6gender and alternative and sustainable livelihood projects

Ghana Environmental Management Project (GEMP) How to Mainstream Gender Equality in Livelihood Projects Alternative and Sustainable MODULE 6 Livelihood Projects Alternative and Sustainable

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Page 1: 6Gender and Alternative and Sustainable Livelihood Projects

Ghana Environmental Management Project (GEMP)

How to Mainstream

Gender Equality in

Livelihood ProjectsAlternative and Sustainable


Livelihood Projects Livelihood ProjectsAlternative and SustainableAlternative and Sustainable

Page 2: 6Gender and Alternative and Sustainable Livelihood Projects

Introduction to the Module

These modules are for government staff of the ministries and departments related to Environmental Protection, Environment, Science and Technology, Food and Agriculture, Gender, Children and Social Protection; District staff, planners and Gender Desk Officers; NGOs, CBOs, women's groups and community leaders.

The modules cover each of the six themes of the Ghana Environmental Management Project: Module 1: Land use and soil managementModule 2: Wildlife and biodiversity conservationModule 3: Energy resource managementModule 4: Water resource managementModule 5: Management of vegetative coverModule 6: Alternative and sustainable livelihoods.

Contents Introduction to the Module .................................................................................................................... 2

Gender and Alternative and Sustainable Livelihoods ............................................................................. 4

1. Problem Identification ................................................................................................................ 4

Gender Issues




Project Design



Project Logic Model: Gender and alternative and sustainable livelihoods




Project Implementation



Case Study 1: Special Micro-Credit Service to Combat Land

Degradation and Desertification



Case Study 2: Healthy Environment, Healthy Family



Case Study 3: Natural evolutions: changing the environment, changing gender relations



Case Study 4: Loving your environment transforms communities and families




Project Monitoring







Project Evaluation



Monitoring and Evaluation Tools




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Despite many agencies' commitment to gender equality, gender mainstreaming in project cycle management has been limited. Some pay attention to gender during Problem Identification, and at certain points of the Design and Monitoring phases. To truly mainstream gender in sustainable land management projects, each phase of the project cycle needs to be linked with appropriate gender analysis tools and key gender questions.

Each module contains advice on how to mainstream gender through the project cycle: 1. Problem Identification2. Project Design3. Project Implementation4. Project Monitoring 5. Project Evaluation

You can use these materials to assist you to go through the planning cycle with staff, district stakeholders and communities to ensure that the gender issues of inequity are really being addressed by interventions for gender and sustainable land management. Each section contains key questions and examples to assist you to design, implement and monitor gender-sensitive projects with stakeholders and communities.


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Gender and Alternative and Sustainable Livelihoods

Problem identification involves understanding the problems, needs and opportunities related to gender and sustainable land management. It should take into consideration environmental policy, current technologies, ways of working with communities, and considerations for transforming existing gender relations of power and control.

When you are identifying a problem related to gender and sustainable land management, answer the following questions to ensure that gender equality is mainstreamed.

1. Has relevant gender information, especially socio‐economic information, been identified and collected so that it can be included in discussions about project design?

2. Is background data disaggregated by sex? (In many cases, disaggregation by other social identities such as age and ethnic origin is also required, given that communities are rarely homogeneous units.)

3. Have gender specialists (in the CBO or NGO, for example) and representatives of women's organizations within the community been consulted?

4. Have both men and women been involved in problem identification (even if the ultimate problem recognized affects one sex more than the other)?

Here is a list of some of the issues of gender inequity (gender issues) related to alternative and sustainable livelihoods:

1. Differences in access to and control over assets between women and men contribute to differences in livelihood opportunities and outcomes

2. Women generally have less access to information on alternative livelihoodsbecause of lack of access to extension services and inadequate numbers of women extension officers

3. Women generally have fewer skills or training opportunities to be able to engage in sustainable and alternative livelihood activities

4. Women have less access to start-up capital for alternative livelihood activities 5. There is a lack of appropriate, women friendly technologies, which preventswomen's

access to extra income. Instead women often have to hire men to operate some machines6. Women farmers have inadequate access to information and communication

technology(i.e. records managements, mobile phones, computers) linking to them to markets

7. Distances to marketspose greater disadvantages to women8. The lack of sustainable livelihood options often leads to migration, which results in: an

increase in female-headed households; single parenting; prostitution; diseases such as HIV and AIDS, especially among women.

