5 min madness

EASIER, BETTER, FASTER? How social media facilitate tacit knowledge sharing practices between employees within governmental bodies. Iris Buunk PhD Student Centre for Social Informatics School of Computing Institute for Informatics and Digital Innovation www.iidi.napier.ac.uk/i.buunk uk.linkedin.com/in/irisbuunk/en http://theknowledgeexplorer.org @irisbuunk

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Page 1: 5 min madness

EASIER, BETTER, FASTER?How social media facilitate tacit knowledge sharing practices between employees within

governmental bodies.

Iris BuunkPhD StudentCentre for Social Informatics School of ComputingInstitute for Informatics and Digital Innovation

www.iidi.napier.ac.uk/i.buunk uk.linkedin.com/in/irisbuunk/en http://theknowledgeexplorer.org @irisbuunk

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Who am I?

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Source: Matthew Petroff, 2013

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The issues - 1/4 Tacit knowledge

Ideas, experiences, feelings, know-how, lessons learned, best practices

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The issues – 2/4. Sharing tacit knowledge

The easiest way to share tacit knowledge is when people are face-to-face.

It can be time consuming, if employees work apart from each other.

Source: Jack Morey_ https://freerangestock.com

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The issues – 3/4. Using the right tools

When tacit knowledge is shared collectively, it can enhance the intellectual capital for the organisation.

Without the appropriate tools, it is difficult to enable the creation of this new knowledge. Source: Geoffrey Whiteway_https://freerangestock.com

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The issues – 4/4. Social mediaSocial media enable social interactions between people wherever they are located.

There is a lack of evidence on how well they facilitate the sharing of tacit knowledge.

Source: Jack Morey_ https://freerangestock.com

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Knowledge sharing practices

Source: Greg Williams_ www.flickr.com/photos/gperspective

Informal talks

Source: https://pixabay.com

Video conferencing

Story telling…

Communities of Practice

Source: Jack Morey_ https://freerangestock.com

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Why sharing tacit knowledge?

Enhance working practices Enable collective intelligence (if shared in group) Facilitate problems solving Contribute to the organisational learning process

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Curious to know more?

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List of sources• Slide 2: http://freewebpoint.com/switzerland-european-country, http://www.myswitzerland.com, http://

www.nltimes.nl, Nfaragallah http://www.flickr.com

• Slide 3: Matthew Petroff, https://mpetroff.net/2013/02/george-peabody-library

• Slide 4: Iris Buunk (2014)

• Slide 5: Jack Morey https://freerangestock.com

• Slide 6: Geoffrey Whiteway https://freerangestock.com

• Slide 7: Jack Morey https://freerangestock.com

• Slide 8: Greg Williams www.flickr.com/photos/gperspective, Pixabay https://pixabay.com, Jack Morey https://freerangestock.com