5e planescape races

Aasimar Graceful, regal, and noble, aasimars are the distant descendants of a coupling between a human and a good-aligned outsider. While nowhere near as powerful as their celestial forebears, aasimars still retain a touch of the divine in their blood and wear it with pride. Devoted champions of good, aasimars spend their days fighting evil in whatever form it takes.  In a world of violence, injustice, a nd evil, aasimars are on the front lines, lending their abilities where needed. Some try to stave off evil by teaching and leading by example in the fight against ignorance, prejudice, and greed. Others present an aloof and lofty demeanor, an intimidating aura that, while noble, keeps people from trying to get too close. Among good people, aasimars are held in high opinion as a standard by which all should live, while those of an evil nature view aasimars as self-righteous and dangerously moralistic. Grace and Beauty Aasimars appear as gloriousl y beautiful hu mans with some minor physical trait that reveals their celestial heritage, such as hair that shines li ke metal, fair or lustrous s kin color , and piercing eyes of unusual colors.. They might be mistaken for half-elves, or even angels, for their innate purity and inhuman glory. Most aasimars are true to their sires and the blood that courses through their veins, being true of heart, courageous, and honest to a fault. Their nobility and goodness are legendary. Nevertheless, a few turn stag and become as untrustworthy a bunch of spivs as ever plied the cross-trade.  Noble and Courageous ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... Aasimar  N a me s Aasimars usually have names appropriate to the culture in which they were raised. Aasimars living among humans will often bear a human na me, though some may adopt a celestial name to seem more regal or important. Male Celestial Names: Aritian, Beltin, Cernan, Cronwier, Eran, Ilamin, Maudril, Okrin, Parant, Tural, Wyran, Zaigan. Female Celestial Names: Arken, Arsinoe, Davina, Drinma, Imesah, Masozi, Nijena, Niramour, Ondrea, Rhialla, V altyra. Aasimar Traits Aasimars share certain racial traits as a result of their celestial blood. Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1 . Age. Aasimars mature at the same rate as humans but live a few year s longer. Alignment. Aasimars are most often of good alignment, though this isn't necessarily universal, and aasimars that have turned their back on righteousness may fall into an unfathomable abyss of depravity. Size. Aasimars are about the same size and build as humans. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 f eet. Darkvision. Thanks to your celestial heri tage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it wer e dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill. Celestial Resistance. You have resistance to radiant damage, and advantage on saving throws against being charmed and frightened. Celestial Magic. You know the light  cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.  Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Celestial.

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Aasimar Graceful, regal, and noble, aasimars are thedistant descendants of a coupling between ahuman and a good-aligned outsider. Whilenowhere near as powerful as their celestialforebears, aasimars still retain a touch of thedivine in their blood and wear it with pride.Devoted champions of good, aasimars spendtheir days fighting evil in whatever form it takes.

  In a world of violence, injustice, and evil,aasimars are on the front lines, lending theirabilities where needed. ome try to stave off evilby teaching and leading by e!ample in the fightagainst ignorance, prejudice, and greed. "therspresent an aloof and lofty demeanor, anintimidating aura that, while noble, keeps peoplefrom trying to get too close. #mong good people,aasimars are held in high opinion as a standardby which all should live, while those of an evil

nature view aasimars as self-righteous anddangerously moralistic.

Grace and Beauty

#asimars appear as gloriously beautiful humans with some

minor physical trait that reveals their celestial heritage, such as

hair that shines like metal, fair or lustrous skin color, and

piercing eyes of unusual colors.. $hey might be mistaken for

half-elves, or even angels, for their innate purity and inhuman

glory. %ost aasimars are true to their sires and the blood that

courses through their veins, being true of heart, courageous,

and honest to a fault. $heir nobility and goodness are legendary.&evertheless, a few turn stag and become as untrustworthy a

bunch of spivs as ever plied the cross-trade.

 Noble and Courageous




Aasimar N a me s 

#asimars usually have names appropriate to the culture in

which they were raised. #asimars living among humans will

often bear a human name, though some may adopt a celestial

name to seem more regal or important.