The following is a short description of the major gender issues of inequity related to gender and alternative and sustainable livelihoods:

1. Problem Identification

Gender Issues


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Women and men combine a range of assets to achieve their agricultural livelihood outcome. These include the land, water, forest, biodiversity, credit, capital, income, livestock and technology, particularly labour saving technologies and information (local knowledge and access to information). Depending on the cultivation of the land for livelihood support has always been a gamble because of the uncertainties about the weather.During the long dry period, most of the people either stay idle or migrate to the south for menial jobs to earn income for the family sustenance. The migration is mainly by the youth and adult men and women; leaving the elderly behind to their fate.

For purposes of survival, there have been several other non-agricultural and off-farm activities that people engage in. Some of these activities include bee keeping, pottery making, pito brewing, basket and mat weaving, cotton spinning and the like that would make people less dependent on natural resources. The establishment of start-up capital credit schemes to support development of small-scale businesses such as fish processing,oil extration (shea butter, ground nut), soap making and gari processing is recommendable.

Agricultural diversification to promote and support the production of high value crops during the dry season, seedlings for economic trees, intensive guinea fowl production and small ruminants rearing could provide alternative sources of income for women, men and the youth to reverse the current situation.

Women suffer from large information gaps that relate to imbalances in the delivery of extension services and a lack of appropriate women friendly technology. The effective establishment of local trade to link up the rural communities can improve the livelihoods of women and men by providing them with a source of income. The improvement of information and communication technology (ICT) is critical in linking farmers to the market.

An excerpt from: Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Drought and Desertification in the three Northern Regions of Ghana (GESAP), developed in 2011 by the Environmental Protection Agency, in conjunction with the Ghana Environmental Management Project.

Within the framework given by your agency or organization, or sometimes by your funder's request, you will need to identify objectives and the activities that will enable you to achieve expected results. The Project Design stage is the most important when it comes to integrating the gender dimension into the project. You can apply all the information obtained from your gender analysis in order to plan based on real information concerning the lives of the male and female beneficiaries.

When you are choosing expected results and activities for your project, answer the following questions to ensure that gender equality is mainstreamed.

1. What is the current situation of men and women in the area of your planned intervention?2. Will the proposed project contribute to existing inequalities among men and women?3. Does the proposed project break down or challenge existing inequalities among men and

2. Project Design


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4. Will the proposed project change the perceptions or stereotypes about men and women and their roles in any way?

5. What options should be considered to strengthen a gender perspective?6. Will the proposed project contribute to women's empowerment? If not, is there place for

an allied intervention that will contribute to empowerment, so as not to reinforce the disparity between men and women?

Once you have decided on all the expected results and activities for your project, you can summarize them in a Logic Model:

· The Ultimate Outcome is the overall goal of the project, which contributes to national-level aims and policies.

· The Intermediate Outcomes are the expected results related to changes in your organization or group, and its systems or processes.

· The Immediate Outcomes are the expected results related to changes in individuals, their knowledge and awareness, skills or abilities, or access.

· Outputs (or completed activities) lead to outcomes.

Therefore it is important that you implement your activities as planned, based on gender analysis. If you do, you will certainly achieve your expected results.

The expected results and activities listed in the logic model below are examples for you. Depending on the funds you have, you may want to implement only a few of the activities represented in this Logic Model.

