6.zxsdr b8200(v4.1) commissioning guide 109p

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  • 8/11/2019 6.ZXSDR B8200(V4.1) Commissioning Guide 109p


    ZXSDR B8200 (V4.1) Project

    Commissioning Guide

  • 8/11/2019 6.ZXSDR B8200(V4.1) Commissioning Guide 109p


    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 201 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.


    1 B8200 System NE Connection Relationship .................................................. 1

    2 B8200 System Commissioning Work Flow Chart ......................................... 1

    3 Cautions for Commissioning .......................................................................... 2

    4 Preparations for Commissioning ................................................................... 3 4.1 Preparations at BS ............................................................................................. 3 4.1.1 Tools for BS Equipment ..................................................................................... 3 4.1.2 Software for BS Equipment ................................................................................ 4 4.1.3 Installation Quality Inspection for BS Equipment ............................................... 5 4.1.4 Double Check before Powering on BS Equipment............................................. 5 4.2 Preparations at OMC ......................................................................................... 6 4.2.1 OMC Hardware Preparation ............................................................................... 6 4.2.2 OMC Software Preparation ................................................................................ 6 4.3 Transmission Preparation .................................................................................. 6 4.4 Other Preparations ............................................................................................. 7

    5 Commissioning Process ................................................................................. 7 5.1 OMC Configuration Data Backup ....................................................................... 7 5.2 Data Configuration at OMC ................................................................................ 9 5.2.1 Data Configuration Work Flow ........................................................................... 9 5.2.2 Prepare Data for Configuration ........................................................................ 10 5.2.3 Configure Network Overall Data ...................................................................... 11 5.2.4 Configure District .............................................................................................. 16 5.2.5 Configure WBTS SDR B8200 .......................................................................... 17 5.2.6 Physical Configuration ..................................................................................... 18 5.2.7 Radio Configuration ......................................................................................... 31 5.2.8 Configure WBTS Status ................................................................................... 43 5.3 BS Equipment Power-on & Power-off .............................................................. 44 5.3.1 Power-on .......................................................................................................... 44 5.3.2 Power-off .......................................................................................................... 45

    5.3.3 Post-power-on Check ....................................................................................... 45 5.4 Synchronize and Save Data between OMC and BS ........................................ 45 5.4.1 Synchronize Data ............................................................................................. 45 5.4.2 Save Data ........................................................................................................ 47 5.5 BS Software Version Downloading .................................................................. 49 5.5.1 Version Management ....................................................................................... 49 5.5.2 Add Version ...................................................................................................... 50 5.5.3 Deliver Version ................................................................................................. 52 5.5.4 Activate Version ............................................................................................... 55 5.6 Validate Version ............................................................................................... 57 5.7 Query Version Query ....................................................................................... 58 5.8 Link Test with Pinging ...................................................................................... 60

    5.8.1 Test premix ................................................................................................... 60

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    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 201 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 6

    5.8.2 Acceptance Criteria .......................................................................................... 60 5.8.3 Test Steps ........................................................................................................ 60 5.9 BS Information Record ..................................................................................... 61 5.9.1 BBU Board Configuration Record .................................................................... 61 5.9.2 RRU Board Configuration Record .................................................................... 62 5.9.3 BS Software Version Record ........................................................................... 62

    6 Add NE .......................................... .............................. ............................. ....... 64 6.1 Export NE Data ................................................................................................ 64 6.2 Add a New NE .................................................................................................. 66 6.3 Add New NEs by Batch .................................................................................... 72 6.4 Import NE Data ................................................................................................ 79 6.5 Import NE Data by Batch ................................................................................. 82 6.6 Example of Importing NEs by Batch ................................................................ 88

    7 MPIM IP Planning ........................................................................................... 98

    8 XBP IP Planning ............................................................................................. 99

    9 BSID Configuration Principle at BTS side ................................................... 99

    10 5M / 7M / 10M / 10/3M Networking Configurati on ...................................... 100 10.1 Premix: ........................................................................................................... 100 10.2 Configuration Summary ................................................................................. 100 10.3 Configuration Steps ........................................................................................ 100

    Appendix : Abbreviations ............................. .............................. ............................. ...... 106

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    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 2012 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 1

    1 B8200 System NE Connect ionRelationship

    The connection relationship among NE and NE boards within B8200 system is shown inFigure 1-1

    Figure 1-1 Connection Relationships among NE and NE boards within B8200 System

    2 B8200 System Commissioning WorkFlow Chart

    Figure 2-1 Network Commissioning Work Flow Chart

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    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 2012 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 2

    3 Cautions for CommissioningDuring commissioning, pay attention to the following instructions:

    1. Wear antistatic wrist strip when plugging, unplugging or checking the module.

    2. In handling a module, strictly follow the related specifications. Handle the moduleswith care and for those modules that are not used at the moment or that need to bestored, pack them with antistatic bags and keep them in proper places.

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    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 2012 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 3

    3. The co mmissioning pe rsonnel shoul d compl etely prep are related tech nicaldocuments.

    4. Do not delete the OMC folder and the file s in it; otherwi se, the modification of theinstallation and future upgrade will be affected. The OMC folder is in the directory ofC:\Documents and Settings\All Users\.

    4 Preparations for Commissioning

    4.1 Preparations at BS

    4.1.1 Tools for BS Equipment

    Before powering on the BS equipment, prepare necessary tools, such as network cable,screwdrivers and multimeter. The special cables that may be used in commissioning areillustrated in Figure 4-1

    Figure 4-1 Special Cables for Network Commissioning

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    4.1.2 Software for BS Equipment

    Before powering on the BS equipment, check and confirm the correct software versionsfor BBU and RRU boards are available. The software types for each board of B8200 andRRU are listed in Table4-1. Check the version of each type of software.

    Table 4-1 BSS Software Type & Version Confirmation


    Board Type Software Type Version Number Remarks


    CC CPU








    SA DSP





    SE MCU















    Note:* It is quite important to ensure software versions of the above BSS boards to be

    consistent with OMC software version. Copy software with special cables in case

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    Board Type Software Type Version Number Remarks

    it is necessary.* Add other board types in case this table hasnt include all board types in a realcase.

