5 ways to speak like obama adobe fontificators bud everts 2009 1111 final

1 1 Communicating with Clarity & Confidence “5 Ways to Speak Like Obama Adobe Fontificators Toastmasters November 11, 2009 Bud Everts

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Communicating with Clarity & Confidence

“5 Ways to Speak Like Obama”

Adobe Fontificators ToastmastersNovember 11, 2009

Bud Everts

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5 Ways to Speak Like Obama


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5 Ways to Speak Like Obama


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5 Ways to Speak Like Obama


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5 Ways to Speak Like Obama

3. CBS

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5 Ways to Speak Like Obama

4. PBS

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5 Ways to Speak Like Obama

5. CAR

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Communicating withClarity and Confidence

To Speak American English with Clarity (being understood the first time) Confidence (know you’re pronouncing correctly, using the right words.

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American Accent Acquisition

Pronunciation Airflow Control

Word Stress Intonation

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The “Rubber Band” Technique

Place a rubber band between your thumbs. Stretch and hold it to make a sound or syllable longer. Bring your thumbs together quickly to shorten a sound or


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Key Components ofAmerican Accent Acquisition


International Phonetic Alphabet

23 vowels &

25 Consonants

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Key Components ofAmerican Accent Acquisition

Airflow Control

Releasing Breath with Speech

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Key Components ofAmerican Accent Acquisition

Word Stress

Stress-timed Syllable Length

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Key Components ofAmerican Accent Acquisition

Intonation The Music of the Language

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Thank you!

Bud [email protected]



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Page 23: 5 Ways To Speak Like Obama   Adobe Fontificators    Bud Everts 2009 1111 Final

Communicate with Clarity & Confidence!

American Accent Acquisition Coach & Business Conversation Coach

with “English by the Hour” in Campbell

Human Resources Executive

Toastmasters Area B5 Governor: 2008-2009


Bud Everts

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-Spe c i f i c I s s ue s f or NonNat i ve

Spe ake r s of Ame r i c anEngl i s h Length: Vowel Sounds (“cat” vs. “cot”)

Release of Air with Consonant Sounds (usual, easier, another, something)

Endings on Words (-ed, -s, and –ing)

Linking & Release of Breath with Speech

Lengthening Syllables (WONderful)

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Vowe l Lengt h – Par t One


Short vs. long vowels + /n/

- mention vs. maintain

- pen vs. pain

- sensational, campaign, insane

- Entertain change.

- Take the train.

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Vowe l Lengt h – Par t Two

sin vs. scene candy, demand Phone home. identify, time, tiny, rhyme downtown, account, found smile, awhile, growl, towel


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Mor e Fun wi t h Vowe l s

person, early, first, girl, world man, candy, calendar, faster, last,

past not, project, process, progress,

conduct, concept part, carton, start, shark


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I nc r e as i ng Ai r Fl ow on Spe c i f i c Sounds

these, brother, otherwise thoughtful, Thursday, authentic soft, sauce, something, pizza (/ts/) easier, visit, zoo, buzzer, zone versatile, over, adventure vision, usual, casual, measure distinguishing /s/ and /sh/, as in delicious or suspicious or sort vs. short


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Droppi ng Fi nal Cons onant s & Uns t r e s s e d

Syl l abl e s restrict, expect, find, friend wishes vs. talks vs. improves decided vs. asked vs. complained challeng[ing] or misin[ter]preted


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:Word St r e s s Not al l Syl l abl e s ar e Cr e at e d


Hol idayConsequences Yesterday


Advantageous 30

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***3 ***Words

Write down 3 words that are challenging to pronounce.

Hand them to Bud when you are finished!


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. Cont e nt vs Func t i onWords

Content Words are long Nouns, verbs, adjectives & adverbs (such as “friends, talk,

nice, or quickly”) Function Words are short

Everything else: Pronouns, prepositions, articles (such as “in, for, him, she, it, the”)

The last Content Word is always held LONGEST. We can take a “breath” after each LONG content word.