Project Logic Model: Gender and alternative and sustainable livelihoods


Alternative and Sustainable Livelihoods

Ultimate Outcome

Strengthened mainstreaming of gender considerations in issues relating to community-based activities necessary for the reduction and reversing of land degradation and desertification. Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan

Intermediate Outcomes

Increased utilization of alternative livelihood options by women

Increased access of women to extension services and user friendly technologies

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Immediate Outcomes

Improved women access to non-traditional livelihood options, technology, sense of business planning and resource management.

Enhanced access to information, use of technology and confidence of women

increased women extension workers and women-friendly technologies


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↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

Type of

Activities to be

implemented in order to

achieve results

Dug-outs built for dry season gardening

Women linked to credit schemes

Transportation cooperatives formed for women to take goods to market

Train women and men

in the following

livelihood activities to

increase household

income and women’s

participation in

decision making on

use of income:

Soap making

Shea butter


Dawadawa processing

Basket weaving

Cotton spinning

Bee keeping

Dry season gardening

Guinea fowl


Fowl rearing

Sheep rearing

Goat rearing

Khebab processing

Soya beans processing

Groundnut oil


FM radio stations used to communicate information about alternative livelihoods

Consciousness raising sessions and assertiveness training workshops held for women

Training sessions held for women in business planning and resource management

Train women and men

in the following:

feasibility studies, fund

raising, savings

mobilization, financial

management to

improve their capacities

to initiate and

sustainably run income

generating activities

Train women and men

in coaching/mentoring

for development of

income generating


Train women and men

in group dynamics:

Group formation

Roles and


Leadership skills

Women extension workers trained to promote alternative livelihood activities

Workshops organized to design user-friendly technologies for women

Women sensitized to higher education and use of information technologies

Women trained to engage in new livelihood options and technologies

Women’s groups

provided with solar-

powered grinding


High-value crop seeds and seedlings promoted and distributed

Market avenues created for women

3. Project Implementation

Implementation is the major phase in the project cycle, when plans are transformed into reality. Implementation involves using your resources to implement activities in order toachieve the expected results.

When you are implementing the activities for your project, answer the following questions to ensure that gender equality is mainstreamed.


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1. Are women and men benefiting from the project? In the same way or different ways? 2. Are some women or men negatively impacted by the project?3. Have gender relations (power and control) of women and men changed as a result of the

project? Have gender gaps been reduced?4. Are new gender issues of inequity emerging within the project?5. Are there new external factors affecting gender relations besides the project? Are they

positive or negative?6. Are women and men both supportive of the project, or do they wish to change it? Who?

Why? How?

What follows are some case studies about project activities. Ideally, it would be great if your staff and stakeholders, including community members, could visit the communities described in the stories. However, these case studies are the next best thing to visiting. Each case study shows how women and men are:

· participating in the project· sharing project resources· sharing project benefits· changing their lives together· experiencing empowerment.

After each story, there are a number of questions to answer. Read (or translate) the story to your staff, stakeholders or community members. Lead the discussion based on the questions listed after the story. This will assist your staff and stakeholders to visualize the types of changes that they should expect, and allow them to discuss the implications for their own work and lives. They may want to implement a similar project. Similarly, their discussion of the story may inspire them with new ideas for their own projects.

Your staff and stakeholders should understand that exciting things related to gender and sustainable land management are happening in northern Ghana. They too can be part of it! They can transform gender relations through sustainable land management projects!

This case study is about Zuarungu-Moshie Asilgatua – a community in Bolgatanga Municipality of the Upper East Region. The community has a group made up of 30 members, 20 of whom are women, who engage in livestock production.

It used to be that livestock production in these communities was very low due to animal disease prevalence. Therefore, during the inception of the project, the farmers raised their concerns regarding livestock protection. As a result, a Veterinary Officer from the Ministry of Food and Agriculture was invited to educate farmers on routine prophylaxes and disease treatment. All animals that were brought in by the Project Co-ordinator for distribution to farmers were treated. This reduced mortality and improved growth and performance. From this, the farmers (both men and women) learned to strategize for livestock improvement.

