5trade unions

Pr esen ted By : Jatinde r Pal Singh MBA (Gen) Sec-B UBS.

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Presented By : Jatinder Pal Singh

MBA (Gen)



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AITUC came into existence on 31 october 1920.It

is the 1st trade union of indian workers

 The great patriot and national leader Shri Lala

Lajpat Rai was elected as the president.

Its first resolution was declaring that ptime hasnow arrived for the attainment of Swaraj by the

people of Indiaq

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BMS was formed in july 1955 with the principal aim of 

promoting nationalism.

 The guiding force behind this trade union is D.B

 Thengadi, an intellectual and a visionary who from the

days of his youth dedicated to social work.

It has members in 44 industries organized into 27 

industry wise federations.

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INTUC was set up at a meeting convened by ShriGulzarilal Nanda, Secretary, Hindustan Mazdoor

Sangh on 3rd 

 May 1947at Delhi. INTUC was guided and inspired by the ideals of  Mahatma Gandhi which lay more thrust on humanconsideration than economic.

It views the workeros problem and demand in contextof larger national needs. In IR, it strives to replace present culture of conflict

and confrontation by a new culture based in

commonality of interests.

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CITU came into existence on 30th MAY 1970.

 The two planks of its existence have been unity 

and struggle.

CITU aims to fight against all the encroachments

on the economic and social rights of the workersand for the enlargement of their rights and 


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BMS AND INTUC both focus on the completeutilization of manpower and other resources tomaximize production and to ensure full employment.

BMS talks about replacement of profit motive and establishment of economic democracy and evenINTUC talks about the elimination of the profitmotive in economic activity.

H MS, BMS, AITUC and INTUC aim to guide,direct, supervise & coordinate the activities of affiliated unions or organizations

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BMS speaks about constituting pradesh units as itsconstituents and even INTUC talks about assisting inthe formation of regional or pradesh brands.

AITUC, BMS and INTUC aims at the speedy improvement of conditions of work, life and social statusof workers. Similarly CITU works for the improvementof living condition of workers and provision of decent

housing. BMS, CITU and INTUC strive to secure living wage

consistent with the national economic level so as tobring about improvement in workers standard of living.


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H MS fosters workers education, adult education and technical education whereas BMS and CITU leads toeducate the labour by organizing vocational and education

& training class. H MS AND AITUC promote the establishment of 

democratic socialist society in India. AITUC and CITU both fights for abolishing all forms of 

social injustice that is resist the discrimination based oncaste, creed, race, religion, community, wage and promotion.

BMS and INTUC both works for the amendment and 

enforcement of legislation for the protection of labour.

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H MS cooperates and affiliates with otherorganization within as well as outside the

country and similarly CITU cooperates withinternational trade union organization for thefurtherance of the common aim of trade union


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AITUC : Communi t Party of India

BMS -: Ra htriya Swayam evak Sangh

INTUC -: Indian National Congre

CITU -: Communi t Party of India (Marxi t )

H  MS -: Socialists

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BMS strives to publish journals , periodicals,pictures, book and other type of literature and any 

other type of study material mainly concerningwith labour for their moral ethical upliftment,culture and social development.

AITUC fights against all forms of atrocities

against woman and harassment at place of work. CITU recognizes trade unions on the basis of 

secret ballot systems

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CITU fights for the nationalization of all foreign

monopoly concerns who exploit the working class.

CITU fights against the economic policy whichsafeguards the interest of capitalists and landlords

through increasing taxation and inflation.

CITU raises its voice against the growing dependence

of our economy on American capital and piling up off foreign debts which leads to severe exploitation of the

working class.

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CITU helps people in their fight againstimperialist domination and renders all

assistance to national liberation movements. CITU fights for maintaining friendly relation

with neighboring countries, opposing war and supporting peace.

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