5. engine fuel and emision control pages 301-408

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  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408



    =EEEEa DiagnosticProcedure 2(cont'd)

    EH'q, Nmb LEJI[,1@ m6 E6(qlE i::;s#:E:u:#s:

    /GvI Pdqm'FowEFBALANCE"\E/ n Acr vE Esr nds *,b3) Make $b rhar eachc rcud

    2) Lisrsn 0aach nisdorops6rIQ,2) oismd niodorharuss onrce4) ch*i 6 bs6 bk*i bmn,IEaid oound, cu bmind (09


    1) rlm isnrion wllchoFF2) o$onn4rEc.tr hanas.onne.3) Ch4k had$E Mliiu t hsasnGmmr o aid E.cu.bnhas@, 610 6ob. (D


    cNEcK oMPoNENrrnjero4

    EF & EC-301

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUSLE IAGNOSES rcr-tDiagnoslic rocrdure :|

    FUELPUMPNotBerniagnodtic iem)

    @ @ @9-tEqE\

    fuo@@+}i . l+qd+ . -I (!' (!r, I

    @t 9@ tiri" r I

    @@1'S @':'

    ^ ),,rl 6 iA- ts . !E .:^ ADt !rqu! :..,- |llii[-ElEi;@

    EF & EC-302

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TNOUBLE IAGNOSESDlagnoslicPrccedue3:)(Cor 'd)


  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408



    r[.\ _]

    DiagnoslicProcedure :l (Contd)


    tr6 E6

    m6 E6

    2) Lhlen o uer uhp@nrins elidFE|'umpeu|doFd.fu5s-od! ,n' hnr0on srch runod

    ffi---EEf _ |I lmEtlr) ru'n sniidn w h "oFF2) DE6md iuer unp6.ya) chek voraes sesi bminas


    r) ru'n isn ion w ch oFF2) Dsonn.d'u6 plmpharusscon.3) ch4k ham6s@iiiiu yb6Ne.n

    romm! lO aid bod!orcund s,mrm G) s;d Emna o cdrury

    @ @ (uN.D@.@ rLH.o@ @ (LHoo@

    1) DsonnBdEc.u. hames@iioc2) chsck [email protected] @ md Enml@.


    EF & EC-304

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408



    t tr lT No ftEs l

    Dlagnos c Procedur 3(Conl'd)@


    r) Rocom*r tuerpunp eay,

    3) P6ddm tuEL PUMPrF.cur' in FUNcroNEsr.

    EF & EC-305

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408



    .., t:1.,,@,tl@j@{!@

    [email protected]@@o@oS'F- \ i :



    DiagnoslicProcdure 4

    fr5:J1 \ jL

    EF& EC-306

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLE IAGNOSES fc[tDiagnosricPrccedure 4(Cont'd)

    E Er,5@ffi

    $r ' l2) Lisr6i rd r!6 pumpdp66r is soudd.F.r plnp.r$urd a.db to.5 *.

    1) un oiiron$irchoFF.2) D$onnerar requrarorsub.hamss

    4) chsckwia$ btu*n bmhar oBd..y 6n t rf.urd .rd ro.s@nc! anr bnn6 *id' i!


    1) run iei onssbh oFF'2) ch&k ha'ne$ conlinuirybas.6n @,@

    EF& EC07

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLE IAGNOSESDiagnosticProcdur 5

    A.A.C vALvE(Not*tubsntic iiem)

    tso- :!

    1, /EF & EC08

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408








    1)shd sieins andmm i !p suhi

    4)Mar. $E rhdr stsad rcps

    11) ')D

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLEDIAGNOSES f6titagnostlcPrccedure 5(cont'd)E eij EH' @F.iarb.Eo.1n4lconp.n4l'

    chek E.cU. Ph lomhdls tu &m.9.

    EF& EC10

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INOUBLEDIAGNOSES rdlDiagnoslicProcdurE 6: AADnTORFANCONTROLNot*rnhsndc lbm)

    2.or, a@'"



    ' 4-eFE-i !;





    EtrU trEolas ltdd

    te IIT.ITT]'ITIT]1'I

    EF& EC311

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLEDIAGNOSES -FtDlagnoatlcProcedure 6(Contd)

    e,\ws1Li l \h\\: l\ (\

    EF& EC312

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLE IAGNOSES IGAIDlagnosllcProcedure 6(Cofi d)

    @ffi@ mnalft-mEit4 ad bnFduG rsw ar urcord3) um a , condiion&dich oN'a) um b Mr ran th "oN'5) FM ns 6 ar dra or a tfl mind66) Maks ue bai Ediarorb opede3fwrrrj,vldffil2) Keep0nsh6spoddar abod 2 0oo'rn uiii 6idn6 i. wa'modup sufr-3) Makssu bal adiarorb bg i3 toop6d..r re Ep6.d unng m.up.

    (co o FFOaEDliETl)

    @ffi: m, run an ond ons'wi.h oFF.2) unbrow{an wrch FF.(sbp i) 'nd 2)a' oi y p.nom.dror nod w $ an 6idir oi'.)4) DionRr m9ii6 16hp6ru6 n-5) Fotrad.dsiF andnalc 8urc har'adjalofldop'al6alhigh3p!d

    (Goo FFdCE6!-FE-l)

    EF& EC13

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLEDIAGNOSES -dtDiagnoslicProcedure 6(Cont'd)


    E E'G5 tr'85

    1) um anFiditonq Ribh oFF'.2) rum b ow, ian v th "oFP .(siep1 and2) a'e onrypedo'modror noder ih a r .od rionar)4) Di*oin.d 6dido, lan mrorl harE r chsd wi4q6 bGn Eni

    volbg:[email protected]) Diednnbd diab' an ray,1.l! o ch4k rciass bto*n bmi

    voh{4 B.tuYwrbl.


    2)chek ham6$ onr [email protected]

    , DlsonEt E.c.u. ama$ onH.2) ch6k ha'no$ codinu'rybdm6iE c.u bminara) md bmhd @.


    EF& EC14

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    IROUBLEDIAGNOSES GAIE DlagnoslicProcedure 6(Conl'd)

    EF& EC-15

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408



    trH trH

    Diagnoslic rccedue35(Cont'd)

    2) Di,.oii.d adraior o '6ay.2a) chek voh.$ bsraan ominarO

    I) run isnirionw h 'oFP.2) Disnisd dalor rai motorl har3) chek hans$ contnuiv btu6ibmmd' o a id l .nha ro .b rhinar@ md b.dy sound.

    r oisnd E.cu. hamassonne.2)chek hamaEsodrinuirytusnE.c.u.6'nhar@ mdromrnar@.


    EF& EC16

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INOUBLEDIAGNOSES GAIDiogno6iicProcldure36(Coni'd)

    EF& EC-317

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUSLEDI,AGNOSESDiagnostic rocedurc 7

    POWEF TEERING IL PBESSUREwTCh (NotserniasnGti. item)

    ,,. ;J,,"




    ltffi["_- E d u r m s 6 i 4 b , 7 a 2 c

    EF & EC-318

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408





    ''uiJ ,rN'

    E6 trCd





    2) Disconnsd owsr rssinq oirprcs3) chek [email protected] ry bN.6nbm m o md bdy s6od

    r ) Dh.dinecl C U.hamossonnsa2)chsk hamsssontilit b6to*iE .c bmnd@ lndcmm @



    !-o lf srAui l

    EF & EC-319

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLEDIAGNOSEIiDiagnoctic rocedure7(Cor d)@

    (Poerrhr'rs oi pF*u6 e'rdr).F.ia|blEdic,lc.''FEnb

    EF& EC-320

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLE IAGNOSES GAIDiagnoslic Ptbcedure 38

    NEUTRALwlTcHNot r{iagno8tic ltem)-4> ga

    . f"[email protected]@

    EF& EC21

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLE IAGNOSES GAIDiagnosticProcedure 8(Cont'd)


    2) ch*k mutarswich isnarin

    r)sdshn 6v6'o h.n6ura

    , Dieonned n6ura swirchhanos2) ch*k ham.s conr uit bee*ibminaro md bdyodd

    t chek hahess@didu hseenE.c.u.bmiE @andromina


    -- lasranr--l


    EF A EC-322

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBE D|AGNOSES TdFIDiagnGtic Procdur a(Contd)


    EF& EC23

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408




    ElectricalComponentsnspectonEC.U. INPUI/QUTPUISIGNAL NSPECNON1. E.c.U.s @ated ehindheqLovaor Forrhl6n6p.tion.move hegovebox.