Case Study 1: Special Micro-Credit Service to Combat Land Degradation and Desertification


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Livestock production in this community has increased as a result of the routine treatment offered by the Veterinary Services. Also women now have the right to own and benefit from their own properties. Their husbands consult them before using any of their animals. As such, this project created opportunities for women to own valuable assets.

Now that women are recognized for their success in managing livestock, they have become involved in positions of decision making to promote development. District officials and other leaders advocate for the active involvement of women in the preliminary investigations of projects. They also assign quotas for the representation of women in the executives of management committees for any community project.

Women can equally promote good practices in agriculture and food security if given the right inputs. They can protect and manage forest resources, and promote equality and human dignity in every sphere of life.

Reported by: Felicity Adorbah Gender Desk Officer Bolgatanga Municipality

Questions for Discussion:1. What are women's and men's traditional roles in livestock rearing? Take both big

animals and small ruminants into account. Do women have particular roles, such as indigenous knowledge or special skills?

2. What new skills did women learn? 3. What new channels for community involvement opened up for women? 4. How does the story show that gender roles have changed? How have the roles and

tasks changed? Has the way the community values those roles and tasks changed? 5. The issues of access and control are prominent in this story. Do women have access

and control over the livestock? Do men? Be specific by giving evidence from the story.

6. How did the livestock assist women to have better sustainable livelihood options? 7. How do you think women and men worked together to make the project a success?


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Case Study 2: Healthy Environment, Healthy FamilyIn the community of Kanpuo, in Upper West Region, women and men have worked side by side to improve their environment.

There used to be frustration in family life – this was directly related to the degradation of the land and lack of productivity. Men tried to do their best, but women said they were oppressed, and children too, were “worrying them.” With men earning and controlling what little money they made, there was not enough income to meet everyone's needs. As a result, there were lots of petty quarrels which evolved into major disagreements, until husbands and wives stopped communicating altogether. It was a hopeless situation, and they ended up living separate lives. After making all the major decisions about how the household should be run, men used their money to “refresh” themselves, leaving their wives and children at home to bemoan their unhappy situation.

When the Environmental Protection Agency came with a proposal to begin a Ghana Environmental Management Project, the people were ready for something new. After stopping bush burning and learning many techniques for soil and water conservation, the people were able to resume farming and other productive activities. The land was wet, green and fertile again.

When the land came back to life, there were other changes too. Instead of complaining about their husbands, women found that they could help themselves. They did not have to depend on their husbands for everything. They started to process dawa dawa and shea nuts. They made soap and sold vegetables. The women discovered that things began to change between them and their men. Their relationships started to improve – they started to talk again and make decisions together – they showed respect for each other. Women found that they could advise the men about their crops, and also seek their advice about social matters.

But what was the reason for all these changes? Women started to make money!

Once women started to make some income, men were relieved of the stress they felt. Now they are happier because they share the burden of responsibilities with their wives. However, the women are careful with the money they make -- they hold on to their share. When they find out that there is a problem or an outstanding payment, they will assist. They feel that they cannot trust their husbands to keep their money. Men agree with this approach, and do not ask for money from their wives unless it is critical. Some of the things for which women release money are: school fees and books, engaging labour and corn milling. Now children go to school, and with both mother and father working, they share responsibilities for household chores.

Women say that once they are satisfied with their men, it's easy – they will do anything to make the men happy. The men are also happy because their wives can now contribute and share resources.


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Questions for Discussion:1. Before the environment project, why weren't women making money? Didn't they want

to have their own income? 2. After the environment project started to show results, women saw that they could make

money? What was the reason for this change? 3. In what types of livelihood activities did the women become engaged? Were these

alternative livelihoods or just the usual ones? Are they sustainable? 4. How did men feel once women started to make money? Were they threatened that

women were taking away their power and control? 5. Why do the women hold on to their money and not just hand it over to their husbands?

What is the men's reaction to this? 6. At the end of the story, women said that they would do anything to make their men

happy? Would the men say the same? Why or why not? 7. How does the story show that gender roles have changed? How have the roles and tasks

changed? Has the way the community values those roles and tasks changed?

