59th annual report & financial statements

SEASON 2019-2020 Sandon Point Surf Life Saving Club Incorporated 1961 - 2020 Presenting the 59 th Annual Report & Financial Statements

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SEASON 2019-2020

Sandon Point Surf Life Saving Club Incorporated 1961 - 2020

Presenting the 59th Annual Report & Financial Statements

Sandon Point Surf Lifesaving Club Annual Report 2019-2020 Page 2

Annual General Meeting

You are cordially invited to the 59th Annual General Meeting of Sandon Point Life Saving Club Incorporated to be held at the Clubhouse on Sunday 30th August 2020 at 2pm.


1. Adoption of the Minutes of the 58th Annual General Meeting

2. Apologies

3. Presentation of the 59th Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements

4. Election of Officers for the 2020-2021 Season

5. Date of holding the first Management Committee meeting for 2020-2021 Season

6. Urgent and tabled General Business

For and on behalf of the Management Committee

Lorrae Catchpole, Hon Secretary

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In appreciation… Our Club is fortunate for the ongoing assistance and support that stems from the local community. This support takes on various forms including our annual Appeal Day and our generous club sponsors. Without this support our Surf Club would not be able to embrace a voluntary surf lifesaving movement and the community service that it provides. Our sincere thanks to:

• The local community / Dharawal People • Sandon Point Board Riders • Surf Life Saving Illawarra Inc. • Surf Life Saving NSW Inc. • Surf Life Saving Australia Ltd. • Wollongong City Council • New South Wales Government • Australian Federal Government

And to our sponsors:

• Bulli Workers Club • Woonona Lions Club

Printed report generously donated by

• Colour Print Solutions

Our website: www.sandonpointsurfclub.org.au

Sandon Point Surf Lifesaving Club Annual Report 2019-2020 Page 4

Office Bearers 2019-2020 President: Ken Holloway Vice President: Terry Hagan Secretary: Lorrae Catchpole Treasurer: Hytham Saddi

Lifesaving Club Captain: Craig Penning Vice Club Captain: Alexander Saddi Chief Training Officer: Darren Morris IRB / Powercraft Captain: Alex Lockhart Gear Steward: Craig Penning and Alex Lockhart First Aid Officer: Sue Martin Water Safety Coordinator: Nigel Hall Youth/Rookie Coordinator: vacant

Junior Activity Chairperson of Junior Activities: Cameron Ward Vice Junior Activity Chairperson: Dan Pearson Junior Activity Secretary: Sonya Williams Age Manager Coordinator: Mark Murrie Junior Proficiency Officer: Penny Aivaliotis and Jenny Segrave Member Protection Officer: Kimberley O’Brien Catering Officer: Terry Hagan Uniform Coordinator: Laurie Meades

Surf Sports Surf Sports Coordinator: vacant Carnival Coordinator: Greg Aivaliotis Board Coach: Terry Hagan and Karl Lavis

Function Centre Functions Committee Chairperson: Lorrae Catchpole Function Centre Manager: Michelle Hamill Building Officer: Peter Lockhart OH&S Officer: Lorrae Catchpole and Michelle Hamill

Marketing & Administration Marketing Manager: Eloise Lockhart Club Registrar: Rita Brooks Club Photographer: Ros Saddi Public Officer: Hytham Saddi

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President’s Report COVID -19 caused an abrupt end to all of our activities this season. Patrols ceased a month early due to the world pandemic. It was most fortunate for the general public that Wollongong City Council took the decision to increase their Lifeguard Service to cover the remaining Sundays which our club was unable to fulfil and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Council for their actions in providing a 7 day /weekly service during the remainder of the season.

MEMBERSHIP of Sandon Point 23 years ago was very low when Terry Hagan asked me to join and help rebuild the club. I was surprised when Peter Evert the President of Surf Life Saving Illawarra told me in February that Sandon Point is now the strongest club in the Illawarra with active patrolling members of over 120. This must be a milestone for all of those who have contributed over this period. While many surf clubs in our branch struggle to provide patrols it’s most pleasing to see Sandon Point continuing to grow.

INCREASED MEMBERSHIP has allowed us to improve our patrol capabilities. Our beach population has increased to the extent that people are parking in the back streets on hot Sundays. This increase in activity along the entire beach means a greater demand for our lifesaving service. I have been encouraging our patrols through the leadership of our Club Captain, Craig Penning, for patrols to have a greater presence through constant surveillance at the middle and southern end of the beach to minimise the risk of drowning. This strategy has resulted in a number of good rescues outside of the flags. A great outcome for victims and their families.

NIPPER ACTIVITES were interrupted by poor conditions and large surf. The Presentation days was also abandoned due to Covid-19 but we are planning to have both the Junior and Senior presentations on the Sunday of the long weekend in October. I give a big thanks to the junior committee and all of our members who contribute to the rolling out of our Nipper program.