    2. FenoveE C lJ.ha'ness otedor.

    3. Penom Ivollageeasuemenls ilh he onnecloF n-necled.Extendesteiprobeas showno peiom sts eas-

    EF & EC-321

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLEDIAGNOSES -dtElec{ricalComponentsnspectionCont'd)JE.C,U. lnspctlonabl



    Fadiaro,anGra, (Lm*F8d)BATTEFYOLTACE11 I4V)

    Radaro' ratrGray Nsh{pd)BATTERYOLTAGE1 I4V)

    SAnEFYVoLTAGE( i r .4v )

    EF& EC425

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TNOUBLE IAGNOSESElectricalComponentsftpecrion (Contd)


    cffk anq $ns (aai6nca sio. bndMogtE'lhigh.F.d

    cBd 'nqa E6ftor Posrion,isnau Doidru.dolmdhlahlF.dla;iron6iiaF-[lfianEindh-trsrAFil EATTEFYVOLTACEII. 14V)

    fildbn ehaF OFrffiljrdmjj $irci-dl MNEFY VOLT^GE11 . T4V]fiqjitr fi?Frotrrrlfrrd-trfuah -6-Nf BANEFY VOLTAGE11 ]4V)


    EF& EC26

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLE IAGNOSES -dtElectriclComponenls nspeclion Cont'd)EC.U. HABNESSCONNECTOR EFMINALLAYOUTI { I II I0lt0txl t i0! I 2 3 4 7 t;tt " l l5 t7]El92l2l 22 l l J2t3 l1 l536378 J9t{tlt0l l t | i lt 11 a 9 l0 l l I3 2321 2l 2930 40 13 15 L71E

    EF& EC32S

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLE IAGNOSES(d.m@ffi ElectricalComponenb nspectionCont'd)CFANKANGLESENSOF1. Fedove sl bulorom e.gine.C.k a.qlesensor [email protected] should@ma .on.ected.)Di$onneot gnilion ies.Tuh igniton switch ON .Fotale dislibuior shali slowly by hand a.d check vollagebelweeneminarsO, O andsound


    lJN.G.,Gp ac6dislibulorass.mblywilhc6nk anglesen-

    5 . V isua lychec lqna pa le ordamage' dusr .

    AIF FLOWMETEF1. P.d an lowmerf ahess onnectorubber s shownnlhJigurct rh6hahe$ conneciors @.neded.Tu ignitonswitch ON ,$an.ngine andwarm !p sutlicientty.Chek vollag elweeneminal GJ [email protected] si.h oN' (Eis,ne roppedrdb(Ensh6s *afrup suft.ied y.)

    5. ll N.G.,moveai r lowmeierom air duol.Ch6ck orwi

    EF& EC29

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLE IAGNOSESElec-tricElomponentsnspectionCont'd)ENGINETEMPEFATUFESENSOR1 Oisnnct 6nq e emperaiureensor [email protected]. Ch.k. .lane 6 shown. the igure.

    ll N.G., place ngineempralunsor.GNMON@IL1. Disconn.d niton o [email protected]. Chcksisla.cesshownn he guB.

    o.oll N.G,, eplacegnitio.@it.

    P,OWERTFANSISTOAL Dis@nneclpower ransistor ham6. @nnectoi.2. Checkpower ansislor cont nuily belwe. lemi.als with ad gilalteslr s shownn the igure.


    lf N.G., da6 powernsisior.



    EF& EC-g'o

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUALE IAGNOSESEleclricalComponenls nspectionCont'd)1 Dis@nncru6 lpumphanesscon.ector.2. che[ rseran beleeen e'hmatsO and (E).R6isrEne: Apprdlmatety O,7O -l l N G. @paceue lpump.

    EXHAUSTGASSENSOFHEATEFCheck s slanGbeM6nm'narsa and dj.Rdisr.ne: 3- r,ooooll N.G., eplacexhaustasse.sor.

    THBOTTLE ENSOR1. Disconnecthotr. snsor2. Mak6sur hal sislancebetweenemimh @ and @crranges h6nopnng hrcnbvalvema.ually.

    I lhbnle s6nsr is replaced r movd, l is necessary 0nslan n proper osllon,by ollowinahe po@dureas showf1 l.slal ftrcn|e scnsof body in lhrcntechamber Oo mrlighlenbolls.L6av6bolls oose.Connoclhmnb .ensorhafressconnector.

    slan nQine nd warh i1up suliiclenlly./,a\ Penorm THROTTLE EN ADJ rn WORK SUP-Me.surc oulpul voltage ol lhot e sensorusing voll,

    5 Adjusl rotating rhroft snsor body so lhat ourpurvollage6. Tlghlnmounling o s .7. Ois@[email protected] h6. reconned .




    ll N.G., eplaB hroftle ensoi.

    EF & EC-331

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLE IAGNOSESEleclricslComponentsnspec{ionConi'd)Di6connecl,A.C, alve csistance,

    Apfoxlmalely ioc)

    Chck lungeror 6eizin9 r slickinq.Check or boken spi.g.


  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408





    FADIAIOAFAN VIOTOASDis6nn6cldialor an molorhanessconnectoF nd supphdiator fan molor m nals w(h banery@ltaqe.

    Electrical omponents nspectlon conl'd)INJECTOF1. Disconnednjeclor amess onneclor.2. Cheok sislance etweeneminalsasshownn he igure.Rdtub@: 10- l4Oll N.G., plac6nteclor.

    ll N.G., ep..e radiatorlanobr.E.C.C.S.FELAY, FADIAIOF FANFELAYSAND FUELCheok ontinuilyelweonominasO andO

    lf N.G., p1..6 16ay .RAOIATOR AN RELAY.2.Cheok ontnuilyelw66nemina O .nd O. @ andO.

    bsesibmhas o md @

    l l NG, rep .e eay.NEUIRAL SWTTCHChck oniinuily tdeenrerm'nars a.do.


    o o@ o@ @

    EF & EC3:l

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLE IAGNOSESElectricalComponentsnspctionContd)FESISTOFL Disconneclesslof ham6s cofneolor.2 chck rcsistance elw@n ominals @ and O.Bd.r.ne: App@ximaiely22 1(.)It N.G., eda@ esslor.

    PIOWENEERING OIL PBESSUFESWITCH1 Ois@nngclowr le nO ilp@ssuwllch ame$co.-3. check ontinuilyelweeneminars@ and@ .

    ll N.G..cplaceowersteeingiiprc.sur6 wtch.E.G.F.& CANISTEFCONTFOLSOLENOIDVALVE1. Dis6nn6.tE.GR. & ca.ister@nlo solnoidalvhaF2 Check enoid av, ollowinghe able s6hdn beow:

    ll N.G..EDlaoeE.G.B.& enislr mnlrclsoenold ave.

    E.G.F.COI{TBOLVALVEApply acuumo E.G.B, acuum onE.G.F, ontrolvalve prlngshoutd ilrll N.G., epla@ ..G.R.6nlrc alve.


    EF & EC-334

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    TROUBLEDIAGT'IOSESElectdcalComponentsnspeclion Confd)B.P.T,VALVEPlug on6 ol two porl3 oi B.P.T. valv6.Apply a pssure above 0.rt9o kPa (50 mmH?O, 1.97 lnH2O)lo chock or leakage,i a leak s noled, eprace alv6.

    EF& EC-33s

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    FUEL NJECTIONONTNOL YSTEMNSPEC]'IONReleasing uelPrcssureEet rc dlsnrEtlng ftFl lift, El.Es nd pEsuB lrom tul

    1. Tum qnilion wilch ON'.2. P6r'om


    4. Atler enline sla s, c6nk il two or thre imes ore ea* alliuelp6ssuG.5. Tuh iQnilionwilchofi.1 Femoveluseor fue pump.3. Atl6r 6noinstals, crank i lwo or lhr@ limes o16asal l ue lpssure.4. Tun igniiion witoholl and rcconngclu l pump

    FuelPressueChecka. Wh6 @nncring ftFl llre, atMys ue n4 ct.npB,b, M.k sE lhd cl.mp 3.g dc nol 4rl*t diEdrtc. U* a lorq6 dri@r to light n drmpad, u$ PsuB G.ug b .nek tuel pl*u6,, Do nor p.rlom luel p|lge ch6k whit6 lu.t p|gueEgularor conaol sFbm ls oFting; othwis, ftFl prF3uE g.ug mlg|n Indl@to nconcr Edinq..1 Belase uel oressure o zero.2, D sconnectue hose b6lw6n uel lilter and luel tube3. lrcla prssure augebetueenu6llillerand ultube,4. Sianengneaid check or uel 6akage.


    EF & EC36

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    FUEL NJEC'IION ONTROL YSTEMNSPECTIONFuelPrssurCheck Cont'd)s. Fead he ndno. oliulpr65su@auAe,When uelp|Bue Egulalorvalw ucqum h@

    Aporednglly2'r5kPa(2.45 .r, 2.5kg/cir2,36p.l)$rh.n tuelp|6uE regulator alvevewm h@ ig

    Apfr*inatly 294 Pa(234bar,3,0ks/ch',43 psi)6. Stopgngine nddb@nnectulprs6urcgllalorvac-uumhos6 bm inlakemaniiold.7. Plug ntakemanllotditha tubber ap.a. Conneclvanabvacuumour.6lolu6lpr.suegu lof.

