5e - ravenloft campaign guide

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  • 8/20/2019 5e - Ravenloft Campaign Guide


    5th Edition

    Quoth the Raven

    Presents:Champions of the Mists

  • 8/20/2019 5e - Ravenloft Campaign Guide


    By “Jester” David Gison andfriends

  • 8/20/2019 5e - Ravenloft Campaign Guide


     !a"e of Contents

    Introduction10 Things the Common Person Knows

    Horror and HeroesChapter 1: Doomsday GazetteerThe Core

    The Central ands!aro"ia!orcaThe #hadow $i%t

    The &astern andsHazlan'o"a (aasaTepest

    The 'orthern andsDar)onamordia'ecropolis

    The #outhern andsIn"idiaKarta)ass#ithicus

     (alachan (er*re) 

    The +estern andsDementlieu,al)o"nia-ordent

    $ichemulotThe &astern #ea

    Isle o% the $a"ensi%%e.ile de la Tempete'e*ligtode

     (echorThe +estern #ea


    ClustersThe /m*er +astes


    The ,rozen $eaches#anguinia

     (orosto)o" #hadowlands

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    The (erdurous ands#aragoss#ri $aiThe +ildlands

    Islands!luetspur,arelleG.Henna'ososdiare$o)ushima Taiyoo#ouragne#taunton !lu%%s2herisia

    Chapter 3: $acesDwar"es

    #u*racesHill Dwar"es-ountain Dwar"es

    ,ey 4&l"es5#u*races

    High &l"es +ood &l"esDrow and &ladrin

    ,ey6Touched 4Hal%6el"es5Gnomes

    #u*races,orest Gnome

    $oc) GnomeHumans&thnicities o% the -ists

    !alino) ,al)o"nian$ashemani-ulanamordian-ordentishTepestani

     (aasi (alachani

    The ittle People 4Hal%ling5#u*races



    'o Two /li)eCast ut and /lone,ringes o% #ociety 

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    ittle to i"e ,orCali*an 'amesCali*an Traits



    2herisianDread Gargoyle

    #tone and #inewsCool as #toneIn -an7s #hadow Hidden +atchersGargoyle 'amesGargoyle Traits


    Designer7s 'ote: /ngels in the 'ight

    Giomorgo'ot % The !loodHome on the $oad#ee)ing -eaningGiomorgo 'amesGiomorgo Traits


    DhampyrTouch o% the Gra"e

     /lone in the 'ighti%e /mong Death#ee)ing $edemptionDhampyr 'amesDhampyr Traits


    Chapter 8: Classes and ,eats!ar*arian!ardCleric

     /nchoriteChannel Di"inity: #hield o% &zra

    Druid,ighter-on) Paladin$anger$ogue


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    Identi%y +ea)nessKeen *ser"ations&"aluate Target

     +e* o% In%ormantsDistant /ssistance#udden /d"antage

    #orcerer,ey !loodline

    Glamour,aerie $esilienceDecepti"e #orcery ,aerie Crossing

     +arloc) The -ists

    &9panded #pell ist$elati"e Time-ist CallGrasping -ists

    -ist6ed +izard

    Chapter : !ac)grounds!ac)grounds %or the -ists

     /colyte (ariant: Guardian

    Changeling,eature: ,amilial ,acade#uggested Characteristics


     (ariant: Poisoner

    &ntertainer (ariant: #tage -agician,ol) Hero

     (ariant: Common ,ol) Guild /rtisanHermit

     (ariant: ProphetIn;uisitor

    ,eature: Interrogator#uggested Characteristics


     (ariant: Physician#ailor#oldier#ole #ur"i"or

    ,eature: #a%e House#uggested Characteristics

    Town Guard,eature: %%icer o% the aw 

  • 8/20/2019 5e - Ravenloft Campaign Guide


    #uggested Characteristics (ariant: Detecti"e

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    Hollow Characteristics








    #econd #ightCharacteristics

    Temptation!ene%it#hadow Touched


    Designer7s 'ote: Power CreepChapter >: &;uipment

     +eaponsImpro"ised +eapon

     (ariant: /lternate -aterials#il"erCold IronGold#tone*sidian!one

     /d"enturing GearToolsTrin)ets

    Chapter ?: ,aiths

  • 8/20/2019 5e - Ravenloft Campaign Guide


    !elenus&ternal rder&zraHalaawgi"er-orninglord

     +ol% God2ha)ata

    Chapter @: TreasureTypes o% Treasure

     /warding Treasure-agic Items

    $educing -agic Items'ew -agic Items

     /nimated Portrait /"enger7s #word!a7al (aerzi Dagger!aron7s /rm

    !lood CoinCandle o% 'ightmaresCarrion !ladeCat o% ,el)o"icCrimson 2om*ie $ingDeath #hadesDreamcatcher&dge o% the Kargat,og Auice,raternal $ingGra"e $o**er7s #ho"elGreatsword o% Purity 

    Hand o% Glory Heartsee)er #pearHoly #ym*ol o% $a"en)indIcon o% $a"en)ind-irror o% $e%lectingr* o% /ugmentation$ing o% $e"ersion#acri%icial Dagger#croll o% &scape#oul #earcher -edallion#phere o% 'ight#unsword#word o% /ra) Talon /rmourTalon !racerThe +ishing Imp

     +ol%7s Head /muletB #il"er +ol%7s Head /muletB I"ory  +ol%spaw 2om*ie !lood


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     /pparatus o% the /lchemist /pparatusB $od o% $astinon,ang o% the 'os%eratu

    Chapter : $unning the Game /d"enturing ptions

    Dar) Inspiration

    Dread Pool&motional Distressutcasts

     /ltered -agicDi"inationDomain !orders'ecromantic Potency Planar Tra"el$esurrectionptional $ule: -agic $ating

    Curses$emo"ing a Curses

    &scape Clause-agici%ting a Curse

    Designing Curses#ample Curses

    HungerImmortality -adness-is%ortunePain


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    Path o% the #eerPath o% the #erpentPath o% (ermin

    DiseasesCom*ustion (irusCrimson Death

    Crystal (irusPetri%ication (irusPho*ia (irusPsionic (irus#hadow (irus2om*ie #ic)ness

    ,ear and Horror,rightHorror

    -adness'ew -adness &%%ectsTreating -adness

     (ariant: Insta*ility Condition-istwaysPoisons$esonance

    $an) Type

    ,ey #hadow #piritual

    #in)holes o% &"ilDestruction

  • 8/20/2019 5e - Ravenloft Campaign Guide


    #ntrodu$tion$a"enlo%t is neither the name o% the planetB nor the name o% a land $a"enlo%t is an ancientcastle in the land o% !aro"iaB a nation that lies at the heart o% the continent )nown as Ethe CoreF

    The world itsel% has no nameB simply *eing )nown as the world To some it is called theEand o% the -ists Tra"ellers %rom distant lands sometimes la*el the world the EDemiplane o%DreadF *ut locals laugh at that hyper*ole thers ha"e called the world such things as a prison%or the damnedB a cruci*le %or the "irtuousB or a realm o% %ear To youB it is simply EhomeF

    10 Things the Common Person Knows-any *elie%s "ary %rom land to landB as people disagree on what is true and what is myth !utthe maority o% the Core.s inha*itants commonly accept the %ollowing as %acts:

    1 – Magic Is Real. It is widely accepted that magic e9istsB *ut it is disputed i% magic isan a*omination or part o% the natural order -ost %ol) ne"er witness displays o% true magic *utstill accept that it e9ists

    2 – People Are Isolated. The a"erage person li"es their entire li%e within thirty miles

    o% where they were *orn The %arthest most %ol) tra"el is the neigh*ouring town or "illage3 – Monsters Are Real. The maority o% people die %rom natural causesB ne"er ha"ing

    encountered a creature o% the night $egardlessB it is agreed that monsters are "ery real and thatdangers lur) in the shadows

    4 – Superstitions Work. /s monsters are real and dangerousB adherence to ritual is what )eeps people sa%e !y strictly adhering to traditionB tragedy is a"oided

    5 – Huanit! Is Predoinant. The "arious inhuman races are rareB almostun)nown in many lands /t *est they are "iewed as less than humanB and at worst they are seenas *easts or monsters

    " – #ec$nolog! Ad%ances. The progress o% science has created modern wondersB suchas cloc)wor)sB %irearmsB gaslightsB and some steam power

    & – #$e 'ods Are Silent. +hile prayers are sometimes answeredB the gods themsel"es

    do not spea) directly to mortals #ome claim to hear the "oice o% godB *ut these are calledmadmen as o%ten as they are called prophets( – )o *ot Anger #$e +istani. +andering "aga*ondsB (istani are o%ten considered

    thie"esB *ut these gypsies can also *e entertainersB tradersB cra%tsmenB and mystics Despite widespread %ear and mistrust o% the wandering %ol)B the potency o% their curses and use o% the&"il &ye )eep the (istani %rom *eing *arred %rom towns

    , – -eare #$e Mists. Cool white %ogs *orders the )nown lands It is easy to *ecomelost in the -istsB which ha"e *een )nown to snatch tra"ellersB depositing them in %araway landsor e"en other times

    1/ – Magic Is 0nreliale. utlanders %rom distant lands complain that magic doesnot wor) as it should: it cannot detect moralityB tra"el *etween nationsB accurately di"ine the%utureB or cross into other worlds &"en those spells that do wor) o%ten ha"e unintendedconse;uences

    Horror and Heroes$a"enlo%t is a world o% terrorsB a campaign setting created %or the Dungeons Dragons

    game $a"enlo%t is a land where the common threats are not *easts pulled %rom Gree)-ythology or High ,antasyB instead coming %rom Gothic talesB %ol) talesB and old horror %ilms!easts li)e the chimera or manticore are rareB and it is instead a world o% "ampiresB werewol"esBghostsB and hags

    ,or the inha*itantsB their world is not a place o% nightmares +ic)ed gods do not cause

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    dramatic e"ents that sha)e the landB armies o% orcs do not rampage across the countrysideB andhuge dragons do not *urn whole "illages The occasional person might die a mysterious death or

     "anish under suspicious circumstancesB *ut most %ol) li"e relati"ely normal li"es in peace *e%oredying a mundane death et there are still horrors: monsters lur) in the shadowsB in the woodsBin the ruinsB and in the dar) places e"en the *ra"e %ear to wal)

     +hile there are no dragonsB neither are there shining )nights wielding radiant swordsB

    righteous holy warriors with unwa"ering %aithB and magi who %launt their control o"er the%undamental %orces o% the uni"erse #uch *ra"ery is rareB and champions that %lagrant *ecomeeasy prey %or the %orces o% the night Heroes in $a"enlo%t are a di%%erent sortB not choosing a li%eo% ad"enture %or glory or wealthB *ut usually ha"ing the hero.s li%e thrust on themB %or morepersonal reasons They are unli)ely to turn the tide against the %orces o% e"il or sa"e the world-any will not e"en *e remem*ered %or their deedsB sa"e *y the people whose li"es they sa"ed