Male Celestial Names' #ritian, (eltin,

)ernan, )ronwier, *ran, Ilamin, %audril,

"krin, +arant, $ural, Wyran, aigan.

Female Celestial Names' #rken, #rsinoe,

Davina, Drinma, Imesah, %asoi, &ijena,

&iramour, "ndrea, hialla, /altyra.

Aasimar Traits

#asimars share certain racial traits as a result of

their celestial blood.

Ability Score Increase. 0our )harisma scoreincreases by 1, and your Wisdom score increasesby 2.Age. #asimars mature at the same rate as humans but live

a few years longer.Alignment. #asimars are most often of good alignment,though this isn3t necessarily universal, and aasimars that haveturned their back on righteousness may fall into anunfathomable abyss of depravity.Size. #asimars are about the same sie and build ashumans. 0our sie is %edium.Speed. 0our base walking speed is 45 f eet.Darkvision. $hanks to your celestial heritage, you havesuperior vision in dark and dim conditions. 0ou can see in dimlight within 65 feet of you as if it were bright light, and indarkness as if it were dim light. 0ou can3t discern color indarkness, only shades of gray.Keen Senses. 0ou have proficiency in the+erception skill.Celestial Resistance. 0ou have resistance toradiant damage, and advantage on saving throwsagainst being charmed and frightened.Celestial Magic. 0ou know the light  cantrip.)harisma is your spellcasting ability for it. Languages. 0ou can speak, read, and write)ommon and )elestial.

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Bariaur &ative to the rolling hills and woods of 0sgard, the centaur-like

bariaurs are a combination of man and ram.

Bariaur N a me s 

# bariaur3s name is given to him by his parents. It is usually asimple, one- or two-syllable name 7the easier to be shouted

across the hills of 0sgard8, Within the flock, he denotes his

parentage by adding 9buck of9 his father3s name 7or 9doe of9 the

mother3s name, if female8: outside the flock, he relies instead on

a flock name to indicate the e!tended family to which he

belongs. ;lock names typically describe the environments

favored by the flock, and can change over time.

Male Names. (e!, <ul, =ek, %enok, il, Wyk.

Female Names. Daeth, <ysh, aph, aph, $yth,


Flock Names: )loverfield, Dalewatcher,

<illwalker, Woodstrider.

Bariaur Traits

0o u r bariaur c h a r a c t er ha s a v ar ie t  y of  n a tu r a l a b il i t ies. 

Ability Score Increase. 0our trength scoreincreases by 1, and your )onstitution scoreincreases by 2. Age. (ariaurs mature at the same rate as humans do andreach adulthood around the age of 15. $hey live longer thanhumans, however, often e!ceeding 255 years.

Alignment. #s creatures who value freedom, most bariaursare chaotic good in alignment. ome more settled bariaurstend toward neutrality in their approach to good, while a fewstray from pure good toward neutrality. *vil bariaurs aree!tremely rare and always shunned from the flock.Size. (ariaurs are taller and heavier than humans,standing well over 6 feet tall and averaging almost1>5 pounds. 0our sie is %edium.Speed. 0our base walking speed is ?5 f eet.uadruped . 0our four legs give you advantage on trengthand De!terity saving throws made against effects that wouldknock it prone. 0ou must wear barding 7usually made ofstudded leather8 instead of normal armor and cannot wearboots designed for humanoids.Darkvision. #ccustomed to twilit plains and thenight sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim

conditions. 0ou can see in dim light within 65 feetof you as if it were bright light, and in darkness asif it were dim light. 0ou can@t discern color indarkness, only shades of gra y.Keen Senses. 0ou have proficiency in the+erception skill.Spell Resistance. 0ou have advantage on savingthrows against spells.Ramming C!arge. If you move at least 15 feet straight towarda target and then hit it with a ramming melee attack on thesame turn, the target takes 1d? A your trength modifierbludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it mustsucceed on a trength check 7D) B A your trength modifier A

 your proficiency bonus8 or be knocked prone. Languages. 0ou can speak, read, and write)ommon and )elestial.