    Iniec{orRemovalnd nstallation1. Rl6rs6lulpEs.lr lo 2erc,2. Disconn.ct loclor ansscon.ectors.3. Disconn.ct aclumho* ton pressureegllalor.4. D scon.6ct ulhoses rcn llettubeas*nbv.

    5. Fmo6 inicloEwith uel tubea$embly.


    c sEn enq'ne -o ecd [email protected] ollu6lpre$u. q.ugasFEI pEsuF .hould de.|e@ 6 veuufr inc|5s, ll |wlr..F qn.atsfaclory, pl@ tu61p|suE Egul.lor

    EF& EC-3r]7

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    FUEL NJECTIONONTROLYSTEMNSPECTIONInjectorRemoval ndInstallationCont'd)6. Pushoutanymaltu.ctoningijedoriom rue lubeassem-Do not enEd injectd by pinchingco.nector,7. Feda@ or clean njecbras ne.essary.a. nslalLniclor 0 uellub6assomblv.Al@ys cpl@ Gdngs .nd insulatoB wilh new on$.Llbrlcale Ginqs wllh a sre.r ol slll@m oil.

    9. Instal njeclors lh ruer ubeassembryo iilake fra.ilold.Tghien uellubebols lo lhe spec led oque.Tiqhr.ninq poedu:1) Tighren ll boh. ro 93 ro 103 N.n (0.9s o Lrkg-m,6.9 o 3.0 t-lb).a nghten atl bons to 21 to 26 N n (2,1 o 2.7kg-m, 15 o 20 tflb),10. nslalluelhoss o tueltubeassmbly.Lubiic5te uel h@ wilh a s|@r ol sili@ne oil.11 . Feinsla anyparts enoved . reverse rderol redova.After preperly dnecring nd h@ io lnjector and l@r tube.smbry, chk @neclion lor l@l lkagE,

    EF& ECn38

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    InspeclionCheck cabon oanistoras lo lows:O : Blowanand ensu Ihatthe@ : Blowaiiand ensu.ethailheG

    -lhe evaoolve emission oniol svslm s used o reducchydroebons omllted i.lo lh almosphere om lhe iuel syslem. Ths rcdlctionol hydro.arbons ac@dpishedby aclivaldchar@alsn thecabon canister.The tlel vapor from the sealod u. rank . led into rhecanisterwhichconhinsaclivald.adon nd lhe vapor s slored hercwhen h ngin6 s not unninQ.The canister lains he fuelvapofunlillh6canslf s puqdbylhe an dBwn hroughhe bonom l hcanislero the nlakemanilold hnlhnqins running,When heengine unsalld, lh purg.ontrcl alve s cosed.OnlV smal amounl f stored aDor ore ntolhe ntakema-nifold h@ughhe corclantplrge o li@ As the engine peedincrcases,ndlh6lhbnb vacuumses hiqher,ftepue con,tolvalve oorc and hevaDors sucked nlo he niakemanrfold hrough olh he mainpurgeorlice nd h6 conslant ulqe

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    EVAPORA'IIVEMISSION ONTROL YSTEMInspectionCont'd)FUELTANK VACUUMFELIEFVALVE1. wp6 c l.an valv. housing.2. Slck ar Ihbuqh h cap.A slight esislancec@frpan dby vave clicks ndicateshat valve s in goodmechanica@ndition. ole lso rrrdl. y lurhr sLc{nq.i.. rh66.

    lanceshoLld isapparwllhalve licks.3. lf valv s cloqgedor ii no resistanoes lelt, replacecap as

    FUEL CHECK VALVE1. Blowair hrouoh onnectof .lleliank side.A 6nsid6Eble csistancehould e ell anda podonolairllow 6houd be direcied owad lhe n sl6r.2. Blowair houghconnedof n n slf s de.An tlow should be smoolhy dncbd loward luel lank.3. ll '.erchc\ vs v 6.urpectedol.or p opedy uncroli!n step6 1 and 2 above, replace l.

    EF& EC,10

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408



    Thissysremctunsb ow-bygasbbolh he nlakemanilotdandThepositiveankese venliaton PC.V.) alv6 s providdo@nductcrankcaselow'by as o th nlak6man old.Dufngpadiallhone opealionol lhe efglne. he ntakemaniloldsucks he b ow-bygas hrough he P.C.V. alve.Normally,lhe apaciq/ l lhe valve s sufticienlo handeanyblow-by nd a smal amou.lol ventlating n.Theventlaiing ir slhen dEwn bm lhan nlerlubes,lhroughfte hoseconnctng n nd Iubas o rockercover, .lo lheUnder ull-lhrctl leoidilion,ho manilold acuums nsuliiclenllo daw lho bowby llow houqh lh valve,and is llowgoeslhrcugh lh6 hos connciion n lhe reveBednedion.On v6hclswilhan.rc.ssiv6 y hiqhb ow.bysone ot he towwillgolhbugh th hose onnectiono fie an inlel ubesund6r

    InspectionP.C,V,PciriE crdkes Ventitatbn)Wilh enqne running l idl,mov P.C.V. alv romro.kercover il lh vav is wo*inq pope y, a hlssinq oisewiltbehead as aif passeshrought and a s l@ngvacuumhoud berell mnediately hena fngef is placed vrvalve nl6l.


    EF & EC-341

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    CFANKCASE IiIISSION ONTROL YSTEMlmpeclion (Confd)VENNLAIONHOE1 che.i hos6 andho* co.noctionsor leaks.2. Disnn4l all ho$s and d@n wilh dmpGs$d air ll 5.yhos e.not b lr6d ot obsirucliorc. dae.

    EF& EC42

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408



    Inspeclionand Adiustment







    EF & EG34:}

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408





    EF & EC,14

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408




    EF& EC,15

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408





  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECNON YSTEM. Dlsmbly .fi1 Elffbly of ltE injclid punp .houldb6 don6 dly in 8db. .hoF .u|iodad by NISSAN bylhe pqmp runuf.clqei. the punp lesls b 6qul6d lor $Mchg rh. p!np.. B.ioc ndlng nd inj.Etih punp lrom v.hicL, cl|Ftd*ly to n.lc luE that lt la d.inlt ly mltumdonlngFuelSystem

    tK,lE: Typ. 2 l.du

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJEgflONSYSTEMFulSFtem (Conl'd)



    EF & EC-348

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTIONUMPRemoval1. Dlsconnecianery ca le,uel utsolenoidalve [email protected]. B6movngin. und$ @v..3, Set No. pislonal T,D.C.on its @6p@ssion loke.T'o,c: whnepahtedmalt4. Benove Lelhosessrpply,elua andspil)cnd ajeclion

    Femove.onfeclors.d tiEtion lampsrom hecover.Refrovenject . pudp idingbet coverc.Bmov6nj.ion umpiming .Femovenjcllonudpsprocket


    9. Femovenjectlonumpassedbly.Feter o EMsecto..

    EF& EC-349

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTION UMPDlsassembly

    t@ffi ! ,AV

    *z/_aLAt -@ o-o Pobdonds nonhs baddo Maxum 3!.d adj$lie &r.w

    o Nshs6dod6 er**m

    C, cordsrad 9 dev 6 asnb y

    EF & EG35O

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTIONUMP EDisas.semblyCont'd)Beloreperlomingdiessemblyand adju$denl, est tueLnldctonpumpand noie est resu s.Prioro slaning isassemblyf fu injeclion ump, leanal duslanddin bm ils exlerof

    t Dis.on.ecloverfow alve, nd d6ln luel.. C ean woft bench compleloy, rmovng a I loreignmater.r Colect hose serui.e oos n6.6.sary or diessefrbtingr B carclulnollo bndorscrat h anvoal6.Sp.iEl r@b rB n .d.d lor di3agmbllng and |lenbling

    COLD START DEVICE1. Remov 9h speed onrrc vr.ss6mbly.2. Femove ld slad device ssembryNeEr dlesnbl @ld 5t.n devle llnkagc,


    EF& EC-3sr

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECNON UTiIPDlsassmblyContd)DASH.POTL Removeash-poton injeouo.ump.

    GOVEBNOFCOVERNOE: RemN lhe porentbrEterol Iniectid punp n ft.d.1. Remove ul,sprinq asher,pring ealandspnnqbm

    2. D6waliqnne.r na'ls on @1ol evera.o @nrElsr.n.

    ffis. 3. Benov6 govemorcovBr.Mo6 6rlEl 3h.lt doh by llghdy applng end w|rh a wodr.n4- Rmov. ontol hatlom lenslonever.


    EF& EC-C52

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTION UMP EDisassemblyContd)5. [email protected]'d lek nut by luming ii 6ud6El6k{i&.