    4.1.3 Installation Qualit y Inspection for BS Equipment

    To guarantee a smooth commissio ning proc ess and a prope r op erating e nvironmentconditions for BS equipment, before po wering on BS equipme nt, it is requi red to checkthe equip ment installation quality, incl uding whether cable connection quali ty meetsrequirements, whethe r e quipment groundi ng me ets the sp ecifications, wheth er

    equipment power supply meets the specifications, etc. Only after installatio n quality issuccessfully accepted, can the equipment be commissioning be started.

    Check the In stallation quality according to the in spection items depicted in EngineeringInstallation Inspection & Acceptance Report : Such as:

    1. Check wh ether BS eq uipment in stallation env ironment meets requirements.E.g. Indoor installation environment inspections include inspections on equipmentpower supply conditio n, grou nding condition, ai r co nditioning and lig htingconditions;

    2. Check whether BS equipment installat ion complies with related safety regulation sas a whole;

    3. Check whether cables are correctly connected;

    4. Check whether cables are laid in accordance with related specifications;

    5. Check whether cabinets are properly installed;

    6. Check whether antenna feeder system is correctly installed;

    7. In case of indoo r install ation, che ck to see if material remai nders have been

    removed from the equipment room and if the cabinet is clean.


    4.1.4 Double Check before Powering on BS Equipment

    1. Measure the resistance of BBU cabinet;

    2. Measure the DC voltage of BBU/RRU, making sure they are within the allowed

    range (i.e. -40 V ~ -57 V).

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    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 2012 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 6

    3. Check the conne ctions of power cable and gro unding cable of RRU cabinet ,

    making sure they are correct.4. Check the power plug of RRU cabinet to see if it is disconnected.


    The internal cables and modules of BBU cabinet have been assembled before the

    cabinet leaves the factory. Therefore, it is not required to check them again.

    4.2 Preparations at OMC

    4.2.1 OMC Hardware Preparation

    Check OMC server computers and client computers to see if the y work well a nd meetrelated requirements.

    4.2.2 OMC Software Preparation

    Check OMC software as follows:

    1. Main SoftwareBefore power-on, prepare main software (the software for OMC servers, OMC Clients) ofcorrect version

    2. Suppo rtive Software

    Check software a s the d atabase, co mputer operating syste m and antiviru s soft wareprovided alo ng with th e equipment a nd ma ke sure the versio n gen uineness of allsoftware.

    4.3 Transm iss ion Preparation

    Before p ower-on, ch eck t ransmission equipment h ardware a nd make sure they areavailable for use.

    (After commissioning, transmission system should also pass on-off-power test to ensurethe transmission connection quality. In this case, an Ethernet analyzer is used to do thetest at both e nds of the transmi ssion system. If the Ethernet a nalyzer is not a vailable,ping the two ends of the transmission to see if there is any delay or jitter.)

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    4.4 Other Preparatio ns

    Site Information

    Learn the site location, commissioning-related persons and their contact information.

    5 Commissioning Process

    5.1 OMC Configu ration Data Backup

    OMC default/existing configuration data should be backed up before new configuration.The steps for backing up configuration data go as follows:

    1. Log on OMC Client interface.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the men u to open t heConfiguration Management window. See Figure 5-1

    Figure 5-1 Open Configuration Management Window

    3. Click Configuration Management menu in the Configuration Managementwindow , select Data Backup and Restore from the pop-up menu. See Figure 5-2

    Figure 5-2 Configuration Management Window

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    4. Data Back and Restore Menu pops up. See Figure 5-3

    Figure 5-3 Data Backup and Restore Interface

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    5. In the Data Backup and Restore interface (Figure 5-4), click Backup button. TheBackup dialog box (Figu re 5-5) will a ppear, where you input the backu p data file

    name and click OK.

    Figure 5-4 Backup Dialog Box

    6. Upon completion of config uration data backup, a messag e (Figure 2-6) p ops up,prompting you the path of the backup data file.

    Figure 5-5 Backup Completion Prompt

    7. Finally, click OK to finish the backup configuration.

    5.2 Data Conf igur ation at OMC

    5.2.1 Data Configuration Work Flow

    Figure 5-6 Data Configuration Work Flow Chart

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    5.2.2 Prepare Data for Configuration

    OMC data configuration is based on proje ct su rvey and project network pl anning.Configuration data to be prepared are listed in three categories as follows:

    1. Overall network configuration data

    AGW basic information

    Downlink frequency(provided by network planning engineers)

    Paging Group (provided by network planning engineers)

    OMM IP

    2. District configuration data

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    3. WBTS Physical configuration data

    WBTS physical parameter

    AGW static route

    BBU and RRU board basic information

    Note: It sho uld be known that the AG W static route should be configured before B8200XBP board IP address.

    4. Radio configuration data

    Cell information, carrier inf ormation ,segment inform ation, segment AGW Information ,TRX board link information

    5. BTS status configuration data

    6. Other configuration data for commercialized project

    Preambl e Index


    UL Permbase

    BSID Segment ID

    Central Frequency

    Foreign BS (provided by network planning engineers)

    5.2.3 Confi gure Network Overall Data Configure AGW Basic Information

    Configuration premix: Enter OMC Vi ew---> Configuration Ma nagement--->Open theconfiguration tree

    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open the

    Configuration Management interface.

    3. Click O MM_WiMAX n ode in the left configuration tree to open the

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    configuration View

    4. Select the AWG tab page, as shown in Figure 5-7.

    Figure 5-7 Network Overall Configuration-Add AGW-Start

    5. Click Data Process or cli ck ,--->Select Edit Mode as sho wn in Figure


    Figure 5-8 Network Overall Configuration-Add AGW - Process

    6. Double Click a existing AGW record to pop out Add AGW interface--->Add a

    new AG W Alias an d a new A GW IP addre ss with othe r para meters

    intact--->click OK t o co mplete co nfiguration of AGW ba sic informatio n, a s

    shown in Figure 5-9.

    Figure 5-9 Network Overall configuration-Add AGW -Completed

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    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 2012 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 13 Conf igure OMM IP

    Configuration premix: Enter OMC Vi ew---> Configuration Ma nagement--->Open theconfiguration tree

    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the me nu ba r to open th eConfiguration Management interface.

    3. Click OMM_WiMAX node in the left configuration tree to open the configuration View

    4. Select the OMM IP tab page, as shown in Figure 5-10.

    Figure 5-10 Network Overall Configuration-Add OMM IP -Start

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    5. Click Data Process or click ,--->Select Edit Mode.