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GenasiGenasi are descended from elemental-related

creatures, such as efreet, dao, djinn, jann, and

marids, among others. %ost of them have had

no direct contact with their elemental forebears,

but the signs of their heritage are apparent.

Genasi take great pride in their distinctive

features and abilities.

Genasi N a me s 

Genasi usually have names appropriate to the culture in which

they were raised, though many rename themselves in order to

seem more e!otic. #ir genasi names are often flowing names

that avoid harsh consonants. *arth genasi names tend to be

contain more hard syllables than soft. ;ire genasi names tend to

be short and easy to say. Water genasi tend to use just one

name, which often rises and falls like waves, starting and ending

with soft syllables with hard, sharp sounds in the middle.

Male Names. #lnata, (uthcal, )elbata,*mere,

*t3thar, Garel-kai, Gorfni, <al3gharn, Indicus,

 =ett, Cad-dim-sul, Celva3rha, Ci-amar, aspust,

%ari, %eirane, &ekroh, uini, altaba, ardis,

ha-karn, ontro3vhi, $elbatra, $oronir,

Embaltis, /ektro, Walbin, 0uriel, an-kyri

Female Names. #inara, #shar, )eltara, Deshani,

*l3karin, ;ra3nika, Gwind, Ilshara, =enda-shan, =erra,

Cinshali, en-jes, o3hatra, %ai-sal, %ara-kai, &alhira,

&ari-lana, +alkeiru, oshara, chi3vya, on-liin, ultara,

En3batra, /alandra, /anri, /intrana, /ul3shia

Genasi Traits

0our  genasi character has a variety of natural


 Age. Genasi mature at the same rate as humans do andreach adulthood around the age of 15. $hey live much longerthan humans, however, often e!ceeding 2>5 years.Alignment. Genasi share the chaotic bent of their elementalheritage. $hey value both personal freedom and creativee!pression, and their aloofness about anything other thanthemselves often leads them to being neutral. $hey chafe atrules, resent others3 demands, and sometimes proveunreliable, or at least unpredictable.Size. Genasi are about the same sie and build ashumans. 0our sie is %edium.Speed. 0our base walking speed is 45 f eet.Darkvision. $hanks to your elemental heritage, youhave superior vision in dark and dim conditions.0ou can see in dim light within 65 feet of you as ifit were bright light, and in darkness as if it weredim light. 0ou can@t discern color in darkness, onlyshades of gra y.

 Languages. 0ou can speak, read, and write


Subrace. Genasi are a varied race, being themi!ture of human and elemental blood. #s such,they are commonly classified into four categories,each representative of one of the four elements.<owever, rumors e!ist of genasi representing otherelements as well.

Air Genasi

#ir genasi see themselves as the inheritors of thesky, the wind, and the very air of the world. $heyare most often neutral, $hey appear mostly human,with one or two unusual traits reflecting their Fuasi-elemental nature, such as a light blue color to theirskin or hair, a slight breee in their presence at alltimes, or flesh that is cool to the touch. $hey carelittle for their appearance and tend to have wind-tossed hair and much-mended clothes. $heiremotions vary Fuickly between calm reserve and

great intensity.Ability Score Increase. 0our De!terity scoreincreases by 1, and your Intelligence score

increases by 2.

"lemental Resistance. 0ou have resistance to lightningand thunder damage.

Mingle #it! $ind. 0ou can cast the

levitate  spell once per day. Intelligence is your

spellcasting ability for it.

%reat!less. #ir genasi do not breathe, so

they are immune to drowning, suffocation, and

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attacks that reFuire inhalation 7such as some

types of poisons8.

&rimordial Language. 0ou can speak, read, andwrite #uran.