    6. Benove oeemorsreeve,asher nd l!4veighr,long hllywght hold6r, h6n 6mov wash$ and shih(s).

    A. R6movdlivery holdr, spnnq,dBlivryvalvandqasket.DlrMbutor hed h* lQ.E (A B, C sd D) .LnFd o ltBmM l.$.Ed p.rr6 In .lph.b.del ordr .nd .|69 Erdy.

    9- Bemoveulculsol6noid alv.

    EF& Ecsil

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTION UMPDi6assenbly Confd)r0. Remove isidbulor ead.Beer.tul nol to drcp he trc 6upport prln$ and ulde plrc.

    11 Famove lunqerssembly.Uit plu.$r, abng wih dnliol de, .him, .pnng 8Et and

    12. Loo*.leftand rightgovnorpivotbo1. .

    13.Bemove ovemorevrss.mbly.Awld pulllngd start spdnssd 8t.n kie 6pn.g,

    14. Remove him c.m disc spnngafd dnungdM.

    EF& EC43r

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408



    E"" ' fu"'t:r


    15 Fnovecip. endpin6.

    .. 86 er.tul nol to *Edr inBrb. Be @Etul not ro dbp t r6y,

    srr@ ot nd hi.clld

    16 Moveadjusiing in o cenlq ol rcllrhod6r,as shown.

    17.Litlout cller olderwilhlle6 wilhoutiillins.EeeFtul ..t io drep rctE6,


  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTIONUMPDisassmblyCont'd)19. Bmov peed im$ 6ver, O'.ing,shims,spnng,pislon

    20 Femo@@gulalng alve.

    21. Loosen ow Jrcm 6.d oumocov6r.

    22. Fmove @ver and teed pumpassmbiyas a ufit.(1) Insen eed pumphold$ (rs11229542)nro ul injection(2) rurl injcliorpLnps lop s.ddown.a6 6foh.(3) RmovB vf and r6.d pumpa6.mblya6 unh,a. [email protected],.mHyaFhadtoM@caEstuck midw.y, srrlkepumpbody llghdy.b. Do not nr@ Gldon ol Ene

    Inspeclion1. Washallpafls compltgly.2. Rep ac6 wom or drmaged parls,3. Conlrcldge ot plungermusl be sha@and dniact suFta@s musl nol 6xhibil any nolic66bla unni.g tEcks. It suchis nor$6 66, replace lunger.4. Ch6ckheighlotallrolle6.DitLEB in oll.r hdgh .h@ld be lese rhan 0I'| nm (0,(xX!3

    EF& ECs6

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408




    hspecrionCont'd)FEPLACEMENT F OIL SEAL

    AssmblyAlwarys plc lh. lollorlng sle prrb asmbly unir*. Dlslnbulor ead.@nrrolslevnd otlnoer. Fe6d puTp assmbly tp-mp 'ndler-nd v6.s with

    . cov6hor levera$embly

    PFEPASATIONDip all movablpans and O-dngs n i6sl oit and .tean.1. Loet6 i@d pump@ver, rotorwilh van6., and nnq o.spe.iareruice ool Kv11229542.(1) Align he hreehoes n l6dpumpder and dns.(2) Do nolchanoe osirons lv5n6s.(3) Holes A and A in ng are noi equattyspad to innerwatl

    2. Inelall eed punp cov6r, rclor with vanes,and ng b pumpBeretul to lGr.ll llFr ffi{y. lf A dd B 66 tuEd. luelwlll not b. dl*hlrgd lrm lbed p!np.

    EF & EC-357

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408




    b 4 r d | b 6 g l e '

    Assemblycont'd)FEI ini.clid pump rclai.a in dnetun '4", as Indlcaled

    Tum lu6l inj.clionpump ao', and cmove sedice oolKV11229542,iqhten crew o @lain ump6vr.Whd dghrenhg 3@sB, h. oEtul not lo &6lch Inn.rAlt6r ttghidtn! &@i nak6.u ro(or stth !.8 mo

    4. Make uE d veshaftandgaraass.mbledprcpa ,asOo nor lotgst bunp6r rubb6e

    5. l.sialldde6 hatt o housi.g, ngaging ive shaft eywnhB eElul not ro sEtch oil s.sl3 .nd inn.r sEll of hou.lngl

    6 Sr d v6 shdfis nilp:6llello lim6r.


  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTIONUMPAssmblyCont'd)7, lnsiall cllerandhoLder... Do nol idrcnsq 6lhr p6ldoc. [ $ey eIdlerch.nqed, @br lo lBpecdon lor 6redd.b, llJlake e w6lEr b lnuded dt3itl6 0l nll6

    a. Alignholdrsnd im* adjusrinQinhoLes,

    Inslsllim.r piston |d sliderasa !nil.Make & hoL h .lldr l.B rmrda roller hold*.Mak63!6 6nEw hol. in piBtona on sm alde 6 rdlm

    i0. hsrt mer adjlsli.gpin nto imrpiston lid6r, nd.ecuEwith Btaining pin and clip.tuake 3u limr oi3ton n@ .m@thlv.

    1r.Instar rimr,Bins a 0.6 mm (0.024 n) thlckshin, rheninsrall r mrsp ng, shin. Oiing and @vef, i. thal ord.f.r Ue Erb..l @ shln on 4.h slde ol rlFr 3pfbg.b. Ue shlre fiar g@ eb.i6d dldng bn.r! t ar.o$.!


    EF & EC-59

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTIONUMPA$embly (Cont'd)12. Indall eguallngvave.a. @etul nol lo 4Erch o{ing3.

    13. Insla driv ng d sc wilh its conve side lacing up,

    (2) sl dialqause o hal l n compress 0nm (0.39.), and

    {3) Apply ore (nol enouoh o [email protected] sprinq) op u.Oe'/s otom n alaldrecl'o. andmeasu@ imnsion"KF'with dlalgauge, shown.

    14. Ma.ormanl l plungrsping s6l l6nBh (dimensionDlreBIon "KF' 16nE didrE hrs*n lh6 6nd tae ol lrEdlcnburor b.nd and lhe end L@ ol dF plungpi(l) Inslaldist butorh6ad,as shown.Do not hen 3hh Inlo "A" por on beloe |lEsdng KF'

    I:=- | d"'ib*'hd: L l r 6 o n f t l F . s d

    EF & EC-360

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTIONUMPAssembly Cont'd)(4) Dtmi.6 the shims o b !s6d al 'i4 by lcllaling dit-l6nc6 b6tw*n slandad and masud dimnsion..Whennr*uEd (dlalgEugp@dng) vd@ ls s,4 mn. "KF -5.4 in - Shln thlck1s io b6 u3.d,.. Wh.n EE rE no .him. wrikble ot a lhl.kns whlchm.lch6 sF.ched dlm.n.loB, @ 3llghiy lhlckershlms,b. Ue elected .hln ,lih dBtdbutorhead,c. u* lhe *ne dr ol3hi6 d 4h sideol dbrributorh.d.d. Reler to S,O.S, d ddilabl 3die Erl*15.Adlusnnentol unger frensionsMeasumentoldim6n-Dim.Eion 'K' i5 rhE dlrt ne lrom the sd lae ol rhe dhrdFulor b.@l lo the end e ol lhe plungq lop, wten rneplungsir .t th. bonom de.d ent r Gldon,(1) Insiall arts shown... oonotin.t ll".pnng" th.t li Inerted bei@n drlvlngdsb, Whon Enlng plungor nd shin into em dl$, Mke eFtrEr kn@k pin ol n dl* la Blturied In gl!@ at botion

    (2) Usinq d ialgauge, easureidensionsshown.a. Rotab ddve .hatt & ltr.t plungrb rt st bottomdeadb, S6ulv mountdklribulor h.d wllh e|e$.

    (3) oelemine shim lo b.belw6enmeasurddialdad dimnsionK', andused by lcllalinq di(ere.@oauqe .ading) alle andslaiPosilionhatshim n hbofiom

    EF & EC-361

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTION UMPAseemblyCont'd)a. Whs ||EeuEd v.le la qerler tho at nd.rd dl|rHdon''K", ue a lnlcker .hln.b, Alter lhln h6 ben pclllqred, ma.uE dlmm.lon agdnto 6Bu6 lh.t it i3 dEcLc. B.,br ro s,D.s. lor awil.bl. *die Etl..

    16. nstal p .g inlopotdrivinq isc nd .slall@mdisc ndM.l.uG cff di* driE pin.nd dd 8h.li k y L q@F

    17. nstal ovenorever.Awld pulllngon .brt 6pin9 .nd d.n ld|e 3pdn9,

    c. lmcrl ball pln or go{md l.6 inio hol in @ntrcl d*

    18. nsiall lunger6sembly,a Malr. .uc @nrrcl do@ I. l.d!ll6d k'th its m.rr hor6l&lng 3prlngsar d.ro,b. Wh6nrnlng plungord d n inioem di*, m.k 4B.,lh.d knek pinol 6m die i. 8ituabd n g|@E .t bottom


    EF& EC-362

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTIONUMPAseemblyCorn'd)19. Applya coatol grease oguidepin,shir cnd spri-gs@r,and anach hesepads o distnbLbr ead.