SURFING is synonymous with Sandon Point. We are privileged to patrol a location with a world class right hand point break and on most days a gentle left hand break protected from the north east wind in summer where our club is located. Many world class surfers have been produced at Sandon Point with some of them representing and winning gold medals at Branch, State and Australian championships for our club. This year in conjunction with Sandon Point Board Riders we initiated a learn to surf program to encourage and give our members the opportunity to learn how to ride a surfboard by increasing their skill set with experienced and qualified members. One of the benefits of the program is to make our members more confident in the ocean and have

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the capability of not only saving their own life but have the skill set to help others if required. Our vision is to create a pathway for those who want to compete and represent both Sandon Point SLSC and Sandon Point Boardriders. This relationship between the 2 clubs has existed for over 50 years and I believe is crucial to both clubs longevity. I’m confident one day we will produce Sandon Point’s 1st Olympic champion in surfing.

SUNDAY SIPPER FUND RAISERS proved to be a great success. Not only did they produce a steady revenue stream but they were supported by past members and the community who wanted to connect with the club. Many thanks must go to Terry Hagan and his team for keeping us entertained. Sandon Point has been a meeting place for over 50 thousand years and I hope the tradition continues.

RENNOVATIONS to enclose a section of the northern end of the deck and to continue the roof over the remainder of the deck is well into the planning stage. The design will allow the deck to be used in all-weather conditions and hopefully improve the acoustics. Roof top solar is also planned to reduce our carbon foot print and costs. All members will be able to review the plans before the club lodges a development application with Wollongong City Council.

THANKS to all our members and supporters for another season. Without our patrolling members, those who just get on and did what was required to Darvor our Council Lifeguard and our social members who contribute financially to the club Sandon Point would be a poorer place. I look forward to seeing you at the club next season.


Ken Holloway, President

Secretary’s Report For the past 20 years I have been in one or another role on the management committee of Sandon Point SLSC. In that time many things have changed, but the one thing that has not is the outstanding club ethos with many people giving willingly of themselves. The time I feel has come for me to stand down from management so that newer members may step up with a fresh approach. Having said that, I will continue in a minor roles and on patrols.

During my time on the executive committee, three people have had a big influence on me, working tirelessly behind the scenes to make the club great. Tim Gripton (past treasurer and president) – who for many years would go door to door waking club members to go down and do patrols, along with his fund raising efforts – has always been a positive influence and has been quoted on many occasions with “more positivity, less negativity”. Scott Baines (past club captain, patrolling member, treasurer, president) along with Owen Davies (past treasurer, president) spent many years campaigning and fundraising. Scott was tireless in his campaign to Wollongong City Council to get the clubhouse that we now

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enjoy. Owen was dedicated in his efforts to ensure that Sandon Point was recognised as Club of the Year by the Illawarra branch. These people did what they did not for personal recognition but because of their love of our club.

At annual report time, 11 regular monthly Management Committee meetings had been held since the previous year’s AGM. The Committee and their attendance is as follows.

Officer name Position Attendance Ken Holloway President 10 Terry Hagan Vice President 9 Lorrae Catchpole Secretary 7 Hytham Saddi Treasurer 9 Craig Penning Club Captain 9 Alex Saddi Vice Club Captain 1 Darren Morris Chief Training Officer 1 Alex Lockhart IRB/Powercraft Captain 2 Cameron Ward Chair of Junior Activities 7 Eloise Lockhart Marketing Manager 7 Peter Lockhart Building Officer 8

We have come a long way in my 20 plus years of doing patrol, where we once had only one set of uniforms which were taken home to be washed and returned for the next group. May the next 20 years offer rewarding experiences for members and continuing opportunities to serve our wonderful community.

Lorrae Catchpole, Secretary

Treasurer’s Report The Audited Financial Statements for Sandon Point Surf Life Saving Club Inc. for the year 2019/2020 are enclosed at the end of the Annual Report.

Accumulated Funds Total accumulated funds for Sandon Point Surf Life Saving Club Inc. have increased by $46,068 from last year.

This year’s surplus of $46,068 is mainly made up of profit generated of $26,811 plus the non cash expense of depreciation of equipment of $15,383 plus reduction of swimwear inventory of $4,843

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Income Our income is derived through club sponsorships, donations, grants, membership fees, interest, fundraising events and the internal and external commercial running of the upstairs facilities (Function Centre). In 2019-2020 the club’s income decreased on last year’s figures of $115,287 to $93,981. A decrease of $21,306. The difference is made up of the following; • External Function Centre net decrease of $13,386 • Internal Function Centre net increase of $6,437 • Decrease in revenue from Community and SLS grants of $3,573 • Very minimal Club Sponsorships or donations • Increase in membership fees of $2,693 • No carnival fees received this year. • Reduction of $4856 in BBQ receipts due cancellation of many nipper meets.