Earth Genasi

*arth genasi are slow to act, ponderous inthought, and set in their ways. $hey are mostoften neutral. $hey appear mostly human, withone or two unusual traits reflecting their Fuasi-elemental nature, such as earthlike skin, roughfacial features, or eyes like black pits. $hey favorneutral colors and simple clothing, and whilesome appear to inadvertently collect dirt on theirclothes, others keep a neat and polishedappearance.

 Ability Score Increase. 0our )onstitution score

increases by 1, and your trength score increases by2.

'atural Armor. 0our tough skin gives you a A 2 bonus to#rmor )lass."lemental Resistance. 0ou have advantage on savingthrows against petrification.

Merge #it! Stone. 0ou can cast the pass without tracespell once per day. )harisma is your spellcasting ability forthis spell.

Stonecunning. Whenever you make anIntelligence

7<istory8 check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the <istory skilland add double your proficiency bonus to thecheck, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

&rimordial Language. 0ou can speak, read, andwrite $e rr an .

Fire Genasi

;ire genasi are hot-tempered and Fuick to anger, proud andunafraid to take action. $hey are most often neutral. $heyappear mostly human, with one or two unusual traitsreflecting their, Fuasi-elemental nature, such as skin the colorof burnt coal, red hair that waves like flames, or eyes that glowwhen the genasi is angry. $hey prefer to dress simply andelegantly, although their fashions can be more flamboyantthan the most outrageous trend.

Ability Score Increase. 0our Intelligence score

increases by 1, and your De!terity score increases by2. "lemental Resistance. 0ou have resistance to firedamage.

Reac! to t!e %laze. 0ou know the produce flamecantrip. "nce you reach 4rd level, you can cast the burninghands  spell once per day as a 1nd-level spell. "nce you reach>th level, you can also cast the f laming sphere  spell once perday. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

&rimordial Language. 0ou can speak, read, andwrite Ignan.

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  Water Genasi

Water genasi are patient and slow to change, preferring to wearaway opposition slowly, but are capable of great violence ine!treme situations. $hey are most often neutral. #ll have oneor more traits that reflect their Fuasi-elemental nature, suchas lightly scaled skin, clammy flesh, blue-green skin or hair, orhair that waves as if underwater. $hey dress sparsely,preferring clothing that won3t bind when in the water andripples like waves when dry.

Ability Score Increase. 0our )onstitution scoreincreases by 1, and your Intelligence score

  increases by 2.

  'atural S#immer. 0ou gain a swim speed of 45 feet.

  Amp!ibious . 0ou can breathe air and water.

"lemental Resistance. 0ou have resistance to acid andcold damage.

Call to t!e $ave. 0ou can cast the create or destroywater  spell once per day as a 1nd-level spell. Intelligence is

 your spellcasting ability for it.

&rimordial Language. 0ou can speak, read, andwrite #Fuan.

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Githzerai $his race of mysterious humanoids now hails from the plane of

imbo, but the Githerai originated on the +rime %aterial, from a

place called Gith. $heir history is almost forgotten, but at its

roots is a long-standing hatred of mind flayers and their cousin

race, the githyanki. "nce, the githerai and githyanki were the

same people, but bloody differences sundered them into two

species. $he cause of that split has long been lost, but theageless blood-feuds and forays of revenge continue unabated.

Githzerai N a me s 

Githerai do not place much importance on family or clan,

preferring to organie their society by merit. $hey have

developed a wealth of traditional titles and ranks that are

awarded to individuals as they become warranted, and they

refer to one another by simple means in daily life.

  Titles. erth, Er-erth, ;ell <and, %aster of *lements,

+lanewalker, wordthane, pellthane, rathmal, torvakal.

Male Names. #mak, #rja3rok, #ai, Dak,Dak3kon, Djakh, D3keth, Duurth, ;erth,

Greth, <urm, Calla, Caran, Chaiaph,

Chadlai, %uurg, &arayan, &orbu, &urm,

+arakk, inen, hamai, hrakk, $chophel,

 $choai, /ilFuar, erchai.