    20. Insla dist bulorhead,a. AlwaF le suppo.l 3prlng omd g@md lewib, Be @Etul not to ddp 3Fing.c, Mak6 uE ball pin tor gmmor lMr b insrLd Foprlyinro hol. in Fnrrold*.d, Aft.r insr.lling di.tribdor hd, mat .uE pl!.gef 5pdng|3.t guldehole In sprl.g st

    21. Tiq en d'slribulor ead.

    22. Anach lyvaight ssmbly.Whs in.r.llng gNmof 6han, b. Etul not to &Elch""_Ji>-h.s*

    EF& EC-363

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTION UIiIPAssernblyGont'O23. Adjud dimensionL' , as shown.''L : 1.5 2.0 fim {0l)59 - 0079 h)a llghtn l6k nd to sp.cfi.d lorqc,lO:25-29Nn" (25-3n k+m, 16 22n]b)b. Goltfu 3h.n ha a lelt'handhc.d io. l.ierle [email protected] to rold. in R'dir*lion,

    24.Mea.! arialplayot llywight oldr.f i t is notwithinspeclied nqe, djust by means fshim.''! : 0,15 0,it5mn {OmsS 0ol3a h)

    25. Mea6umenr l dimans ionMS'(iorseiling he uerderiv-Dlmndd "MS" la rh. dl6t ne lrom .l6ln9 plqg to 3tarte.

    ll) Fmo locknu l Aovhor6halland yweighlatsenbly

    (2) In.ial Tool and llyoeight as*mbly inEe 6uE to ln.lall 3hlm and wah.r etd

    EF & EC-364

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTION UMPAssembly Cont'd)

    (4) hslalrddrqaugeogerhe' rh rcd.

    (5) Prc$ govemor eeveb llweilht and sel da gaug o

    t;(6) Pushnsionvr ntiltcontactstopperi.. Betum ov-hor sleeveunlil siart lever conlacts ension ever.andBt r ro S,D.S-or dlmF.lon "MS"(dbr.ne betwn ctolng

    (7) ll dialsauandi@tionr notwnhinhe specilied .ge,placed6ng pluqandadlust nension MS" o lhaltller o s,Ds. ld avallibb $oi6 @tu.

    EF& EC-36s

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTIONUMPAasemblyConr'd)26. nslall.ew plugwithnwO{ing.AhdEy3EdG plug8wih |Ew da27. lnslall uel cul solenoid 6lv.

    24. Inslall elivery alve-a Alw.y5 us |Fw m.lEBb. M.lc aF ddEry vdE b elBtalbd In 6 onginalpo.i.

    29. lnstall @nltul lvr 6hafi.aPdY a @gl or glle ro l.w 3h.n end.

    GOVEBNOFCOVEF1. i.slallgovemor@v..

    2. Install conlrc lv6r assamblv.Allgn alignnnt md of lped @ntd lew 6ftt @r rot bEr


    EF& EC-366

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTIONUMPAssemblyCont'd)COLD START OEVICEInsrall.old raddvl6 as6.mbly.AlMysu$.|fuGdng,fol: Cold 6l.n d.vie tulnd h.ft' ' s - 7 N.n(Os 0,7ksFiir, .6 5,r n b)

    AIR TIGHTNESS EST1. Fepla@overflow onnector ilh a boll.

    2. Connedanarhosototul nl6tand mm.rc ualinjection

    3. Apolyar ar a pressu or392 hP. 139 oar a |g/cn?, 57psi)and ohck hal lhrar no leaks, l lhere s any

    EF& EC.367

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTIONUMPTestingof Iniec,tion ump

    hjeclionpump esr condnions

    r 4 7 1 1 1 5 2 0 1 ( 1 ! 7 1 1 5 2 01 t 0 r 5 5 2 r ! 2 2 @ )2 o r 6 o x 4 5 0 o0 7 0 o 2 3 5 i $ 0 7 )

    c (sr6 Ldsedsdiom hsd' re shah)

    Prepare ecessaryefrice ools.

    t*:\$\Ftr+E Y6',.

    EF & EC-368

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTION UMPTstingot InieclionPump Confd)2. Pour esloil nlo uelinjeclion ump.T6t oll .hould be lso4tt3. sAE J967d or h. dulvalent

    .slallfuelinjeclion umpo p!mp tesler.Connoclpump e61n tubn9.

    5. l'ra[e surcgovmor hafi s propdymlal6d.


    6- Bun n lu6l nj.clion ump 5lollo$:(1) Mankin esr lin rank t45 o 50"C 1131o 22 F).(2) se!contbl ever r"lur-oad ushga spnns.sr mdhum 6ped adiu.rhg ew ln pGllld .htun, bytvrnlng4ntercl4loLe,Appy 12 volls lo aclival. luBl cul solnoid va v.Bolale u. ntectonpumpby hand Io se it lt moves

    (5) Boiale luel injeciionpumpat 300 lpm ro mak su arra rinside Jrp chahbere db.h.rqd+bJqh ovdlow alve.16)Set eedolp.3surcat 20

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTION UMPTestingof IniectionPump Conl'd)AI}IUSTMENTPrEadlustnenr l tull.loaddl|vry1 Set connol beer at "lull-l@d by pul nq spnnq or usingsri ndhum 8pd .djuding ew In pGltlo. 3hoM, bytumlng @nlercl@ksl*.6: ieler to s.D.s.2 Fumish votage ol 12 volls lo aclival fu.l3. Bolale ul nje.rion lmp at speciledDm,ahountot luel njecrion.Rqbr to S,D.S, or tulHoad r ini6crid qu.mity4. Calcu r6 mbaan oi fu6l njetionquantty.,."",,"""g?J"""'S:#11':"!1"-"r'-!,iit_e-"etyr"

    v6rywlvs5. ll1h. imbalanc6 outof specitiedange, hangs lvryTqm adjwnng &w dodcvie to lrc@e tul lnlctid.AdJwbn.nl ol ted pump plE$uc1. Fepeat teps1 and 2 oullndunderheading Preadjustmenlol F!ll- LoadDlivry",2. MEUrc ed oLmppressue al specred tEt iniction.. Wh.n m.urcd pleuE iB low th.n Bp..lficadoc,

    Push n pllg ihat is dfven inlo EAulatngvalvebody.Becaretul ot o pushplug n loo,ar

    b, Whd n$.uEd Fsuc l. hlghq th.n sFrific.tion..(1) Bemovo.sualnsvalvrom uerinjetionump, nddis-assomblgularingalvestngToo.

    (2) D ve plusoll unlil l . rushwithend aceot Gsulalina

    EF& EC70

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTION UMPTqning of InieclionPump Contd)(3) Instarlsping, islon nd sprinq ng, n lhal oder. o regu-Makeslre dnq s llushwith end ace ol rcgualinglvobodywhen t is pushedn.(4) Attach sulalins alv6lo u6l njec lion !mp.

    (5) adlusl eedplmp pssure o spec nons.3. Check nlecton pump condilion,Gfsrinq lo nspclionval!8 on intect n pump sl6r.

    Adiuslmntr sFedlmer1. Rmov.6ld an [email protected] di*3mbl 6ld 6t rt devl@ llnlge,

    2. Bmove overol tmer al highpressurc de (sid6wrholls. Insla @verol imer n te place lco d dan dvice ssem-

    Instatool, KV1l2a2a15,n he placeollimer @ver.ireasure imef pislonslrokesal speoiliedue intectontlsler o S.O.s.or sFecmedrer pi.ion rrrok vd@.

    ll tm6r pislon t@kes nol within pectlierdnge, mov@verol imeral loworessure ideandad ustDislon lrokeM.lG .ue at l@3{@ 3hin i. usd cl *h Eid. ol rlmsFef! ro S,D.S, d dalr.br. eryte patb,

    AdjGrtrnt or @ld sr.d devlce fming)1. Bemove oeerot iher al lowprssu. ide.2. Instaltool,KV112a2a19nd.etgauqe readingo zero.3. Removeool,KV11242415om injeclion !mp.4, Insla cover lnmer al hqh pssuresde.5. Insla cold siadd6vie ssembly in ilsodginalposiron.Conffm that rh. gEugE ding Etum3lo 2s {nen dfl Bhatt

    5 .