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    Chapter %: Doomsday Ga&etteerThere are many disparate nations in the and o% the -ists: some are connected to other nationsBand some are isolated poc)etsB alone in the -ist

    The -ists are the de%ining %eature o% the worldB acting as *order and *oundary The cool white *an)s o% %og stretch across the horizonB o*scuring the distant lands *eyond the Core-any countries were once completely o*scured *y the -ists until it rolled *ac) re"ealing theland

    The CoreThe dominant continent in the -ists is )nown as the Core It is the hu* o% ci"ilization and tradethroughout the land

    #eas %lan) the continent to the east and westB and a steep mountain range cuts across themiddle o% the landmassB di"iding the land The south and west are hea"ily %orestedB the woods

     *ecoming denser and more wilder %urther %rom the coast Plains stretch across the eastB whilethe northern Core is a mi9 o% terrain: rough plains *ro)en *y woods and marshland 'ear the

    center o% the continent is a massi"e %og6%illed chasmB a wound in the landscape where two lands were seemingly destroyed

    The Central LandsThe central lands o% the Core are dominated *y roc)y terrain and steep mountains #mallsettlements are tuc)ed away into "alleys and dales while roads wea"e through narrow passesB

     *ridging east and west

    -aro%ia'o%ernent -onarchy )eon! !aro"iananguage !alo) apital 'one

    The isolated rural nation o% !aro"ia is deep in the shadows o% the !alino) mountains!aro"ians are a superstitious %ol)B %ear%ul o% the night !aro"ians are ;uiet and suspiciousBpre%erring to ha"e %ew dealings with outsiders Despite thisB the ld #"alich $oad cuts through!aro"iaB and is one o% the sa%er trading routes across the CoreB *ringing %re;uent traders andmerchants through the land The ruler o% the land is Count #trahd "on 2aro"ich JIIIB who rules%rom Castle $a"enlo%t perched high atop soaring cli%%s that o"erloo) the small "illage o% !aro"iaThe de"il #trahd as he is )nown *y the populace is a distant rulerB who delegates the day6to6day matters o% ruling the land to local *oyarsB who own the landB and the *urgomastersB who rulethe "illages

    -orca'o%ernent ,eudal Despotism

    )eon! !orcananguage !alo) apital e")arest

    #imilar to Dementlieu in attitude and !aro"ia in *loodB the mountainous nation o% !orcais a land o% intrigue and *etrayalB secrets and poison !orca is the most ad"anced nation in termso% economicsB with power%ul *an)s and a culture o% written contracts pposed to theDementlieuse s;ua**ling gangsB the !orcan criminal syndicates are old and centered aroundtight6)nit %amilies It is also the seat o% the Home ,aithB the original *ranch o% the Church o%&zra !orca is ostensi*ly ruled *y the landownersB *ut all property has %allen into the hands o%

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    the !oritsi %amily There is a siza*le aristocracyB *ut all no*les are "assals o% the !oritsi %amilyBand their position is tied to their popularity The current mistress o% the !oritsi %amily is I"anaB

     who too) the position a%ter the death o% her motherB Camille

    #$e S$ado Rit'o%ernent -onarchy 

    )eon! /ra) anguage &l"enapital &smerth

    'ot a true landB the #hadow $i%t is a hole in the world le%t when two lands were wrenched %rom the CoreB lea"ing a "ast chasm #teep cli%%s a*ruptly drop away %rom the adacentlandsB ending in a tene*rous mists The inha*itants o% Tepest ha"e long claimed that the $i%t ishome to creatures o% dar) magic and hideous monsters +hile little is )nown a*out itsinha*itantsB there is increasing rumours that %ey *eings )nown as eladrin or drow call ithome

    The Eastern Lands,aith dominates the eastern landsB *e it religionB superstitionB or magic Technology is

    less ad"anced in the &astB with medie"al chi"alry still ha"ing some sway

    Ha6lan'o%ernent &thnocratic Despotism)eon! Hazlanianguage (aasiapital Toyalis

    The rough and mountainous nation o% Hazlan is a pur"eyor o% illicit goods includingopiumB sla"esB and magic Hazlan is one o% the %ew lands with schools that openly teach arcanemagic and its merchants trade simple magic items such as potions and tonics Hazlan isethnically di"idedB with the lower class $ashemani *eing little more than sla"es and the upperclass -ulan ruling un;uestioned Despite *eing outnum*ered a hundred to oneB the -ulan )eeptheir authority through use o% %orce and religionB with the %atalistic teachings o% the awgi"er

    used to limit uprisings

    *o%a +aasa'o%ernent /ristocracy )eon! 'o"a (aasananguage (aasiapital Kantora

     / nation o% contrastsB 'o"a (aasa is a land o% cramped cities and wild plains The "astmaority o% the land is co"ered in open plains )nown %or two things: grass and horses -ost o%the population li"es in cramped cities surrounded *y %arms and ranches 'o"a (aasa is thecenter o% the Church o% the awgi"erB a strict religion that rewards o*edience and ser"itude Thepeople are sharply di"ided into the wealthy no*ility led *y Prince !olshni)B and the poor!ecause o% the in%luence o% the ChurchB re*ellion is unheard o%B *ut "iolent crimes and "ice arerampant in the cities

    #epest'o%ernent Theocratic /ristocracy )eon! Tepestanianguage Tepestaniapital 'one

     / mountainous and wooded rural land lies nestled *etween the mountains o%southeastern Dar)on and the eerie chasm o% the #hadow $i%t The Tepestani ha"e always *een

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    superstitiousB a"oiding the menacing woodsB %ear%ul o% the witchesB go*linsB and %ey lur)inginside +hen the neigh*ouring lands o% G.henna and -ar)o"ia "anished during the Great

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    In%idia'o%ernent Despotism)eon! In"idiananguage !alo) apital Karina

    The inha*itants o% In"idia are a passionate %ol)B wearing their emotions on their slee"esB

    and hot words ;uic)ly *ecoming drawn daggers $ulership o% the land is ta)en *y "iolenceB withthe current tyrantB -alocchio /derreB seizing control %rom the (istani witch Ga*rielleB whohersel% )illed the pre"ious lordB !a)holis The inha*itants struggles under the oppression o% itscurrent lordB who rapidly ascended to dominance with his growing army o% mercenaries andloaned ,al)o"nian troops His rules is mar)ed with the purge o% all (istani within the nationB

     which has *egun to spread *eyond In"idia7s *orders into !orca

    7artakass'o%ernent -eritocracy )eon! Karta)ananguage (aasiapital 'one

     /t the southern edge o% the !alino) -ountains is the roughB wooded nation o% Karta)assIts western *order is the start o% the Great ,orestB which stretches across se"eral nations and isrenowned %or its wol"es: the singers o% *easts / nation o% singersB storytellersB and poetsB eachsettlement is ruled *y a Meistersinger chosen in an annual singing competition +hileKarta)ass7 merchants are almost as renowned as its singerB the rural nation conducts little tradeand has little in%luence on a%%airs in the Core

    Sit$icus'o%ernent Despotism)eon! #ithicananguage &l"enapital Hroth

    The haunted southern reaches o% the Great ,orest are o*scured *y -istsB with the trees

    growing tall and *road The enchanted woodland o% #ithicus is populated *y assorted %ey *eingsBincluding el"es Time %lows strangely in the *orders o% this landB with tra"ellers emerging to %inddays ha"e past when they e9pected wee)sB or months instead o% days /ll roads and trails seem%amilairB so tra"ellers must *e wary lest they *ecome lost The land is ruled *y the dwar%B /zraelB

     who assumed command a%ter the lands %ormer rulerB an undead )night )nown as the !lac)$oseB "anished

     +alac$an'o%ernent -onarchy )eon! (alachanianguage (aasiapital $otwald

    ,arthest west o% the %orested nationsB the isolated land o% (alachan is *ordered *y the-ists on two sides and the %aerie land o% #ithicus on a third Its population is inherently ;uietand reser"edB "aluing sel% reliance: a (alachani that cannot sur"i"e in the wild or shoot a *ow isincomplete Despite their independent strea)B the populace has a strong *ond o% %amilialB andregularly cele*rate milestones with %esti"als (alachani are wary o% *oo) learning and thetrappings o% ci"ilizationB such as those %ound in more northerly domains The local lordB !aron

     "on Khar)o"B rules %irmly with his pri"ate army o% en%orcersB *ut does not harm his people i%they pay their ta9es

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     +errek 'o%ernent 'one)eon! (er*re)eranguage -ordentishapital 'one

    ,ew people hail %rom the wooded nation o% (er*re)B and the population o% this

    unci"ilized land is mostly trappers and hunters with a %ew well de%ended homesteads Its trueinha*itants seem to *e wol"esB which can *e %ound in large pac)s roaming the countryside withimpunity In the woods o% (er*re)B e"en humans *ecome prey to the wol"es

    The Western LandsThe cultural hu* o% the CoreB the +est is )nown %or its ur*an areas and culti"ated %armlands

     +hile not densely populatedB it contains some o% the largest cities in the -ists

    )eentlieu'o%ernent $epu*lic)eon! Dementlieuseanguage -ordentishapital Port6a6ucine

    The nation o% Dementlieu is well )nown %or its s;ua**ling no*le %amilies and courtlyintrigueB o% hidden loyalties and secrets The land is sharply di"ided the no*ility with wealth andpower and those li"ing in ur*an po"erty !ecause the wealthy pro"ide some social programsBsuch as %ood distri*ution or literacy educationB they *elie"e their *ene"olence gi"es them theright to use their power on a whim The Dementlieuse are a cultured people who appreciate

     *eauty and learning o% all %ormsB *ut also %ollow a rigid system o% eti;uette Dementlieu is one o%the %ew places in the Core with a large enough population o% idle rich to support a %lourishingculture o% high art

    8alko%nia'o%ernent -ilitary Despotism)eon! ,al)o"nian

    anguage ,al)o"nianapital e)ar

    The militaristic nation o% ,al)o"nia is the *read*as)et o% the CoreB *ut its )ing cares little%or its rich %ieldsB only military con;uest Its armies are highly trained and well e;uipped *utha"e lose e"ery s)irmishes against its more technologically or magically ad"anced neigh*oringnations The ,al)o"nian people li"e in %earB with the nations cities *eing grim and de"oid o% anyaesthetic sensi*ilities #eries o% tall pi)es line the roads into citiesB with impalement *eing acommon punishment /t *irthB all ,al)o"nians are *randed with the sym*ol o% a haw)B the sealo% the King ,uhrerB to remind e"ery citizen o% what they are: property o% the state

    Mordent'o%ernent /ristocracy )eon! -ordentishanguage -ordentishapital -ordentshire

    This small *lea) rainy nation shares a people and loose culture with Dementlieu to thenorth -ordent is a ;uiet rural nation o% %armers and %ishermen It7s no*le %amilies mo"ed northto the courts o% DementlieuB lea"ing a*andoned manor homes dotting the countryside Trac)s o%dense %orest co"er the landscapeB spreading to co"er the %orgotten estatesB with desolate moorsand heaths co"ering the rest o% the land The ailing ord Aules +eathermay rules the nation%rom his grand estateB Heather House The +eathermays rule lightlyB lea"ing the "illages largely

