55 powerful posts to win your procrastination battle · 55 powerful posts to win your...

55 Powerful Posts to Win Your Procrastination Battle

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55 Powerful Posts to Win Your Procrastination Battle

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Is this you? You finish projects only at the last minute, often compromising on quality.

You end up paying your bills in a rush on the last day, perhaps late.

And what about your dreams?

Are you procrastinating on your life goals? Dreams that are really

important to you?

Goals that you know could change your life. Things like...

Starting your own business

Getting that advanced certification or training that will dramatically increase

your income

Starting that new project at work that will make a tremendous difference to

your success

Frustrating isn't it?

"Why did I let this happen again?"

"Why didn't I start this sooner?"

You are frustrated because of your procrastination habits. And you haven't been able

to change!

If procrastination is holding you back from achieving your dreams, you need to start

fighting back - now.

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You can Change, Now!

I have been a slave to procrastination myself. I know what you feel like.

I also know that you can change. Because I did, and have helped dozens of people do

the same.

But before you can win your procrastination battle, you need to understand your

enemy. In this case, the enemy is within yourself.

55 Powerful Articles to Overcome Procrastination

These 55 articles have invaluable insights by productivity experts, entrepreneurs,

successful bloggers and researchers & scientists.

Looking for a quick list of solutions? You got it!

Looking for a deep dive into the psychology of procrastination? I have you covered!

This post has 8 parts. Here's a table of contents...


Part 1: List Posts for Quick Answers

Part 2: The 'Why' of Procrastination

Part 3: Specific Anti Procrastination Hacks

Part 4: Unconventional Hacks

Part 5: Detailed List Posts

Part 6: The Psychology of Procrastination

Part 7: Positive Procrastination

Part 8: Anti-procrastination Infographics

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Part 1: List Posts for Quick Answers

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The good old list post. For those who would rather get back to work with a short

answer rather than take a deep dive!

1. Craig Jarrow | Time Management Ninja

21 Ways to Crush Your Procrastination Be sure to check out #8 - an uncommon but

really effective hack!

2. Leo Babauta (Zen Habits) | @ Scott H Young

20 Procrastination Hacks One of Leo's earlier guest posts from 2007.

3. Brian Tracy

8 task management tips to stop procrastinating and get things done Check out Tip No

7 in this post by the author of 'Eat that Frog'.

4. Carla Schesser | Addicted2Success

How To Turn Procrastination Into Productivity Check out Tip No 8! It's surprising how

often we ignore this solution.

Part 2

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Part 2: The 'Why' of Procrastination

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What goes on through our heads when we procrastinate? How do we rationalize

not doing what needs to be done? Let's find out.

5. American Psychological Association

The top 15 procrastination rationalizations A valuable list that just takes 30 seconds

to read.

6. Marc Chernoff | Marc and Angel

10 Damaging Lies and Excuses Your Mind Loves to Tell You Marc talks about 10

rationalizations and what we should be thinking instead.

7. Shana Lebowitz | Business Insider

You aren't just lazy — these 7 psychological theories explain why you procrastinate

I bet you never thought of reasons No 1 and 7!

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t Part 3: Specific Anti- Procrastination Hacks

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This section has posts that each talk about a specific approach to beat


8. James Clear

How to Stop Procrastinating and Boost Your Willpower by Using “Temptation

Bundling” You don’t even need to kick your TV habits to put this into action!

9. Leo Babauta | Zen Habits

Beating the Fears that Cause Procrastination How do you overcome the fear that

keeps you from taking action?

10. Charlie Gilkey | Productive Flourishing

A Frog a Day Keeps Your Anchors Aweigh Talks about the dread-work ratio and how

to reduce the 'dread' that causes procrastination.

11. Justin Rosenstein | LinkedIn

Productivity Hacks: How to Overcome Procrastination by Facing Discomfort The co-

founder of Asana talks about activating a simple 3 step process to override the

procrastination mindset.

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12. Michael Hyatt

The paradigm shift that helped me defeat perfectionism once and for

all Perfectionism is one of the biggest causes of procrastination. Here's an article

about how to beat it.

13. Guy Kawasaki

Is a Business Plan Necessary? Procrastination is most dangerous when you don’t

recognize it. Perhaps you call it planning. This article by Guy Kawasaki can help you

avoid getting caught in too much planning.

