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Tip #1 - Have the right mindset .................................................................... 7

Tip #2 – Appear detached ............................................................................ 9

Tip #3 – Flattery and admiration matters! .................................................... 11

Tip #4 – Audio, visual and kinesthetic tactics ................................................ 13

Tip #5 – Be decisive .................................................................................. 15

In conclusion… .......................................................................................... 17

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How To Seduce A Man and Make Him

Want You!

It is often assumed that women have it easier in the dating game

since men tend to do most of the chasing and women just need

to wait and decide which man is best for them. The reality

however, is quite different.

There are millions of women who want a good man in their lives

and are unable to attract the one they want. That’s why you often

hear women say, “All the good ones are taken.”

Yet, if you stopped to observe, you’d notice that some women

have no problems attracting men into their lives whereas most

other women struggle to find a man… and in the event they do

get a guy’s attention, they become a nervous wreck and end up

losing him.

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In this short report, you will discover 5 tips that will help you

seduce a man without having to jump through hoops. While these

5 tips are great to start off with, they are by no means complete.

If you truly want to understand how a man thinks and be

successful at getting the man you want, you need a proven step-

by-step plan of action. There are several guides sold online that

help women with this issue.

One of the bestselling guides that has helped thousands of

women is the Language Of Desire. There are several other

guides too but this is one of the best and it has testimonials from

women who have used it to get the man they desire.

Now, knowing how to seduce a man is not just for single women.

Even women who have boyfriends or married women will benefit

from this skill. Very often, relationships grow stale and the man’s

eye starts to wonder.

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Other women suddenly start to become more attractive and

appealing. A woman who has a partner that has lost interest in

her is often heartbroken and has no idea what to do.

In many cases, she may feel that she has done no wrong… and

the truth of the matter is that she most probably hasn’t.

Familiarity breeds contempt and once the initial thrill of a new

relationship or marriage starts to fade, many men become bored

and feel like they are unappreciated by their partners.

So, they end up seeking admiration and attention from other

women. By knowing how to seduce your man, you’ll always have

his attention and need not fear that he will succumb to the wiles

of another woman.

You’ll also be able to keep the romance and flirty nature of your

relationship alive. You want sparks to fly in your relationship and

it should be passionate.

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If you neglect it and don’t put in any effort, the passion in your

relationship is going to end up like a bag of wet sand. You have to

put in the work to keep the relationship alive. There is no other

way and knowledge of seduction will really help here.

Tip #1 - Have the right mindset

Your mindset is everything here. You must have a relaxed, light-

hearted and playful nature. Men like women who laugh easily and

don’t have a debate over every single thing.

Leave the arguing and triggered emotions to the feminists. You

need to be the kind of woman who is mysterious, alluring and still


Most women are shy and believe that they’re either not pretty

enough or they are too old or their body isn’t that great, etc. All

these fears and negative attitudes that you hold about yourself

will hold you down.

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If you don’t think well of yourself, why would any man do so? And

those men who do like you and approach you will end up being

put off by your negative self-image.

Believe in yourself. Release your fears and be a little bold. You

want to engage with a man in a way that holds his interest and

keeps him hooked on you without it seeming like you’re throwing

yourself at him.

There is a fine line that separates a confident woman who knows

what she wants from a woman who looks like she desperately

needs a man. The former will get the man… and the latter will get

him running in the opposite direction.

So, how to you maintain this balance? How do you signal your

intentions to a man without scaring him off?

Excellent questions. See Tip #2.

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Tip #2 – Appear detached

This is probably the most difficult tip to master but once you can

do it, you will be unstoppable. Being detached means that you do

not seem to care about the outcome.

This is the total opposite of how most women behave. Usually,

they like a man, fixate on him and believe that he is the perfect

one for them. It appears as though without him they will be

destined to a life of being single and growing old in a house full of


When you believe this, you will develop a certain ‘needy’ vibe and

the man will feel it on a subconscious level. You will appear too

eager to please and will constantly do things to suffocate the


A woman who is detached will let a man chase her and even if

she is totally into him, she’ll remain a little mysterious. What you

want to do is make him think that you like him but he shouldn’t

be too sure about it.

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Men love the chase and if you show a little bit of interest in them,

they’ll keep trying to please you. If you easily succumb to the

chase because you’re desperate for a man, they’ll think you’re

easy and it will work against you. People generally treasure what

is hard to get.

So, be confident in yourself and don’t worry about the outcome.

Let things play out as they should without trying to rush things.

A good analogy here will be to liken this dating dance to flying a

kite. If you pull the string too hard, it will snap and fly off. If you

give the string too much slack, the kite will come collapsing


In the same way, do not play too hard to get or the man will

probably run off to another woman… nor should you be too easy

or he’ll lose interest fast once he gets you. Keep the tension


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Tip #3 – Flattery and admiration matters!