Club Sponsorship Club Sponsorship income has been disappointing this year. A more concentrated effort need to be made next season to boost this number.

Function Centre The external function centre gross income last year came in at 33% lower than last year . This $28,374 reduction had an impact on the profit of $13,386 as outlined above. Next year looks more promising unless there are more negative impacts from the pandemic.

Internal: This year saw the launch of the “Sunday Sippers” which was run on a volunteer basis by few very dedicated members. The program generated gross revenue of $20,872 and gross revenue of $6,437 after deducting drink costs and various kitchen related costs which were allocated to this internal account.

Grants The Club received $12,050 in grants primarily in the standard SLSA grants towards the purchase of new beach safety equipment.

Membership Membership fees are reviewed each season and are used to pay for Insurances, Surf Life Saving NSW levies, Surf Life Saving Illawarra Levies, awards, building maintenance, patrol equipment maintenance, SLS training development programs Patrol Uniforms and general expenses. Fundraising, donations and sponsorship are critical in paying for equipment upgrades and replacements. Membership fees are reviewed at the start of each season; the fee structure for the 2019/2020 season was the same as the previous season.

Uniforms The Junior Nipper Uniforms which last year resulted in inventory held at the end of season of $8,830 was managed with a better focus on non-pre-purchase of slow moving non-essential uniform items. The club nevertheless is still holding of $3,987 in nipper swimwear most of which is slow moving.

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Raffles Bulli Workers Club and its members once again showed their generosity in supporting our regular meat raffle, which is run on 5 week intervals by dedicated few members of our club. A net amount of $2,246 was collected which will go towards the purchase of new Nipper Boards.

Expenditure The Clubs expenditure is mainly Insurances, Surf Life Saving NSW levies, Surf Life Saving Illawarra levies, awards, building maintenance, patrol equipment maintenance, SLS training development programs, Patrol Uniforms, Presentation costs and general expenses.

In 2019-2020 the club expenditure was $9,229 less than last year. There were less expenses incurred at the end of the year for presentations due to abrupt ending of the season due to to COVID ($6,442) and reduction in Electricity costs of $3,581.

Net Profit Net profit for the year came in at $26,811 a reduction of $12,077. Reasons explained above.

Closing Comments The club is on a financially good footing. The mechanisms are in place for good control and governance.

We want to express our thanks to our sponsors, donors and the members who gave up so much of their time for steering the club in the right direction and the numerous fund-raising activities. We look forward to another successful season in 2020/2021.

Hytham Saddi, Treasurer

Club Awards Due to the disrupted season, there will be a delayed announcement of members being recognized for outstanding commitment and contribution to Surf Life Saving during the past season. Recipients of the 2019-2020 club awards will be included in next season’s annual report.

This season the club is proud to announce the induction of a new life member.

Life Member inductee -------------------------------------- Darren Morris

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Club Captain’s Report A massive thank you to all our wonderful members who continue to give up their valuable time to keep our beaches a safe place and our club running strongly. To all members who give time from committee members to beach patrollers we value your support.

Our club is in the very fortunate position of continuing a good balance between experienced salty heads and enthusiastic seaweed youth. We saw another 15 valuable SRC juniors move through our ranks to join the patrols. With our patrol members contributing over 2398 hrs on the beach in a significantly shorten season. Sandon Point had the Illawarra Branch strongest patrol numbers this season.

We plan to continue with initiatives to encourage our members to get involved with many of club activities. All the club’s systems in place help to contribute to a safer beach. From nippers, board training, education and training opportunities, surf lessons and patrols we are a stronger club and will continue with our “Education and Prevention “motto.

I would especially like to thank our Patrol Captains and Vice Captains and older patrol members who are the rocks of each patrol. Our youth may come and go like the tide but the solid rocks keep each patrol together and reliable. That makes the role of Club Captain so much easier. A big thank you to my Vice Captain Alex Saddi who very competently juggled his HSC and for filling his role, much appreciated Alex.

We will continue to teach our members to stay vigilant while on the beach as ocean conditions constantly change. Hopefully this awareness of the water will encourage our patrols to advise beach goers of potential rips and hazards. We again saw increasing numbers of visitors to our beach from outside our local area with little experience with surf. This makes this member knowledge and advice very valuable.

We had our season dramatically cut short with Covid 19, including our presentation night. Hopefully we will be able to gather together at the beginning of next season to say thank you to our contributing members with a season launch and lunch.

Thank you all once again.