14. Scott H. Young

Could Obsessive Research Be the Cure for Procrastination? While planning can lead

to procrastination, we often procrastinate when we don’t have enough

information. This article, along with the two above will make that distinction clearer.

15. Thanh Pham | Asian Efficiency

Solar Flaring to Overcome Procrastination A simple 'self-talk' approach that will help

you get over that resistance to begin.

16. Christopher R. Edgar | The Change Blog

Procrastination and the Art of Allowing The post talks about the importance of

mindfulness and introspection to deal with procrastination.

17. Leo Babauta | Zen Habits

Procrastination is a Mindfulness Problem Leo talks about the importance of

awareness to overcome procrastination.

18. Dr. Jeremy Dean | PsyBlog

The Zeigarnik Effect What can waiters, the TV series ‘Lost’ and Charles Dickens teach

you about avoiding procrastination? GTD lovers will find this approach familiar!

19. Eric Barker | Barking up the Wrong Tree

How To Stop Procrastinating: 4 New Steps Backed By Research The steps to using the

power of habits to beat procrastination.

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20. Dr. Andrea Bonior | Psychology Today

The Surefire First Step to Stop Procrastinating Use this habit forming principle to get

things done.

21. Craig Ballantyne | Early to Rise

How to Beat Procrastination You often hear that the solution is to 'just start'. But

how do you make it really easy for you to start? Here's the answer…

22. Craig Jarrow | Time Management Ninja

Procrastination is Contagious Yup! Other people could be causing you to

procrastinate. Learn about how to avoid catching the procrastination bug!

23. Alexander Kalamaroff | Lifehacker

Gamify Your Life: A Guide to Incentivizing Everything Ever thought about how to use

games to beat procrastination?

24. Rachel Gillett | Fast Company

The One Habit Change that can Help you Stop Procrastinating Twitter co-founder

Jack Dorsey is well known for using theme days to get more done. Check out this

experiment that some people carried out to see if that habit could beat


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Part 4: Unconventional hacks

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If regular methods are not working for you, maybe you need to try something new.

Here are a few articles that talk about hacks that might actually turn things around!

25. Henneke Duistermatt | Enchanting Marketing

The 90% Rule of Being Productive, Feeling Better, and Achieving More Are you trying

too hard to be productive, and yet, you tend to procrastinate? Try this!

26. Walter Chen | 99U

The Power of Structured Procrastination Walter Chen, the co-founder

of iDoneThis, talks about a counter-intuitive hack that that a lot of people, including

academicians swear by.

27. Nell McShane Wulfhart | Lifehacker

Five Counterintuitive Ways to Use Procrastination and Become Productive If you

have had enough of the 'last minute panic' try applying these.

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t Part 5: Detailed List Posts

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These posts have more detail than the list posts from Part 1. Lots of valuable

insights that we haven't covered so far.

28. Chris Bailey | A Life of Productivity

Here’s why you procrastinate, and 10 tactics that will help you stop Chris shares

insights from his interview with Dr. Tim Pychyl, the author of 'Solving the

Procrastination Puzzle'.

29. Marc Chernoff | Marc and Angel

28 Ways to Slay the Delay A compilation post with great insights from some of the

world's biggest bloggers.

30. Conor O'Rourke | Page19 (Blinkist Blog)

6 Experts on How to Beat Procrastination and Finally Get to Work Another

compilation of insights by bestselling authors

31. Jason Demakis | Pick the Brain

5 Principles for Pummeling Procrastination Talks about including fun as part of your

schedule and not to look at procrastination negatively. Rather as something that's

pointing you in a certain direction.

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32. Timo Kiander | Productivityist

Start Taking Action: 12 Steps to Beat Procrastination and Finish What You Started

A well-structured post that runs you through the planning, execution and finishing

phases of a project.

33. Kevin Purdy | Lifehacker

Top 10 Motivation Boosters and Procrastination Killers Has a few methods which you

probably won't find elsewhere!

34. Steve Pavlina

Overcoming Procrastination A detailed post that talks about 8 cause of

procrastination and how to address each.

35. Dustin Le | Edudemic

How to Use The Now Habit to End Student Procrastination Tip #1 here is fantastic! It

will work for you even if you are not a student.