The number one reason most partners cheat is not because of

sex. Most people cheat because they feel more admired by

someone else.

When you’re trying to seduce a man, a compliment now and then

will work wonders in your favor. Most women never compliment a

man often… and the ones who do always end up winning their


This is especially true in marriages where the wives keep finding

faults with their husbands and make him think that everything he

does is wrong. It’s no wonder that their hubbies end up cheating

with a female co-worker at work who gives them flirty looks.

It’s not the sex. It’s the admiration. They like the attention they

get from the new lady.

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If you want to seduce a man, learn how to drop a well-placed

compliment at the right time. This is so important when it comes

to seducing a man.

This is why you need a guide like Language Of Desire that

comes with a whole list of things to say or text that will make a

man feel desired.

Most women just don’t have a clue what to say. So, a guide like

this will be very helpful. Even a small comment such as, “You

really look good in white.” … or a compliment like, “Are you

working out? Your arms look bigger.” will immediately arrest the

attention of a man and give him an ego boost.

It may seem trivial… but flattery works in small doses. Do not

overdo it. Flattery is so potent that even small amounts work

wonders. Forget the pheromone sprays or the sexy dresses.

Nothing works better than flattery.

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Women in marriages who feel like their husbands have lost

interest in them will be able to rekindle the lost passion just by

taking an interest in him and complimenting him more often.

Compliments about his bedroom skills are even more powerful

and will keep his mind only on you.

It’s not too hard to do this. It may seem awkward at first if you’re

the kind of woman who keeps her feelings to herself. However, if

you want to seduce a man, you will need to be willing to try new

things and adopt a slightly bolder attitude. If you will change,

everything will change for you.

Tip #4 – Audio, visual and kinesthetic tactics

Here’s something you should know. Different men get seduced

differently. Some men are seduced by the flirty things you say.

Other men are seduced by the way you look such as your dress

or your red lipstick coated lips. And there are some men who get

seduced with just one flirty touch on their collar.

It all depends on the man. However, if the man is a stranger

whom you’ve just met at the bar or some other place, you won’t

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know what turns him on. That’s why you need to employ several

different tactics at the same time.

If you’re at a bar or club and it’s loud, you can talk close to his

ear in whispers. The man who likes to get seduced through sound

will be very interested in you.

Or you could touch his arm every now and then while talking to

him but let the touch linger a little longer than usual. The

kinesthetic man will immediately pick up on this and be more

interested in you.

To attract the ‘visual’ kind of man, a nice dress with immaculate

make up that draws attention to your lips will be very helpful.

Give him flirty looks and look into his eyes slightly longer than is


All these are very effective techniques to seduce a man. Even

simple gestures like brushing his hair away or squeezing his hand

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a little may be enough to make him look at you in a whole new


Tip #5 – Be decisive

The last tip is to be the kind of woman who knows what she

wants. Men love a woman who takes charge but at the same time

lets him lead.

So, what does this mean?

It means being able to decide when you are posed with a

question. If he asks you where you want to go, tell him a place

instead of saying ‘anywhere.’ If he asks you what you want to

eat, decide on a dish instead of ‘Anything you’re having’… Be


If you’re on a date, do not order a plain salad and water and pick

at your salad listlessly. Go ahead and eat with gusto. Men love a

woman with a healthy appetite. A date is not a time for you to be

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trying to lose weight. One meal isn’t going to put 10 pounds on

your body.

It’s a date. Go ahead and order the steak and potatoes. He’ll be

glad you did… and so will you.

Being decisive will make any date more fun and enjoyable. You’ll

have suggestions if he asks you whether you want to watch a

movie. You may have ideas that both of you could try. Go ahead

and share them. You’ll be amazed at how much fun you’ll have.

Many women feel insecure and would rather let the man make all

the decisions for them. They think that it makes the man feel

better when in reality, he feels like the woman doesn’t seem to

have much interest in the relationship or date because she

doesn’t have an opinion about anything.

So, you must understand how a man thinks. Successful seduction

will require you to come out of your shell and be bold. It can be a

Herculean effort but if you can practice it, over time you’ll be

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amazed at what a confident woman you become and you’ll have

men eating out of your hands.

In conclusion…

Seducing a man is not rocket science and it’s relatively easy once

you know what to do. What is most difficult to do will be having

to change your attitude and mindset. You may need to say things

or act in a way that you’re not accustomed to.

Practice makes perfect here. You don’t have to make extreme

changes to your personality but being more interesting, confident

and a little bold definitely helps.

Pick up Language Of Desire and just follow the advice in the

guide. If other women have succeeded with it, so can you. All you

need to do is put into action what you’ve been told to do. That’s

really all there is to it.

Once you get used to it, you will be able to get the man you want

and will not have to worry that your relationship will get stale and

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your partner will find love in another’s arms. You will know how

to seduce him and keep him. It doesn’t get better than that.