    EF& EC371

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTION UMPTestingol InieclionPump Conl'd)6. Position @eeralion@nlroleverO in idleposilion.7. Insena 1.5 dm (0.0ss n) bl6k sauqe leeler auae)beiveen lhe inlemediale ever o and lhe inlemediatel.vff backolO, 6 shownn he lu$raton.3. Adtusrt inlmod.lesdjuslingcr6wO untillh.claran@belweencrewO and ever@ is 1 mn (0039 n)L secure crcwO [email protected] loqB:6 -I N m (0.6 (I9 kg-h,43- 6,5lr.rb)

    Roialelh6 cold $an dvi.e l.v.f @ @unl.rclockw 6 (pulllowad X) andnake suE hal lever@ntactshe slopper nrhecoldsian devi@ topper rateo .confim thal he imeroislonslroke s wilhinsoec i ons.'lin* pi.td 3trok:121- 125 mn (0044 ooag n)It limd Dislon tok s nol wllhinsD.iiilions. mov h6sroppr lal6 n th6 elongard br un l th6gauge@ading

    f i

    iswilhn specittons.-3. Sec-re l-e roppe'pdle by mearsol te soc*l l-.sdltlghtenlng orq@:5- 7 N.n (05 - oJ kg-n, 3.6 5,iff.tb).) Md6.u6 that th. gaug EEdlng Etuma lo EE vh.n OF6ld d.rt dwi6 Lwr b ElEsd.b) Confim rh.dF.tmr* by tlwlnq ih6 @ld 6t rt dslelEr lwo d ihm dma14.Removeoo, XVl12a2A19,rcm he njecton ump.15. fsiallcover tiimer t owprcssuGside.

    AdlGtnsnt ol luel Inlctron n(br lull lod1 Sel conlrol evr al lul-oad by pulling p ng or lslng2. Apply12volE o clival r cursolnoid alv3. l'r.asu luldlivsry t spciled niclion lmp rpm.816r o S,D.s. d tu61dlivsy [email protected]. lllu6ldeivery is nolwithin tandadE.ge. adiu6l y tum-ing u l-oadadlusling .w.5. Ch.k njeclion ump ondilon. elering o ln6pclionalues.

    EF & EC-372

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTIONUMPTeslingof InjectionPump Cont'd)Adlustnenl ol tuel InFctlondudng dle1 Plllsp ng unli idlespeed djusli.g crcw@hes nto@n-2. Funishvohageol 12 volts o aclivale u61 !l solenoid3. [,leasureue n]eclion l specifed uelinjeclon ump pm.F.lr ro s.D.s. tor idl. lwl ini.crid anoum ot .djErn.m! l'ue 'n_ed01 ror wirhncpe.ilidfi96, adtucrby lu .ins dl6spod djustng cfw.

    nghslng rhb sw wll inc@e ftFr hjecrionmdnt,M6k6sud thdi 6dbl lw .ngb ia 3al .l 21 o 2Se $gefi onrrol lw .ngle la nol wlthln 3pecned ranqe,adllst hby epo.ftlonlng control l4r on conrrol shatt (Ore etuAter conlrcl lewr has been eio.llioftd, be suE ro ma& andrn ol tuel injelion .l idl. 3pd qEin.Check njedionpump conditon,ltrng lo inspcton

    Adlushnt ol tusl Inlcrlon urlngsiart1. St @dol leverat tull oad by pulng sprng or usno2. Fumish ollageol 12 volE lo aclival le .ul solenoid3. Ma.ur ue lntection l specilleduel njeclonpumpem.Reler to S.D.t id 3rad tuer i.iecrid amouni ot .djwirem. r nol wthn specilicaloas d\e e-rc "Ms d'nnsion swithinspecilical ion. alef o s1p 5 lor njeclionPumpAdjGbnenrol luel ini$ion al nar. pumprymI Sel @rlol eve ". 'lul.oad by oLllng

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTION UMPTesling oI IniecdonPump Contd)Mgsurmnll ovrnowtnount1. Sel @nlol levefal 'lull'load"by pullng sprng or usinq2. Flhish voliagol 12 volt. to actvate uel cut soLenoid3. Measlre luel overf ow ai specil ed tuel ini6clion pm.Aet r to S.D's. lor ftrflow amdnl ot In.F{o vale.

    Opralion hek ol lu.l cul solenold alvWhnngiro s idlinqand lul cul eleno'd valvecurrert sOFF,b.u@lheE is no ue being njeled. Thisch6ckhas obe done or aDoox.5 seconds.

    lnstallationl.stalli.jedionpumpass6mblyn he eveF6oderof removal,1 Conftm hat No.1 cylinders sel ai T.D.C- n ls comprcs-2. Insiarlnjeclion ump R6rero EM*ctio.).

    Tspo.adly llolit n ftFl iniElion pqmp.3. InsrallnjclionpumpSprccktFeter o|o) hi,crid p{mp .p@kct nurs9- 3e N.m &0- 70 tlfi, rt3- 514. ln.iall iminq eti Befero EMsoclion).

    5, Adjustnjeclioniming.. Conltm lhat aliOnmntmatk on injeclion pump llanqomeLrhe maft on injeclionpumpbacket.

    N\-q*64/1d,/ -u

    EF& EC-374

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408



    l9lnstallation Cont'd)(1) Fmov6lheplugbol lrom ear sidof inlcllon umpa.d(2) Maksuf o loosen umpnulsand ackl boll.(3) Tum chnkstuft counlercLookwise 0 to 25 das@s lromNo.I cylinder op DadCnlerpositon.

    (4 ) Fi.d thdialaauqneedleGsl poi.l, thensel ha gauqe

    Checklngi. Rolarehe cdnkshanpuleyclockwisewo llhs untllh6puly and injeclion udp limng malksmaLh (with hcyindd No. 1 al TDC on ils @mpressiontbk). slowly'orrleihe .rarishal pLlley o aton pumphousingma* and readp ungei in.0,23+o01mm 0.02& 0.(xx)4n)

    2. ll galg readings not within peciied ange, @sen heinjct n pumpsecuingnulsudil$e pumpcan be manu-atly rotated. Roiat lh pump clockwise and rcslan theseftng opelLonrompoinl5.

    (6 )Tun cankshan bokwlse nlilNo.1cylinderis etalTopDeadCenlefonns codpresslor ltok.Faddialgauge ndto..

    0.73*0,01 n (Om87+oIXXXn)

    (7) ll dialgauge ndicalio.s nol within he aboveEnge, unpumpbodyunllLitsWhen s4ltlng lhe di.l gaug, urn rh injeclion punp @nleFd@kwilF and the @nlsh.lt d@kwi* lo liminata any play,6. Tighten.je.lionpump5*!ry.

    \ )/t'r.ffi;f{\t\}N Kt:

    EF& EG375

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408



    - E:il

    hstallationCont'd)3. Iq en ntecllon umpsecuingnuts." {13 . 1'a sfi, 9 - 13 t tb)4. Bemove pcialloolandnsiallplugwllh n6wwashef.

    Always Eplae plug bohga3lct" t4 .-2oN n tt,4 .2.0 ks{, to. i4 tt tb}

    5. Co.n.t uelinjectonube. n heoderrDl: lnleclld tubenaE nut'' 2i.25 Nn (2e.25 kqn. t6 - ta6. Bl6dar fbm iul syslm. n-rb)

    Adius|medlIDLESPEED ND IITAXIMUMPEED I}IUSTMENT. Do not tm4 slhg pa uda .b&lut ly n@@ry.. NoG d|3lulh tho tull-loeddFsrhg &tu b.dus rhie.h.G rhenillue hlio.nd may Euh h ends englne. Do not djusr rhe ndrnuh .!d 6djGnng etu b apolnl er(@eding pecifcrtid.; 6xc.ding h. mdinun.Ped hEy eus mgiE d.m.g.B.bF lthhlng the ahmeter pickup,em@ tuol uboclampo,Reisr o lachm.tor inshuctioBj

    1 $an fi6 enAin nd k6p t idllnq nt the opeating em-2. fun lhe srew opeafinqon h aGl6Elion 6nrb leverunlillhsangine achesan dlespeedo1700+50 pm

    EF & EC-376

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408



    n11r \ | j i

    Adiuslmed(Cont'd)MarimumsP.d adjtlgiment1. Stan !p 6ngin and wam I !p unli oolanl lmpEturaindi.alorpoinb lo mddl6 ol gaug6.Connecrachomereri.kup o No l luelinjectonl!be.Feter to the irstructions on taohoneter.Dprcss ccoloalor dalilllyund6r oloadand ad theMdlmum englE sped (UnderFl@d):

    4. laindielions owerlhan pocifodmaximum fg nespd,adjuslusinsmdmum sp6d adjuslins crw5. AfGradtustrnl,lightenocknutsecuElyandpllg li wiih

    Adju8lment l cold srad devie (am)1, Contimihatlheintemedialelvefsadiusld.sd66cribed-nder Adjusrnonrl 6ld sEr dve llinr ql r ' Teslrg2. Bolal. lhe mld slart dvice ever @ counlerclockwisepulllowad X) and make surc the evd conlacts h6 slopper onlhe oold$an dovics lopp6r laleO.3. Adjusladjushonl *@w O untiltheengine pn is wirhn

    E glre.pm:1,ru + m rFrn4. Secu ccw@ with [email protected] nhE ioqE: 2 - 3 N.m(02 - 03 tgfi, i,4 - 22

    1. Wam up6.gin6u.lilnoma opeEtingenpeatu.2. Atiach achomeler .d adjusr ouchspeed singadiustingTouch Fd: 1300Am


    EF & EC7f

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTIONUMPAdjustmentCont )F.IC.O. djusbne (Arcmo

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTIONOzZLEor 9 & lhrt no dusr .rt F ilE nd-

    Bemoval nd lnstallalion1. Rmov6lul toclonubea.d spit ube.2. Fmovenlecton ozz assemblyAl$ tmde @.heB lrcm nozre end,3. Insrallnjerion oz e in heeverce der otInj.crionnozle io englre:" {6.0 7.o s-m, 43- 51 fi.tb)hiecrionn@le lo llber" (22 - 2,5kg{, 15 rs n-|b)" (4.0 5.okgn, 29- 35 tnb)4 alw.F ds rhe nozllehole,b. Arw.y. ue lw Injelion n@1. s$kr.c. lloto tnal .mall Eshd should be iGt lled

    d. Bled alr lrcm hcl systen,

    Dlsassembly1. Loosenozzle utwheprcventngozzleropiomuning.