In 2010, Balungu in Talensi District, Upper East Region became a Ghana Environmental Management Project community. A group of men and women worked together to develop a tree nursery. Even though establishing tree nurseries is typically a men's activity, men and women came together morning and evening to water the seedlings in the nursery. They were successful with this activity and went on to develop a proposal to do shea butter processing. They are now able to process shea nuts in their own community rather than going to the next place. Because these were activities introduced by GEMP, men and women decided to do everything together and did not treat each other differently.

The experience of these projects was extended to other aspects of this group's lives. The men and women have learned to help each other in more ways, such as house building and making local bricks. Before men and women could stay together in the house yard, but not talk to each other. They were used to living together but being apart. Now they are affectionate with each other and have long talks.

Everyone in the community sees the difference in the group of women and men. Others have also taken up the changes. Men and women are helping each other with their work, and at the same time living in peace and harmony, loving each other more than before.

The community noticed that messages about men and women working together were coming from all different directions: from the church, the radio and from Madam Zainabu, who taught them to treat each other with fairness and kindness.

They also remembered a man who used to live in their community, Apwara Yara. He came from Accra ten years ago to retire in Balungu. Apwara and his wife would hold hands when they came to the market and then drink pito together. At the time, the community was surprised, and insulted them because they were affectionate in public. He also used to sweep and cook for his wife while she was picking shea nuts. They felt that Apwara was a disgrace to men. But now they understand the importance of a loving relationship in marriage.

Case Study 3: Natural evolutions: changing the environment, changing gender relations


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Now Mother and Father tell the children what to do. Boys and girls also share tasks. There is understanding in the home. The Chief, who is a retired Agricultural Officer, is very happy about the changes in the community. Not only do his people live in harmony with each other, but they also live in harmony with the land.

Questions for Discussion: 1. What are women's and men's traditional roles in tree nurseries? Do women have

particular roles, such as indigenous knowledge or special skills? 2. What new skills did women learn? 3. What new channels for community involvement opened up for women? 4. “Because these were activities introduced by GEMP, men and women decided to do

everything together and did not treat each other differently.” Why do you think the introduction of GEMP activities inspired men and women to work together and not treat each other differently?

5. How does the story show that gender roles have changed? How have the roles and tasks changed? Has the way the community values those roles and tasks changed?

6. List all the reasons given for the changes in gender relations? 7. What do you think about Apwara Yara and his wife? Do you know couple who behave

like that? Do you admire them? Why? 8. The story refers to children – parents' behaviour toward them, their activities, and their

behaviour. Why is reference to children important in this story? 9. Do you think that this transformation in gender relations is real and sustainable? Or do

you think that thing will go back to the way they were? 10. What does gender transformation have to do with the environment and sustainable land



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Case Study 4: Loving your environment transforms communities and familiesThe community of Kumblingo is near Bolgatanga in Upper East Region. Kumblingo used to get very little rain because they cut down most of their trees.

In Kumblingo, GEMP partners with Divine Tender Care Foundation to do various activities with the community. One hundred and fifty members engage in the following small businesses:

· Shea butter extraction· Beekeeping· Guinea fowl raising· Animal rearing · Tree nurseries.

GEMP has six strategic nurseries in the region, and Kublingo is one of them. Now they plant trees to protect their environment and reduce the effects of bad storms. They also plant medicinal trees, such as moringa and others that provide easy treatments for certain ailments. Kumblingo loves its environment because it is beautiful and provides for their needs. Because the community cares for its environment, it has a new life.

Before GEMP, it was difficult for women to have roles in projects and public life. They had no land and no voice. During farming season, they would work on the rice paddies, but during the other six months of the year, they had nothing to do. Even when women had a few goats or guinea fowls, men could take them away at any time, leaving them with nothing. Women could not own any assets. Even so, they needed to keep up with their obligations in the home and feed and care for their families. Firewood was scarce, and women were so desperate to find it, that they would strip live wood to bring home. They did not realize that this practice harmed the trees and was bad for the environment.