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    Ric$eulot'o%ernent /ristocracy )eon! $ichemuloiseanguage -ordentish

    apital Port6a6-useauThe courtiers o% Dementlieu dismiss $ichemulot as ;uaintB considering it as they would amimic)ing young relation The no*les o% $ichemulot attempt the high %ashion and courtlyintrigue o% Dementlieu or !orcaB *ut it is a poor imitation The aristocracy o% $ichemulot is alsomore openB as people are de%ined *y their wits and s)ills allowing the cunning and pro%icient toascend in social status The society is largely un6strati%iedB with much o% the poor li"ingsomewhat com%orta*ly To some e9tent this is *ecause the true wealth "alued in $ichemulot isin%ormationB which is e9changed and *ro)ered li)e any commodity the poorest *a)er canascend to no*ility i% they learn a secret and )now how to le"erage their )nowledge The cities o%$ichemulot are large *ut mostly a*andonedB and the nation can house a much larger populationthat it currently hosts The a*andoned streets are %illed with a "ariety o% ur*an pests

    The Eastern SeaKnown as EThe 'octurnal #eaFB a hea"y %og o*scures the water at all times ma)ing tra"el slowand di%%icult and turning day into nightB

    Isle o t$e Ra%ens / small island o% little signi%icanceB with no doc)s or signs o% ci"ilization It is mostly

    home to the *irds that gi"e it its name / single tower can *e seen near the northern tip o% theislandB *ut sailors assume it is a*andoned

    ie'o%ernent ligarchy )eon! i%%enanguage &l"en

    apital /rmei)os / rainy island nation o% artistsB cra%tsmenB and singers The small isle o% i%%e is noted %orits artisan7s s)ill at mimic)ing the style 4*ut not the ;uality5 o% cra%twor) %rom other nation7sThere is a growing middle class in the landB *olstered *y trade and the cra%tsmen i%%e is alsohome to one o% the %ew centers o% education in the &astern CoreB the College o% i%%e The school

     was once a monastery *ut has grown in size o"er the yearsB with a %ocus on instrumental musicBphilosophyB rhetoricB and poetry

    9ile de la #epeteThis small island is little more than a na"igational hazardB *eing surrounded *y sharp

    roc)s and dangerous currents The only structure on the island is an ancient and tall lighthouseB *uilt to warn people o% the dangers o% the roc)s #ailors are wary o% the lighthouse as the tower isold and no longer entirely relia*le

    *eligtode'o%ernent 'one)eon! Gra*eniteanguage Gra*eniteapital 'one

    'e*ligtode is the name %or a cluster o% islands in the southern stretch o% the &astern #eaThe largest two islands are Gra*en and Todstein Gra*en is home to a num*er o% small "illagesalong the northern shoreB %ull o% hardy and tradition6*ound %ol)B while the southern hal% o% the

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     windswept isle is uninhi*ited marsh Todstein is small B desertedB and *attered *y cold currentsthat perpetually chill the island

     +ec$or'o%ernent Despotism)eon! (echorite

    anguage (echoriteapital /*do) This land on the %ar side o% the 'octurnal #ea is seldom "isited *y outsidersB *eing an

    inconstant and shi%ting nation o% chaos and turmoil ,eatures and landmar)s change e"ery %ewdays ma)ing detailed mapping impossi*le %orests seem to rearrange themsel"esB paths seem tomo"eB and landmar)s appear then "anish when uno*ser"ed The weather is e;uallyunpredicta*leB and snowstorms or pounding rain sweep across the land year roundB and *othcyclones and pounding hail are not unusual It is said that the land reshapes itsel% to suit the

     whims o% its rulerB &asan the -ad

    The Western SeaKnown as Ethe #ea o% #orrowsBF this *ody o% water allows trade *etween the Core and many o%the e9otic %oreign locales as well as speedy tra"el along the coast

    -laustein'o%ernent Despotism)eon! !lausteineranguage -ordentishapital 'one

     +hat would *e a smallB insigni%icant roc) under di%%erent rulershipB !laustein has *ecome noteworthy as a pirate ha"en CutthroatsB pri"ateersB and the li)e %rom across the seata)e lea"e on its accessi*le portsB and no ;uestions are as)ed /ll manner o% illicit goods andpleasures can *e %ound on the island The island is ruled *y the pirate )ing !lue*eardB who rules%rom his castle and commands %anatical de"otion %rom his men

    )oinia'o%ernent 'one)eon! 'oneanguage !alo) apital 'one

    This small island is surrounded *y agged roc)s and its primary population is hungry wol"es The only human population is the sta%% and inmates o% the Hein%roth7s /sylum %or theInsane The /sylum houses the most unhinged and demented minds %rom across the Core'o*le %amilies pay well to ship their unsound mem*ers to the asylumB %or reha*ilitation as muchto rid themsel"es o% the trou*lesome relation

    Marko%ia'o%ernent 'one

    )eon! -ar)o"iananguage !alo) apital 'one

    This uninha*ited island that is at *est a shipping hazardB and it7s only population aresa"age *easts that )ill anyone %ool enough to attempt to land The e9act nature o% the *easts isun)nownB as they are not "isi*le %rom the shore and none ha"e *een reco"ered #ailors ha"eseen what appears to *e an ancient monastery on the southern shoreB *ut why mon)s would li"eon such a %orsa)en land is un)nown

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    '$astria'o%ernent -onarchy )eon! Ghastriananguage -ordentishapital &ast $iding

     /n island o% *rooding artistsB Ghastria is a *urgeoning cultural center The island attracts

    tormented youths %rom across the Core +hile the inha*itants earn a li"ing %ishing or %armingBmost spend their nights paintingB sculptingB or writing / ;uir) o% the soil renders all %oodtastelessB so the island conducts a *ris) trade with the mainlandB importing what %ood they canin e9change %or %ish or cultural e9ports

    ClustersThe Core is not the only continent in the -ists and there are numerous small lands hidden inthe -ists

    The Amber Wastes / hot and sandy desert wastelandB the temperature is relentlessly hot year round and li%ehuddles around the %ew oases or areas o% shade ,ew enoy tra"elling to the /m*er +astesB *ut

    merchants ris) the heat see)ing e9otic spices or ancient relicsB and treasure see)ers are o%tendrawn to its ancient ruins

    Har9Akir'o%ernent Theocracy )eon! /)irianguage /)iriapital -uhar

    The and o% (anished &mpiresB Har7/)ir is primarily a sandy desert with a %ew scatteredoases #andstorms errode ancient monuments and tom*sB or hide them *eneath layers o% dunes'umerous %orgotten or hidden tom*s dot the *arren craggy cli%%s along the eastern *order The

     /)iri ma)e their homes amid the ruins o% past gloriesB with the maority o% the population

    dwelling around the %reshwater -uhar asisP$ara6ia'o%ernent Thearchy )eon! Phazariananguage Phazarianapital Phiraz

    The endless scorching deserts o% Pharazia are as merciless as its god The dunes shi%tendlesslyB re"ealing roc)y outcroppings that "anish again soon a%terB with a %ew rare scatteredoases *rea)ing the *lea) tedium These oases %eed the land7s muddy ri"ersB ri%e with crocodilesBsunning themsel"es or lur)ing in the muc) -ost Phazarians ma)e their home in the capital o%PhirazB ruled o"er *y the di"ine *eingB Diama*el the $ighteous The *eauteous and maesticDiama*el rules directlyB with no clerics or temples / %ew Phazarians ma)e their li"ing in the

    desertB li"ing as nomads and trading with Har7/)ir or other lands The inha*itants o% Phiraz andthe desert nomads seldom intermingleB and Diama*el has a dim "iew o% outsiders

    Seua'o%ernent 'one)eon! #e*uananguage +ildspea) apital 'one

     / desert wasteland o% %orgotten e"ils and lost secrets The sun *lasts the trac)less sand

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    dunesB *arren roc)y %latsB and crac)ed crimson earth +hile oases are plenti%ul in the desertBmost are tainted and *rac)ishB many swarming with hungry mos;uitoes The cities o% #e*ua lieruined and a*andonedB the population ha"ing %led ci"ilization The inha*itants o% the land arethe wild children o% /nhallaB who are %eral *ut shy

    The Froen !ea"hes

    Crushed under the oppressi"e cold o% an eternal winterB the ,rozen $eaches are an inhospita*leregions The inha*itants o% this cluster are continually threatened with star"ation or death %romthe hostile en"ironment

    Sanguinia'o%ernent -onarchy )eon! #anguiniananguage #anguineapital Tirgo

    $ough and mountainousB #anguinia is a merciless land o% treacherous slopesB sharp windsB and piercing snows The %ew trails through the mountains are impassi*le %or much o% the year as snow and a"alanches *loc) passage #anguinian sur"i"e despite their hostileen"ironmentB and respect perse"erance and endurance The small %arms grow hardy wintergrains on small plots o% land and raise li"estoc) in more sheltered "alleys #anguinians can *ehonest to a %aultB and ha"e no tolerance %or dishonesty or tric)ery They are a practical people

     who "alue the simple things in li%e: li%e is short and death is suddenB so li%e must *e enoyed toits %ullest The land is ostensi*ly ruled *y Prince adisla" -irceaB *ut the monarch con%ineshimsel% to Castle Guirgiu %or months at a time His ta9es are steep *ut he otherwise lea"es thelocal settlements to manage themsel"es

     +orostoko% 'o%ernent Kratocratic despotism)eon! (orosanguage (orosapital (orosto)o" 

    This land is wide "alley surrounded *y a ring o% rough mountains The mountains trapstormsB perpetually *urying the region under a thic) white *lan)et o% snow !rutal winds cutacross the plainB *ringing with them wee)ly *lizzards Herds o% slender reindeer struggle tosur"i"e on rootsB *ar)B and lichens The land7s shrin)ing population o% humans struggle tosur"i"e on nutsB *ar)B and whate"er they can manage to hunt Pac)s o% hungry wol"es roam the

     wastesB pic)ing o%% wea) reindeer and unsuspecting humans ali)e nceB the (oros werehospita*le and *oisterousB %ull o% warm humour and delight +hile they still prize socializationBthey ha"e grown suspiciousB their spirits dimming with each year o% winter

    Shadowlands$uled *y a paladinB this nation is well6protected yet plagued *y hidden e"ils The )nightly ordero% the Circle ma)es its *ase o% operations here and its mem*ersB Knights o% the #hadowsB are

    respected as de%enders o% the common %ol) Howe"erB the ci"ilized nation o% 'idala issurrounded *y the trac)less Phantasmal ,orestB which is %illed with strange *eastsB %ey creaturesBand undead )illers