    2. Ardnge oldisasienb6d pa.s ln lhe o de' saosl atltt.



    EF& EC7S

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECNON OZLElnsoc{ionThobughlylean lldlsassembledanswlh resh e@*neor. ll nozzlBndl s damag.d or lused, rgplco nozl4semblywirh newone.. ll endot nozle nedle s @i2ed r er@ssivelylscolored,Dlacenozl assmblv.. Checknozle bodyand disiancB 6 lor pbp6r contacl.ll xcessivBly oh or dam.ged, cdae nozl assmbly. Check noz2lespring toi ex@ssleewear or damage.xcossiv6ly on or damagd,.pla@ t wifr a nwsping.

    Cleaning1 .

    Do d loFh lh. .ozde n.dng srlE rlth ydr trngd.To wh $. no!r6, uo a soorr.n dck sd b|a bru3hBenove any calbon rom 6nnor ol nozzlabody 6x.6ptwEppingsnglonion) yu6inq ool.

    2 Cleanoilsunp ol no2zle ody s'ng Tool.

    3- Clannozla salby u.inoTool,Tak elti p@udon. stM p..ldmlng thb job, dE n@|.lfrclscy lbpen& grly d a good no{d6 sr

    EF & EC81'

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTIONOZLECleaningColx'd)4. Cl@n spy hole of nozzlo body by using Tool.fo pewn sphy hols itqn @iilng, d{aF clean lt by .lartngwiih inftr sld. dd rcdiing lMd3 th. oubide.

    5 Dcadonareozzle.eedlep byusrng @1.

    (1) Plll nedle aboul haLfwayoul f@m body and lh6n Elease(2) Noodlo hould ink nrobody ry6moothlyom just is(3) Fepal his esi and 6lale needle lighny ach im6.li Fd. l.||3 ro 3hk moorht fin anyp..trbn, EdG bothn6db ed bodvs . lnll.

    AssemblyAssomblyn lh. @rs orderot disassenby, bsoMng h.I n@b body b not In.lrll.d properly,Tool @nno( b6 dtrFEd.nd noda body m.y he dam.ged,tlotd* lo .ozde nut

    " (&o - 10.0kg-m,53- 72 t-lb)

    EF & EC81

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    INJECTION OZZLETesland Adiunmenlwten clng node tester,be @rt!t noi to dtow dtBt tullpbyed lrofi n@b ro 6lnEr yourh.nd. or body,od mal.csE youry3 E p.opery pdecled wnhqoggl6,

    NJECNON PFESSURE TEST1. Inslallnozzleo injection ozzlBlesld5.d bl6edan lrom

    2. Plmp ihe lesier handleslowly onc p* se@nd)andwaEnoe piessurc qa!s6.3. Fead he p@ssuresausBwhnh njecllon ressucjlslhili.l ini6ction pt5!e:

    12C59 13?39 kP5(1225 - l3:t,4 bar. 125- i35ksbrnl 1,7t3 - 1,92O sl)13,239 14,024kPa032.4 - 140, hd, 135- 143kg/m", I,Co.2,033 p6i)Atwarys hek Initi.l lnjecrlonpllgF u6lng a tu |Ete

    a. To adjust njeclion ssur, hange djustins hims... Inc|@lnq 116 hickE or .dlBtlng .hlns ircE.s hital lnlrclion pEsue. [email protected] michs rqtuG tnl alb. A 3hh rhblfts or 0.04 nm (00016 in) @nEponds6p9rorinErly to r dltleEG ot 471 kPa {471 bar, 43kg/cnz,63 p6l) In hldal ini6crionp.sue.Rdr ro s.D.s. id adiumng shin.

    EF& EC{42

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408



    Lllti lI lllLrElrqvfa,a


    Tesl and Adiuslment Cont'd)LEAKAGE TEST1. Maintainhe DssuF at abolt 931 o 1.961kPa (9.6 o1S.6bar, 10 to 20 kor'cn2, 142 to 234 psi) btoi tnilial2. Ch6ok ha1lho.e e.o leakaga om lhe no22le ip or around

    3. li lh is l.akage, lean, vehaulor Bpla@nozle.

    SPFAYPATTERN EST1 Punp he std handl n@[email protected]. Check rh spraypallen.

    3. ll th. spy panemis not corcr, ct.an of @pta@noz2te.

    EF& EC-383

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    FUELSYSTEM HECKPrimlng umpCheck8610 dreldng pdming punp, nake 3ue lhat tuel fller is1. Disonnectlu6l nlthos6.Ple. $-'bbL @ liB b@rh h@ sd.2. Pumpprmingpumpandcheck hal(he ue lovedlowsomlhe hoseend. l not, epla@ ining p!mp.

    FuelCut SolenoidValve1 Di$onneot uelcul solsnoid alv. hamss onn*lof and

    Ch*k fu. cut.olanoidalvaor.ircuil orninuity.Femov. uelcut soe.od valve nd check hatpllngefmoves moolhlyndihalsprings nomal.

    Cold StariDerric!R.er lo F*r ldb 3!ed adlu.rn nt (Pag. EFeEc-373)

    -_ r: - EEor

    EF & EC.384

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    FUELFILTERFuol turncontrolsystem. Mo&le lor EurcF .nd cold aF.. indFFL ltF tuelr.lum @n!d 6yatern.

    FuelRelunConlrclSyslenF.F.C.S.)@venlsosgins r h6luel ile' by cncLlaliag vedlowrJ. wsnd by lh -e inic.lionpurp w's1arb.1t lrpBlu is low The lcr v. v i.lho syslBmprBv6nls rapp6d an lrcm circllalinq lhough lhelul lin6 and lh6 chck valveprevnt' Eve 6e llow ol lul tomWhen he luel iemperailre s above30'c (a6'F),a bimBlavalve aclivalos to slop tu circulalion.

    EF & EC-385

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408



    VenlilationHo6e1. Chec* hosos and ho.e connedions or lak-2. D'sn.ed alhos6sanod@n wilhmpE.ed an Iany -hosennol b k6.d ol obslruclDns.;lac.

    EF& EC-386

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    OUICK.GLOWYSIEM EWiringDiagram WithE.G.R.ystom

    a@LA|affi46::rr9g 0






    lseJ,ir ==OE:g

    (0 t;r,;,$ffif ![@_

    00@o'tl l" "ld ----r -{9 {5 o R\l;* s " ; ' r lJ l1- i6 - .3r ie B _-------t-t1., '..- ' ..- :i !t i l ! :E! t ^0B I ri-lL uiI L: - n:! 36r;\ | D Lr .e:re l

    , e, tdll$ ct - ; ; ; _ ' { " !F ' ;


    .:,::$.s:!;:i": !,i:::




    is?: lQEqIl r l&i'a

    ' ; 3 !1;ll : lOE El!l

    EF & EC^387

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408




    s j t 9 : 3 3 f t ao: : ; t

    Schemetlc With E.G.R. ystem

    3 '.5E




    EF& EC{48

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408






    WirlngDlagram Wlthoul E.G.R. yslem






    ! ;bEr s :fi]l"6Ela 5 ,s!l,..$q)::F6i:

    :l E 1l-9SflmtFdBil|eogroEt


    iFi!;;E: .;i {3Al (06,

    ;6Jd S


    @@- q


    EF & EC-389

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408





    Schemtlc Wllfiout E.G.R. ysrm



    |d t


    EF& EC:('SO

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408



    IL] lJL11-

    .-i tj.--[-H"J - -

    j IJL|LI-i;L

    f t d r > T "

    ri!__liii ru^ ' l r I


    Whnlhsig.irion 6y 6 nsnedtntothe eycyti.d6r,h6.on-trcl lnit luhs on he elay and 'high levol" 6ler c curcnt llo$lhrcuqh h Alowpluqsand heats m up quickly.When heign ion6wilchs tlmed o., th onrrclunl luhs on the ndie-lor. AtlerT1seconds avepssd lromky n, hecodot unitions oll lh6 inditor. whil chnklng, the lay rcma n5 on.Th rc ay aulomalica y tums olt anr T. s6nd. havp4sed

    EF & EC91

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    OUICKGLOW YSTEMTroubleDiagnosis

    . Belo .hcking qlick-glow system, check engn6@ndilion, uel ingdients and luel lntclionsy6tm.. BoloGchecking omponentans,chek baliery o.dition,tlse and usibleink.. Whe. checkinq@mponenl ans,chck her crstd haFne$6 and connedoAat lhe sam m.. Setore cplacing uickg ow @nlrc unl ch6ck al otherPgrtsLocation


    EF & EC92

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    OUICKLOWSYSTEMComoonentParts BaslcChckENNFESYSTEM HECKservortmeierellleengrow lugandengine ody.