36. Adeea | The Trendy Socialite

The Procrastinator's Guide to Productivity What do you do if you have already

procrastinated on a task and the deadline is looming? Or what if you are a chronic

procrastinator and just can't shake the habit! Check out this article!

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rt 6Part 6: The Psychology of Procrastination

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To change ourselves or people around us, it's often really helpful to understand

ourselves better. This section looks into the science behind our tendency to

procrastinate. Solutions are based on compelling research that gives you a 'why'

for any recommended approach.

37. Denis Duvauchelle | TNW

Brain freeze: The science of procrastination and our ‘smart’ brains A post by Denis

Duvauchelle, CEO and co-founder of team collaboration tool Twoodo,

38. Paul Minors | Productivityist

The Psychology of Procrastination and How to Avoid It Exactly what mental processes

have to be in place for you to be able to execute something? Check out 'The

Execution Formula'

39. Jonathan Fields

Attention Chronic Non-finishers, I know your Secret We often never finish what we

started? Why? Here's a possible reason (citing the Zeigarnik Effect that we

mentioned in an earlier article)

40. Gregory Ciotti | Bidsketch

6 Scientific Tactics to Stop Procrastinating A good read, with links to studies if you

want more detail.

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41. Kevan Lee | Buffer

Games and your Brain: How to use Gamification to Stop Procrastination A more

detailed post on using gamification.

42. Sue Shellenbarger | Wall Street Journal

To Stop Procrastinating, Look to Science of Mood Repair Do you often give in to feel

good and turn to immediate gratification? Read this about managing your mood.

43. Leigh Buchanan | Inc

Inside the Psychology of Productivity You can have a very incorrect idea of how

productive you really are. Great insights here.

44. Anna Hensel | Inc

The Psychological Tip to Help You (Finally) Overcome Procrastination A short but

compelling article on how to leverage your sense of identity.

45. Olga Khazan | The Atlantic

The Mechanics of Preventing Procrastination How measuring time differently can

help you get more done. A post shared more than 22,000 times!

46. Ellen Hendriksen | Quick and Dirty Tips

How to Stop Procrastinating Tip No 4. Refers to a 2012 research that’s interesting.

47. Susannah Locke | Vox

Why your brain loves procrastination An interview with interview with Dr. Tim

Pychyl, the author of 'Solving the Procrastination Puzzle'.

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Part 7: Positive Procrastination

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Can procrastination actually be good for you? Sometimes yes! These articles

explore how it can actually make you more successful. But be warned, this refers to

a specific type of procrastination. Don't misinterpret it! These tips are not for those

who miss deadlines or end up delivering shoddy quality. Rather, these are for people

who want to work smarter.

48. Belle Beth Cooper | Buffer

Why Procrastination doesn't need a Cure: A Guide to Structured Distraction "So the

question is not how to avoid procrastination, but how to procrastinate well."

49. Steve Tobak | Entrepreneur

Why Procrastination is not your Problem A different perspective about what

procrastination means, and its implications.

50. Bryan Hutchinson | Creative Writer

8 Reasons why Procrastination is Better than Working A great read, especially if you

are in a creative field.

51. Cole Fledman | Thought Catalogue

7 Keys to Being an Expert Procrastinator in College Being smart at how you work isn't

really procrastination!

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52. Rebecca Burn Callandar | The Telegraph

Why Being Lazy and Procrastinating can make you Wildly Successful "Bill Gates said

he would always 'hire a lazy person to do a difficult job' at Microsoft 'because a lazy

person will find an easy way to do it". What do you think?

Part 8

Part 8: Infographics

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Don't you just love how infographics? Here are a few of them to help you tackle the

procrastination problem.

53. Essay Expert

15 Ways to Beat Procrastination A really popular infographic that provides 15

approaches. Simple and great design!

54. Piers Steel |Procrastinus

The Procrastination Equation Professor Piers Steel defines procrastination through

an equation.

55. Agil8

The Science of Procrastination A great infographic for those who would like to

understand the psychology behind procrastination

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Lots of methods, but what’s really going to work for you?

To find the fastest way to beat your procrastination habits and reach

your goals faster, you can sign up for our private coaching sessions.

Learn more about our coaching program by clicking below.

Peter and Joy

Co-Founders, SuccessIsWhat

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