6 pyroclastic transport&deposition 2008 eng

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  • 8/18/2019 6 Pyroclastic Transport&Deposition 2008 Eng


    Pyroclastic transport and


    Christoph Breitkreuz,

    TU Bergakademie Freiberg

  • 8/18/2019 6 Pyroclastic Transport&Deposition 2008 Eng


    Two main types of pyroclastictransport and deposit:

    1. Fallout > deposit = tephra

    2. Flow

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    Mt. St. Helens, 1980

    Eolian fractionation!

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    Phonolitic fallout deposit,

    Meidob Hills, NW Sudan

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    Fallout layer betweenignimbrites;

    Bandelier Tuffs,

    Jemez Mtns, New


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    Diagenetically compacted fallout deposit, Permian, N Chile

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    Laacher See, Eifel, W Germany, ballistic block

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    Lacustrine fallout deposit, Permian, N Italy

    Various types of grading!

    Fallout upon water - water-lain fallout deposits

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    Formation of pyroclastic flows:

    - lava(-dome) collapse

    - eruption column collapse

    Branney & Kokelaar 2002

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    Mt. Pelee, 1902/3, Martinique

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    Block-and-ash-flow deposit:

    result of an explosive lava dome eruption

    Meidob Hills, NW Sudan

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    Fig. 2.5 Stability fields for convecting and collapsing columns in terms of vent radius and

    magmatic volatile content. Magma discharge rate (right side) is largely a function of ventradius (left side) whereas exit velocity (bottom) is largely a function of volatile content (top)

    (Orton 1996, from Wilson, Sparks & Walker, 1980).

    Parameters controlling eruption column collapse:

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    Ngauruhoe 1978, New Zealand

  • 8/18/2019 6 Pyroclastic Transport&Deposition 2008 Eng


    What drives pyroclastic flows?

    Kinetic energy, gravity, turbulence and fluidisation!

    Large spectrum of processes and deposits:


    dilute turbulent

    often phreatomagmatichot



    weakly turbulent to laminar 

    Surges andcool pyroclastic flows s.s.

    Hot pyroclastic flows s.s.

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    Surge deposits: pyroclastic cross stratification!

    Laacher See, Eifel, W GermanyG. Wörner 

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    Fig. 5.11 Proximal to distal (LFS) and vertical (VFS) facies variation in pyroclastic

    surge beds (i.e. single depositional units) on Songaksan tuff ring (after Chough &Sohn, 1990). The lateral facies sequence (LFS 1) was distilled from common

    downcurrent facies transitions in flank deposits whereas vertical facies sequences

    (VFS) are distilled using Harper´s (1984) method of facies sequence analysis. VFS1

    and VFS2 are from proximal near-vent deposits, probably where short-lived pyroclastic

    surges were overladen by suspended sediment fallout (compare with Lowe, 1988).

    LFS1, and its vertical expression (VFS3) indicates downcurrent decrease in particle

    concentration, grain size, and suspended-load fallout rate with a resultant increase in

    traction and sorting processes (from Orton 1996).

    Fig. 5.10 Classification

    of base surge bedform

    and internal cross-

    stratification variations

    related to depositional

    rate (relative to transport

    rate; vertical axis) and

    surge temperature andmoisture content

    (horizontal axis); flow

    comes from left (From

    Cas & Wright 1987, after 

    Allen 1982).

    Lithofacies types of

    surge deposits

  • 8/18/2019 6 Pyroclastic Transport&Deposition 2008 Eng


    Fig. 5.14 Schematic

    diagram showing the

    structure and idealised

    deposits of one

     pyroclastic flow (From

    Cas & Wright 1987).

    Ground surge deposit,

    E California

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    Low-angle cross stratification

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    Branney & Kokelaar (2002)

    Deposition by aggradation

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    Se genera cuando la parte inferior

    de la CDP es lo suficientemente

    diluida (escasa a nula interacciónde partículas)

    y la velocidad es muy baja

    (procesos de tracción o saltación).

    Las partículas caen directamente.

    Características de los depósitosMacizos y sin estratificación, aunque una débil fábrica

    direccional puede formarse si la velocidad es suficiente para

    orientar las partículas.   B  r  a  n  n  e  y   &    K

      o   k  e   l  a  a  r   (   2   0   0   2   )

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    Pyroclastic fractionation:

    >> important compositional

    changes in crystal-rich flows!

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    GradaciónPyroclastic flow deposits

    may show various types of


    Brohltal, Laacher See, Eifel, W


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    Hailstone-like ash-

    aggregates from wet

    eruption clouds and

    co-flow-ash clouds,

    Trigger by rain




    Schumacher & Schmincke 1991

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    Vesiculated Tuff: surge/fall deposits from wet fine ash clouds


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    Proximal – distal facies variation

    Lateral facies variation

    Professor!Don‘t forget to make some drawings about…

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    Can pyroclastic flows climb mountains?