     A%onleig$'o%ernent 'one)eon! 'oneanguage 'idalanapital 'one

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    Perpetual twilight cloa)s the haunted domain o% /"onleigh The *ul) o% the domain is theeldritch Phantasmal ,orestB %illed with *lac) treesB grasping "inesB and tangled *ram*lesB whilethe under*rush is cho)ed with rotting logs and toadstools The woods echo with strange soundsBsuch as inhuman laughterB criesB so**ing and screams The %etid waters o% +yndham and andDe"onshire Pond are thic) with algae and *u**ling gases The remains o% the King7s Highwaycuts through the western stretches o% the %orestB its ancient co**lestones shi%ted *y time and

    growth while weeds wor) their way through the crac)s !ut the road is still tra"ersa*leB passing *y se"eral old a*andoned estates

    *idala'o%ernent 'idalans)eon! 'idalananguage 'idalanapital Touraine

    The righteous land o% 'idala is populated *y %ollowers o% the godB !elenus ne o% hismore ardent %ollowersB the paladin &lena ,aith6holdB rules the land and en%orces herinterpretation o% !elenus7s will upon the population through Decrees o% ,aith These Decreesha"e %or*idden many acti"ities and those who "iolate the decrees are pu*licly punished The

    land is plagued *y !anemawB an e"il dragonB *arely )ept in chec) *y ,aith6holdB who ra"ages theoccasional "illage The constant threat o% the dragon and endless moralistic decrees o% theirKnight Protector ha"e le%t the population e9hausted and oyless

    The #erdurous LandsThis small continent is mostly untamed ungle %illed with dangerous creatures The northernregion is the e9otic land o% #ri $aiB which is )nown %or its spicesB teasB colour%ul clothesB andpantheon o% many6armed *east6headed gods

    Saragoss'o%ernent Kratocracy )eon! 'oneanguage /ny 

    apital The (engeanceThis region consists o% a mass o% seaweedB %lotsamB and mire %loating in the sea Dozens

    o% shipwrec)s are trapped in the seaweed The thic) seaweed is o%ten co"ered *y a thin mist thato*scures it %rom sight The thic) "egetation easily ensnares ships that get too close Countlessderelict ships %rom lands near and %ar %loat in the seaweed net !elow is a "ast %orest o% )elpBstal)ed *y undeadB shar)sB and *arracudas Deeper still is a gra"eyard o% laganB cargoB and shipsB

     where all "essels trapped in the seaweed e"entually end up

    Sri Ra:i'o%ernent Theocracy)eon! $aiananguage $aianapital -uladi

    #ri $ai is co"ered in tropical rain%orests that are dotted with crum*ling ruins andancient cities The land contains a rich assortment o% tropical plant and animal li%e Commonthreats include tigers and carni"orous plantsB such as tri6color %ronds The $aians are deeplyreligion and uphold ancient traditions They hold religious con"iction a*o"e all elseB and allcities ha"e se"eral large temples The %ew occupied human settlements are ancient and

     weathered These walled *astians are surrounded *y %armsB small ranchesB and rice %ields +ithin the city there are great centers o% learningB grand mar)etsB and artistic talent The streetso% the cities are mud and strewn with corpsesB dungB and crowded with throngs o% *eggars In

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    star) contrastB the *uildings are maestic and color%ulB with the grandest ha"ing polished stoneand master%ul %riezes The

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    G7Henna is a star"ing land o% religious zealotryB where the populace sla"e to produce%ood %or sacri%ice to their deity: 2ha)ata The nation is a *lea) wastelandB *eaten *y the wind andsunB which wrea)s ha"oc once %ertile soilB de"astating crops and wea)ening herd animals Dailyli%e is *ased around supplication to their deity G7hennans ha"e numerous traditions andceremonies they attend to with solemn dedication this constant de"otion and sacri%ice tires thepopulaceB who long ago *ecame grim and humourless G7hennan religion states that 2ha)ata has

    two %ormsB the Destroyer 6 to whom they sacri%ice all o% their %oodB recei"ing only enough to )eepthemsel"es ali"e 6 and the Pro"ider 6 whose arri"al heralds a time o% prosperityB which theG7Hennans pray %or %er"ently The ruler o% the land is High Priest o% 2ha)ataB agno Petro"naHe preaches se"eral times a wee) and commands the hierarchy o% the churchB which is the soleauthority in the land Priests o% 2ha)ata per%orm all ci"il and martial tas)s %or the state

    Nosos'o%ernent Plutocracy )eon! 'osianguage 'osiapital 'osos'osos is a hea"ily industrialized nation at ris) o% *ecoming *uried under its gar*age and to9ins

    The large city encompasses the entire landB with the limited countryside *eyond the city limits *eing its o"er%lowing gar*age heapB %illed with re%use and discarded *odies #mo)e %romre%ineries and coalmines clogs the airB while runo%% %rom its "arious %actories cho)es its ri"ers$otting "egetation and raw sewage clog the streets and a layer o% grey6yellow grime coatse"erything The %ew walled estates contain the only green spaces in the landB the only areas %reeo% re%useB *ut e"en there the per"asi"e stench is omnipresent The wealthy rule the landB rich%rom the e9porting o% the lands manu%actured goodsB and controlling the import o% %ood Therich are incredi*ly paranoid o% diseaseB which they attri*ute to the %ilthy underclass

    )diare'o%ernent Geniocratic Democracy )eon! diarananguage diaran

    apital diareThis land is little more than a single solitary %og shrouded "illage /t %irst glance the city

    seems clean and orderlyB with the smooth co**lestone streets %ree o% waste and *eggarsB and therespecta*le homes and shops tidy and organized

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    to none The $o)uma are a reser"ed peopleB who %ollow a strict code o% conductB and stri"e toli"e harmoniously with nature They re"ere spirits *elie"ed to dwell in all li"ing thingsB whichare )nown as kami  &ach island is ruled *y a local warlordB the shuin The %our current shuinare *rothersB each determined to de%eat the other and claim their island


    'o%ernent /ristocracy )eon! #ouragniensanguage -ordentishapital Port d7&lhour

     / marshy swamp land *y the seaB #ouragne populated *y immigrants %rom Dementlieuand their ensla"ed locals +ell o"er hal% o% the region is marshy *ogB ri%e with *iting insectsBalligatorsB ra"enous swarms o% %ishB and more unnatural menaces -ost people li"e on the driereastern third o% the region To a"oid %loodingB the %ew settlements are *uilt on the limited areaso% high groundB which ma)es them cramped and uncom%orta*le +ealthier indi"iduals li"e onlarger plantations with walled estates The dar) s)inned commoners are )nown %or their localreligionB (oodanB which %ocuses on natural spirits )nown as loa -ore superstitious %ol) *elie"e

     (oodan priests ha"e the a*ility to animate the dead

    Staunton %lu,s'o%ernent 'one)eon! !lu%%eranguage -ordentishapital +illis%ord

    The small land o% #taunton !lu%%s is mostly plains dotted with patches o% %orest The landis di"ided into the highlands and the lowlandsB and the "ast maority o% the population li"e in thelaterB with the only e"idence o% ci"ilization in the highlands *eing Castle #tonecrest and theremnants o% a %ew small "illage The lowlands are not particularly %ertileB *ut with a lot o% hard

     wor)B the citizens e)e out a decent e9istence The %ol) o% #taunton !lu%%s are not un%riendlyB *utsomewhat dour and taciturn during the wor)wee) Howe"erB they allow themsel"es two restdays at the end o% the wee)B during which time they drin) and *ecome more %riendly and

    tal)ati"e !ut the rest days pass ;uic)ly as there is always more wor) to *e done: always a tas) to%inishB a repair to ma)eB or a row to *e planted

    -herisia'o%ernent /ristocratic repu*lic)eon! Paridoneranguage 2herisianapital Paridon

    This small land is entirely comprised *y the metropolis o% ParidonB the *lea) city iscompletely encircled *y the -ists Its %armland consumed *y unnatural %ogB the populace has toimport much o% its %ood Gardens co"er many o% the roo%tops and windowsillsB and se"eral citypar)s ha"e *ecome ma)eshi%t %arms Dense %og regularly *lan)ets the citiesB %illing the narrow

    co**lestone streets and thin alleys with a shroud o% white The city is sharply di"ided *etweenthe rich aristocrats and the hopelessly poorB and socializing outside o% one7s class is strictlyta*oo (iolent crime and "ices are common in the poorer ;uarters o% the cityB with gam*linghallsB opium densB and streetwal)ers *eing all too common

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    Chapter ': Ra$es /s she mo"es through the "illage greenB the hal%6"istani %eels the eyes o% the entire town silently watching her e"ery mo"e with suspicion Duc)ing hurled %ruit and stonesB the cali*an ran harder

    in a desperate attempt to escape the mo* and their pitch%or)s He struggled against the *ondsrestraining him to the sta)eB the %ire slowly spreading around his %eetB as the in;uisitor preachedto the crowd a*out pointed %iend ears and corrupted *lood

    Humanity is predominant throughout the and o% the -ists In some lands nonhumanraces are e"en dismissed as a mythB ha"ing ne"er *een seen or their appearance dismissed as anun%ortunate *irth de%ect thers "iew the "arious demihuman races with %earB seeing littledi%%erence *etween a hal%ling and a go*linB an el% or a dar) %ey Howe"erB there are still somelands and settlements where dwar"esB el"esB and others can *e %oundB though these are rare andisolated In addition to the standardB %amiliar racesB there are a num*er o% other racesB morecommon in the -ists than in other lands

    .war/esThe dwar"es o% the -ists are a dying race li"ing in the shadow o% past glories -ost dwar"es arela*ourers who throw themsel"es into their wor) %or lac) o% a greater causeB per%ormingmundane tas)s without zeal or passion n the wholeB dwar"es are a %oul6temperedB oyless %ol)

     whose only oy is the ac;uisition o% treasureDwar"es *elong to one o% three clans: HreidmarB ,alaramB or D"alin Clan Hreidmar was

    %ounded *y an ancient dwar"en )ing and the clan "iews itsel% as *urdened with leadership andno*le purpose Howe"erB there are %ew to lead and the clan elders *ic)er endlesslyB competing%or power and authority Clan ,alaram is )nown %or its s)alds and storytellersB and all dwar"eneddas and histories were written *y Clan ,alaram It is said the clan.s muse has %orsa)en themBand e"en wor)s o% mediocre ;uality are seldom seen Clan D"alin.s car"ers o% runes hold thesecret o% etching magic sym*ols into stone Those with the talent %or rune car"er"ing are rareBand most o% the clan now *usies itsel% with mundane stonewor)

    The past o% the dwar"es has *ecome little more than stories Dwar"es tell tales o%greatness *ut cannot cra%t the wonders o% their legends or engage in the glorious *attles o% yoreTheir god is silent and their prayers go unansweredB their ancestral heroes all *ut %orgottenB ande"en their ancient enemies un)nown #ome rare dwar"es re%use to let this *e the end or L asthey put it L go ;uietly into the deep These *ra"e %ew are determined to gi"e the worldsomething to remem*er o% the dwar"es

    anguages. ou can spea)B readB and write Dwar"ish and a regional language o% yourchoiceB typically !alo) or Dar)onese

    Subra"esIn the and o% the -istsB dwar"es *elong to the same nationB with di"isions *etween dwar"esrelated to li%estyle and the %amily.s pro%ession

