5: how did you attract/address the audience?

Plot 5: How did you attract/address the audience The main theme in my film is enigma and it is used heavily in the opening. The plot is basically about a man who comes home to find his child and wife missing from the house. He then searches his house and finds it trashed but there is a note on the kitchen table. It says to come to the back of the wem town hall to find out about his missing family. He does so but then gets knocked out. It turns out he wronged some loan sharks by not paying them back in time and he must fight against time to save his family. Thriller audiences love enigma in movies and it is one of the main reasons they come to see them. My film also has action and suspense which is another thing commonly found in thrillers and movies with these have become some of the highest grossing ones so this proves they are popular. In the plot things take a turn for the worst and it gets violent, this and the fact drugs will be taken in the criminal hideouts would grant this a 15 age rating.

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Page 1: 5: how did you attract/address the audience?


5: How did you attract/address the audience

The main theme in my film is enigma and it is used heavily in the opening. The plot is basically about a man who comes home to find his child and wife missing from the house. He then searches his house and finds it trashed but there is a note on the kitchen table. It says to come to the back of the wem town hall to find out about his missing family. He does so but then gets knocked out. It turns out he wronged some loan sharks by not paying them back in time and he must fight against time to save his family. Thriller audiences love enigma in movies and it is one of the main reasons they come to see them. My film also has action and suspense which is another thing commonly found in thrillers and movies with these have become some of the highest grossing ones so this proves they are popular. In the plot things take a turn for the worst and it gets violent, this and the fact drugs will be taken in the criminal hideouts would grant this a 15 age rating.

Page 2: 5: how did you attract/address the audience?


5: How did you attract/address the audience

The genre of the film I made is ‘thriller’. This is one of the highest grossing genres of the film business. For example the worldwide gross for ‘Inception’ is $832 576 195 and rising. This alone proves the genres popularity. The people that go to see thrillers love to see an enigmatic storyline and my opening has that. They like the concept of the unknown which will become apparent to them later. A film that is close to mine is ‘Taken’ it’s plot is about sex traffickers kidnapping and slaving one ex-army man’s child. I tried to attract this films audience by making a slightly similar plot but making the kidnapping under different circumstances. ‘Taken’ did very well in the box office so I was sure I’d get a good audience.

Page 3: 5: how did you attract/address the audience?

Thrillers play on peoples emotions and I tried to emulate this in my film by having the man worry about his family and get knocked out in the end. This would leave the audience saying “no!”.

Page 4: 5: how did you attract/address the audience?


5: How did you attract/address the audience

I used precision timing with my soundtrack to create fluid editing. It also adds tension when the titles appear on key with the hard music. This attracts the audience because it adds to the whole thriller nuance around the film. It also makes the film more memorable and the soundtrack is like “Inception” and “War of the Worlds” so it brings the audience from those films.