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:Exampl e


• His best friend Mike is going to loan him the money so he can join us at the upcoming performance.

• His best fr iend MIKE is going to loan him the MONey so he can JOIN us at the upcoming perFORMance.

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:Be s t Advi c e we c an gi ve you

Increase your Airflowas you speak, exhaling as you go, holding Content Words andStressed Syllables longer.


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Why “Ac c e nt ” ?Trai ni ng

Intelligibility in a Global Community Speaker Comfort & Confidence without having to

Repeat Achieve Educational & Career goals Inform & Persuade Native Speakers of American

English Thrive in a Competitive Environment

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What i s t he Foc us of Ac c e nt?Trai ni ng

To Help Non-Native Speakers Gain the Skills to Speak Clearly in American English Clear Pronunciation & Articulation Correct Vowel Length Increased Release of Air Flow with Speech Reliable Use of Word Stress Patterns with Increased Length on the

Stressed Syllable Correct Intonation & Linking Comfort and Confidence in Speech

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How doe s Ac c e nt Tr ai ni ng?Work

Interact with Native Speakers of American English during Live Sessions

Live Correction vs. Software-only Solutions Systematic Intense, Pattern-Changing Behaviors Regular, Repetitive Intervals Transfer & Error Correction Sustain & Improve with Refresher Sessions after the Program

is Completed

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Key Component s of Amer i c an Ac c e nt Acqui s i t i on

Pronunciation – International Phonetic Alphabet (23 vowels) & 25 Consonants

Airflow Control / Releasing Breath with Speech Word Stress: Stress-timed Syllable Length Intonation: the Music of the Language Delivery: Clustering in Thought Groups, Pausing, Linking, and

Content vs. Function Words

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Benef i t s of t he Program Self-study (manual & CDs)

10-20% improvement (30-60 hrs. – for highly self-motivated)

Live Instruction (Group Webinars) 10-20% improvement, lower dropout rate (10-25 sessions) 40-50% improvement with weekly conversational sessions

with native speakers of American English to reinforce the patterns learned in the training program.

Personal Coaching (One to One live sessions) 60-80% improvement Most effective method of delivery

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Thank you f or i nvi t i ng me, andI hope t o see you agai n soon! Vi si t us onl i ne at www. Engl i shByTheHour. com

Bud Eve r t s.BudEve r t s @Engl i s hByTheHour c om

408. 390. 642240

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“Communicating with Clarity & Confidence”What bothNative and Non-Native Speakersof American English Need to Know

Bud Everts

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Communicate with Clarity & Confidence!

American Accent Acquisition Coach & Business Conversation Coach

with “English by the Hour” in Campbell

Human Resources Executive

Toastmasters Area B5 Governor: 2008-2009


Bud Everts

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The “Rubbe r Band” Te c hni que

Place a rubber band between your thumbs. Stretch it, and hold it to make a sound or syllable longer.

Bring your thumbs together quickly to shorten a sound or syllable.

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Page 45: 5 Ways To Speak Like Obama   Adobe Fontificators    Bud Everts 2009 1111 Final


-Spe c i f i c I s s ue s f or NonNat i ve

Spe ake r s of Ame r i c anEngl i s h Length: Vowel Sounds (“cat” vs. “cot”)

Release of Air with Consonant Sounds (usual, easier, another, something)

Endings on Words (-ed, -s, and –ing) Linking & Release of Breath with Speech Lengthening Syllables (WONderful)

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– Vowe l Lengt h Par t One


Short Vowels Long Vowels

mention maintain

pen pain

sense campaign

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– Vowe l Lengt h Par t Two

Short Vowels Long Vowels sit seatfit feetcat cotfoot foodtim timetin town


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Mor e Fun wi t h Vowe l s

person, early, first, girl, world man, candy, calendar, faster, last not, project, process, progress part, carton, start, shark