Craig Penning, Club Captain

Patrol Statistics Total patrol hours Rescues First Aid Preventions 2343 8 16 231

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Patrol Attendance Name Patrol Hours Grace Wynn 50.33 Craig Penning 44.75 Darren Morris 44.33 Timothy Kierse 38.5 Samuel Murrie 38.5 Kian Davis 37.25 Ariel Scozzafava 37 Jack Duffy 35.75 Sophia Ward 35.25 Terry Hagan 34.83 Holly Penning 34.75 Alexander Lockhart 34.5 Matthew Salm 34 Jacqueline Nichol 33.5 Amelia Tracey 33.25 Jennifer Frappell 33 Lexy Thorpe 32.25 Sue Martin 32 Geoffrey Staples 31 Primrose Hutton 30.75 Connor Fownes 30.5 Alexander Saddi 30.5 Karl Lavis 30.25 Benjamin Hamill 30 Paul Davis-Raiss 28.5 Ella Moate 28.5 Sean Tuckwood 28.5 Lorrae Catchpole 28.25 Jerry Ongerth 28 Ella Williams 27.25 David Dawson 27 Niamh Frappell 26.75 Andrew Cracknell 25.75 Martyn Frappell 25.5 Daniel Maddocks 25.25 Graeme Warren 25.25 Lucy Bent-Genge 24.75 Eloise Lockhart 24.75 Kai Pearson 24.75

Name Patrol Hours Oscar Williams 24.75 Aidan Frappell 24.5 Thomas McCaffery 24.5 Alexander Poscoliero 24.5 Sophia Williams 24.5 Paul Baker 24.25 Brett Simpson 24.25 Cameron Ward 24 Flynn Penning 23.75 Robert Upitis 23.25 Brodie Lay 23 Oliver Hamill 22.75 Zachary Lopresti 22.5 Geoffrey Smith 22.5 Ross Jardine 20.75 Henry Ongerth 20.25 Daniel Pearson 19 Katherine Fethers 18.75 Evan Davis 18.5 Shane Hodges 18.5 Peter Lockhart 18.5 Charlotte McAleer 18.5 Andrew Parker 18.5 Keira Davies 18 Chris McEvoy 17.75 Harry Linden 17.25 Matilda Healy 17 Basil Simmons 15.75 Alan Johnston 15.5 David Scott 15.5 Hugo Trasler 15.25 Jason Donkin 15 Deacan Scott 15 Caitlin Bourke 14.75 Ella Loades 14.5 Violet Marks 14.5 Daisy Scott 14.5 Kara Osgood 14 Paige Sellick 13.5

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Name Patrol Hours Liam Frappell 13.25 Paris Gater 13.25 Katie Pidhirny 13.25 Mel Powell 13.25 Tallulah Rogers 13 Austin Auckland 12.75 Thomas Jones 12.5 Joel Donkin 11.25 Kim Kiely 11.25 Marli Brodbeck 11 Emma Campbell 11 Nicholas Cracknell 11 Conall Davis 11 Emer Davis 11 Sam Moreno 11 Isabelle Van Akker 11 Neil Davis-Raiss 9.75 Corey Sellick 9.75 Saskia Belanszky 9.25 Bruce Ewart 9 Gino Poscoliero 8.75 Connor Thorpe 7.75 Frances Del Castillo 7.5

Name Patrol Hours Andre Powell 7.5 Chloe Aivaliotis 7.25 Lauren Brooks 7.25 Demi Gay 7.25 Samuel Hall 6 McLean Healy 5.75 Ken Holloway 5.75 Marcus Liackman 5.75 Byron Roberts 5.75 Jett McEvoy 3.75 Clodagh Benson 3.58 Isabel Carroll 3.5 Nikolas Crocker 3.5 Nigel Hall 3.5 Haydn Tawse 3.5 Callum Conway 2.75 Sile Crowe 2 Charlise Davies 2 Jordan Morris 2 Blake Pearson 2 Steven Welchman 2 Cosette Davies 0.92

Chief Training Officer’s Report During this season 38 awards were achieved by members of Sandon Point. Congratulations to all those members that completed the awards.

With a larger Bronze squad this year we separated the SRC and Bronze groups only bringing them together on a few occasions.

The Bronze squad was a strong group of 18 this season, made up of mostly of young patrolling members upgrading from SRC and a few experienced young surfers. All participants performed well, with the later few excelling with their final rescue assessments in some “testing” surf conditions.

The under 14s SRC group was another fantastic and keen group. Age Manger Penny Aivaliotis was a great help for Sue Martin in training this group.

Amelia Tracey and Andre Powell were awarded their IRB crew during the season.

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Alex Poscoliero (IRB Crew) and Craig Penning (IRB Driver) actually finished their respective awards but some administrative issues at Branch have not seen these awarded as yet.

With the season finishing prematurely and courses cancelled due to the COVID19 pandemic, we will be looking to the start of next season before any further courses are available. There will no doubt be special procedures required for the running of our usual lifesaving awards.