Female Names. #daka, #deya, Djelekh, Dolmah,

*lepah, *lla, *helya, ;ri3hi, <anin, <ifek, Immilin,

Iera, =i@li@kai, Cars3ten, Charmah, Chain, Cii@na,

hashah, %agdal, &aharah, hameah, hundarah, $@cha,

 $reena, $@shaa, Eweya.

Githzerai Traits

0our  githerai character has a variety of natural


Ability Score Increase. 0our De!terity scoreincreases by 1, and your Wisdom score increases

by 2. Age. Githerai mature at the same rate as humans, butthey3re considered young until they reach the age of 45. "naverage, they live about 1>5 years.Alignment. Githerai tend to be pragmatic and self-serving,but they are not malicious and do not look to get ahead at thee!pense of others. %ost are neutral with respect to good orevil.Size. Githerai are slightly taller and thinner thanhumans. 0our sie is %edium.Speed. 0our base walking speed is 45 f eet.Attuned. 0ou have proficiency in the Insight and +erceptionskills.Innate Spellcasting (&sionics) . 0ou can use the mage handcantrip at will 7the hand is invisible8. "nce you reach >th level,

 you can cast feather fall, jump, see invisibility , and shield  three

times per day. #t 24th level, you can cast phantasmal killerand plane shift  once per day. 0our innate spellcasting ability isWisdom.&syc!ic De*ense. While wearing no armor andwielding no shield, you add your Wisdom modifier to

 your #). Languages. 0ou can speak, read, and write)ommon and Gith.

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Rogue Modron

%odrons are the clockwork caretakers of the gears of %echanus,

virtually unthinking in their strict hierarchal order. &o beings3

minds are as focused on law, stability, repetition, and the

security of harmonious regulation. (ut the multiverse isn3t

perfect - not even in %echanus - and sometimes things go

wrong. ometimes a modron receives conflicting orders from twoor more superiors, or is confronted with incontrovertible proof

that not all is orderly. ometimes a modron3s mind just snaps.

 $hese circumstances create rogue modrons.

Modron N a me s 

%odrons don3t have names so much as

numerical designators. ince this is often

confusing to others, they sometimes choose

their own names or pick up the nicknames of

others, out of usefulness or out of their own

obscure logic.

Modron Names: Enit B, &ordom, 0lem,

?4126H1452, )ubey, #ddle-bo!

Modron T r  a i t s

0our modron character has a variety of natural

abilities.Ability Score Increase. 0our )onstitution score

increases by 1, and your Intelligence score

increases by 2.

Age. %odrons are created, not born, and thus they do not

physically age. $hey e!ist until destroyed.

Alignment. ogue modrons are modrons that have become

defective, either through natural decay or e!posure to chaotic

forces. ogue modrons don3t act in accordance with +rimus3s

wishes and directives, breaking laws, disobeying orders, and

even engaging in violence. ogue modrons lose the #!iomatic

%ind trait of standard modrons and can have any alignment

other than lawful neutral.

Size. ogue modrons stand e!actly 6 feet tall, with cubelike

bodies similar to those of Fuadrone modrons. $he cubes are 4

feet on each face, adorned with two thin 4-foot-long legs, two 43-

foot-long arms, and a pair of small, vestigial 7nonoperational8wings on their backs. # vaguely anthropomorphic face can be

found on the front cube face. $heir biarre form makes them

incapable of wearing standard armor. 0our sie is %edium.

Speed. 0our base walking speed is 45 f eet.

Superior Darkvision. 0ou can see in dim light

within 215 feet of you as if it were bright light, and

in darkness as if it were dim light. 0ou can@t discern

color in darkness, only shades of gra y. While standard

modrons have truesight, rogue modrons lose the ability when

their connection to +rimus is severed. +rdered mind . 0ou

have advantage on saving throws against illusion

spells and being charmed, and magic can3t put you to


Keen Senses. 0ou have proficiency in the +erception


'atural Armor.  0our metallic body grants you a A ?

bonus to #rmor )lass.

La  n  gu  age  s  . 0 o u ca n s p e a k , r e a d , a nd wr i t e 

) o m mon a nd %odron .