    Hill )ar%es$aised in the light o% the sunB hill dwar"es are cra%tsmen and traders Hill dwar"es ha"e

    homes atop or close to the sur%aceB and many li"e in human communities The dwar"es o%Tempe ,alls and Cor"ia mostly hill dwar"es

    Mountain )ar%es /lso )nown as pale dwar"es or *lac)*eardsB mountain dwar"es ma)e their li"ing deepunderground / %ew still dig %or ore and gems *ut most now del"e %or the coal and tar sought *ythe +estern nationsB especially those dwar"es who li"e in the #leeping !east mountain range

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    Fe+ El/esThe %ey are the inha*itants o% enchanted woodsB seldom "isited *y outsiders Typically %ound inthe "ast %orest o% #ithicus or the -isted woods o% eastern Dar)onB the %ey are immortalB aloo%Band arrogant

    The ,air ,ol) are timelessB possessing only an academic )nowledge o% death +hile

    intelligentB they are erratic and %lightyB endlessly procrastinating or wasting years to mundanepursuits and el% thin)s nothing o% de"oting a century to a songB danceB poetryB or otherpleasura*le artistic pursuit /t their coreB el"es are creatures o% the %orests and spend much o%their time tending to their woodlands and gardensB enoying the *eauty o% nature

    anguages. ou can spea)B readB and write &l"en 4also )nown as #ithican5 and aregional language o% your choice High el"es typically )now -ordentish or (aasi while woodel"es typically )now Dar)onese or !alo)

    Subra"esIn the and o% the -istsB high el"es come %rom the large southern wood and the land o% #ithicusB

     while wood el"es come %rom the smaller %orests and the nation o% Dar)on

    Hig$ ;l%es

    #ithican el"es %eel detached %rom the world In their heart they *elie"e this world is not theirtrue home and ha"e di%%iculty %orming a *ond with the land This leads them to apathy anddisinterest in the larger worldB and they o%ten sin) into a pro%ound malaise They seldommaintain their cities and homesB which are now decaying around them High el"es are pri"ateand hold lesser races in contempt Tra"ellers are not always welcome in their enchanted woods

     Wood ;l%esDar)onian el"es li"e a nomadic li%e in their woods and are more %lighty and curious They ha"e

     *een )nown to steal away things that catch their %ancyB *e they o*ects or people CurrentlyB the wood el"es are su%%ering a time o% stri%e their prophetic stargazers ha"e predicted the end o%days is nearing and L %or the %irst time L the immortal race is wrestling with the %ore)nowledgeo% death They are not handling the re"elation well

    )ro and ;ladrinThe origins o% the drow and eladrin are uncertain It is thought that el"es raised in areas o% *lac) magic *ecome corruptedB similar to how human *a*ies *ecome cali*an

    This is not the whole truth Hidden inside the #hadow $i%t is a mysterious race o% %ey)nown as the /ra) Their land is a place where the realms o% ,aerie and the Pale o"erlap The

     /ra) are di"ided into two courts: the seelie and unseelieB each %illed with many di%%erent types o%%ey whose appearance "aries depending on personality and allegiance The eladrin are mem*erso% the seelie court while the drow *elong the to unseelieB with more power%ul mem*ers o% each

     *eing respecti"ely )nown as shee and sithe

    Fe+2Tou"hed Hal32el/esThe %ey6touched are neither human nor el%: they ha"e the perpetual youth o% the immortal %ey

     *ut grow old and die as humans They are still cursed with long li"es and doomed to watch lo"edones age and die The "ast maority o% hal%6el"es are the result o% unions with Dar)onian el"esBas #ithicans seldom deem to ha"e e"en non6romantic relations with humans

    Hal%6el"es ha"e no communities o% their ownB ma)ing their homes in the lands o% one o%their parents -ost hal%6el"es are raised *y humans some men awa)e one morning to a *assineton their doorstep a year a%ter *eing ensorcelled or -ist6led Human communities o%ten %ear theinhuman %ey6touchedB *ut seldom act against hal%6el% children out o% %ear o% drawing the

     "engeance o% the %eyanguages. ou *egin play spea)ing &l"en and a regional language o% your choice

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    'nomesCurious and in"enti"e *y natureB gnomes possess an insatia*le curiosity and hunger %or)nowledgeB *elie"ing all pro*lems must *e sol"ed and all mysteries answered /ll gnomesappear wizened and oldB de"eloping their %irst wrin)les in their youth while their hair ;uic)lygreys or *alds

    Gnomes enoy tin)eringB in"entingB and e9perimentation +hile partial to cloc)wor)sBsome gnomes pre%er alchemyB animal hus*andryB *otanyB mathematicsB and e"en philosophyGnomes ma)e no art and engage in as little %arming and cra%ting as possi*le to lea"e time toper%orm their e9periments

    To humansB gnomes seem madB with o*sessi"e tendencies and strange compulsionsGnomes ha"e little empathyB o%ten *ordering o% sociopathyB Gnomes ha"e a well6earnedreputation %or maca*re humour 'ot deli*erately cruelB gnomes simply lac) social gracesGnomish practical o)es are ela*orate 6 o%ten o"erly so 6 and designed to encourage the "ictim to

     "iew things in a di%%erent lightanguages. ou *egin play spea)ing gnomish and a regional language o% your choice

    Subra"esDi%%erences in gnomes are cultural rather than ethnic and relate to the gnome7s o*session and

    choice o% guild

    8orest 'noeIt is rare %or a gnome to *elong to one o% the guilds that %ocuses on *iologyB her*alismBphilosophy or theology ,orest gnomes are strange e"en to other gnomesB *eing prone to weirdphilosophies and *elie%s They can o%ten per%orm minor %eats o% magic not *ecause o% an innatemagical talent *ut an a*ility to manipulate reality through *elie% or dis*elie%

    Rock 'noe!elonging to the more physical guilds o% physicsB mathematicsB and chemistryB roc) gnomes arealso )nown as tin)erers %or their o*sessi"e need to create and continually %iddle with theirhands

    Humans&asily the most populous raceB humanity outnum*ers all the other races nine6to6one and comesin a *ewildering "ariety o% colours and cultures

    In the CoreB most humans ha"e pale or light6*rown s)inB typically with dar) hairBalthough some nations 4amordiaB 'o"a (assa5 ha"e light *rown to *londe hair Those %rom thecentral lands 4!aro"iaB In"idiaB !orca5 ha"e dar) *lac) hair and slightly dus)ier s)in There arealso *rown6s)inned humans who come %rom #ouragne and the (erdurous ands The distantland o% $o)ushima Taiyoo also has people with dar) hair *ut pale s)in and unusually shapedeyes

    anguages ou can spea)B readB and write your regional language and one e9tralanguage o% your choice

    Ethni"ities o3 the 4istsThe predominant race in the -istsB humans "ary greatly depending on their homeland andethnicity &"en in the CoreB a small continentB there is a great deal o% "ariance among humanity

    -alinok  / widespread ethnicity that is primarily %ound in !orca and !aro"ia in the central CoreB *ut alsomore distant G7Henna 4and -ar)o"ia *e%ore it mo"ed5 !alino)s are characterized *y theirstoc)y *uilds with *road shouldersB meaty lim*sB and wide hips Their s)in ranges %rom an oli"e6tan to light *rown and dar) hair and eyes are the norm

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     / su*culture is the Gundara)itesB who are similar in appearance *ut ostracized %or theirminor di%%erences *y other !alo)s-alok *aes 4male5 /le9andryB CosminB DimitryB -irceaB cidiuB $aduB Casile 4%emale5!iancaB Draguta ,loricaB Iza*elaB izucaB 'adezhdaB PetraB #imona 4surnames5 /nghelescuB!alanB ConstantinB ,unarB GrigorB 'egresB PopescuB #alaB

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    GhastriaB people claiming -ordentish ties can *e %ound on many smaller islands in the -istsBsuch as #ouragne -ordentish people are %air6s)inned with eyes o% *lueB greenB or grayCommon hair colors are *lond and *rownB though many other hair colors are )nownHig$ Mordentis$ *aes 4-ale5 ClaudeB ,ranMoisB GastonB GeorgesB GerardB HenriBAac;uesB ouisB ucB -athieuB -ichelB PhillippeB $emyB $enardB Thi*ault 4%emale5 /dNlaOdeB

     /dNleB !rigitteB DanielleB DNsirNeB &mmanuelleB GiselleB Isa*elleB Aac;uelineB -oni;ueB #a*ineB

    #ophieB (alerieB (i"ienneB 2oN 4surnames5 /lardB !eauregardB CamusB Che"alierB d7/u*ecBd7&spi"antB Deneu"eB DurandB GarnierB GauthierB Aean6/u*ryB arro;uetteB aurierB -arceauB-oreauB $enaultB $ocheB #ouletteB Thi*edeau9B Touretteo Mordentis$ *aes 4male5 /l%redB /ndrewB !rianB CharlesB ChristopherB &dwardB &liasBGeorgeB HenryB IsaacB AamesB AonathanB awrenceB -atthewB 'athanielB li"erB $ichardB $o*ertB#amuelB #tephenB TheodoreB +illiam 4%emale5 /*igailB /nna*ethB !ethB CandaceB DorothyB&liza*ethB &milyB GraceB KatharineB illianB ucileB -argaretB -arthaB -aryB $uthB #arah4surnames5 /**otB /rcherB !ennettB CarpenterB CollierB DoleB ,isherB ,letcherB GarrettB aydonB-uttonB PowellB $eadeB #e9tonB #ulli"anB #y)esB TowtalesB

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    The Little Peo&le Hal5ing!y nature the ittle People are perpetual childrenB *orn happy and %earless Howe"erB they are;uic)ly educated in terror and taught caution The small hal%lings %ound themsel"es easy prey%or the horrors o% the -ists +hole communities now li"e in a state o% perpetual paranoiaBalways waiting %or something terri*le to occurB protecting themsel"es through isolation and

    secrecyHal%lings are a ;uiet and peace%ul people who enoy the simple pleasures o% li%eB whichthey deny themsel"es: hal%lings repress their natural happinessB mute their o"ial e9pressionsBreplace their colour%ul %ashions in their continual e%%orts to a"oid notice They settle in %orgottencorners o% the world or hidden inside human cities Their homes are *uilt in *oth secluded

     "alleys and dales that are in"isi*le %rom the distanceB or ensconced *etween city *loc)s ando"erloo)ed *uildings

    anguages. ou *egin play spea)ing Hal%ling and a regional language o% your choice

    Subra"esHumans categorize hal%lings as either Elight%ootF or EstoutF *ut hal%lings ha"e their own namesBand di"ide light%oot into two di%%erent lineages

    ig$tootTo hal%lingsB light%oots are )nown as either Gillesonn or Mórlùrdan Gillesonn are nomadic androam the #outhern lands o% the CoreB typically in *ands o% e9tended %amily These hal%lings are)nown %or their reputation o% %inding trou*leB *ut remain more lighthearted than other hal%lings-QrlRrdan were once nomadic as well *ut settled down in secluded "illages or in humancommunities These hal%lings are %ound across the 'orthern Core %rom amordia to 'o"a (assa

     with smaller communities or neigh*ourhoods in TepestB !orca and other lands

    StoutKnown as Casfalt  in the hal%ling tongueB these hal%lings can *e %ound in the +estern lands o% theCore such as DementlieuB -ordentB $ichemulot and !orca #touts are more cautious than otherhal%lings and slightly 9enopho*ic towards non6hal%lings /s they ha"e *een settled %or longerthey tend to *e more traditional and superstitiousB