We continue to be on the lookout for anyone that is interested in being a Trainer, especially IRB and Bronze/SRC.

Darren Morris, Chief Training Officer

Awards Achieved this Season Bronze Medallion – 18

• Jed Ashton • Connor Fownes • Jett McEvoy • Caitlin Bourke • Brooklyn Gater • Samuel Murrie • Conall Davis • Tom Johnston • Ariel Scozzafava • Emer Davis • Robert Keogh • Lexy Thorpe • Evan Davis • Kim Kiely • Amelia Tracey • Kian Davis • Harry Linden • Grace Wynn

Surf Rescue Certificate (CPR Endorsed) – 17

• Chloe Aivaliotis • Samuel Hall • Tallulah Rogers • Saskia Belanszky • Ella Loades • Daisy Scott • Emma Campbell • Jose Mercado Ruiz • Paige Sellick • Isabel Carroll • Blake Pearson • Isabelle Van Akker • Charlise Davies • Mel Powell • Sophia Williams • Demi Gay • Byron Roberts

IRB Crew – 2

• Amelia Tracey • Andre Powell • Alexander Poscoliero (awaiting Branch

approval) Silver Medallion IRB Driver – 1

• Craig Penning (awaiting Branch approval)

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IRB / Powercraft Captain’s Report This year once again we had an extremely busy year on the powercraft and ATV front, including patrolling, training, emergency call outs and providing water safety at nippers and surf carnivals.

A huge thank you must all go out to the trainers and assessors that not only tick us off for our proficiency every season but continually train our up and coming IRB crew. Please everyone put your hand up for these courses as they strengthen our patrols, improve our rescue capabilities and also provide GREAT FUN on those long patrol days.

Thank you everyone for your assistance in looking after the ATV and IRB equipment and for another cracking season. I look forward to seeing you down at The Point next season.

Alex Lockhart, IRB/Powercraft Captain

Function Centre Chairperson’s Report Once again, a huge thank you must go to Michelle Hamill for doing an amazing job of looking after all new clients that have walked through our front doors to celebrate their event. It is always so rewarding when we receive positive feedback about Michelle and our wonderful Sandon Point junior staff members who work very hard to make each event run smoothly.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of our events were postponed but thankfully Michelle was able to re-book them all in again at later dates.

With a club that sits right on the ocean there can be maintenance issues that arise with the building. Huge thanks to Peter Lockhart who tirelessly followed up all issues, and whose services are absolutely invaluable.

Lorrae Catchpole, Functions Committee Chair

Fundraising – Raffle Activity Report Many thanks to Tracy Davies, Peter Lockhart, Dan Pearson, Tim Kierse and Craig Penning for volunteering their time to help sell raffle tickets at the meat raffle at Bulli Workers this year. Bulli Workers Club have been a sponsor of the club for over 15 years. A huge thank you to all the patrons of the club that support us by buying tickets.

Lorrae Catchpole, Raffle Coordinator

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Chair of Junior Activities Report This season was somewhat challenging. The first half of the season leading up to Christmas was generally ok, with reasonable conditions, allowing the nippers to successfully complete their mandatory training. The second half of the season could only be classified as terrible, with very unfavourable conditions leading to cancellation of nippers (big seas, torrential rain, dirty water etc.). Most notably, the end of the seasons was plagued by the necessary restrictions required by the onset of the COVID-19 corona virus. The COVID-19 restrictions led us to cancel the final nippers (which normally includes a water slide) plus all nippers end of season celebrations (presentations etc.).

I have been blessed with an outstandingly competent and cohesive junior committee. All members of the junior committee carried out their roles with professionalism. A chairperson could only ever hope to be surrounded by such a wonderful team, and I thank all of them for their tireless efforts. Probably the most noteworthy of these was Rita Brooks. Rita was coerced into the role of club registrar, and her efforts have been observed as providing a significant contribution to the administration of the club. Her close work with Hytham (Club Treasurer) has provided a sound and comprehensive package of work.

I of course wish to thank the nippers for their participation throughout the season, and also to the parents, sponsors, club and committee members whose ongoing support allows for the continued success of the Sandon Point nippers program. It was another big season for the junior club with 272 nippers taking to the sand and surf. We had the continued support of our sponsors that have contributed to the club’s ability to provide the gear needed for the surf season, and we thank them.

Mark Murrie arranged for our age managers to participate in their mandatory Age Manager Training, which was delivered by Doug Hawkins from the Sydney Branch (also a Coogee Surf Lifesaving Club Member). Doug is an extremely enthusiastic, energetic and knowledgeable person, whom we have developed a great relationship with over the last couple of years. Our age managers enjoyed the training and will be able to move into 2020/2021 with an increase in knowledge and understanding. I thank all of our age managers for their time and efforts this season – this role can be pivotal in influencing our children’s enjoyment and passion for the ocean.