    6. Double Click a existing OMM IP record to pop out Add OMM IP interface--->fill inIndex and OMM IP--->click OK to complete configuration of OMM IP, as shown inFigure 5-11.( the OMM IP should already exists and should be the same as the IPof the server computer. )

    Figure 5-11 Network Overall Configuration-Add OMM IP - Completion Configure DL Frequency

    Configuration premix: Enter OMC Vi ew---> Configuration Ma nagement--->Open theconfiguration tree

    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open theConfiguration Management interface.

    3. Click O MM_WiMAX n ode in the left configura tion tree to open the

    configuration View

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    4. Select the Downlink Frequency tab page, as shown in Figure 5-12.

    Figure 5-12 Network Overall Configuration-Add Downlink Frequency -Start

    5. Click Data Process or click ,--->Select Edit Mode

    6. Double Cli ck an existing OMM IP record to pop o ut Downlin k Freque ncyinterface--->fill in the downlink fre quency paramete r get from network plan ningengineers. See Figure5-13.

    Figure 5-13 Network Overall Configuration-OMM IP Configuration- Completion Configure Operator ID

    Configuration premix: Enter OMC Vi ew---> Configuration Ma nagement--->Open theconfiguration tree

    Configuration steps:

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    1. Log on OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open theConfiguration Management interface.

    3. Click O MM_WiMAX n ode in the left configura tion tree to open theconfiguration View

    4. Select the NSP tab page, as shown in Figure 5-14.

    Figure 5-14 Network Overall Configuration-OMM IP Configuration- Completion

    5.2.4 Configure Distri ct

    Configuration Steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open the

    Configuration Management interface.Unfold the configuration tree in the left of

    the Config uration Man agement interf ace. Rig ht cli ck on O MM_WiMAX nod e

    and select Add District from the pop-up menu, as shown in Figure 5-15

    Figure 5-15 Select Add District Option

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    3. In the Add Di strict interface that displa ys, select District (starting from 1), andinput the ali as. Cli ck OK button to fini sh the ope rations, a s shown in Figure


    Figure 5-16 Add District Interface

    5.2.5 Configure WBTS SDR B8200

    Configuration Premix: The Dist rict node should have been crea ted in the co nfigurationtree of the Configuration Management interface:

    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on the network management client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management fro m the menu b ar to open t he

    Configuration Management interface.

    3. Unfold the configuration tree in the left of the Configuration Management interface.

    Right click o n the Di strict node and select Add S DR from the pop-up m enu, a s

    shown below.

    Figure 5-17 Select Add SDR Option

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    4. In the Add BTS(SDR B8200) interface that displays, select system ID (starting from

    2001), and i nput sy stem alias. Th en click OK button to finish th e operations, as

    shown in Figure 5-.

    Figure 5-18 Add BTS(SDR B8200) Interface

    5.2.6 Physical Configuration Configure BBU Rack

    Configuration premix: District an d SDR no des sho uld h ave bee n crea ted in theconfiguration tree of the Configuration Management interface:

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    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management f rom the men u b ar to o pen theConfiguration Management interface.

    3. Unfold the configuration tree in the le ft of the Config uration Management interfaceand select the Physical Configuration node under B8200.

    4. Right click on the Physical Configuration node and select Add BBUB Rack from thepop-up menu, as shown below.

    Figure 5-19 Select Add BBUB Rack Option

    5. In the Add BBUB Rack interface that displays, select BBUB Rack in t he Rack

    Type field and click OK button to finish the operations, as shown in Figure 5-.

    Figure 5-20 Add 8200 W100 Rack Interface

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    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 2012 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 20 Configure BBU Board

    Configuration Premix: The BBU rack has already been configured.

    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on the OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu ba r to open the

    Configuration Management interface.

    3. Unfold th e configuration t ree in th e l eft of the Configuration Management

    interface to find the BBU Ra ck node and click it. Th en the BBU Ra ck diagram

    will be displayed in the right of the interface.

    4. Right click on a blank slot in the BBU Rack diagram and select a correct board

    type from the pop-u p menu to configur e a board in the corresponding slot, as

    shown below.

    Figure 5-21 Add Board Option

    Figure 5-22 Add Board

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    1. In adding XBP boards, the system first adds a g roup of the boa rds by default.Then the XBP parameter configuration in terface pops up, enabl ing the properparameters to be set.

    2. The CCA is a controlli ng board, so it must be conf igured in active/standbymode.

    3. The boards can be added in any order. Configure Physical Parameter

    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open the

    Configuration Management interface.

    3. Unfold the configuration tree in t he left of the Configuratio n Manag ement

    interface to find the Physical Configuration node and click it. Then the Physical

    Configuration interface will be displayed in the right of the in terface, as shown


    4. Set each parameter in the physical parameter tab p age and then click the

    button in the tool bar to save the modifications.

    Figure 5-23 Physical Configuration Interface-physical parameter

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    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 2012 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 22 Configure AGW Static Route

    Configuration premix: physical parameter tab page has already been configured.

    Configuration Steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open theConfiguration Management interface.

    3. Unfold the co nfiguration tree in the left of the Config uration Man agementinterface to find the Physical Configuration node and click it. Then the PhysicalConfiguration interface will be displayed in the right of the interface, as shownin Figure 5-23

    4. Select Static Route tab page, as shown in Figure 5-24

    Figure 5-24 Physical Configuration Interface- Select Static Route Tab Page

    5. Right cli ck th e yellow bar unde r Static Route tab pa ge to move out Add StaticRoute dialog ue box, set each parameter in the dialogue box, and pre ss OK toconfirm the setting, as shown in Figure 5-25

    Figure 5-25 Physical Configuration Interface-Add Static Route dialogue box

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    6. Parameter configuration in Add Static Route dialogue box is completed, as shownin Figure 5-26. (Several static routes can be added at once.)

    Figure 5-26 Physical Configuration Interface-Add Static Route is Completed Configure CCA Board External IP

    Configuration premix: CCA board has already been added.

    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management f rom the men u b ar to o pen theConfiguration Management interface.

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    3. Unfold the configuration tree in the le ft of the Config uration Management interfaceto find the BBU Rack no de and cli ck it. Then the BBU Rack diagram will be

    displayed in the right of the interface.

    4. Right cli ck o n CCA boa rd in the BB U Ra ck diagram and sel ect Configure BT SExternal IP from the pop-up menu, as shown below.