    Tie5ings-any tie%lings ha"e %iendish *lood in their "einsB the result o% couplings or assaults %romsummoned outsidersB *ut other are the result o% in%ernal pactsB e9posure to hellish energiesB orsome %orm o% corruption  Tie%lings typically loo) human sa"e a de%ormity or two that *etrays their heritageCommon %iendish traits include small hornsB clo"en %eetB clawed handsB patches o% scalesB orcrimson eyes -any are a*le to pass as humanB either in dim lightB or under clothing such as ahea"y cloa) or *road hat /ll tie%lings li"e in %ear o% *eing disco"ered and *randed a witchB )illedas a de"il worshiperB or merely ostracized as a %rea) o% nature  Those with %iendish *looded are o%ten considered innately e"il *y common %ol) this isnot entirely untrue as some tie%lings %eel compelled to commit e"il acts -ost ust ha"e a strongpredilection to law or chaos dependant on their heritage Tie%lings with de"ilish *lood o%tencannot tell a lie or *rea) an oathB while those with demon *lood compulsi"ely lie or cha%e underany rules or instructions

    anguages ou can spea)B readB and write your regional language and one e9tralanguage o% your choice

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    0ncoon RacesIn the secluded corners o% the and o% the -ists are inhuman races that are un)nown in otherlands +hile only %ound in the and o% the -istsB these races are %ar %rom commonplace oraccepted #uperstitious commoners might react with %ear and isolated "illages might assumethem to *e monsters

    These uncommon races remain optionalB and their a"aila*ility 4or e"en e9istence5 isdetermined *y the Dungeon -asteralians Humans corrupted *y dar) magic *e%ore *irthB cali*ans ta)e the place o% hal%6orcsBas orcs are un)nown in the -ists'argo!les #tone co"ered elemental guardiansB gargoyles replace dragon*ornB who are notnati"e to the and o% the -ists'ioorgo The hal%6(istani ha"e a mi9ed heritageB with one parent *eing human and theother *elonging to a wandering tri*e o% gypsies)$ap!rs Touched *y undeathB dhampyrs are li"ing *eings with some o% the powers o%


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    Caliban“That tetrahedron nose-that horse-shoe mouth-that small left eye over-shadoed !y a red!ushy !ro" hile the right eye disa##eared entirely under an enormous art-of thosestraggling teeth ith !rea$hes here and there like the !attlements of a fortress-of that hornyli#" over hi$h one of those teeth #roje$ted like the tusk of an ele#hant-of that forked $hin-and"a!ove all" of the ex#ression diffused over the hole-that mixture of mali$e" astonishment" andmelan$holy%& 

    6(ictor HugoThe 'un$h!a$k of   (otre-)ame

    Twisted humansB cali*ans were cursed *e%ore *irthB tainted *y dar) magic while still in the wom* The *irth o% a cali*an is seen as a sign o% witchcra%t in the communityB or that the parentsper%ormed an unnatural act so %oul that it corrupted their un*orn child

    No Two Ali*eThere is great di"ersity *etween cali*ans each has a uni;ue set o% de%ormities #lightly larger

    than humansB cali*ans are typically *etween > and ? %eet in height and weight 1=0 to 3=0poundsB *ut they o%ten appear smaller due to their twisted lim*s and poor postureCali*ans are physically power%ul despite their misshapen muscles They tend to *e paler

    than humansB o%ten with a slightly unnatural white or yellow hue to their s)in Their %eatures areasymmetrical and distorted with une"en lim*sB or animalistic traits such as protruding tus)sand *ristly hair

    Cali*ans *reed trueB and unions produce cali*an children with a mi9 o% parental traitsBalong with new de%ormities -i9ed unions 4cali*an and human5 almost always produce acali*an

    Cast )ut and Alone-ost cali*ans are )illed *y %ear%ul parents shortly a%ter *irth or le%t to die o% e9posure %ewsur"i"e until adulthoodB and e"en %ewer are permitted to interact with normal humans #omeare raised *y their ashamed %amiliesB %re;uently in secretB while others are gi"en to religiousordersB such as priests o% Hala

    Gi"en that their name is a deri"ation o% Ecanni*alB cali*ans are widely considered *rutish and sa"age *eings -any %it the stereotype o% petty *rutesB *ut this is o%ten a product o%their up*ringing !eing raised in isolation and continually treated li)e a %rea) ma)es manycali*ans into the monsters they are *elie"ed to *eB *ut in truth cali*ans ha"e the same innatecapacity as humans %or no*ility or cruelty

    Fringes o3 So"iet+Cali*ans are most %re;uently *orn in lands where magic is common 6 such as Dar)onB HazlanBand Tepest 6 *ut adults can *e %ound in any land

    Cali*ans ma)e their homes in secluded areas where they will *e le%t aloneB such as

    a*andoned *uildingsB cellarsB sewersB gra"eyardsB and ruins They sur"i"e howe"er they canBstealing and sca"enging %or %ood or li"ing o%% "ermin or pets /s %ew cali*ans are taught sur"i"als)ills they seldom li"e in the wildB *ut those that do %ind a peace commonly denied their )in

    Little to Li/e For /n un%ortunate num*er o% cali*ans em*race their percei"ed inhumanityB *ut others set out topro"e their humanity and demonstrate that the no*ility o% their soul is human

    These cali*ans ta)e up ad"enturingB hoping to show that they are not de%ined *y theirappearanceB i% only to themsel"es thers *elie"e themsel"es touched *y dar)ness and hope to

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    redeem themsel"es %rom the sins o% their parents / %ew cali*ans *elie"e that they are *eingtestedB *eing put through a cruci*le or some di"ine challenge to re"eal their true nature /ndsome cali*ans are ust %leeing their old li%eB hoping to %ind a *etter place or ust escape preudice

    Caliban NamesCali*an names are as di"erse as their appearance Those %ortunate enough to *e raised *y caring

    parents ha"e names appropriate to their parent.s culture or nation The rest ha"e un%ortunatenic)names gi"en *y their peers or %rightened neigh*ours These are o%ten insulting anddescripti"e o% the cali*an7s particular de%ormations

    #ome cali*ans choose a names %or themsel"es These new names are descripti"e titles orsimpleB guttural sounds$osen *aes !eastly < ClodB Clu**itB Gru%%B Aa*B KrallB onerB ur)B 'o*odyB $ogB #hrott#huc)B Trog

    Caliban Traits our cali*an has a num*er o% traits as a result o% their magical corruption

     Ailit! Score Increase. our #trength score increases *y 3 Age. Cali*ans theoretically ha"e a li%espan similar to humans *ut their hard li"es %orce

    them to grow up ;uic)ly and o%ten lead them to an early end They reach maturity in their mid6teens and seldom li"e longer than ?= years Alignent. Cali*ans ha"e the same potential %or good and e"il as humansB *ut their

    treatment has made them %ear%ul o% the other races and strangersB pushing them towardsneutrality -any are wary o% authority and lean towards chaos rather than law

    Si6e. Cali*ans are somewhat larger and *ul)ier than humans *ut are o%ten slouched orhunched o"er so their %ull size is not apparent ou stand *etween > and ? %eet in height and

     weigh 1=0 to 3=0 pounds our size is mediumSpeed. our *ase wal)ing speed is 80 %eet)ark%ision. The twisting magic has gi"en you )een *ut animalistic senses ou can see

    in dim light within >0 %eet o% you as i% it were *right lightB and in dar)ness as i% it were dim light ou can.t discern color in dar)nessB only shades o% gray

    =utsider. ou gain pro%iciency in the Intimidate s)ill

    Merciless. +hen you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attac)B you can roll one o% the weapon7s damage dice again and add it to the damage o% the critical hit

    anguages. ou can spea)B readB and write your regional language and one e9tralanguage o% your choice

    Surace. Cali*ans "ary greatly %rom land to land /s it is the largest regionB mostcali*ans come %rom the CoreB *ut others hail %rom distant clusters and loo) remar)a*lydi%%erent &ach cali*an is still uni;ueB *ut the types o% de%ormities "ary #cholars theorize it is thepresence o% di%%erent magics or %orms o% corruption that in%luences the cali*an7s appearance

    ore /s a cali*an %rom the %ore CoreB you loo) twisted and asymmetrical ou might possess a warped%rameB une"en %eaturesB gangly lim*sB or a pronounced hunch*ac) /%ter a li%etime o% ad"ersityB

     you ha"e grown particularly hardy Ailit! Score Increase. our Constitution score increases *y 1Relentless ;ndurance. +hen you are reduced to 0 hit points *ut not )illed outrightB

     you can drop to 1 hit point instead ou can7t use this %eature again until you %inish a long rest

    S$adolands /s a cali*an %rom 'idalaB you loo) diseasedB as i% a%%licted with leprosy or *eset *y tumours ou7re not actually ill and carry no particular contagionB *ut simply resem*le the in%ectedIronicallyB a%ter a li%etime amid the sic) or in s;ualid conditionsB you resist disease %ar more than

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    other %ol) -ore than in other nationsB #hadowlands cali*an are *lamed %or their ownappearance

     Ailit! Score Increase. our Constitution score increases *y 1alian Resilience. ou ha"e ad"antage on sa"ing throws against disease


     /s a cali*an o% either the (erdurous ands cluster or the island land o% $o)ushima TaiyooB youha"e animalistic %eatures rather than de%ormations ou might ha"e a mi9ture o% human and *estial traits or e"en appear as a humanS*east hy*rid our *estial nature gi"es you )een sensesand a natural cunningB *ut you can *e ust as intelligent and ci"il as any other race

    -any $aian cali*an are slain at a young age under the mista)en *elie% that they are ara)shasa or lycanthrope

     Ailit! Score Increase. our +isdom score increases *y 1Ipro%ed )ark%ision. our dar)"ision increases to 130 %eet7een Senses. ou gain pro%iciency in the Perception s)ill

    >$erisian /s a cali*an o% ParidonB you are al*ino6pale and litheB and unnaturally s)innyB with s)instretched tightly o"er your protruding *ones our oints are large and )nottyB increasing your

    s)eletal appearanceB *ut gi"ing you a superior range o% motion Ailit! Score Increase. our De9terity score increases *y 1Slig$t 8raes. ou can add your pro%iciency *onus to De9terity chec)s to s;ueeze

    through tight spaces or escape %rom restraints /dditionallyB whene"er you ma)e a De9terity4/cro*atics5 chec) to escape a grapple you care considered pro%icient in the /cro*atics s)ill andadd dou*le your pro%iciency *onus to the chec)B instead o% your normal pro%iciency *onus