    - kinetic energy from column collapse (e.g. Taupo, New Zealand)

    - „expanded flow“ concept (Branney & Kokelaar 1992) (e.g.

    Campanian Ignimbrite, Italy, Fisher et al. 1993)

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    Post-depositional processes in hot pyroclastic flow deposits:

    1. welding compaction, in extreme cases: rheomorphism

    2. gas + fluid escape >> vapor phase crystallisation

  • 8/18/2019 6 Pyroclastic Transport&Deposition 2008 Eng


    Fig. 5.16 Steps of the depositional and rheomorphicflow history of ignimbrite D by sketching the majorstages of deposition including the successive vertical

    changes of pyroclast strain, the development of fabrics

    crucial to define the related deformation mechanism,

    and the progression in ascending and descending

    lithification fronts. The model is based on the

    configuration of a gently but evenly inclined basal

    topography during deposition and rheomorphic flow(From Kobberger & Schminke 1999).

    Fig. 5.17 Model of sedimentation and initiation of

    rheomorphic flow during the early accumulation phase of

    ignimbrite D on a slightly inclined basal topography. Note

    that pure flattening (compaction) is the first step of

    deformation affecting the freshly deposited pyroclastic

    material in both cases. Shear flow, in this configuration, is

    always secondary and depends on a critical load pressure

    as well as on the speed of the upward prograding

    cooling/lithification front (From Kobberger & Schminke


    Rheomorphic ignimbrite

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    Welding-compactionTeplice ignimbrite, Late Carboniferous,

    Czech Republic

    Diagenetic compactionnon-welded ignimbrite,

    N Chile, Permian

    >> Branney and Sparks 1990

    E t iti t t From Marcelo Arnosio

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    Eutaxitic texture


    From Marcelo Arnosio

  • 8/18/2019 6 Pyroclastic Transport&Deposition 2008 Eng


    Parataxitic textureBotzen Porphyry,

    Permian N Italy

    Blue Creekignimbrite,

    Idaho, USA

    In hot thick deposits:

     Adsorption of volatiles back

    into the glass >>

    disappearance of vesicles

    and interclast pores(Sparks et al. 1999)

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    Fig. 5.15 Cross section through part of the Upper

    Bandelier Tuff, showing welding and crystallisation zones.

    The ignimbrite is a compound cooling unit, and shows an

    upward increase in the degree of welding in cooling units

    I-III. Recognisable flow units are much thinner in units IV

    and V, and nearer the source they pass into densely welded

    tuff, continuing the trend towards higher temperature of

    emplacement of successive pumice flows that is more

    clearly shown by units I-III. Note, the topography that the

    ignimbrite fills in is cut into older ignimbrites and

     basement, including Precambrian (cross section is

    approximately normal to movement direction of the

     pumice flows) (From Cas & Wright 1987, after R. L.

    Smith & Bailey 1966).

    Post-depositional processes in hot pyroclastic flow deposits:

    1. welding compaction, in extreme cases: rheomorphism2. gas + fluid escape >> vapor phase crystallisation

    Concept:- Depositional unit

    - Cooling unit

    Smith 1961

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  • 8/18/2019 6 Pyroclastic Transport&Deposition 2008 Eng


    Non-welded ignimbrite„Sillar“ Facies: lithification by vapor 

    phase crystallisation; typical

    crystals in SiO2-rich systems:cristobalite, tridymite, sanidine

    Vapor phase crystals on ash fragment, SEM

    image (experiment by Grunder et al. 2005)

    Degassing pipes fines depleted

  • 8/18/2019 6 Pyroclastic Transport&Deposition 2008 Eng


    Degassing pipes

    From Marcelo Arnosio


    Fig. 5.21 Occurences of gas segregation structures in pyroclastic flow deposits. 1, Pipes and pods

    generated initially or formed entirely by intraflow gas sources during emplacement; 1a formed by

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    Partially eroded degassing pipes, Bishop Tuff, E California

    generated initially or formed entirely by intraflow gas sources during emplacement; 1a, formed by

    continued post-emplacement gas flow; 2, formed from heated ground water and incorporating

    fluviatile pebbles; 3, formed above burnt vegetation and logs (From Cas & Wright 1987).

    Fig. 5.20 Zones of vapour-phase

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    crystallisation and devitrification in the

    Bishop Tuff. Fumarole mounds project from

    top of vapour-phase zone through non-

    welded ash (From Cas & Wright 1987, after 

    Sheridan 1970).

    Sillar facies with

    fumarole mounds andcurved cooling joints

    H d l ti fl d it

  • 8/18/2019 6 Pyroclastic Transport&Deposition 2008 Eng


    Hydroclastic flow deposit

    (from collapse of a

    phreatomagmatic eruptioncolumn)



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