    Figure 5-27 B8200 Physical Configuration -CCA Board External IP

    5. After the Configure BTS External IP interface displays, set external IP, IP mask and

    next hop and click OK button to close the interface.

    Figure 5-28 B8200 Physical Configuration-CCA Board External IP


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    1. IP address of CCA must be the IP address shown in NetNumen for B8200 and itmust be unique in the network managed by NetNumen.

    2. Next hop must be in the same segment with CCA external IP but they must not bethe same.

    3. Only one piece of CCA board needs IP configuration. The rest of the CCA boardswill automatically adopt the configured IP. Configure XBP Board Parameters

    Configuration premix: XBP board has already been added. (Note t hat BBU and RRU areconnected via XBP board. One XBP board can be connected with several RRUs.

    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open the

    Configuration Management interface.

    3. Unfold the configuration tree in t he left of the Configuratio n Manag ement

    interface to find the BBU Rack node and click it. Then the BBU Rack diagram

    will be displayed in the right of the interface.

    4. Right click on XBO board i n the BBU Rack diagram and select Configure XBP

    Parameters from the pop-up menu, as shown below.

    Figure 5-29 BBU Basic Information Configuration-XBP parameters

    5. After the Con figure WBPM Parameters interface displays, set the parameters

    and click OK button to close the interface.

    Figure 5-30 BBU Basic Information Configuration-XBP parameters

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    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 2012 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 26 Configure XBP Board R6 IP

    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management f rom the men u b ar to o pen theConfiguration Management interface.

    3. Unfold the configuration tree in the le ft of the Config uration Management interfaceto find the BBU Rack no de and cli ck it. Then the BBU Rack diagram will bedisplayed in the right of the interface.

    4. Right click on XBO board in the BBU Rack diagram and select Configure XBP R6 IPfrom the pop-up menu, as shown in Figure 5-31

    Figure 5-31 Physical Configuration Interface- XBP R6 IP

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    5. After the Co nfigure MPXM External IP interface displays, set the parameters andclick OK button to close the interface.

    Figure 5-32 Physical Configuration Interface- XBP R6 IP

    Note:1. Next hop must be in the same segment with XBP R6 IP and Next hop must be

    different from XBP R6 External IP.2. Next hop depends on AGW IP address and AGW Static Route.3. XBP Next hop here should not be modified. Conf igure RRU Rack

    Configuration premix:

    1. District node has been created.

    2. B8200 node has been created in the configuration tree;

    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open the

    Configuration Management interface.

    3. Unfold the configuration tree in t he left of the Configuratio n Manag ement

    interface and select the Physical Configuration node under B8200.

    4. Right click on the Physical Configuration node and select Add RRU Rack from

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    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 2012 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 29 Configure RRU Board

    Configuration premix: RRU rack has been configured.

    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open the

    Configuration Management interface.

    3. Unfold the configuration tree in t he left of the Configuratio n Manag ement

    interface to find the RRU Ra ck node and click it. Then the RRU Ra ck diagram

    will be displayed in the right of the interface.

    4. Right click on a blank slot in the RRU Rack diag ram and sel ect Add WTRX

    Board from the pop-up menu to configure a board in the corresponding slot, as

    shown in Figure 5-35 and Figure 5-36

    Figure 5-35 Add RRU Board

    Figure 5-36 Add RRU Board

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    Note: In adding WTRX board, the Configure TRX Parameters interface will display,where you can set the parameters. Configure TRX Board Parameters

    Configuration premix: RRU rack and TRX board have already been configured. ( Note thatthere a re two ways to con figure TRX parameters: when the WT RX board is added andafter the board is added. Here the second one is discussed.)

    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open the

    Configuration Management interface.

    3. Unfold the configuration tree in t he left of the Configuratio n Manag ement

    interface to find the RRU Ra ck node and click it. Then the RRU Ra ck diagram

    will be displayed in the right of the interface.

    4. Right click on WPTR board in the RRU Rack diagram and select Configure TRX

    Parameters from the pop-up menu, as shown in Figure 5-37

    Figure 5-37 Configure TRX Parameters Option

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    5. After the Co nfigure TRX Parameters interface (Figure 5-38) displays, set theparameters and click OK button to close the interface.

    Figure 5-38 Configure TRX Parameters Interface

    Note: If 2 * 4 RFs have to be configured, the antenna mode should be set as 2T4R, which means 2transmitters and 4 receivers.

    5.2.7 Radio Configuration Configure Cell

    Configuration premix: SDR B8200 exists in the system.

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    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open the

    Configuration Management interface.

    3. Unfold the configuration tree in t he left of the Configuratio n Manag ement

    interface to find the Radio Configuration node under B8200.

    4. Right click on Radio Configuration node and sel ect Add Cell fro m the pop-u p

    menu, as shown in Figure 5-39 and Figure 5-40.

    Figure 5-39 Radi o Configuration Node

    Figure 5-40 Radio Configuration-Add Cell Option

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    5. The Cell node will be added under the Radio Configuration node. At the same

    time, the Cell interface will display in the right, as shown in Figure 5-41. Set the

    parameters in the Cell interface and click button to save the modifications.

    Figure 5-41 Cell Interface Configure Carrier

    Configuration premix: At least one cell has been configured.

    Configuration steps:

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    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open theConfiguration Management interface.

    3. Unfold the configuration tree in t he left of the Configuratio n Manag ement

    interface to find the Cell node under B8200, as shown in Figure 5-42

    Figure 5-42 Cell Node

    4. Right click on Cell nod e and sel ect Add Carrier from the pop-up menu. Th eCarrier node will be added in the configuration tree. At the same time, the

    Carrier interface will display in the right, as shown in Figure 5-43.

    Figure 5-43 Carrie r Interface

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    5. Set the parameters in the Carri er interf ace and click button to save the

    modifications. Configure Segment

    Configuration premix: Carrier exists in the system

    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open the

    Configuration Management interface.

    3. Unfold the configuration tree in t he left of the Configuratio n Manag ement

    interface to find the Carrier node under B8200.

    4. Right click on Carrier node and select Add Segment from the pop-up menu. The

    Segment node will be added in the configuration tree, as shown in Figure 5-44.