    .read 'argo+leE *s hen" + lady mine" ,ith $hiselled tou$h The stone unhen and $old e$omes a livingmould" The more the mar!le astes" The more the statue gros%F


     /s much stone as %leshB dread gargoyles are a rare and %orgotten race that dwells unseen in theremnants o% humanity They lur) in ruins and gra"eyardsB guarding the ancient grounds %orreasons un)nown The origins o% dread gargoyles is un)nown It is rumoured that they arestatues *rought to li%eB or an e"olution o% the more common gargoyles #ome *elie"e that dreadgargoyles were once mortals corrupted *y elemental %orcesB who ha"e since %orgotten they weree"er human

    Stone and SinewsThe outer s)in o% a dread gargoyle appears to *e crac)ed stoneB *ut *eneath these roc)y scalesBgargoyles are %lesh and *lood creatures Their hea"y hide does little to slow down the power%ulcreatures -ost gargoyles loo) "aguely humanB sa"e their el%in earsB sharp teethB and small rowo% horns across their *row Gargoyles ha"e %our %ingers on each handB each topped with a sharp

    claw Tall and muscularB gargoyles stand close to > %eet and weigh 800 pounds or more /ll gargoyles are tied to the elementsB especially earth which grants them great strengthand resilience Their roc)y e9terior ranges in colouration %rom a dull grey to a sandy *rown#ome ha"e a mar*led e9terior with ri**ons o% colour decorating their hides Gargoyles arehairlessB *ut grow small horns across their head The pattern and shape o% these horns "aries

     *etween gargoylesB possi*ly along %amily lines Common patterns o% horns include small *rowridgesB short cur"ing hornsB or long straight horns the run close to the scalp

    !eing resistant to natureB gargoyles %eel little need to wear clothing -ost dress in simpletunics or loinclothsB employing a *elt as a place to store items +hen %orced to tra"el in human

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    landsB they wear long cloa)sB o%ten wrapping themsel"es in rags to pose as a leper or other ill "aga*ond

    Cool as Stone

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    protect its %lightThose gargoyles that do lea"e a"oid drawing attention to themsel"esB mo"ing at night or

    a"oiding populated areas They might mo"e across roo%tops to a"oid the streets or ma)e a detouro% se"eral miles to a"oid a populated settlement

    'argo+le Names

     /s dread gargoyles seldom interact with other races *eyond their small %lightB names areunnecessary Gargoyles identi%y each other *ased on physical %eatures: the colour o% their scalesBthe shape or their hornsB or a noteworthy personality trait Gargoyles that spend enough time

     with other races are o%ten gi"en a nic)nameB *ut these "ary greatly8lig$t *aes The ne +ith Goat HornsB The ne +ith chre #calesB The ne +ith Keen&yesB The ne +ith -ist +hite &yesB The ne +ho ,lies Too HighB The #carred neB The ne

     +ho Clim*s Trees

    'argo+le Traits our gargoyle character has a num*er o% traits tied to their indi"idual strengths

     Ailit! Score Increase. our #trength score increases *y 3 Age. oung gargoyles grow ;uic)ly They wal) hours a%ter hatchingB attaining the size

    and de"elopment o% a 106year6old human *y the age o% 8B and reach adulthood *y 1= nce theyreach maturityB gargoyles age at hal% the rate o% humansB li"ing a couple centuries Alignent. Gargoyles are territorial and protecti"eB tending towards law%ul alignments

    They ha"e no predilection towards good or e"ilSi6e. Gargoyles are as tall as humans *ut much hea"ierB standing > %eet tall and

    a"eraging almost 800 pounds our size is mediumSpeed. our *ase wal)ing speed is 80 %eetStone! Scales. our dura*le hide protects you %rom much harm ou ha"e resistance to

    a damage type o% your choice: acidB coldB %ireB lightningB or poisonanguages. ou can spea)B readB and write your regional language and one e9tra

    language o% your choiceSurace. There are three types o% dread gargoyleB whose connection to the elements

    mani%est in di%%erent ways ,lame6gazers can %ocus their elemental power into a *last o% energyB

    s)y6watchers ha"e wings large enough to carry them alo%tB and stone6lur)ers can hold stillenough to *e mista)en %or an unmo"ing statue

    8lae?ga6er /s a %lame6gazer gargoyleB the power o% the elementals %lows through your *lood It *urns inside youB urging to *e unleashed ou are more passionate than other gargoylesB ;uic)ly respondingto threats and intruders in your territory ,lame6gazers are less su*tle than other gargoylesBpre%erring dramatic actions or %ear rather than manipulation

     Ailit! Score Increase. our Charisma score increases *y 1-reat$ Weapon. ou can use your action to e9hale destructi"e energy our *reath

     weapon uses the same damage type as your stoney scales a*ility +hen you use your *reath weaponB each creature in the area o% the e9halation must

    ma)e a sa"ing throwB determined *y the damage type The DC %or this sa"ing throw e;uals @  your Constitution modi%ier your pro%iciency *onus / creature ta)es 3d> damage on a %ailedsa"eB and hal% as much damage on a success%ul one The damage increases to 8d> at >th le"elBd> at 11th le"elB and =d> at 1>th le"el

     /%ter you use your *reath weaponB you cannot use it again until you complete a short restor a long rest

    )aage #!pe -reat$ Weapon /cid = U 80%t line 4De9sa"e5

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    Cold 1= %t cone 4Consa"e5,ire 1= %tcone 4De9sa"e5ightning = U 80 %t line 4De9sa"e5Poison 1= %tcone 4Consa"e5


     ou possess small *at6li)e wings that allow you to catch the airB %alling without %ear o% inury /s you gain strengthB you can catch air currents to tra"el short distances or e"en %ly %or a shortperiod #)y6watchers pre%er nesting up highB and %ind perches with a "iewB li"ing atop towers orspires #)y6watchers tend to *e passi"e e"en %or gargoylesB watching the world %rom a*o"e andonly acting i% a*solutely necessary

     Ailit! Score Increase. our +isdom score increases *y 1 Wings. +hen you %all %rom a height that would cause %alling damageB you can use your

    reaction to slow your descent ou %all at a rate o% 80 %eet per round %or 1 minute or until youland +hen you reach 8rd le"elB you can glide ou can use a *onus action to gain a %ly speede;ual to your wal)ing speed %or 10 minutesB *ut hal% your mo"ement must *e downwardB eitherdiagonal or straight down +hen you reach =th le"elB you can %ly ou can use a *onus action togain a %ly speed e;ual to your wal)ing speed %or 10 minutes /dditionallyB your glide speed

    increases to twice your wal)ing speed /%ter you use your wings to glide or %lyB you cannot use them again until you complete ashort rest or a long rest

    Stone?lurkerDespite your roc)y appearanceB you mo"e with surprising grace #tone6lur)er gargoyles aresu*tle and secreti"eB pre%erring to *e unseen and stri)ing at intruders through presumedaccidents or natural e"entsB manipulating people into a"oiding their territory They are the most;uiet o% gargoylesB *eing e"en more patient and calmB ne"er *eing hasty or letting themsel"es *erushed

     Ailit! Score Increase. our De9terity score increases *y 1urking. ou can remaining motionless %or prolonged periodB assuming the appearance

    o% li%eless stone /s an action you can %reeze in placeB allowing you to ma)e a De9terity 4#tealth5

    chec) to hideB e"en when not o*scured or otherwise unseen +hile you may *e seenB creatures whose passi"e +isdom 4Perception5 will assume you are an immo*ile statue ou can remainhidden as long as you wishB so long as you do not mo"e or ta)e any action ou cannot do this

     while *eing o*ser"edB and intelligent creatures %amiliar with an area might ;uestion the suddenappearance o% a si96%oot statue

    .esigner6s Note7 Angels in the Night-ore than other racesB the gargoyle is optional

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    have notes of them in my !ook% They are #e$uliar to this #art of the orld" though allied to theordinary gi#sies all the orld over% There are thousands of them in 'ungary andTransylvania" ho are almost outside all la% They atta$h themselves as a rule to some greatno!le or !oyar" and $all themselves !y his name% They are fearless and ithout religion" savesu#erstition" and they talk only their on varieties of the 1omany tongue%& 

    6!ram #to)erB )ra$ula

    Giomorgo are the o%%spring o% a nomadic (istani gypsy and a giorgio or non6(istani /no%%shoot o% humanityB the (istani are a separate people *y *oth choice and nature They are%eared throughout the -ists %or their magical powersB especially the &"il &ye Hal%6(istanipossess some o% the magical powers inherent to their heritage *ut their magic is wea) as their

     *lood is diluted

    Not )3 The %loodean and ;uic)6wittedB %ew trust the sly giomorgo +hile technically humanB hal%6(istani areless di"erse and "aried than humansB *eing slightly taller and thinner on a"erage They range

     *etween =6and6a6hal% %eet to a little o"er si9 %eet tall and weigh 130 to 300 poundsHal%6(istani %a"our their (istani parent and ha"e angularB a;uiline %eatures They possess dus)yor oli"e s)inB and almost uni"ersally ha"e dar) hair and eyes (istani hair is straight and thin *uta %ew giomorgo ha"e wa"ier hair

    #ome hal%6(istani attempt to appear humanB dressing in the local %ashions and reecting (istani gar* thers proudly clad themsel"es in the *right (istani coloursB wearing *aggytrousersB loose shirtsB and colour%ul "ests accessorized with long scar%s around the head or waist

     +hile dressed as suchB they can pass as a (istani to a human giorgioB *ut any true (istani willrecognise them as giomorgo on sight !etween Two +orlds

    Giomorgo are passionate and pessimistic *y natureB haunted *y unhappy childhoodsThe cultural di"ide runs deepB so %ew giomorgo e"er grow up )nowing *oth parents It is rare %orthe (istani to raise a giomorgo most o%ten the (istana parent mo"es on in the nightBa*andoning the child to a giorgio %amily %ten the child is gi"en to the other parentB *utsometimes the in%ant is ust le%t on a con"enient doorstop or in %ront o% a church

    Giomorgo children may *e cared %or *ut ne"er truly accepted / giorgio %amily %ears the

    child will de"elop the talents o% the (istaniB while a giomorgo is not truly Eo% the *loodF and isuna*le to share the (istani e9perience

    The mi9ed heritage o% the (istani has its cost: Giomorgo are prone to insanity and mostsu%%er %rom a uni;ue %orm o% lunacy During nights o% the %ull moonB hal%6(istani *ecomeirrita*le during the day and %eel the irresisti*le urge to run %ree under the night s)y Thisrestlessness and an9iety is )nown as lunatio 4or moon madness5 *y the (istani

    Home on the !oad (istani are nomadicB ne"er staying in the same place %or long They tra"el the world in paintedvardo: a horse6drawn wagon +hile giomorgo do not su%%er the same irresisti*le need to tra"elBthey still %eel an innate wanderlust

    -any hal%6(istani %ind wor) that allows them to tra"elB such as in merchant cara"ansB

    mercenary companiesB tradersB messengersB or e"en tra"elling carni"als #ome ha"e a home thatthey return to when not tra"ellingB while others simply li"e on the road

