5063 - it operations analytics bridging business and it

IT Operations Analytics = Bridging Business and IT Session #5063

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IT Operations Analytics = Bridging Business and IT Session #5063

ObjectivesThe ability to meet customer demands now and in the future is a critical function in any business. Being caught by surprise by spikes in IT demand from the business could mean you are not just leaving money on the table, but also not meeting your customers' needs.

See how to collect, organize and convert infrastructure data into business-relevant information, and how solutions from IBM can help you to:

1. Describe and understand current state;

2. Predict future trends and growth; and

3. Provide prescriptive optimization recommendations to address gap analysis or anomaly detection "what-if" scenarios.

The insight you gain will allow you to better handle the business dynamics of the applications that consume IT infrastructure resources.


IT Operations Analytics Business Analytics

Analytics based on corporate data to gain insights for business initiatives.- customer buying patterns- using tool such as SPSS, Cognos

Operational AnalyticsAnalytics as part of transaction processing, aka OLTAP – OnLine Transactional and Analytics Processing.- Fraud detection on a banking transaction- IDAA usage with z/OS

IT Operations AnalyticsAnalytics against machine data to make IT systems smarter,and IT teams more efficient


Search & Analyze: Quickly search and analyze large volumes of data from a single search bar Perform log and performance analysis while searching Correlate messages from multiple logs for end-to-end problem diagnosis

Predict: Pro-Active Outage Avoidance Predict problems before they occur

Optimize: Improve performance across IT Infrastructure

IBM is focused on managing end-to-end analytics for improved performance and workload management


IBM Analytics solutions for z Systems

PredictIBM zAware


Proactive Outage Avoidance

Search & AnalyzeIBM Operations Analytics for z


Faster Problem Resolution

OptimizeIBM Capacity Management

Analytics (CMA)

Optimized Performance


The Capacity Management domain addresses three levels of maturity.

Business Capacity Management (BCM): This sub-process is responsible for ensuring that the impacts of future business requirements for IT services upon IT infrastructure resources are considered, planned, and implemented in a timely fashion

Service Capacity Management (SCM): This sub-process is the management of the performance of the IT services (applications) used by the customers. It is responsible for ensuring that the service performance is monitored, measured and reported; and meets business requirements and agreements

Component Capacity Management (CCM): This sub-process is the management of the performance, utilization, and capacity of individual IT infrastructure components possessing finite resources

ITIL® refers to these three levels as Capacity Management sub-processes.Capacity Management is included in ITIL® process framework. 4


Elements of Demand Management a main source of business demand used by Capacity Management to develop capacity forecasts and solutions.

Excerpted from “Service economics” chapter of itSMF publication for ITIL® V3 core documents, 2008-12-15.

Conceptual View

Business processes are the primary source of demand for services.

Patterns of business activity (PBA) influence the demand patterns seen by the service providers (Figure5.23)

It is very important to study the customer’s business to identify, analyse and codify such patterns to provide sufficient basis for Capacity Management.

Visualize the customer’s business activity and plans in terms of the demand for supporting services



…and…add ITIL V3 Service Strategy Demand Management for ‘sense and respond’ alignment with client Business Transformation

ITIL® Demand Management Key Activities:• Establish Demand Management framework• Value and classify business demands• Consolidate business demand patterns and

forecasts• Forecast service demand• Identify and plan demand management

initiatives• Assess and report demand management

outcomes• Evaluate demand management


Capacity Management translates business demand through to the component level.


Several tasks in the Demand Management process need to be driven by Capacity Management to obtain improved capacity requirements and forecasts.

Demand Mgmt. Process Activity

Demand Mgmt. Process Task

Relationship with Capacity Management

Note: This is a minimal subset to provide input to Capacity Management Value and Classify Business Demands

Identify and Analyze Business Demand Streams and Demand

Work with business areas to gather business demand information, analyze types of demand in business terms and obtain trend of the demand - For customers of IT, internal and external

Forecast Service Demand Create Business Demand Forecasts

Work with business areas to create forecasts of business demand for major business areas

Assess & Report Demand Mgt.

Identify Service Demand Baselines

Determine existing baselines for service demand for given business areas

Forecast Service Demand Translate Service Demand to Service Consumption Units

Convert service demand into service consumption units for the business areas

Forecast Service Demand Translate Business Demands to Service Demands

Take business demand data and results and identify demand for specific IT services

Forecast Service Demand Create Service Demand Forecasts

Take the Service Demands and create forecast for the required IT services (input to “Model and Size Capacity Requirements” and “Produce and Maintain Capacity Plan”

The Analytics Maturity Model also has three levels of progression.

Analytics is a means to an end:But its value comes from the decisions it enables

It is OK to start with reportingBut think about the decisions you want to enable

Data Insight Action


Predictive Analytics• What will happen?

Descriptive Analytics• What has happened?

Prescriptive Analytics• What should we do?