    At the same time, the Segment interface will displ ay in the right, as shown in


    Figure 5-44 Carrie r Node

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    Figure 5-45 Segment Interface

    5. Set the parameters in the Segment interface and click button to save the

    modifications. Note that p arameters in each tab pa ge should be compl etelyconfigured, otherwise, a Warning prompt box shown in Figure 5-46 will pop up.

    Figure 5-46 Warning Prompt Box Configure AGW in Segment

    Configuration premix: Segment exists in the system.

    Configuration steps:

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    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management f rom the men u b ar to o pen theConfiguration Management interface.

    3. Unfold the configuration tree in the le ft of the Config uration Management interfaceto find Segment node.

    4. Click AGW tab page in Segment interface on the right as shown in Figure 5-47.

    Figure 5-47 AGW tab page in Segment interface

    5. Right click the blank yellow bar under AGW tab page, and select Add in the pop-upmenu, as shown in Figure 5-48.

    Figure 5-48 Add Segment AGW

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    6. Select the target AGW and configu re related parameters in the pop-u p menu, asshown in Figure

    Figure 5-49 Configure Segment AGW Configure Port Link between XBP Board (BBU board) and TRXBoard(RRU board)

    Configuration premix: TRX board parameters have already been configured.

    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open the

    Configuration Management interface.

    3. Unfold the configuration tree in t he left of the Configuratio n Manag ement

    interface to find the BBU Rack node and click it. Then the BBU Rack diagram

    will be displayed in the right of the interface.

    4. Right click on XBP board i n the BBU Rack diagram and select Configure Port

    Link from the pop-up menu, as shown in Figure 5-50.

    Figure 5-50 Select XBP Port Link

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    5. The Configure Port Link interface will display, as shown in.5-51

    Figure 5-51 Select Target Port Link Between XBP Board and TRX Board

    6. Right click on a target BBU-RRU port link record and select Set Port Link from

    the pop-u p menu; or sel ect a reco rd and then double cli ck it, the interface

    shown in Figure 5-52 will display.

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    Figure 5-52 Set Port Link between XBP Board and TRX Board

    7. Select the RRU to be connected and click OK button to exit the interface. Then

    the status o f target port link in Co nfigure Po rt Link interfa ce be comes


    Note: RRUs can be cascaded. That is to say, one WBPM port can be connected toup to 4 RRUs, with these RRUs being connected in a cascaded way. The portwhose connection has been configured will turn green. Configure Port Link between TRX Board (RRU Board) and Segment

    Configuration premix:

    1. TRX parameters have been configured.

    2. Segment has been configured.

    3. Port link between XBP and TRX has been configured.

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    6. Select a re cord in the boxes of Available T RX and Availa ble Segme nt

    respectively and then click Connect button. The connection will then be shown

    in the box under Connection which have been configured, as shown in Figure


    Figure 5-55 Conn ection between TRX and Segment Has Been Done

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    5.2.8 Configure WBTS Status

    Configuration premix: both physical and radio configuration have been compelted.

    Configuration steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open the

    Configuration Management interface.

    3. Unfold the configuration tree in t he left of the Configuratio n Manag ement

    interface to find the District node and click it. NE Status tab page will display in

    the right.

    4. Click the NE Status tab page, and select a BTS whose status is to be modified,

    as shown in Figure 5-56.

    Figure 5-56 NE Status Tab Page

    5. Then right click on the re cord and select Modify BTS Status from the pop-up

    menu to enter the Modify NE Status inte rface, as sho wn in Fig ure . In this

    interface, modify the BTS status into Commissioned but not commercial or

    Commercial and click OK button.

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    Figure 5-57 Modify NE Status

    6. Finally, perform data synchronization and finish OMC configuration.

    Note: BTS status must be modified from Not commissioned into Commissionedbut not commercial or Commercial. Otherwise, data synchronization andsaving operations cannot proceed.

    5.3 BS Equipment Power-on & Power-off

    5.3.1 Power-on

    Caution: The equipment should not be powered on before the double check is made.

    Steps of Power-on:

    1. Switch on the external power supply.

    2. Connect the power cable of BBU cabinet to the external power supply.

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    5.3.2 Power-off

    Steps of power-off:

    1. Disconnect the power cable of BBU cabinet to the external power supply.

    2. Switch off the external power supply.

    5.3.3 Post-power-on Check

    After equipment is powered on, check their power supply status by observing the powerlight indicator.( green light is continuously on)

    In case of any problem, power off the equipment right away and check the faults.

    5.4 Synchr on ize and Save Data between OMC andBS

    5.4.1 Synchron ize Data

    Synchronization premix:

    1. The data have been completely and corrected configured.

    2. The link between the OMC and WBTS is through.

    3. The BTS status is Commissioned but not commercial or Commercial.

    Note: data synchronization operation starts from software version validation in the eachversion table, followed by synchronize of all data. B8200 system can provideservices normally after data synchronization.

    Synchronization steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open the

    Configuration Management interface.

    Unfold the configuration tree in the left of the Configuration Managementinterface to find the OMM_WiMAX node. Then right click on the node andselect Data Synchronization from the pop-up menu, as shown below. The DataSynchronization interface will then display, as shown below.

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    Figure 5-58 Select Data Synchronization Option

    Figure 5-59 Synchronize Data

    In the left tree of this interface, select a proper network element and click thebutton in the tool bar. At the moment, a Confirm dialog box will pop up, as shown in

    3. Figure 5-. Note that data synchronization can not proceed if no network element

    is selected.

    Figure 5-60 Confirm Dialog Box

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    4. Click OK in the Confirm dialog box to begin data synchronization.

    Note: If the link between the OMC and the selected network element is not through, orthe data is virtually configured, timeout or link failure will be prompted, indicationthe data synchronization fails.On the contrary, if the link between the OMC and the selected network element

    is through, or the data is not virtually configured, data synchronization anddelivery can be successfully done.If data synchronization takes quite a long time, you can click the buttonin the tool bar to stop the operation and check the link status. After the link isfound normal, execute data synchronization again.

    The progress of data synchronization is displayed in the lower part of theData Synchronization interface, as shown in

    5. Figure 5-14.

    Figure 5-14 Data Synchronization Result

    5.4.2 Save Data

    Data saving premix:

    1. The data synchronization has been completed.

    2. The link between the OMC and WBTS is through.

    Data saving steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

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    2. Select Views --> Configuration Management from the menu bar to open the

    Configuration Management interface.3. Unfold the configuration tree in t he left of the Configuratio n Manag ement

    interface to find the OMM_WiMAX node. Then right click on the node and select

    Save Cont rol from the p op-up menu, as shown i n Figure 5-15 . The Save

    Control interface will then display, as shown in Figure 5-16.