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I nc r e as i ng Ai r Fl ow on Spe c i f i c Sounds these, brother, otherwise thoughtful, Thursday, authentic soft, sauce, something, pizza (/ts/) easier, visit, zoo, buzzer, zone versatile, over, adventure distinguishing /s/ and /sh/, as in delicious or suspicious or sort vs. short


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Droppi ng Fi nal Cons onant s & Uns t r e s s e d

Syl l abl e s restrict, expect, find, friend wishes vs. talks vs. improves decided vs. asked vs. complained challeng[ing] or misin[ter]preted


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:Word St r e s s Not al l Syl l abl e s ar e

!Cr e at e d EqualHol idayConsequences Yesterday

Disaster Contributor


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***3 ***Words

Write down 3 words that are challenging to pronounce.

Hand them to Bud when you are finished!


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. Cont e nt vs Func t i onWords

Content Words are long Nouns, verbs, adjectives & adverbs (such as

“friends, talk, nice, or quickly”) Function Words are short

Everything else: Pronouns, prepositions, articles (such as “in, for, him, she, it, the”)

The last Content Word is always held LONGEST. We can take a “breath” after each LONG content


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:Exampl e


• His best friend Mike is going to loan him the money so he can join us at the upcoming performance.

• His best fr iend MIKE is going to loan him the MONey so he can JOIN us at the upcoming perFORMance.

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Be s t Advi c e we c an gi ve:you

Increase your Airflowas you speak, exhaling as you go, holding Content Words andStressed Syllables longer.


Page 57: 5 Ways To Speak Like Obama   Adobe Fontificators    Bud Everts 2009 1111 Final


?Why “Ac c e nt ” Tr ai ni ng Intelligibility in a Global Community Speaker Comfort & Confidence without

having to Repeat Achieve Educational & Career goals Inform & Persuade Native Speakers of

American English Thrive in a Competitive Environment

Page 58: 5 Ways To Speak Like Obama   Adobe Fontificators    Bud Everts 2009 1111 Final


What i s t he Foc us of Ac c e nt?Trai ni ng

To Help Non-Native Speakers Gain the Skills to Speak Clearly in American English Clear Pronunciation & Articulation Correct Vowel Length Increased Release of Air Flow with Speech Reliable Use of Word Stress Patterns with Increased Length

on the Stressed Syllable Correct Intonation & Linking Comfort and Confidence in Speech

Page 59: 5 Ways To Speak Like Obama   Adobe Fontificators    Bud Everts 2009 1111 Final


How doe s Ac c e nt Tr ai ni ng?Work Interact with Native Speakers of American

English during Live Sessions Live Correction vs. Software-only Solutions Systematic Intense, Pattern-Changing Behaviors Regular, Repetitive Intervals Transfer & Error Correction Sustain & Improve with Refresher Sessions after

the Program is Completed

Page 60: 5 Ways To Speak Like Obama   Adobe Fontificators    Bud Everts 2009 1111 Final


Key Component s of Amer i c an Ac c e nt Acqui s i t i on

Pronunciation – International Phonetic Alphabet (23 vowels) & 25 Consonants

Airflow Control / Releasing Breath with Speech Word Stress: Stress-timed Syllable Length Intonation: the Music of the Language Delivery: Clustering in Thought Groups, Pausing, Linking,

and Content vs. Function Words

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Benef i t s of t he Program Self-study (manual & CDs)

10-20% improvement (30-60 hrs. – for highly self-motivated)

Live Instruction (Group Webinars) 10-20% improvement, lower dropout rate (10-25 sessions) 40-50% improvement with weekly conversational sessions

with native speakers of American English to reinforce the patterns learned in the training program.

Personal Coaching (One to One live sessions) 60-80% improvement Most effective method of delivery

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Page 63: 5 Ways To Speak Like Obama   Adobe Fontificators    Bud Everts 2009 1111 Final