Business Value



AIX Servers


Application ArchitectChief Architect

IT Manager

WindowsLinux Servers

z Systems


Capacity Management Analytics (CMA)

Z Software Middleware Stack

Capacity Management Domain Expert ModulesSystems

Management & Optimization

Software Cost Analysis

Capacity Planning and Forecasting

Problem Identification

Application Analytics


Capacity Planner

CMA provides modular built-in expertise for the capacity management domain that turns machine/infrastructure data to actionable insight.


Several significant new capabilities were announced with CMA v2.1 covered in Session #5068: .

CMA Platform

CMA Solution Kit Modules

Cognos BI



TDS for z/OS

Modeling &Optimization

Systems Management &


Software Cost Analysis

Capacity Planning and Forecasting

Problem Identification

Application Analytics

IBM DB2 Analytics



Extensible Report Templates

SPSS Model

Data Collection, Scheduling & Automation

Reporting & Visualization




CMA’s five modules of provide built-in expertise to enable progression of both Capacity Management and Analytics Insight.

IT Analytics can be used to tap into the rich set of readily available

infrastructure data

coupled with

application metrics

…and with

business metrics

…to progress from


to Predictive

to Prescriptive INSIGHT & ACTION!





ent M









) C-Suite &



















Capacity Planners,

Infrastructure Architects


Capacity Analytics Insight & Action


Question: Are you getting the most out of your zIIP engines?• System z Integrated Information Processor (zIIP)

& System z Application Assist Processor (zAAP)

• Specialty processors have lower hardware acquisition costs and zIIP’s & zAAP’s don’t impact software pricing based on capacity

IBM Capacity Management Analytics

Question: Are you getting the most out of your mainframe?• Prescriptive recommendation of LPAR


• Analyze whether utilization is over/under your guaranteed share

• What-if analysis of different target demand workload to make best use of available capacity.

Systems Management & Optimization

Systems Management and OptimizationLPAR Weight Optimization Run Result

Systems Management & Optimization


Systems Management and OptimizationOver/Under Shared Weight – CPC by LPAR

Systems Management &


Determine available white space by comparing target “demand” workload against total workload.


IBM Capacity Management Analytics

Dynamically select your standard formula for capacity planning or compare between formulas to find the one that best fits your requirements.

CMA uses predictive analytics to help organizations use their data to make better decisions by drawing reliable, data-driven conclusions based on past and current events.

Future capacity requirements can be forecasted to help ensure that sufficient capacity is available when the business needs it.

Capacity Planning and Forecasting

Question: Would I have enough capacity to handle my business growth in the next three months?


Forecasting – SPSS Time Series ModellingCapacity Planning and Forecasting


Answers cost questions such as:

• How much MSU is consumed in LPAR(s) and where is the billable peak? Which products contribute to the peak and by how much MSU?

• How much should be billed on the whole z machine (CEC) for SCRT cycles? or other date ranges?

• What is the total billable MSU and cost for all z machines in an enterprise?

Better manage z/OS software costs Identify where and when workloads need to be adjusted Determine when additional capacity is required

Software Cost Analysis

IBM Capacity Management Analytics


Software Cost Analysis – Three Scenarios

Optimized: Suggest alternative LPAR / product configurations to take advantage of white space and reduce billable MSU where possible.

Observed: Track product MSU usage and costs at LPAR and Server level, identifying peak intervals and tracking 4 hour rolling average (4HRA).

Forecasted: Predict future MSU and cost usage based on forward utilization model.

Software Cost Analysis


4-part series on “Exploring Analytics to Enable the Business and Service Value of Capacity Planning”• Part 1 - Introduction to Analytics for Capacity Planning

– Published in the Computer Measurement Group Journal => CMG Journal Issue 134, Summer 2013

• Part 2 - Analytics and the Capacity Management Information System (CMIS)

– Published in => CMG Journal Issue 136, Spring 2014

• Part 3 - Analytics Techniques in Capacity Management: Forecasting and Modeling

– Published in => CMG Journal Issue 137, Winter 2015

• Part 4 – VisualizationTarget for Spring or Summer 2016

Co-Author AcknowledgmentsAnn Dowling, Senior Offering Manager – CMA, Analytics Solutions, IBM - [email protected] Rudden, STSM, Optimized Services, IBM - [email protected] Zolotow, Distinguished Engineer, Global Technology Services, IBM - [email protected] van Sprang, Analytics Architect, Global Business Services, IBM - [email protected]

IBM Capacity Management Analytics @ Interconnect 2016

IBM Capacity Management Analytics on turns  machine data to actionable insight and provides built‐in expertise in capacity management.-------------------------------------------------------------------------Meet us at Interconnect 2016NZS‐5068 : Introduction to Capacity Management Analytics

Session Type : Breakout SessionDate/Time : Mon, 22‐Feb, 04:30 PM‐05:30 PMVenue : Mandalay Bay SOUTHRoom : Mandalay Ballroom B