    Figure 5-15 Select Save Control Option

    Figure 5-16 Save Control

    4. In the left tree of the Save Control in terface, select a proper network element

    and select Save master data in command box or click the button in

    the tool ba r. At the mome nt, a Conf irm dialog b ox will pop up, as shown in

    Figure 5-17.

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    Note: Data control can not be performed if no network element is selected.

    Figure 5-17 Confirm Dialog Box

    5. Click OK in the Confirm dialog box to begin data saving.

    6. The progress of data savi ng is displayed in the lo wer part of the Data Control

    interface, as shown in Figure 5-18.

    Figure 5-18 Save Control Result

    5.5 BS Software Version Downlo ading

    5.5.1 Version Management

    BBU software versions a re downl oaded in the following o rder: add version --> deliverversion --> activate version --> validate version. Before versions are updated, it is required

    to query current versions after BBU is powered on and compare them with the latest ones.

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    If there is nay change, update the current versions with latest ones. Software versions aresaved in OMM server Software types of B8200 boards are listed below.

    Table 5-1 B8200 Version Types




    5.5.2 Add VersionThis function is to add the versions in the directory rundata\zxcomc\cbwa\version intothe version library.

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select View --> System Tools --> Version Management in the menu bar to

    open the Version Management interface.

    3. Select Version Function --> Add Version from th e menu bar to display the

    Add Version interface, as shown below.

    Figure 5-19 Add Version Interface

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    4. Select Add Vers ion --> File into Library from the menu bar (or click the or

    button in the tool bar) to pop up the Select Version File interface or VersionPackage interface, as shown in Figure 5-20 and Figure 5-21


    Figure 5-20 Select Target Versions to be Added

    Figure 5-21 Select Package for Added Versions

    6. Select a version file o r a version package, and cli ck OK b utton to add this

    version file or version package into the version library, which will be displayed in

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    the Add Version interface, as shown in Figure 5-69 and Figure 5-70.

    Figure 5-22 Added Version File

    Figure 5-23 Added Version Packages

    5.5.3 Deliver VersionVersion delivery premix: versions have been added.

    Version delivery steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select View --> System Tools --> Version Management in the menu bar to

    open the Version Management interface.

    3. Select Version Function --> Deliver Version from the menu bar to display the

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    Deliver Version interface, as shown in Figure 5-24.

    Figure 5-24 Deliver Version

    4. Select Deliver Version --> Select Downloaded Version File or Select

    Downloaded Version Package from t he menu b ar (or cli ck the or

    button in the tool bar) to pop up the Deliver Versi on File or Deliver Versi on

    Package interface, as shown in Figure 5-25.

    5. In the boxes under NE, Execution mode and Version File, select one or several

    records respectively and click Confirm button, as shown in Figure 5-72.

    Figure 5-25 Select Version Package to be Delivered

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    6. The sele cted record s will then be di splayed in th e list of Deli ver Version

    interface, as shown below.

    7. Select one or several records and right click on them, and then select Download

    Version from the pop-up menu. The d ownloading result will be sho wn in the

    Details column, as shown below.

    Figure 5-26 List of Selected Version Files

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    5.5.4 Act ivate Version

    Version activation premix: The system has the saved version information.

    Version activation steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select View --> System Tools --> Version Management in the menu bar to

    open the Version Management interface.

    3. Select Version Function --> Query Version from the menu bar to display the

    Query Version interface, as shown in Figure 5-74.

    Figure 5-27 Query Version

    4. Select Query Version --> Query BTS Saved Version from the menu bar (or

    click the button in the to ol bar) to po p up the Query BS Save d Version

    interface, as shown below.

    Figure 5-28 Query BS Saved Version

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    5. Check the consistency between version file records or version package records

    in the boxes and a standard version check list. If the records are consistent with

    the standard version check list, right cli ck the valid records and select Activate

    Version by Package, as shown in Figure 5-76.

    Figure 5-29 Query and Activate BS Saved Version

    6. Right click on a record in the Saved Version Info tab page and select Common

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    Activation from the pop-up menu. The activation result will be shown in the Task

    Status column in the Running Version tab page, as shown in Figure 5-77.

    Figure 5-30 Version Activation Result

    5.6 Valid ate Versi onVersion execution premix:

    1. The board versions have been activated.

    Note: reset operation should be performed after board versions are activated so thatthe activated versions become valid. There are several forms of reset. Here we take forcedreset for example.

    Version Validation steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Selec t View --> Fault Management --> Alarm Management in the menu bar to

    open the Alarm Management interface.

    3. Unfold the alarm tree in the left of the Alarm Mana gement interface to find a

    rack node and click it. The corresp onding rack diagram will then di splay in the

    right. In the rack dia gram, right click on a boa rd that sup ports forced reset

    operation, and select Forced Reset from the pop-up menu. A confirm dialog box

    shown in Figure 5-78 will then pop up.

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    Figure 5-31 Confirm Dialog Box

    4. Click OK button to close the dialog box. Then you can observe the board to see

    if the reset operation is successful. If yes, it means the version becomes valid.

    5.7 Query Versi on Query

    Version query premix:

    1. The system has running versions and saved versions.

    Note: Version query enables the user to easily know the versions of a board. Here, we takeexample for running version query.

    Version query steps:

    1. Log on to OMC Client.

    2. Select View --> System Tools --> Version Management in the menu bar to openthe Version Management interface.

    3. Select Version Function --> Query Version from the menu b ar to display theQuery Version interface, as shown in Figure 5-79.

    Figure 5-32 Query Version

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    4. Select Query Version --> Query Running Version from the menu bar (or click the

    button in the tool bar) to pop up the Query Running Version interface, as shownin Figure 5-80.

    Figure 5-80 Query Running Version

    5. The running version information can then be found in the Running Version Info tabpage of the Query Version interface, as shown in Figure 5-81.

    Figure 5-33 Running Version Query Result

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    5.8 Link Test wit h Pingi ng

    5.8.1 Test premix

    1. The performance test environment is available.

    2. At least one terminal has connected with the system.

    5.8.2 Acceptance Criteria

    1. In case the signal quality meets the requirements, the packet loss rate of pinged

    packets (400 and 1500) is no more than 1%.