Once again Sandon Point was fortunate to see our U14s complete their Surf Rescue Certificate and then head into the water to assist with water safety. This succession of young rookies into the rest of the club cannot be underestimated or taken for granted. We are blessed to have such a rich, young membership that is willing and eager to continue their training and community support through surf lifesaving.

We were fortunate enough again to have Terry Hagan kindly run the Thursday Afternoon board training sessions. Those that attend these sessions generally are the ones that show the most improvement throughout the season simply due to their water time. Terry is a

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wonderful ambassador for the Surf Lifesaving lifestyle, and the kids enjoy time with Terry every week. Terry was very well supported by our young water safety volunteers and Karl Lavis. Karl led a separate group of kids for additional skills.

On the carnival front this year, we encountered disruption from sea conditions (postponement and ultimately cancellation of Branch Championships) and COVID-19. We did have one group of entrants attend the Junior Development Carnival, which had some great results.

The clubs learn to surf program for our Juniors was again voluntarily run by several club committee members and parents and proved to be a raging success which the club can build on into the future.

Overall, whilst it was a challenging season, it still provided success stories for our nippers that moved through their age groups and advanced their skills. We look forward to what the 2020/2021 season brings!

Cameron Ward, Chairperson of Junior Activities Committee

Long-term Nipper Club Members

• Oliver Hamill • Ella Loades • Chloe Aivaliotis • Blake Pearson • Emma Campbell • Daisy Scott • Byron Roberts • Samuel Hall • Jose Mercado Ruiz • Paige Sellick • Saskia Belanszky • Deacan Scott • Charlise Davies • Isabel Carroll • Joseph Markham

Major Junior Awards Nipper of the Year --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chloe Aivaliotis Junior Activity Club Person of the Year --------------------------------------------------------- Sam Hall Outstanding Carnival Competitor --------------------------------------------------------- Preston Scott

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Membership 2019-2020

Membership Category Number of Members Life Member 11 Long Service Member 1 Honorary Member 1 Active Member (18 years and over) 67 Reserve Active Member 2 Active Junior Member (age 15-18) 30 Cadet Member (age 13-15) 21 Associate Member 168 Junior Activity Member (age 5-12) 272 Probationary 46 TOTAL 619

Life Members Baines Scott Catchpole Lorrae Gripton Timothy Hagan Anthony Hagan Terry Morris Darren Ryan Anthony Smith Geoffrey Haines Peter Misdom Fred Walker Ron

Long Service Bloemen Gerry

Reserve Active Holloway Ken Smith Narelle

Honorary Sinadinovic Davor

Probationary Arthur Hannah Bexterman Boe Bexterman Riley Bishop Bonnie Bowerman Dean Carroll Brett Galbraith-Marten


Gay Holly Hahn Rod Handley Ross Horky Oscar Jansen Elroy Jones Kelly Kindon Kristy Kitto Darryn Lyons Isabella Markham Anthea Markham Karen Mercuri Trinity Michael Jason Miranda Millie Mitchell Hayden Mitchell Patrick

Moane Lisa Nair Suresh

John Nicholls Harrison Nicholls Liam Nunn Aaron O'Brien Elliot O'Hare Kristy O'Kane David O'Kane Simone O'Kane Toby Pinkerton Kevin Robson Rhiannon Rocker Leonardo Rogers Amanda Shimamoto-Canham


Stewart Jacob Straub Bailey Sutton Tilly Upton Peter Van Akker Zoe Webster Jasmine Webster Trey Welsh Michelle

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Active Members (18 years & over) Baker Paul Cracknell Andrew Cracknell Nicholas Crowe Sile David Kyla Davies Ashlynn Davies Brianna Davis-Raiss Neil Davis-Raiss Paul Dawson David Ewart Bruce Foxall Naomi Frappell Aidan Frappell Jennifer Frappell Liam Frappell Martyn Frappell Niamh Hall Nigel Hamill Benjamin Healy McLean Hodges Shane Hutton Primrose Jansen Trent Jardine Ross Jarvis Ben Johnston Alan Johnston Tom Keogh Robert Kiely Kim Kierse Timothy Lavis Karl Lockhart Alexander Lockhart Eloise Lockhart Peter Lopresti Zachary Maddocks Daniel Marks Glenn Marks Jessica Marks Joshua Marks Vanessa Martin Sue

McCaffery Thomas McEvoy Chris Morris Jordan Nichol Jacqueline Ongerth Henry Ongerth Jerry Osgood Kara Parker Andrew Pearson Daniel Peel Owen Penning Craig Pidhirny Katie Pryke Geoffrey Saddi Alexander Sawtell Gavin Scott David Sellick Corey Simmons Basil Simpson Brett Staples Geoffrey Tawse Haydn Thorpe Connor Tuckwood Sean Upitis Robert Ward Cameron Warren Graeme