-------------------------------------------------------------------------NZS‐5063 : IT Operations Analytics = Bridging Business and IT 

Session Type : Breakout SessionDate/Time : Thu, 25‐Feb, 10:30 AM‐11:15 AMVenue : Mandalay Bay SOUTHRoom : Mandalay Ballroom B

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐NZS‐5807:  Explore IT Analytics Use Cases with IBM Capacity Management Analytics 

Session Type:  Scheduled LABDate/Time:  Wed, 24‐Feb, 08:30 AMVenue:Room:

CMA: IBM’s ease-of-use analytics solution• A workspace with greater power, intuitive navigation and cleaner look • Pixel perfect reporting• Advanced Filtering• Seamlessly shift to more advanced analysis interaction • Communicate your analysis using Microsoft Office• Analytics on the go with Mobile devices and disconnected interaction

What’s new with IBM CMA V2.1?• Application Analytics• LPAR Weight Optimization• Software Cost Analysis• Anomaly Detection for CICS• Dynamic Capacity Formulas• System Management• Capacity Planning and Forecasting

To learn more about IBM Capacity Management Analytics, visit us at: http://www-03.ibm.com/software/products/en/capacity-management-analytics



CMA ContactsAlvin Cho - [email protected] Dowling - [email protected] g Jebaraj [email protected] Tsao - [email protected] Anaya - [email protected] Evans - [email protected]

CMA Technical SalesNA Tech SalesAnalytic on z System Technical Sales Mgr

Ben DeVivo ‐ [email protected] Technical Professional

Avard Hart ‐ [email protected] Kamath ‐ [email protected] Babiak ‐[email protected]

Technical Sales SpecialistsNorman Hollander – [email protected] Moore – [email protected]

NA Technical Solution ArchitectsTechnical Solution Architect, Business Analytics

Michael Schapira ‐[email protected] 

UKI:Melanie Chilvers ‐[email protected] Hoogerboord ‐ [email protected] Lowe ‐[email protected]

Germany:Patrick Unger ‐ [email protected]

Spain:Santiago Cantero Fernandez ‐ [email protected]

LATAMAnalytic on z System Technical Sales Mgr

Aroldo Y Yai ‐ [email protected]

Client Technical ProfessionalAnderson da Silva Sforcini ‐ [email protected] Leonor Golia ‐ [email protected] Arellano ‐ [email protected]



ITOA Sessions

Session number Title Speakers

3957 Batch Job / Scheduling Analytics using IOAzSundaraveul Shanmugam, IBMAlbee Jhoney, IBM

4440 A Look Into How IBM zAware Improves AvailabilityChris Brooker, IBM Anuja Deedwaniya, IBM

4463 IBM zAware Client ExperienceChris Brooker, IBM Anuja Deedwaniya, IBM

4532 Bringing Real-time SMF Data to Life with ITOA for z Systems Alan Place, IBM & Barry Klutz, IBM

4561 IBM Operations Analytics for z Systems Client Experience Barry Klutz, IBM

5063 IT Operations Analytics = Bridging Business and IT Ann Dowling, IBM

5068 Introduction to Capacity Management Analytics Ann Dowling, IBM


Customer Feedback Roundtables

• 6318 Common IT Operations Analytics Platform– In this roundtable session we will discuss the current state and the roadmap of IBM IT Operations Analytics platform. Are you putting IT

Ops Analytics to work for you, allowing your staff to work faster and smarter and manage your environment better? Discuss how the must-have IT Ops Analytics tools will save you money and enhance your credibility (as regards SLAs) by cutting the mean time to repair significantly. We'll discuss how to look at your data through Insight Packs while permitting machine intelligence to assist in facilitating your environment.

• 6319 Roundtable: IBM System z, built for cloud – In this roundtable, we will discuss how your needs are changing as pressure to adopt cloud service models increase. The

focus will include, how to offer traditional System z services in a platform as a service, or software as a service model. How to enable end users to request resources in a self-service manner. What options are available to enable z/OS resources to participate in a hybrid cloud application. Provide feedback on what cloud scenarios for IBM System z are being considered in your organization, and what challenges exist that could be removed to make this transition less difficult.

• 6326 z Software Monitoring/Automation Futures– In this roundtable, we will discuss your needs in the Service Management Suite for z/OS that includes comprehensive

OMEGAMON monitoring and System Automation for z/OS capabilities. The focus will include IBM Service Management Unite, the suite's new web user interface that integrates performance monitoring, automation and log analysis, simplifying problem identification, problem isolation and service restoration. We want to hear your opinions about how Unite should be enhanced in the future. What kind of workloads need to be managed? Are there essential functions you need to lower your operational risk or manage IT costs? How should z Systems strategies such as mobile, DevOps, cloud or API management be factoring into our solution?

Thank YouYour Feedback is Important!

Access the InterConnect 2016 Conference Attendee Portal to complete your session surveys from your

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