    2. The packets delay at an even interval during pinging.

    5.8.3 Test Steps

    1. Get test environment and configuration information: Let the test terminal to

    access the system, obse rve and record the uplink/ downlink CINR and RSSI

    lines, uplink/downlink modulation/encoding schemes as well as backup system

    configuration data.

    2. Obtain Ping test result: First, modify and the Ping script based on expected

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    test times, zo nes, length and parallelism of Ping packets; then run the script.

    Upon completion of runni ng, click any key to colle ct the test re sults and savethe result file.

    3. Repeat tests: Change test para meters a ccording to test requ irements and

    repeat the above test.

    After commissioning, it is required to back up the configuration data andgenerate an SQL file.

    5.9 BS Informatio n Recor d

    5.9.1 BBU Board Configuration Record

    During BBU commissioning and configuration, basic equipment information (Figure5-82 illustrates board configuration of a BBU) has to be recorded in a table such asTable 5-2.

    Figure 5-82 BBU Board Configuration

    Table 5-2 BBU Board Configuration Information Record

    Rack No. Qty Board Name Board Function



    Central Controllin gand Clock function


    EnvironmentalMonitoring function



    Baseband P rocessingfunction

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    A Alarm function

    5.9.2 RRU Board Configuration RecordDuring BBU commissioning and configuration, basic equipment informationillustrates board configuration of a RRU) has to be recorded in a table below.

    Figure 5-83 RRU Board Configuration

    Table 5-3 RRU Board Configuration Information RecordRack No. Qty Board Board Descrip tion

    Central Controllingfunction

    5.9.3 BS Software Version RecordThe purpose of collecting versions of BTS modules is to facilitate BTS maintenance.The steps for collecting BTS versions are as follows:

    1. Select Version Query --> Query Running Version in the menu bar to pop up

    the Query Running Version interface.

    2. Select a reco rd in the Systems and Boards boxes respectively and then click

    OK button.

    The running version of the selected board can be seen in the Running VersionInfo tab page of the Query Running Version interface, as shown inFigure 5-8.

    Figure 5-84 Query Result of Running Versions

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    3. Export the queried board information into Excel file and save the file.

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    6 Add NE6.1 Expor t NE Data

    NE export steps:

    1. Choose Vie wConfiguration Mana gement to ent er Configu ration Man agementinterface.

    2. Right click OMM WiMAX i n the left nav igation tree a nd choose Export NE Datafrom the pop-up menu to enter NE Data Export main interface, as shown in Figure6-1.

    Figure 6-1 NE Data Export Main Interface

    3. Select nodes: You can check the box before a node in the navigation tree to selectthe node; click Select All button to select all nodes in the configuration tree; or clickDeselect All to deselect all nodes.

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    4. Click Browse button to pop up an Open dialog box, where you can set the ex portfile name and its path, as shown in Figure 6-2.

    Figure 6-2 Setting File Name and Path


    In the File Name text box, a default name is displayed, which is namedby this rule:

    Node Number_Date_Time.zip.

    The default path for the export file in the OMC client is as follows:

    $NetNumen installation directory$\ums\ums-clnt\cdma\cmdata\btsdata\.

    The file name should not include such characters as\, /, :, *, ?, ", and |.

    5. Upon setting, click OK button to return to the NE Data Expor t main interface.

    6. In the NE Data Export main interface, click Export to start the export. You cancheck the status during the export process. Figure 6-3 i s the in terface when theexport is successfully done and the export file has been saved in the path you set. Ifthe export fails, an error message will display accordingly.

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    Figure 6-4 Add Batch NEs Interface

    3. In the Edit tab, click Open File button to pop up an Open dialog box, where you canselect the file to be imported, as shown in Figure 6-5. The file to be imported can bethe decompressed file that has been exported already, or the file saved and editedvia interface.

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    Figure 6-5 Select File to be Exported


    The default import path is the same as t he export one, i.e. $ NetNumen in stallationdirectory$\ums\ums-clnt\cdma\cmdata\btsdata\..

    Before importing the file you select, make sure the file has been decompressed and only inthis way can you find the file in Open dialogue box.

    4. Once you select the export file, click OK to return to the Add Batch NEs, where youcan see a record in the table. Right click the record and choose Modify NE from thepop-up menu, as shown in Figure 6-6.

    Figure 6-6 Selecting Modify NE Option

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    5. Modify NE interface displays, as shown in Figure 6-7 .

    Figure 6-7 Modify NE Data

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    6. Modify the parameters as necessary and click OK to save the modifications.

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    Figure 6-8 Save Modifications

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    6.3 Add New NEs by Batch


    1. Choose View Configuration Manag ement men u to enter ConfigurationManagement interface.

    2. Right click OMM_WiMAX in the left navigation tree to choose Add Batch NEs fromthe pop-up menu to enter Add Batch NEs interface.

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    Figure 6-9 Add Batch NEs Interface

    3. In the Edit ta b, click Open File button to pop up a n Open dialogue box, where youcan select the template file to be imported. The template file to b e imported can bethe decompressed export file or the configuration data edited in the Edit tab of AddBatch NEs interface, shown as the figure below.

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    Figure 6-10 Select the File to be Imported


    The default import path is the same as the export one, i.e. $NetNumen installation directory


    Before importing the file you select, make sure it has been decompressed as .xml file andonly in this way can you see the file in the Open dialogue box.

    4. Once you select the export file, click OK to return to the Add Batch NEs interface,where you can see a record in the table. Right click the record and choose Add NE from the pop-up menu, as shown below.

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    Figure 6-11 Add Batch NEs interface

    5. The Add NE interface displays.

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    Figure 6-12 Add NE interface

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    6. Click OK to save the added NE data and return to Add Batch NEs interface, whereyou can see a new record in the table below.

    Figure 6-13 Save the Add NE

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    Figure 6-15 Data File Being Saved

    6.4 Impor t NE Data


    1. After the conf iguration data are edited, or if you open a data file in the Edit tab of Add Batch NEs interface, click Import Data button to directly import NE data.

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    Figure 6-17 Erro r Message

    3. Make ne cessary modifi cations according to the Error message and click A pplybutton. The interface will pop up as below after data are successfully imported.

