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Guinea Pig Written by Brandon

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Post on 28-Nov-2014




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Guinea Pig

Written byBrandon

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About the Author

My name isBrandon. Mymom’s name isMichelle. Mysister’s name isLauren. I pickedthe Guinea Pigbecause Miss Jabshas one for pet.

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Who am I

Guinea pigs weighbetween 1.5 -.2.5pounds. Theyhave large heads.They come in avariety of colorslike brown, black,tan,and caramel.

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The Early years

A baby guinea pigis called pup.Babies are born inthe spring . Newborn

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Habitat Sweet Habitat

Wild guinea pigsare found in grassplanes.

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What’s on the Menu?

The guinea pig’snatural diet isgrass. Alfalfa isand their popularfood choice.Guinea pig’s willalso chew on clothand paper.

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Making Tracks

Guinea pigscannot climb.When theseanimals areexcited they willhop in the air.They are verygood swimmers.

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Simply Irresistable

Guinea pigs makegood pets. Theyhave a greatsense of hearing,smelling andtouch.

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Where in the World?

Guinea pigsoriginate in theAndes Mountains.Now they arefound all aroundthe U.S.

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Resource List

www.wikipedia.com guinea pig