52 leadership principles - teen - sample


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This book is a very unique one because it provides youwith age-old wisdom to become a leader of yourselfand then other people.Isolation of oneself provides you with clarity and, withthe knowledge I gained from reading over 400 booksduring my incarceration and from the 500 or so sincemy release, God has revealed to me the 52 ultimateleadership principles that if applied will lead to a lifeof wholeness.


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52 Leadership Principles for Teens

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Copyright© 2012 by K.D. Hardy

52 Ultimate Leadership Principles for TeensBy K.D. Hardy

Printed in the United States of America

ISBN # 978-1-4675-4160-2

All rights reserved solely by the author. The authorguarantees all contents are original and do notinfringe upon the legal rights of any other person orwork. No part of this book may be reproduced in anyform without the permission of the author. The viewsexpressed in this book are not necessarily those of thepublisher.

Cover art by Alana Garrett

K.D. HARDY UNLIMITEDShannon, Alabama

Please visit our website at www.kdspeakstoyouth.com

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I would like to thank my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ,who loved and protected me when I lived a life thatdid not honor Him.

I want to recognize the following people: my wifeTracy, son KT, father Robert Hardy, mother PatriciaHardy, sister Paquita, nephew Jay, Pastor VanableMoody and First Lady Dr. Ty Moody, and all theworship center family. I would like to also recognizeall of my aunts, uncles, and cousins. Much love to allof my in-laws and all of my many friends.

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I would like to dedicate this book to my lategrandfather, William Jean Hall. He always told me Icould do great things. Remembering his words helpedme to excel when several times on this journey Iwanted to quit.

To Your Peak Performance,


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This book is a very unique one because it provides youwith age-old wisdom to become a leader of yourselfand then other people.

Isolation of oneself provides you with clarity and, withthe knowledge I gained from reading over 400 booksduring my incarceration and from the 500 or so sincemy release, God has revealed to me the 52 ultimateleadership principles that if applied will lead to a lifeof wholeness.

I challenge you today to apply these principles andbecome the leader you were meant to be!

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52 Ultimate Leadership Principles for Teens

1. While going through a difficult time, only twothings can happen: you can choose to be bitter, oryou can choose to get better! What are youchoosing today?


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52 Ultimate Leadership Principles for Teens

2. People say that experience is the best teacher. Idisagree. Can experience teach a lesson? Sure itcan, but there is a great cost. My favorite booksays, “A wise man learns from instruction notexperience.” If you have to experience everythingfor you to learn a lesson, then you are going towaste a lot of time. I was not a wise young man,and it cost me six years in prison; but to God bethe glory.


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52 Ultimate Leadership Principles for Teens

11. Successful people prioritize their TIME becausethey realize TIME can never be retrieved. How youmanage TIME will determine whether you win orlose in the game of life! How are you managingyour time?


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52 Ultimate Leadership Principles for Teens

16. The mind is so powerful. While I was incarcerated,I used to walk around visualizing myself speakingto hundreds and thousands of people. Now I amwatching it unfold right before my eyes. Themessage here is clear. Dream big because themind can produce what your heart desires.


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52 Ultimate Leadership Principles for Teens

18. Educating yourself is a lifetime process, so dowhat you really enjoy so the world can get thebest you!


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52 Ultimate Leadership Principles for Teens

20. You can change your life one book at a time. Myfavorite book says, “In all your getting, getunderstanding.” If you want a better relationship,better health, or more money there is a book outthere to help you meet your need. Pick up a booktoday, read it, take action, and watch your lifebegin to change.


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52 Ultimate Leadership Principles for Teens

23. My parents loved me and supported me when Idid not deserve their love. My mom said, “Justbecause you made a bad choice doesn’t mean Iwill stop loving and supporting you. That is notwhat God expects of me.” As a teenager, I did nothonor my mother and father and my life fell apart.I challenge you to honor your parents and watchyour life flourish.


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52 Ultimate Leadership Principles for Teens

Other Books by K.D. Hardy:

These Four Walls

Freshman Orientation – Avoid the Dangers ofDestructive Decision Making (with Shelley A.W. Roy)

Bully Proof – A Guide to Help Parents and TeachersBully Proof Their Kids (with Dr. William A. Spann)

Parenting by Example for Drug Free Kids

Curriculum: (for group study)

Opening Doors to Independence for PeakPerformance (for Youth)

Ten Strategies for Peak Performance (for Adults)

FOR SPEAKING REQUESTS, PLEASE CONTACT:Sharon Leslie-Clarke, Administrative AssistantPhone: 866-515-6852Email: [email protected]

Please visit our website at www.kdspeakstoyouth.com

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