Active Junior Members (15-18 yrs)

Ashton Jed Auckland Austin Bent-Genge Lucy Conway Callum Crocker Nikolas David Madison Davis Conall Davis Emer Davis Evan Davis Kian Del Castillo Frances Donkin Jason Donkin Joel

Fethers Katherine Fownes Connor Gater Brooklyn Gater Paris Healy Matilda Linden Harry McEvoy Jett Moate Ella Pearson Kai Penning Flynn Poscoliero Alexander Powell Andre Tawse Dakota Thorpe Lexy Tracey Amelia Williams Oscar Wynn Grace

Cadet Members (13-15 years) Benson Clodagh Bourke Caitlin Brodbeck Marli Brooks Lauren Chasky Sienna Davies Cosette Davies Keira Duffy Jack Gay Demi Jones Thomas Kiely Harrison Lay Brodie Marks Violet McAleer Charlotte Murrie Samuel Penning Holly Salm Matthew Scozzafava Ariel Ward Sophia Welchman Darcy Williams Ella

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Junior Activity Members (5-12 yrs) Aivaliotis Chloe Aivaliotis Nicholas Alkhalaf Hanan Angus Cameron Angus Claudia Ashton Josie Ashton Vincent Bartolo Beau Bartolo Lily Beath Torah Beath ZaIne Belanszky Isla Belanszky Saskia Benefiel Sebastian Bennett Alexander Bennett James Bennett Lucy Bennett Sophie Benson Darcy Benson Ronan Benson Sadhbh Bishop Maeve Bishop Oscar Blackmore Ethan Both Joseph Bowerman Maya Boynton Emily Brooks Indiah Brooks Patrick Brooks Sophia Broughton Joseph Broughton Rashida Brown Hartley Brown Honor Brown Lachlan Brown Mackenzie Burroughs Ella Cafe Emily Cafe Lachlan Campbell Emma

Carey Alix Carey Tilly Carroll Charlotte Carroll Coda Carroll Grace Carroll Isabel Carroll Lacy Carroll Lily Carroll Zac Chambers Isabella Chambers Joshua Chambers Mia Chanhsamone Paxton Chanhsamone Phoenix Choice Lachlan Collins Saskia Colquhoun Zoe Conway Asher Conway James Conway Lucas Croghan Jeng-Yan Croghan Ming Cummins Alice Cummins Henry Davey Will David Lachlan David Marli Davies Charlise Davies Dominik Davies Gabriel Davis-Raiss Ellyse Davis-Raiss Leah Dawson Noah Dawson Sofia Den Boer Mila Deveney Oliver Donovan Jesse Donovan Jet Duffy Fred Egan-Brown William Elliott Holly Elliott Milly Elliott Shiloh

Ette Leo Falls Baron Fethers Andrew Forbes Archibald Forbes Jackson Forbes Lilly Foxall Evie-Rose Foxall Oliver Frappell Isla Frappell Liam Galbraith-Marten


Gay Callum Gripton Mia Grose Hayes Grose Khale Hahn Kye Hall Harry Hall Natalia Hall Samuel Hamill Christian Hamill Oliver Hamilton Leah Handley Oliver Harper Giselle Harper Zia Hart Kenzie Hawkins Nash Hawkins Tessa Head Harrison Hendel-Dunn Enno Hick Fletcher Hick Piper Hinds Eamon Hinds Isabella Hogan Claire Hogan Emma Hogan Jessica Horky Jasper Howard Benjamin Johnston Jai Johnston Tahlia Jones Isaac

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Jones Jessica Jones Lavinia Jordan Zac Kennedy Isabella Kennedy Lachlan Kennedy Liam Kiely Dylan Kindon Isla Kitto Toby Kramers Will Kramers Xander Larance Arjen Lavis Elijah Lavis Izac Lay Aaron Lay Sienna Liackman Grace Liackman Marcus Loades Ella Loades William Mailhammer Owen Markham Joseph Marshall Saharah McAleer Benjamin McDowall Alba Mcevoy Riley McEvoy Zac Mckinnon Sage McMahon Grace McMahon Hannah Mcmahon Lucas McMahon Samuel Mercado Ruiz Jose Mercuri Celeste Michael Harry Mihail Katerina Miranda Neve Moane Cara Moane Conor Moane Tierna Molina Joseph Moore Anika Moreno Sam

Morgan Oscar Morris Marmaduke Morris Maximus Murrell Cohen Murrell Elisha Murrell Hailey Murrie Jacob Murrie Sophia Murrie William Nedeski Liam Nedeski Sebastian Nelson Eadie Noonan Jack Noonan Violet Nunn Archie Nunn Cooper O'Brien Emmanuel O'Kane Marley Peacock Charlie Peacock Leilani Peacock Marley Pead Mackenzie Pearson Ben Pearson Blake Peel Dylan Pinkerton Liam Powell Mel Prendergast Coco Price James Price Molly Quadros Harrison