In 2009, the leadership called everyone together to talk about the environment. Men and women were put into groups to make a contribution to improving their environment. At that time, it was discovered that women had “no resources” to give. In fact, they seemed to have “no roles.” Traditional leaders and many of the men recognized that women were disadvantaged. Women were given land to do some farming. Once they were included, women began to change. They were willing to cooperate and suggested new activities. If their husbands were not available to do their share of the work at the nursery, women would fill in for them, and husbands would do the same for their wives. Women and men planned activities together in community meetings, and then started to do the same at home. Before GEMP, it was difficult for women to sit with their husbands or even to look into their faces. It was inappropriate for women to eat with men. If a man allowed his wife to eat with him, he would be called “woman.” Men were afraid that women would take over. They did not want to lose their power or women's submissiveness. Now through conversations and discussions, women and men became more confident with each other. They eat together, bathe together and even have joint bank accounts!

The relationship between husbands and wives has extended to children. Children are invited to sit with their mothers and fathers to plan together. Instead of shouting at or beating a child, parents sit down and discuss the issues with them, leaving the child to think about choices.


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The community now cares for all its children. Before they found it difficult to pay for children's hospitalization, but now they are able to pay easily. Families earned so little money and placed so little priority on children's education that most boys and girls went to school with no slippers and no uniforms. Men were against girls going to school after Primary Grade 6. They used to think that the girls should marry so that they could gain a bride price of several cows. Now they encourage girls to continue their education. Teenage pregnancy used to be a big problem. Parents would beat the girls and they would run away. Now they can give birth and go back to school. Given these new circumstances, teenage pregnancy has reduced. Orphans used to be rejected by the community, but now they are assisted to go to school. All in all, the community thinks about children as the future, and in order to take better care of them, many husbands and wives have decided to practice family planning.

Questions for Discussion: 1. Earlier in the story, people said that women took “live” wood for firewood. What

implications does this have for the environment? Can you give other examples of things that women do to make a living that damage the environment? Why do they do these things?

2. At the beginning of the story, people said that women had “no resources” and “no roles.” Do you think that is true? What did they mean by that? What resources and roles do most women in poor communities have?

3. List all the disadvantages that women had compared to men in the story. What are the causes of these disadvantages?


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4. What were the changes that women, men, girls and boys experienced as a result of the project? Why did these changes occur? What do these changes tell us about gender? Develop your own definition of gender within the context of this story.

5. Describe what Kumblingo will be like in another five years. What will men, women, boys and girls be doing? Will gender roles have gone through another transformation?

6. What do changing roles of men and women have to do with the environment and sustainable land management?

The progress of a project has to be monitored to ensure that the expected results are happening. Think about some of the changes you read about in the case studies and in your own projects.Many of the changes are related to the environment and, at the same time, related to gender.

An important way of monitoring whether a project has mainstreamed gender and transformed gender relations is to use gender-sensitive indicators. Gender-sensitive indicators will let you know whether there are changes in gender relations – women's and men's dynamics of power and control. Here are some features of gender relations that should change after implementing a project on gender and sustainable land use:

· participation in projects and committees· awareness, knowledge, skills · decision-making powers · roles and responsibilities in the household, community and leadership· how roles, tasks, resources are valued· access to and control of project resources and benefits· access to and control of household and community resources and benefits.

All this information should be sex-disaggregated, so that differences between men and women can be highlighted and inequities addressed. Sex-disaggregated data presents information separately for women and men, and as required, boys and girls.

When you are monitoring a project, answer the following questions to ensure that gender equality is mainstreamed.

1. Does the monitoring plan invite input and feedback from women and men?2. Are generated data, analysis and reports sex-disaggregated?3. Are gender indicators effectively used and assessed?4. Does monitoring consider both women's and men's roles (even if those roles are

different)?5. Is progress toward objectives and expected results related to men or women on track?6. Have any gender issues of inequity arisen that were not identified at the project design

stage? If so, how can they be addressed?