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    Figure 6-18 Data Being Imported

    6.5 Impo rt NE Data by Batc h

    1. Choose Vie wConfiguration Mana gement to ent er Configu ration Man agementinterface.

    2. Right click OMM_WiMAX in the left na vigation tree and ch oose Add Batch NEs from the pop-up menu to enter Add Batch NEs interface.

    3. Click Import File button and an Open dialogue box will pop up, select the files to beimported, as shown below.

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    Figure 6-19 Select Import Files

    4. Then click OK . The selected files display in the Import file tab of Add Batch NEs interface.

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    Figure 6-20 Import Files Being Selected

    5. Click Import button to start the import. The system start data imp ort, as shown inFigure 6-21. If there i s an error, the fo llowing interface shown in Figure 6-22 willpop up. If there is no error, Figure 6-23 will show up.

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    Figure 6-21 Data Import Process

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    Figure 6-22 NE Data Error

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    Figure 6-23 Successful Data Import

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    Figure 6-24 Data Import Fail

    6.6 Example of Impor tin g NEs by BatchIn the following section, we will take the ex ample of single-carrier 3-sector BT Ss at 10MHz to explain how to add BTSs in a batch way.

    1. First, select one NE (here BTS [2048]), preferably one with optimized data.

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    2. Export the data of the BTS to create a template file.

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    3. Import the template file in the Add Batch NEs interface.

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    5. Save settings.


    Do not save the settings of the BTS with ID 2048 as this BTS already exists and it cannotbe added.

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    6. After the save operation is done, import new BTS, i.e. 2049.

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    7. In the Add Batch NEs interface, click Import to execute data import.

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    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 2012 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 96

    8. The figure below is the interface showing the data of B8200 2005 are successfullyimported.

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    9. After the import finishes, wait for dozens of seconds and click Refresh button in thetoolbar. Th e new B82 00 2005 will appea r in the left navigations tre e o fConfiguration Management interface.

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    In the newly-added NE, connection relationships except AGW have been copied from thetemplate. Hence, before the new NE is put into commercialization, you have to add AG Wrouting and signaling plane IP and change the status of NE to be commercial.

    Besides, such parameters as the central fr equency, bandwidth, FA index, Preamble ID ofthe new NE have to be modified as required.

    7 MPIM IP PlanningCCA board IP address is the IP address of B8200 displayed in OMC NetNumen software.

    There must be only one unique CCA board IP address for the whole network syste m(even if there are ma ny OMC servers). CCA Next Hop mu st be i n the sa me Segmentwith CCA IP, and the two must be totally different with each other.

    It is only necessary to configure IP address for one CCA board of B8200. The other CCAboard will be automatically synchronized to have the configured IP address. Thus, CCAboard IP need be configured within one site for only one time.

    CCA b oard MAC ad dress do esnt ne ed config uration a s it is u niversally uni que a ndpre-configured in the equipment.

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    10 5M / 7M / 10M / 10/3M Networking


    10.1 Premix:In case of 5M, 7M or 10M networking, each sector occupies all subcarriers.In case of 3/10M networking, each sector occupies some of subcarriers (which areevenly shared by 3 sectors).

    10.2 Configu ratio n SummaryThe following configurations have to be made before networking.

    1. Physical Configuration:

    WBPM parameter

    WPTR parameter

    2. Radi o Parameters:

    Carrier: Ch annel phy sical band width, FFT si ze, downli nk symbol

    number/uplink symbol number and Tx/Rx gap

    Segment: DL PUSC used Subchannel bitmap, UL allocated subchannelsbitmap

    10.3 Configu ration Steps

    1. Config ure WPTR parameters

    For the parameters of BBU WPTR board, select correct bandwidth and antennamode (2R2T or 2R4T), as shown in the figures below.

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    Figure 10-1 Config ure WPTR Parameters Option

    Table 10-1 WPRT board parameter configuration reference table- bandwidth,AntennaMode

    Networking Mode Bandwidth Antenna Mode

    5M 5M 2R2T or 2R4T or4R8T7M 7M 2R2T or 2R4T

    10M 10M 2R2T or 2R4T or4R8T10/3M 10M 2R2T or 2R4T or4R8T

    Note: In addition, for 10/3M networking mode, it is required to configure 3 segments

    under a carrier node, as shown in Figure 9-2.

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    Figure 10-2 Radi o configuration in 10/3M networking mode

    2. In the Carri er page, config ure channel bandwidth, FFT size, do wnlink symbol

    number/uplink symbol number and Tx/Rx gap, as shown below.

    Figure 10-3 Configuration In Carrier Page

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    Table 10-2 WPRT board parameter configuration reference table- channel bandwidth,FFT size, downlink symbol number/uplink symbol number and Tx/Rx gap



    FFT Size


    number/uplinkSymbol number


    5M 40-5MHz 2-512 31:15 or 29:18 298

    7M 80-10MHz 1-10 24 21:12 37610M 80-10MHz 1-10 24 31:15 595

    10/3M 80-10MHz 1-10 24 31:15 595

    3. In Segment page, co nfigure DL PUS C use d Sub channel bitm ap and UL

    allocated subchannels bitmap, a s shown below. Except of 1 0/3M networking

    mode, the Segment DL PUSC and UL PUSC in other networking modes will be

    automatically configured without need of manual configuration.

    Figure 10-4 Configurations in Segment Page

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    Appendix : AbbreviationsWiMAX:Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access OFDM: Orthogonal-Frequency Division Multiplexing OFDMA: Orthogonal-Frequency Division Multiplexing Access

    AMC: Adaptive Modulation and Coding MIMO: Multiple-Input Multiple-Output MDHO: Macro Diversity Handover FBSS: Fast BS Switching MBB: Make Before Break BBM: Break Before Make HARQ: Hybrid Auto Repeat Request CC: Chase Combining IR: Incremental Redundancy CS: Convergence Sublayer MAC: CPS MAC Common Part Sublayer PS: Privacy Sublayer PAPR: Peak to Average Power Ratio PDU: Protocol Data Unit

    AAS: Adaptive Antenna System BBU: BaseBand Unit RRU: Remote Radio Unit

    ASN: Access Service Network AGW: Access Service Network GateWay UGS: Unsolicited Grant Service rtPS: real-time Polling Service ertPS: Extend real-time Polling Service nrtPS: non-real-time Polling Service BE: Best Effort SM: sleep mode IM: idle mode