Quadros Harrison


Ram Jayden Rees Ivy Rees Max Rejske Keira Roberts Byron Roberts Kate Robson Hannah Robson Judah Robson Koah

Rocker Ben Rocker Olivia Rogers Tallulah Rollinson Eli Rollinson Harper Rose Kayla Rushton Mason Ryan Ava Ryan James Ryan Sia Salm Emily Samyia James Saville Flynn Saville Riley Sawtell Joshua Sawtell Thomas Scott Betsy Scott Daisy Scott Deacan Scott Preston Scott Ralfie Scowen Isabella Scowen Sienna Segrave Archie Segrave Hugo Segrave Leo Segrave Ned Segrave Pippa Sellick Paige Shearer Bridget Shearer William Sherlock Ethan Shimamoto-Canham


Silins Thomas Steadman Summer Stewart Ruby Swinnerton Ashby Swinnerton Celie Swinnerton Macey Te Velde Claudia Te Velde Elliott Thompson Jedd

Sandon Point Surf Lifesaving Club Annual Report 2019-2020 Page 23

Thompson Miles Tilley Emma Topiais-Penning


Upton Blaise Upton Kirra Upton Ned Van Akker Isabelle Ward Addison Ward Isobelle Warren Darcy Watt Charlie Watt Henry Welchman Ashleigh Welsh Isaac Welsh Lucia Williams Abigail Williams Charlotte Williams Chloe Williams Sophia Woods Talita Young Max

Associate Members Aivaliotis Greg Aivaliotis Penny Angus Trent Ashton Lindy Atherton Joshua Bartolo Cherie Beath Aaron Belanszky Gusztav Benefiel Michael Bennett Matthew Benson Richard Bent Sharon Bexterman Michelle Bishop Alana Blackmore Neil Bourke Stephen Boynton Joanne

Brodbeck Nicky Brooks Rita Brooks Tenille Broughton Bernard Brown Adrian Brown Jayde Brown Jeremy Brown Stephen Campbell Catherine Carroll Angela Chambers Kane Chan Celia Chanhsamone Katrice Cherne Gwen Choice Julia Clark Josephine Collins Gerrard Colquhoun Adam Croghan Catriona Cummins Damon Davey Erin Davies Alex Davies Andrew Davies Tracy Dawson Liam Dearden Jane Dearden Margaret Dearden Ross Deveney Maija Devine Cindy Donovan Adam Duffy Karan Duffy Saul Eckert Alicia Elliott Belinda Elliott Dane Ette Graham Falls Colin Forbes Kelly Forbes Steven Frappell Kieren Galbraith-Marten




Gard Katie Gater Caroline Gibson Sofia Grose Kylie Hall Julia Hamill Doug Hamill Michelle Hamilton Peter Harper Troy Harrison Todd Hart Daniel Hawkins Troy Head Kaylee Hendel Katharina Hick Erin Hinds Francis Hogan Rodney Howard Melanie Ismail Aisha Johnson Steve Johnston Leonard Jones Stuart Kennedy Brett Kramers Lisa Larance Alex Lay Lisa Lay Phil Lee Naomi Liackman Margaret Liew May-Lin Linden Vanessa Loades Trystan Lyons Brendon Magarey Elizabeth Mailhammer Robert Marshall Bryson McAleer Corin McDowall Errin Mcevoy Diane Mcevoy Justin McKinnon Lucas

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McMahon Adam Mcmahon Matthew Meades Kathy Mercuri Eddy Mihail Karen Miranda Arturo Mitchell Nathan Moore Mara Moore Phillip Moreno Susan Morgan Joshua Morris Dave Morris Robyn Mott David Murrell Michael Murrie Mark Nedeski Amanda Nelson Ian Noonan Peter OBrien Kimberley Organ Julie Peacock Rennae Penning Barbara

Penning Georgina Pham Nhung Poscoliero Gino Price William Rees Carly Rejske Justin Roberts Noosha Robson Keely Rogers Kerry Rollinson Katie Roque Da Silva Woods


Rose Michael Ruiz Molleda


Ryan Peter Saddi Hytham Saddi Roslyn Salm Denise Samyia Elizabeth Saville Glen Scott Richard Scowen Gavin Segrave Jennifer

Segrave Kim Sellick Karen Shearer Brett Sherlock Todd Shumack Amy Silburn Melanie Spanswick Denise Staples Margaret Steadman Peta Sutton Steven Swinnerton Mark Te Velde Michael Thompson Mark Thompson Timothy Tilley Kye Trasler Nathan Turnbull Elizabeth Watt Jimmy Welchman Steven Williams Sonya Williams Todd Young Charis