    Those giomorgo that do not ta)e to the road li"e among humans There are nocommunities o% hal%6(istani #ome try to *lend into humanity li"ing within human cities andsettlements thers li"e on the edges o% ci"ilizationB ma)ing a li"ing %arming or ranching wherethey are not continually reminded they are an outsider

    See*ing 4eaningGiomorgos o%ten ta)e to ad"enturing out o% a desire to %ind a purpose in li%e or %orge a legacyB

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    %re;uently a%ter *eing denied a place in their %amily trade or lineage -any giomorgo *ecomead"enturers a%ter %alling in with other outsiders and outcastsB accidently *ecome ad"enturers

     while see)ing happiness in new lands or %oreign nations

    'iomorgo NamesGiomorgo typically only ha"e a gi"en name Those raised *y giorgio are o%ten gi"en local namesB

    and some are allowed to )eep their giorgio7s %amily name thers are denied the %amily nameand identi%ied *y their homeland or community Giomorgo raised or named *y (istani are gi"entraditional names and lac) a %amily nameB instead *eing identi%ied *y their lineageMale *aes !elaB GrigoriB Iosi%B KarolB udo"icB 'icuB PyotrB #imioneB #te%anB (asile8eale *aes /naB &lizaB Isa*ellaB enaB 'atashaB PapuszaB $ozalinaB #o%yaB %eet tall$egardless o% your position in that rangeB your size is -edium

    Speed. our *ase wal)ing speed is 80 %eet;%il ;!e. ou )now the guidan$e cantrip +hen you reach 8rd le"el you can cast the

    hex spell once per day +hen you reach =th le"elB you can also cast the !esto $urse spell onceper day +isdom is your spellcasting a*ility %or these spells

    Moon Madness. During the three days the %ull moonB while you are indoors orundergroundB you ha"e disad"antage on +isdom 4Perception5 chec)s and Intelligence4In"estigation5 chec)s /dditionallyB in order to ta)e a short or long rest you must %irst ma)e aDC 10 +isdom sa"ing throw

    *ature Ainit!. +hene"er you ma)e an +isdom 4#ur"i"al5 chec) related tona"igationB identi%ying plants and animalsB or starting a %ireB you are considered pro%icient in the

    #ur"i"al s)ill and add dou*le your pro%iciency *onus to the chec)B instead o% your normalpro%iciency *onus

    anguages. ou can spea)B readB and write two regional languages o% your choice I%raised *y the (istani you also spea) PatternaB *ut i% raised *y humans you gain one e9tralanguage o% your choice

    Surace. (istani are di"ided into three tas;uesB each o% which is comprised o% se"eraldi%%erent tri*es that are essentially e9tended %amilies The natural talents and inclinations o% agiomorgo depend on the tri*e o% their parent The children o% two hal%6(istani ha"e the tri*e o%only one parent The children o% hal%6(istani are ne"er true (istani: the introduction o% human

     *lood irre"ersi*ly taints the *loodline


    The hallmar) o% !oemians is ostentation They specialize in entertainment and similar ser"ices +hile tra"ellingB !oem cara"ans are %illed with musicB and mem*ers o% the tas;ue sing as theygo a*out their daily *usiness /s proud as they are passionateB the !oem pri"ately lament ha"ingto play the %ool %or superstitious towns%ol) +hen the !oem are campedB and there are nooutsiders presentB the (istani are more tense and *roodingB and prone to telling tales o% tragedyand singing songs o% horror

    The two !oem tri*es are the Cor"ara and the 'aiat The Cor"ara are natural con artists *ut ha"e little natural showmanshipB and instead o%%er unsa"oury di"ersions such as gam*lingBnarcoticsB and coc)%ighting The 'aiat are s)illed at training animals %or showB with their dogs

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    and horses raised to per%orm tric)s and stunts Ailit! Score Increase. our Charisma score increases *y 1Sl! Wit. ou ha"e pro%iciency in the Deception s)ill#ool Proicienc!. ou gain pro%iciency with the tools o% your choice: %orgery )itsB a

    musical instrumentB or thie"es7 tools

    'iaargaess common than the pairing o% a (istani and a human giorgio is one *etween a (istani and anel% Known as giamargaB most o% these are normal hal%6el"esB *ut some ta)e a%ter their (istaniparents and ha"e the a*ilities o% a giomorgo

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    !orn %rom deathB dhampyrs are the o%%spring o% the sur"i"or o% a "ampire attac)B someonealmost turned to undeath *ut sa"ed prior to death Those who sur"i"e their early years %ace ali%etime o% %ear and mistrust: their pallorB unearthly re%le9esB and unnatural *eauty mar)dhampyrs as scions o% the night as surely as their sensiti"ity to *right lights Dhampyrs do notneed to consume *lood to sur"i"eB *ut ha"e a power%ul desire %or *lood that nothing else cantruly sate

    'ot all dhampyrs are descendants o% "ampiric "ictims The "ictim o% a "icious "ampireattac) can *ecome a dhampyrB especially i% they *arely escape undeath themsel"es I% a "ampireassaults or turns a woman with childB the in%ant 6 i% it sur"i"es 6 can *e *orn a dhampyr / %ewrare dhampyrs are the progeny o% the the rare and unnatural union o% "ampires and mortalsBtypically a "ampire %ather and a mortal mother

    Tou"h o3 the 'ra/eDhampyrs resem*le their mortal parent with su*tle signs o% their connection to death Tall andslenderB dhampyrs %all within the range o% humansB and are *etween = 1S3 %eet to o"er > %eet talland weigh 13= to 1@0 pounds +hile they possess all the di"ersity o% humanityB dhampyrs ha"epaler s)in and dar)er hair than others o% the ethnicity -ost also ha"e pronounced canine teethand piercing red eyesB along with many secondary characteristics o% "ampirism: pointed earsB a

    singleB connected eye*rowB *estial %eaturesB or hairy palms,or reasons un)nownB the "ast maority o% dhampyrs are human It is speculated thatother races are ust more resistant to "ampirism than humans 'on6human dhampyrs ha"e thesame traits as other dhampyrs *ut the size o% their *ase raceB al*eit tall and thin

    Alone in the NightDhampyrs are sym*ols o% a nocturnal world most %ol) are happier pretending does not e9istThey are not welcomed *y most people and commonly seen as monsters There is also the %eardhampyrs that will rise a%ter their deathB *ecoming true "ampires It is rare %or dhampyrs toha"e happy childhoods To their parents dhampyrs are a continual reminder o% "iolence: theem*odiment o% a "iolent assault -any reect their childB or ha"e trou*le *onding with theunnatural in%ant ther dhampyrs alienate their %amily as youthsB through aggression orantisocial *eha"iour Those %ew dhampyrs that are accepted *y lo"ing %amilies do not escape

    tragedyB as they are cursed to outli"e %amily and %riendsB li"ing long enough to watch si*lingsand e"en children grow old and die

    'ecrotic energies in%luence the emotions o% dhampyrsB ma)ing them aggressi"e andpredatory Dhampyrs instincti"ely categorizing people as pac) mem*ersB competitionB or preyThey %ind happiness %leeting and shallowB ma)ing them naturally melancholyB and most are

     *rooding and pragmatic

    Li3e Among .eathThere are no communities o% dhampyrs: the *loodline is rare enough that dhampyrs seldommeet others or their )ind The new necrotic energies that create a dhampyr are also notherititaryB and their children are not dhampyrs

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    See*ing !edem&tionThose dhampyrs that *ecome ad"enturers o%ten do so out o% necessityB simply as a means tosur"i"e in the world or to pro"e that they are not monsters %rom *irth i)e tie%lingsB manypeople they are *elie"ed to ha"e innately e"il souls dooming them to a %oul a%terli%e #omereoice in this assured damnationB as it means their %ate is sealed and they can act howe"er they

     wishB *ut others try to earn a place in Paradise through good deeds and continual sel% sacri%ice / 

    %ew *ecome "ampire huntersB either %or simple re"enge or stri"ing to sa"e others %rom their %ateTheir long li"es also mean dhampyrs might ta)e to the ad"enturing li%e out o% *oredom:

    ha"ing tried their hand at many other mundane pro%essionsB unusual occupations areappealing

    .ham&+r NamesDhampyrs are named *y their parents *ased on their homeland and culture -ost dhampyrschange their name o"er the yearsB as they assume new identities to hide their age or to escapetheir past They tend to )eep at least one o% their names as a reminder o% their past some retaintheir %amily name to remind themsel"es o% their )inB while others )eep their gi"en name

    .ham&+r Traits

     our dhampyr character has se"eral unnatural powers deri"ed %rom their undead lineage Ailit! Score Increase. our De9terity score increases *y 3 Age. Dhampyrs mature at the same rate o% humans *ut their aging slows a%ter pu*ertyB

    and they can li"e to *e o"er centuries old -ost retain their youth%ul loo)s until their lastdecadesB when they rapidly age

     Alignent. Dhampyrs7 unnatural hunger pushes them to acts o% "iolenceB and theirdar) emotions put them at odds with society They lean towards chaosB *ut their partialhumanity means dhampyr are not automatically e"il Howe"erB it is more common %or them tosuccum* to temptation and *ecome e"il than to resist and remain good

    Si6e. Dhampyrs are the same height as human *ut tend to *e more thin and lithe thanthe a"erage human our size is -edium

    Speed. our *ase wal)ing speed is 80 %eet)ark%ision. !orn into a twilight worldB you are not incon"enienced *y the night ou

    can see in dim light within >0 %eet o% you as i% it were *right lightB and in dar)ness as i% it weredim light ou can.t discern color in dar)nessB only shades o% gray 

    -lood )rinking. ,easting on the li%e*lood o% the li"ing increases your healing andgi"es you renewed "igour During a short rest you can drin) the *lood o% a willing or helplessli"ing creature This %orces the creature to spend a Hit Die The creature recei"es no *ene%it %romthis Hit DieB *ut you regain hit points e;ual to 1d> your Constitution modi%ier

    Slo Metaolis. ou can sur"i"e on hal% the normal amount o% %ood and water +apiric Resistance. our necrology gi"es you resistance to necrotic damageanguages. ou can spea)B readB and write your regional language and one e9tra

    language o% your choiceSurace. The "arieties o% "ampire *loodlines result in three di%%erent types o%

    dhampyrs The stryg is most commonB o%ten *eing e;uated with dhampyrs as a whole The

    nos%eratu and o*iri dhampyrs are related to the "ampires o% the same name the %ormer pre%er tohide their e9istenceB while the latter are harder to identi%y as dhampyrs and o%ten go unnoticed

    Str!gDescended %rom common "ampiresB the stryg are o%ten synonymous with perceptions o%dhampyrs ou ha"e the unearthly *eauty and charm o% your progenitorB along with theirprenatural strength ou ha"e pale s)inB sharp %eaturesB and your eyes ha"e a slightly crimsoniris that catches the light li)e a cat7s our canine teeth are slightly elongated and pointedB *utare not so large as to *e easily noticed +hile attracti"eB your charm is not entirely mundaneB

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    and creatures that catch your gaze can