4. Project Monitoring


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5. Project Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation Tools

Here are some examples of gender-sensitive indicators for gender and alternative and sustainable livelihoods. You can use these and others that you develop to assess whether your project is on track to changing gender relations, roles, responsibilities and how they are valued.

At the end of your project, you will want to evaluate whether it has been successful – in achieving its goals for sustainable land use, and toward gender equality. Evaluation should be as systematic and objective as possible. Therefore, tools are developed to collect gender-sensitive and sex-disaggregated data. These tools can be used at the end of the project, but also at the beginning (baseline) and mid-point to assess progress over time.

Here are some examples of gender-sensitive tools for gender and alternative and sustainable livelihoods. If you use these tools at the beginning, middle and end of your project, you will see changes in how men and women have access to and control over resources; and in their roles and responsibilities. You may also discover some changes in gender relations that you did not expect! You should determine whether these are positive and progressive changes, or negative and counter-productive. When it comes time to designing a new phase of your project or even a brand new project, take these lessons into account to ensure that your project will implement all activities necessary to promote gender equality.

Gender-sensitive indicators for Gender and Alternative and Sustainable Livelihoods 1. # and type of livelihood interventions initiated by women

2. % of women involved in non-traditional livelihood options

3. # and kind of non-traditional livelihood options women engaged in

4. % of women accessing credit and legal service to support their businesses

5. # of women and men who have savings in traditional and non-traditional financial institutions and are able to access credit for livelihood activities

6. # of women extension workers

7. % of women accessing extension services

8. % of women who have access to extension information

9. # and type of women-friendly technologies that promote more efficient economic activities for women


% of women utilizing improved technologies


Confidence level of women on technology use



of meals families can afford provide per day



of women and men groups that have established a fund for their livelihood activities


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A. Household Survey Questionnaire

1. Which livelihood activities are men and women in your household engaged in?

1. How many of these activities do husband and wife engage in jointly?2. Have there been any changes in how husband, wife and children share household

tasks?3. Who in your household makes major decisions about the profit generated from the

livelihood activities?a. Husbandb. Wifec. Jointly

B. Focus group Interview Questions: Women1. Do you think that since the project started there have been changes in how families

make decisions about spending money? If yes, in your opinion, what accounts for these changes?

2. What do you think about men carrying babies to hospital?3. How have you benefited from moringa processing?4. Which activity do you think makes you the most money?

C. Focus group Interview Questions: Men 1. Do you think that since the project started there have been changes in how families

make decisions about spending money? If yes, in your opinion, what accounts for these changes?

2. What do you think about women owning small ruminants? Do you agree? What effect has this activity had on you and your family?

Activity Men Women Jointly Soap making Shea butter




Basket weaving

Cotton spinning

Bee keeping

Dry season


Guinea fowl rearing

Sheep rearing

Goat rearing

Khebab processing

Soya beans


Groundnut oil



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3. What do you think about men carrying babies to hospital? Would you do it if you had to? Would you like to have a closer relationship with your children?

4. What do you think about women making decisions about how to spend their money? What about your own money – would you allow women to help you manage it? Do you ever make decisions about money jointly? Has this arrangement been successful?

C. Group Interview with CEMC Executive1. Are there any observable changes in livelihood activities in the community since the

project started?If yes, what are these changes?2. What is the composition of women in the CEMC? 3. Who organizes men and women to carry out livelihood activities?How do you organize

men and women to carry out livelihood activities?4. What is the level of participation of women in livelihood activities?5. What challenges do you face during implementation of livelihood activities? With

women? With men?

D. Observation Guide at Project Site (list of what to look out for)1. Check materials/equipment and end products of the livelihood activity2. Check register of women and men trained in livelihood activities3. Verify whether the group has a bank account4. Check records such as minutes of meetings, attendance register for meetings, and other


This is the end of this module. Best wishes as you mainstream gender, empowering women and men in sustainable land management projects.


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