    . Read voLiag6when eniton ksy is i.sdd into ignilionErn6ryv!{agp ior abolt 3 6n.rs

    2. ouick-glow Pre-slow)yslem1) Iuh ignihonwtch ON 3 or mor6 condsai1* ky-in.Adbry v!t!g. for .hqit 2lf snd8' c@|am .mp.r.ruF b low $.n 6{rc (i4cn' R.p.6dnqgdnon 6y oN"sd oFF'nly

    chlngE th. tim,

    n^f{rjllT *"

    s- Ouick-slowcnkind ysrm1) Oisconnecl9 lemlnal or sianefmoior o prevnl nain62) Fd vollage hengniroik6y s rumdo "STABT

    Balt ry hltag.', For bod m snd. anerErmhg lgddm

    1) ConneclS" minaltodanermotor.2) Startengineand ad voltagB.Barbry cnag. id 5r mhurs, Cdrani t6np.t!b b rtur ihs 6fC (14OF).


    EF& ECgi'

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408




    l__I aolu* Idg:rud:le

    ComponenlPads BasicCheck Cont'd)POWER UPPLY OFGLOWCONTFOL NIT1. Ois@nneclS"temiia tor$aner molor o prcverlengine2. [email protected]| glowconl@l n hahssenneclof.3. ch6ck 6m nal(s)@(Mod6ls ilh E.G.R.:@, @, @ and

    @) lor grolndconlinuily.condnuhy 3h@rd dj3t (m),. It N.G., heckgoundhane$.


    4. ch6ck ollage l each eminalaccodinqo the onowing

    o oo (eo oo @@@ oo @

    . ll N.G-, heck@mponenl ans nd hen e|atd .mssa@odinglohe onowinghan.

    @ @o oo @@ 6@@ oo @


    EF& EC-394

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    OUICKLOWSYSTEMComponentParis BasicCheck Confd)

    GLOWFEI.AY1. Check@layorcoil onrinuily.Cqnh!fty .,houldri8t2. Checkelayorprcp$op.alion.


    Ois@nneollowconi@l nt h.h.s onnectorCheck@nlinuily 6tw6.. Ablnd and eminal @co rol unitham6s conndctor.confinuit shdld 6xi3rRemov6 ow plugconnclinq lale.Chek 6achglowplug or @ inuity_Contlnualy hould oxlsl:appbrh.tdy 0.65f)ll N.G.,Gpaceglowplug.

    5. In$allglowplugconnclinglata.ecurely,

    EF & EC-395

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    OUICK.GLOWYSTEM EC,omponent artaBasic Check Cont'd)WATEB EMPEBATUREENSOFCheckwarerBmp.turc ensor csistance,

    KEY.IN IVITCHchck@ntinully elweeneminalsot key.i. swilch n..ctor



  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    E.G.B. YSTEMSyatemDlagram

    o@@oooooooo PansLocatlon


    EF & EC-397

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    E.G,R, YSTEMSch6malicFelerooutcK-GLowYsTEir.Wiring iagramFelef o olJtcKGLow sYsTEM.Decrlplion

    TheF GF sysremsdsrgnodocontrcr.e .omationo, NOremissiony circulalngheexhaustas nto h6 .takaman-ilodpsege throughhe E.c.B. nrrotvalve.

    The enqne load signal s dotciowirh lhe pol6ntionrrinsr.ned . lhe '!el ijecrion p-mp cori@l aer. Tre e.g'neeoluiion snsof loted on the oil pumpcov* pod!@s theTh E.G.R.contol valve s aclivardby h vacuuh, g.n.tdby rhvacuum ump.E.G.R.@nrrclslenoldvatves G us6dlo convrl lhe elecl @l signal fbm rha contrcl devicg inlo a -The E,G,B. syst6m s dacrivatedwhen he wal6r lempeaturcis low. The w.tr lempehlue sensor is oJ h th6mi6tor typelhat d6lcls lh rmDeElureai th qlindr head.

    EF& EC-398

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    E.G.R.SYSTEM E@@oo




    Inspectionconr'd)EG.F. CONTBOL SOLENOIOVALVESCheck h6 solenoidvalves lor nomal oporalion, allef disoo._neclinghe onnetor and a I thSupply$e solenodvrlv.s wilh bctterywllaqe, end ch6.kwhonrerhe@6 @nlmurtv eluonDois A, B and C.

    POTENNOMEIEF1 D sconncr olelnlometer nne.tor nd @nnct hmm6'2. Mak6 .ur thal lhe rcsidanoe changeswhn th6 conrrollvropening nglol the uelinjeclion umps changd.

    ENGINE REVOLUNON SENSOR1. Whie idling ng ne,checkACvoftaqe crcssem nal6@and 6).EnglF ldllng:appbx. o8vChc1 l-ar AC vorag6 'nca.e6 wl'e. rqin6 speed is

    2. ll vohagB s nor withi. specititlons, @ndlct a @nlinuilyAppd. 5 ko {@ndnuiryeblilhO4 puls3tl .nlitu doluton

    IITATEF EMPEFATUFEENSOF. Check sislan@ ol walr empedurc sener.R.fer o oulcKclow sYsTElr.

    EF& EC.4{X)

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    E.G.B. YSTEMSystemVacuumCirEuil

    - l

    ."'"',"; \

    oo@oo ooso emid v'!a 1M 6d6r qk)o

    @o o

    EF& EC-401

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408




    U$ or adjuslnlnl aluewfin insblling inlcdon

    INSPECTION NOAI}IUSTMENTlNiallarion ol Inlectkn pump

    EF& EC.402

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408




    EF & EC-400

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408




    EF & EC-404

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    SERVICEATAANDSPECIFICATIONS.D.S.' @.-DashporadiusarentO h$na bbc l q . -g 1616raug)o lh ick-ess3 .3 05hh(0 149600020 'n l . r reqapbhr . .nlhe dlhq 6ioppr ol iO .nd rhblach.iOO wlr rre corl'ollvrposiiioned.ioescnbdbove, ojusrhe dashpol d,usrng?h O so rha'rhedshpol dFslro sccs anoFe pu$ ard O .rc n cont 4. sec-6 lh scrcwO ui^g lhe ul

    O, |I=5 -7 N m (0.5-0.7ks'm,3.6 s.1 t.lb)]l) The .dluding ffi.|d rh. pEhEd must tl'@ logE0E sn@rhly,a Cotfim lhd nE Enrrol lw Etums lo ilE idling po6ilrd.

    InjectlonPump Cont'd)

    9'3a 0'05Fn lo @@ r 0 @,0 h)

    EF& Ec-ilos

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    SERVICE ATAANDSPECIFICATIONS.D.S.)InieclionPump Confd)FUEL@NTFOL LEVEFANGLECheck he orolrusions t adiuslme.iscrews o delemi.e il theconlrol ever s sel al ihe corcct angl lor idleand mdimumffi].K "effi'uM-nW


    EF & EC-{O6

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408


    SEBVICEDATAANDSPECIFICATIONSS.D.S.)InieclionPump Confd)Pobr ionPreradiustner' ' unoer tre ottow gconoillons.djusl hepoientomele/snsiallarioncilion so hal he oulpul o ag6eolals he soeciriedalue.

    Ir.p vonaosovt1. Al a pumpspeedol 14.3 16.3m(0.50lo 0.57 mp U ozll,000 st, adiusl h dummy& thai t isagainsthe @nftllevf , and honseurc il usng h ocknul.2. Thon,adiusl h6 polBntiomalero lh.t rheoutputs 6.29 6.35V.3. Aft.f m.kinqadiushnt, emovehe dumdyboliand@nlnm ial lh6 polenliomerefurpur oltageis as spcif.d abovwhen he conibl ever s in the de posilion.

    EF& EC-407

  • 8/8/2019 5. Engine Fuel and Emision Control Pages 301-408



    INSPECNONNDAD.'USIMEMInjectlonno2rlea$mblyui r kP! (ba( ks?cn.,F )

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