Habits That Are Killing Your Productivity

1. Multitasking Avoid doing several tasks at the same time. You need to focus only on one task, to be able to do it well. Having a task list is a great way to collect what you need to do later.

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Checking your email every five minutes is an unnecessary distraction. It should be set to auto-refresh every 30-60 minutes.

2. Checking email often

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I   can’t   stop,   I   have   to   do   this is wrong! Taking a 5 minute break every hour is the best. You need to relax and regroup your thoughts.

3. Not taking breaks

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Having a plan is productive, but doing a meticulous plan can be bad because things don’t always go exactly as a planned. Make a well organised yet flexible outline of what needs to be done and adjust it along the way.

4. Over Planning

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Unless you work with Social Media, this is the worst for your productivity, especially if you’re always connected. The constant status updates will most likely distract you and break your concentration. Leave it for your break time.

5. Following Social Media

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In order to be able to focus, you should adjust your work environment to your best performance. Avoid interruptions when you need to get work done.

6. Chaotic Work Place

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Meetings should be saved for essencial group decision making, not just status updates. A good task manager will be able to replace these meetings with real-time updates of what everyone is doing.

7. Too many status meetings

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